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KATTERINA VS CHAROKAT ... catfight at the amusement park.

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Offline stormbolt7

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KATTERINA VS CHAROKAT ... catfight at the amusement park.
« on: July 26, 2010, 01:12:39 AM »
Just quick mention. The park is real, but I did not mention it by name. As who knows what kind of legal crap that could start if I just came out and said it.
I will say it is world famous for it's roller coasters and leave it at that .. he he he That said onto the story, and 2 very lovely ladies.

The day was sunny, and the temperature warm but not too hot, as I visit the amusement park. With one of the sexiest ladies I had ever met.

Katterina was blonde haired, blue eyed, and had all eyes turn towards her, as she walked along the walkways with me.
Katterina was wearing a cropped halter top, and shorts that showed off her very nice body. All of it white, to show off her smooth tanned skin the best.
Katterina was very full figured, yet as things jiggled, and moved, as she walked. It was easy to see, the woman was very much in shape, and firm all over.

The skyway rolled over head. The tram cars moving people from one end of the main walkway to the other.
Along the sides, games were being called out. Different eateries or restaraunts along the way as well.
Laughing smiling people, some younger kids running through the crowd, as music and chatter was heard all over.

We had enjoyed some of the rides. Yet what I was enjoying most was just spending time with Katterina.
No fight scheduled for the day, just time to unwind and relax.

We had slipped into a restaraunt to enjoy one of the shows, and eat a light snack. Before heading out again. Katterina was wanting to slip over to some of the water rides closer to the western town side of the park.
Her blue eyes easily getting me to agree, as she pouted her lips, and I tried to keep my mind off how damn good she was going to look. When everything on her was wet.
I could already tell, she was not wearing a bra, yet Katterina's large breasts didn't need it, to look firm and proud.
We had gone back to the car to drop off a stuffed animal, I had won for her at one of the games.
Now Katterina's hand slid in mine, as we began passing the game area again.
When a dark haired woman stamps her foot, having lost again.
Then turning sees us passing by.

We had slipped down the game row again, as I had Katterina see if their was anything else she wanted us to try and win before we left later.
Now I was hoping I did not regret it.

"Sorry ho, he is with someone." Katterina says smiling.
The woman not letting the insult get to her yet, as she smiles at me.
"Please give it a try, I would love one of those." She says meaning the prize behind the counter.

She moves ahead, and takes my hand. "Hi you can call me Charokat or just Charo." She says, as I try to keep my eyes off her.
Katterina was blonde, and drop dead grogeous.
Charo was very equal to her in many ways.
Charo had dark hair, and from her name, sounded like a catfighter. Two thing blonde catfighters hated most, happening to be brunette's or dark haired ladies, that got close to their date or escorts.

Charo was breath taking in her own beauty. Light freckles on her skin, and a small dimple to her chin when she smiled.
Charo was not as buxom as Katterina. Yet the dark haired beauty was definately not lacking in that department. Her large, firm breasts were covered by a thin black top, that was fairly see through. The material thin, yet thicker over her breasts.
The top was tied across in front of her, with a nice amount of smooth skinned cleavage visible in the middle.
Charo also had on a soft looking, tight hugging white skirt, that stopped well above her knees.
Charo was definately dressed to be seen, and it was working.

I could almost feel the steam rising from Katterina, as I knew the sexy blonde, would soon push things.

Charo's looks, and the pretty brown eyes watching me, to see if I would try. Made me think of some exotic dancer of maybe Gypsy or eastern European blood. Charo was definately a stunning woman.

"Okay I will give it a quick try, then we have to go." I tell her, as Katterina glares at her.
Charo smiles, as we head to the counter. It is a game of darts. Stars on the back wall, that you had to get the dart into to win. It sounded easy enough.
Yet my first group of three darts missing the mark, as they did not fly true. The fletchings on them, helping them to float wrong.
I should have left it at that, but now I felt I owed it to Charo to try again, before just giving up. Plus I was no stranger to throwing darts either. So my own ego was involved now.

I use a trick I had learned, and soon two of the three were in the same star. Charo was clapping, as I tell the guy running it, to give the lady her choice.
I turn, Katterina's hand in mine, as we leave. While the guy running the game begins to yell, and draw attention, to the newest winner. To try and draw more business.

We are at the cross point, as we begin to turn to head to where Katterina wanted to go. I am grabbed from behind, and spun to face Charo.
"You didn't let me thank you." She says. Then before I can react. Her arms are around me, her breasts pressed against me, as Charo kisses me rather deeply.
As her lips press to mine, I have to fight the urge to take this dark haired beauty into my arms, and just enjoy her.
I was standing in an amusement park, with who knows how many ladies, from different countries. While I had maybe the two most beautiful with me.
One pressed against me, while the other was thinking of killing us both.

"That's enough whore!!" Katterina says, as she pulls Charo back, and slaps her face.
"Now take your prize, and walk your skank ass away, if you know what is good for you."  Katterina says, as Charo holds her hand to the side of her face.
"Katt enough, come on leave it alone." I tell her, as I don't want anything to get out of control.

"That is okay, what was your name?" Charo asks, as she takes her hand away from the slightly red spot on her cheek.
"You can call me Storm." I tell her, not knowing why she wanted to know.
 "You get tired of the Barbie doll, come find me." She says, as she again moves against me, while her brown eyes challenge Katterina's blue ones.
Charo's lips brush against my cheek. As Katterina grabs her to slap her again. Charo's hand lashes out to slap Katterina.
Katt's head jerking, as Charo's hand finds it and slaps her face.
Charo's body rubs against mine, then she backs away.
"Now we are even bitch!!" Charo hisses, as I was not sure if the lady was wanting company, trying to provoke a catfight or maybe some of both.

I place my hand on her arm. "Nice to meet you Charo, but we need to get going." I tell her, as her eyes meet mine, and her hand grasps mine, before I can react, my fingers are resting on her heaving left breast.
Charo was wanting a fight. Maybe she thought if she won, she also won me as well.
What I was thinking did not matter, as with a yell. Katterina slams into her, and the two voluptuous beauties go to the ground, in a tangle of arms and legs.

A crowd quickly begins to grow, as the two ladies trade slaps.
Charo grabbing Katterina's long blonde hair, and yanking her head to the side. Before slapping hard against Katterina's chest.
Katterina gasping, as air is driven from her, as the slap hits her breasts through the thin top.

Charo turning to smile at me, when Katterina grabs her top, and pulls it apart. Charo's impressive tits spill free. Just before Katterina slaps the right with her palm, before back handing the left breast. The sound of skin on skin sounding above the growing crowd, as Katterina grabs the left breast and begins to twist it.
Charo crying out in pain, as her nipple now hard, was being pulled on by Katterina.
Charo manages to bring her arm up into Katterina's belly. As Katterina rolls away, clutching her belly, and gasping.
Charo shoves into her, and they both tumble over the low wall, and into the large fountain, with a splash.

The fountain had water shooting out of fixtures higher up, to shower down into the large, open bowl area below.
Now two full figured beauties rise from the water, to trade slaps, as well as punches now.

Katterina's large breasts clearly visible through her sodden white top. Her areola's large, and I definately was trying to keep my mind from it. Yet as her nipples distended, and showed through the wet top. I wanted to lick circles around them, before sucking on them.
Katterina's pussy lips showing through her wet white shorts as well.
Charo's top was now off, and her large breasts glistened, and heaved, as they circled one another.
Charo's skirt had ridden up, and the lower half of her tight ass cheeks were now visible, as they locked fingers together, and tried to gain advantage to throw the other one.

Then Katterina's leg gets behind Charo's. "Time to cool you off whore!!" Katterina says, as Charo begins to fall back. Her hand clutching Katterina's top. As she falls. Katterina's sodden top shreds, and comes away in her hand.
Now Katterina's breasts heaved wet, naked and beautiful.
The sexy blonde now throwing herself on Charo, as heavy wet breasts press together, and as she shoves Charo's head under.
Katterina grabs her skirt, and begins yanking it off, as Charo's legs thrash in the water.

Katterina hold up her trophy as Charo comes up out of the water gasping for air, and slapping Katterina's breasts hard again.
Then as Katterina doubles up a little. Charo splashes into her, and now it is the blonde going under, as Charo rips at and strips her white shorts, and skimpy thong.

Charo was naked except her panties now. Katterina was naked in all her glory, as she rises from the water. Looking like some Greek Goddess of old.
Long wet blonde hair flying behind her, as her breasts heave, as her body glistens beneath the sunny skies.
Charo is equally impressive, as water streams between her naked heaving breasts, and they face each other breathing heavy and kneeling in the fountain.

I had been ready to seperate them if needed. Yet only if it seemed one was no longer able to defend herself or was hurt badly.
I had learned before when they are fighting, you do not get between them in a catfight. If you did chances were both ladies would turn on you.

Now chests heaving, as blood streams from some finger nail claw marks on both ladies.

"Had enough slut?" Charo asks, as Katterina was far from finished.
"Not if you are still conscious slut." Katterina replies, as the crowd begins to murmur as security was starting to try and work through them.

Katterina, and Charo begin to trade slaps back and forth. Breasts, face, and belly.
Charo lunges, and misses, finally losing her panties, as she splashes forward in the water.
Katterina soon rolling naked on top of her, as they roll naked, skin to skin in the fountain.
Katterina manages to shove away from Charo. As Charo rises up. Katterina sends a fidt flying.
The fist lands to the side of Charo's wet right breast.
Charo's fist flies, and lands to the side of Katterina's head.
Katterina falls dazed into the water.
Her blue eyes trying to focus, as she shakes her head, and I quickly move in to pull Charo off her.

Charo struggles briefly, then relaxes, as I release her and go to Katterina.
The buxom blonde beauty is leaning partially over the side, gasping for air, as her head clears.
The park security now breaking up the crowd, as I knew soon it would be time we were ordered to go.

Charo is dragged from the fountain, to stand naked and breathing heavy, as a towel is draped over her sexy body.
I pick up her prize, and hand it to her. She smiles, as she takes it, hugging it to her.

Then I have Katterina in my arms, wrapping the offered towel around her, as we are first escorted to the medical office at the park, for both ladies to be checked out.

Charo had won the fight, yet I was staying with the lady I had brought. Katterina recovering quickly yet still pissed she had lost to the dark haired beauty.

Their clothing returned most of it ruined, as we soon are led to the exit, and told not to come back for the day or evening.
Charo and Katterina had been talking, and exchanging numbers, as we head for the parking lot.
It would not be long before they had another catfight.

I had been looking forward to sharing the evening under the lights of the park with Katterina.
Charo admiring Katterina's stuffed animal, before putting her own away, in her car.

We begin to enjoy talking, and as the sun dips down towards the west. I enjoy spending it with the two sexiest ladies at the park. Katterina and Charo, as the colored lights come on all over the rides and the park. We were out in the parking lot, sharing a few things from the cooler we had brought with Charo.
The day not going as planned. Yet I could not complain, getting to enjoy it with such beautiful company.
Cat fighters yet definately very lovely ladies as well.

The end.