TiDi71: Yvonne? U there?
TiDi71: Free? Ping me, I can't sleep.
TiDi71: Please text me when ur free. No matter how late.
YvonON: Ok, ok, stalker. And what was that all about this afternoon anyways??
TiDi71: Thank Gawd, Yvonne. Ur my sanity rught now, I need u. I'm not interrupting u and Hank, am I?
YvonON: He and I just made love--he's snoozing like a baby. And no 'sorry' for this afternoon?? D, I was in a unit meeting.
TiDi71: Shit. Sorry sorry sorry, Yvonne. I wasn't being too abusive, was I???
YvonON: D, u have a temper, which I luv, trust me, but not when it's turned on me, k? Please dial it a back a notch with me, k??
TiDi71: Done, I promise. It's just .... ok, a lot of shit hit thr fan at once this afternoon. My daughter going around my back on her Princeton app. And then the biggest bombshell of all .... u think Heather and my husband are doing it?
YvonON: I'm just asking u to watch him, k?? Or to have him watched. I've been running over Heather's texts to u in my mind. She wants to fight u, but in front of a crowd, and with training?? Her daughter is applying to Princeton??? 800 colleges out there, and Princeton is her first choice??? Really???
TiDi71: What are you saying tho? She decided she wanted her daughter in Princeton, do seduced my husband??? Or she snd my husband were fucking first, then cooked up the Princeton plan???
YvonON: OR ..... Kelsey and Angie decided they wanted to stand above the crowd and apply, together, early admissions, as half-sisters. Diane, how are things between you and Kelsey.
TiDi71: When we're not yelling at each other, she's going a week without speaking to me. Typical mother-teen daughter bullcrap, right. Right???
YvonON: I'm blessed with boys, but no that's not normal, D. How long has it been that bad between u and her?
TiDi71: Ok, Yvonne, pretty bad, I admit it. But that's quite a leap to conspiracy to break up a home .... AND start a new one .... all to get into Princeton. Do you know something?
U better not hold out on me, or ur as bad as them.
YvonON: Well, I will say this .... all the boys have noticed that Kelsey and Angie are known as "the step twins" at the school, ok??
TiDi71: Ok, that's creepy. And my husband and Heather. What do u know?
YvonON: Only what u tell me about Heather. And what u DON'T tell me about his daytime hours. Honey, u can't account for them??
TiDi71: I can't. But if what ur telling me is true, it's too late for me anyways. The 4 of them are already on their way to Princeton admission. And being a family. What do I do?
YvonON: Ok, Heather is banking on u laying low until the catfight on Dec 27. You need to do the opposite of that. Ambush her, the sooner the better.
TiDi71: As in, tomorrow???
YvonON: When ur husband rendez-vous's with her, is he in his company car?? If so, u show up in it. At her place.
TiDi71: Goid thinking. And, like, kick her ass??
YvonON: If u think u can, sweetie.
TiDi71: I know I can.
YvonON: Need help??
TiDi71: U just wanna watch, perv :-p
YvonON: U know me too well :-p Is thst a no?
TiDi71: It is. But thx for the idea.
YvonON: Good luck.
TiDi71: Thank you.