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Ginger Ch1

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Offline StoneKidman

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Ginger Ch1
« on: February 16, 2020, 07:14:23 PM »
Ginger Ch1
By Stone

Ginger stretched against the turnbuckle, she felt her swimsuit riding up her ass, she could tell by the wolf whistles from all the men--and some women too--but knew it was better to leave it that way; her phat white booty hanging out could help her get requested for more matches. Her long red hair hung loose to her mid-back with the tight one piece clinging to her 34 C's; the material was so thin her stiff nipples were clearly visible.

Her opponent, Anna, a brunette, was also eighteen like her red headed opponent. Anna was taller than her, at 5'9" while Ginger was 5'6" and had a fitter body from gymnastics. Ginger had heard this was Anna's fourth match, she was 0-4, but being Ginger's first she thought she might be able to take her. The ref pointed to the time keeper as he rang the bell . The girls came out to lock up but quickly began trading slaps before they both started pulling the others hair. They bounced into the ropes, calling each other "bitch" and "whore" until Ginger had her back in the corner, her head being pulled nearly over top of the turnbuckle pad by her long, red hair.

Anna suddenly screeched and released Ginger's hair, turning her back to her opponent as she rubbed her eyes vigorously. Ginger grabbed two handfuls of Anna's brown hair and spun the teen around. Ginger slapped Anna across the face so hard the cracked echoed like a gunshot. The crowd lapped this up, going "oooooh," seeming to goad the girls on. Ginger yanked the other girl's head down by her hair and gave a series of uppercut-like slaps to the face. Anna is blindly flailing but Ginger pulls the brunette by her hair into the ropes.

She tries to bury a punch into Anna's stomach but it's too toned and the taller girl snorts out a soft grunt, barely flinching from the blow. Her face is red from the repeated slaps so while she has the opening Amma rams her knee into Ginger's tummy. She wasn't as athletic as Anna but kept in shape by jogging. Still the blow came totally unexpected and she let out a loud groan, releasing her opponent's hair.

"That's it, baby, get her!" a shrill voice from ringside hollered. A petite dark haired woman with glasses stood up and waved. It was rather clear to the other members in the audience that she was Anna's mother. Ginger's dad, Richard, was sitting front row in the section adjacent to the other girl's mother. He glared and sat up in his steel folding chair, yelling, "You got her, Ginger!"

However she really didn't because while she was bent over, Anna grabbed a handful of Ginger's long, red hair and charged out, ramming her opponent's face into the mat with a vicious looking bulldog. Anna rolled Ginger over, trying for a quick cover but the girl kicked out at two. Ginger sat up, one hand holding her face, as she was lifted up to her feet by her hair. She screamed out from the pain in her scalp as she was whipped into the ropes with one of Anna's hands grabbing Ginger's wrist while the other was still pulling her red hair.

Ginger rebounded only to be met by Anna's black lace-up boots from her opponent's dropkick as they smacked hard into Ginger's face. It felt like she had been hit with a baseball bat, her ears were ringing and she wasn't even aware she had been rolled over and pinned. She was lucky however since she was so near the ropes that her white wrestling boots were dangling on the bottom rope. The ref told Anna it was no pin and the frustrated teen got up and dropped an elbow across Ginger's chest.

The tip of the brunette's elbow impacted directly onto Ginger's right breast and the redhead rolled around the ring like she was on fire as she clutched her tit through her swimsuit swearing and trying to rub away the pain.

"You really hurt her good with that one, baby," came Anna's mother again clapping and cheering on her daughter and Richard did his best to not be one of those sideline dads.

"Get up, babygirl," he shouted, cupping his hands around his mouth so Ginger could hear him from the other side of the ring. Anna came up behind Ginger and pulled the girl into an abdominal stretch. Ginger had been so close to the ropes that her fingertips were almost brushing the black cables that ran parallel around the ring. The ref was so focused on whether Ginger's hand could reach the ropes or not that he failed to notice Anna's cheap tactics.

The brunette would reach up and twist Ginger's right titty through her swimsuit. She dug in her nails as Ginger screamed and when the ref came to check, Anna had removed her hand and pretended it was the effects of the submission hold taking its toll, as she flexed to bend the redhead harder.

Ginger would resume stretching out her left hand to reach for the ropes and Anna would either give her opponent an extremely nasty nipple twist that had Ginger shrieking like she was being branded, or the brunette would yank up the back of Ginger's swimsuit. It was already virtually a thong to show off her big butt, though she had ample curves Ginger was far from out of shape; just gifted like her mother. Her father had instructed her to show off her goods, since the better she looked then the more matches she would get asked to fight in which meant more money.

After Richard had been laid off from his job, he had been unable to find work in this economy and being unable to pay the mortgage on their house they were in danger of having it repossessed. So, to make ends meet, Richard had called a few friends and gotten his daughter an audition with The League, a rather perverse club who revelled in watching young girls fight. He had chosen a pro-style division since it had more rules.

The teen division still went by normal pro-wrestling rules, though because they were women hair pulling was allowed, but the real goal was to pin your opponent for a three count or make her submit. For competing, the girls got a hundred bucks each and another hundred if they won but if they stripped their opponent they received a fifty dollar bonus. The money for competing came with a price that even if his daughter lost, she had to endure three minutes with the winner face-sitting her in the middle of the ring immediately following the match.

Richard wondered how much her flimsy suit could withstand as Ginger's shrieks reached ear piercing level as Anna yanked his daughter's one piece up her ass so much it completely disappeared up the redhead's big white butt. However, due to the direction Anna was giving Ginger a wedgie it allowed her opponent that extra inch or so to grab onto the ropes, thus forcing the ref to break the hold. Once she did, Anna growled and grabbed Ginger's hair and ran her face first into the top turnbuckle.

She spun Ginger around as Anna braced herself by holding the middle ropes and rammed her shoulder into Ginger's breadbasket three times. She started to slide down but Anna pulled Ginger up by the front of her swimsuit. Ginger's mouth formed an "O" shape as the material of the swimsuit dug into her pussy. Anna took a step back, still holding onto her opponent's swimsuit, and hip tossed her across the ring.

Ginger landed with a thud on her back but she was biting her lip to keep from crying. The pain of having the swimsuit not dug up into her sensitive pussy felt like she was being cut in half. Anna didn't let Ginger have much of a reprieve as she lifted the teen up by her red hair. Anna also reached down with her other hand and grabbed the back of Ginger's swimsuit, continuing the wedgie as she hoisted her up and dropped Ginger's crotch across her knee in an inverted atomic drop. The redhead fell to the mat sobbing softly.

"Oh you can't handle a real fight, little baby," Anna laughed and kicked Ginger in the ribs, rolling the redhead onto her back. She stomped her boot down once on Ginger's stomach making her sit up and cough. Anna grabbed Ginger's hair and twisted the teen around until she had her knees digging into the redhead's back. Ginger's cries echoed in the arena as Anna stretched her back in bow and arrow. She switched to rolling Ginger onto her stomach and still with one knee in the middle of her back ripped both of the straps on the redhead's sheer white swimsuit.

Ginger continued to writhe as Anna reached behind her and yanked up in another painful wedgie until the crotch part of Ginger's swimsuit finally tore like a sheet of notebook paper. Anna hopped off and pushed her opponent onto her back with the tip of her black boot.

"Strip her, honey!" Anna's mom yelled, like she had just won at bingo. "Show everybody that firebush!" she continued to cackle gleefully as the crowd was entertained by Ginger's trimmed red pubes. Placing a boot across Ginger's cheek, Anna ripped and tore the remains of her opponent's swimsuit off until it unraveled like some cartoon mummy. Ginger tried to cover up, to hide her shame, but Anna drug the redhead around the ring on the mat by her long hair as Ginger screamed but no longer tried to cover her full tits or hairy pussy.

After dropping Ginger near a corner, Anna, climbed up and did a flipping body splash that completely knocked the wind out of Ginger and apparently the fight as the ref counted to three and signaled for the bell. Ginger lie on the mat, starting to cry from either embarrassment or the knowledge that she was going to have to endure her first facesitting.

It proved to be both as after she was declared the winner, Anna casually walked over and squatted over Ginger's face. She pinned the redhead's wrists to the mat under her knees and finally planted her crotch on Ginger's mouth in a reverse facesit. Anna ground her swimsuit clad pussy over Ginger's mouth before hopping up and pulling aside the material. Ginger wanted to throw up when Anna sat her bare pussy down on her face. She squinched her whole face tight, wishing she could close her nose but it was pushed up inside Anna's smoothly shaven cxnt as she really reached down to grind her clit against Ginger's upper lip.

She let out a gasp then a series of moans before finally releasing a primal scream as she flooded Ginger's face with her warm juices. The audience applauded as Anna slowly got to her feet before her time was up and waved. Ginger took the ref's hand to help her up as she exited the ring to a chorus of wolf whistles as the men and women shouted degrading things they wanted to do to her.

Richard was hanging out near the locker rooms, not being allowed to go back since it was the women's lockers, until Ginger came out. She ran into his arms and cried, he thought it was because of her match but she said she felt bad because she lost; that she wanted to win him the money. He was petting her soothingly on the head telling her it was going to be fine.

Suddenly a wild man appeared, wearing a fine suit topped with an expensive looking cowboy hat.

"Hoo-wee missy, that was some helluva fight," he said with a southern drawl.

"Was that your first rodeo?" he asked again as both father and daughter stared at the strange man.

"Folks 'round here call me Tex and I'd like to hire your tough little girl to have a match against my own daughter. You see my Missy is also eighteen and has a good record but she needs opponents to practice 'rasslin with," the man continued as he reached into the coat pocket of his green pinstripe suit.

"How'd you like to make five hundred dollars, little lady?" Tex said, bending down slightly to talk to Ginger eye to eye, the man was over six feet tall and a little robust.

"Wow! Sure!" Ginger replied immediately, not even allowing her father room to haggle.

"Well come on down next weekend if you're feeling up to it, Missy is a helluva scrapper but I think your daughter could really give her a run for her money, boy howdy," Tex said, smacking his hand against his hip.

"You were really good out there, darlin'," Tex said in a kind voice and shook Ginger's hand.
"You'll be a natural lil ass kicker in no time, I guarantee it," he handed Richard his business card with his cell phone and the address of his ranch.

"I'll see y'all at the farm, and uh, don't worry bout your swimsuit, honey," Tex said, referencing the scraps of white lycra that she had been wearing in the ring earlier. "I'll set you up with a replacement at no charge, sound good?" Tex smiled and Ginger hugged the man around his large waist.

"Thank you so much," she said and Tex patted the girl on the head, wished them both a good night with a tip of his cowboy hat, and walked out whistling to himself.

"Can you believe it, daddy," Ginger almost shouted, turning to her father before Tex was even out of earshot. "My first private match, aw snap I hope they all pay this much," Ginger gushed before chanting "five hundred bucks" over like the lyrics to some new boy band song.
You can find more of Ginger's matches at