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The Trial and Tribulations of Kate the ex model episode 7 By the Masked Writer

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The Trial and Tribulations of Kate the ex model episode 7
The Thrill and the Agony
By the Masked Writer

The next fight? Right now ? Kate can't believe it. She has just fought two fights. The first, against an anorexic called Sasha, was a joke, as this girl was so weak. But the second, against a huge obese woman named Dany, left Kate exhausted and thirsty despite her victory. Lying on the mattress that covers the floor of the Master's lounge, she raises an arm.
- "Wait! She tries to shout but her parchment mouth lets out only a hoarse squeak. She was understood, however, because the Mistress gets up and looks at her with contempt to ask her:

- "What? "
- "Could I have a glass of water?" Asked Kate. "I'm dehydrated!" "
- "Don't try to save time! Exclaims the Mistress, raising her whip. The Master stops her with a gesture.
"Yes, bring this girl a glass of water! We want her in shape for the rest of the evening. "
Slavely, one of the men present stands up, leaves the room and returns with a large glass of water which he hands to Kate. She sits on the mattress and takes the glass with sincere thanks and starts drinking, taking her time, which allows her to breathe a little. She looks at the bench where her opponents are seated. Sasha, the human skeleton, regains its senses by massaging her aching skinny limbs. Dany, the BBW, massages her arm with a hateful look at Kate. There remains the white-haired woman and the tall girl with short, brown hair, dressed in green and black robes respectively. Kate doesn't know which one she'll have to face first.

However, there is a limit to the amount of time one can take to drink a glass of water, especially when a dozen men sitting on sofas are looking at you impatiently. Kate finally takes a last sip and hands the glass back to the one who brought it to her. The few minutes had still given her precious rest.

- "Are we ready?" Asked the Master. A purely formal question, of course because he does not wait for the answer and announces:
- "Janet! It's your turn ! "

It’s the white-haired woman who gets up and approaches the mat.
The Master introduces her

- "Here is our cougar!" It is therefore a wild beast that will face Kate! The men laugh at this joke. "She is 63 years old, weighs 140 lbs and measures 5'7". She tried to escape, too. We'll see which traitor will chastise the other. "

While Master is talking, Janet takes off her robe, revealing a relatively well-preserved body for her age, nothing more, wearing only blue bra and panties. Relatively slender, Janet nevertheless has a small tire around the waist, some rolls of fat hiding her ribs. The legs are not bad but there is a certain flaccidity in the thighs. The arms seem relatively solid despite the inevitable "bingo wings" under the triceps. Held in a rigid bra, the generous chest seems relatively firm, as do the buttocks.

Kate thinks that she can't take any opponent lightly, especially in her own tired state.

Kate gets on her feet and takes a fighting position. Janet comes over and after a while goes on the attack, trying to grab Kate’s wrists, which, quicker,  dodges easily. The mature woman then changes tactics and tries a kick towards Kate's stomach, but she is slow and Kate grabs her foot and, pulling with all her strength, makes her lose her balance and fall back on the mattress. Kate rushes to try to immobilize Janet on the ground but the latter takes her by surprise by throwing another kick. This time, the blow hits its target and strikes Kate's solar plexus. Breathless, the redhead bends folds in pain and falls on the knees, then on her side, gasping for air and blinded by tears of pain.

Janet gets up on her knees and goes to Kate. She grabs her wrists and begins to keep her on the ground by this means. She is stronger than Kate expected. She forces Kate's thin wrists together and, holding them with her left hand, uses the right to grab Kate's left breast and twist her nails into it. Kate screams in pain.

The pain breathes new energy into the ex-model who starts to fidget furiously and uses her long legs to send a series of knee strokes in the ribs of her opponent, who demonstrated her lack of experience by not placing herself so as to overlap her victim.

The grip slackens on Kate's wrists, which releases her right hand and sends a furious punch to Janet's face. She instinctively steps back, letting go of the other wrist. Janet is stronger but much slower than Kate who gets up on her rear to send another punch in the, rather soft, stomach of Janet who steps back, folded in half, and falls on her behind.

Kate immediately jumps on her opponent, causing her to fall on her back, grabbing her in a headlock and using her free hand to repeatedly punch her in the face. Janet manages to stop this rain of blows by grabbing Kate's wrist with one hand, while with her other hand she tries to force Kate to let go of the headlock. Kate then slides a knee between Janet's soft thighs, forcing her to spread them apart and she slides her other leg into this space, trying to immobilize her opponent in a grapevine. The two women are breathing hard, their two bodies glistening with sweat. The cougar, clasping the ex-mannequin's two wrists in her hands, then tries to push her away while kicking with legs to prevent her from immobilizing them. But Janet begins to tire and run out of strength. However, she manages to lift one leg high enough to strike a knee that hits Kate’s left hip bone. In pain, Kate instinctively moves to the right, which allows Janet to take advantage of this imbalance to push her aside. She then desperately tries to straighten herself so as to reverse the situation and pin Kate to the ground.

But the cougar's movements are getting slower and slower, and Kate has no trouble freeing her wrists and rolling out of reach. Janet pauses, hesitant to pursue her opponent. She is breathing hard, covered with sweat and her face is pale. Her age begins to take its toll. Kate gets up on her knees. The two opponents face each other for a moment and Janet begins to get up. Kate seems to do the same then changes tactics. As soon as Janet is standing, Kate, faster, dives towards the legs of the white-haired lady, grabs the ankles and pulls them sharply towards her. Janet falls, beating the air with her arms, collapsing on her back with a soft noise and a loud sigh when the air suddenly comes out of her lungs.

Her face twisted in pain, she remains motionless for a moment, Kate jumps on her, avoids an awkward kick and places her knees on Janet's shoulders, in a classic shoolgirl pin. In full hand, she grabs her opponent's white hair and begins to hit her head against the ground. Janet grabs Kate's wrists and tries to make her let go, to no avail. She tries to do the bridge backbend leaning on her heels to try to project her young opponent but the latter is holding on. The cougar quickly wears out under the effort and, after a few seconds, stops trying to backbend and finds herself flat on her back. She then tries to lift her legs to try to grab Kate from behind but she does not have the necessary flexibility and, soon, does not have the strength either. Her legs fall to the ground, the soft flesh of her thighs trembling. Her stomach caves in and her ribs shows as she tries to breathe with the weight of Kate compressing her breasts. Kate stopped hitting her head on the mattress and, spreading her arms, managed to get her to let go of her wrists. She then begins to punch her in the face. Finally Janet moans:
 -" Stop ! I'm giving up!”
 Kate stops hitting for a moment and, raising a fist over Janet's face, asks:
 -" You said what ? Ask for mercy! " Janet, miserably, groans:
 - "Please! Stop! You won! " Kate stands up, to the applause of the audience. She knows, however, what her audience wants. As soon as she stands, she sends a heel kick in the flabby belly of Janet who turns on her stomach, writhing in pain. Kate then bends over and grabs Janet's bra, unties it and takes it off. Janet wants to bring her arms under her but Kate grabs her wrists, brings them behind the victim's back and ties them together with the bra. She then attacks the panties which she quickly slides along the legs, to tie the ankles together. Janet, exhausted and defeated, struggles only weakly. Kate then turns her to the side, offering to the staring assistance the aged body, heavy breasts, flabby belly and gray bush. Janet cries of shame. Kate is not particularly proud of this but she knows that her audience will appreciate it.

It is with relief that she hears Master say:
"-" That's enough ! You won, Kate! "

Kate, breathless, asks the Master:
- "Forgive me, Master, but I have to pee! "
The Master bursts out laughing and orders one of his minions to lead Kate towards the toilets. It is true that, after the glass of water she had previously, Kate can go to the bathroom but she mostly found this trick to breathe and rest a little before the last fight. Otherwise, she is convinced, the Master will send her last opponent immediately. And Kate is wary of this tall young woman with brown hair. She may be her most formidable opponent tonight.

So she takes her time on the bowl. But, there too, there is a limit. After a while, she hears knocking on the bathroom door.
-" Coming! " she says.

She pulls up her panties and leaves the bathroom, heading for the living room. She resumes her place in the middle of the mat when the Master declares:
- "Marta, it's your turn! "

The tall girl with short brown hair, dressed in a black robe, stands up. Marta! The name allows Kate to remember where she once saw this girl: she too was a model! Kate met her on a few fashion shows and photoshoots. She had found her supremely unpleasant, arrogant and vain. A real pest! She had heard that designers and photographers had had enough of her attitude and that she was reduced to participating in "catfight" sessions arranged in soft porn studios. No wonder she finds herself now in this sect! But Kate feels her resolve firming up. No matter how tired she feels: she will not lose against this bitch! No way!

Meanwhile, His Obesity Master Réal started the presentations:

- "Now here is a girl who does not know what is good for her and has not respected the rules of the Church concerning the abstinence from alcohol, tobacco and drugs! Kate refrains from smiling as she looks at the glasses of wine in the hand of the Prophet's friends while he goes on:

- "Aged 22, measuring 5'10" and weighing 126 lbs, this is Marta Sullivan! "

The above-named drops her robe, revealing a slim, white body with long legs and small breasts, dressed only in a black bikini.

Kate gauges her opponent. This one weighs a few pounds more than her but Kate is quickly reassured: it is not muscle. In fact she is what some people call "skinny fat". The bones do not protrude under her white skin, but there is no muscle tone either. A thin layer of fat covers her entire body with little muscle. She is naturally thin but has visibly never engaged with some intensity in any exercise at all.
Kate tells herself that, despite her fatigue, she has a chance. She knows she now is fitter than she used to. And certainly fitter than the other bitch. She can win if she isn’t overcome by fatigue first.

The solution: finish it as soon as possible.

She stands ready, picked up on herself in a fighting position, as her trainer taught her. Finally, the Master orders:

- "Go! "

Marta takes a step towards Kate  who  immediately greets her with a kick in the lower abdomen. The tall brunette winces in pain and folds in half, instinctively protecting her belly with her hands. Kate grabs a handful of hair and, pulling with all her might, tries to throw her opponent to the ground. But the short hair of the big girl does not offer a good grip and slips between Kate’s finger, making her lose her grip. Marta almost loses her balance but recovers and takes a few steps away, an expression of surprise and pain on her face.

Kate feels the fatigue beginning to slow her down, her breathing becomes difficult: she must finish it as soon as possible otherwise this minx risks taking the better of her despite her obvious lack of training.

Kate launches again on her adversary and grabs her left wrist which she immediately twists. Marta screams in pain as Kate brings her arm behind her back in a perfect chicken wing. Simultaneously, with her right foot, she just presses in the hollow behind the other model's knee. She must bend her long leg and put one knee on the ground. That's when she reacts and sends a blind punch over her head ... which hits Kate right on the nose. The pain blinds our redhead whose grip relaxes, allowing Marta to release her left arm and turn to catch Kate's red mane. She also feels a liquid run from her nose and notices that she is bleeding.
-" Shit! "She exclaims.
Here the fight takes an unexpected turn: Marta lets go and steps back, pale, with an expression of disgust on her beautiful face. Apparently, she is afraid of blood!

Kate, for her part, never taught of herself as tough but was never particularly moved by the sight of blood. Taking advantage of her opponent's emotion, she approaches and sends her a right to the face, the strongest she can. She doesn't expect to knock her out. She knows she doesn't have that kind of punching power, but the blow hits the pretty mouth and visibly hurts. Marta wobbles on her legs, tries to back away precipitately, stumbles and falls seated on her behind, which is cute although a little flabby to Kate's taste. Instinctively, she reaches for her sore lip and turns pale when she sees the blood beading. Kate split her lower lip.
Panic immobilizes Marta for a moment too many. Kate steps forward and throws her knee into the face of her fallen opponent, putting her full weight on it. Marta collapses on her back, stretching out full length.

Kate, breathless, her limbs heavy with fatigue, remains motionless for a moment above Marta's long white body. The downed girl’s eyes are water-stained and sobs lift her thin chest. Pain or fear? No doubt both. Without hesitation, Kate raises a foot and hits Marta's soft stomach. She has a hiccup of pain and folds back into fetal position, turning sideways.

Kate drops to one knee and grabs one of her victim's wrists again to twist it behind her back. She presses one knee between Marta's protruding shoulder blades and presses her face down on the floor. She grabs the other wrist and twists it too, stretching both arms as if to tear them from the narrow shoulders of her victim.
She screams in pain and exclaims:
-" I'm giving up ! Stopped ! Pity! "

Kate lets go of her arms and grabs the twine that holds the top of her bikini, unties and tears it bluntly. She then removes the bottom of the bikini, slipping it along Marta's long, thin, legs, then turns her over on her back, offering her slim white and soft body, her flat breasts and her shaved pubis for all to see. She leans over and shoves the two pieces of the bikini into Marta's mouth. Then, gasping, exhausted but radiant, she raises her arms. The men present applaud. Only the Mistress remains of ice. - "Congratulations, Kate!” Exclaims the Master. He gets up from his sofa painfully, tearing off his 300 and a few pounds of fat, and declares:
- "Kate, you can go back to your pavilion!" We will decide your reward later! " Kate does not have to be begged. She is too happy to leave this place and go take a good shower. Before leaving, however, she sees the look filled with hatred of the Mistress.

Kate feels like she is in heaven while the shower massages her naked body. She is so exhausted that she can barely stand without leaning against the wall while the water flows down her face, neck, breasts, back, buttocks. She aches everywhere, her arms seem heavy as if they were weighted with lead and she felt like she had walked miles to get to her house, so weak were her long legs. But she is happy as never. Four fights in one evening but four victories! She tells herself that her trials may be over. If the Master takes her under his wing, she will have more freedom of movement and then ...
Did she hear any noise? She stops the shower. It seems to her that someone is walking in the kitchen.
 -" Who is here ? " She cries. No answer. She gets out of the shower and grabs a towel to wrap herself. She cautiously leaves the bathroom. It’s dark, she wants to turn on the light, reaches for the switch… a hand grabs her by the arm and pulls her forcefully toward the kitchen. She has no time to see who is punching her in the stomach, nor who tears the towel from her body. Breathless, she falls on her knees and a sheet suddenly covers her, completely blinding her and wrapping her to immobilize her arms. A rain of blows then falls on her head, her back, her ribs. She screams in pain but the sheet muffles her cries and no one can hear her. Finally, someone takes the sheet off and she collapses, half knocked out. Trying to look up, she sees, through a veil of tears, the legs of several women going out of her pavilion. She believes these are her four opponents of tonight but could not be sure. Two feet in black leather boots with stiletto heels are now planted in front of her face. A hand grabs her hair and forces her to lift her head. She sees, very close to hers, the redone face of the Mistress.
 -" You lose nothing for waiting! "She whispers "The Master is going on a trip in a few days. And then you will be all mine! " Suddenly, the dominatrix let loose her hair, pushing her away. Kate falls to the ground and hears the steps of the Mistress who walks away.
She feels terror falling on  her ...

To be continued