We're not sure if this has been done or not, but we're looking to start our own group chat on trillian for any other teen girls. It can be a place to meet other fighters like us, chat, and fight. Only looking for teen GIRLS but let us know if interested.
I know that I am WAY past my teenage years, but I would still like to be in that group. My favorite thing is getting sexy and wild, dirty matches against teens (18 & 19,and up to the age of 21). I have whipped, worked over, and made most of those I fought, my BITCHES! I LOVE the after-fight, when I command them like puppets! And to the three or four that beat me have also been unbelievably exciting as they made me THEIR BITCH! And then they make me do bad, bad things to them! OH DEAR GAWD, YES!
So I would like to be a member and use this group as a sort of MENU! (HEH HEH HEH)
Attached is a pic. of me. I still ROCK a bikini at 50!