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The Psychotic Ex - Part Two

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The Psychotic Ex - Part Two
« on: February 04, 2020, 08:53:44 PM »
Part One is here:

Part Two:

Ed was settling down to watch a movie, a quiet evening in on his own when he was surprised to hear banging at the door. He was not expecting anyone, with Sylvia having told him that she was not coming over today. She was doing a late session at the gym and then going back to her place tonight, to be up early for work. Slightly annoyed at being disturbed Ed climbed up out of the couch and made his way to the door.

“Shit,” Ed cursed under his breath as he looked through the peephole. He certainly hadn’t been expecting to see Christy.  Still, with what had happened lately, he probably shouldn’t have been surprised. He shouldn’t even open the door – she was nothing but trouble. Before he could retreat back to the safety of his couch she pounded the door a second time.

“Ed, open up. I know you’re home.” The crazy bitch probably did know, too. In a way, she had been stalking Ed and Sylvia for a few months. On the other hand, the hallway was dimly lit. She could probably see the light from his apartment under the door. Reluctantly, Ed opened up.

The first thing that hit on opening the door was her scent. Not perfumed, but the cocoa butter that she liked to rub all over that smooth, soft skin of hers. She was immaculately made up, as ever, and dressed in an understated way for her in a halter top and jeans. Not that she would ever look so plain, though. The lacy, white halter top was tight, her lovely tits straining against the restrictive fabric, and showing plenty of cleavage. Her soft, flat stomach was on display to just above her bellybutton, her skin-tight jeans pressing slightly into the flesh at her hips.

I should have left the door closed, Ed thought as she smiled at him.

“Well, aren’t you going to invite me in?” Christy asked playfully.

“Why would I do that?” Ed asked, annoyed, wanting her to go away.

“It would be polite, silly boy.”

“What do you want, Christy?” Ed hoped the hard edge to his voice would put her off

“Wow, you’re not in a very good mood today, are you?  Even after that little present I left for you! Did you like it?” Ed didn’t answer, but he could feel himself starting to blush, and hoped that she wouldn’t notice. “Aha, you did like it! I knew you would. Now, why don’t you let me in and we can talk about it?” Christy asked, grabbing Ed’s already hardening cock through the fabric of his trousers. “Oh, yes, you enjoyed it very much. Or maybe you’re just pleased to see me? Both, I hope.” With that she pushed her way into the room. She didn’t need to push hard as Ed was not really resisting, although he knew he should. This felt like trouble.

Christy kicked the door closed behind her, still holding Ed’s manhood and beginning to stroke it gently.

“You should go,” Ed protested half-heartedly. “It was a horrible thing you did to Sylvia.” The time for protest was probably already gone. She was in the room with him.

“Yeah, it was horrible for her,” Christy laughed. “For me it was great, and for you too, I bet.”

“No. It was bad, Christy. Sylvia and I should have gone to the police.”

“But you didn’t, which is good. I promise you it would have been worse for her if you had. Anyway, I know you liked it really,” she said, looking down at the bulge in Ed’s trousers. “I bet you’d forgotten what a real woman looks like. What a real woman can do to defend what’s hers.”

Of course, Ed had been thinking back to the video since the moment Christy had turned up. It was terrible. Or rather, he felt terrible for having enjoyed it so much.

“Have you broken up with that weak-ass slut yet?” Christy demanded, pushing Ed further back into the room.

“No.” He finally moved to push her hand away from his crotch. He had to. Much more of that, with her scent, her tits, and thinking about the guilty turn-on of how she had destroyed his girlfriend in a fight, and he would have creamed in his pants.

“Why not?” Christy demanded, a flash on anger on her previously smiling face.

“She’s a great girl. We have- Wait. I don’t need to explain this to you. We split up months ago. This is none of your business.”

“Ah, but I’ve made it my business, haven’t I? We both know you want me back. Come on, admit it.”

“That’s enough.” Christy had surprised him, caught him unawares, and then bewitched her way in before he knew what to do.  Now her hand was off his dick his brain was able to switch on. “We’re done, Christy. You need to leave.”

She stood her ground, eyes smouldering, jaw set firm. Ed feared that she was about to unleash her volcanic temper on him. God knew he’d had enough of that to last him a lifetime.

“Is that really what you want?” she asked, surprisingly calm, although Ed could not mistake the tension and menace in her voice. “After I’ve shown you how weak and pathetic she is, you still don’t want me? Say it, and I’ll go.”

Really?  Was it going to be this easy? “Yes, Christy. I’m with Sylvia, and I’d like you to leave.”


At the same time, and somewhere across town Sylvia was in the middle of late workout. She had healed enough from the beating Christy had given her that her body was no longer showing any bruises, allowing her to get back to wearing her skimpy workout clothes. Today she was sporting a little pink number that pushed up her breasts, showing a little cleavage and making them look bigger than they were. She liked to go for this effect lately, feeling the need to show Ed a bit more up top, as that batshit crazy ex of his was so well endowed. Sylvia knew that she had other assets Ed liked, but still, it didn’t hurt to try.

She had been through a vigorous weight session and was now pounding the heavy bag, drenched in sweat from her exertions. She had not got back in the ring with anybody since that terrible day, not that she could find other women to fight with too often anyway. Instead she had been resting, healing and training.

At first Sylvia had been utterly humiliated. Even looking at Ed made her feel ashamed. How could he want her over the woman with the pretty face, the big tits, who dressed to party (or to suck dick), who had still managed to destroy Sylvia in a fight. She had all the assets Sylvia lacked, and then gave Sylvia a horrendous thrashing at what she was supposed to be good at. For a few days, things had been bad.

Ed helped. He’d been very supportive and sympathetic, and seemed genuinely horrified by Christy’s actions. It was sweet that he kept telling her that there was no way Christy should have beaten her, that it must have been a fluke. To start with Sylvia doubted that. She may have underestimated Christy a little, but that was still no excuse for a trained fighter to get so dominated.

As the days went by, she put the sessions in at the gym, and crucially, Ed stayed with her and supporting her, Sylvia’s confidence returned. Looking at herself in the huge mirrored wall at the gym, she could see a fighter once more. She flexed her biceps, smiling as she admired her own chiselled body. Sylvia could see the fighter once more, the lithe grace, the power. She looked great.

Of course, Christy’s win had been a fluke. Sylvia was an experienced fighter. However strong Christy might be, she couldn’t possibly be as strong as Sylvia. Not without working for it. She knew that next time the outcome would be different. She would soon talk to Ed about helping her to arrange a rematch.

For now, though, there was more training to be done.


Christy made for the door, but as she reached it she turned back to Ed. “I’ve been fighting again, you know. I actually really like it. There nothing quite as satisfying as beating the shit out of some stuck-up bitch. Well, you can be quite satisfying, too,” she smiled seductively at him. “The two together, that would be something.” Ed faltered, curious, and Christy seized her chance. “Aha! I thought you’d be interested in that.”  She sashayed closer to him, leaning in. Ed managed to push her away, although not firmly. “Come on, now, don’t you want to hear about it? I’m afraid I haven’t got a video this time, but I’d love to fill you in on all the details.”

Damn, this was ridiculous. Ed didn’t want to have anything to do with his psycho ex. He did want to hear about her latest confrontation, though. Feeling guilty, knowing that he was on dangerous ground, Ed allowed himself to be pushed back towards the couch. There was no denying the fact that he was also excited.

Christy pulled out her phone. “I’ve got more than one to tell you about. I’ve been busy, you know, but I do actually have one quick one I can show you. Shall we start with that?”

“Sure,” Ed grinned, excited to see what she had.

Christy sat down next to him, pressing her body into him as she showed flicked through her phone to find the video. It was quite dark, but the bright, coloured lights of a bar or disco could be seen behind a crowd of people. In the centre of the crowd stood Christy, dressed to knock everyone’s eyes out as usual in a very tight red dress and strappy heels. She was arguing with another woman, seemingly goading her, inviting her to come and take her on. The other woman had black hair and tanned looking skin. Her white dress was at least as short and probably tighter than Christy’s. She looked to be Latina. She was clearly very attractive, more so than Christy, Ed thought, although in the light it was difficult to tell.

Then it started. The Latina woman lashed out at Christy, catching her across the face with a slap. She actually looked surprised at what she’d done, and then flung herself forward to grab two handfuls of Christy’s hair. Clearly she was going to make this a catfight.

Christy had other ideas, slugging her opponent in the stomach. The Latina continued to yank ferociously at Christy’s hair. It occurred to Ed that messing up her hair or makeup would probably hurt Christy more than anything else this woman could do to her. It was three more belly punches before the Latina let go of the hair, doubling over.

Christy grabbed her opponent by the hair, driving her knee up into the girl’s stomach twice. The crowd around them could be heard cheering and jeering for the action through the tinny phone speakers.

Christy yanked the girl upright, smashing her around her pretty face with the kind of blistering right cross that Ed had seen her use on Sylvia. The girl staggered, her foot twisting. She was clearly falling, maybe out already, but Christy still brutally punched her a second time as she fell. The girl spiralled backwards, her fall fortunately broken by one of the onlookers, who then undid the favour by pulling that sexy body straight back up and almost presenting her to Christy, a big grin on his face.

Ed noticed that the girl’s tiny dress had ridden up the reveal her tiny white panties. Christy stepped up and slugged her twice in her flat stomach even as the guy held her, and Ed could see her fist sinking deep into the white fabric. The girl made no attempt to defend herself as Christy slugged her around the face again. The guy couldn’t hold her up after that, and she collapsed in a heap.

Christy wasn’t done, kicking the girl and shouting at her, although Ed couldn’t make out what she was saying. She dropped down on top of the girl and began pounding away at her midsection. People had seen enough by now, and there were hands dragging Christy away, but not before she managed to sink her fists a couple of times into the Latina’s ample tits, popping one of them out of the tight confines of her dress.

“Jesus.” Ed said, shocked but very aroused. “That wasn’t a fight, it was a massacre.”

“She was asking for it,” Christy said, although she did not elaborate.

“You could get in serious trouble for that. How the fuck didn’t you get arrested?”

“Nobody there knew me. It wasn’t my neighbourhood. I just left. Not before I grabbed someone’s phone though, so I could have the video. Nice, isn’t it?”

Ed didn’t know what to say. It was too brutal, but he had enjoyed it anyway. Christy climbed on top of him, straddling him, and Ed did nothing to stop her. He still did nothing to stop her she pressed herself forward to kiss him. To his surprise Christy broke it off. She only climbed halfway off him, and was soon pulling up pictures of some other woman on her phone. “What do you think of her?” she asked, showing him someone’s Instagram page. From her posts she clearly like to work out. “She’s like a black Sylvia!” Christy laughed.

“I suppose,” Ed said. She had a similar body, and was pretty enough.

“Do you think I could take her?”

“No. She looks tough,” Ed said. “Why? Is she your next target?”

“Oh, no. We’ve already tangled. Do you want to hear about it?”


Mia was having a good session, but then they usually were. Her love of fitness had possibly saved her from jail when she was younger. It allowed her to put her competitive streak to a healthier use than fighting, firstly by improving herself day after day, but then as she became stronger and fitter, by finding things to compete in such as CrossFit or Ironwoman. Letting out her frustrations in this way allowed her to flourish in other areas of her life, too, escaping the bad neighbourhood where she grew up and getting a decent job. Not great, but fine for now. She still had thoughts of studying, now that her life was settled. She was now half a world away from running with gangs, and all that came with it.

Currently Mia was leaning on a bench, pumping dumbbells, when she felt the presence of another person looming over her. Looking up she saw a white woman caked in a ridiculous amount of makeup. She had seen this woman several times before, in and around the building, but not often in the gym itself. She was always made up like she was on her way to a party, and often had her nails done too. On the few times actually in the gym Mia had seen her just sitting on a piece of equipment looking at her phone. She really had no place being in here.

“I think you should be a bit more discreet,” the woman whispered to Mia, leaning in slightly giving Mia a good whiff of some kind of perfumed scent, rather than sweat.

“I’m sorry?” Mia asked, wondering what the hell the woman was talking about.

“Discretion, sweetie. You shouldn’t work out in your underwear, this isn’t a meat market.”

What the fuck? Mia could scarcely believe her ears. Reflexively, she looked down at what she was wearing, but there was no need. Her two-piece workout clothes, light-grey with yellow trim, were brief but there was nothing wrong with them. This woman had a screw loose. Irritated, Mia took a deep breath. “I’m just working out, here. I suggest you get out of my space and mind your own business.” She was very polite, despite the provocation. The Mia of five years previously would not have been.

“Yeah, I don’t think so. Not until you understand what I’m telling you.”

Mia sat bolt upright at that. She couldn’t believe the woman was still here. Mentally ill or not, Mia would lose her rag soon. “Like I said: mind your fucking business and get away from me. Now.”

“See, I think it is my business. When I come here to work out I don’t want to see people like you dressed in your underwear. You look like a whore and I find it offensive.”

If Mia couldn’t believe her ears before, she was incredulous now. In another place and time she would have put this crazy woman down already for talking to her like this. She took another deep breath, standing up. Mia knew what she wanted to do, but she couldn’t. How, then, to respond?

Standing up Mia was maybe an inch shorter than the white woman. As well as having her hair, makeup and nails done, the crazy bitch was wearing bright pink yoga pants and a tight pink top. She was showing a little stomach, where Mia noticed she lacked any toning or definition. She was also showing plenty of her ample cleavage, which was a little hypocritical.

“I think you’re in the wrong place,” Mia hissed. “This ain’t a fucking nightclub. Instead of running your mouth, why don’t you put those fat, fake titties away and get the fuck out of my gym?”

A couple of people were already beginning to stare at the two women. Although they were keeping their voices low so far, the tension was pretty obvious.

The two women eyeballed each other before the crazy white woman finally broke the tension. “Okay, let’s not get into this here. I do hope that the next time I see you you’ve taken my advice.” Before Mia could respond the bitch simply turned and left.


Mia didn’t have to wait long to see the woman again. Two days, to be exact. She came down from the gym to see the stupid bitch, tits hanging out again, actually flirting with Mia’s boyfriend. She must have been coming out of her yoga class, or something, and caught Lando walking past. Yet, somehow, Mia just knew that this woman had known exactly who he was.

Mia marched up and began dragging him away. “She’s the one I told you about,” Mia hissed at him when he protested, giving the woman a stare that she hoped said ‘back off’.

“We were just talking,” the woman said innocently.

Once more, Mia chose the path of restraint, but she was starting to think that she might have to deal with this woman at some point.


Sure enough, only a few more days passed when Mia ran into the Christy at the gym again. Mia was wearing a similarly skimpy outfit to what she’d had on when Christy had first accosted her. Christy had come into the gym and perched herself on some nearby equipment. She alternated between looking at her phone and staring at Mia bitchily. This was already far more shit than any woman had gotten away with giving Mia before, but then again, it was the only time someone had given her much shit at all since she had chosen the straighter path. Still, it was too much. Mia put her weights down and strode over.

“Oh, it’s you,” Christy said. “I guess you heard, then. Our plantation needs some work done. You certainly look like the bitch for the job.”

What the fuck? Mia had not heard just brazen racism in a long time, and never in a polite setting like this. Her arm twitched, her old reactions, ready for action the moment she was slighted, but she stopped herself. Not here.

“What did you fucking say?” Mia hissed.

“You heard me, slut. I see you’re dressed for your night job again. I did warn you.”

Mia was incredulous. “I don’t know what your fucking problem is, but we need to take this someplace else.”


“You’re lucky I haven’t smashed your fucking teeth down your throat already, talking like that and flirting with my man.”

“Oh, I’m not interested in that boring meathead. I just wanted to get your attention.”

The insult of Lando was another step towards the abyss for this crazy woman. Mia could see that she really was going to have to put her down. Not only that, but now she really wanted to. It had been a while, and this bitch was asking for it so badly.

“I’ll give you one last chance to walk away,” Mia hissed, really hoping now that Christy wouldn’t take it.

“Fuck you, you dirty ghetto scumbag. Your place, my place, any place private. Let’s settle this.”

Once again people were staring. Mia could barely remain civil enough to talk to this woman, but kept it together just enough. They arranged to meet at Mia’s apartment two days later.


Mia had been going through a series of stretches and warmups for the last 20 minutes, occasionally stopping to admire herself in the full-length mirror that dominated one wall of her bedroom. Mia was proud of her physique. Rather than being one of these people who sees all her of her own imperfections, real or imagined, when Mia looked at herself she felt a certain vitality, and pride in the healthy way that she lived.

Mia had chosen to wear the same workout clothes that she was wearing the day that crazy bitch Christy first approached her at the gym. It certainly was a small outfit. Mia looked at her breasts and smiled. While not particularly big, and certainly nothing like Christy’s, the tight, tiny grey top pushed them up and accentuated the curves of her firm tits so that they looked just right on her. Christy was right in one respect, Mia thought, reflecting that she actually did possess underwear bigger than the little shorts, but that still didn’t give her the right to spout shit. Nothing about Mia’s workout wear was gratuitous. She just looked good, that was all.

A rap at the door signalled that it was time. Mia’s body tingled as the adrenaline started to flow. She padded to the door on bare feet. Fighting in her own apartment it hadn’t occurred to her to wear any shoes. Mia took one last glance in the mirror on her way out, noticing that her smooth skin glimmered slightly from the sweat of her warmup.

Mia paused by her front door and smiled, hardly believing that the prey had accepted the invitation to come to the lioness’ house for dinner. From her dealings with Christy so far, Mia was hardly surprised by what she saw when she opened the door. Christy was wearing skin-tight jeans, cut low to show off as much of her soft stomach as possible. The tiny pink halter-top was clearly designed to draw attention to those big tits of hers. Then there was, as always with this woman, the makeup. If anyone dresses like a slut here, it’s not me, Mia thought, not for the first time.

“You ready, bitch?” Christy asked, arrogantly pushing her way into the room.

Mia still couldn’t believe the brazen confidence of the woman. She had no right to whatsoever to be acting in this way. Mia wondered again if this girl was actually mentally ill.

“I’ve done this a hundred times before.” Mia was calmer today than when they had last met at the gym. As much as she was looking forward to pounding this arrogant, racist slut, she was still prepared to give her one last chance to back down. “I used to run with a bad crowd. Any skank got in my way got her ass beat down. Bad. I’ll give you one last chance to leave. Stay away from me, my gym and my man.”

“I told you I’m not interested in him,” Christy spat. “Boring fuck. I just came here to beat your ugly ass, you stupid black cxnt.”

Mia was still half expecting Christy to leave. At the very least, she thought the woman would kick her heeled boots off before they started, so when Christy stepped quickly into her and slugged her around the jaw Mia was not ready at all. Her head snapped sharply to the side as Christy’s fist exploded into the side of her face with surprising force. Mia staggered backwards into the table, pushing it backwards a couple of feet, but it did at least help to stay upright.

Mia turned back to face her adversary, shaking her head a little. Where did that come from? Christy was a weak-looking bitch who shouldn’t have been able to hit so hard. Undaunted, Mia put her guard up. Christy might have surprised her but she was still nothing compared to most of the women and girls Mia had fought over the years, mostly with success.

“A cheap shot for a cheap whore,” Mia spat. “I hope you enjoyed it because it’s only going to take me about 60 fucking seconds to rip you to pieces.” Damn, but for some reason this stupid woman still looked so confident.

Both women advanced, with Christy immediately throwing another wild punch. Smirking, Mia is easily able to block it, quickly replying with a left-right combo of her own, enjoying the satisfying feel of her fists crunching into the sides of Christy’s face. Christy dropped heavily to the floor.

“60 seconds!” Mia laughed. “I didn’t even need 10. You don’t look like much, but I guess I still overestimated you.” She moved to stand over Christy, flexing her biceps in a show of dominance. The pathetic woman was almost out after two punches, although they were two good punches, Mia thought.

From nowhere Christy shot out a leg and jamming the heel of her boot into Mia’s tight abs. Untensed, unprepared, Christy’s heel penetrated deeper than it should have, leaving Mia gasping. Recovering quickly with a couple of deep breaths Mia was already launching her retaliation as Christy climbed back to her feet. Somehow Christy reached out a hand to not only block but actually catch Mia’s flying fist mid-air. Mia gaped, uncomprehending. What the fuck? The woman was off balance and not even fully upright. Christy squeezed with her left hand, freakishly strong, pushing Mia’s arm back. Mia gaped, trying to push back but Christy was forcing her well-muscled right arm backwards. Meanwhile, Christy swung a right of her own, causing Mia a sharp explosion of pain to the jaw that made Christy’s first punch seem like a tickle. Mia’s head snapped back fiercely this time, her upper body following as she crashed into the displaced table. This time Christy had put enough force through Mia’s head to send her body clattering over the table, landing heavily on the floor on the other side.

Mia could hear the blood rushing in her ears; could see the legs of the table in front of her, slightly out of focus. She wiggled her jaw, wincing, hoping that it was not cracked. Jesus, when had she ever been hit that hard? Almost never, although her refusal to back down, her refusal to accept that any woman was tougher than her, no matter the size or reputation had got her in trouble a couple of times. Mia flashed back to a time she had taken on a massive brute of a woman, a female Mike Tyson, on the local basketball court after the beast had objected to Mia dating her brother. That day she had been battered into near oblivion, humiliated in front of a jeering crowd. Somehow, this weak looking bitch seemed to able to punch like that.

Shaking of the memories – there was no time for that – and trying to shake of the grogginess, Mia got to her feet. The table, a useful obstacle between them had given her the few seconds that she needed. Christy was on her already, though, thundering a powerful uppercut into Mia’s tight stomach, doubling her over. A second blow had Mia gasping again as the air was punched from her. At least her solid wall of muscle prevented either of the punches from actually hurting her too much. Still, she was taking too much punishment right now and needed to retaliate.

Banishing all thoughts of immediate retaliation Christy lashed a brutal right hook across Mia’s pretty face, the momentum spinning the black girl’s body round once more and staggering her several feet across the room to collide heavily with the plaster-board wall. A framed, artistic photograph of a night-time skyline, dislodged by the impact, thudded into the floor almost simultaneously with Mia’s collapsing body.

Christy paused to admire her handiwork. “What’s wrong? Tough little gang-banger can’t take a white girl?”


“I wondered if I’d bitten off more than I could chew,” Christy told Ed, “but after the drunk girls at the club I needed a challenge. That’s why I picked her out. She looked like a challenge, but when she started talking tough, all the ‘skanks’ she’d beaten up, running with a bad crowd and all that shit, I thought I might be in trouble. Still, Sylvia was supposed to be a fighter, and she turned out to be a fucking pussycat.”

“It’s crazy,” Ed admitted. “The whole thing. Going round looking for people to fight, and especially this woman. What’s wrong with you?” He was lying back on the sofa now, unable to resist his psycho ex. Hearing her talk about her fights was super-hot, especially as she was stroking his cock the whole time, not that he needed any help to get excited. Her sweet, warm breath on the side of his neck and face as she sexily whispered her stories into his ear only intensified Ed’s arousal.

“I was mad,” Christy said, pausing to nibble Ed’s ear. “Mad with you, first, but then mad with that bitch Sylvia for taking you away from me. I wanted to fight for you, to teach that man-stealing slut not to mess with my property. It was pretty hot, wasn’t it?”

Ed grunted in agreement. There wasn’t much point pretending that he wasn’t into this. He felt bad for enjoying his girlfriend’s awful humiliation, but Christy was right, it was fucking hot.

“Oh, yes, big boy, I can feel how much you liked it,” Christy continued. “I liked it too. Even without you it’s just such a fucking turn on beating on those other bitches. Still, I really didn’t know if I could take this one.”

“I’ve seen what you can do, now. Still, she looks tough.”

“Hmm, she was ripped like Sylvia, really, but blacks are always tougher, aren’t they? She’s probably fought more than Sylvia too, but in the streets, no rules. So, I thought I’d better get the first shot in.”
As Christy started to recount the fight, Ed began found himself thinking of her as some kind of sexy villainess. When she told him about how hard Mia had hit her at the start, and how seriously worried she had been at that point, Ed started to imagine her getting her comeuppance. In the end all sexy villainesses got their comeuppance, didn’t they? Not this time, though, otherwise she wouldn’t be here telling him about it. Surely this gang girl, in her own apartment wouldn’t just have beaten Christy, but absolutely wrecked her.


Mia staggered to her feet as quickly as she could. Christy had finished taunting her and was now stalking across the room, fists at the ready. The image of the brute woman who had taken her apart in her younger days came to Mia once more. She shook her head and gritted her teeth. This made-up Daddy’s girl in front of her was not that kind of monster, though. Mia must be able to take her down.

As Christy reached her, Mia swung wildly and again Christy seemed to block with ease. The follow up was swift and stiff, another head-jolting blow to the jaw that sent Mia reeling. Christy followed, hammering Mia with a left-right combo that whipped the black woman’s head brutally from side to side. Mia stumbled over the arm of her own couch. At least the landing was soft as she fell into the cool leather.

It was no time for appreciating the comfort of her furniture, nor did Christy allow it as she used a handful of hair to yank Mia roughly to her feet. The continued headshots, delivered with far greater power than Christy ought to posses had already taken their toll on Mia, and she offered up no resistance as Christy lined her up, nailing her with a vicious uppercut. The blow took Mia party in the throat with exquisite pain, but she was also aware of the sharp hurt at the base of her skull as her head whipped backwards. Mia felt as though she was airborne for a moment before she collapsed heavily into some furniture. She was dimly aware that it may have been her corner cabinet, but whatever it was it managed to dig its way agonisingly between her shoulders.

Mia had nothing to offer as Christy dragged her up once more by the hair. This time Mia did not assist Christy at all – the entire deadweight of her body being pulled up through her roots. The pain was exquisite. Letting go of the hair, Christy let the dazed woman stagger in front of her for a moment before repeating the brutal uppercut. Mia, eyes wide with panic, saw it coming well enough, but her arms hung loosely at her sides and her legs wobbled weakly beneath her, refusing to move. This time she barely felt the blow, and did not remember hitting the floor.

Mia came around with a panic. Had she been out cold? For how long? Christy was now sat on top of her. Mia tried to push her away, but Christy wouldn’t budge. The white girl with her soft body had Mia’s arms pinned to the floor by her own while her weight bore down on Mia’s stomach. Mia felt that with her supremely toned body she ought to be able to dislodge Christy. She wriggled and squirmed, pushing her well-muscled arms against Christy’s, with their utter lack of toning and definition. Okay, Christy was sat on her, but in a test of strength Mia vastly superior physique ought to prevail. In fact, she could make no impression at all. Pushing her arms against Christy was like trying to lift a dumbbell that was way out of her range. She just could not shift the woman even a single inch.

“What’s up, muscle girl?” Christy taunted, watching Mia struggle beneath her. The bitch didn’t look like she was exerting any effort at all in keeping Mia pinned to the floor. “Am I too strong for you? Looks like all those hours you put in at the gym so you can look like some fucking jacked man were a waste of time.”

As Mia continued to struggle in vain Christy began to rub her soft ass all over Mia’s hard abs. Back and forth, up and down, with a look of orgasmic excitement on her face. Fuck me, Mia thought in amazement, she’s rubbing herself up with me! It was disgusting, and humiliating, but it was also an opportunity. Christy even closed her eyes as she rubbed herself all over Mia’s washboard abs, groaning slightly.

Now! Mia summoned all her strength, bucking her pelvis upwards and twisting her body. At the same time, she let out a little roar as she flexed her biceps and pushed back for all she worth. Once she got free… but… nothing happened.

Christy stopped gyrating and opened her eyes. “Wow. Is that all you’ve got? Are those muscles even real?” she asked. Christy let go of Mia’s left arm. “There you go. Now what are you going to do?”

Mia was too surprised, too slow of thought. Before she could do anything at all Christy swung her right arm in a wide arc, palm open, delivering a blistering slap to the side of Mia’s face. Pulling her head back to the centre, Mia was met by another slap to her already stinging face. Enraged, Mia swung wildly, but Christy once more caught her fist with ease.

“Weak and slow,” Christy laughed, pushing Mia’s arm back down to the floor. The black girl tried to resist, but her muscles immediately gave up the fight. No sooner had her arm hit the floor than Christy let go to slap her again. This time it was not so hard, but with her cheek already red and sensitive it stung a whole lot more, bringing a tear to Mia’s eye. No-one where Mia had grown up would engage in such obvious girl’s fighting, but it hurt so fucking much. Being bitch-slapped to tears felt even more humiliating than having Christy try to pleasure herself on Mia’s abs. For all the humiliation, Mia knew that if Christy started using her fists from this position of superiority that not only would the fight be over (if it wasn’t already), but that she could be in a dangerous situation with this clearly unhinged woman.

Christy had other ideas, and after a couple more slaps she started to drag Mia up by her hair once more. Tired and weak as she was feeling, she still felt that if she could get the upper hand she could make her wealth of experience tell. She also still refused to believe that Christy could be stronger than her. 

Before Mia could swing at her Christy threw a heavy left that sent Mia straight back to the floor. Mia tried immediately to get to her feet, wobbled before she was even halfway and collapsed back down. AS she stared back up at her adversary Mia realised that she really only looking through one eye. Her left, which had taken most of the punishment had swollen almost closed. The blood in her mouth she had been tasting for some time, but now it was flowing freely and pooling in her mouth, mixing with her spit and saliva into a thick mucus that was making it difficult to breathe. Mia leaned to the side and spat, horrified by how much blood she saw. At least she didn’t spit out any teeth.

“I thought you were going to put me in down in less than a minute!” Christy laughed down at her. “Pathetic slut. I actually could have done that, but I prefer to play with you.”

Enraged, Mia dragged herself to her feet. Her hair was dishevelled, her face a mess, her dark-skinned body, so exposed by her tiny workout clothes, glistening with sweat. Her knees wobbled and she bent slightly at the waist, her chest heaving as she sucked in much needed oxygen, but still she managed to raise her fists to fight once more, showing off her impressive biceps as she did so.

“You’ve got some spirit, at least. I like to see that. The harder you try the more fun you are to break. Come on then,” Christy said, dropping her hands to her sides. “I’ll even give you a free one. I bet you can’t hurt me!”

What kind of trick was this? Was this bitch actually crazy enough to give Mia free shots? Mia eyed Christy warily. The bitch didn’t even look like she’d been in a fight. Her makeup, while no longer immaculate, was barely smudged. There were no marks on her face, but she did have a slight sweat of her own which had made her tight halter top somewhat transparent, displaying her impressive tits.

Mia stepped forward, throwing her weight into her free shot. Christy, true to her word, made no effort to block or to evade as Mia’s fist crashed into her jaw. Yes! Mia screamed to herself. One good, clean punch was all that she needed. She put any bitch’s lights out with one good hit. And yet… her arm felt heavy and stiff, her timing was off. It was good, but it was not destructive.

Not destructive at all. Christy simply laughed at her. “Pathetic. You weren’t really in any gang, surely?” Mia tried again, but Christy batted her arm away dismissively. “I bet you were the little neighbourhood weak girl, ploughed by the gang-bangers and beaten up by their jealous skank hos.” Mia tried to hit her again. What else could she do? The result was the same, with more laughter. “Is that what all the gym time is for? Is that why you have those pathetic show muscles? To make up for being the neighbourhood punch-bag when you were little? Come on, I’ll give you one more free shot, muscle girl, not that it’ll do you much good.” Christy actually stuck her chin out this time.

Mia focussed. As exhausted as she was from the beating, she still felt she only needed one good shot. She channelled all her remaining energy into that one punch, the one that would put Christy down, but it was not to be. Christy swayed her head out of the way, and Mia could hear her laughter as she nearly fell over under the momentum of her own fresh-air shot.

“Sorry,” Christy taunted. “I’m not that generous.” She swung a huge right hook into Mia’s abs, doubling the pretty black woman over. Christy lifted Mia’s head back up with two fingers under the chin, almost gently. There was nothing gentle about the left-cross follow-up, snapping Mia’s head to the side once more.

Mia somehow stayed on her feet. Turning her head back to the front she struggled to focus. Through the repeated, brutal punches to the head, the swollen eye and certainly now some tears Christy had become a blurred mess in front of Mia. Still, she could see the blurred mess moving. Quickly. BANG. Everything was black as a huge right smashed Mia in the other direction. The room was spinning when Mia opened her eyes, and Christy was even more blurred.

Christy leathered Mia with a series of huge punches, really working up a sweat as she battered the poor girl around her own apartment. She put everything she had into her blows, feeling no mercy or sympathy for an opponent who was past the point of fighting back. In fact, Mia’s pathetic efforts only enraged Christy. She had come here expecting a fight, even fearing that Mia might prove a challenge to far, but Mia was just as pathetic as her other opponents had turned out to be. Christy took her frustrations out on the black girl’s increasingly battered face, enjoying each solid connection of fist with face. She even enjoyed the pain in her own knuckles. The more each blow hurt her hand the more this useless bitch must be suffering.

Christy probably landed about a dozen punches to her dazed, beaten opponent, having to pause twice to pick her back up. Mia seemed barely conscious, her eyes glazed over, but barely was conscious enough for Christy to inflict more pain. Mia was slumped on the floor, her back to the wall, blowing bubbles of bloody spit. The poor woman was sobbing, trying to say something.

“What’s that?” Christy demanded. “Have you had enough?”

“Yes! Enough. Please stop,” Mia begged. Her head hung limply, chin on her chest.

“I can’t hear you.”

“No more. Please.”

“You pathetic bitch. Come here.” Christy reached down disdainfully, grabbing Mia around the neck. The more Christy beat her the harder it was becoming to drag her back to her feet. Christy kept one hand around Mia’s neck, pinning her to the wall. She ran the fingers of her free hand over Mia’s rock-hard abs. She thought of Sylvia with her similarly well-muscled stomach. Why would Ed prefer this to her own feminine, real woman’s body? The poor man was misguided, surely, but Christy still felt the urge to destroy these ridiculous show muscles. Luckily, she had not quite got carried away enough to smash Mia into a coma, although she actually smirked at the thought. No, there was still some more fun to be had with the ‘tough’ little gang-banger.

“I wonder how many punches it’ll take to smash through these?” Christy asked, still stroking Mia’s stomach. “What do you think? 20, 30 before I turn your abs to mush? 40, perhaps?”

“No, you can’t,” Mia sobbed.

“I can do what I like with you.”

“No, y-you won’t be able to. They’re too s-strong.” Mia knew this to be true. Mia was very proud of her sexy abs, honed to perfection over a number of years. Christy herself must be tiring now. “You’ll never break me there,” she added, defiantly. Mia knew that she was badly fucked up. She just had to keep Christy away from her head now, even if that meant enduring a stomach beating. Anyway, she knew that she could take it.

“Oh, you are the gift that keeps on giving!” Christy laughed. “Well, you asked for it. Literally.” With that she drove an uppercut into Mia’s solar plexus. Mia moaned loudly, as was left gasping and wheezing as the air was driven from her. Christy looked into those glassy, wet eyes. “Surely you can more than one? Well, you’re going to have to.”

Christy aimed lower next, right into the centre of those sculped abs. She ought to give the girl a sporting chance, after all. Christy had learnt recently that she much preferred the solid feel of punching into hard stomach muscle, rather than the softer girls. It was a better workout, more of a challenge, but she also liked to demonstrate to these pathetic bitches with their show muscles that their time had been wasted.

Christy rifled half a dozen underarm gut-busters into Mia, all the while taking in the expressions on the girl’s horribly beaten face. Christy loved to see those features screwed up in pain even as she drove her fists into that wall of muscle, penetrating a fraction deeper each time. That hardest part of this was pinning her near deadweight opponent to the wall. Christy switched hands to hold Mia up with the right and punch with her weaker left.

Half a dozen more blows, and this time Christy aimed more for the slightly softer area just above the hip, although for a woman like Mia that still made for a satisfyingly solid feel as she beat her fist into the girl. As Christy beat Mia’s body the poor girl gasped and moaned softly, making particularly satisfying sounds whenever Christy caught her between raggedy breaths.

Mia was sliding down the wall, and Christy needed two hands to drag her back up. She switched back to her right hand now, really working those punches, seeking to obliterate Mia’s abs. She could really feel her progress, feeling the muscles disintegrating beneath her knuckles as she sank her fist deeper into Mia’s body. The girl was openly crying now.

Christy drove her fist in again, this time eliciting a scream, although luckily Mia was too weak and breathless to scream loudly. Excited, Christy hit her in that same spot and Mia screamed again, telling Christy that she was now through and doing some real damage. Three more times she powered her fist into Mia, drinking in the agonised expressions of her tortured foe.

“Looks like I got you,” Christy purred. “How many was that? 15? 20? Less than I thought you’d manage. Fuck me, you really are useless.” She finally let go of Mia, and the black girl slid down the wall, curling up on the floor, a pathetic, crying, destroyed little heap. “Do you know what? I don’t think we do need you for the plantation. You’re just a weak little bitch with show muscles.”

Mia is horrified to feel Christy’s hands in her hair once more. “No,” she groaned, softly but urgently. “Come on, you’ve won. Leave me alone,” but Christy dragged her across the floor by her hair, and then back to her feet once more. Mia was fearing for her life, now. She had been battered nearly unconscious, and then her rock-hard abs beaten until the pain was exquisite and deep. She couldn’t take any more. Once upright Christy pushed her backwards over the kitchen counter, exposing her stomach again. “No, please,” Mia continued to sob. “I can’t take any more. Please.” Mia tried to push Christy off, but of course she had no chance. Christy laughed at her before flipping her over onto her stomach and wrenching one of Mia’s arms up behind her back.

“I could have beaten you to death today,” Christy hissed in Mia’s ear. “We both know it. It probably wouldn’t take much more. Either you weren’t a gang-banger or your ‘hood must have been like a fucking kindergarten. I thought you’d be a challenge. Now listen. This stays between us. No police, nothing like that. If any shit comes back onto me for this, from the law, or any retaliation, then the next time I will fucking kill you.” With that, Christy tossed Mia to the floor. “Oh, and after I’m gone, please try not to fucking die down there on the floor. I don’t need that shit.”

Mia was curled up in the foetal position, her eyes tightly closed. She heard Christy’s booted feet walking across the room, and prayed that the woman was going to be true to her word and actually leave. She breathed a short, painful sigh of relief when she heard the door open, and then close, Christy’s footsteps faint on the other side, disappearing down the hall. Mia lay nursing her battered body for quite some time, bare skin pressed against the cold kitchen floor, shocked, humiliated and crying.


Ed had always known what a great kisser Christy was, more playful, more passionate that Sylvia, but now, as her tongue danced inside his mouth and her hand gently stroked his cock, it seemed that he had forgotten slightly. Was she better than he remembered? Maybe it was the situation. By the time she had unzipped his trousers and gently slid them down he hadn’t resisted at all, caught up in the excitement of her story, intoxicated by her aroma, her beauty, and of course, her breasts. God, he really had missed them.

How he wished this fight had also been filmed. She must have been exaggerating, so comprehensive was her telling of the victory. Maybe not, though. The cute black girl did have a similar body to Sylvia, and Ed had seen Christy destroy his poor girlfriend with his own eyes.

“Are you going to save some for me?” Christy asked, indicating the sticky mess around her hand and all over Ed’s stomach and legs, shaking Ed from his reverie. He wasn’t sure how many times he’d cum, but he couldn’t help himself. Her breath, her touch, the story… it was all exciting enough that he managed to keep popping up for more. Saving some for her, though? It was a bridge too far. Ed gave her soft, round ass a squeeze and kissed her again. God, he wanted her right now.

But no. If she was a psycho before, she was even more so now, picking fights with self-confessed gang girls, beating people up outside of nightclubs. She was so far of the leash it was frightening. With these sobering thoughts Ed was able to push her away.

“What the fuck?” Christy flashed with anger, moving in to kiss him again.

“No,” Ed insisted, pushing her away.

“What’s all this then, you fucking idiot?” she demanded, giving his cock a painful yank. Ed pushed her hand away from him there, too.

“I can’t do it. I’m with Sylvia now.”

“Right now, dipshit, you’re with me. Look what we already did. What’s she going to say when I tell her about this?”

Ed felt a fleeting moment of panic, but no, it was okay. “You’re crazy. She won’t believe you.”

“Well, we’ll just have to see about that. Fuck me now, or I tell her.”

“It’s not going to happen. You need to leave.” Ed had pushed her all the way off him now and was hastily doing up his trousers.

Christy opened her mouth to speak, but then thought better of it. She leaned in to kiss him again, but once more he pushed her off. Christy stood up, straightening her own top. Ed saw that one of her tits had almost popped out in the excitement. He did wish that he could see them in all their glory. No. He had made up his mind.

“Break up with her,” Christy demanded.

“No. I like her.”

“Oh, you like her? You fucking love me. Break up with her and I’ll forget about her.”

The threat was implicit. Leave things as they were now and Ed could expect to receive another video. How far would Christy go next time? There was a way, though, and it was a way that excited Ed.

“I won’t break up with her, but I will help you to set up another fight. She wants a chance to get even, you know. Don’t go jumping her. We’ll do it right and fair, and this time I’ll be there to watch.”

Christy’s face lit up. She could hardly have looked more delighted, and Ed knew that he would get no more trouble from her today.

“Oh, babe, that will be awesome. With you there to watch? Oh, that’ll be something worth waiting for. Don’t make me wait too long, though, if you don’t want me to go looking for her.”

“Don’t worry, we can do it soon. She’s keen.”

“Winner gets the guy?”

Ed didn’t answer. He honestly wasn’t sure. He didn’t really want Christy back, but he was finding it harder and harder to resist.

“Anyway, I’m going to beat her so badly next time she’ll break up with you from embarrassment.”

“Don’t be so sure. She’s tough, Christy. You caught her by surprise last time. You fluked it. She’s going to be ready for you next time.”

Christy just laughed at that. “If you’re sure this is how you want it, I’ll leave you alone for now. Remember, don’t keep me waiting.”

With that, she was on her way out. Ed watched her sexy ass swaying from side to side in her tight jeans as she headed for the door. She paused on the way out to blow him a kiss. Surely a better prepared Sylvia, fully knowing what to expect, would be able to take her next time? Someone needed to. She was turning into a monster.


Mia didn’t leave her apartment for two days after her devastating beating. Hell, she didn’t even get up of the floor for God knows how many hours. She was looking at herself in the mirror, tracing her fingers over her battered abs, ugly, deep-purple bruises and red welts from where Christy had destroyed her. She winced. Somewhere deeper inside something was hurting even more than that. Mia hoped it would feel better in another day or two. She really didn’t want to have to explain herself by going to get it checked out.

Her face was in terrible shape, too. Both eyes black, one swollen completely shut still. She thought she probably had a broken jaw or cheekbone, maybe both. Her nose didn’t feel broken, but it was swollen, along with her lips. Plenty of cuts and scratches, too.

Lando had tried to come over, but she told him she was away for a family emergency. He’d even come round to the apartment, but she didn’t answer. She supposed that she would have to tell him. It was going to take some time for her to recover, and she couldn’t avoid him forever. Would she lie, or tell the truth? He’d seen Christy. Mia didn’t think she could bring herself to tell him that she’d done this.

As for the police, no chance, and not because Christy had threatened her. Mia would solve her own problems, sort out her own shit, just like she used to. Of course, it had been a fluke. She’d taken Christy far too lightly, and the dirty bitch had cheap shot her at least twice. Hell, maybe she was even a little out of practice. She hadn’t mixed it up with anybody for too long. That was another mistake. It was time to get back to being who she used to be, at least a little. This is what happens when you let yourself be tamed. She would never go all the way back, but there must be ways to fight without getting into trouble. She would have to find them.

Next time she would be ready. Next time she wouldn’t be complacent. There was no way the little white girl was stronger than her, better than her. Next time she would make the bitch pay in spades.

For those who enjoyed the first two, Part Three is a rematch between Sylvia and Christy and can be found here (so I can make some pocket money):


Offline cflover

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Re: The Psychotic Ex - Part Two
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2020, 09:02:13 AM »
I hope Christy win again!


Offline DavisJones

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Re: The Psychotic Ex - Part Two
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2020, 11:24:05 AM »
I should add: these stories were a series of 3 commissions I did, posted with thanks to the original commissioner. If anybody would like to commission a story, feel free to message me.


Offline ralbright2010

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Re: The Psychotic Ex - Part Two
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2020, 12:21:50 AM »
I did purchase your "Neighbors" story and enjoyed it. I think this series is better, you have developed Chrissy and Sylvia more. I am hooked s ;Do I definitely will buy installment #3, in spite of the fact that I am convinced Sylvia will need a great plastic surgeon and psychological help after her next encounter with Chrissy.


Offline lifeofriley

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Re: The Psychotic Ex - Part Two
« Reply #4 on: February 13, 2020, 06:17:27 PM »
I did purchase your "Neighbors" story and enjoyed it. I think this series is better, you have developed Chrissy and Sylvia more. I am hooked s ;Do I definitely will buy installment #3, in spite of the fact that I am convinced Sylvia will need a great plastic surgeon and psychological help after her next encounter with Chrissy.

how is it??? it looks good.  ;D


Offline ralbright2010

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Re: The Psychotic Ex - Part Two
« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2020, 06:06:33 AM »
Have not purchased the Sylvia/Chrissy rematch yet." Neighbors" has been out on Amazon for some time and it is very good, but shorter, only a one fight story.


Offline krispin

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Re: The Psychotic Ex - Part Two
« Reply #6 on: February 17, 2020, 05:01:30 PM »
I should add: these stories were a series of 3 commissions I did, posted with thanks to the original commissioner. If anybody would like to commission a story, feel free to message me.

I purchased all your stories.
Please more slender small titted good girls beaten dominated and humiliated by curvier bigger titted stronger bad girls.


Offline lifeofriley

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Re: The Psychotic Ex - Part Two
« Reply #7 on: February 24, 2020, 10:18:43 PM »
I should add: these stories were a series of 3 commissions I did, posted with thanks to the original commissioner. If anybody would like to commission a story, feel free to message me.

I purchased all your stories.
Please more slender small titted good girls beaten dominated and humiliated by curvier bigger titted stronger bad girls.

yes! agree! Christy is amazing