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A genetic failure

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Offline NightCat

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A genetic failure
« on: September 27, 2019, 07:53:57 PM »

They say that I am a genetic failure. In this planet, Ulhaan-Silt, every genetically modified human classes must work in harmony, but maintaining a healthy mutual isolation. Each class has a different size and different assigned tasks. Classes are defined by the average heights in inches. Class A average height is 6 feet or 72 inches. Class B members are 3 feet tall and Class C average is 18 inches. Finally, Class D, my class, members are 9 inches tall in average. Mi height is only 7 inches, but that is not why I am a genetic failure.

Our work for improving human colonisation of Ulhaan-Silt force us to create multiclass teams. In my team there are members from the four classes, but our relationship is strictly professional. Everybody acts politely with members from other classes, but friendship, love or sexual intercourse are reserved only for members of your own class.

That is why I am a genetic failure: I love women taller than me, and I should not if my genes were correct. The taller, the better. I discreetly look at every Class A or Class B woman that I meet but I show no interest in Class D women and a very few one in Class C females. However, my problem is worse: I am in love with a Class A waitress, a specially tall one, with a height of 6 feet and 7 inches.

Her name is Amelia and she is an extremely gorgeous woman, with long black hair, fair skin, a charming green eyes and a perfect body that a goddess would envy. I feel a bit of shame because I knew her in a seamy place: a virtual streptease club. My only excuse is that I feel really alone: I am ugly and short even for a Class D man. Only in the club I can see beautiful women.

The booths where the tridimensional images of generated by computer models are shown are valid for customers from any class. Ulhaan-Silt society is rather hypocrite. Class segregation is evident, but we are forced to pretend that it does not exist. If there existed different booth sizes intended for each class, a Class A waitress could not serve a drink to a Class D customer, and that would be considered as a discrimination. It is absurd and it is not useful that a Class D man, like me, has to enjoy his shows in a too big booth.

Six months ago, I was watching a blond Class D girl dancing almost naked in front of me. The generated girl was perfect and I could set all her physical features, excepting one: she will always be a Class D girl. I configured her height at the maximum allowed for a Class D: 13 inches. I thought that it was stupid that I could not choose the image of a Class A woman: it would be only a computer creation. However, desiring a woman from other class was a sort of mental crime.

I became a mental criminal the first time that Amelia entered into my booth for serving me the drink that I had ordered by the booth computer. She was a Class A goddess dressed with a short and red skirt that revealed the lower half of her thighs and a red top that revealed her shoulders and covered her belly only a bit above her navel. Her smile, her black hair and her green eyes increased exponentially my mental sentence. Surely, I deserved a mental death penalty when she leaned in order to left a drink in my table and waited for her money. I gazed her cleavage, mainly because from my position I could pretend that I looked at her hand and because she did not covered her breasts. She got her money and rose up.

“She is beautiful,” Amelia said looking at the electronic girl. “Do you like blond girls?”

“I like beautiful girls, blond or black haired,” I said without realising that she could have interpreted my response as a flirting attempt.

“That’s nice!” she told and laughed. She crossed her arms under her breasts, showing them off with no intention. “Thank you for your splendid tip. Mi name is Amelia and I’ll bring you every drink that you like. Just ring the bell,” she told and winked at him.

The poor electronic Class D girl who tried to arouse me removing her bra seemed so insignificant compared with Amelia that I turned off the simulation and configured another one. And I did a madness. I created a black haired girl, with green eyes and the same skirt and top that Amelia wore. I painted her clothes in red, but I sensed that it could be an imprudence if the waitress returned, so I painted it in light blue. Amelia came back sooner that I expected.

“I thought that you would like some popcorn,” the waitress said while left a small bowl on the table. She looked at the electronic girl and smiled. “She is black haired like me and she is dressed like me, but in light blue. I thought that you liked blond girls.”

She leaned towards me and crossed again her arms under her breasts. As she was not looking at me, I enjoyed her beautiful cleavage without restraining myself.

“Black hair is nice in a woman,” I told and regretted immediately, fearing to be reported.

“Oh! You are so nice…,” Amelia told. “What’s your name?”


“Fantastic, Lancis. Next time you’ll get a discount. Don’t forget about me!”

During the six months that passed from that night, I attended the club only for talking a bit with Amelia. Excepting some nights in which she had holidays, she was the only waitress that served me. I was eager to hint her what my feelings about her were, but that would be illegal and I would be jailed. My sadness increased because I thought that she could feel the same for me or, al least, that she became a friend of me. She wore more and more short skirts and her tops revealed more and more her upper belly and some of her phrases seemed flirting attempts for me, but I did not want to feel wishful thinkings.

Everything changed this night, one of the most disturbing but, at the end, happiest nights in a long time. I was in the club and Amelia brought to me the second drink. I realised that she smiled more than usual and in a mischievous way. She left my drink on the table, but before taking my money, she locked the door of the booth and stood up in front of me.

“You’re a fantastic customer, Lancis. You are sweet and intelligent and I feel a deep friendship about you. I know that it is not a decent friendship, but I can lie you no more. I think that you feel the same. Am I right?”

“You are right,” I lied, because my feelings about her were stronger than a friendship. “I love to be served by you and talk with you.”

“That’s lovely. I knew that you would not report me, but I feared that you took offence and come back no more. Then, as a good friend, could you do anything for me?”

“Well, if I can do it without being jailed, I’ll do.”

“Thank you. I am an exotic dancer. I learnt and practised for two years. When I started to work here, I thought that I would dance in front of men. A good dancer can earn a lot of money. But I felt really disappointed when my only work was serving drinks. I learnt for nothing. Then… could I perform an exotic dance for you?”

“But, but, you are a Class A woman, and…”

“I know, but I don’t mind size, I mind to be comfortable with a man and I enjoy your company so much. It’s just that I love exotic dancing and I have nobody for make him to enjoy. I know that it is illegal, but nobody will know. I have locked the door. Please.”

She had bent her head and her smile was really charming. Her green eyes convinced me. She laughed when I accepted and took the controller of the booth, a small device with a tactile screen. She fastened the seatbelt and lifted the seat until it reached the height of her belly. After, she pressed the screen of the controller and a couple of chains and shackles came out from the wall and another couple from the ground. She closed the shackles around her ankles and wrists and smiled to me.

“I will be your slave tonight,” Amalia said with a seductive smile.

She left the controller in a chair and stood in front of me. She wore a green top that revealed her shoulders and her torso below her ribcage. Her green skirt was short enough to show the lower two thirds of her thighs. She caressed and moved her long and beautiful black hair in a seductive way but I started to pay attention only to her belly, since she started to swing her hips in a sexy way. She lowered slowly her skirt, revealing more and more her lower belly. Suddenly, she covered herself again and started to lower bit a bit her skirt again. The way in which she danced, swinging her hips, was very sexy. Finally, she left the skirt to fall down her thighs and got it away with a foot.

I became even more enchanted with her exotic dance when she started to swing her hip back and forth covering that part of her body only with a black thong. She touched herself in the lower belly and caressed herself with her fingers until she touched her top. Then, she took off the top and did the same with her black bra. She dropped her bra at my side and I enjoyed her gorgeous figure. She left that her hair covered the upper half of her breasts, leaned a bit and sent me a kiss. And suddenly, somebody opened the door of the booth.

“I’ve told hundreds of times that it’s forbidden to lock the fucking booth doors. Why did....,” a Class C waitress who came into carrying a mop told. She stopped talking and opened a lot her mouth when she saw Amalia naked.

“Please, Catherine, don’t report us. We were only playing,” Amelia told covering her breasts with her chained arms.

“You… you slut, you fucking and huge whore,” Catherine answered. “How do you dare to act with so much indecency? You dirty-minded, you whore.”

“I learnt exotic dances, I was just showing him them. I will free myself and I’ll go. I’m very sorry.” Amelia told and tried to release her left wrist.

“No, Amelia, you’ll go nowhere,” Catherine said while she got a booth controller, probably a master controller valid for all the booths. Amelia shouted when the chains were shortened and she got immobilised from her ankles and wrists. She had to put the hands in the wall.

“Catherine, please, release me. I’ll never do it again,” Amelia begged with tears welled up in her eyes.

“You need a lesson, you slut. No problem if you dance for Class A men. I hate you and I don’t mind if you are a whore, but this is too immoral even for you. You must pay dearly for this.”

“It’s my fault, Catherine,” I said. “I asked her for doing this.”

“You’re not my business and all men are dirty-minded, but she is a waitress in my workplace. Her lack of morality is a problem for me. By the way, Mr. Lancis, tell me: did you force her to get naked in front of you abusing of your bigger size and strength? Please, shut up.”

Amelia fought a bit against the chains and shackles and looked at me, worried. The Class C waitress left the mop close to the door and walked towards the trapped woman.

“I don’t need lessons from you,” Amelia shouted. “You’re a bloody jerk and a resentful shitty dwarf. Report me, I don’t mind to be jailed or fined, but release me immediately!”

“I see. Resentful shitty dwarf,” Catherine told. “You think that you can mistreat people because you are a gorgeous Class A woman. You look down on me because I am small, but you’ll take a lesson, even if you don’t want.”

Amelia continued fighting with the chains and shackles. I felt as a true dirty-minded man, as Catherine told before, when I find sexy the way in which Amelia’s body moved, specially, her breasts. But that feeling vanished for me when I saw that the Class C woman had taken from her clothes a stun gun and hid it behind herself.

“Do you think that I can’t destroy your belly and make you vomit because I am too small?” Catherine told.

“You don’t reach even my knees, you dirty dwarf. Release me and I promise that I will forget all this.”

“That’s true, but I have a small tool for forcing you to bend your knees.”

Catherine touched Amelia’s right calf and stepped back quickly. The Class A woman shouted in pain and tried to hit her tiny torturer with her calves, bending a bit her knees and moving them.That was an unequal fight and the worst part was for the bigger fighter. Catherine could hold on Amelia’s calf, rounding it with her legs and one of his arms, and used tens of times the stun gun against her enemy’s leg. Amelia moaned each time that the arm touched her skin, but she could maintain her leg stretched and avoid that her enemy could reach her belly.

Quickly, Catherine released Amelia’s right calf and rounded her enemy’s left calf in the same way she did with the other one. And tortured the defenseless leg of the Class A woman with the stun gun. I felt worried when I saw Amelia’s face and I understood that Catherine’s attacks will be successful sooner or later and her enemy would kneel and her belly would be reachable by Catherine’s fists or stun gun.

With a loud moan, Amelia knelt. She approached a bit to the wall, because her wrists were close to it and her breast were now at my same height. I looked down and saw Catherine stood in front of Amelia’s thighs. I could no longer stand that.

“Please, Catherine, stop. Don’t hurt her. She has learnt a good lesson already. I also learnt it. Please, don’t torture her more.”

“Oh! You are so cute…,” Catherine told with sarcasm. “You can’t go down from there but still try to defend your girlfriend. I’m sorry, but it’s too late.”
“If you don’t stop, I will report you for race hate! It’s my last warning!”

“If you do that, I will report you both for inappropriate race behaviour. Your sentence will be harder. So, remain over there and enjoy the show.” Catherine caressed one of Amelia’s thighs and told, “Your thighs are sexy and firm. I’ll have to weaken them a bit.”

And she attacked her left thigh with her stun gun. Amelia tried to release herself while she moaned in pain. Everything was useless. When Catherine put the gun in her belt, Amelia was panting with her head lowered.

“I’ll enjoy more destroying your soft belly if I use my fists,” Catherine told and I felt extremely worried.

Catherine was so small compared with her enemy that she could only punch Amelia in her low belly, but her punches were strong enough for causing Amelia to quiver a bit with each punch. I felt miserable when I saw Amelia moaning and her head, shoulders and breasts moving a bit each time that the cruel Class C woman punched her low belly. Catherine concentrated her hits just half of an inch above her tanga, perhaps for punishing her bladder, a couple of inches above that point, for punishing her womb and near her iliac crest bone in both sides.

During eight long minutes, I suffered watching such a punishment with such a painful punches. I shouted, I begged, but Catherine ignored me and continued sinking her fists in Amelia’s low belly. Finally, she could not bear more pain and fainted. Her legs could no longer support her and she got almost sat at my right, with her body hanged from her wrists and supported in the wall.

“You beared my fists for a long time, you huge slut. Congratulations. But this has not finished yet,” Catherine said.

The Class C woman got the master controller from her clothes and the chains that immobilized Amelia’s wrists went out the wall slowly. The fainted waitress fell slowly until she lied in the floor, a bit separated from the wall. Catherine made the chains to go out more from the wall, pulled them a couple of feet and tied the chains to a pillar in the booth. Amelia lied on her back and only her rib cage and belly moved due to her breathing.

“Please,“ I insisted with no hope. “She already learnt her lesson. Release us, I will not report you.”

“You can’t report me, indecent dirty-minded man, do you remember? And a slut as big as this needs a longer lesson. There are parts of her belly that I couldn’t punch while she remained knelt. Problems of Class C punishers.”

I got furious for her cruel jokes, but I was as immobilized as Amelia, so I only could watch what Catherine was going to do. She pushed one of the lying waitress’ legs and walked between her thighs. She leaned, put a hand on Amelia’s low belly and started to punch her below her navel. Although the Class A woman was completely fainted, the upper half part of her body quiver slightly with each punch. After dozens of punches, Catherine started to punch Amelia’s navel. The fallen waitress seemed to recover consciousness because her enemy sank her fist deeper in that area: she moved her arms a bit and moaned again.

After the punishment to her enemy’s navel, Catherine passed above one of Amelia’s thighs and knelt at her side below her ribcage. She punched three inches above her navel a lot of times, until she left her fist sank in her flesh and pressed upwards, to her solar plexus. For a long time, she repeated a series of hits: she punched five times three inches above her navel, sank her fist deeply and pressed upwards. When she did the latter, Amelia’s navel stretched and became a thin slot. The Class A woman coughed sometimes and moaned in other moments. After a cruel and long punishment, Catherine stood up.

“You have a strong stomach, slut,” she said. “It’s a pity: it would have been a nice humiliation to make you vomit. But there are other ways for humiliating you.” She walked to her right breast. “You have a nice, big and punchable tits, you whore.”

My heart started to beat quickly when Catherine punched a lot of times Amelia’s breast. I felt really sad looking that despicable woman destroying a so lovely and nice girl like Amelia, a woman that I loved, as I understood in that moment. Catherine punched her breast a long time and in different ways: from below, from the side, in the nipple. She hold her breast at one side and punched from the other side. Amelia moaned a lot of times. Catherine pinched the areola with one hand and punched with the other, and after a long punishment in this way, released her. She passed above one of the fallen waitress arms, pulled her hair and made her to swing slowly her head.

“I would pull out all your hair, whore, but I’m running out of time.”

“Please, please, stop. I can’t bear more punches,” Amelia said.

Ignoring her, Catherine passed above the other waitress’ arm and punched her other breast during several long minutes, in the same way that she attacked the right one. At last, she stopped and walked until her side.

“I forgot your tip!” Catherine told.

And she punched during a couple of minutes her navel, making her to moan again. Finally, the cruel Catherine walked away, took the mop and turned when she reached the door.

“I learnt you a good lesson, whore. Remember: if you report me, I will tell that you were fucking a man from another class. You’ll be jailed for years. Today, I will only report you for dressing in an inappropriate way in front of a man from another class. You will only be fired and my club will be cleaner from then. Enjoy your free time, bloody whore.”

I could not tell a single word. I was about to cry because I will never meet Amelia again and she would lose her job. Then, the Class A woman turned a bit, making sound with the chains and, lied on her side, she looked at Catherine.

“You won’t report to anybody,” Amelia said. “I will go to the hospital and ask the doctor for examining my breasts. He will write a report telling that a Class C member punched my breasts and other parts of my body.”

“You won’t be able to prove that I punched you, slut.”

“I have a witness, did you notice?”

Catherine looked at me and I returned her a gaze full of hate. I would enjoy reporting her.

“Punching you will receive a less severe sentence than fucking with a Class D man,” Catherine insisted.

“That would be truth if you didn’t punch my breasts,” Amelia told. “You had no need to punch my breasts in a fight. I will convince a judge that you punched that part of my body because you feel an obscene sexual attraction for Class A women that you express using violence. It’s a severe race hate crime.”

Catherine closed her fists, furious, and expressed a deep hatred.

“We’ll reach an agreement,” Amelia said. “We’ll never talk about what happened this night. And you will let Lancis and I to meet here every time we want to. You’ll never open the door booth without our consent and you’ll never tell what we do here. Right?”

“You win this time, dirty-minded slut. It’s a deal.”

“Then, free Lancis and go away.”

Catherine used her master controller for lowering the seat until reaching the floor and went out the booth insulting me and Amelia in low voice. When the woman went away, I walked to Amelia. She smiled to me and we looked each other for a while. Then, I walked to her wrists and I took off the shackles. After, I did the same with her ankles. Although Amelia was free, she lied on her back and sighed twice.

“Thank you for releasing,” Amelia told.

“Are you damaged? May I call an ambulance?”

“I’m in pain, but I will recover. But… I need a favour from you.”

“Of course.”

“Please, come nearer,” the waitress said opening her legs. I stopped close her low belly, feeling a bit disturbed. “Could you press me softly over here?”

She had caressed herself with a finger the skin of her low belly near the thong, in the area that Catherine had punched repeatedly before the waitress fainted. I started near her right iliac crest bone and I pressed softly her from that area to the center of her low belly. She moaned weakly at the beginning, and when I reached the central part she complained a bit more, but she left me to continue touching until I reached the other side.

“Every seems to be OK. If I had internal damage, I would feel more pain,” Amelia said when I finished. “You don’t reach my navel from there, do you?”

“I am too tiny, sorry.”

“Don’t apologize. Just go up my side: she didn’t punch me there.”

I did and she asked me to press the skin around her navel. I felt that a I was really a dirty minded man, because I felt excited about the idea of touching a so beautiful girl, ignoring that she had suffered a beating. I pressed down her skin and she only moaned when I touched below her navel. The most ashaming thing for me, because I found it very sexy, was enjoying when she asked me to press inside her navel. She was so big that my fist fit inside her belly button. She moaned when she felt my hand, but she asked me to continue for a while. Then, she asked me to stop.

“Her punches in my navel were the most painful ones,” Amelia said. “That slut stabbed my navel with one of her knuckles with every punch.”

“I’m so sorry…”

“You couldn’t do anything, my friend. Even if you had could free yourself, Catherine is as twice as bigger than you. I know that you would have defended me. I’m very grateful.” She sighed. “It’s difficult for me to ask you one last favour, but I’m very worried for knowing if she had damaged them or not. Please, I won’t ask you more favours tonight.”

“I won’t refuse, Amelia. Ask what you wish.”

“Please, sit on my ribs and rub my right nipple.”

“W… What?”

“She punched my nipples a lot of times. I think that I lost sensitivity in them and that terrifies me. Please, the doctor won’t examine me for a couple of hours, I need to know as soon as possible that I’m OK.”

My heart wanted to go out my chest, but I sat on her ribs and rubbed her nipple. Two minutes after, I felt that her nipple got hard. Amelia covered her other breast with her hand. She sighed and smiled.

“Thank you very much. They are only in pain, they are not damaged. Please, stand up, I’d like to sit.”

I was really excited after touching her in that way. I walk away a bit from her and Amelia sat. She smiled.

“I’m sorry because you had to see how that crazy whore punched me. I know that you suffered a lot.”

“You are so beautiful and nice... I couldn’t bear to see her torturing you.”

“Please, don’t get angry. I think that your suffering means something. Do you love me? Did you suffer because I am important for you?” She looked at me and I could not answer. “I love you. You can report me if you take offence by that, but I need to know if you feel the same.”

“It’s illegal to love us each other.”

“I didn’t asked that, but: do you feel the same?”

We gazed each other. I was frightened. It was a mental crime only to think that a woman from another class was beautiful. So, the thing that I was about to tell was terrible.

“I do. I love you since several months, but I was terrified of being jailed.”

“Oh, Lancis, my dear Lancis. I feel so happy...”

She bent for approaching her face to me. I put my hands in her cheeks and I kissed her lips. We kissed each other for a long time and, finally, she stood up and started to dress.

“That whore has helped us without realising,” Amelia said. “This booth is now a safe place for us. Catherine is the only person who has a master controller and she can’t report us even if she knows that we are kissing us here. We will have to pretend that we are just a waitress and her customer, but we’ll act as a couple here. Now, you must go and I must visit the hospital, but, will you come back in three days?”

“Will you kiss me if I do?”

She laughed and told, “I’ll kiss you like that.”

She put her head at my height and kissed me again. After, she conducted me through several corridors and opened the back entrance of the club.

“See you soon,” she said. “Be careful. I love you.”

She closed the door and I thought, during all the walk to my house, that I was the luckiest man in the world.

* * * * *

Three hours after the incident with Amelia, Catherine entered in the employees’ bathroom. A Class B waitress and Amelia were there washing their hands. Catherine ignored her, who did the same. She entered to the toilet and, when she went out, only Amelia remained in the bathroom. She was combing her long, black and beautiful hair that she always envied. Catherine washed her face in an appropriate to her height washbasin and dried her hands with a paper handkerchief.

“Are you back from the hospital yet, you dirty-minded slut?” Catherine asked.

“I had no damage, said the doctor, and you were unable to make me vomit. Are you disappointed?”

“Of course not,” Catherine said and laughed.

She looked at Amelia while she continued combing her hair. The Class A woman was smiling.

“Thank you very much, Catherine. Everything went better than we expected. Lancis is my boyfriend now.”

“Congratulations, my friend!” Catherine told and hugged her friend’s calf.

Amelia tell her what she feel for Lancis one night. The Class A woman felt miserable because she loved him and could not say nothing. She told her crying that the man liked her, but violating the law frightened him so much. Although Catherine proposed Amelia to act for causing a reaction in Lancis, she was unsure that her friend were successful. Specially because Amelia’s plan was a bit weird. But her success, she had to admit, proved that her plan was not so weird after all.

Her Class A friend planned to pretend that they were enemies. The exotic dance with the chains, to receive a beating while she could not defend herself and the final deal between enemies were her plan for make the barriers created by Lancis’ fears to collapse. Amelia told her that if Lancis loved her, he will show it if he thought that his beloved one was being beaten and tortured. She was right. During three weeks, they met in secret and Amelia let her to punch her belly, in order to let Catherine know how firmly could punch without causing pain to her friend. She hated to punch Amelia, even for fake, so she was really happy because everything went well.

Catherine went away her best friend and they stopped talking. As they expected, another waitress came into the bathroom. Amelia went away pretending that she had not seen Catherine.

When she returned to her tasks, felt a bit sad because she had to hide her friendship with Amelia and thought that her friend was very brave. Catherine always loved online videogames. One day, she received a friend request from a girl called “Mistake102”. During several months, they enjoyed playing together and became very good friends. Suddenly, she was one night in the bathroom and a Class A woman entered. The woman washed up her hands and smiled to her. She ignored the huge woman, as a honourable Class C woman should do, and she got surprised.

“Last night victory was awesome, Dragonfly10.”

“How do you know my nickname? Who are you?”


“But... you are a Class A woman.”

“Is that a problem for you?”

Catherine looked at her. She always thought that her gaming friend was a Class C woman like her, although she never asked her.

“I heard you talking with some people about videogames,” Amelia said. “You liked the same games that I loved and you seemed to be a very nice girl. One day, you gave your nickname to a customer and I sent you a friend request. You are a very good friend and I wanted no more to lie to you. If you prefer not being my friend anymore, I will understand.”

She hesitated a time, but she loved her braveness and they became good friends also in real life. Before taking an order from her next customer, a Class B fat man, she thought that Amelia was spreading a rebellion against Class segregation laws: a Class A and a Class C women being best friends, a Class A woman dating a Class D man... it was funny: they three were a genetic failure.