Oklahoma Cowboy : "Here we go this one is not going to be nice."
"Both ladies looking to just pound their opponent down."
"A pier six brawl, with no finesse or special moves." "Just which lady will be standing tall, and champ." "When this one is over?"
Weasel : "I like this Gorilla, but not sure who to root for."
"I think either one, tough enough, for me to manage."
Gorilla: "Oh sure Weasel, they just have to decide." "Which one wants to ruin their career, by hiring you."
Weasel: "That's not true, I've managed many champions!"
Gorilla: "Sure and took all their prize money, for yourself."
"How much does a weasel eat now a days?"
Weasel: "Oh go suck a banana, I'm rooting for the one that breaks the most rules."
Gorilla : "Shows you what you know, this match there are no rules!"
"Let's get back to the action, as Paige launches an attack on Tina!!"