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Kelsey's Spring Break Rematch

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Offline karl butters

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Kelsey's Spring Break Rematch
« on: March 17, 2020, 09:24:39 PM »
This is a sequel to Kelsey's First Spring Break at

For this year's spring break, Kelsey decided not to go to Panama City again.  After what happened last year, she decided to avoid PC for a while.  When Chase e-mailed her and said he was going to stay on campus at Vandy during spring break, she decided she might go and visit him.  Even though she didn't find him particularly attractive and he clearly favored her PC rival, Aleigh, more, Kelsey found herself addicted to Chase and a certain impressive physical attribute of his.  She hoped that a few days with him during spring break might give her a chance to take him away from the tall blonde. 
When Kelsey arrived at Chase's dorm, he wasn't there, so she convinced the dorm's RA to let her in.  While she waited for Chase to return, she slipped into something sexier.
   Chase arrived an hour later and found Kelsey lying enticingly on his bed.  When he shut the door, she got up and walked seductively over to him and kissed him passionately on the lips. 
   "I missed you," she said.
   "I… I can tell," he said as he checked her out.  She knew she looked hot and took a step back so he could get a good look.  Kelsey was wearing a black bra and thongs that meshed well with her dark features.  She also was wearing black stockings and high heels, which made her, already toned, legs look even sexier.  Spinning around, she gave Chase a view of her most impressive feature- her ass.  He pulled her to him and slid his hands over her shapely derriere.  "I'm so glad you came… and Aleigh will be happy to see you too."
   "A..A…Aleigh's here?" Kelsey asked as she pulled away dejectedly. 
   Before he could respond, a couple of guys walked in. 
   "Who do we have here?" A guy named Evan asked as he stared unabashedly at Kelsey's body.
   "This is Kelsey, the girl I told you about from spring break last year."
   "The one that got her butt kicked by Aleigh?"  Chase nodded. "Wow, you really are a badass."
   At that point, the other guy named Clay joined in the conversation.  "Speaking of ass, I hear you have an amazing one."  He said as he walked behind Kelsey.  "Unbelievable," he gasped as he gazed upon her magnificent rump.
   Before she knew it, the room was full of people.  She had never felt like such a piece of meat in all her life, as everyone wanted a look at the infamous girl from the University of Tennessee that had been humiliated by Aleigh at PC.
   Finally, Aleigh arrived and, to Kelsey's disappointment, she looked hotter than ever.  She wore a white tank top that fit snugly over her boobs that seemed even more massive than last time she saw her, a pair of daisy duke cutoff jeans, that showed off her shapely butt cheeks, and white sneakers.  Kelsey felt butterflies stirring within her.  It always happened when she saw Aleigh.  There was something about the blonde amazon that brought out both her competitive side and her bisexual side.  She felt a combination of jealousy, fear, and lust. 
   "There's my little Kelsey," Aleigh said as she sat on the bed next to her. Pinching Kelsey's cheek between her fingers, she turned to the crowd, "Isn't she adorable?"
   Kelsey bolted off the bed and retreated to the bathroom, like a scared little girl.  As with most of her encounters with Aleigh, Kelsey found herself being humiliated.  This time Aleigh had done nothing but saunter in like a Queen and act like she owned her.  In the past year, she had made the trek from Knoxville to Nashville numerous times and, except for two weekends, Aleigh had shown up each time.  She was beginning to think Chase was giving the tall blonde the heads up, whenever he knew Kelsey was planning to come to visit.  Kelsey craved Chase and his big cock and it frustrated her to realize he only viewed her as a plaything for him and Aleigh.  Every time the three got together, Kelsey found herself being fondled, tickled, spanked, tied up, and generally being tortured.  The only time she got to enjoy Chase's cock was when Aleigh tired of being pleasured.  Fortunately, Chase had more energy and a greater sex drive than Aleigh. 
   Knowing she couldn't stay in the bathroom forever, Kelsey decided to get her things and leave.  She expected them to make a big deal about her when she stepped back in the room, maybe a few lewd comments from some frat boys and a condescending remark or two from Aleigh, but instead they simply ignored her.  The whole room seemed focused on Aleigh.  'Just as well', Kelsey thought.  Without them bothering her it would be easier to grab her belongings and leave.  Unfortunately, her backpack, which held her clothes, was nowhere to be found.  She knew Aleigh had hidden it, probably hoping she would kneel at her feet and beg for it back.  Kelsey had no intention of giving the blonde the satisfaction, so she sat back on the corner of Chase's bed and waited for the crowd to leave. 
   The room continued to fill up and soon Kelsey found herself in the middle of a party.  Occasionally, a newcomer would notice the scantily clad, dark-haired beauty, and sit beside her.  They obviously expected someone wearing nothing but their sexy underwear to be more open and welcoming, but Kelsey was in no mood for company.  Soon everyone ignored her and her sourpuss attitude. 
   Aleigh remained the center of attention throughout the evening.  The crowd encircled her, enraptured by the confident beauty.  To Kelsey, the gathering almost seemed to be worshipping the Amazonian blonde, as they clung to every word she uttered.   It was an all-male crowd, except for a lesbian couple named Savannah and Peyton.  Aleigh flirted with them all and even regaled them with sexy stories from her past.  The only time anyone gave Kelsey attention was when Aleigh talked about her adventures in Panama City.  Kelsey felt their lust-filled eyes staring at her as they tried to imagine the busty blonde torturing Kelsey's delectable body.  Of course, Aleigh left out key moments when Kelsey got the better of their confrontations. 
   Inevitably, someone brought up the idea of having a rematch of their spring break wrestling contest.  The crowd was unanimous in their approval.  Even Aleigh thought it sounded like a great idea.  She had been dominating Kelsey for a year and had enjoyed every second of it.  The idea of dominating the adorable brunette in front of the packed dorm room sounded exciting. 
Initially, Kelsey was lukewarm to the idea.  The only thing on her mind was leaving Nashville and Chase's dorm room far behind.  At the same time, she was tired of being Aleigh's sex toy and wanted revenge for all the degradation she had endured since the last spring break.  Kelsey worked hard in the gym and felt she was in better shape than last year.  While still weighing around 120 lbs., the 5'7" brunette had a slimmer, tighter waist and more toned arms and legs.  Aleigh, on the other hand, had added a good 10 lbs. to her 5'11" frame and it did not appear to be weight gained in the gym.  Even though Kelsey was outweighed by 40 lbs. or more, she felt optimistic that she could handle Aleigh's softer body.  To the delight of the entire room, she agreed to the rematch. 
   After clearing the center of the room, the crowd moved to the side, allowing the two sexy coeds to face off.  Since Kelsey was only wearing her bra, thongs, and stockings, Chase suggested Aleigh even the situation and strip down to her underwear.  Aleigh, seeing the lascivious stares Kelsey was getting, agreed, wanting to keep the attention on her own sexy body. 
   A hush fell over the crowd, as their deity stripped down to her pink bra and panties, showing off her shapely curves.  Kelsey felt herself get a little moist, as she eyed Aleigh's luscious body.  It had been a year since she had fought the blonde and she could only hope that her hard work in the gym would pay off.
   Evan stepped forward, seizing the unofficial role of the referee.  He ordered them to their knees to start the match.  As Kelsey kneeled down, the crowd seemed to close in around her and Aleigh, limiting their room to maneuver. 
   "Are you ready?" Evan bellowed at Kelsey.
   "Yes," she answered.
   "Are you ready?" he asked Aleigh.  She sexily blew him a kiss in reply.
   "Then let's get it on!"
   In last year's oil wrestling match, Kelsey had used her quickness and aggressiveness to gain an early advantage.   This time, with such close fighting quarters, they were practically fighting in a box.  The two lunged forward and locked hold of each other's arms, trying to force the other backward.  In their previous encounter, their bodies had been slickened with oil, making it difficult to lock on to each other.  Now Kelsey found herself firmly within Aleigh's grasp and quickly realized she was going to lose the battle of strength.  The blonde's height gave her the leverage to utilize her surprisingly dramatic strength advantage.  The adorable brunette was driven onto her back and mounted.  Aleigh leaned forward and began smothering Kelsey with her giant breasts.  The brunette squirmed and kicked her feet, as she gasped for breath. 
   Fortunately, Evan counted to five, signaling a pinfall win for Aleigh.  Kelsey felt humiliated, being defeated in less than 30 seconds.  Although, Evan counting for a pin saved her the embarrassment of being suffocated and rendered unconscious, at least if she had passed out she wouldn't have to see the smug look on Aleigh's face and hear the praises being rained down upon her.  The crowd gathered around their blonde goddess, ignoring Kelsey as she struggled to her hands and feet.
   "That was quick," said Savannah.
   "Aleigh is just way too strong," said Clay.
   "And she definitely knows how to use her big tits," Peyton added, with a gleam of lustful envy in her eyes.
   "Was it over that fast in Panama City?" Evan asked.
   "No," Chance replied, "In Panama City, Kelsey started out Ok, but then Aleigh took over and really took her time destroying her."
   "What can I say," Aleigh said with a sexy smile, "She made me mad last time."
   "Well, it was fun while it lasted," said Clay.
   "I was hoping Kelsey could have put up a better fight though," said Peyton.
   "I'm not done yet," Kelsey said, barely loud enough to be heard over the crowd.
   "Did you say something?" Chase asked.
   "I'm not done yet," Kelsey replied, "We fight till one of us surrenders."
   "Oh, sweet Kelsey," Aleigh said condescendingly as she knelt down and pet Kelsey's long dark brown hair.  "You're so cute.  I really don't want to have to hurt you again."
Kelsey slapped her hand away and said, "Get ready to fight!"
As the two girls faced off again, Kelsey knew she needed a new strategy.  She had not expected the blonde to be so strong.  Obviously, there were some serious muscles beneath Aleigh's soft, sexy curves.  This time Kelsey went low, in an attempt to mitigate Aleigh's size and strength advantage.
   "Mmpff!" Aleigh grunted as Kelsey drove her shoulder into the shapely amazon's midsection.  The brunette was able to force her opponent on to her back.  'Success!', Kelsey thought as she tried to mount the blonde.  Her sense of accomplishment was short-lived though, as Aleigh recovered in time to wrap her long legs around Kelsey's legs, stymieing her attack.  Kelsey's legs, though well-toned from hours spent in the gym, were no match for the blonde's anaconda like hold.  Aleigh grabbed Kelsey's cute face and rammed it between her plump breasts.  Kelsey whimpered as she found herself, once again, being suffocated by Aleigh's hefty tits.  She struggled and strained and tried to wiggle her sweet body free but she was trapped.  Being deprived of oxygen, she felt a tingling sensation as she began to lose consciousness.
   The crowd laughed and jeered as their amazing, blonde goddess dominated her adorable little prey.  Aleigh, reveling in their praise, was determined to entertain them by humiliating Kelsey even more.  She reached around unclasped Kelsey's bra and pulled it off.  Aleigh freed Kelsey from her hold, letting the brunette fall, bare-chested, onto her back. 
As the oxygen returned to her lungs, Kelsey choked and coughed on the floor while the crowd around her cheered.  Clay could not resist the urge and reached out and seized one of her nipples between his fingers, before pulling his hand back like a kid caught in the cookie jar.
"It's ok," Aleigh laughed, "Grab her little titties all you want.  That's what she's here for."  To Kelsey's humiliation, several other hands began grabbing and jostling her breasts. 
Aleigh gave them time to enjoy Kelsey's shapely mounds, before interrupting their fun.  She took Kelsey's legs and pulled them back until her ankles were in front of her face.  With Kelsey folded in half, Aleigh reached down and snatched the waistband of the brunette's thongs.  The crowd "ooohed" and "ahhed" as the silky black material was slid up Kelsey's tanned legs.  When Aleigh tossed them into the crowd a tussle broke out before Peyton emerged with the thongs in hand. 
   Aleigh dropped Kelsey's legs and ordered Chance to bring her some water.  As the blonde rehydrated her curvaceous body, Kelsey tried to regain her senses.  The two lesbians helped her up into seating position, while also helping themselves to generous handfuls of her tits.  Peyton giggled, as she wiped the sweat off Kelsey's forehead and cheeks with her newly captured thongs, while Savannah's hands glided over Kelsey's silky thighs, before reaching the delicate softness between her legs. 
While Kelsey fended off their hands, she looked over at the cause of her humiliation.  Aleigh kneeled in front of her, as the crowd gazed lustfully at her well-formed, sexy body.  While Kelsey had to admit the full-figured blonde was gorgeous and worthy of adulation, Aleigh had spent the last year tormenting and dominating her.  She stared at Aleigh and hated the look of triumphant arrogance on her face, as she was being praised and congratulated.  Kelsey felt the anger swell up inside her and she knew it was now or never.
   With a sudden surge of rage, Kelsey lunged at the blonde, digging her nails into her giant bosom.  Aleigh squealed in both pain and surprise, as her prized melons were attacked.  The blonde desperately grabbed Kelsey's hands and pried them off. 
   "You Bitch!" Aleigh screamed, slapping Kelsey.  The brunette was so mad, she barely felt the slap as she responded with a hard punch to Aleigh's pretty face.  Kelsey saw Aleigh's eyes cross for a moment when her fist landed on her cheek.  She followed it up with a half dozen more punches to Aleigh's face, while the blonde ineffectually tried to shield herself.  The room was suddenly silent, as the onlookers watched as their glorious deity appeared to be in trouble. With the blonde trying to cover her face, Kelsey began targeting her breasts, pelting the heavy mounds of flesh with one well-aimed punch after another.  Whenever the blonde would drop her hands to shield her breast, Kelsey would drill her in the face with an uppercut or sock her in the stomach.  Occasionally, one could hear a gasp from a spectator as Aleigh's stunning body was battered, but mostly the only sound heard in the room was the splatting of Kelsey's fist against Aleigh's body and the sound of whimpering and moaning coming from the blonde's mouth. 
   Kelsey drove Aleigh on to her back and then mounted her.  Looking down into Aleigh's big blue eyes, Kelsey saw fear and she knew she had won.  While Kelsey considered herself to be a good person, she found herself feeding on Aleigh's fear and ruthlessly continued to pound the helpless blonde.
   "Get her off me!" Aleigh screamed, "Help! She's hurting me!" 
   Kelsey expected someone to pull her off but, apparently, Aleigh's worshippers had abandoned the faith.  In fact, some of them began rooting for Kelsey. 
"Rip the bitch's bra off!"  Savannah yelled.  Kelsey obliged and Aleigh's tits bounced free.  The brunette began entertaining the crowd and herself, by battering them mercilessly, her fists crushing the swollen, jiggling flesh. 
The blonde's strength had not completely left her and she was able to push Kelsey off her.  She turned to crawl to safety, but the crowd blocked her path.  Kelsey reached out and grabbed the blonde's panties and pulled.  The crowd roared in approval as she slid them down Aleigh's long, gorgeous legs.  Then Kelsey went for a move she had fantasized about but had never attempted.  She grabbed a handful of Aleigh's long blonde hair and pulled her backward on to her knees.  With her other hand, she rammed the thumb into the tight opening of the blonde's asshole and two fingers into the warm damp entrance of her pussy.  Aleigh squealed pitifully, as Kelsey violated her in front of the entire room of spectators. 
   "Please, no!" Aleigh begged, "Someone stop her!"  She looked both embarrassed and humiliated.
   With no one stopping her, Kelsey's fingers probed inside the blonde's delicious womanhood, until it found what it was looking for.  Her fingers pinched Aleigh's clitoris, causing the blonde to squeal even louder and more dramatically.  With the thumb dug in tightly to help hold Aleigh in place, the brunette continued her assault on the blonde's most tender flesh for several minutes.  Feeling she had humiliated the blonde enough, Kelsey gave one last squeeze to the clit and then let Aleigh go.  She wasn't finished with the blonde though.  Kelsey flipped her over onto her back and sat on the blonde's waist.  For a solid minute, Kelsey punched Aleigh in the tits and face.  It was not until she had released all of her anger and humiliation of the past year, did Kelsey finally ask Aleigh if she gave up.
   "Yes, yes!" Aleigh blubbered between sobs. "I give, I give! Please, no more!"  With blood leaking from her lips and nose, and bruises tattering her face and breasts, the blonde barely resembled the majestic beauty from 10 short minutes prior. 
   Kelsey stood up and the crowd converged around her.  They praised her for everything from her beauty to her fighting skills.  One of them even offered to manage her, if she was interested in a career in MMA.  After 10-15 minutes, the crowd finally began to dissipate, no doubt heading to their private place to relieve some sexual tension.  Aleigh was still curled up on the floor sniveling.  The two lesbians were the last to leave.
   "I don't suppose you have plans for her?" Savannah asked, gesturing towards Aleigh as if she was an old piece of furniture.
   "She's yours if you want her, although in the condition she's in, I can't imagine why you would," Kelsey replied. "Besides, I think I am going to be focused on something else for the next few hours."  She grabbed Chance's cock, which was aroused and protruding from his shorts, and led him toward the bed.
   "I think she will look good, once we clean her up a little," Peyton said to Savannah as they steered Aleigh out the door. 
   Kelsey pushed Chance on to the bed and yanked his pants down.  She was already extremely moist and he was clearly ready also, so she mounted him and slid his massive cock inside her and began riding it.  She slid up and down, allowing his colossal pole to impale her.  He disappointed her by coming way too quickly, his cum exploding inside her and dripping down her thighs.  Not to be deterred, she manipulated his cock and was able to get it rigid again and finally she came.  By this time, he was ready to explode and needed relief.
   "Here, let me get on top," he said as he tried to squirm out from underneath. Whhhaaaaaccckkk! Kelsey slapped him across the face.
   "I'll stay on top," Kelsey said in a steely, almost threatening, voice.  Chance quit squirming and laid still, his bottom lip began to quiver a little.  For the second time tonight, Kelsey was looking down at eyes glazed with fear.
   An hour later, Chance was completely tapped out and had fallen asleep.  Kelsey was exhausted but too wound up to sleep.  She thought about waking Chance up for another round, but he was suddenly losing his appeal.  Sure he had a huge cock, but he was a nerdy, know-it-all, with below-average looks.  Now that she had him all to herself, she was not sure she wanted him.
   As she contemplated her relationship with Chance, the door opened and Aleigh was tossed into the room.  Savannah peeped inside.
   "Oh, you're still awake," she said, "We're through with the bitch and didn't know what else to do with her."
   "I'll take care of her," Kelsey said, "Thanks for bringing her back."  Savannah left, leaving the shapely blonde on the floor.  She had a few fresh bruises and had recently been crying.
   "I'll get my clothes and leave you and Chance alone," Aleigh said quietly, "You won't see me anymore, I promise."
   "I didn't say you could go anywhere.  Come here."  Aleigh hesitated.  "Now!"  Aleigh meekly walked over to the foot of the bed.  Kelsey motioned for her to lean forward and then the brunette opened her legs wide.  Aleigh reluctantly, but obediently, climbed onto the bed and buried her face between Kelsey's thighs.  She slid her tongue along the edges of the brunette's cleft, lapping up the salty remnants of Chance and Kelsey's sexual explosions. Then Aleigh penetrated her inner womanhood, caressing the walls of her body.  When she found the clit, she repaid Kelsey's earlier favor in a much more tender and affectionate manner.  She sucked on it, massaging it with her tongue.  Kelsey did not know if she had an orgasm left, after expending so much sexual energy with Chance earlier, but quickly found herself gasping and panting as her body began to convulse in the most satisfying orgasm of her life.
   As her body began to relax, Kelsey laid her head down on her pillow. 
   "That was hot," Chance said, suddenly awake.
   "Go sleep on the sofa," Kelsey said.
   "Yeah, right," Chance replied sarcastically, "I've got two hot chicks in my bed and I'm gonna sleep on the sofa? Not gonna happ- Ooowwww!" He suddenly squealed as Kelsey grabbed hold of his cock.
   "You will move over there or I will break it," Kelsey threatened.
   When he slunk out of the bed, Kelsey motioned for Aleigh to move up and take his place.  Kelsey lightly caressed Aleigh's cheek with her hand.  Despite some bruising, Aleigh still looked beautiful.  Kelsey leaned over and began kissing her on the lips.  For the most part, she was gentle, since the blonde's full lips were still a little sore from the beating, but Kelsey did get a little rough once and Aleigh made a sweet, soft whimpering sound from the pain.  Kelsey smiled and then slid her tongue in Aleigh's mouth.  Soon they were sucking on each other's mouth.  As they kissed, Kelsey began to fondle the blonde's ample breasts.  She squeezed the honey soft flesh, enjoying the feel of the warm, heavy weight.  Making no special effort to be tender, Kelsey roughly had her way with the blonde’s delightful body.  She found Aleigh’s whimpering to be sexy.  After another 10 minutes of kissing and molesting the blonde’s shapely body, Kelsey pushed Aleigh’s head between her legs to give her release.  She couldn’t help admiring how talented Aleigh was becoming with her tongue.  Within minutes, Kelsey found herself climaxing, yet again.  Shuddering in breaths of gasping completion, Kelsey held Aleigh’s face tight against her pussy, allowing her juices to flow onto the blonde’s pretty face.  Finally, she felt relaxed and closed her eyes as sleep began to overtake her.   Aleigh pulled her head out and started to get up.
   "No," Kelsey said calmly, but firmly.  "Don't stop yet."  She wasn't quite ready for the moment to end.  Exhausted, but too frightened to disobey, Aleigh went back to licking the warm, moist flesh.  The next morning, when Kelsey woke up, she discovered Aleigh passed out between her lovely thighs.  She wished every day could start out so sweetly.



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Re: Kelsey's Spring Break Rematch
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2020, 12:49:50 PM »
As great as the first one! Love the humiliation parts!


Offline britney_summer

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Re: Kelsey's Spring Break Rematch
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2020, 04:11:47 PM »
I  must say , a very enjoy full  story.


Offline Kelseycat

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Re: Kelsey's Spring Break Rematch
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2020, 03:54:10 PM »
 Incredibly hot story! Thank you so much for writing about me again!