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Justine vs Michelle Jenneke Wet n Wild Beach Catfight

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Justine vs Michelle Jenneke Wet n Wild Beach Catfight
« on: January 23, 2020, 12:59:16 PM »
Justine  vs  Michelle Jenekke

The day was warm, sunny, and seemed perfect to enjoy at the beach.
It made it even better, I was going to get to enjoy some of it, with Justine. Justine was a very pretty lady. Eyes, you just loved getting lost in, when gazing at her face.
Brunette hair, down just a bit past her shoulders. As well as one of the nicest looking bikini bodies anywhere.
Justine was very toned and fit. With the pleasing, womanly curves, that looked great in swimwear at the beach.
We had arrived and started moving across some of the sand. To find a good spot, to lay out blankets, and some of the things we had brought.
A nice sized group of people had begun to gather. It looked like to maybe watch a game of volleyball.
We were chatting, as we begin to work our way around the growing crowd. Justine getting to poke fun at me. As my eyes dip down from her pretty face. To take in the sexy bikini body, walking next to me.
The light blue bikini. Managing to cover the essentials. While still showing, some of the curves of her smooth skinned breasts. As well as shapely legs, toned belly, and a nice ass.
"Don't make me have to arrest you, for undressing an officer of the law, with your eyes that way." She teases, as my eyes rise to find hers smiling, and laughing at catching me.
Yet while I am looking, I also notice something I was not seeing, while my view was lower.
Very close to us, on the sand. A very fine looking brunette, was doing some kind of dance. Her hair, was in a ponytail, that went down her back. A pair of very nice, as well as very strong looking legs. Had her hopping, up and down in the sand. Maybe some kind of limbering exercise before the volleyball game.
Dressed in a skimpy white bikini top, and sea green bottoms. The lady was looking great, even while performing this little dance.
Arms flailing now and then. Just as we draw along side of her. The lady looking wonderful, long legs springing up, and down. Nice sized firm breasts threatening to pop free of her top, as she bounces.
Yet I also notice, she has started to move around on the sand, no longer just staying in one place.
I start trying to grab Justine's arm, to move her out of harms way. Knowing if she just reacted to training or simply thought I was doing something I should not be doing.
She would react, looking to take me down to the sand. To shove me face first into it, while wrenching an arm up behind my back.
Normaly the idea of being that close to a lady as sexy as Justine on the beach. Would sound very interesting and pleasing. Just not as a criminal, being taken down by a trained officer of the law.
"Storm what are you ..." Is all she manages to get out. I am able to move her a bit, yet not enough.
As the limbering brunette's arm moves out, and the back of her hand smacks the side of Justine's face.
Oooh and ahhs come from some of the gathered crowd, as Justine stumbles into me, before quickly recovering herself.
The fact my hands are on her, one dangerously close to her nice bottom. Forgiven in her eyes, as she understands why I had done, what I had started to do.
I release her now, that she is no longer in danger of catching an unseen arm or elbow to her head or face.
Justine then turning to the lady that has struck her.
The sexy woman, standing feet planted in the sand, hands on hips.
"What the hell's your problem bitch?" Justine asks, casually not heated yet.
"Look, sorry if your fat ass is to slow to move out of the way." The other lady replies, taking exception at being called a bitch.
"Guess you should not have been crowding me, while I was loosening up." She ads.
I begin hearing a name mentioned, as Justine and the lady move closer, to confront each other.
Michelle Jenneke, is a world class athlete. The shapely, powerful legs of hers. Used to clear hurdles, as she runs. I could also imagine her getting some nice lift, while spiking a volleyball.
Yet I also could not expect her to know, her imminent danger. If she tried pushing Justine, just to show off for her fans.
I notice a slight change to Justine's stance, as she hears, and seems to recognize the ladies name.
The light blue, bikini clad beauty, setting herself more firmly. Maybe taking into mind, the other lady was a professional athlete, and maybe would prove willing to fight.
Since her attention was focused on the lady that had backhanded her by accident. I let my eyes roam Michelle. Then enjoying the fact. That my friend Justine, looked just as good, and hot in her bikini. As this fit, sexy athlete.
"Look skank, I don't care who you are anywhere else." "Just watch what the hell your doing on a public beach." Justine says, as people begin hearing, of Michelle being on the beach. With a very good chance of a fight starting soon.
The crowd begins to grow even bigger.
"Here let me wipe that off for you, you mouthy bimbo." Michelle says, before slapping Justine's face, where she had managed to backhand her before.
Yet even as the crowd winces, from the sound of skin on skin. Justine's hand flashes out to backhand Michelle's pretty face in reply.
Michelle staggering back a step. Surprise as well as anger showing on her face now.
"You don't want to play that game with me bitch." Justine advises.
A shriek of fury from Michelle, as her legs spring, and propel her forward. Justine grunting in surprise, and some pain, as Michelle slams into her. The athlete's powerful legs, driving her into Justine, as they impact, and tumble to the sand.
I am sure I am not the only one. Quickly thinking, how delightful, it would be. Being pinned between Justine, and Michelle. Except for the fact, arms are flailing, as they try to hit each other.
As they land, Justine's legs come up, catching Michelle's belly, as she uses the momentum, to flip Michelle off. After rolling slightly.
The bikini clad athlete gasps, as she flies briefly, before hitting the sand.
Justine quickly turning, and pushing herself back up.
Michelle slower, yet also quickly scrambling to get back to her feet.
The crowd murmering in appreciation, as Michelle dangles Justine's bikini top from her hand. My own eyes enjoying the view of how well formed, and pert Justine's now bared breasts were.
Yet the crowd also enjoying the other part of the show. As Justine smiles, while the rest of us enjoy seeing Michelle's newly exposed breasts.
Justine dangling Michelle's white bikini top in one hand. While extending a middle finger her way, with the other hand.
The two ladies having stripped each others tops, while clinched and rolling.
"I am soooo going to enjoy this, before kicking your skank ass off the beach." Justine says calmly, as she moves towards Michelle.
"Just make sure you cry loud, when your ready to quit, you fucking whore!!" Michelle replies, as she also moves closer.
Neither lady even trying to cover, their exposed breasts. Eyes intent, chests heaving, as they hear people yelling catfight from the crowd.
Other voices yelling support for Michelle, while more chime in for the lovely, unknown lady to beat the  proffessional athlete.
I had let my imagination, play with how Justine would look, out of her bikini. Soon, chances were I was going to have the pleasure of seeing that, live and in person. As she moves to tangle with Michelle. Justine's breasts heaving, nipples hardening, with her growing arousal, for the coming fight.
Justine's body, was even more beautiful, and pleasing to the eye. Than even I had imagined.
My focus returning, at the sound of skin on skin. As Justine lands a hard backhand slap, across Michelle's heaving tits.
"You may want to cover those saggy things." Justine says cooly, as some redness begins showing on the soft skin, where her hand had connected.
Michelle launches herself at Justine. Justine calmly stepping to the side, while using one of her legs, to sweep Michelle's out from under her.
Michelle tumbling past Justine, to land with a soft thud, in the sand.
Justine quickly dropping down, to slap Michelle's ass, before stripping her bottoms, to have her writhing naked on the sand. Justine slapping her ass again.
"This is how we treat bad little girls here." Justine says, laughing while taunting her opponent.
Some of the crowd laughing, and calling things out to Michelle. The sexy athlete's face becoming redder from anger and embarassment, more than pain. This other woman having her stripped naked, and spanking her like some spoiled child.
Another slap to her now bare buttocks, as Michelle shrieks in anger, as Justine's body partially pins her face down in the sand.
Justine grabs a handful of Michelle's hair, yanking her head to the side with it. "Now are you ready to behave bitch?" Justine asks.
Michelle able to see her target responds by sending an elbow back, and into Justine's sleek belly.
Justine doubling up slightly, as she gasps as air is driven from her body.
Michelle plants her arms beneath her, and pushes off the sand, sending Justine tumbling.
Sand flying, as two sexy ladies continue to battle.
Michelle scrambling after Justine. Ripping her bikini bottoms off, and flinging them my direction.
"Hope your willing to carry your whore, after I finish humiliating her." She says, before slapping Justine's now bared bottom, before shoving her over onto her back, on the sand.
Michelle quickly working to wrap or grapevine her powerful legs, around Justine's breasts or torso.
I loved having Justine as a friend. Admired her fighting spirit. Yet as I held her stripped bikini for her and watched. I knew if Michelle got her legs fully clenched around Justine. The lovely law officer, would have to submit.
Justine was jerking, and arching her body. As she tried to regain her wind, and keep from being scissored by the hurdlers powerful legs.
Michelle's long legs slowly being worked around her. Justine manage to bend forward, to land a hard fist, to Michelle's right side. Michelle crying out in pain, even as Justine slams her fist into her again, before working one of her own legs up. To use to push off against Michelle's side.
Justine scrambling, as Michelle starts rolling away. Justine launches herself, trying to splash her sexy nude body, down onto Michelle's own hot body. Michelle just getting clear, as Justine hits the sand beside her.
Michelle's foot lashing out, as she kicks Justine in her side.
Michelle shifting and moving in. As she yanks Justine's hair, keeping her off balance. As she rolls Justine fully onto her back. Before slapping, punching, and then clawing at Justine's bobbling breasts.
Justine trying to recover, while protecting herself, from the attack. Her breasts aching, from the assault.
Then Michelle again begins trying to twine a leg around Justine.
Justine managing to land a fist, into the inside of Michelle's thigh, close to her crotch. Justine grabbing the leg, as Michelle tries to pull back. Justine using her own legs to spring her body, as using the leg for leverage. She yanks it, and sends Michelle toppling end over end, in the sand.
Justine quickly in pursuit, as Michelle turns, and as Justine rises, and runs after her. Tries landing a punch, to Justine's exposed sex. Justine just able to block it with her own shapely leg.
Michelle then twisting, and shoving at her. Until Justine tumbles to the ground. Michelle waiting on her knees. Chest heaving, as Justine also rises back to her knees, as they face each other.
Michelle reaches out, grabbing Justine's right breast. The athlete, squeezing, and twisting the tit.
Pain showing on Justine's face, even as her own hand lashes out. Michelle crying out, as Justine returns a favor from earlier. Her nails scoring, and raking across Michelle's firm left breast.
No more breath or desire for taunts. As the ladies both look to finish this. To defeat their opponent, while saving their own bodies more pain or injury.
Kneeling face to face. Hands, and fists begin working on each other. Slaps to each others beautiful faces, and bare, heaving breasts.
Sides, and bellies feeling the impact of closed fists.
Eyes intent on each other, they work even closer together.
Two pair of the firmest, hard nippled tits on the beach. Slowly pressing, and grinding together. Arms encircling, hair being yanked, and pulled. As twined together, they fall to the sand, and begin rolling together.
Michelle doing her best to get her legs wrapped around Justine. As sand, fists, legs, and hair flies.
Both ladies aching, bodies letting them know the effects of this fight.
They fall apart, and as Michelle lays trying to catch her breath. Justine lunges, and this time manages to splash herself onto Michelle's gasping, prone form.
Michelle begins trying to weakly buck Justine off. Before Justine rears herself up, to come splashing down hard on top of her again.
Justine grasps Michelle's arms, and pins them up over her head. Justine now laid out fully on top of her.
Chests heaving, sides and bodies aching. Yet both slightly aroused by the intense nude, beach catfight.
As Michelle Jenneke lays on her back. With Justine laying tit, to tit, and clit to clit with her.
Justine's body sleek, yet a dead weight, laying prone on top, the wearied athlete and catfighter.
Her arms held up over her head, as the two women breathe rapidly, hearts pounding.
Justine releases one of Michelle's arms. Clenching her fist, and rearing it back, to knock her opponent out. Michelle slowly shakes her head negative. "I give, you win." Michelle says, admitting her defeat, as shouts, and cheers go up from the gathered crowd.
Money begins changing some hands, as Justine rolls, to lay gasping beside Michelle.
Justine laying just as aching, naked and needing to catch her breath as Michelle. Yet Justine enjoying the fact, she had won this catfight.
While I could truly say, now seeing her this way. From head to toe, Justine was beautiful, and had a very lovely, and sexy body.
The crowd begins to break up, as I rush beside Justine, setting her bikini by her, as I crack open the cooler.
Michelle watching, as I help Justine sit up, being very careful of where I place my hands. I knew better than to try and take liberties with a lady like Justine. Especially, since she was my friend, and had all the respect from me she deserved.
I crack open a bottle of cool water, handing it to her. Letting her enjoy a cool drink. As I open another bottle, and pour some of it over her achy, sexy nude figure. Helping to cool her, while rinsing some of the sand off her.
Justine dumping some of it over her own head, as my eyes catch Michelle still watching, as she sits up.
"Damn girl, your'e a lot tougher than you look." Michelle admits, as Justine laughs softly.
I catch Justine's eye, motioning to Michelle. She nods okay. I grab some more bottle from the cooler.
Soon opening one, giving it to Michelle to drink. Before pouring another one over her, to cool, and rinse away sand, from her nubile figure.
Justine moving closer, as they sit, and begin to chat, while starting to relax.
I retrieve Michelle's bikini from the sand, bringing it back to her.
The two ladies giggling, as I return. "Next time, be a gentleman, and just undress her with your eyes." Michelle teases, as I know Justine had mentioned something about catching me, doing that to her earlier.
Even with some reddened areas showing. Maybe a bruise or two coloring on their supple skin.
Justine, and Michelle sitting together naked, in all their glory. Proved to be better than my imagination could do.
Two of the hottest bodies on the beach. After introducing themselves, with a hard fought catfight. Now began to chat, and get to know each other better.
They both rise to their feet, as Justine slides very close on my one side. "Hope you don't mind Storm, I volunteered you for being in charge of applying lotion, and tending to us ladies." "After we let you enjoy the show." Justine says smiling, before brushing her sleek body, against mine. As she gives me a kiss on one cheek.
Then moves on, while starting to slip back into her bikini.
Michelle brushes against me, on the other side. "Thanks for sharing your cooler, and friend with me." Michelle says, before following Justine towards the water.
The two ladies putting their bikini's back on. Slipping out past the beach, into the water. To frolic a bit together, while washing the rest of the sand off each other.
Later, I did cater to, and pamper both ladies, while they relaxed from the days meeting. Soothing aloe or other lotion added to ease aches.
Gentle massage where asked for, by either lady. Justine volunteered me, yet also knew. After seeing them both looking so hot, and fighting so hard while naked.
I would be honored, to tend to them both. We enjoyed a meal, and company with Michelle that night.
Justine had won the catfight. Yet they both had nothing to be ashamed of. Face, figure, and fighting spirit. They had proven, to be pleasing in every way.
The next day, they would make a crowd raising splash again. Yet this time as we hit the beach. Justine would bounce, and look fantastic in her bikini. As she limbered up, following Michelle's sexy dance on the sand.
Then they would go through the day. Destroying any ladies willing to challenge them. As the former catfight competitors.
Now worked very well together, as a volleyball duos team.
I could only hope, after the ladies one again, and again. None of the other duos tried to start a fight.
As they would find out. Justine and Michelle could mix it up with them in any and every way.
After seeing her the day before. I no longer had to imagine the view.
I now knew, having Justine as a friend. Always would be, as pleasing as seeing her spirit, pretty eyes, and face. Along with her hot, bikini bod. Dressed for the sand and beach or naked, and catfighting in all her glory.
I was honored knowing, and having her with all due respect. As someone I could call friend.
Justine had won the fight. Yet neither she or Michelle Jenneke. Would ever forget, their first meeting at the beach. While catfighting in the sand.
The end