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Ranger Christine

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Ranger Christine
« on: March 13, 2020, 11:14:02 AM »
Christine has been a part  ranger for almost 3 years now and in that time she's had her good days & her bad days but this weekend will be a memory she will never forget, Christine got to work Saturday morning and the first thing she noticed was a note for her to check out cabin 17. Cabin 17 is the last cabin 17 is the last cabin way at the end of the campgrounds it seems there have been two ladies staying there since Friday and they have not paid yet to stay there, Christine's job was to go talk to them they either have to pay or get out ! .  Christine drove up to the cabin she could see the smoke coming from the fireplace so she knew someone was there, she got out knocked on the door and a woman opened looked at her and slammed the door shut.

 Now Christine is a big girl at 5'3 150 pounds she's not one to be intimidated so she knocked again and this time two ladies came to the door they were both big ladies one named Amanda around 5'8 160 the other around Michelle 5'10 around 200, she told them I'm Ranger Christine we seem to have a problem you both have been here since Friday and you have not paid your cabin rental fee. they told Christine they had paid but that was a lie there was no record of them paying as they told Christine we have a receipt  come in we'l show you. Christine walked in and without warning Michelle spun around and slammed a hard fist into Christine's belly doubling up Christine, Christine was caught by surprise as she quickly got up and headed for the door  she got to the door but did not open it as Amanda grabbed hold of her hair pulling her back.

Christine send her foot back in a kick catching Amanda in her knee knocking her down as she again headed for the door but was tackled down by Michelle, Christine & Michelle struggled as the fight was on Christine got in a solid right to Michelle's jaw sending her flying off of Christine ass she rolled over and screamed "what the fuck are you doing . Christine stood on the opposite side of the cabin as she knew she was in trouble as both ladies charged at her as Christine did her best to fight off both ladies but it was a no win situation, Christine tried to fight back hitting both ladies in the face  but they were to much for her slamming her against the cabin wall as they began to just slam punches into Christine's body and face.

Christine tried to block the blows and fight  back but it was no use she was getting worked over good,  this went on for several minutes and cabin 17 was at the end of the camp grounds so now one could here anything from the outside. They grabbed hold of Christine's shirt ripping it off and continued to work over Christine now her tits exposed just became new targets for Michelle & Amanda, Christine was hurting bad as did her best to try & fight back but for every punch Christine three she got hit 3 or 4 times more and Christine finally collapsed on the floor. hey puled up Christine stripped her down to her bra and panties as they stood there laughing as Christine's body was red all over from the beating.

They dragged Christine over to the bed and pulled her arms up onto the bed her body hanging off the bed as Christine knew the worse was yet to come,  Amanda started to slam hard punches into Christine's belly over and over as Christine could not defend herself Michelle was holding her arms on the bed Amanda must of punched her belly & tits about  a dozen times. Both ladies changed places and now it was Michelle's turn as she rammed her knee over and over into Christie's stretched out belly them Michelle went to work on Christine's tits pulling them and twisting them and punching and biting them.

Christine was almost out cold from the beating as she prayed for it to end as both ladies was having the time of there life working over Christine, once again they pulled her body on the bed as Michelle sat on er arms over her head as Amanda leaned down and started to suck on Christine's tits biting her nipples as Christine struggled a hard punch her belly stopped her cold. It seemed like this was never gonna end as once again both ladies changed positions and now Michelle had her turn as she fingered Christine's pussy over and over, Christine was motionless as she just laid there helpless as Michelle worked over Christine's pussy and then started to punch Christine in her pussy each punch Christine tried to scream but Amanda held her hand over Christine's mouth.

Finally both ladies stopped the beating and left Christine on the bed pretty much naked and totally destroyed as they gathered there things and got ready to leave,  just before they left Michelle gave Christine a kiss on her lips as Amanda slammed one last punch into Christine's lower belly then Amanda also gave Christine a kiss as Michelle slammed a punch into Christine's pussy as Christine passed out. When Christine work up both ladies were gone as she laid there crying and her body hurting all over as she slowly got up her feet still naked as she got dressed, she had an extra shirt in her truck as she put it on and tried to deal with the burning pain n her pussy and the pain deep in her lower belly.

Christine drove back to the Ranger station she was glad she was the only one on duty so no one could see the condition she was in as she spent the rest of her shift laying on the sofa crying her hands holding her sore belly & pussy. She got a call short;y after that from another Ranger who asked Christine is she took care of the issue in cabin 17 Christine just said " no problem they left" not telling anyone what happened to her .Christine will never ever forget what happened in cabin 17.