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Mountaintop Titfight by Catwriter

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Mountaintop Titfight by Catwriter
« on: March 07, 2020, 06:58:39 PM »
Mountaintop Titfight

By Catwriter

Pam and Sue had been friends since college. They were both built and beautiful and didn't present a threat to the other. Their jobs had taken them to different states and they resolved to get together several times a year at Pam's mountaintop condo to catch up with each other's lives.
Sue arrived at Pam's door resplendent in her new ski outfit, bright colors and a huge smile. The women hugged and as Sue took off her parka, Pam warmed the coffee. Sue took a quick shower and returned to the living room wearing only a towel. Pam had just showered before Sue arrived and had on only bra and panties. It was quite cold outside and the women decided to spend their first day together in front of the fireplace while enjoying some hot drinks, spiced with Zambuca.

After drinking several of these concoctions, the gals began giggling and recounting stories from their college days. Both women had changed into baggy shorts and sleeveless T-shirts. They began kidding with one another as to who had the best looking dates in college.

Their bodies, if anything, had improved since schooldays. Both were beautiful and had finely toned bodies stacked with an incredible rack. As they kidded with one another, they began playfully shoving the other by the shoulders. Each little push would cause their huge breasts to bounce enticingly beneath their T-shirts.

"Don't forget, I had Donnie, the rod, Bakerson", said Pam smiling.

"I won't forget that I saw him first until you acted like a total slut and stole him from me", replied Sue, shaking her blonde hair angrily.

"Who the hell are you calling a slut, you fucking bimbo. I saw him first. He would have liked me better anyway because we both know I can please a man better than you", shouted Pam, dark black hair resting seductively on her shoulders.

They were about to go at it, when Pam started laughing. Sue quickly joined in and they had a Zambuca on the rocks. They were still egging one another on and suddenly Sue hit Pam with a couch pillow, spilling her drink. Pam picked up the other pillow and really hit Sue hard, rocking her back in the couch. Still smiling, the old roommates had an impromptu wrestling match. Seated on the couch, they hand and arm wrestled playfully. In all the time they had been friends, neither had ever seen the other's breasts.

Sue, now half stoned, tugged lightly on Pam's straining T-shirt and Pam's left breast popped free, swaying heavily as they continued to wrestle.

"You bitch", Pam said smiling and quickly squeezed Sue's breast until, it too, bounced from beneath the T-shirt. They stared at each other's chests in amazement because they were truly equal in size, almost ponderous for the otherwise slender females.

The breasts, swinging closely together occasionally came into contact, causing a slight chill to run down the battling girl's spines.

"Take that" said Sue as she mashed her tit into Pam's. Pam mashed back as both wanted to see who had the firmest bustline. Mammoth breasts swelled up together and pushed out at the side as the two huge mammaries fought within the enclosed space of the other's fullness.

The women began to get angry as each saw that the other's breast was just and large and firm as her own. They put one arm around the other's neck and pressed together, still holding their other arms out in an ever-fiercer battle. They both wrenched their arms hard and their heads banged together. That did it. The enraged women stood up, hands on hips, breasts almost touching and just stared at one another. All of the old jealousies boiled to the surface as the enraged females reached out and secured a double hairpull. They were squealing now as they began staggering about the living room. What started as a playful pillow fight had definitely gotten out of control. Breasts bouncing merrily about their chests, the women pulled and tugged, bringing tears of pain to their eyes. Twisting and twirling and bouncing into walls and tables, they finally pulled one another to the floor.

"Ohh, you are such a bitch, ouch", screamed Pam as she received a particularly nasty hairpull from Sue.

"Eeyowww" bellowed Sue as Pam returned the hair pull.

They were into it now. Rolling violently across the white carpet, the women pulled hair and slapped at each other. Each blow brought an immediate response and the battle continued to grow fiercer by the moment. Pressed together, their violent movement eventually brought all four breasts into view and eager hands were soon squeezing the soft flesh. Their gym shorts had worked down to their ankles as they battled and soon both beautiful women were totally naked. Still pulling hair, they rose to their feet and stumbled about some more, eventually pushing away from each other. They began throwing pillows and paperback books but when Sue threw the ashtray, barely missing Pam's head, they again charged each other. Slamming together, each secured a painful bearhug on the other. Their breasts were crushed together and the women were locked together at the thighs, as each tried to topple her opponent.

As they staggered about breast fighting and slapping, they gradually moved toward the door, spun each other wildly and crashed through the slightly ajar doorway into the cold. They fell heavily in the snow and squealed, yet remained locked together. Their bodies presented an incredible sight as they squirmed together in the white stuff. Their anger was more than enough to keep them going. And go they did. Again staggering to their feet, they slapped one another hard, then secured headlocks on each other and dragged each other back into the condo. Their skin was quite red from the cold snow but heated up rapidly. They flung one another to the couch, Pam on top, huge breasts swaying in Sue's face. Pam began tit slapping Sue who reached up and secured a firm hold on Pam's breasts. Pam grasped huge handfuls of Sue's tits and squeezed back. They were screaming now as they twisted and tortured each other's bountiful beauties. Suddenly, Sue pushed and the battlers toppled to the floor where they continued to wrestle violently.

Over and over they rolled until they were locked tightly together, both pushing forward furiously, hips sliding over one another, then locking legs and squeezing. Both furious females were sweating again after their romp in the cold and began sliding against one another, taking little tit grabs and hairpulls. With their arms about one another's shoulders, huge breasts battling it out, they had a headlock on each other, pressing their faces very close. Pam, again on top, bit Sue's earlobe and Sue bit Pam. They didn't draw blood, but it hurt. Then Pam began licking and Sue did likewise. They squirmed together, feeling one another's nakedness and began to get hot.

And then they just, stared at each other, moved closer and closer still until tongues were finding one another. Still holding each other by the hair, they licked and lolled their tongues together. Their hips began thrusting and pussies met and rubbed together. Sue gave a hairpull knocking Pam to the side and they began rubbing each other's breasts, still taking an occasional nipple tug. They were smiling again, but still competing.

With no man present, each felt she could make the other come first. And so they rubbed pussies together and kissed feverishly, squeezing tightly together. Each was still trying to get top position and they flung their legs up, trying to swing them over one another. Then, they each locked their upper leg at the ankle and began rocking their pussies together. Hands reaching down they played with each other's pussy, fingers disappearing in the folds of flesh.

The wild blonde thrust violently forward, inadvertently, hurting Pam. Pam thrust back angrily and they began smashing their hips together violently, still on their sides. Sue slapped Pam in the breast and Pam slapped back, then they began squeezing and tugging nipples until the pain was too much and they began grappling and rolling about the floor.

Pam finally secured the top position and with long black hair hanging in Sue's face she tit slapped her a few times. Then she moved downward and thrust her huge tits into Sue's mammoth globes. Sue pushed back mightily and their mountainous breasts squashed and squeezed and squirmed together. Pussies were again touching and the women began to breathe even more heavily.

Pam wet her lips and leaned down, kissing Sue hard. Their tongues began twirling together and they rolled to their sides hugging and kissing. Then, rising to their knees, they plastered their bodies together, writhing and pushing and kissing. Each moved one hand to the other's pussy and began rubbing and moving their fingers into the hot regions. The other hand was firmly grasping the others hair as they continued tugging at one another. Their wrestling love match continued until Sue suggested they go to the bedroom to finish this. The dark haired beauty quickly agreed and they jogged to the bedroom and stood at the foot of the bed. They began kissing again, then wrapping their arms around each other attempted to throw the other to the bed. The battling duo fell harshly to the bed where they squirmed and fought for top position. The incredible body contact had them both at the boiling point, but each of the furious females wanted top position. They continued to catfight and rub pussies together, alternating the top position.

Sue finally managed to straddle Pam and push her legs out wide so that Pam couldn't escape. And they picked up where they were and ground into one another, hips flailing at each other, arms wrapped tightly around each other's backs, still pulling hair. Their kissing was feverish now, hard and wet and sliding and they began to moan and gasp for air.

Hips grinding wildly, the catfighters finally went over the edge in a three-minute climax that had them both screaming with delight. Their movements slowed and they lay side by side, stroking one another until they drifted off to sleep.
