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Ladies Pro Wrestling Volume 45

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Online The Midnight Rider

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Ladies Pro Wrestling Volume 45
« on: February 10, 2020, 10:59:18 PM »
Our opening match is Stephanie who weighs in 135 and wearing a purple two piece. Her opponent is Megan who weighs in at 125 and is wearing a zebra striped two piece. After suffering a humiliating loss at the hands of Katie in her last match. Stephanie came into the match like a house and fire and just dominate the rookie Megan. For nearly five minutes Megan would take several chops to her chest and three German suplex's. Finally Stephanie had enough and slapped the fish hook on Megan who quickly began to howl out her submission. Stephanie would eventually let go of the hold and stood up as Megan rolled around on the mat holding her mouth. Then Stephanie adjusted her bikini bottoms then she stood over Megan and told the crowd that Katie will end up looking like this as well.

Our next match is Heaven who weighs in at 145 and is wearing a blue and white two piece. Her opponent is Leiah who weighs in at 130 and is wearing a green two piece. These two have faced off in the past and for nearly fifteen minutes they would exchange holds with neither girl able to gain the upper hand. Finally at the 17 minute mark it looked like Leiah was going to be able to finish Heaven off after giving her a big elbow to the face but before the the ref could count to three Heaven was able to kick out. Leiah then got frustrated and began arguing with the ref about a slow count. Unfortunately for Leiah as she was distracted with ref Heaven was able to recover and when Leiah turned around she was met with Heavens giving her the rear view knocking her out cold. Heaven was then able to simply hook Leiahs leg and pick up the win. Your winner of the match is Heaven.

Our final match is Gretchen who weighs in at 140 and is wearing a yellow two piece. Her opponent is Whitney who weighs in at 190 and is wearing a silver one piece. Before the bell Whitney told Gretchen that she would give her one chance to walk away because if she stayed she would crush her like a bug. Gretchen responded with a hard slap to the face. And for the next few minutes she would duck and dodge every time that Whitney would try to grab ahold of her. Then Gretchen began to kick at Whitney's legs but Whitney would be able to use her long arms and reach out and chop Gretchen so hard in the chest that it sounded like a gun went off. Then with Gretchen laying on the mat in pain Whitney bounced off the ropes and came crashing down across Gretchen's chest with a big leg drop that left her shaking. Whitney then grabbed Gretchen by the hair and drug her over to the corner. She then quickly scaled to the second rope and came down with thud on to Gretchen with the Bonzi drop. The ref quickly counted to three as Whitney sat on Gretchen's lifeless body. After the match Whitney raised her arm in victory but she wasn't done as told Gretchen that she should have took her up on her offer. Then she climbed to the second rope and came down with another Bonzi drop. The refere quickly stepped in and told Whitney that if she did that again he would reverse the desicion. Whitney then strutted around the ring as the ref and the officials tending to Gretchen who was crying out that her ribs were broken. Your winner of the match is Whitney.