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Annette & Denise vs. Candace & Melanie

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Offline Ishmael Green

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Annette & Denise vs. Candace & Melanie
« on: November 14, 2019, 06:58:50 PM »
Annette & Denise vs. Candace & Melanie
(The Mat Room)
I start my day out at The Mat Room, an Outer City venue.  Fights here take place in a 20 by 20 foot ceiling-less chamber with white cinder block walls going up about 8 feet.  Spectators watch the action from risers above the wall on all four sides.  On the floor of the fighting chamber is a large mat, which is changed out from day to day.  Sometimes the mat is pink, sometimes yellow, sometimes blue.  Today’s mat is pink.  The fighters enter the chamber from large steel rising doors on either side of the room, typically one at a time.  I get to my wall side seat and am given one of my usual favorite cocktails. (Today I am enjoying White Russians.)   As the lone male inhabitant of on the planet, I am expected to pleasure the winners of each fight between matches, a duty for which I am well paid and about which I never complain.  The loudspeaker crackles into life and the door on the West side of the chamber slowly begins to open.  I am surprised to see two pairs of bare feet revealed as the door slowly rolls up.


A cheer goes up from the small crowd filling the risers above the fighting room.  Nobody knew the first fight of the day was going to be a team match.  Annette and Denise’s brown hair and red cotton fighting panties indicate they were probably House Brunette fighters in Academy.  No further information is given about the fighters and they step onto the pink mat. While the door behind them slowly slides down the one across from them begins rolling up, and once again I see two pairs of bare feet revealed on the other side.


As the door rises two blonde girls, one with a pony tail (Candace) and the other with shoulder length cropped hair (Melanie) are revealed.  Clearly they are former House Blonde fighters, so this is to be a 2 on 2 Academy grudge match.  They step onto the mat and the two pairs of girls glare at each other across the small room.  This fight is sure to be juicy.  The door begins closing behind them.  As soon as it reaches the bottom, the bell rings.


Annette and Candace walk towards each other with their fists up and begin to slowly circle one another. 

Denise and Melanie walk towards each other slowly, pause, then take a couple more steps and grab each other by the hair. The air is filled with grunts, moans and thuds as the four girls begin fighting.

THUD!!!  Candace gets the first punch in with a jab to the pig tailed brunette’s face and Annette staggers back for a second but shakes it off and pulls her fist back…

CRACK!!! …and gives Candace a shot to the face that sends the blonde stumbling back three steps.  She has blood on her chin!  She raises her fists and moves in.  Annette moves in.

THUD! THUD! THUD! THUD! THUD!  Annette and Candace engage in a furious fist fight, raining fists into each other’s face and boobs.  This goes on for several seconds before their bodies slap together as they lock up in a tight bear hug.



They moan as their sweaty bodies press tightly together, both girls momentarily trying to avoid taking any more hits while they catch their breath.  As they struggle I turn my attention to the other two fighters. 

Denise and Melanie are still stumbling around their side of the room, gripping each other by the hair.  Suddenly Melanie steps forward and lifts a knee into the brunette’s  crotch.

“YULP!!!”  Denise gasps as she is lifted a few inches off the big pink mat.  She drops to her knees with a thud.  Melanie quickly grabs her bangs, tilts her face up, cocks her fist and…

CRUNCH!!! … drives it down into the bridge of her nose.  Blood sprinkles the air as Denise face flops straight into the mat with a dull heavy thud her butt up in the air.  Melanie steps behind her and gives her a light kick into the crotch from behind.  Denise spits out a fresh glob of blood and begins to cough as she starts squirming away towards the other side of the room.  Melanie follows her calmly a few steps, then reaches down to grab her by the pony tail with one hand and the waistband of her red cotton panties with the other.  She starts to pull her back up to her feet.  I glance over at the other side of the room.   

THUD!!!  Candace is sent tumbling backwards towards the wall from a jab to the face which ends the bear hug stale mate.  Annette follows her in.  As soon as her back hits the wall Annette gives her a jab to the belly, then steps forward and knees her in the crotch.

THUD!!!  “GAK!!!”  The blonde wails in pain and fresh blood trickles down her chin. Annette doesn’t let her rest.  She brings her open hand back…

CRACK!!!  A nasty face slap reddens Candace’s face.  She staggers to the side but Annette lifts another knee into her crotch, then presses her body in, holding her against the wall belly to belly. Candace grasps desperately for the Annette’s pigtails and pulls her attacker’s head backwards.

“OOOohhhhh….”  Annette moans loudly as her head is jerked violently back by the hair.  Candace tries to move forward into her body, but the brunette suddenly lifts another knee up into her crotch, forcing her back into the cement wall.  Candace drops her arms down from Annette’s hair and wraps them around her waist, holding her attacker in close, trying not to take any more blows.  The two young fighters squirm as their sweaty bodies smash together against the wall.  Annette puts her hands on Candace’s throat, trying to choke her.  Candace hooks her fingers into the fabric of Annette’s waistband and tugs, desperate to end the attack.  I turn my attention to the other two girls.

Somehow Denise has gotten on top and is straddling Melanie crotch to crotch.

THUD!  She gives her a punch to the face and cocks her fist for another blow, but Melanie reaches up and sinks her fingertips deep into Denise’s breasts.

“AAAAAAAAIIIIIIEEEEE!!!”  The pony tailed brunette howls in pain as her breasts are mercilessly squeezed.  She immediately grabs for Melanie’s hands, trying to wrench them off her tits.  Melanie leans forward as Denise slips off her mount.

PLUD!!!  Now Melanie is on top but Denise quickly wraps her legs round the blonde and shifts her hips.  They tumble across the mat, first Denise on top, then Melanie, then Denise, then Melanie. 

I look over at the other two just in time to see Candace shift her hands up to Annette’s throat.  Now both girls have their hands clenched around each other’s throats.  Candace still has her back against the white cement wall but Annette’s face is reddening as she is strangled.  Suddenly she backs up slightly, then…

THAP!!! Rams her body back into Candace.  Neither girl lets go of their strangle hold.  Annette backs up again…

THAP!  THAP! THAP! THAP! THAP!  Again and again Annette plunges her body up against Candace’s, driving her into the cement wall each time.   Finally the blonde releases her grip on the brunette’s throat and her hands flop to the side, useless.  Annette lets go of her own strangle hold and Candace slumps to her ass.  Annette stumbles back, coughing, not seeing the entwined bodies of the other two girls behind her.  She trips and falls flat on her back. 

Melanie is on top of the battle when Annette trips over them.  She slams a clenched fist into Denise’s face, knocking her out cold, then dives off her prey and into the collapsed form of Annette.  The two girls instantly begin rolling over and over on the mat, grunting, moaning and gasping.  They roll all the way to the opposite wall of the fighting room.  Annette is on top.  She cocks her fist.

THUD!!!  Melanie’s legs stiffen and go limp as she is knocked out.  The pig tailed fighter sits there, straddling her opponent, her perky round breasts heaving up and down as she gasps for air.  She glances around, taking in her surroundings.  Melanie is out cold, as is her partner Denise. 

“GAAAAAK!!!”  Annette squawks as she is suddenly snatched by the pig tails.  Candace has her by the hair!  She is pulling her up to her feet.

“Come on bitch!  Come on and FIGHT!!!!” 

THUCK!!!  Annette winces as she takes a foot directly into the bridge of her crotch.  Candace then releases her hair and lets her stagger backward, raising her fists up in a challenge.  The wounded brunette almost trips over the unconscious Melanie but puts a hand up and stops herself against the wall.  Candace waits patiently for her, fists at the ready.  Annette slides along the wall a few feet, then steps forward, raising her own fists up.

“FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!”  The crowd begins its familiar chant, sensing that this battle will be over soon.  Annette and Candace move into the empty center of the fighting room and start circling.  The crowd quiets down enough that you can hear the ragged breathing of the two exhausted fighters.  They both look a little scared and almost ready to collapse.  Carefully taking each step, eyeing each other warily they continue to circle.  After three complete rotations they move in and fists start flying.

THUD! THUD! THUD! THUD! THUD! THUD!  The crowd goes wild as the two young women pummel each other.

CRACK!!!!  Candace is sent flying backwards from a savage uppercut that seems to almost take her head off.  The crowd quiets down and time seems to slow as Candace drops to the mat.  Her back hits first and then her legs flop down a split second after.  She twitches and goes limp.   Annette pounces, straddling her across the belly. 

THUD! THUD! THUD! THUD! With both fists the brunette brawler pounds Candace in the face mercilessly.  Blood splatters the pink mat in all directions.  After about 20 seconds of the brutal double fisted face punching, Annette finally stops.  She takes a few long gasps of air then stands up, placing a foot on Candace’s belly.



“Hmph! There’s only one winner on this mat:  ME!”  Annette announces haughtily.  She steps off Candace’s belly and walks over to her prone teammate, turning her face to the side with her foot. 

“PTHUI!”  She spits a bloody glob of spittle down at Denise.  “Pathetic!”  Then she walks over to where Melanie is laying, grabs her by the ankle,  and drags her limp body over to where the other defeated blonde is laying, dropping her on top.  With her defeated opponents piled up in an undignified heap, she places her foot on top of them, striking another victory pose as she waits for me to enter the room to reward her.

The bloodthirsty crowd is delighted.