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STORY Survival of the Weakest Round 2: Megan Fox v. Amanda Bynes

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Amanda Bynes v. Megan Fox

   Amanda Bynes refused to show up to the arena.  After her last match, where Mila Kunis forced her to suffer her most degrading defeat ever, Bynes decided that Hollywood wasn’t worth it anymore.  She demanded that her agent call the promoters and tell them to take her off the card, but agent refused.  He realized that crossing them would be the end of his career, and if Bynes was in fact retiring, he didn’t need to worry about maintaining her as a client. 

   Deciding that she was going to take matters into her own hands, Amanda called the promoters.  “I’m not competing in that filth anymore.  I want out.”

   There was a long pause on the phone before someone responded.  “I’m sorry you feel that way, but that isn’t an option.  Read your contract.”

   “Screw my contract.  It didn’t say anything in contract about me being abused in front of thousands of people.  It didn’t say anything about me consenting to being shown naked in public or engaging in those unspeakable acts.  Don’t try your legal crap on me because I won’t back down.”

   “Perhaps your agent didn’t explain to you the intricacies of the deal that you signed.  You have already waived any and all liability claims, and further, have already posted a bond should you not show up.”

   “What?” she replied, shocked at the thought that her agent lied to her, all the while not shocked at all.

   “All competitors were required to post a one million dollar bond, should an occurrence like this transpire.  Your agent, acting as your proxy, tendered the full sum before your first match.  Should you decide to not compete according to your contract, you will be in breach and will forfeit the money.  In addition, we will take rigorous legal action.  Essentially, your retirement from acting will put you and your family into a life of abject poverty.  Are we clear?”

   A defeated Bynes slumped in her chair, pressed the phone to her ear and conceded, “Yes…we’re clear.”

   Megan Fox, meanwhile, had not yet recovered from her opening round debacle against Kaley Cuoco.  The frustrated Fox couldn’t believe that she had put herself into such a compromising position, choosing sexual gratification over victory.  Worse off, the footage of her suffering a brutal facesit was leaked onto the Internet.  More people witnessed her being facefucked than viewed her last film, “Jonah Hex”. 

   Not learning from her earlier mistakes, Megan decided to once again throw a pre-party in her dressing room, hoping to show that she could take all of this in stride.  Unlike her last match, where the mood was playful and fun, this event was growing more intense by the minute.  The jovial and fun Fox was replaced by a bitter woman, hellbent on ripping apart her opponent.  Every time she even thinks about Kaley sitting on her face, she’s driven to take another drink.  After about fifteen minutes of stewing and drinking, Megan decides to stand up and go to the ring.

   As soon as the brunette was upright, the effects of the Jack Daniels in her system sent her right back to the chair.  A few of the other guests tried to help her up, but they were quickly rebuffed.  “Fuck off,” she yelled as she shoved everyone away.  The inebriated woman finally got to her feet and headed for the ramp.

   Meanwhile, a somber Amanda Bynes sat in her dressing room, reading over her contract for the hundredth time.  She couldn’t find a single loophole, but it didn’t stop her from staring at the pages.  Like the alcohol for Fox, the reading was blurring out her memories of what happened in the first round.  How the hell did she get taken down by someone so much shorter than her?  Worse, why did she voluntarily agree to engage in self-satisfaction rather than fight back?  Amanda had worked hard to maintain a reputation as a wholesome figure, and that was all erased as she was forced to treat her body like an amusement park. 

   “Ladies and gentlemen, our next contest in the second round of the Survival of the Weakest tournament is set for one fall.  Allow me to introduce the first participant, Megan Fox.”

   The curtain twirled for a moment before Megan stumbled out, barely able to walk in a straight line.  The girl was once again wearing a black leather thong and matching bra, an outfit that proved to be her undoing in the first round.  The drunken Fox slurred insults at the fans on the aisle before attempting to climb up the ring steps.  The ref stepped outside to escort her, but he too was shoved aside.  Finally, Megan tumbled through the ropes onto the canvas.  She pulled herself up and attempted to perform a sultry dance, but most in attendance just felt sympathy for the tortured woman.

   Amanda Bynes came out next, and her attire was all business.  She had her blonde hair pulled back in a ponytail, and was wearing a red sports bra and matching shorts.  Everything about the outfit said athlete as opposed to sex object, as she hoped to maintain a professional appearance to erase the images of her last match.

   The ref signaled both women to the center of the ring.  Bynes looked on with disdain as Megan Fox stumbled to the middle of the canvas. 

   “Ref, it’s clear she can’t compete.  Look at her, she can barely stand.  This is supposed to be a wrestling match, not some sort of drunken spectacle.”

   Megan leaned her hand on the referee and, through barely open eyes, slurred, “Who…who do you…think…fucking…no…”

   “Seriously, just cancel this thing.  I don’t want to wrestle her like this, even if it means I get out of this tournament.  This is sick and degrading and I don’t want to risk hurting her.”

   “Hey, I’m gonna kick…ki…kick your fat ass…you bitch.”

   “See, she can barely talk.  And what the hell is she wearing?”

   Megan looked down at her barely-there outfit and looked up at Bynes with a  perplexed look.  “What?  You don’t like my clothes?” Fox asked as she put her hand on Amanda’s shoulder.

   Amanda immediately shrugged it off.  “Have some self-respect, would you?”

   “This…this coming from the…irl…who got herself off in front of everyone?  Ha.  Fine, you don’t like my outfit…then…”  Megan then ripped off her top, exposing her tanning-bed browned breasts.  “See, no more top.  Now you…” Fox reached forward, grabbing onto Amanda’s chest.  Bynes shoved her away, but Megan kept coming.  The ref figured this was just as good a time as any, so he rang the bell.

   “Get the hell away from me,” Amanda yelled as she blocked Megan’s lusting hands.

   “Come on, since when are you modest?” Megan replied as she continued her attempt to get at Amanda’s chest. 

   Amanda was backed into a corner, covering her bra with her hands.  She started to kick at Megan’s ankles, hoping that this would drive Fox away.  It didn’t.

   “Fine, if you don’t wanna let me play with your tits, then what about this?” Megan reached down and grabbed a handful of Amanda’s crotch, a move so bold many doubted if even Fox would have done it sober. 

   Amanda’s eyes grew wide as Megan cupped her groin.  Furious, Bynes chose to recant her earlier statement about wanting to hurt Fox as she pulled back and decked Megan in the jaw.  The punch put Megan on her ass, but it was clear that she wasn’t feeling anything at that point.

   The belligerent Mr. Fox shook her head, unsure if she was dizzy from the fist or the liquor, and got back to her feet.  She took the hand that was just attached to Amanda and licked it.  “Mmm…that was so good I’m gonna have to get the real thing…” Megan teased as she once again approached Amanda in the corner.

   Bynes was significantly taller than Megan Fox and had both the weight and strength advantage, but she was absolutely terrified of her.  Clearly whatever little inhibitions Megan possessed were out the window, and Amanda needed to do whatever it took to avoid suffering humiliation once again.  As soon as Megan was in striking distance, Amanda fired off a kick to her stomach.  The move knocked the wind out of Fox, dropping her to the mat in a coughing fit.  Amanda then charged forward, tackling the downed starlet. 

   “Oh baby, I like it rough!” Megan yelled as she was now pinned under Amanda.  Fox reached up and once again grabbed onto Amanda’s chest, groping at her breasts like an overanxious 17-year-old boy. 

   Amanda grabbed Megan’s wrists and slammed them to the mat, pinning her down.  She had Fox trapped, but without the use of her own hands, how was she supposed to take advantage of her position?

   Megan figured that she would take advantage of the position herself as she began to thrust her leather-thong upward, rubbing it against Amanda’s shorts.  Once again, Fox’s insatiable sexual hunger was taking over, though this time she had a legitimate claim that it was the alcohol.

   Bynes was horrified at what was happening underneath her, as the topless beauty between her legs was humping her.  Amanda’s attempt to keep this professional had clearly gone out the window, and if she didn’t do something soon, she was going to once again be humiliated.


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Re: STORY Survival of the Weakest Round 2: Megan Fox v. Amanda Bynes
« Reply #1 on: December 25, 2012, 07:20:52 PM »
Great story
It's easier to see the books upon the shelf          then it is to see yourself          George Harrison 1977