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Best jobber ever

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Offline twins10

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Best jobber ever
« on: April 10, 2020, 02:13:45 PM »
Wanted to get some thoughts on who people think is the female jobber ever ?

My personal vote goes to female wrestler Christie Ricci - almost 6’0 tall and now about maybe 180 pounds she is one of the best wrestlers ever but definitely the best jobber /seller ever . Often out sizing her opponent she often is left dead to the world by the end of her matches usually out cold by sleeper hold by opponent.
Nobody does sleeperhold reaction better first starting out by intensely struggling to escape but slowly wearing down slowly going limp while eyes rolled in the back of her head and finally her whole athletic body ( many times her somewhat ample midsection exposed ) just laying lifeless in her opponent’s arms and in dreamland .
Just look up the word Jobber on net and you find countless videos of her often being rag dolled into unconscious by the likes of Lady Victoria, Lexie Fyte , Sleeperkid and his girls . She once said in interview she wrestled half a match out cold on her feet after Melanie Cruise unintentionally hit her with elbow to jaw saying couldn’t remember the last 10 minutes of the match and basically being ragdolled before being pinned and then helped carried back to locker room . Now that is a jobber !!
My other great jobbers are Keri Spectrum another strong athletic woman is often left out cold in the ring or floor by smaller opponents and Sumiko from SWK  who is very small and many times used as a prop to be tossed around out cold by bigger opponents. Please let me know your favorite jobber as it is truly a art form


Offline DavisJones

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Re: Best jobber ever
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2020, 05:53:43 PM »
Santana Garrett. Her jobbing catalogue on Slammin Ladies is huge, and she's a prolific loser pretty much everywhere else too. She looks great having her sexy body stretched out and beaten by big, mean heels. I've lost count of how many of her matches I've bought over the years, but my collection runs to dozens and dozens.

Karen Collins was great too, doing a more pornographic style of wrestling, often starting with a skimpy swimsuit and ending naked and getting fucked. I don't remember which companies she wrestled for (a bit before my time) but I've found a few matches over the years. She had a great body and was very submissive, seeming to enjoy the punishment.

In the mainstream I always liked Trish Stratus. While it might not be accurate to call a 7x champion a jobber, she basically got owned by the like of Jazz, Molly, Victoria every time they fought, and would take by far the worst of it even when she ended up winning. I thought she was a good seller, particularly of back breaking moves.


Offline krispin

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Re: Best jobber ever
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2020, 06:24:14 PM »
I do love skinny Amber Nova.


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Re: Best jobber ever
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2020, 10:41:09 PM »
I really dig beautiful blonde losers, so my vote goes for Tanya Danielle and Tylene Buck.


Offline brick1960

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Re: Best jobber ever
« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2020, 11:55:30 PM »
You have to add Keri Spectrum constantly losing to smaller women.


Offline Markleilani

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Re: Best jobber ever
« Reply #5 on: April 15, 2020, 02:38:32 AM »
Wanted to get some thoughts on who people think is the female jobber ever ?

My personal vote goes to female wrestler Christie Ricci - almost 6’0 tall and now about maybe 180 pounds she is one of the best wrestlers ever but definitely the best jobber /seller ever . Often out sizing her opponent she often is left dead to the world by the end of her matches usually out cold by sleeper hold by opponent.
Nobody does sleeperhold reaction better first starting out by intensely struggling to escape but slowly wearing down slowly going limp while eyes rolled in the back of her head and finally her whole athletic body ( many times her somewhat ample midsection exposed ) just laying lifeless in her opponent’s arms and in dreamland .
Just look up the word Jobber on net and you find countless videos of her often being rag dolled into unconscious by the likes of Lady Victoria, Lexie Fyte , Sleeperkid and his girls . She once said in interview she wrestled half a match out cold on her feet after Melanie Cruise unintentionally hit her with elbow to jaw saying couldn’t remember the last 10 minutes of the match and basically being ragdolled before being pinned and then helped carried back to locker room . Now that is a jobber !!
My other great jobbers are Keri Spectrum another strong athletic woman is often left out cold in the ring or floor by smaller opponents and Sumiko from SWK  who is very small and many times used as a prop to be tossed around out cold by bigger opponents. Please let me know your favorite jobber as it is truly a art form

I like watching Christie wrestle but I never thought of her as a jobber. In fact, I don’t think I ever even saw her sell a move ????


Offline Maizenblue

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Re: Best jobber ever
« Reply #6 on: April 15, 2020, 12:26:44 PM »
Tough all live Sayuri. On slamminladies really enjoy Lacey, Jessica James or Zoe Lucas.


Online Sandman13

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Re: Best jobber ever
« Reply #7 on: April 22, 2020, 06:50:41 PM »
I was a big fan of Nikki, who has retired from the Fem Wrestling Room site. She rarely if ever won but she looks so sexy in defeat.


Offline Hash

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Re: Best jobber ever
« Reply #8 on: April 23, 2020, 06:01:57 PM »
Well, Absynthe is all time my favourite jobber.. sure you watch her while beaten up
I've been in fights(cyber and real) since i have fought over my girlfriend after that incident i am fan of catfight and fistfight

My trillian hash10
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Offline wifecatfightfan

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Re: Best jobber ever
« Reply #9 on: April 25, 2020, 11:51:39 PM »
Wow love this topic.  I have many
1. Holly from catfight angels.  Lost so many at the end of her career and was dominated in her real matches against jackson, devon, lola, lydia etc.  ( being facesat in pic)
2. Kymberly jane - started at academy - Lost so many matches there - the kept finding new small girls for her and she kept getting beat and dominated  ( put over the shoulder in pic)
3. Mutiny - Love her curvy body- good fighter against the lower level women- When going up against women with similiar experience her curvy body would get twisted and bent all over the place
4. Karen collins from Academy was great
5. Treena collins from joan wise - Laid out after defeat in pic
6. Sue bowser from Golden girls -Squeezed oh so sexily in the pic
7. Penny barber from ult surrender and a few other companies-
8. Alecia ames joan wise.   

May more LOL


Offline bbvmoe

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Re: Best jobber ever
« Reply #10 on: April 28, 2020, 08:14:07 PM »
Definitely a Sue Bowser fan here, loved to watch fight for Golden Girls, especially her matches with Pam Ward and with Robin. The match where Sue and Robin started out in minidresses and Sue was handcuffed and put in a sleeperhold at the end is one of my all time favorites


Offline AlyAdmirer

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Re: Best jobber ever
« Reply #11 on: April 28, 2020, 08:20:50 PM »
For pro, Alexa Thatcher.  For such a brief career, (crashed and) burned so bright.   ;D


Offline goredsox

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Re: Best jobber ever
« Reply #12 on: May 09, 2020, 04:51:11 AM »
Hollywood from webkitten. Just look up The Trap series. She is the sexiest jobber I’ve witnessed. She really sells the beat down too. Her moans are out of this world, as is her curvy, succulent body. She’s a bit older now but her best work is from 2000-2013ish. That’s when she endured a lot of breast, crotch, stomach punishment.


Offline jon222

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Re: Best jobber ever
« Reply #13 on: December 23, 2020, 04:12:18 PM »
Tina.  She lost all her matches

Keri spectrum would let some women win but other then Keli she also beat every woman she fought for real


Offline rmouse

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Re: Best jobber ever
« Reply #14 on: January 01, 2021, 02:08:09 PM »
Wanted to get some thoughts on who people think is the female jobber ever ?


really surprised at how the pro wrestlers from back in the day are not getting mentioned.  No one, absolutely no one from today can sell a beating like the pro's from the classic professional wrestling era.  And that is what jobbing is, selling a beating.

Allison Royal- Absolutely gorgeous and beaten all over the ring, never facing a rule following opponent.  Her career was too short to make her an all time legend but she had it all for the time she was in the ring.

Desiree Petersen- Easily one of the best.  Desiree faced legendary heels like Sherri Martel, Leilani Kai, Judy Martin, Penny Mitchell, etc.  They beat Desiree viciously.  And boy, could she SELL those beatings.  In one match, Judy Martin pulled apart Desiree's legs and administered the nasty crotch kick you ever saw.   Never, ever has a kick between the legs been sold so well.  In fact, I really can't be sure that it was not real!

Mimi Hagiwara- In my opinion, THE best jobber ever.  She sold her beatings even better than Desiree Petersen (who is a legend) but had outright supermodel good looks.  There simply is no reason why a stunning, beautiful looking woman like Mimi Hagiwara ever got into wrestling.  No interview exists that I'm aware of that explains why she did this.  Mimi faced most of the great American heels when they went to Japan as well as faces turned heels over there.  Plus, the Japanese heel Devil Masami had many legendary matches where she literally DESTROYED Mimi Hagiwara.  Massive, absolutely massive beatings, where Mimi is barely conscious, dragged all over the ring by her hair, picked off the mat by her hair, over and over and over again.   The jobbers and matches mentioned in this thread so far, in my opinion, don't reach 10% of what Mimi Hagiwara accomplished. If any producer or girl wrestler wanted to become an immediate hit as a jobber, all they would have to do is use Mimi Hagiwara's matches as a template.  She reached pure jobber perfection.  No one has come close to matching her amazingly intense, sustained beatings and sold them as well.