Sexy Teacher vs. Hot Mom: Disciplinarian vs. Hell Raiser Pt 2!
By: Supporturgoddess
A beautiful, brown-haired teacher faced off against a voluptuous, blond mom before a classroom full of mesmerized seniors. Furious over her daughter’s expulsion from school, blond “hot mom” Kathy Carey came to confront the teacher responsible. Sexy brunette disciplinarian Julie Speck wasn’t about to let anyone tell her how to run her classroom.
After only a few minutes of cat fighting, both women were showing signs of fatigue. On one side stood Miss Speck. Stripped of her blouse and shoes, the 5’4” brunette wore only a short, dark-blue skirt, pantyhose, a white bra, and her trademark short, aqua scarf. Vengeful mom Kathy Carey stood across from her wearing tiny “Daisy Duke” shorts, barefoot, a once-tied-off shirt now torn open to expose a red bra barely able to hold in her impressive breasts. Both women’s stomachs sucked in and pouted out, breasts heaving, gasping for air. They leapt together, first exchanging slaps and then closed fists. With a loud “Ugh!” Miss Speck lost, reeling back, hands up defensively. Red faced from the blows, “hot mom” Kathy Carey charged, grabbing the wobbly teacher from behind by her hair and shoving her head down into an aquarium! The fish tank filled with bubbles and foam, as Ms. Carey held Miss Speck’s head under water! Miss Speck’s hands flailed until she managed to turn the tank over, freeing herself.
“Hot mom” Kathy Carey landed a fist to Miss Speck’s nose, sending the teacher crashing back and sliding down against a wall. The students cheered for Ms. Carey, as their downed teacher checked her nose for blood. Having put up with the dictatorial Miss Speck for years, everyone in the class wanted to see Ms. Carey humble her, everyone but me. I knew Miss Speck had gone too far by having Ms. Carey’s daughter expelled, but my long-time crush on Miss Speck had me secretly hoping she’d win.
Miss Speck looked up with a gleam in her eye. This was HER classroom. She knew every inch of it. The antiquated building still had long blackboards in every room, complete with long, metal trays at the bottom to hold erasers and chalk. Miss Speck leapt up and charged wildly, lifting Ms. Carey off her feet and slamming the young mom’s lower back into the protruding metal tray. Ms. Carey let out the first real scream of the fight. Her twisted face flushed red and tears filled her eyes, as she slid down to the floor, reaching behind her for her lower back.
Miss Speck stood imperiously over the devastated mom. She put one pantyhose-covered foot on Ms. Carey’s shoulder, gloating. “What’s wrong? Can’t last against me? Am I too much for you? Ha! It’s time I teach you a lesson!”
Ms. Carey whined, “N-O-O-O!”
Miss Speck lifted her and rammed her back to the sharp tray a second time. Jamie’s mom was hurt! A few students began to rise, ready to stop the fight, but Miss Speck wanted complete victory. She drew back and kicked at Ms. Carey’s face, but Ms. Carey ducked, causing Miss Speck’s foot to hit the solid wall with toe-breaking impact. Miss Speck yelled. The students laughed. Seizing the opportunity, Ms. Carey rose and spun Miss Speck, ramming HER back against the tray. Miss Speck howled and fell. Ms. Carey crawled over her. The women began slowly rolling on the floor in a very awkward battle, pulling hair and scratching. Suddenly Ms. Carey seized Miss Speck’s scarf, pulled it off, and started choking her with it! The beautiful though mean-spirited teacher cried out in fear! Miss Speck looked up at me, eyes bulging, mouth wide open, tongue out, spitting and gasping for air! I rose to stop the choke, but the flimsy scarf tore. Miss Carey got her feet between them and kicked Ms. Carey off, sending her crashing through the doors out into the hallway. Miss Speck held her throat, coughing, then rose and marched out after the blond mom. The entire class followed.
The women faced off again. Although the fight had only gone on a few minutes, both women were in a bad way, but neither woman would admit defeat. Neither was an experienced fighter. There wasn’t a pro move to be found. This was a battle to be decided by kicking and scratching, choking and biting. They rolled on the floor, tearing into each other. Miss Speck’s pantyhose was ripped completely off one leg and torn to shreds on the other. She briefly trapped Ms. Carey by pulling her shirt over her head, but Ms. Carey wiggled out of it. Red and pink scratch marks appeared on both women’s nearly-bare upper bodies and thighs.
Miss Speck fought to her feet and rammed her blond rival’s injured back against a metal locker. The young mother cried out, but she planted her feet and ran Miss Speck back across the hall, ramming Miss Speck’s back to a locker. Miss Speck let out a wild scream. Her back had landed on a large, steel combination lock! Miss Speck fell to her knees sobbing, fighting back tears, hands up, trying to beg off! I was shocked to see the iron lady of our school begging! Ms. Carey scowled. She took Miss Speck by her brown hair and ran her face back and forth across the lockers. WHANGWHANGWHANGWHANG! CLANGCLANGCLANGCLANG!
As Ms. Carey checked her own back for cuts, Miss Speck crawled into her classroom, trying to lock the door to keep the vengeful young mom off her. Ms. Carey threw her shoulder against the door, trying to force it open. She curled her fingers into the crack between door and facing to prevent Miss Speck from locking her out, but it was a foolish move. Miss Speck threw her own body against the door, slamming it shut on Ms. Carey’s fingers! Ms. Carey let loose the loudest, longest cry I’ve ever heard. She pulled her fingers free, very lucky to still have them! Tears rolling and sobbing hard, the blond mom clutched her hand, retreating down the hallway.
Ms. Carey didn’t get far. Miss Speck shoved her through the first available doorway into the lunchroom. Miss Speck seized Ms. Carey’s blond hair and sent her sliding down a long table. Teacher mounted mother, slapping her in her face. To the disappointment of my classmates, Ms. Carey was all but helpless. Miss Speck reached over and found a foam box containing leftovers from the spaghetti dinner fundraiser held earlier. She started rubbing particularly disgusting remnants of various meals all over Ms. Carey’s face and down her throat. Two girls in my class couldn’t even watch. Miss Speck looked right at me with her famously arrogant, victorious, sneering smile, sitting on the gagging mom beneath her. I knew Miss Speck loved every second of it!
In a last bid to defend herself, Karen’s mom kicked until the table overturned. Kathy Carey tried to stagger away, but Miss Speck shoved her back down the hallway toward her classroom. Miss Speck shoved her down. Teacher stood triumphantly over mom. Sneering at the students who had cheered for her enemy, Miss Speck smashed the bottom of her foot into the young mother’s face.
Ms. Carey went wild, twisting Miss Speck’s ankle until she fell. Desperate for any chance to get back into the fight, Ms. Carey bit Miss Speck’s foot. Miss Speck let out a “How Dare you?” yell and kicked free. Furious, Miss Speck dove on Ms. Carey. A nasty battle began. Cursing wildly, the bit each other and pulled hair. Miss Speck wound up on top, holding the yelling mom down and pulling out her hair. Then Miss Speck reached down, gouging her fingers and thumb in Ms. Carey’s blue eyes. Ms. Carey was almost hysterical! At that moment, I saw Miss Speck in a new light. She was on top, winning, and yet she resorted to that unnecessarily brutal tactic. Miss Speck didn’t just want to win. She wanted to hurt Ms. Carey. She enjoyed it! The vicious move only lasted a second or two. Despite the scratches to her cheeks, Ms. Carey pulled Miss Speck’s hand down until she could bite her fingers and thumb! Miss Speck cried out, her feet drumming the floor. Ms. Carey fought as brutally as Miss Speck! Both women were fighting tears, red-faced, and gasping for every breath. They had nothing left! It was now or never, win or lose!
Pulling free, Miss Speck lunged for Ms. Carey, only to get kicked in the face. Ms. Carey staggered up, picked Miss Speck up by her hair, and then ran with her back and forth from one side of the hallway to the other, slamming her face to one set of lockers and then the other. I cringed.
Miss Speck half-crawled, half-staggered into the room where the debate class met. The classroom was carpeted, with two rows of chairs lining the walls and a teacher’s desk at the far end. The vast center of the room, where debates occurred, was empty. Miss Speck rose. Ms. Carey staggered into the room, followed by the students. With student’s blocking the only doorway, there was nowhere left to run. The fight would be settled on a twenty-by-thirty foot strip of plush, green carpet.
They collided, falling together on the carpet. What followed wasn’t pretty. The entire battle took place in about a six-foot area. They barely moved, just rolling slowly back and forth, one on top and then the other, biting, choking, scratching, and pulling hair. Short, clubbing fists hammered sides and stomachs. It was a classic contest, a true matter of body vs. body. One woman emerged undeniably superior. A hot mom lie on top a devastated teacher for a couple of minutes, driving fists deep into the brunette’s belly until Miss Speck’s only movement came in response to Ms. Carey’s punches. The motionless teacher was beaten.
With the other students cheering her on, Ms. Carey rose, gloating over the fallen teacher. Miss Speck was a picture of defeat. I watched a woman who acted as though she was invincible cowering and cringing, curled up in a little ball at a better woman’s feet!
Ms. Carey pulled Miss Speck across the carpet by her hair to the desk at the back of the classroom. She announced, “This is for my daughter!” The “hot mom” put the sobbing teacher over her knee, hooking the back of her knee over the back of Miss Speck’s neck to hold her in place. Then Ms. Carey tore off Miss Speck’s skirt. Although Miss Speck wore panties, they had ridden up to the point where they were little more than a thong. Ms. Carey then gave Miss Speck a wicked spanking in front of a crowd of cheering young adults. Miss Speck looked up at me, her bottom lip sucking in and out, sobbing hard in utter humiliation.
Ms. Carey laughed in her face. “Now, THIS is for every other poor kid you humiliated down through the years.” Ms. Carey took a permanent marker and drew a small circle in the corner. She looked down at Ms. Speck, snapped her fingers, pointed, and demanded, “Crawl on your hands and knees and stick your nose in that corner. You’ve been a bad, bad girl!”
Miss Speck looked around as her students mocked her and laughed at her. Sobbing so hard she could barely breathe, the humbled teacher obeyed.
Gasping, Ms. Carey ended by saying, “Now you know how it feels. Maybe you’ll think twice before you try to embarrass any other poor kid! Get this straight, Julie. My daughter will be reinstated. She’s going to graduate with her class. As for you, I promise you can kiss your job goodbye!”
To wild cheers and applause, Ms. Carey left in triumph.
Miss Speck rolled over onto her back, looking up at the ceiling, holding her stomach. She stayed down for several minutes. No one helped her. She finally had to literally crawl back to the desk.
Reputation in ruins, Miss Speck raged. She looked around at the snickering students and shouted, “Oh, you think this is funny, huh? We’ll see if it’s funny when--when--I have you ALL expelled!”
We just shook our heads. She couldn’t expel ALL of us, and we knew it.
It was time to leave. Everyone got up. Trying desperately to hang on to her pride, Miss Speck bellowed, “Where are you going? I didn’t give you permission to leave!”
Jamie Carey’s best friend stood. “We don’t need your permission!”
One by one, the students rose and left. Several even passed by Miss Speck, telling her exactly what they really thought of her! When the last student had gone, I walked up to the desk.
Miss Speck looked up at me with blazing eyes, expecting me to pile on. I brought my hand over her desk, opened it, and let her aqua scarf fall on the desk.
“I know it’s your favorite, so I saved it for you. It’s torn, but maybe you can fix it.”
Miss Speck looked at me as if invisible hypodermic needles were filling her veins with liquid guilt. Her mouth opened, but she shut it, unable to find the words. I turned to walk away, but she stopped me.
In a tiny, vulnerable voice I never would have believed could come from her lips, Miss Speck whispered, “I’m sorry. I am. I know you were the only one who didn’t laugh at me. You were the only one who didn’t want her to stomp my face flat. Thank you.”
She leaned forward. I looked down at a trembling, frail woman I had once seen as a giant. Having been stripped down to bra and panties, I felt her warm skin against mine. She gave me a very light embrace and a surprisingly sweet, soft kiss. Then she gently pushed me out into the hallway and locked the door behind her.
Kathy Carey kept her word. Her daughter did graduate, and Miss Speck was fired.
A few weeks into summer, I drove past Miss Speck’s house. I saw her out mowing her yard and stopped. We talked. Brown eyes once confident now showed vulnerability. She desperately craved the tiniest taste of the respect she had once known. I was the only one left in town who would give it to her. She invited me into her home. That summer, I got to know Julie Speck not as a teacher, but as a person. I learned that an older woman can be a young man’s teacher outside the classroom. A few weeks later, Miss Speck left town. Some said she had tried to teach again at an elementary school, only to have her students mock her. They knew all about how Ms. Carey had wiped the floor with her, and promised that if she tried to be strict with them, their mothers could do the same. Some said she had run scared of a rematch with Ms. Carey. Either seemed plausible. I don’t know Julie Speck’s real reason for leaving, but I do know this. In spite of all her weaknesses and flaws, I’ll always remember her as my favorite teacher.