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Rumble Roses: A Broken Rose

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Offline Fortran Wrench

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Rumble Roses: A Broken Rose
« on: October 05, 2019, 07:39:08 AM »

a story by
Fortran Wrench
from a concept by
Very Tired

The following is a work of fantasy fiction. The author does not claim ownership of these characters or their associated intellectual property rights. Story contains racially offensive language.

In the rosy orange glow of a sun cresting the ocean, an athletic young woman struck a long karate stance.

Her bare feet slid along the pale gold of the beach as she stepped, kicking and punching the air; her slender legs spraying a thin veil of sand, a look of concentration on her face.

Reiko Hinomoto was dedicated to her craft; the martial arts that were taught to her by her mother "Kamikaze" Rose - one of the all time legends of combat sport. Rose had coached her daughter well from an early age and her tragic death – when Reiko was only nine, had left a darkness in the young woman's heart that would never fully heal.

But Reiko was strong, just like her mother, and had taken the gift she had given her as a girl and honed it over the years. She had travelled the world and trained, just as her mother had. The young woman had found sensies and coaches and had worked hard to perfect her technique. And in that time she had become a complete fighter. She had grown from the little girl who had lost her mother into a promising young lioness.

Born and raised in Japan; yet ready to travel and truly take on the world.

As the last punch of her kata snapped the morning air she exhaled sharply and enjoyed a quiet moment, that special heartbeat when all the energy of her technique still hung in the air; she could almost feel it in her chest. Then she rose, back to a neutral stance, and allowed herself a smile as she looked out at the sun cresting the ocean in a beautiful blaze of morning fire.

The young fighter had worked up quite a sweat over the past hour – she had trained vigorously in the cool morning air performing a rapid routine of wrestling tumbles, squats and push ups. She had jogged up and down the beach twice before limbering her body and punching and kicking the air. Reiko ran her fingers through her short cut black hair and eyed the waves with a smile. One minute later she had stripped off her tee shirt and shorts and was floating happily in the warm water, clad only in her white string bikini.

Reiko was a woman who was seldom alone – if it wasn't coaches and fellow wrestlers surrounding her it was the fans. Moments like this were to be cherished. Even though the Island Resort was a quick walk up the beach there was nobody else around. It was the off season and that was one of the reasons that Reiko had chosen to go there. Sometimes she needed time for herself.

Floating weightless had revived her, warmed her; she felt as if the ocean was healing her body and washing away the aches and pains of the last few days. She had come to the resort for some time alone, to rest and recuperate after her last match.

It had been a tough one, tag teams were never easy if there was tension between partners. Reiko’s partner for that bout had been her good friend Dixie Clemets: The Three Count Cowgirl.

The fans loved to call her ‘The Yankee Rose’ and even thinking about her made Reiko smile as she floated weightless. Reiko always felt a little smaller than she really was as the two would stride to the ring together. Dixie was taller and stronger than Reiko. She had a powerful grip, strong arms and a long, confident stride; one that made her long blonde hair bounce and flow behind her as she walked to the ring - a perpetual look of confidence on her beautiful face.

Dixie had been wrestling steers and older brothers ever since she was old enough to walk and it showed in the ring. She was as tough as they come; and stunningly beautiful as well. She dominated a room with her very presence and people warmed to her right away; but she also had a temper - and if she was feeling ‘as ornery as a Carolina bobcat’ then she wouldn’t hesitate to let the world know.

Reiko considered her a good friend; which made the tension between them more than a little heartbreaking for her.

Exactly one week ago they had squared off against Aigle and Benekage in an open air ring on a downtown rooftop. In front of hundreds of screaming fans Reiko had been upended and humiliated as Benikage - the scantily clad ninja woman, had trapped her crossed arms between her own crossed legs, locked her in place with her own arms and legs and then wrapped her up from behind and rolled over onto her back, a painful and humiliating hold that had made Reiko beg for mercy.

She had fought it - had resisted the best she could; but ultimately she gave in. The intense pain was nothing compared to the embarrassment she had suffered being hoisted up like that, ass pointing to the crowd. Reiko was sure that they could see through her latex and lycra costume right through to her bare skin and secret places.

After she had submitted she had looked for Dixie through a veil of tears and saw that she was fighting Aigle on the floor outside the ring - and dominating her too. The cowgirl hadn’t been paying attention to what was happening between the ropes and didn’t know she was required to help out. Her partner had needed her to come and make a save.

Reiko is not the kind of person to hold a grudge, and later when they were showering in the locker room and getting changed she had spoken to her friend about the match - doing her best to reassure her that things were ok. But Dixie had said very little. Reiko could sense that the tall blond woman was glowering inside. Then as they parted on the steps of the tower building - the blue and pink neon of the city streets casting sharp jags over the tall woman’s face Reiko heard her say:

“Your sister can’t be trusted. She’ll only hurt you. You have to stop trying to save her. You need to let her go.”

Reiko had watched Dixie walk away, her hard cowgirl boots clacking on the pavement - growing fainter and fainter. Stunned. Silent.

Even thinking about that odd conversation one week later still filled Reiko with a sense of unease. It seemed so random and yet so… intense.

Reiko’s sister was Fujiko; although now she went by the name ‘Evil Rose’. Lost for so long in Reiko’s life she had only recently discovered that she was even alive; although she had fallen victim to some utra high level mind control and was under the influence of a very sinister individual.

Reiko had decided that she needed to save her sister - she needed to rescue her from the criminal mastermind that had closed her jaws around Fujiko’s neck and wasn’t letting go. It would be a terrible fight, but one she had to win. One she would need the help of all of her friends for.

Which was why Dixie’s comment had stung her. They hadn’t been discussing Evil Rose during that evening - this was the first time she had been mentioned. And yet Dixe’s words had clearly come from somewhere deep within her - perhaps brought on by the defeat on the rooftop. As she lay in the water and dredged through the moments of the last week in her mind Reiko was no closer to understanding them.

Eventually the asian girl walked from the sea and back onto the beach, her mind still on her friend’s strange behavior. She scooped up her shorts and top (not bothering to get dressed - she had no towel to dry herself off with) before opening a small gate, walking across the wooden decking of the poolside area and into the resort. She didn’t encounter anyone else (there weren’t many at the resort this time of year) as she pushed open the glass poolside doors and headed down the short hallway to the changing area.

The changing room itself was a large open space, some ten yards across and perfectly square. Long steel lockers lined each wall with a narrow wooden bench in front on every side. The centre was a thin square canvas mat that covered virtually the entire space. The resort had installed it as a courtesy to the sheer number of wrestlers who came there to train or compete in the special events that they sometimes hosted.

 Reiko crossed the large square mat, leaving tiny traces of sand, before dropping her shorts and top onto a bench and walking through to the showers. A minute later she was naked under the warm water; sand, aches and sadness flowing off her body and down the drain. She closed her eyes and let the water massage her; immediately feeling better as it flowed over every curve of her lithe, young body.

With her dark, short hair now matted tightly to her scalp she soaped herself clean and lingered in the water longer than she normally would, wanting to take this time to care for herself - she needed it - and to find a sense of calm and balance again.

She didn’t hear the door of the locker room open slowly. The faint sound of someone entering.

Reiko switched the water off and grabbed a large white towel from a nearby rail; before towelling her body dry and wrapping herself in it like a strapless dress that came to her mid-thigh. With a bounce in her step and a smile on her face she walked back into the locker room area.

And then froze in shock.

Dixie Clemets stood in the centre of the mat.

She was dressed from top to tail in classic cowgirl attire. Black and white friesian cowhide vest and chaps, a clean white cowgirl hat and white bikini laced with rhinestones, as were her boots. Her leather boots were deceptive to her opponents - Reiko knew this. They might seem impractical; they had pointed toes and were bejewelled like the rest of her costume - but they were cut and fitted for combat and designed for fighting in the ring.
“Dixie? Wh-what are you doing here?”. It struck Reiko as more than a little odd that her friend would be dressed for wrestling. ‘Perhaps she’d just come from a photo shoot or promotional event?’ she thought to herself.

The powerful cowgirl regarded her calmly. Then broke into a smile.

“Wha’ Reiko. Ah was in the neighborhood. Jus’ thought ah’d drop by on my ole’ buddy. See how ya doin’ afta the last time we talked.”

It took Reiko a moment to take this in. It was a surprise for sure; she hadn’t told anyone she’d be here, not even Dixie - whom she hadn’t spoken too since that evening a week ago.

“I-I’m doing fine. Just finished a workout. D-do you mind if I get dressed?”

“No gal. Go right ahead. Ah won’t stop ya.”

Reiko opened her locker and took out her gym bag, unzipping it. With her back to Dixie she slid on her plain white painties under her towel - keeping her body hidden. She didn’t know why she felt shy all of a sudden but something about Dixie’s sudden appearance and her manner was unsettling to her. She couldn’t shake the feeling that something wasn’t quite right.

“Come now Reiko. Don’t be shy. You and I have seen each other in the buff before.”

Reiko let her towel drop and put her white sports bra on, keeping her back to Dixie. ‘Where was this going?’ she thought to herself.

Now partly dressed she felt a bit more confident and turned to her friend.

“Why are you here Dixie?”

“Ah told you. Ah’m just dropping in to say ‘hi’.” Dixie looked the barely dressed girl up and down as she spoke these words and then said:

“Damn girl. You been eating this past week? You look scrawnier than a raccoon in the winter time.” This comment made Reiko frown and blush at the same time; she recovered quickly though and replied:

“But how did you find me? I never told anyone I was here.”

“Ah have my ways gal. Ah’m not as green as ah am cabbage lookin’ ya know.”

Dixie took a couple of steps forward - they were only a few yards away from each other now. Trembling ever so slightly Reiko turned again and pulled on her red and white track pants - She could feel the heat of Dixie’s gaze on her body and wondered if it was just her imagination. She then sat down on the bench and slipped on her long sleeved tee-shirt (white, with red stripes down the sleeves and the words ‘Reiko - Zero Fighter’ emblazoned on the breast) before pulling her socks and trainers on to her feet.

She breathed a sigh. Just the simple act of getting dressed (something she had done countless times in front of her friend) had been stressful.


Reiko needed to know what was going on.

“Dixie I…”

“I told you to stop looking for your sister.”

Reiko’s jaw clamped shut at the sheer surprise of Dixie’s words. They had stunned her as surely as if the amazonian blonde had slapped her clean across the face. Reiko stood up, her body felt almost as if it was acting by itself and managed to say:

“Wait what? Fujiko?”

“Yes ‘Fujiko’. Evil goddam Rose! Evil corrupted, twisted sick little Rose!”

“Dixie! Please! She’s my sister! She’s all I have after mom…”

“No she’s goddam not!” There was fury on the cowgirl’s face as she hurled the words at Reiko like daggers. “She’s not all you have you scrawny little runt! You could be just as great without her!”

Dixie took another couple of steps toward Reiko and now they were nearly touching - the blond’s entire body was shaking with anger which caused the bottom of her breasts to occasionally brush against the top of the smaller Japanese girl’s chest. Reiko felt alarmed and confused as to why Dixie was suddenly so angry.

“Ah been keepin’ mah eye on you gal. The whole time you’ve been here. You’ve been lookin for her haven’t you?”

“Have you been stalking me?” Reiko was shocked. Why would Dixie be behaving like this?

“What if ah have? It’s for your own good you weak little heifer! I know ya been trying to track Evil Rose down. Makin’ calls and researching that bitch Anesthesia online. Resting up my ass! You’re lookin’ for ya sister afta I told ya to knock it off!”

Reiko replied: “Fujiko can be saved! I have to try!”

“Fujiko is dead! There’s only Evil Rose now! She’s not even human anymore! She a beast. A wild animal! She’s just like a mountain lion or a bear. If she comes into your yard you have to put her down!”

“Dixie! Please! I can save her! She’s just a victim of mind control! Anesthesia’s victim!” There was real panic in Reiko’s voice now, she’d never seen Dixie so riled up.

“Goddamn it! I’m just going to have to beat some sense into that scrawny ass of yours you degenerate little bomb watching slant eyed nip!”

Reiko was stunned almost to complete silence; she couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She felt her heart pounding in her chest, a sudden surge of anger that was so unlike her. This was so very wrong but she was a fighter, and she wasn’t going to stand for it. She wasn’t going to let anyone come between her and her only remaining family and she certainly wasn’t going to be called a ‘degenerate little bomb watching slant eyed nip’ and not fire back. So she did shouting:

“You rude obnoxious jerk! How dare you speak to me like that! I thought you were my friend!”

“Ah am your friend sweetcheeks. But sometimes your friends have to haul your butt into line. Last warning nip girl. Give up on Evil Rose or I put you over my knee and whoop you like your momma should have!”

Without thinking Reiko shoved Dixie so hard she nearly fell over. It was almost as if she had no control over her actions - but the moment Dixie had mentioned Reiko’s mother she had snapped; lost her sense of calmness.

The look of surprise on the cowgirl’s face as she staggered back a couple of steps mirrored Reiko’s expression; the Japanese girl thought to herself; ‘What have I done?’.

Dixie rolled her shoulders and shook her head briefly fixing her cold stare on the smaller woman.

“Dixie! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean too…”

The blonde wrestler walked forward shoved Reiko back so hard she sat down on the bench behind her legs.

“Ah don’t think you’re sorry at all. Ah think ya’ been wanting to do that for a long time. Alright then Yoko Oh No. Time to get your buttery ass whipped.”


“Yeah girl. Buttery as in yellow you janky little scrap.”

In a flash Reiko got back on her feet and shoulder charged the amazonian cowgirl, knocking her squarely into the middle of the mat. Dixie snarled but stayed on her feet.

Like a blonde bull at a rodeo the enraged cowgirl bum rushed Reiko right back and the two women went crashing over the bench and slamming into the locker wall with full force; denting the steel door. Rekio felt the cold wall of metal thud into her back with a huge gong like bash an instant before they crashed to the floor; immediately finding herself jammed tightly between the bench and the lockers with a furious Dixie Clemets laying on top of her - hissing and snarling.

“Gonna whoop your ass you sushi sucking wimp!”

Dixie landed a solid punch to Reiko’s stomach with her right hand as she snagged the smaller woman’s short dark hair with her left. The blow hit with a deep ‘thud’ noise and only the fact that the two women were jammed tightly between the bench and the locker meant that Dixie was unable to swing fully, lessening the already huge impact.

Dixie raised her right fist to fire off another punch but Reiko was fast enough to counter, almost. She managed to bring her legs up between them and use her shins to push Dixie upward, just enough for the punch to miss its target. Reiko then gripped Dixie’s left wrist with her right and twisted it, causing the blond woman to grunt in pain and let go of her hair - giving time for agile Japanese wrestler to scurry under the bench and out onto the canvas mat. She sprang to her feet and adopted a wrestler’s half crouch as Dixe stood and advanced on her, stepping over the bench with her long legs and tossing her hat to one side and saying:

“Alright nipper. Time to have your butt whooped.”

“I’m ready you big titted pasty pale cow!”

Reiko didn’t have a lot of practice hurling insults at people (especially racially charged ones) but that seemed to be where Dixie was coming from. So she gave it a go and was actually surprised just how easy it was.
Partly out of sporting instinct the two women locked up, collar and elbow style, each snagging the other’s neck and arm, their heads tight together. But right away Reiko realised this would be no regulation wrestling bout as she felt Dixie grab her by the hair and use her strength and weight to take control.

In a brutal display of power Dixie lifted Reiko up off the ground, changing her grip to hug the smaller girl’s waist and squeezing for all she was worth. Reiko immediately felt her eyes bulge, her breath become jagged and out of desperation she drove her right forearm at Dixie’s face, aiming for her nose. She wasn’t on target though, due to being shaken around and missed, just clipping the blond woman’s forehead. The Texan taunted her saying:

“Is that all you got you tiny little slope-eye?”

Reiko managed a better angle on her second strike though - with the same arm - and swung a full powered elbow right to the side of Dixie's head. This rung her bell enough for the python like grip to be loosened, allowing Reiko to wriggle free.

She tried to dart away but Dixie reached out and caught her by the shirt hem. The force of the pull and Reiko’s movement caused the shirt to rip down the seam on one side; but this gave enough space for the Japanese girl to counter attack - which she did by dropping low and spinning, extending one leg out and sweeping Dixie’s feet out from under her.
Dixie didn’t let go of the torn shirt though, and was back on her feet faster than Reiko could wriggle her way out of it. The Texan Terror used it to pull the trapped girl back toward her and then snagged her left wrist, twisting it up behind her back before frog marching her captive towards a wall of lockers. Reiko was desperate, shouting:

“Let me go you fat pig!”

Reiko searched for a way out of the hold but Dixie was anticipating her every move - they had spent so much time together as wrestlers that they really did know each others fighting styles, as the smaller girl found out to her disadvantage. She would have to improvise.

Using her superior speed and agility Reiko braced herself against the bench and twisted to her right, dropping as low as she could. She found one of Dixie’s boots with her free hand - gripped it tightly - and then threw her body weight up as hard as she could.

The cowgirl had enough time to swear in surprise as she was neatly shoulder thrown over Reiko’s back, over the bench and into a wall of previous undamaged lockers. She fell to the ground (nearly landing on her head) and then struggled to her feet as Reiko finally disentangled herself from the tattered red and white remains of the shirt she was still wearing - only her white sports bra protecting her modesty.

Dixie’s long golden hair was a mess as she advanced on Reiko again, stepping over the bench and saying:

“Clever move chink. I’ll give you that.”

“Thanks. And I’m Japanese you dumb gaijin. ‘Chink’ is Chinese.”

Reiko dived toward Dixie and fainted going for a lock up again, but at the last second she dived to the ground; entwining her legs with the taller woman and sending her crashing to the ground on her stomach. The agile Japanese fighter then scurried onto the Texan’s back, looking for a hold as the blond woman tried to buck her off like an angry broncho.

Reiko reached for a full nelson but Dixie was able to shrug her shoulders free; but then she saw her opening. The Zero Fighter placed her left hand on the back of Dixie’s neck (without using a fistfull of hair) and snaked her right arm underneath the blond’s left shoulder. Locking her hand to her own wrist she completed the hold (a textbook quarter nelson) before throwing her feet out behind her and flattening her body down onto the canvas.

Dixie couldn’t hold all of Reiko’s weight on one arm and the result was devastating. The Japanese girl slammed her taller opponent onto the mat with a tremendous impact - both girls were now laying face down on the floor.

The blond cowgirl grunted in pain and her top lip was now split open slightly - she had blood on her teeth as she cursed:

“You dirty yellow Godzilla snack! I’m gonna bust you up real good now!”

“Whatever you wired up cracker! Big talk from someone with a busted mouth!”

Reiko wasn’t even one hundred percent sure what a ‘cracker’ was; she just knew it wasn’t a nice thing to say to a white person. It certainly had an effect on Dixie.
With hatred on her face and using nothing but brute power, Dixie twisted her body to face Reiko and grabbed her hair again; before proceeding to cat kick the living hell out of the Zero Fighters body.

Hard booted kicks rocketed into Reikos arms, legs and stomach - she lost count of how many. Each blow felt like it was being struck with the blunt end of a claw hammer - such was the immense power that Dixie possessed.

Reiko wondered if this was what being run over by a monster truck feels like.

With the intense pain of eight pointed kicks now on her body Reiko did the only thing she could think of and let go of the Nelson hold - grabbing Dixie’s long blond hair in both fists and trying to kick her back.

Her first kick missed completely, but it gave her the range to her target and like a zero dive bomber she dialed in on it.

Her second kick was closer but their legs clashed as Dixie kicked out and it just went low, grazing the tall wrestlers thigh.

But the third one was right on target. It caught Dixie square on her left breast. Reiko took a moment to ask:

“How’s your udder feeling you blond cow?”

The tall wrestler howled in agony as Reiko sunk the point of her trainer deep into her soft melon. She had been jagged right in the middle - right where the nipple was. The pain on Dixie’s face told her that it must have hurt like a knife being plunged into her chest.

That kick provided a lucky break for the asian girl as well, because her shoe then slide off and got caught in the arm hole of the cowgirl’s leather vest. Reiko used this to her advantage by pulling hard on the Texan’s hair, arching her back and straightening her legs - causing the tough vest to lock Dixie into a hold as powerful as if she was wearing a straight jacket.

Reiko took this time to get her breath back.

Dixie took this time to struggle and swear at her smaller opponent.

“Get off me you rice eating runt! Gah!” The tall Texan howled as Reiko tightened her hold even more.

“Make me fatso!”

Reiko heard the seams on the vest begin to tear; the hold was starting to break down as Dixie struggled more and more. She thought to herself: ‘She’s too strong! She’s going to break free any second!’

It was at that moment the vest gave way completely.

Reiko kicked the destroyed garment away so it wouldn’t trap her legs but that action gave Dixie enough space to rock a solid punch at her foe, which caught the Zero Fighter right on her throat. Hacking and coughing the Japanese woman staggered to her feet, and half ran for the door. She heard:

“Get back here you yellow bellied coward!” ; as she ran down the hallway and spilled out into the pool area, the door swinging shut behind her.

Reiko had a moment to look around - to see if anyone was there but thankfully the poolside was deserted. As she moved toward the gate that lead to the beach Dixie emerged on her heels, nearly destroying the door as she flung it open.

In four long sprinting strides the cowgirl had stormed Reiko and crash tackled her to the hard wooden floor that ringed the pool. The Japanese girl was face down on the deck and trying desperately to scurry away as she felt the stronger woman scrabbling at her from behind. She felt Dixie’s hands on the waistband of her track pants - felt them being pulled down over her ass, leaving her white panties exposed to the world - as she tried to crawl from her determined opponent.

“You’re nothing special, I’ve seen it all before sushi breath.” Dixie hurled the insult at Reiko as she wriggled on the ground in front of her.

Reiko twisted and turned, managing to sit up and face the angry Texan. She kicked at Dixie with the flat of her shoes, catching her on the shoulder with a solid blow, and then one squarely on the face which caused the blond to rear back and out of the way, shaking her head. As she did this Reiko scurried backward and away from her tormenter but as the cowgirl still had a hold of her track pants they slide off her sleek legs and she was stripped again.

Dixie tossed the red track pants into the pool and glanced down at her opponent. Reiko felt embarrassed as surely as if it were a week ago; when Benikage had her hoisted her most secret of spaces up for the world to see.

“No… Please…”

“You should be embarrassed you scrawny little asian whore.” Dixie punctuated her words with a sledgehammer like round kick on the sitting girl that rocked the side of Reiko’s left thigh.

The Japanese fighter yelped and tried to get to her feet but wasn’t fast enough,  taking another sharp kick; this time to her other leg. Dixie then leaped forward and dived right on top of Reiko, slamming her body onto the smaller woman and pinning her in a tangle of limbs and cursing.

As they rolled around Dixie’s face was right next to Reiko’s ear as she whispered: “Gonna bust you up slant. Gonna mash that little slit of yours to a pulp.”

The two women tussled and rolled along the wooden floor close to the pool, scattering brightly colored deck chairs as they gripped and fought with each other.
At one point Reiko found herself jammed up in a sitting position with her back to the wooden poolside fence. Dixie had her trapped there, squatting down, back to the pinned girl and using her bikini clad behind as a weapon - mashing it into the struggling japanababe’s face.

“No! Get your fat butt out of my face you white cow!”

This only made Dixie fight harder, thrusting her backside in and out and slamming it into Reiko’s head as hard as she could, bouncing it off the wooden fence like a jackhammer. The dark haired girl’s vision was totally dominated by the perfectly shaped twin swells of Dixie’s ass as she trapped her face with it, grinding up and down.

“C’mon sugar. You know you like it when a real woman is in your face! You skinny little squint eyed rat!” Dixie taunted her trapped foe, but then yelped in surprise an instant later.

Finally Reiko was able to counter, she gripped Dixie’s left leg and snaked her arms around it before rolling and tangling her up. The two women were then tumbling around the deck again in a hissing ball of cat fury.

Reiko came to rest on top of the cowgirl and managed to fire off three punches in a row, hitting Dixie squarely in her stomach, then her ribs, and finally her left breast.

The last shot was so powerful that it popped the large melon right of its bikini; with one of Dixie's boobs now flopping freely about the two girls rolled too far and disappeared from the deck - and with a loud splash rolled right into the pool.

The pool was large but only waist deep and the women were able to stand up - they erupted from the water, hands locked on each other’s hair; coughing and spluttering but still fighting.

Reiko’s white underwear was now totally see through, she may as well have been completely naked. She didn’t have time to think about this however as Dixie swung a punch with her right fist that rocked her straight on the jaw. Everything went red for an instant - it was like a lightning bolt into her skull; and as she staggered back she reached out to right herself, grabbing Dixie's bikini. It wasn’t strong enough though and Reiko fell under the water. When she emerged moments later (still a little stunned) she had the cowgirl’s black and white bikini top in her hand.

Dixie stood there for a moment; shocked, her arms crossed to cover her fine, rounded orbs. She stood there glistening and half naked, every Rumble Rose fan’s dream vision.

“Gimme that back you filthy slant eyed gash!”

“Take it snow poke!”

Reiko tossed the bikini out of the pool and into a row thick bushes that sheltered the poolside area. Howling in frustration Dixie waded through the water and pulled herself out, dripping wet and seemingly determined to find her discarded top. Reiko swam to the end of the pool closest to the beach, scurried up a ladder and made for the gate; hoping she had bought herself enough time to get away. She was nearly at gate when her mother’s words came back to her…

‘Never turn your back on your opponent’

Suddenly there was an explosion between her legs, like a hand grenade had been stuffed down the front of her panties and detonated.

Without warning (perhaps seeing that Reiko was about to escape) Dixie had given up on searching for her lost top and had run at the smaller woman from behind, swinging her leg up as hard as she could and booting the unfortunate girl right in the crotch from the rear.

It was perfectly struck, if Dixie had turned out for the Houston Texans she couldn’t have hit as sweet a punt as she did - splitting Reiko’s uprights with devastating effect.

Reiko cried out, clutching her hands to her soft, sensitive area and fell to her knees. Her tender mound felt like it was being burned away.

“Sorry ‘bout that sugar. Can’t have you running away now can we?”

Dixie forced Reiko up to her feet by grabbing her by the hair (the Japanese fighter whimpering in pain - her legs wobbling, her entire body trembling) before facing her, slipping her arm over her neck, grabbing the waistband of her panties and hoisting her up into the air.

Dixie launched herself backward as Reiko was lifted high and again she was slammed down hard onto the wooden flood. Even though the younger fighter was fit and had trained to take punishment like this it still knocked her badly, and she lay on the ground coughing and spluttering, the side of her panties ripped open where the cowgirl had gripped moments before.

“Whoops dahlin’. Looks like you need sturdier britches. Try some American made next time. Not that cheap made in China garbage.” Dixie smirked as she got to her feet and reached down to grab Reiko again.

But Reiko was made of stern stuff and wasn’t about to go down so easily. As Dixie reached for her she snagged the blond woman’s wrists, one in each hand and double kicked the flat of her shoes into the cowgirl’s stomach. Then she pulled with her arms and pushed with her feet as she rolled backward; sending Dixie flying clean through the air and crashing through the gate that separated the poolside from the beach.

Both women lay there groaning for a while, Reiko in her trainers, see-through underwear with half ripped panties. Dixie; dishevelled, topless and writhing in a pile of broken gate and sand.

The blond Texan was first to her feet, slowly lurching to a standing position and turning to face where she thought Reiko was.

...Who right at that moment crash tackled her to the ground (putting aside the sharp pain that still jagged inside her from Dixie's cruel kick before).

The two women rolled slowly down the beach in a tangled ball of hissing, hair pulling, scratching and cursing.

“Goddamn slant!”

“Go to hell you white devil.”

Legs and arms locked together they tumbled down the gentle slopes, locked together in mutual hatred.

“You bony little noodle sucking whore!”

“Bite me you bleach-blond droopy titted bovine!”

The waves were a fair distance away, down a gently sloping dune of golden pale sand. Both girls had fists full of the other’s hair, both were breathing heavily as they rolled toward the waves, flinging up sand and fury into the morning air.

Reiko’s half ripped panties where the first to go, snapping on the other side as Dixie reached down with her left hand for something to grasp. They tore away as if they were paper and the modest young woman was now bare to the world from the waist down. Dixie snarled into her opponent’s ear:

“You’re weak. Like your mother. Like all the other jap scrappers who think they can fight with the big gals.” This only served to fire Reiko up.

Dixie wore a couple of elbows, strong yet short blows that struck her on the side of the head in the same spot. A cut formed just above her left eye and she cursed even louder; retaliating by grabbing Reiko’s left breast with her right hand and sinking her fingers into it, clawing, as they continued rolling.
The young asian girl howled in pain and tried to shake herself free but Dixie was latched on tight, left hand with a grip on her hair, right hand mauling her opponent’s breast mercilessly. The pain was like acid dripping onto her bare skin; Dixie had a way of hurting women that was powerful and complete - she knew how to twist and gouge like no other and the Zero Fighter was suffering for it. Dixie bellowed her dominance into the morning sky.

“Scream for me slant! C’mon! Start fighting!”

The two stopped rolling for an instant and lay next to each other, locked in place as Dixie held that awful claw on Reiko’s soft, tender orb. The Japanese girl struggled to get free but it was as if her breast was wielded to the cowgirl’s fingers and she would never escape.

Out of sheer desperation she grabbed the Texan’s long blonde hair with both hands and started cat kicking. Her first blow nearly missed, a glancing strike that grazed her opponent’s hip.

The next kicked up nothing but sand. The pain in her breast worsened and she wondered briefly if it was going to make her pass out. She felt Dixie grab her other breast now; felt the fabric of her bra begin to rip.

Then - finally - she was on target.

Reiko’s trainer connected with Dixie’s toned belly, right on the button. She heard the other woman grunt.

She kicked with the other foot and hit her again, almost in the same spot. Her shoe connected with full force and she felt the claws that were sunk into her soft breasts relax just a little.

The Zero Fighter had her range now and kicked even harder and lower this time. She could tell by the way Dixie tried to bring her knees up, and from the expression on her face that she was hurting her now. The grip lessened again.

Then finally she nailed it; with a powerful short kick - right on the sweet spot. That tender area that no rose likes to be slapped, kicked or punched in. That secret place that Dixie probably only revealed to the special men in her life.

Right between her legs.

Reiko’s toe point damn near entered Dixie's body and she kicked her squarely in her vagina. It landed like a runaway train and the tall powerful Texan was reduced to a crying wreck. The blond woman was clutching herself and curled into a ball on her side as Reiko shakily stood up; it’s only then that she realized that the cowgirl had totally shredded her bra and it was now torn up beyond repair. Tears in her eyes and breathless she let it fall from her body and onto the sand.

Dixie by now had rolled over and had her back to Reiko. Unable to do anything but lay there and whimper.

“Why!” Reiko managed a half powered kick to Dixie's backside, it sent her rounded ass rippling a little but was more frustration and sand than it was technique. 

“You come here...” she continued, kicking her again on the butt. Harder this time. Dixie groaned.

“Start a fight…” The Japanese girl stomped down hard on Dixe’s thigh, it was starting to feel satisfying; like she was venting her pent up anger on her former friend.

“And for what? My sister?” She stomped again and a couple of straps holding Dixie’s chaps on snapped, causing one leg to flop onto the sand.

“I hate you! I never want to see you again you stuck up… Arrogant… Ignorant… Cowpoke!”

Reiko went to kick again but only managed a startled yelp as Dixie rolled over and caught her leg, rising to her feet, lifting the smaller girl over her shoulder; charging to the waters edge she dumped her down onto her back and dived between her legs.

Reiko’s hair was wet as Dixie tried to mount her. The Japanese girl brought her legs up to defend herself but got tangled in the flopping mass of the cowgirl’s chaps and as the two tussled - hair pulling, scratching and grappling.

“Yellow bitch!”

“Go back to your farm you round eyed heifer!”

Dixie’s boots were filling with water and the flopping chaps were now hampering her movement, so she kicked them all off while trying to keep hold of Reiko’s hair with one hand. The japanababe took advantage of this and grabbed the cowgirl’s wrist, twisting it, bending the arm back and snaking her other hand to lock onto her own arm. She then used both of her hands to lift her opponent's arm up and squeezed as hard as she could, executing a tight keylock.

“How’s that feel gaijin?” Reiko twisted on the hold with all her might causing Dixie to howl and struggle.

Dixie’s boots and chaps were now being washed over by the waves; she was clad only in her white rhinestone bikini bottoms as Reiko (totally naked but for her socks and shoes) cranked on the painful hold.

If they were standing up Dixie would have options to counter and move, but they weren’t. Their bodies were locked together on the ground and they were rolling in the shallow water, covered in bruises and spraying seafoam and venom.

Reiko could feel herself tire. Every muscle in her naked body strained as she tried to contain her much larger and stronger opponent. Even though Dixie must have been hurting she still fought like a woman possessed. She found space to punch the smaller girl’s right breast a couple of tips, right on the pointed brown nipple. Reiko’s sweet rounded apple was painfully rammed against her rib cage not once but twice - causing her to squeal. Grimly she kept a grip on her hold, knowing that if she let it go she’d be even more open to attack. Dixie mocked her:

“Aw… Does that hurt? It’s not like you have much to stomp any way. Look at those tiny little nugs. Are all Japanese girls so small?” 

They rolled again and Reiko’s head was nearly completely under the water when Dixie ended up on top, her body flat on the Zero Fighter’s chest - with her free hand she punched the helpless girl again (this time solidly in the ribs) with a hard strike that hit her flush, making a small splash like a mini torpedo.

Reiko tried to get her feet flat on the ground to lift her body up, to try and throw Dixie off but it was no use, she was flagging now, and the wet sand and waves under her feet gave her nothing to push off with. Dixie's Face was so close to Reiko’s as she snarled:

“You’re… Going down… You dumb little yellow skinned slant.”

The cowgirl then found the side of Reiko’s right hand with her teeth and bit down, as hard and as fully as she could.

Reiko screamed and released her hold but Dixie held on, threshing her head side to side as if she was trying to bite a chunk clean out of the Japanese fighter’s hand. Startled and desperate she tried to break free - punching the cow girl’s head right where she had been cut before, but it was no good; Dixie held on with Reiko’s hand in her jaws tighter than coyote stealing the sheet off a washing line.

With her eyes wide and her free hand searching the Texan’s body for an attack, Reiko grabbed the front of her opponent's bikini bottom and pulled as hard as she could. The two white triangles became a razor sharp wire that must have felt to Dixie as if she was being sawn in half but still the feral cowgirl didn’t let go of her bite.

Reiko yanked as hard as she could… Once… Twice… Three times - before finally the bikini bottoms ripped right off Dixie's superbly sculpted ass.

“Bitch! Those were my favorite pair!” the act of saying this meant Dixie had let go of Reiko’s hand (which now had a semicircular bite mark on it, luckily it wasn’t bleeding). The cowgirl followed this up kneeing the Japanese girl right between the legs again.

She rammed it home as hard as she could and connected with full force. Reiko felt like she was about to throw up - the pain was truly nauseous and she couldn’t even cover herself up as Dixie (well and truly on top) overhooked her arms and locked them into place before driving a solid head butt right into trapped girls face.

Everything flashed red for Reiko and for a moment she forgot where she was, what had happened and why she was wet and naked. Shaking her head to clear it she looked up just in time to see Dixie, totally nude and towering over her, lift up one bare foot and smash it into her left breast, as if she was trying to stomp a hole through the stunned girls chest.

This knocked the wind right out of the Japanese babe and she coughed and gagged, wanting the torment, the pain, to come to an end. Dixie lifted her foot again…
With an almighty ‘crack’ noise she thudded the heel of her foot into Reiko’s bare breast again, connecting with the same one she had just crushed and virtually in the same spot - this time even harder. That lovely round apple, so firm and pert, that sweet part of Reiko’s body that one day she hoped to share with a special someone, was shattered. Obliterated. The pain felt as if Dixie had taken a knife and stabbed her in the chest with it.

“Fight back Reiko! Or I’ll put my foot right up your flat yellow ass!”

Reiko found the strength to roll away - further under the water - before the next blow could land. She had only just managed to bring her arms up to her chest as she stood up and faced her opponent (couching to protect herself) when she wore a solid round kick aimed at her chest.

The strike sledgehammered into her arms but she took it and was on her feet and fighting again, even if parts of her body were hurting as if she had been run over by a stampede of cattle.

Dixie thrust a straight right hand punch at Reiko’s face - a good ole fashioned ‘sucker punch’ - but the Japanese fighter was able to slip to the side of it and wrap her right arm over the top, trapping the cowgirl and yanking her off balance.

As they staggered Reiko then swung her left arm over Dixie’s shoulders; dropping the arm bar and catching the Texan in a strong side headlock - which she then proceeded to squeeze on with all her remaining strength.

“Ung…” Dixie grunted with the effort of trying to break the hold, scrabbling with her hands and scratching with her fingernails on the naked girl’s smooth skin. She snarled and spat, hissing:

“Let me go you pathetic jap scrap.”

“Make me you saggy boobed gaijin!”

“Saggy? Saggy!” Dixie grabbed Reiko around the waited and hoisted up and backward. They both fell on the sand through the shallow water but the determined Reiko kept holding on. The cowgirl bellowed;

“My tits are not saggy!”

Dixie was able to drag both herself and Reiko up to a standing position and looked set to try and slam the smaller girl again, but the Japanese girl had other plans.

With an almighty heave Reiko rolled and dragged Dixie up and over her hip, slamming her onto the wet sand - the cowgirl landing on her back, with her head still snagged in the asian wrestler’s vice like grip around her neck.

The blond woman was now on her back, her left arm trapped behind Reiko who was in a sitting position. The asian girl spread her legs apart for power and arched her back, cranking Dixie's neck as if she were trying to pull her head clean off her body.

Dixie’s hands frantically searched for a way out of the hold, gouging and groping Reiko’s wet skin, trying to twist her fingers into the smaller woman’s nubile body - but the Japanese wrestler was able to hang on, squeezing and working the hold as tightly as her weary body with let.

“Let… Go… Of… Me… Slope…” Dixie was clearly fighting for breath.

With a surge of adrenaline the zero fighter tightened the hold with all her might… She felt her opponent start to fade… Just a little… Could this be it…
In a last ditch effort Dixie did the only thing she could. With her free arm she swung a powerful punch right at Reiko’s groin. She wasn’t able to hit her squarely - the shot was more ‘thigh’ than ‘vagina’ but the next one she fired off was flush on target. The Japanese girl’s eyes bulged as the hard ball of Dixie’s front two knuckles on her right hand struck her on the soft, tender folds of her naked underside.

Right on her hidden little button.

Reiko tried to hold on the Dixie's head as a wave of nauseous pain washed over her. She tried to curl up, to get her exposed, naked mound out of the line of fire but it was no good. Tears running down her face she felt it again as:

Bam! Another powerful punch mashed her loft lips; driving them sharply into her pubic bone like a chisel. Reiko screamed and wriggled and could barely see out of her tearfilled eyes as the next low blow thundered home.

Dixie struck again; even harder this time (Reiko didn’t think that was even possible) - it was as if the Texan Terror was trying to force her fist deep into her opponent’s body.

The nude asian girl was being brutalized and no matter what she did there was no way of protecting herself. She’d received low blows in the ring before (wrestlers cheated all the time) but this was the worst punishment her tender spot had ever been forced to endure. She flinched so hard that she bit her own tongue, tasting the blood in her mouth as the next punch thudded into her soft, unprotected folds.

This is the one that did it. It felt to Reiko as if Dixie’s fist was slamming her nether lips with a knuckle duster lined with razor blades. Like her soft, sensitive space was being shredded. Without remorse… Totally destroyed.

Dixie knew how to hurt a girl, she’d spent most of her life perfecting her skills and she knew just where to strike a woman to cause her the most pain. These were no glancing blows now, these were solid, directed strikes that nobody could withstand.

Reiko’s strength faded… Her body was melting weakly into the sand… Her will to fight washing away into the ocean…

The hold she had on Dixie’s head weakened…

Dixie reached under one of Reiko’s knees with her left hand and rolled her backward, winding up on her feet, on top with both the japanbabes feet in her grip; saying:

“Let’s get you totally bare you yellow skinned loser.” as she pulled off her nude opponent’s trainers and socks; tossing them onto the beach. Still gripping Reiko’s feet she slammed a round kick onto the side of her finely shaped butt, connecting with a wet smack that made Reiko groan in agony as she lay there helpless, now clutching her brutalized mound with both hands.

“No… No more… I yield… I submit…” Reiko half said, half moaned.

“Oh no sugar… We’re done when I say we’re done.” Dixie drove home her words by kicking Reiko’s ass on the other side, spraying water and pain all over the helpless girl.

The cowgirl then lifted her foot up high and stomped down hard again; between the asian fighter’s legs, crushing both of Reiko’s hands as she was still cradling herself. The pain has a blunt hammer into her fingers and she withdrew them, crying out and shaking her hands.

“Poor little rice cake. Did that hurt?” Dixie laughed and tossed her hair back.

Dixie grabbed Reiko’s bare left foot with both her hands and folded her arms around it, lifting the leg as high as she could and locking in a python like figure four ankle lock on the now screaming girl. Reiko howled and twisted, trying to relieve the pressure as towering Texan twisted and wrenched on the hold, threatening to dislocate an ankle or knee. She screamed:

“Argh! Let go of me you white demon!”

“Suck it up little girl! This ain’t nothing to real fighter!” was the reply as Dixie twisted her leg even more. Reiko felt a small needle twinge of pain in her ankle that suggested her body was about to break, whether she fought on or not. 

“No! I give up!”

“Told you slant! You don’t quit ‘till I say so!” Dixie twisted Reiko onto her stomach and stepped over her, keeping hold of the girl’s foot and now facing the opposite direction, bending the trapped leg backward.

Face down in the shallow water Reiko had to lift her head out of the water and arch her back to draw breath, her fists grasped at the wet sand and she had a look of pure agony on her face. She howled and struggled but it was no good: she was locked in tight.

The two women made quite a sight together; at least they would have if anyone was there to see them. Glistening wet under the warming rays of the early morning sun; naked and locked together - breasts heaving and straining as they drew breath, muscles rippling, bare limbs, each woman fully on display as they ground their nakedness over each other.

“C’mon nip! Fight back! It’s not fun unless you struggle!” Dixie was relentless with her taunting.

“Ug! You evil white witch!”

The slickness of Reiko’s skin and the way she was writhing made her more and more difficult to grip; but just when it looked like she would be able to roll free (and maybe even counter) Dixie changed the hold, dropping her grip on the Japanese woman’s ankle and snatching up both of her legs, bending them back in a classic ‘Boston Crab’ move.

Dixie arched her back and bent Reiko as hard as she could as the smaller girl strained against the hold, feeling like she was about to be torn in half at the waist. She could tell Dixie wasn’t holding back - that she was applying the hold with every ounce of strength she had left; Reiko yelled at the top of her lungs:

“Quit! Quit! I give up! Mercy!” but her pleas fell on deaf ears.

“That’s right! Beg for it you slant eyed little rat! Beg for it!”.

Dixie turned the crab into a dominating hold by snaking her left arm across and grabbing Reiko’s right leg, locking the hold in with only one arm. She then sunk even lower and brought her free hand through under the asian fighter’s legs before striking down with a hammer fist right into Reiko’s abused vagina. It hit with a solid wet ‘thud’ noise and Reiko nearly threw up as another jolt of lightning pain shot through her naked body.

Dixie was laughing now as she hammered her defenseless foe again, the second blow connecting even harder with a satisfying (at least it must have been to Dixie) ‘smack’ sound.

Reiko was in tears; forlorn, helpless. In the back of her mind she was still confused as to why this was happening. A third hammer fist smashed into her soft nether lips and she wondered if she would ever walk again; if she would ever want to show her body naked in the bedroom if she found a romantic partner. She felt brutalised, broken and defeated - helpless and unable to defend herself. It was a feeling she had never experienced before (even though some of the positions the other wrestlers had put her into were utterly humiliating). She heard Dixie say:

“You’re pathetic! Worthless! Just another weak yellow skinned girl who hasn’t got the guts for a real fight! The only thing you got going for ya is you’re flexible. Or I would have torn your scrawny butt in two by now and broken your back!”
She hammered home her last point by hammering Reiko’s already tenderized mound one last time, again slamming a blow into the girl’s poor abused womanhood.

“Alright gash! Time to end this! Double Bridge Hold!”

“No wait!”

Dixie rocked backward onto the sand and bridged her body up - only her head and the soles of her boots were touching the beach. Suddenly Reiko was arched in the air, suspended above Dixie and facing the sky, her arms pinned, her legs trapped and spread apart in a devastating humiliation hold that Dixie had broken other girls with many times in the ring.

Reiko’s pain and suffering reached new heights, she was being tortured on a wrack and being nude only added to her alarming sense of vulnerability. Pushed beyond her limits she started shouting at the top of her lungs, writhing and struggling, spraying water everywhere, a look of pure rage and frustration on her face.
Kamikaze Rose’s innocent little girl totally lost her balance, her calm, her control.

“Scream for me you scrawny little slant!” Dixie mocked her trapped victim mercilessly.

She twisted and screamed and howled, naked and angry; in a futile attempt to break free, using all the energy she had left. Splashing like a cage filled with lobsters she vented her unbridled rage at everything.

Her situation.

The dark moments of her past.

Her former friend, who was now her tormentor.

Naked and powerless she burned herself out in a twisting wreck of agony and sea spray shouting invective loud enough for the world to hear.

“Gaijin! Round eye! White witch! I hate you!”

Breathing heavily... Body trembling.. Tears pouring down her face… In the lowest pit of despair… Reiko’s voice was a shallow, jagged gasp of broken glass.

“I hate you…”

There was a moment of silence.

“I know ya do darlin'.”

Dixie cranked on the hold one last time. Reiko thought a buzzsaw was splitting her in half. She heard Dixie snarl:

“But I don’t care.”

Dixie tightened the grip with every muscle in her body.

The sensation was unlike anything Reiko had experienced in her entire life. This was pain and humiliation so bad she would come to remember it only as torture.

Sheer torture.

It was as if acid was showering her body, burning her away, every nerve in her being was screaming in agony. She felt a twinge in her back, heard something crack in a way a young woman’s body isn’t meant too…

She was spent now…

Nothing left.

Finally… After what felt like an eon of torment…

Dixie released the hold. She kicked the naked and gasping girl to the sand just where the water reached.

Reiko lay on her side and whimpered. Her head was pounding, breasts aching; her womanhood felt as if it had been flayed from her body - she was naked, bruised and broken. A devastated empty husk of a girl.



She watched through tear stained vision as the nude figure of Dixie Clemets, her former friend and partner, walked around to stand in front of her. Meekly Reiko glanced up and saw the amazonian blond towering over her like a colossus. The two locked eyes and Dixie spoke, her voice sounding to Reiko like that of a naked golden goddess:

“You weak, pathetic fool. You thought you stood a chance against me?’

 Dixie’s tone was mocking, she was all but laughing the words into Reiko’s face. She went on:

“You’re nothing. You’re not strong. You’re not talented. You’re like all the other cowardly nip wrestlers. Ya got not spine gal, like the rest of them.”

The tall Texan kicked some sand into Reiko’s face making her flinch. Dixie’s words hurt the girl almost as much as if she was actually kicking her.
“You’ll never match up to me you scrawny little slant eyed gash.”

Reiko closed her eyes and sobbed but this only enraged Dixie; who bent down and fetched a resounding slap right across her cheek, stinging her eyes back open. The Texan bellowed:

“Look at me when I’m talking to you scrap!”

Dixie slapped her again, this time on the other cheek. The look of shock on the younger woman’s face seemed to make the cowgirl smile. She squatted down and yanked Reiko’s head back by the hair so they were looking straight at each other.

“I’m telling the world about this nip. I’m telling the fans how you folded like a cheap plastic lawn chair. I’m telling all the Rumble Roses how you’re nothing. You’re not even a shadow on the great Kamikaze Rose. You’re not even the dirt on the bottom of your dead momma’s boots.”

Reiko burst into a new wave of sobs so hard her entire body shock; her heart felt as if it was going to burst. Dixie slapped her across the cheek for a third time with her free hand, as hard as the last two put together.

“Suck it up sweetcheeks. Nobody cares about you. Nobody is coming to your rescue. Not your momma, and not your feral beast of a sister.” Dixie smiled at the sobbing girl, but her eyes were cold.

“Oh and I’m gonna tell your sister about this too. After I’ve found her and pounded her into the dust. After I’ve smashed every inch of her body under my boots.
The last thing Evil Rose will hear before she falls unconscious is the whole story. How you failed to beat me today you simpering little yellow skinned yellow bellied snake.” And with that Dixie walked away.

Reiko closed her eyes and sobbed uncontrollably on the sand, unable to even sit up; let alone stand. She let it all pour out of her; the humiliation, the mental and physical torment Dixie had metered out, all her darkness and misery flowing from within, her tears mingling with the sporadic gusts of sea mist.

She didn’t notice at first when Dixie returned a few moments later carrying Reiko’s ruined underwear. She offered no resistance when the cowgirl flipped her onto her stomach and tied her wrists tightly behind her back using the tattered shreds of her own white sports bra.

She felt something tying her ankles together (she later found out it was Dixie’s leather belt) before experiencing the ultimate humiliation. Dixie gagged her mouth with her own ruined panties.

“There ya go butter butt. Trussed up tighter than a calf at a rodeo. So long sugar britches.”

Through the gag Reiko managed to say:

“But… Why… Y-you’re… You’re… My friend… The Yankee Rose…”

All the warmth drained out of Reiko when she heard Dixie reply:

“Oh dahlin’. I’m Dixie Clemets. I can do whatever I like.”

Reiko watched as Dixie gathered up her discarded boots and clothes before walking back toward the resort; naked, laughing and uncaring.

In the rosy orange glow of a sun now rising above the ocean, an athletic young woman lay naked, tied and broken into a thousand pieces on the pale gold sand, sobbing her misery into an uncaring sea.

There's no elevator to success. You'll have to take the stairs.


Offline Maizenblue

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Re: Rumble Roses: A Broken Rose
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2019, 04:42:33 PM »
Great job. Love to see more stories like this.