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bargirl politics(short story no fight)

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bargirl politics(short story no fight)
« on: December 26, 2019, 08:22:57 AM »
i used to go to a bar in angeles city with some old aussie expat friends,mostly i mingled with them,but at times i watched the girls,being that one of the local languages is native to me & i have a pretty good handle on at least understanding several others,i could also enjoy listening,which my male friends couldnt do

so at the time there was a girl name Olivia(she hated that so she went by ofelia or olive)one of my male friends who liked her called her babyface,anyway she was one of a group of 5 or 6 older girls that called themselves the sisters,3-4 of them were fulltime in the bar for years & others came and went

at one time there was a very intelligent girl named grace,who along with ofelia was probably the prettiest & those closer to 30 rather than 40,grace inherited over a million dollars from some old american,she quit the bar,but for a few months she would come and barfine the rest of the sisters and all 5 or 6 would head to the summer capitol Baguio in the north & go on a hosto bar weekend rampage,in other words they picked up handsome local macho dancers and banged their brains out

finally one of my male friends got in graces ear and told her to think about this"if they were real friends they would not allow/encourage you to squander your money like that"grace was never seen again in the bar & she bought a business for her and her family & to my knowledge lived happily ever after,but that is just an insight into the sisters

aside from the sisters there were usually 15-20 other girls on the books ranging in age from 18-45,it was a gro bar with no dancing,instead they wore sexy lingerie and sat about the bar,nobody messed with the sisters & they really didnt bother the others much,one time a girl named irish who was in her mid 20s and pretty,took it upon herself to get off her ass whenever a good tipper entered & serve him,then remain on her ass when a cheap charlie entered,long story short ofelia punched her straight in the face & the mamasan instigated the"taking turns"to serve rule & all was fine with irish after that,with no bad feelings lingering

there were other squabbles in the bar and a few good fights,but again noone messed with the sisters & they quietly ruled the bar,

once in a while an 18-21yo potential superstar would show up,but theres no point in getting upset about that,thats life & generally these types would leave soon or be snapped up by a customer and turned into a girlfriend & many of them are just plain dumbasses anyway & a 30yo with ofelias looks can still run rings around them

one such potential superstar was a girl named Rodith,a 21yo,quite pretty & quite smart & she showed no sign of going anywhere,it became apparent to me very quickly that ofelia was tiptoeing around rodith and was very very respectful,i watched this for quite some time with some amusement,as ofelia was the toughest of the 4 permanent long time sisters & with her babyface and big boobs she was always among the top earners

then one day i was right close by when Joy a 40+yo long time sister said to ofelia"are you scared of her or something?"she had witnessed what i had witnessed,ofelia replied"no"and i believe her,it was just a case that she could see that this rodith was there to stay & she was probably already near the top of the earning list

the very next time ofelia and rodith had to communicate ofelia was sharp and authoritive,i could see the shock on rodiths face,it was not a fight situation,but joy had bought her back to her senses & saw that the natural order was reinstated

i can only imagine what joys reasons were,she was not in competition with rodith,no way,but she wasnt going to lay down and watch her friend or her group meekly allow this girl to takeover,if she had of confronted rodith she may not have even beat her in a fight,but for sure she would have been fired out & the big earner kept,so she used ofelia to do the job

i saw this pic of ofelia in one of my very old emails,so it reminded me & thought id share it
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