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Nicole vs. Pippi Death Match at The Bloody Mattress!

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Offline Ishmael Green

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Nicole vs. Pippi Death Match at The Bloody Mattress!
« on: October 03, 2019, 04:52:45 PM »
Nicole vs. Pippi
(The Bloody Mattress)

Once more I find myself sitting in my comfortable seat right next to the fighting cage at The Bloody Mattress.  It is almost noon and they will be kicking today’s bouts off with another High Noon Death Match.  This one has been long in the making as a sizzling hatred has been brewing between the veteran brawler Nicole and her much younger enemy Pippi.  I’ve gotten there about ten minutes early and the rest of the spectators are still packing into the small venue like sardines.  The women of Green Tower City love a death match.

While we wait for the fighters to enter the cage, I make my usual small talk with Doctor Green.

“So who do you think is going to in this fight?”

The spider like robot pauses for a moment, his ocular sensors drifting down towards the floor.  Though there is nothing human about his appearance, his robotic mannerisms and speech patterns betray the fact that the sentience that is controlling this mechanical wonder was in fact a person once.

“That’s a tough call, Ish.”  He replies.  “They’re both vicious brawlers. Nicole has a lot more experience but I think if Pippi comes out swinging early on she might be able to wear her down and et the drop on her.”

“Well I got my money on Nicole.  I think Pippi made a big mistake taking this challenge.  It will probably be a good fight though.  Nicole loves to drag things out.  Of course…that could be her undoing.  I guess we’ll have to wait and see.”

We don’t have much longer to wait.  A rusty squawk goes out over the speaker and the announcer’s smooth seductive voice fills the air.  I’ve never seen the woman who does the announcing here, but I picture a smoking hot red head.  Of course she could be a 500 pound 80 year old wildebeest for all I know. 


The crowd cheers.  The enthusiasm of the bloodthirsty spectators on a daily basis never ceases to amaze me.


The slender black haired woman strolls down the aisle, sneering at everyone around her.  She has one of her slave girls with her, on a leash, crawling along behind her.  The slave girl is blonde and dirty, wearing faded and stained pink panties.  Nicole defeated her ina death match some time ago and had a slave collar put on her instead of killing her.  She usually keeps two or three of them around.  I find myself wondering if she will kill Pippi or enslave her if she ends up winning the fight.  She enters the cage and stands on the opposite side of the mattress from the opening.  Her slave girl sits on the floor next to the cage, her head down. 


Nicole stands at the end of the fighting mattress with her hands on her hips as her stats are read out.  Of course, these stats only represent her fights at the Outer City venues that are part of the OC Guild. So it doesn’t take into consideration her Pro record or many private fights she has engaged in over the course of the last 20 years.


The ginger haired, pig tailed fighter walks quickly down the aisle towards the fighting cage.  Unlike Nicole, she doesn’t have a slave girl with her.  Pippi always kills her opponents in death fights.


Of course, Pippi has only been fighting in the city a little over a year, so naturally her numbers are much lower.  But again these stats don’t represent her private fights or the few pro fights she has under her waistband already.

Pippi arrives in the cage and takes her place at the opposite end of the crème colored queen sized mattress.  At the moment the mattress is pristine, though that will certainly change soon, and by the end of the day it is likely to be utterly soggy from various bodily fluids.


Nicole and Pippi each take two steps forward and stand face to face, their erect nipples almost brushing as they glare into each other’s eyes.


‘FUCK YES!”  Nicole responds.

“YES!”  Pippi responds.  Their chests heave up and down in excitement as they await the bell.  Long tension filled moments pass. 


Instantly the two females grab each other by the hair with both hands.  Nicole quickly lifts a nee up into Pippi’s crotch with a dull thud.

“UNGH!!!”  The red head winces in pain but neither girl releases her grip on the other’s hair.  Nicole knees her again.

THUD!!!  Pippi’s knees buckly but Nicole let’s go of her hair and wraps her arms around her waist, keeping her from falling  She hisses into the young girl’s ear.

“This is you LAST fight little girl.  I’m gonna end Y-“

CRACK!!!!  Nicole’s threat is cut off sharply with a loud slap to the face.  She releases her grip around Pippi’s waist and both girls stagger backward and tumble off the mattress, hitting the chain link cage walls with a loud rattle. 


As soon as the girls hit the walls a Tazer Wave is triggered by the City Mod standing at cage side.  Both girls instantly flop to the dirt floor of the fighting cage and go limp, occasionally giving a small twitch.  They have been stunned unconscious.  So today’s Bloody Mattress rules are clearly not going to be “anything goes’ but it is impossible to tell yet if they were stunned for being off the mattress or just for hitting the cage wall.  In any event both girls will begin to regain consciousness in approximately 60 seconds.

“SIT THEM UP!”  The City Mod commands and unlocks the cage door.   Quickly two young mat girls in white bikinis run into the cage.  One grabs Nicole and the other Pippi and they hoist them back up onto the mattress and arrange the limp girls so they are sitting on their butts, face to face, crotch to crotch, leaning into each other to keep them sitting up.  If one manages to regain power over her limbs early it will be a decisive advantage. 

As the fighter’s twitch and begin to wake up the crowd begins to chant.


Nicole looks to be opening her eyes.  A low moan comes out of her lips, but then she and Pippi suddenly both snap into action and have each other by the waistband of the panties in one hand and the hair in the other.


Slowly the two intertwined fighters begin to rise to their knees, still clutching each other by hair and waistbands.  At the same time they release their grips on each other’s panties and, still holding each other by the hair, begin exchanging violent face slaps. 


The sharp cracks of the face slaps rings out over the loud murmur of the crowd.  Blood sprinkles the air in both directions as Nicole and Pippi begin to spit blood out with each impact.  Suddenly the exchange of hots stops and they collapse into each other, moaning in agony.  Pippi drops back onto her butt and Nicole quickly begins to press the advantage, trying to mount her.  She lifts one foot off the mattress and leans forward, trying to force the red head down.  Suddenly Pippi’s butt slips off the edge of the mattress and she drops off into the dirt. 


The Tazer Field is enacted again and both girls go limp.  So today’s fights are all to be mattress only.  This will make for some very interesting up close and personal combat.  The cage door is unlocked and the two mat girls rush in.

“PIPPI ON TOP!”  This means the Moderator has determined it was Nicole’s fault that the fight ended up off the mattress, and this call will give Pippi an advantage.  The mat girls first drag Nicole up onto the mattress, her arms and legs splayed out so that she is covering almost the entire surface area, then Pippi’s limp body is plopped down on top of her.  The mat girls exit the cage and it is quickly locked.  The seconds tick by as the fighter’s twitch and lurch.  Finally a low groan is herd but it is hard to tell which of them is coming to.

“Unnnggghhh….” Pippi shakes her head and seems to suddenly remember she is in a death match and her foe is under her.  In an instant she has her fingers around Nicole’s throat, and the raven haired woman start to come to right at that moment, her eyes bulging as she is strangled by her teenage adversary.  In true Green Tower City fashion, the entire crowd suddenly seems to be rooting for Pippi.





Nicole’s face turns crimson and her legs slide up and down as she grasps desperately at Pippi’s hands, trying to wrench them free of her throat.  It looks like it might be all over for the nearly 40 year old fighter. 

“DIE BITCH!!!”  Pippi screams into Nicole’s reddening face.  Suddenly the black haired woman’s body lurches violently and she goes limp.  Pippi releases her grip and stares wild eyed out at the crowd.   It seems to easy.  She might be making a rookie mistake-

PLUD!!!  My thought is interrupted as Nicole suddenly ciips Pippi in the chin with a weak uppercut.  As I thought, she was playing possum, though she is definitely hurt. 

“BITCH!” Pippi shrieks and punches Nicole in the face, busting her nose.  Nicole goes limp again.  She appears to be out cold, but now Pippi is pissed off.  She slowly rises over her enemy, grabbing her by her black bangs and slowly starting to pull her up to her feet.

“FINISH HER PIPPI!  DON’T FUCK AROUND!” someone yells out.  They’re not wrong.  Nicole should not be underestimated. 

“I’M GONNA FUCK THIS BITCH UP!”  Pippi announces as she nearly has Nicole up to her feet. Nicole seems barely cognizant, but suddenly, she lunges forward into her opponent and gives her a swift knee to the crotch. 


Pippi’s eyes widen in pain and surprise and she would tumble back off the mattress but Nicole has her by the waist again.  Pippi reaches down and grabs the waist band of Nicole’s black cotton panties.  Nicole reaches up and grabs Pippi’s pigtails.  They drop to their knees with a loud groan of effort and agony.  What a fight!!!

For several moments the two exhausted fighter sit their on their knees, grasping each other weakly.  Weak moans of pain and heavy breathing is the only sound they make for what seems like minutes. 

Nicole slaps Pippi in the face, still holding her by the right pigtail.  (Otherwise she would certainly tumble off the mattress again.)

Pippi returns the face slap, but seemingly without as much force.  She is weakening. 

Another face slap from Nicole.  Pippi spits a glob of blood out that splatters across Nicole’s firm round breasts.  Nicole swings her right hand back, ready to deliver another blow.

“AIEEEEE!!!”  The sharp sudden shriek of pain is from Nicole.  Pippi has managed to slip her fingers down into the front of her panties and has her by the pubes. 

‘”OH! OH! OH! OH! OH!”  Nicole reaches forward and grabs Pippi’s pigtails, yanking down hard to try to disable the young fighter, but she doesn’t relinquish her grip on Nicole’s womanhood.  Tears are streaming down the black haired woman’s reddening face.  Pippi clenches her teeth and grimaces with the effort.

“YEAH PIPPI FUCK THAT BITCH UP!!!”  Someone yells. 

Pippi begins to press her weight forward, bending the agonized Nicole over backward.  She lifts a leg, starting to mount her.  Suddenly she rips her hand free of Nicole’s panties, taking a fistful of black pubes with her.

“GAAAAAIIIIEEEEE!!!”  Nicole shrieks and rolls over into a fetal position, clutching at her ravaged vagina.  Pippi quickly begins to mount her side, and delivers a savage punch down into the side of Nicole’s head. 


Nicole goes limp.  This could be it for her!  Pippi crouches over her prey for a few long moments, gasping in deep gulps of air.  She glances around the crowd, her eyes wide with fear and excitement.  She spots where I am sitting and gives me a sultry look.

“I’M WINNING THE FIGHT!”  She calls out to me and begins to arrange drag Nicole around in a circle by the feet, apparently wanting to finish her off so that I have the best view of her victory.  Nicole is out cold and laying there limp.  Pippi stands up over her prey and basks in the adoration of the bloodthirsty female spectators who chant her name.


PLUD!!!  Pippi suddenly plunges the heel of her foot into Nicole’s crotch.  The raven haired fighter gurgles out a fresh stream of blood and coughs herself slightly back to awareness.  She looks pretty out of it as she squirms away from her teenage freckly faced attacker, getting dangerously close to the edge of the mattress.

PLUD!!! Pippi drops down onto her, straddling her crotch to crotch. 

“READY TO DIE?!?” She hisses and curls her fingers around Nicole’s long thin neck.  The older woman’s eyes bulge out once again as she is choked.  Her feet kick futilely as the life is slowly choked out of her.  Desperately she reaches up and wraps her fingers around Pippi’s throat, but she is weak and her attempts to return the strangle hold is ineffective.  It seems that this might be curtains for Nicole. 

“KILL HER! KILL HER! KILL HER! KILL HER!”  The crowd chants in unison.  Though Nicole has been a fan favorite on several occasions, the crowd here always favors a winner, and it looks like today is going to be Pippi.

Nicole’s eyes begin to roll up.  Her already weak grip on Pippi’s throat loosens.  Her hands start to drop.  This could be it.

CRACK!!!  Pippi’s eyes widen as her whole head is suddenly jerked around unnaturally, and then she flops onto her back.  It happened so quickly she didn’t even see it coming.  Nicole had let go of her neck just to grab her by the pigtails and deliver a sudden neck snap.  The fight is over.


The formerly deafening roar of the crowd has dwindled down to a confused murmur.  The girl who was moments ago about to finish off the hated Nicole is laying on her back.   Nicole is also on her back, the two girl’s crotches interlocked.  She is gasping for air and occasionally coughing up fresh globules of blood, but Pippi is clearly finished.  With a grunt of effort Nicole slides out from under her enemy and stands up next to the fighting mattress.  Now that the fight is over no tazer feel is activated and she walks the full perimeter of the small fighting cage, catching her breath and regaining her composure.  Pippi just lays there spread eagled, her head twisted violently to the left, the crotch of her panties darkening with the urine that was let go as soon as her neck was snapped. 

Nicole steps back up onto the mattress and places her foot gingerly on the stomach of her dead opponent.  Still worn out from the short but brutal battle, she raises one fist in victory.


The crowd explodes with cheers and applause, everyone apparently having forgotten who they were rooting ago just a couple minutes ago.  Nicole holds her pose while I am let into the cage to kiss the winner.  As is her custom, she will make her slave girl retrieve Pippi’s urine moistened panties to be added to her kill trophy wall at home. 

To see more of my stories and art, please stop by my blog, a work forever in progress.


Offline deniseBeresford

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Re: Nicole vs. Pippi Death Match at The Bloody Mattress!
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2019, 10:23:50 PM »
Great story... and a quite surprising end! Veteran fighter Nicole showed once again she is a force to be reckoned with, destroying her confident teen rival when she least reckoned with it!


Offline Ishmael Green

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Re: Nicole vs. Pippi Death Match at The Bloody Mattress!
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2019, 06:35:36 PM »
Great story... and a quite surprising end! Veteran fighter Nicole showed once again she is a force to be reckoned with, destroying her confident teen rival when she least reckoned with it!

Glad you enjoyed it!  Nicole is one of my favorite recent creations and there will be many more stories featuring her in the future.


Offline Ishmael Green

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Re: Nicole vs. Pippi Death Match at The Bloody Mattress!
« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2020, 02:26:50 PM »
This is how a deathfight should be! wow!

Thank you!  I'm glad you enjoyed it!   :)