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Heather vs Diane: Feast of St John's challenge text

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Heather vs Diane: Feast of St John's challenge text
« on: October 05, 2019, 02:34:32 PM »
Heath71:  Hey, Diane, it's Heather.  5 minutes for a quick question?

TiDi71:  Sure, free for 10, what's up?  Long time, no talk.

Heath71:  I know, it's been crazy.  Sept's the worst, 2 much going on.  I wanted to give you a heads-up b4 I 4get.

TiDi71:  Ok, busy on this end 2, but I'll try and sqeeze it in.  Wassup?

Heath71:  Well, shit this is awkward, but u know how Columbus Day id cumming up at the school?... the deadline for to get on the Tgiving ballot for St Johns catfights?

TiDi71:  Sure do!  And lol at ur spelling of "cumming"--doing a lot of sexting on your phone?  :)

Heath71: Oh, shit.  Embarrassing.  Altho don't pretend you don't do the same.

TiDi71:  That's a lil bit, bitchy.  But seriously what's up, I'm down to 5 minutes.

Heath71:  Shit, ok, I'll get to the point.  Diane, I'm going to be submitting a formal challenge for you to catfight me in a St Johns fight.  You'll have till Veterans Day to accept.

TiDi71:  WTF????  You know I'll have to accept.  What grounds, Heather??

Heath71:  Oh, don't give me that crap, Di.  You know our daughters are the only 2 in their class applying to Princeton, and only one can get in.  And mine wants to go into banking, so it's the best internships, yadda yadda.

TiDi71:  So, again, WTF??  You and I catfight in front of 500 alumni to see which one withdraws?  There's other paths to bsnking, dumb slut.

Heath71:  It's more than that at stake, bitch.  I want out of the service hours yo the school.  I can't handle it.  My husband is travelling more than usual for work.

TiDi71:  Only the winner of the fight gets forgiveness for service hours, idiot?

Heath71:  And??  Your point is what??

TiDi71:  My point is ....  I don't see you as a fighter.

Heath71:  They train us for a month.  And even if they didn't:  Go ahead, bitch.  Underestimate me.  I dare you.

TiDi71:  What makes you think our fight will get voted one of the three fights.

Heath71:  Because, without even trying, I can think of at least 25 school moms who want to see you get your ass kicked in the ring.

TiDi71:  Fine, do it, tramp.  Challenge me.  And if you chicken out, then I'M going to challenge YOU.

Heath71:  No need, bitch.  It's on.  Don't approach me between now and December 27.

TiDi71:  I'll save it for the ring, slut.  Keep on "cumming" with your sexting lover.

Heath71:  You know you're jealous.

TiDi71:  Pffft, she admits it.  How are you going to afford Princeton after the divorce?

Heath71:  So you admit I'll win the fight and your daughter will withdraw???  lol

TiDi71:  You're lucky I need to run  tramp slut tramp slut tramp slut tramp slut

Heath71:  Oh look, the bitch can copy and paste.

TiDi71:  Fuck.  You.

Hath71:  Same.

To be continued.....


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Re: Heather vs Diane: Feast of St John's challenge text
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2019, 09:35:26 PM »
TiDi71:  Yvonne, gotta minute?  U won't fuckin believe this.

YvonON:  Hey, Diane, always time for u, u know that. 

TiDi71:  Ok good.  Check this out.  Remember Heather, the mom with the girl in my daughter's class?

YvonON:  The one applying to Princeton, even knowing ur hubby went there, right?

TiDi71:  Right, her.  She texted me just now.

YvonON:  Oh?  To apologize to you and to withdraw?

TiDi71:  Haha.  Troublemaker.  No, to tell me she's challenging me to a St John's fight.

YvonON:  WTF?  .....  Then again .... it might be a trick, D.

TiDi71:  Ok, good.  This is why I'm texting.  What's the trick?

YvonON:  Well .... and mind you, I'm just speculating here, but .... if u and her get voted to have a St John's fight, u can't go near her till the fight on Dec 27.  U see where I'm going, right?

TiDi71:  No, but enlighten me.

YvonON:  Well, her daughter might be applying Early Decision.  By Dec 27, they'll know if she's in or not.

TiDi71:  Shit, that snake.  And there's nothing I can do, is there?

YvonON:  Not without getting your daughter expelled from here.  Which tanks her Princeton app, doesn't it?

TiDi71:  Fuck, ur right.  And she's willing to get her ass kicked Dec 27 for that?  What if our fight doesn't get Top 3?

YvonON:  It will, and you know it--both of you are so damn attractive, anyone would want to see that fight.  Even without the Prineeton drama.

TiDi71:  So she has me?

YvonON:  By the short hairs.  Get ur revenge Dec 27, D.

TiDi71:  Oh, I intend to.  Should I tell her I know why she challenged me?

YvonON:  No.  Don't give her the satisfaction. 

TiDi71:  Fuck, this blows.

YvonON:  Channel that frustration, darlin'.  Dec 27.

To be continued.....


Offline ralbright2010

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Re: Heather vs Diane: Feast of St John's challenge text
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2019, 09:09:13 PM »
Looking like another Sinclairfan classic! The back story is always great. We know this can't keep until 12/27!!!!


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Re: Heather vs Diane: Feast of St John's challenge text
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2019, 05:28:48 PM »
TiDi71:  I officially accepted your St John's catfight challenge this morning.  We're on the ballot.

Heath71:  Delightful.  I get to make u eat ur words about me not being a fighter.

TiDi71:  Wonderful.  Still curious about something, tho.  Woman to woman, between us.  Confidentially.

Heath71:  What might that be?

TiDi71:  You seem .... motivated .... to get the service hours off ur plate.  Who's the lover ur spending time with?  Someone I know?

Heath71:  Ha ha, nice try.

TiDi71:  So you don't deny there's a lover??

Heath71:  You worry about your sex life, or lack thereof.  I'll worry about mine.

TiDi71:  My sex life is quite fulfilling, Heather.  And more importantly, my husband is quite satisfied.  I'm actually not asking bc of either YOU or ME.

Heath71:  Ok, I'll bite.  WHY are you asking, bitch?

TiDi71:  Well, hun, if YOUR husband is going to be on the market soon, I have a friend I'd like to set him up with.

Heath71:  Diane, YOU don't need to be thinking about MY husband, ok?  Nor do you need to use him .... or your make-believe friend .... to stir the pot between you and me.  You and I have plenty of reason to catfight.

TiDi71:  Oh?  Our daughters, perhaps?  Compensating because you know mine would kick your's ass?

Heath71:  Di.  Let's keep this .... I dare u ... between you and me.  No husbands.  No daughters.  Maybe I just want free training for 4 weeks, then a fair fight, in a ring, to see who's the better woman.  U?  or me?  Ok?

TiDi71:  Ur hiding something.  But fine.  U want catfight?  Let's catfight, sweetie.

Heath71:  I think it was my idea in the first place, but glad to hear dawn is cracking over Marblehead.  (You prolly don't get that.)

TiDi71:  Ur wasting my time, slut.

Heath71:  YOU texted ME, remember?

TiDi71:  I thought u would bea REAL WOMAN and answer an honest question.  Guess I was wrong.

Heath71:  You're wrong about sizing up fight opponents, too.

TiDi71: Oh, no, sweetie.  I'm quite right about you fight skills.  (AND your whoring around.)

Heath71:  Go ahead.  Underestimate me.

TiDi71:  Slut.

Heat71:  Bitch.


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Re: Heather vs Diane: Feast of St John's challenge text
« Reply #4 on: October 07, 2019, 07:46:52 PM »
TiDi71:  SOS!!!!  U there?

TiDi71:  Code Red.  Major situation.  Need u, gf.

YvonON:  In a meeting at work, but I can text.  What's up??

TiDi71:  Normally, I wouldn't bug u at work, but I'm about to have a major meltdown.  Need ur input.

YvonON:  Ok, ok, I'll do my best.  I'm multitasking here.  I assume it's about Heather wanting to catfight u?  U and her catting by text again?  That's not a good idea, u know.

TiDi71:  Tell me about it.  She and I "catted" a bit this morning.  I wanted her to know I accepted her challenge.....

TiDi71: ......that part actually went as expected.....  but then ..... I wanted to see if she'd 'fess up about who she's sexting with ..... and fucking ... who's taking up all her free time ....

YvonON:   ....Uh oh ..... did she spill?

TiDi71:, she didn't deny it .... so, no she didn't say who .... but she knows I'm on to her ......

YvonON:  So?  No offense, but what's the problem, then?  She sleeps around--who cares?

TiDi71:  .....well, so I'm trying to cool off, and so I go outside and get the mail.....and I see a letter from Princeton .... to Kelsey .... so I know it's about her application.....

YvonON:  .....lemme guess ...  you opened it


YvonON:  Ok..... weird, I admit....  But ur husband is a serious donor, right?  Does he know???

TiDi71:  I'm afraid to tell him I'm opening Kelsey's mail and that I know.

YvonON:  So tell him you opened it by accident.  Or it came opened.

TiDi71:  You don't understand!!!!  I NEVER TOUCH THE MAIL!!!  I HATE IT!!!!!

YvonON:  Ok, Di, I luv ya, but I don't appreciate getting yelled at while I'm at work.  I get enough of that at home.  U need to chill.

TiDi71:  Ok.... sorry .....u talk

YvonON:  Di ... I luv ya .... but I've been thinking .... about u .... about who Heather is fucking .... don't yell at me for this....

TiDi71:  Calm.  Listening.  I need u.

YvonON: you know where ur husband is during the day??  His business is in Lake Forest, right?  Where Heather lives?

TiDi71:  What do I do.

YvonON:  Don't tell them you know.  Not yet.  We'll talk later.

TiDi71:  Ok....but pls hurry.


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Re: Heather vs Diane: Feast of St John's challenge text
« Reply #5 on: October 08, 2019, 04:11:16 AM »
TiDi71:  Yvonne?  U there?

TiDi71:  Free?  Ping me, I can't sleep.

TiDi71:  Please text me when ur free.  No matter how late.

YvonON:  Ok, ok, stalker.  And what was that all about this afternoon anyways??

TiDi71:  Thank Gawd, Yvonne.  Ur my sanity rught now, I need u.  I'm not interrupting u and Hank, am I?

YvonON:  He and I just made love--he's snoozing like a baby.  And no 'sorry' for this afternoon??  D, I was in a unit meeting.

TiDi71:  Shit.  Sorry sorry sorry, Yvonne.  I wasn't being too abusive, was I???

YvonON:  D, u have a temper, which I luv, trust me, but not when it's turned on me, k?  Please dial it a back a notch with me, k??

TiDi71:  Done, I promise.  It's just .... ok, a lot of shit hit thr fan at once this afternoon.  My daughter going around my back on her Princeton app.  And then the biggest bombshell of all .... u think Heather and my husband are doing it????

YvonON:  I'm just asking u to watch him, k??  Or to have him watched.  I've been running over Heather's texts to u in my mind.  She wants to fight u, but in front of a crowd, and with training??  Her daughter is applying to Princeton???  800 colleges out there, and Princeton is her first choice???  Really???

TiDi71:  What are you saying tho?  She decided she wanted her daughter in Princeton, do seduced my husband???  Or she snd my husband were fucking first, then cooked up the Princeton plan???

YvonON:  OR   ..... Kelsey and Angie decided they wanted to stand above the crowd and apply, together, early admissions, as half-sisters.  Diane, how are things between you and Kelsey.

TiDi71:  When we're not yelling at each other, she's going a week without speaking to me.  Typical mother-teen daughter bullcrap, right.  Right???

YvonON:  I'm blessed with boys, but no that's not normal, D.  How long has it been that bad between u and her????

TiDi71:  Ok, Yvonne, pretty bad, I admit it.  But that's quite a leap to conspiracy to break up a home ....  AND start a new one ....  all to get into Princeton.  Do you know something????  U better not hold out on me, or ur as bad as them.

YvonON:  Well, I will say this .... all the boys have noticed that Kelsey and Angie are known as "the step twins" at the school, ok?? 

TiDi71:  Ok, that's creepy.  And my husband and Heather.  What do u know????

YvonON:  Only what u tell me about Heather.  And what u DON'T tell me about his daytime hours.  Honey, u can't account for them??

TiDi71:  I can't.  But if what ur telling me is true, it's too late for me anyways.  The 4 of them are already on their way to Princeton admission.  And being a family.  What do I do???? 

YvonON:  Ok, Heather is banking on u laying low until the catfight on Dec 27.  You need to do the opposite of that.  Ambush her, the sooner the better.

TiDi71:  As in, tomorrow???

YvonON:  When ur husband rendez-vous's with her, is he in his company car??  If so, u show up in it.  At her place.

TiDi71:  Goid thinking.  And, like, kick her ass??

YvonON:  If u think u can, sweetie.

TiDi71:  I know I can.

YvonON:  Need help??

TiDi71:  U just wanna watch, perv   :-p

YvonON:  U know me too well   :-p  Is thst a no?

TiDi71:  It is.  But thx for the idea.

YvonON:  Good luck.

TiDi71:  Thank you.


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Re: Heather vs Diane: Feast of St John's challenge text
« Reply #6 on: October 08, 2019, 07:57:10 AM »
       Very nice so far. I’d love to hear more of it. How sweet would it be if the overly confident  Diane ends up taking a beating in front of not only her husband but girls as well. Either way hot start.


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Re: Heather vs Diane: Feast of St John's challenge text
« Reply #7 on: October 08, 2019, 09:34:49 AM »
Heath71:  That stunt you pulled coming to my house this morning was immature and irresponsible.  You're lucky I had contracters here doing an installation.  Next time, I call the cops and have you arrested for trespassing.

TiDi71:  Oooo, big words, Heather.  I notice you were going to open the doors wide when you saw it was my husband's pickup.  I assume you don't deny you've been fucking him?

Heath71:  Shouldn't YOU be asking HIM that?  Or do you not communicate with a lot??

TiDi71:  How can I if he's over there all the time?  And, Kelsey, too, for that matter??  Your own husband and Angie aren't good enough for you, Heather?  You need to steal mine, and Kelsey, from me??  Is that who the big addition on the house is for???

Heath71:  Kelsey comes here to hang with Angie voluntarily, Diane.  Do you have any idea how depressed she is at your house?  And neglected?  And I mean the basics--food, clothes, help with homework.

TiDi71:  Kelsey is a spoiled drama queen--any woman can lavish attention on her teenage daughter's best friend and win her over--of course the teenager will accept the attention.  That doesn't prove shit, Heather.  That's commentary on you, not her.

Heath71:  Ok, your lodged protest is duly noted.  Now, stay away from here.  Diane, this is exactly why the St John rules encourage women who are going to catfight on 12/27 to not approach each other.  Tensions are a bit escalated--I thought we agreed to save it for the ring???

TiDi71:  The St John's rules ASSUME that the challenger has an unresolved greivance--NOT THAT SHE'S CAUSING ONE!!!!!  I have half a mind to go to the Alumni Committee and report you FOR ACTIVELY WRECKING THE HOME OF A FELLOW SCHOOL PARENT AND STUDENT.

Heath71:  Of course, I can't stop you from doing that.  But then everyone will know it was YOU who stopped our December 27 catfight from happening.  Is that a legacy you won't to leave, sweetie??

TiDi71:  Ah, yes, about that, honey.  You seem acutely aware of the month-long training the St John catfighters get leading up to the fight.  I think you and I shoild fight on 12/27 after being trained.  But .... I also think we should catfight before then, without training.  Whattya say, sweetie??  You and me, woman to woman, no training, no witnesses?  You woman enough??

Heath71:  That's what you were really after this morning, isn't it, Diane?

TiDi71:  It is.  And aren't YOU wondering what would have happened, too??

Heath71:  It's taken every ounce of self-control by me to keep it from happening for weeks now.

TiDi71:  Weeks, then, that you've been fucking my husband?

Heath71:  Oh, I've been fucking him longer than that, hun.  Much longer.

TiDi71:  Then I think a catfight between is ....  OUTSIDE the ring .... no rules .... is long overdue, sweetie.  Don't you??

Heath71:  You seem more interested in fighting me than getting your husband and daughter back.

TiDi71:  You seem more interested in keeping the ....inevitable .... fight contained in a controlled environment than actually having it out with me.

Heath71:  I'll have it out with you.  Don't test me, Diane.

TiDi71:  Then what are we waiting for?  When and where?  Let's REALLY catfight, slut.

Heath71:  There's an isolated spot on the big lake ..... the sand got all eroded this year and the boats are all undocked by now, so it's abandoned.  Meet me there 8am.  I'm leaving if you're more than 10 minutes late.

TiDi71:  Can't wait.  Make a dentist appointment for 9.

Heath71:  I might need a dentist, but you'll need an ER.

TiDi71:  We'll see.

Heath71:  Yes we will.


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Re: Heather vs Diane: Feast of St John's challenge text
« Reply #8 on: October 08, 2019, 02:25:31 PM »
Nicely done! Is Heather as calculating as I think? If so, she has been baiting Diane all along. Maybe she really does not want or need "training". Maybe she has wanted to bait Diane into a fight that is NHB because she, Heather is an experienced fighter and this is a setup?!!! Betting Heather has fucked other married guys......and maybe faced her share of enraged partners!


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Re: Heather vs Diane: Feast of St John's challenge text
« Reply #9 on: October 08, 2019, 04:32:35 PM »
       Awesome stuff here. Please please let Diane’s husband be there to watch this. Please continue.


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Re: Heather vs Diane: Feast of St John's challenge text
« Reply #10 on: October 09, 2019, 07:15:38 PM »
TiDi71:  U there?

YvonON:  Hey!  How'd the fight go??  U ok?????

TiDi71:  No, I'm not ok.  The bitch snake jumped me!!!  I'm so pissed.

YvonON:  WTF ?!?!?  So there was no fight???

TiDi71:  There was a fight.  A b.s. 10 minute fight where she pulled my hair and curled up on her back and kicked me.  Then she "gave", crying.  Supposedly.

YvonON:  Don't tell me you let her up.  Or turned your back on her.

TiDi71:  I was pissed about my hair, I was walking back to my car to fix it and was gonna have Round 2 with her.  And I hear scrunching in the sand and was getting ready to turn, and she jumped me from behind and headlocked me onto the ground.

YvonON:  No offense, but rookie mistake turning your back, Di.  U knew it wasn't over if you were prepping for Round 2.  How bad is it?

TiDi71:  It's bad, Yvonne.  Can u please leave work early and come here???  I'm scratched--my back, my face--I can't even see.  And the back of my hair is all pulled out--I can't even tell how to fix it to be presentable.  What's her issue????

YvonON:  Give me an hour and I can get out of here.  She has a screw loose and is acting impulsively--must be having her only kid getting ready to leave home.  Ur not done with her, right???

TiDi71:  Ha.  I haven't even started with her.  But can u please hurry?????

YvonON:  Yes, I'll be there.  We'll clean u up.  Then mess her up.


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Re: Heather vs Diane: Feast of St John's challenge text
« Reply #11 on: October 09, 2019, 11:11:40 PM »
YvonON:  WTF are u thinking????

Heath71:  Excuse me?

YvonON:  I thought we were clear.  You were supposed to let Diane slap u around a little.  I taught u how to cover up and protect yourself.  She says you jumped her .... AND worked her over.

Heath71:  Awww .... dammit, Yvonne, I warned u I'm an amateur at all this.  I covered up .... but when she had me down, she was squeezing my breasts.  That seemed a little .... personal.  I told u, I'm not a fighter.  I guess I was a little ..... angry.

YvonON:  Ok, Heather .... we know .... ur not a fighter .... but you've been in catfights, right??? 

Heath71:   Ummmm .... not really.

YvonON:  Ok, ok, Heather .... I'm freaking out here .... prom, dating, engagement, at happy hour, out dancing, first job, first promotion, office Christmas party, first home .... not a single damn catfight???

Heath71:  Ummmm, no, not a physical one ....  is that bad??

YvonON:  Heather, it's like sex.  You need to kiss the plain boys so you're ready for the studs, right???? ... or, get a summer job to know how the full-time one works, right???? .... Heather, hun, surely bitches have clashed with u .... over SOMEthing .... u never DECLINED a catfight .... have u???  ....  HAVE U????

Heath71:  Well, sure ...  I guess ....  I maybe have, taken the high road, is how I've thought of it.

YvonON:  "Taking the high road" = B...U....L....L....C...R....A...P

Heath71:  Then what's ur damn problem with me jumping Diane????  I don't understand you.

YvonON:  Problem # 1, dumbass, It wasn't in OUR plan for today  ....  Problem #2, We had the bitch down in the dumps and beaten, and now u went a kicked a sleeping dog   .... Problem #3-  Jumping a woman is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT than fighting a woman .... get it yet????

Heath71:  Sort of .... not completely ...  lay off a bit, ok??  I got worked over for 10 minutes this morning, NOT YOU, OK ?!?!?!?

YvonON:  Well, congratulations, because she now wants to work u over even some more.  AND I CAN'T SAY I BLAME HER!!!!!

Heath71:  Well, excuse me for my lack of experience..... but how many damn catfights have you been in, Yvonne????

YvonON:  To completion???  And this is just counting since I turned 18:  OVER 30, easy.  And TRIPLE that if you count the one's that got broken up quick.

Heath71:  So over 100 physical catfights???  And that's normal?

YvonON:  Well, think about it ....  HOW MANY HAVE YOU AVOIDED OR BACKED DOWN FROM????

Heath71:  I guess about that many.

YvonON:  If you want Angie in Princeton, DO AS I SAY.

Heath71:  Ok.  Sorry.

YvonON:  Going forward, sorry doesn't cut it.


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Re: Heather vs Diane: Feast of St John's challenge text
« Reply #12 on: October 14, 2019, 12:24:36 PM »
TiDi71:  Got a minute?  Two quick things.

YvonON:  Sure, abt 5 mins.  What's up?

TiDi71:  First off, thanks for coming over the other day.  I was in really bad shape.  Still not sure how I managed to drive home.

YvonON:  Sure thing, that's what friends are for.  Any word from that snake Heather?

TiDi71:  Not from her, but from her daughter, ....real quick, i know u gotta run, but....u'll never guess what I just witnessed in my backyard.  Kelsey and Angie had a fullon fight.

YvonON:  Wtf??  Like hairpulling and rolling???

TiDi71:  No!!!!  Fists!!!   To the face!!! Standing up, right on my stone patio!!!!

YvonON:  NFW!!!!  Did they see u?  Did you break it up???

TiDi71:  Well, ok, I was so stunned at first .... I couldn't believe what I was seeing ... Yvonne, they were in blue jeans, and they were topless!!! .... their blonde hair was down, it took a minute to click that it was them .... both of their hair is so grown out ....

YvonON:  Topless????  Two 18 year olds????

TiDi71:  And they were both so .... calm ... determined, but calm, punching each other in the face .... circling each other on the patio .... I went to open the upstairs window to yell at them to stop .... but I couldn't....

YvonON:  Because you wanted to see how far they would take it?? ... you wanted to see who would win???

TiDi71:  That ...  and ... well, Yvonne .... I started cumming....

YvonON:  NFW!!!  Topless, tho ... I may have too.  Did u get out ur camera??  Can I see??

TiDi71:  Of course, my phone wasn't on me.  And, I couldn't look away to go looking for it.  I just watch and watched, touching myself....

YvonON:  How long did the go on????

TiDi71:  Yvonne... it was SUCH a  long fight .... they fought for 25 minutes, just while I was watching out the window .... and, keep in mind, they had already been fighting a bit before I noticed....

YvonON:  I can't even believe this .... I mean I can, Kelsey and Angie are both athletic, ...  but still ... and they both fight .... so, who won???

TiDi71:  Well, Angie started going down every so often after getting punched ..   and Kelsey would let her up, then hit her down again ... and finally, Angie stopped getting up.  So, Kelsey won the fight.  Then she came in and washed up.  And she's staying here tonight.

YvonON:  So, they musta heard you and Heather fought???

TiDi71:  Must have.  Do I tell her I watched??  That I'm proud of her???

YvonON:  And that u got off watching, lol??

TiDi71:  Not funny, Yvonne.  This is serious.

YvonON:  Damn.  Kelsey and Angie, a half-hour bare knuckle fist fight.

TiDi71:  I know.  Damn.

YvonON:  I gotta run.  Sorry.

TiDi71:  K.  Text me soon.


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Re: Heather vs Diane: Feast of St John's challenge text
« Reply #13 on: October 25, 2019, 02:36:50 AM »
TiDi71:  SOS.  I need to chat.

YvonON:  I'm here.  What's up??

TiDi71:  I can't stop touching myself.  Thinking about Kelsey and Angie's fight.

YvonON:  Why do u suppose that is??

TiDi71:  I don't know.  But I think I do.  Yvonne, when you've had fights, they were ...   lots of hairpulling and stuff, right??  I mean, that's what mine have been.

YvonON:  I suppose .... I mean, they end up on ground ... eventually.  Kelsey and Angie's fight wasn't like that??

TiDi71:  No, none of that.  None at all.  Just ... stand up punching.  Almost all to the face.  It turns me on.  Doesn't that turn u on???

YvonON:  Well, I didn't see it.  I mean ... Kelsey and Angie are both hot .... Kinda wish I had seen it.

TiDi71:  Have you ever seen 2 girls fight standing up the whole fight??

YvonON:  Lemme think .... once in a parking lot, I think after a concert at Ravinia .... neither of them wanted to get scraped on the pavement ....

TiDi71:  So they were fistfighting??  .... Were you getting turned on watching??

YvonON:  Now that u mention it ....  I mean, it was exciting ... but I didn't know either of 'em .... Diane, do u think u were turned on watching Kelsey stand up to Angie???

TiDi71:  It was shocking watching them fistfight at first .... but that was just at first ... after that, it was the excitement of the fight .... the punching.

YvonON:  Have u talked to Kelsey since the fight??? .... Does she know u saw it????

TiDi71:  I asked her where she learned to hit like that.

YvonON:  And?????????

TiDi71:  She said that's how her friends fight ....  at parties, after games, wherever .... isn't that fucking hot????

YvonON:  omg ..... I'm jealous of u

TiDi71:  And I'm jealous of U ..... b/c I csn't get the image out of my head....  Yvonne, what do I do????

YvonON:  Is texting about it helping????

TiDi71:  Yes, thank god u answered .... I was rubbing myself non-stop all night.

YvonON:  omg ....  has this ever happened to u before????

TiDi71:  Yes .... in college .... when I thought I was going to fight a girl when I went back home .... the fight never happened .... but Kelsey and Angie fighting brought it all back ... like I'm 20....

YvonON:  ... and now you're going to fight Heather at the St John's fight, right?

TiDi71:  Yes ,  or .... I hope so.

YvonON:  I hope so, too.


Offline sinclairfan

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Re: Heather vs Diane: Feast of St John's challenge text
« Reply #14 on: November 30, 2019, 09:51:03 PM »
YvonON:  Well, congratulations.

Heath71:  For what??

YvonON:  You and Diane got voted Main Event on Dec 27.  Everyone who voted this weekend want to see you two bitches fight.

Heath71:  Everyone???  C'mon.

YvonON:  I told you-- You and her are pretty much the two most attractive school moms at the school.  Seems like it'd be a helluva catfight.

Heath71:  Ok, but unanimous, tho??  YOU have a vote?  Why did YOU vote for our fight?

YvonON:  That was just me being an instigator, I suppose.  Speaking of that, tho:  NO CONTACT between you and her between now and the 27th.  GOT IT????  Or between Angie and Kelsey.

Heath71:  Got it.  I still get a trainer for 3 weeks, right??

YvonON:  Right.  And don't blow this.  Or you can kiss goodbye to Princeton.

Heath71:  Yea, yea.  Stop nagging me.
YvonON:  Ready for your revenge on the 27?

TiDi71:  Is it official?   Me and the homewrecking tramp??

YvonON:  It's official.  It was unanimous.  Main Event.

TiDi71:  I know we each get a coach .... but I want Kelsey as my coach.

YvonON:  You know the rules, Di.  Students can't know about the St John fights until they graduate.

TiDi71:  I know ...... it's just so hard.  I mean, wtf, she already fights anyways.

YvonON:  Don't blow this.

TiDi71:  I won't.