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The Candidate's Wives

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Offline JayB

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The Candidate's Wives
« on: November 07, 2019, 08:50:09 PM »
Stan and Rick were candidates for the State Senate who had just finished their final debate before the election in early November.  The debate like their campaigns had become bitter and nasty.  But the real catfight would take place between their wives.  Back stage after the debate, Stan’s wife Robin confronted Jill, Rick’s wife, accusing her husband of talking bad about her husband.  The buxomy brunette got in Jill’s face pointing as accusatory finger inches from her nose.  Jill, a short haired blonde, told Robin to back off or she would kick her ass right then and there.  The brunette told her to bring it on.  With that the two women prepared to duke it out.
The women were in expensive attire and agreed to strip down to avoid ruining their costly fashions.  Robin actually stripped down to only her panties.  She figured by removing her bra and exposing her 38D tits that she could intimidate Jill.  The blonde had kept her bra and panties on and that quickly caught the brunette’s attention.  She asked Jill if the blonde was afraid to show her tits for fear that the big breasted brunette would show her up.   Jill wasted no time taking off her bra.  Her 35Cs clearly didn’t have the size of Jess’s bouncy boobs but what quickly caught the brunette’s attention were the big, thick nipples she was displaying.  Her wicked smile quickly disappeared as she peered at Jill’s hardware atop silver dollar sized pink areola.  She looked down at her rather smallish nipples mounted on her quarter sized brown areola.

Jill took advantage of the distracted brunette and planted a solid right and then left to Robin’s head.  She then followed that up with right and left to the body and the brunette groaned stumbled backwards.  The blonde pressed her advantage with an upper cut that sent Robin on to her ass.  At that moment, the two husbands entered the room and quickly went to their wives.  Stan rushed to help Robin up and Rick somewhat proudly stood by Jill.   Both women implored their husbands to stand aside and let them finish what they had started.  Stan questioned his buxomy wife desire to mix up based on the fact that he found on her backside on the floor.   Rick, of course, was more willing to let things continue as it was clear that Jill was the better woman in this scuffle.  She suggested Rick step aside so she finish off the big breasted brunette.

The two husbands stepped aside and decided to enjoy what their wives had started if they couldn’t convince them to halt the proceedings.  Each man sized up his opponent’s wife.  Stan’s eyes widened as he caught a load of the thick nipples that Jill brought to the fight.  He would never acknowledge this to Robin but he felt a little growth downstairs as he focused in on the blonde.  Likewise, Rick felt himself getting aroused as he sized up the brunette’s impressive rack.  He preferred what his blonde wife brought to the comparison but he did like what Robin had on display.

Robin had righted herself and stepped back toward Jill.  The blonde was clearly stimulated by her initial success as her thick nipples were at their most erect state.  At this point with her hubby watching she really wanted work over her brunette adversary.  With that she made an aggressive move to finish off what she had started, convinced that Robin didn’t have anything for her.   An overconfident Jill unleashed a right intended for Robin’s jaw, but the brunette saw it coming and put up her left arm to block it and then ducked under a wild left that the blonde threw in her direction.  Jill left herself open for a counter and that is what the brunette delivered.  She caught the blonde with a right cross, a left to the body, and an upper cut that wobbled Jill.  The blonde panicked at the thought of losing control of the fight and threw another wild punch that just glanced the brunette’s shoulder.  Robin then stepped in and sent a wicked right-left combo that buckled the big nippled blonde’s knees.  Jill was in trouble and  and the bouncy breasted brunette knew it.  She connected on an upper cut that collapsed the blonde forward and forced her to grab Robin to avoid hitting the deck.  Robin shoved her away and backed her up with a series of head and body shots.  There was no saving Jill from the floor this time and down she went.  At this point, a crestfallen Rick stepped in to stop the fight as it appeared his wife had had enough.  Stan, frankly surprised at Robin’s pugilistic prowess, couldn’t believe when looking at the two women that his wife would be the one to prevail.  He was so pleased with what Robin was doing to her blonde opponent that he wanted to let her continue until Jill begged her to stop.  So, he grabbed Rick and pulled him away so the fight could continue.  At that point the two men got into it.

With the men out of the way, Robin quickly jumped on top of the fallen blonde.  She then proceeded to use her big tits to pound away at Jill’s face.  After working the blonde over with her tits, she then attempted to smother the weakened big-nippled blonde.  At this point one of Rick’s campaign aides rushed into the room and grabbed Robin by the hair and janked her off of Jill.  Quickly to her feet, the brunette then cold cocked the aide with two punches.

Wanting to resume the smother, she attempted to mount Jill again.  However, Jill was able to bring up her knees and toss the brunette directly into a wall.  The two women must have lay on the floor for a minute before they both attempted to get to their feet.  Jill was up just seconds before Robin and with her left grabbed Robin’s long locks, yanked up her and then planted to hard rights to her stomach.  The air rushed out of the brunette’s lungs.  Then the blonde straightened her up with an upper cut of her own.  And before she could recover, Jill plastered the staggering and breathless brunette with a series of rights and lefts.  Robin hit the floor face first like a fallen tree.  Jill then grabbed Robin’s arms, planted her foot squarely in the brunette’s back and pulled her arms back as far as she could.  The brunette screamed in agony and begged Jill to stop.  Rather than stopping, the blonde reached down and grabbed a handful of hair, pulled Robin back to her feet, spun her around and then put the beaten brunette into a bear hug.  Adding insult to injury, as she squeezed the helpless brunette, she bore her thick nipples into Robin’s smaller ones.  Robin could feel her inferior nipples getting pushed back into her body by Jill’s bigger, erect nipples.  Finally, Jill planted a vicious body shot and then an upper cut.   The brunette, who had earlier been close to victory, crashed to the floor, out cold.

Meanwhile, the men were continuing their own skirmish.  They had managed to tear each other’s shirts off and were exchanging blows of their own.  Jill’s husband Rick had been an athlete in college and had maintained a pretty ripped body as his vascularity was very evident.  Stan was the larger of the two men but not as muscular as Rick.  Having finished off her competition, Jill now turned her attention to her husband’s encounter.  What had been pretty much a back and forth to that point began to turn in Rick’s favor as he started to wear down the heavier Stan.  Finally, Rick connected with a right to Stan’s chin and deposited him onto the floor.  At that point, realizing that his wife had been whipped by Rick’s blonde wife, he decided he had had enough.

Rick and Jill looked at each other with pride that they had prevailed and a growing lust for what each had done.  They were both so turned on at that moment that they couldn’t wait to get home to let loose of their passion.  So, they found an empty room in the building and had what they both would describe as the most incredible sex they had ever had.  As Rick sucked on Jill’s engorged nipples he planted his large penis into her eliciting obvious sounds to those still in the building.
Meanwhile, beaten and battered Stan and Robin made their way home humiliated at the thought that they had proven to be no match Rick and his blonde wife.

 Consolation would come a couple of weeks later when Stan would win the election.  However, there was part of them that might have been willing to trade the election victory for a victory in their brawl.

« Last Edit: November 07, 2019, 08:50:42 PM by JayB »


Offline EJB

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Re: The Candidate's Wives
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2019, 01:26:50 AM »
I usually hate formulaic writing, but something about the variety of ways you've delivered up big breasted brunette vs big nippled blonde feels like comfort food. I never quite know which way it will go, but I'm always satisfied at the end.


Offline lifeofriley

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Re: The Candidate's Wives
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2019, 04:12:25 AM »
yes!!! very fun. :)


Offline dbmoore1968

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Re: The Candidate's Wives
« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2019, 04:57:01 AM »
Loved the fight...surely there will be a rematch.



Offline lifeofriley

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Re: The Candidate's Wives
« Reply #4 on: December 16, 2019, 05:03:52 PM »
would be fun to see a sequel or another story by you maybe holiday theme  8)


Offline The Top Mommy

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Re: The Candidate's Wives
« Reply #5 on: December 16, 2019, 05:27:10 PM »
Loved it! Easily could come to that between wives.