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The Trashing of Talula

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The Trashing of Talula
« on: April 10, 2020, 08:07:56 PM »
Talula Vs. Vanessa & Jenelle
"The Trashing of Talula"

   The crowd buzzed with anticipation, filling the entire arena with an air of excitement that was palpable. The BWW had presented another amazing evening of wrestling entertainment, but for many who had attended, tonight was all about this last match; a surprising billing that had been slated a month prior, but had captured the imaginations of so many fans of the federation that it had been shifted from a mere mid-event card to top billing of the evening. The truly gargantuan Talula, indisputably the heaviest woman on the roster, would face off in a handicap tag match against two of the federation's smallest women, the cruel and vain pairing of Jenelle and Vanessa, and the vast majority of the packed audience were looking forward to it as a squashing of epic proportions; even combined, Jenelle and Vanessa gave up so much weight to their incredible opponent that even some of the heavier women in the BWW couldn't have made up the difference.

   Watching on from the announcer's desk at ringside, Jim took a moment as the commercial breaks played to lean back in his seat, one hand reaching up to check his perfectly sculpted black hair, shot through with the odd streak of grey, hadn't wilted in the heat during the last match. He was an older man, in his mid-to-late-forties, but carried the age well, with smile lines creasing the corners of his mouth, sparklingly blue eyes and a dimpled chin that the ladies found appealing. He'd been announcing for the BWW since they'd gotten big enough to start doing broadcasts of their events, and his silky and measured tones, sharp suits and gentlemanly conduct was a big draw amongst the female-demographic of their audience, though Jim was far too humble to consider any truth to that; he believed the BWW drew in crowds of both genders because they put the emphasis on excellent wrestling between exceptional athletes.

   Seated next to him was his usual co-host, the lovely and bubbly Cherry; a gorgeous, buxom woman in her early thirties, flowing blond hair tied tonight into two pigtails that bounced and jostled as she moved her head. She wore a purple tank top that exposed enough of her ample cleavage to be alluring, yet covered enough to be considered tasteful, and a pair of hip-hugging leather pants; clearly confident in her figure, Cherry nevertheless took her work as a match commentator seriously enough that she didn't like to dress in too revealing a manner in case it distracted from the fight.

   The two at first appeared polar opposites; Jim was a calm voice, perhaps the more savvy in ring technique, often offering his opinions on the various advantages and limitations of the moves being performed, while Cherry would often become so absorbed in the fight that was would give an excited squeal or a disappointed groan in time with the audience. Together however, they complemented one another's style perfectly; Jim's often dry and clinical analysis was granted extra life and buzz by Cherry's overwhelming enthusiasm, while she in turn was kept from getting too fired up by Jim's quite guidance. As a team, they were much beloved by the fans of BWW who watched the matches from the televised broadcasts.

   Tonight was different however, and not for the better in Jim's opinion, although thus far he'd held his tongue on that matter. A recent issue over the arena being double-booked with a rival wrestling federation had almost led to the event being cancelled, a situation that would have devastated many of the die-hard fans of the BWW. The other party, the notoriously shallow BAD Wrestling, had agreed to back down from their claim to allow the BWW to host their event there, but they'd done so with one condition; one of their wrestlers was on a court-mandated sensitivity training course, and BAD wanted him to have a chance to develop an appreciation for wrestling outside of their own federation. When he'd first been told of the arrangement, Jim could see how the commissioner from the rival federation felt that could have helped; BAD (which stood for Babes: Assault & Destroy) had a roster filled with muscle-bound meatheads and waif-like blondes with more spite than sense, and focused on more showy and shallow fights than actual demonstrations of wrestling skill, where as the BWW had men and women of all shapes and sizes, who nevertheless were treated with respect and dignity by the fans and, in most cases, by one another. Perhaps by seeing things from a different perspective, this hooligan that had been forced upon them could learn a little of acceptance and perhaps alter his behavior a little.

   However, after nearly three hours in the company of Riggs "The Riot" Barrow, Jim was rather more of the opinion that the BAD crew had just wanted to dump him on someone else for an evening.

   The man in question sat at the end of the announcer's table, leaning back in his chair with his feet kicked up on top of the desktop and arms cushioning the back of his head. His build, perhaps surprisingly given the usual standard of muscle-bound hulks BAD seemed to favor, was skinny and wiry with muscle, and while he seemed to favor wearing a long leather coat that hung down to about knee height, he wore nothing to cover his torso beneath it, the coat left open and hanging over the back of the chair to leave his upper body bared, pale skin and the odd scar studding his flesh all the way down to the abdomen, where his triple-belted leather pants thankfully covered his lower half. His hair was a lustrous black, but messy and unkempt, and his ears were heavy with piercing studs, small hanging chains laced between them that jangled when he turned his head sharply. His punk-rocker image was completed by a heavily accented voice, his Scottish roots coming through with his gruff tone and odd phrasings, though thankfully throughout the event he had spoken little, seeming more interested in shooting barbed taunts at the wrestlers, the audience and even Jim a few times than actually talking about what was happening in the fight. The only one he'd even been slightly nice to had been Cherry, and that was clearly just so he could leer at her, which prompted a quick change in the seating arrangement so that Jim now sat as a barrier between Cherry and Riggs.

   Jim glanced up as he saw the camera crew giving the signal that they were back live in ten seconds. Adjusting his headphones and giving Cherry a comforting smile, he cast a sidelong glance at Riggs.

   'Ready for our last match of the evening Mr. Barrow?' he asked cordially, refusing to let his irritation at the man's antics show. Rigg's narrow face turned towards him, a cocky smirk spread across his face as his dark eyes twinkled.

   'Sure am mate,' he said, his own set of headphones still resting around his neck, 'One more circus performance of sweaty hippos rolling around the ring, and I can go back to where the women keep their fat in their tits and off their arses.'

   Jim simply shook his head in disgust as Rigg chuckled to himself; at least they agreed on one thing, they'd both be glad to see Rigg gone after this fight. The camera light went from red to green, and Jim forced himself to smile as he gazed into the lens.

   'Welcome back to BWW, brought to you live from Wide Spring, Colorado, as you join us for our final match of the evening. It's been an action packed event here tonight, but none perhaps have been so anticipated as this one; the mighty Talula, indisputably the heaviest woman in the BWW, tonight squares off against the combined talents of Jenelle and Vanessa in a handicap tag match. Cherry, any thoughts on how this one will pan out?'

   'Well I'm not a betting girl Jim, but I'm going to have to side with the fans on this one; Talula has the weight, the experience and the support of the fans, I don't think that there's anything Jenelle or Vanessa can bring that Talula won't be able to power through. We could be looking at an early finish tonight,' she added the last line as a joke, though she perhaps said it a little too eagerly as she cast a glance at Rigg, clearly keen to see him gone.

   'Well it's hard to argue with the facts Cherry, we could well be looking as a very one-sided matchup here, but it seems the fans are looking forward to seeing that happen nonetheless. And what of our outsider perspective, Mr. Barrow, does your opinion differ at all?'

   Rigg, who had been idly looking out over the crowd, turned his head sharply as his name was mentioned, clearly not having been paying any attention to what was said.

   'What was that Jimmy-boy? Wasn't paying any mind there.'

   Jim fought to keep the reprimanding tone from his voice as much as possible as he repeated the question, to which Rigg gave a disinterested shrug.

   'To be honest, I couldn't care less; one fatty, two fatties, three, you can shove as many of those big bouncy bitches as you like in the ring, doesn't light any fires with me pal.'

   Jim and Cherry shared a glance; clearly Rigg wasn't even aware of who was supposed to be fighting, but there wasn't time in the schedule to explain it to him. Indeed, no sooner had Jim written Rigg off than the lights dimmed down, eliciting an excited murmur from the crowd as the spotlights focused on the ring, and the ring announcer Anita slipped through the ropes, the tall and lovely Norwegian blonde raising the mic to her lips.

   'Ladies and Gentlemen, this will be a handicap tag match to one fall. Introducing first, from Phoenix, Arizona, weighing in at one thousand, two hundred and eighty two pounds, Talula!'

   The crowd erupted into wild cheering, as the beloved wrestler emerged at the top of the aisle, pausing for a moment to smile her calm little smile and wave to her more distant fans. Her girth was incredible, even her traditional huge blue one-piece seeming to struggle to contain her vast proportions, her bare thighs quaking with each step as she started to walk down the aisle to the ring, clapping a few of the outstretched hands from those close enough to reach out. Ponderously, she made her way over to the metal steps that led up to the ring apron, the creak and groan as she put her weight on them audible even over the riot of cheering from the crowd for those close by, and finally she squeezed her considerable bulk between the ropes, taking a moment to catch her breath as she backed her titanic ass into her corner. At the ringside announcer's table, Jim looked on with an expression of quiet surprise.

   'Well there she is, the simply humongous Talula entering the ring there, and looking perhaps the biggest she's been in a long, long time; over twelve hundred pounds, almost double her original weight. Cherry, care to shed some light on what's brought about this alarming weight gain?'

   'Well Jim,' Cherry began, her face beaming as she lowered her voice slightly into a stage whisper, 'Rumor backstage is that about three weeks ago, our lovely Talula started to receive anonymous gifts from an unknown admirer filled with some of her favorite foods. No one knows who he is or how he's been leaving the packages for her without anyone knowing, but word is that she's pretty smitten by some of the romantic letters that have came with the packages. Needless to say, her appetite has kinda dominated her time, so her training schedule these last few weeks has fallen to the wayside and her weight has skyrocketed as a result.'

   'That's quite the incredible story Cherry. So how do you feel this might affect the matchup? Talula seemed pretty out of breath just climbing into the ring, not her usual self at all.'

   'Well all of the heavyweight women have to work hard to maintain their cardio fitness and keep their stamina up for their matches, and that goes double for someone as huge as Talula, but lately she's just not been doing that training and that might play into things if the match drags on. That said, with all that weight, I reckon she's got it in her to put Jenelle and Vanessa away long before that becomes an issue; once that weight is on top of them, the fight is over, end of,' Cherry finished with a confident nod.

   As the two announcers had discussed Talula's alarming weight gain, the crowd had settled back to a dull rumble of anticipation, as Anita, who had looked a little terrified as Talula had lumbered past her like a cruiser narrowly missing a little tug boat, once again raised the mic.

   'And her opponents tonight, weighing in at a combined two hundred and seventy three pounds, the tag partners Jenelle and Vanessa!'

   Once against the crowd erupted, although this time the majority of voices were raised in jeers and boos as the two women strutted out from backstage and onto the aisle, side by side. Both women were polar opposites of Talula; where the massive woman was dusky skinned from her mixed Native American and Mexican heritage, the pair confronting her were both Caucasian, though Vanessa bore a slight tan to her skin.

   While the pair stood as a stark contrast to Talula, Jenelle and Vanessa themselves had a few difference between them; Jenelle stood slightly taller, and bore a more aloof attitude, seeming to outright ignore the crowd as they booed and hissed at her. Her attire was a simple black tank top, cut short to leave her flat midriff bare, and a hip-hugging pair of white Lycra pants with a black stripe running down the sides of the legs, finished with a pair of black calf-high lace-up boots and shiny black elbow pads. Vanessa meanwhile scowled as she passed by the jeering fans, even taking the time to snatch a very unflattering sign depicting Talula squashing them both from the hands of a young fan and ripping it in half, tossing the pieces back at his stunned face with a nasty smirk of vindictive glee. Her own attire was far less conservative than her partner's, consisting of a very revealing cotton-candy pink sports bra and matching hot pants, neon pink knee and elbow pads, and a pair of pink sports sneakers with white banding. Both the women were also blonde, but again differed slightly, with Jenelle bearing a lighter and cleaner shade when compared to the dirty locks Vanessa wore. Jim was about to pass comment on the unsporting behavior of Vanessa, but before he could speak, Rigg interrupted him.

   'Bloody hell, now we're talking Jimmy-boy!' He said with an excited grin, slapping Jim on the back as he lifted his legs off the desktop and leant in closer to get a better look at the small monitor showing the tag partner's walk along the aisle, 'Finally, a pair of lovely ladies I can get behind! And here I thought the only lasses you had who could see their own feet were you're friend over there and the gal who did all the announcing.'

   'My name's Cherry,' came the angry reply from the bubbly blonde, but Rigg wasn't paying any attention, fixated on the two slender ladies as they reached the ring and climbed up onto the ring apron, Vanessa exaggerating her motions as she bent down to slide between the top and middle ropes, riding them for a moment or two of flirtatious teasing before straightening up in the ring, and Riggs gave an appreciative leering grin.

   'See now, that's the kind of entertainment I've been waiting on. So we've got this Jenie and Vanity fighting that fatty in the corner then, right?'

   'I think you may have got the names a little confused there Mr. Barrow,' Jim said icily, brushing off Rigg's hand as politely but firmly as possible, 'The matchup is a handicap tag fight with Talula against Vanessa and Jenelle. Which you'd know if you'd been paying attention,' he added pointedly, though the reprimand clearly went over the man's head.

   'Right right, yeah, them two. Well Jumbo might have scoffed down all the ice cream at the Ben & Jerry's factory, but she's still one woman, right? Can't protect yourself from two people coming at you at once, can you? I say if Jenelle and Vanessa play it smart, wear tubby over there down, then they'll be walking out of here the winners.'

   'Well that's opinion,' Jim conceded grudgingly, before quickly trying to refocus attention back onto the events in the ring, 'And here we see the guest referee for this matchup, as Rick makes his way to ringside. It looks like the match is ready to get underway, so lets...hang on, Rick seems to have some sort of package in his hands.'

   Sure enough, as Rick climbed up and through the ropes, wearing the white and black striped sleeveless shirt and whistle of a referee, under one beefy arm was clutched a parcel wrapped in sugary pink wrapping paper, dotted with hearts. Looking a little confused, he passed it along to Anita with a shrug, who fumbled to hold both it and the mic in separate hands.

   'Umm, this seems to be a package addressed to you Talula,' she said uncertainly, finally managing to balance the package so she could hold it out towards her. Looking surprised, Talula took the box in her hands, her face remaining a passive blank, although there was a slight skip in her breathing and her eyes gleamed a little brighter as she clutched the box. She pulled away the paper to reveal a small box, which she opened perhaps a little quicker than she would have done had she truly been as casual about it as her expression suggested.

   'Oh my god Jim, this is so amazingly romantic!' Cherry squeaked, far more excited than Talula did, 'Do you think her secret admirer has sent her a gift live? Do you think he left a note? Oohh, I hope she reads it out!'

   'Bugger me, just get to the bloody fight already!' Rigg moaned, 'Who cares whose been keeping that elephant fed on cake and candy?'

   Ignoring the petulant impatience of the guest commentator, Jim and Cherry's attention remained fixed on Talula as she reached into the box and pulled out a slip of paper, her eyes quickly scanning the words. Her expression faltered after a moment however, and faded quickly as she kept reading, but before Anita could ask any questions Jenelle had stepped forward and snatched the mic from her hand, giving her a shove that sent her stumbling towards the ring ropes.

   'Now I'm guessing there's a few of you out in the audience who are wondering just what Talula was reading, and what the whole box thing is about,' she began, starting to slowly strut around to address the whole crowd, acting like she owned the whole ring, 'Well about three weeks ago, she started getting some romantic packages sent to her, filled with all her favorite snacks and treats. I know, it's all just too cute right? Well for three whole weeks, instead of working out and training hard like Vanessa and I did, that fat bitch just ate, and ate, and ate some more.,' she said with an amused, vicious little smile, pointing to Talula as she kept talking, 'And let me tell you, that piggy can EAT! Now I doubt Talula wants to share with you all what her mystery admirer wrote in that letter she's reading, but that's OK...'

   As Jenelle finished speaking, Vanessa stepped up to join her, reaching into her cleavage with one hand and pulling from there a folded up square of paper with a triumphant giggle, taking the mic as Jenelle offered it to her.

   '...'Cause we printed a spare one out for all of you to hear us read,' she purred into the mic, unfolding the paper in her hands and smoothing it out. Jim blinked, stunned, as he realized just what was happening. The chuckle he heard beside him suggested that Rigg had figured it out as well.

   'Oh, this is gonna be goooood,' He crowed with a look of rapt attention, clearly loving every awkward moment Talula was going through as her expression twisted in anger, disappointment and embarrassment. Cherry didn't say anything, her eyes wide and her hands covering her mouth in shock, clearly horrified but unable to look away from what was happening in the ring. Vanessa cleared her throat, the folded sheet of paper held before her in one hand to read from.

   'My sweetest Talula,' she began, injecting a sickeningly false saccharin tone to the recital that made it all the more vicious, 'I simply could not wait for you to conclude your match before giving you this package, and expressing to you just how deeply, and utterly, you have fallen for this trick. I mean seriously, what sort of self-respecting man would be caught dead chasing after a mammoth-sized bitch like you? Every time we sent you a package of snacks to chow-down on, we'd be watching you from a distance, and it honestly made us sick to our stomachs seeing just how much you'd stuff your fat, hopeless face and make goo-goo eyes whenever you read those love notes. But who are we kidding; you'd settle for any guy who could afford to pay for those astronomical food bills, right? So here's one more box of cupcakes, to cram into that big mouth of yours while you cry yourself to sleep tonight, because honestly, while this started out as a joke, we both ended up pitying how sad and lonely it is to be such a blubbery hippo like you. With disgust, Jenelle and Vanessa.'

   The crowd erupted into an outraged roar the moment Vanessa was done reading, though the pair seemed unfazed by the reaction, soaking up the jeers with smug grins as they watched Talula’s face grow steadily more furious, the cheeks reddening both from anger and from the embarrassment of being fooled by her two vindictive opponents. Once the booing had ebbed a little, Vanessa lifted the mic to her lips once more.

   ‘Oh, it gets better,’ she said with a knowing smirk, lifting a hand and pointing a finger towards the jumbo-tron that hung above the backstage entrance, ‘We thought Talula might be boring and not want to show everyone how head-over-heels she was for her little “secret admirer”, so we snuck a little something into one of the crates. Play the video.’

   At her signal, the screen switched to a field of fuzzy blackness, which quickly brightened as a light appeared, and after a disorienting moment it became clear that the image was from a camera, set inside a crate whose lid had just been opened. The screen showed Talula, wearing a comfortable looking blue sweater, an excited grin on her face as she started to rummage in the crate. Her hands came back holding boxes of snacks and treats of every variety, which she eyed eagerly, but setting them aside she plunged in again until her hands came up holding an envelope, much like the one Talula had received before. With eager, clumsy fingers, she quickly opened it up and slid out the note, reading parts of it out loud to herself.

   ‘To my most cherished lovely, whose size is matched only by the love I hold for you in my heart,’ she said, practically squealing with delight as she hugged the note to her chest, ‘Oh my God, that’s so beautiful! I hope you find this food as a sign of my admiration and appreciation of your simply gorgeous body,’ She continued to read, ‘And I hope when you enjoy it your thoughts may dwell on me fondly. With love and respect, your secret admirer.’

   With a smile, the Talula on the screen leant in to press her lips to the note, leaving a large lipstick imprint of her plump lips upon the paper. Then, setting the note aside, she tore the top off a box of cookies and started to pour them into her eager mouth. Back in the ring, Talula watched herself gush with an expression of mixed outrage, horror and heart-broken despair, her neutral mask slipping for a brief moment as Vanessa giggled into the mic.

   ‘OK, you can stop there, the rest is just her stuffing her fat face, which none of us need to see,’ She said with a cruel smile, and the Jumbo-tron went back to the live feed, focused on Talula’s face. Realising the camera was on her again, Talula’s face hardened once more, although it still bore the obvious signs of hurt and anger. The cruel act complete, Vanessa simply tossed the mic carelessly aside as she and Jenelle shared a high-five, both grinning maliciously as their weeks-long deception finally came to fruition. Talula had remained in her corner the entire time, trembling in what seemed to be an equal mix of utter fury and near-tearful frustration, paralyzed between the two states. Rick, who had been stood to one side with a somewhat baffled expression throughout the whole debacle, finally stepped forward as the treacherous pair retreated to the opposite corner. Outside at the announcer's table, Jim realized that the tech guys were gesturing wildly to him, before suddenly realizing that in the shock of that heart-wrenching reveal, they were leaving dead air on the broadcast.

   'Ladies and gentlemen,' he began, his tone grave and leaden from what he had just witnessed, 'That has got to be the most sick and twisted act I have ever had the displeasure to witness here in the BWW. The breach of respect and trust that has just been displayed is, frankly, beyond my ability to fully comprehend. And judging from the fan reaction here, I don't think I'm alone in that sentiment. Cherry?'

   Jim turned his glance to the side, seeing just how close Cherry had come to breaking down into tears during the reading. Laying a reassuring hand on her shoulder, she turned to look at him with eyes gleaming from the near-tears, and took a deep breath to regain her composure.

   'No Jim, you certainly are not. We've seen some real cheap shots in some of the matchups here at the BWW, but this is's a whole other level of viciousness.'

   'Frankly, the pair of you are being softer than that flabby lass' arse,' Rigg interjected, cutting in before Jim could change the subject to something more positive, 'You two are so caught up in the fact that it hurt Shamu's feelings that you can't appreciate just what a brilliant stroke of genius it was! Three weeks of plotting an' scheming, three weeks of keeping their opponent from training hard and letting herself go, now THAT'S an advantage you can't get without hard work and effort, and you know who works hard like that? Winners do boys an' gals, that's the truth of it.'

   'Well Mr. Barrow, I guess we'll have to wait and see,' Jim said, his patience for the vile antics of the boorish BAD wrestler fading fast, 'because I believe the matchup is ready to commence.'

   Indeed, as Jim finished speaking, the bell rang out, finally signaling the start of the match, and Vanessa came out of her corner in a calm and confident strut, a cruel smile playing across her lips. Talula meanwhile, clearly eager to begin paying back her opponent's for their mean, insulting and downright heartbreaking trick, came out her corner in a stampeding rush, although her considerable girth hindered her efforts to cross the distance between them swiftly, giving Vanessa ample time to consider her options. The canvas trembled under each heavy footfall Talula made, but Vanessa simply stood her ground, one hand propped against her hips as she awaited the onrushing behemoth. The fans watched eagerly as Talula began to stretch out her arms, keen to see Vanessa get what she deserved, but the anticipation was for nothing as the slender young wrestler simply hopped to one side, bending her body at the waist slightly to pull herself out of Talula's reach, and letting her larger opponent lumber right on by her. Talula struggled to slow as she realized her charge had failed to connect, but the momentum she had gathered forced her to stumble forward a few more heavy steps, giving Vanessa plenty of time to simply stroll right up behind her and give Talula's heavy bubble butt a sharp slap, setting the round buttocks quivering as Vanessa laughed aloud.

   'Gonna have to be quicker than that, tubby,' she teased with a little wink, skipping back out of reach again as Talula flailed behind her in a blind grope. Scowling, the amazingly huge woman began to ponderously turn her girth back to face Vanessa, who had began to prowl around her like a stalking wild cat, looking for her next opening. Outside the ring, Jim watched the opening moves with concern evident upon his features.

   'Well Talula's early attempt for a quick lockup was thwarted there, and apparently with some ease by Vanessa, who seems eager to continue to taunt her opponent.'

   'Aye Jimmy-boy, it's a smart move on her part,' Rigg chipped in, as in the ring Talula made another lunge for Vanessa, who skipped backwards well out of her grasp with a mocking giggle, 'Her and Jenelle, they've spent weeks setting this up to get under Jumbo's skin, make her mad; angry people ain't smart people, and if you ain't smart, you leave a whole lot of openings for girls like them two to hit you in.'

   Sure enough, as Vanessa easily leapt out of Talula's reaching grasp for the fourth time in a row, the larger women lost her composure for a moment, her hands reaching up to clutch at her slightly tussled hair, teeth gritted as she practically growled in furious frustration. Her fans within the audience watched on with distraught expressions, as their beloved wrestling idol's famed calm and resolute attitude dissolved before their eyes. Vanessa meanwhile was hovering near the far end of the ring to her bloated opponent, bouncing lightly on her feet as she made a beckoning gesture with one hand, further targeting Talula's already heavily damaged nerves. Eyes wild, driven near-berserk by the need to get a hold of one of her tormentors, the ultra-heavyweight took the bait and lumbered into a headlong charge across the ring.

   'I hope Vanessa knows what's she's getting herself into, because I have never seen Talula this angry before,' Cherry said, although she managed to say as much in a tone of voice that suggested she hoped Talula caught her. Jim certainly agreed, but his veteran eye for details in a fight couldn't help but notice that Talula's breathing was already seeming a little strained, nor that the time it took her to cover the length of the ring was dramatically longer than even her own previously lengthy times. Sure enough, Vanessa was poised and ready to take advantage of that fact, smiling as she nimbly hopped back to grasp hold of the top of the ring ropes while her feet settled onto the lower set, bending briefly before snapping back, and using the momentum to lift her into a high leap. Just as Talula was getting close, Vanessa thrust out her legs together in a spiking lunge, slamming both her boots into Talula's oncoming face in a missile dropkick that thudded heavily into the bigger woman's skull, snapping her head back and halting the ponderous rampage in its tracks. The crowd gave a gasp as Talula wobbled and swayed, on the verge of stumbling back a step, but her own colossal weight kept her in place as Vanessa dropped gracefully to the canvas, her legs curling back under her to land nimbly in a crouched position, not even pausing for a moment before she'd pitched herself into a roll that brought her well outside of the massive woman's reach.

   'That was quite the move there by Vanessa, landing the first telling blow of the match, and with some authority,' Jim reported on the action, having to give some grudging respect for the expertise of the maneuver he'd just witnessed, 'Clearly Janelle and Vanessa have been working on their tactics to deal with a much bigger and heavier opponent like Talula.'

   'You mean when they weren't being despicable human beings?' Cherry added with a mutter, glaring unhappily as Vanessa sprang back to her feet, feeling confident enough to pause for a moment to wave to the on-looking crowd which brought another chorus of jeers. Jenelle however, back on the ring apron outside of their corner, had noticed that Talula had recovered for the ringing headshot faster than Vanessa had perhaps anticipated, and the behemoth Amazon was using the momentary distraction to cover the distance between them with a mean expression evident on her normally serene features.

   'Vanessa, get out of there!' Jenelle yelled, gripping the top ropes and practically leaning into the ring as she struggled to make herself heard over the crowd. Clearly it had caught her partner's attention, as Vanessa began to turn in her direction, only to be faced with the looming girth of a furious Talula. With a shocked squeak the slender woman dropped to all fours, only just missing the meaty swing that Talula had aimed for her head, and showing little of the grace that had just been demonstrated a moment before, scuttled out under the ropes and to the safety of the outside. The gargantuan bulk of her opponent looming above her, Vanessa backed away hurriedly, looking set to dash away if Talula tried to squeeze herself out onto the ring apron to pursue her, but after a long pause the hefty wrestler began to step back towards the middle of the ring. Meanwhile, Rick had stepped up to begin making a count-out, prompting Vanessa to hurry around the outside of the ring towards the relative sanctuary of her team's corner, where Jenelle greeted her with an annoyed slap to the back of her head.

   'Ow, what the hell Jenelle!?' She hissed, clutching the back of her head with one hand while the other was thrust out in a gesture of incomprehension.

   'What the hell did we talk about in practice?' Came the reply from her teammate, 'Don't take your eyes of that fat beach-ball! God, I can't believe she almost snuck up on you like that, the bitch could set off earthquake detectors and you were completely oblivious, showing off to the crowd.'

   Vanessa narrowed her eyes, but didn't snipe back, instead simply tagging Jenelle in on the shoulder and leaning back against the corner post. Slipping between the ropes, Talula's new tormentor stepped into the ring, keeping close to the ropes as she began to circle around the ring, keeping a cautious distance from the fuming giantess.

   'Well after a near mishap with the duo's agreed strategy there, Vanessa has tagged in her partner Jenelle,' Jim noted from the outside, 'But in the interim Talula seems to have gotten more of a handle of her anger and doesn't seem ready to make another rushed charge; she's keeping to the middle of the ring and watching Jenelle like a hawk. If the tag partners had hoped that getting under Talula's skin with a cheap trick would be the key to their success in their matchup, things could be about to get a whole lot more difficult for them.'

   Beside Jim, Rigg Barrow gave an amused snort, although his attention was firmly upon the match now at least.

   'I think you're not giving them gals a lot of credit there Jimmy-boy,' he began, making a gesture towards Jenelle as she continued to stalk around the ring carefully, 'This wee shindig is something they've been planning for a while now, so you can bet that we've not seen all their tricks yet; this has just been the opening salvo.'

   Sure enough, without any obvious sign as to why, Jenelle suddenly stopped her slow circuit of the ring, a smile creeping around her lips as she turned to face Talula directly, extending one slim arm with the fingers splayed. What it represented seemed so ludicrous that it even took the ring announcers a few moments to realize what she was doing.

   ' she offering Talula a test-of-strength?' Jim said with genuine puzzlement.

   'Still sure they've got a master strategy Rigg?' Cherry said, perhaps a little too smugly, though the BAD co-commentator didn't have any answer for her. In the ring, Talula was glaring at the offered hand suspiciously, clearly wary of some sort of trick, which made Jenelle smile all the more.

   'Oh come on, are you telling me you don't want to get me nice and close so you can squash me in those fat sausage fingers of yours? You know you ain't gonna catch me any other way tons-of-fun,' Jenelle's taunting seemed tailor made to needle at Talula's already red-raw nerves, as after another slight hesitation the massive woman extended her own hand, clearly eager to get Jenelle in her clutches. Jenelle approached closer, and the true gap in their respective weights became all the more evident as the slender blonde vanished in the shadow of her truly titanic opponent. Nevertheless, she showed no fear as Talula leant over a little to better reach her opponent's offered hand. Jim continued to watch on, unable to discern the logic to such a suicidal course of action.

   'Well whatever Jenelle told her, Talula has decided to take the offer, and quite frankly I'm at a loss as to why...hold on, what's Jenelle doing with her other hand?' The commentary switched mid-flow as Jim, in a position to see Jenelle's back, noticed that while her right arm was extended to offer a test of strength, the left hand had slipped behind her. Reaching to the waistline of her pants, Jenelle plucked something that had been nestling just below the small of her back, hidden by the waistband, though Jim was unable to see just what it was. By that point, the fingers of her right hand had laced with Talula's left hand, and she now began to lift the other hand up to link up with the other hand. At that moment, Jenelle’s face split into a grin, and rather than letting her left hand link up with Talula’s, she instead brought it close to her mouth, blowing sharply towards the titanic woman’s downturned head. A white powder erupted from her palm as Jenelle blew on it, catching the ultra-heavyweight full in the face, and the reaction was instant. Talula howled in pain, both her hands coming up to clutch at her face as tears ran down her fat cheeks, all while the cruel blonde smirked cruelly.

   ‘Wow, I can’t believe you actually fell for that!’ She cackled as Talula staggered, quickly dropping to her knees before the hulking mass of woman, and with a grunt she powered her forearm up hard, practically planting an uppercut between the monstrously vast thighs and deep into the soft spot hidden beneath the hang of Talula’s belly. The massive woman’s reddened and teary eyes bulged, her cries catching in her throat as she gagged slightly at the sudden low-blow, her incredibly vast body slumping forward slightly as Jenelle rolled away and started to climb back to her feet.

   ‘Hey, come on ref, where were you looking!’ Cheery yelled, clearly as disgusted with the display of blatant cheating as the crowd was. The outburst caused Rigg to chuckle to himself.

   ‘Couldn’t see anything behind that fat arse, could he?’ He said, mocking Cherry as he tried to come across as being reasonable, ‘I mean the man’s only human, can’t be expected to see through several feet of lard to notice every little detail.’

   ‘Well regardless of Rick’s observation, I think we can all agree that Jenelle appears to have blown salt into Talula’s eyes in a bid to leave her blind,’ Jim cut in sternly, trying to prevent Rigg from further provoking Cherry, ‘And she’s certainly taking every advantage she can get, going for a low-blow that has Talula feeling it.’

   Indeed, back in the ring Jenelle was cackling to herself, skipping around her gargantuan opponent, while Talula’s head moved to and fro, her squinting eyes wet with tears as she tried to hunt down her tormentor through her hearing. If the fight had been in private it would have been easy, as Jenelle was hardly making much effort to keep her laughter down, but with the background roar of the fans, many of whom ironically were trying to yell out her opponent’s location, the sheer din made it impossible to make any sense of where the blonde bitch was. Desperate, Talula simply swung wildly at the air, each one powered by her thick arms, and one strike would have left Jenelle a wreck on the canvas. Swung wild though, they didn’t have a prayer of hitting their mark, and Jenelle wove and duck her way past each one as she closed with her hulking opponent, giving her an open-palmed slap across the face as she laughed in her face.

   ‘Where’re you aiming at Jumbo?’ she sneered, leaping back as Talula made another clumsy swing at where she’d been, ‘I’m over here. Come on tubby, just follow the sound of my voice.’

   Jenelle had to raise her voice to be heard over the crowd, but it seemed to be enough as Talula swung her head in the blonde woman’s direction, starting to stomp towards her. Jenelle kept backing up, keeping up with a few ‘That’s it!’ and ‘Waddle faster bitch!’ to keep Talula closing with her, before her back hit the ropes and with a quick bounce, she went into a slide, slipping between the titanic Amazon’s legs. Talula’s belly bumped against the ropes, and her brow furrowed in confusion, her red-raw eyes looking back and forth, but Jenelle let her know exactly where she was when she sprang up to her feet and launched herself into a standing dropkick, planting it square in the big woman’s ass. Talula wobbled, shuffling her feet slightly to rebalance herself, but Jenelle was back on her feet before the ripples had even stopped on the mammoth sized ass-cheeks, planting a second dropkick into the small of her back. A third one followed, and a fourth, each one gradually rocking the massive target more and more, the crowd watching is disbelief as Jenelle grinned at her handiwork.

   ‘One more!’ She yelled, this time rushing back towards the ropes opposite the reeling giantess, coming back with more speed and momentum as she launched herself as high as she could, landing both feet in the middle of Talula’s back. With a cry of disbelief and outrage, the massive woman slowly toppled to her knees, brought down with a terrifyingly hard impact that shook the ring – had it not been the BWW, the drop alone would have shattered a lesser ring. Talula’s body slumped against the ropes, her blubbery belly spilling out over the bottom ropes and onto the ring apron, her vast breasts folded over the middle set, while her arms and head hung over the top ropes. Even on her knees her height left her at about neck-height to the topmost set, but despite her sheer size it was clear she was struggling; her face was reddened, and her flash gleamed with sweat already.

   ‘My God, I don’t think I’ve seen Talula dropped like that by anyone before,’ Cherry said, her face shocked and horrified to see the massive woman in distress. Rigg merely chuckled as he continued to watch with appreciation, and Jim grimly continued his commentary.

   ‘Nor have I Cherry, but Jenelle, through underhanded means, has managed to accomplish the feat. However, she doesn’t appear to be taking advantage of it right now – she seems to be approach the referee.’

   Indeed, despite Talula’s stranded position, Jenelle had turned to approach Rick, who looked the blonde up and down with barely restrained attraction. She held up one hand, palm pointed away from him, and held her fingernails up for him to inspect.

   ‘Hey Rick hon? Beating on that blubbery whale gave me a hangnail, can you help me with it?’ She asked, putting on her doe-eyes. Rick instantly took her hand, his attention solely on her well-manicured hands. Meanwhile, Vanessa had valued onto the ring apron, at the side of the ring Talula was kneeling, the vast woman’s girth hiding her from view as she snapped the leather belt she clutched in her hands.

   ‘No time to rest fat-ass, you’re in a match right now!’ She giggled, slapping Talula across the cheeks with a flat, fleshy slap of leather on skin, before Vanessa looped the length of it around her thick neck and cinched it tight enough to make the gargantuan woman gag and splutter. Holding onto the remaining length of it, Vanessa simply stepped back off the ring apron, her light frame dragging Talula’s neck down and sawing it against the top rope, while at the same time the leather belt bit deep and strangled her.

   ‘Oh now this is just too much,’ Jim said, struggling to maintain his careful composure at the disgusting display of poor-sportsmanship and utter disregard of the rules, ‘This isn’t a wrestling match, this is a cheap attempt to hurt another human being.’

   ‘It just shows they want to win it more than Stay-Puffed does,’ Rigg replied with a shake of his head, ‘I mean those two are outweighed who-knows how many times over combined, and do you see them backing down? Hell no, they’ve got drive, they’ve got passion, and that’s why they’re winning and your friend the beached whale looks about ready to cough up a lung.’

    Back in the ring, Vanessa gave the improvised noose a last solid tug, before she slipped the cord free and yanked the belt back, leaving Talula to roll herself off the ropes, flopping over onto her side much like the beached whale Rigg had just called her. She gasped and wheezed, slowly crawling towards the corner as Jenelle finished her distraction of Rick.

   ‘Thanks Rick, you’re the best!’ She said with a wink, turning around with a knowing smile to Vanessa. She strutted over to her partner and they slapped hands, making the tag. By this point, Talula was back to her knees, using the ropes in the corner to slowly pull her body upright, but the pair weren’t willing to give her the chance to rise back to her feet. The two pounced on her like jackals on the body, Jenelle hopping onto the middle set of ropes to Talula’s right, Vanessa up on the left, and both took a firm grip on the back of Talula’s hair while the other gripped the top ropes for support. Struggling between them, the tag partners managed to draw the titanic Amazon’s head back, before slamming it back hard into the top of the turnbuckle, the entire ring post shuddering from the impact as Talula’s skull met it with a brain-scrambling CLANG. The pair drew it back and slammed it again, and again, each time easier than the last as Talula’s resistance grew weaker and weaker, until with the final tenth smash the big behemoth simply stayed slumped against it, her face buried in the turnbuckle as her arms twitched weakly, a red trickle appearing from beneath the hairline. With a nod of satisfaction, Jenelle hopped over the ropes to the ring apron, while Vanessa used her foot to hook under Talula’s chin and roll her back, swaying groggily as she blinked stupidly. It was clear now that at some point during the ring-shaking slams into the turnbuckle, a gash had opened up and a thin red trail ran down along the big woman’s left brow, slowly making a line across her cheek and from there down to her neck.

   ‘Awww, you feeling a little dazed fatso?’ Vanessa cooed with mock concern, smirking as she reached her hands down to rake her nails along Talula’s face, digging into her eyes as the massive woman shrieked in pain. Her eyes still aching from the salt, they started to leak fresh tears as her hands clutched at them once again, although it did seem to wake her up a little as she struggled to get her feet under her once more. Vanessa simply waited on her perch atop the corner post, idly inspecting her nails while Talula stumbled and swayed clumsily back upright.

   ‘Gawd, could you hurry your fat ass up?’ She sighed impatiently, ‘Seriously, it’s totally rude to keep me waiting like this.’

   It took another forty five seconds for Talula to regain her footing, and the colossal woman was panting hard by the end of it, the sweat dripping off of her. The lack of training and the monumental binge eating had taken its toll of her stamina, and Talula was feeling it worse than ever at her current, ludicrously engorged weight. She staggered a little as she finally came upright, but no sooner had she done so than Vanessa pounced, leaping from her position on the corner post to swing her boot heel first into Talula’s face. The monumental wrestler shuddered as her nose was squashed by the spinning heel kick, sending her staggering back a ponderous step, and while the colossus reeled Vanessa dropped neatly to the ground, dropping to her knees as Jenelle had as she powered an uppercut of her own right into the same well-hidden sweet spot, causing Talula to cry out loudly in pain.

   ‘Oooohh, and there we see a beautifully executed combo by Vanessa there!’ Rigg exclaimed merrily, starting to warm to his commentator role, ‘Perfectly timed, perfectly executed, no room for error there. And what a sight to see, these two lovely wee ladies taking on someone who must outweigh them six times over combined and simply dominating the matchup!’

   Neither Jim nor Cherry rose to Rigg’s bait, watching on with stern expressions as Vanessa grinned, leaping back to her feet and grabbing Talula’s face by the cheeks, squashing them as she pressed in. The slender woman opened her mouth, as if she were about to say something...but the words were cut short as Talula’s hand reached out, clamping around her throat like a thick collar. Vanessa’s mouth flapped open silently, her eyes wide with shock as Talula lifted her bruised and bloodied face with a scowl.

   ‘I’ve had just about enough from both of you,’ The monumental wrestler growled, he first coherent words of the match, as she slowly straightened up, dragging Vanessa off her feet as she rose. The little woman’s legs kicked furiously in the air, seeking purchase that simply wasn’t there. The crowd erupted into wild cheers, and a grin of satisfaction and violence to come spread across Talula’s face.

   ‘I think you spoke a little too soon there Rigg,’ Cherry cackled, giving a little fist-pump at the sight of the towering woman coming back upright, ‘Jenelle and Vanessa might have gotten some cheap shots in, but now Talula has her hands on Vanessa, there isn’t anything those two can do to stop all that woman from getting a little payback.’

   ‘That might have been said in haste Cherry,’ Jim said cautiously, his eyes having darted to where Jenelle was slipping into the ring with a deeply concerned expression. The light seemed to catch on something she held in her hands, but she was already moving before Jim could tell what it was, rushing up behind Talula even as the ultra-heavyweight lifted Vanessa high into the air in one meaty hand.

   ‘I think it’s about time that I-’ Talula began, but her words ended in a pained ‘GGUUGGHH!’ as Jenelle drove her fists deep into the flabby love-handles that stacked up on the heavy woman’s sides. Rick blinked, slow to react as Jenelle powered in several more hard shots, each one sinking into the mass of blubber and eliciting further cries of agony.

   ‘Drop her you fat bitch!’ She hissed, planting a final shot that seemed to hit a nerve in Talula, as Vanessa slipped free of the suddenly nerveless fingers and scampered away. Jenelle fidgeted with her hands for a moment, before turning to lift her hands in a “you’ve got me” pose, giving a shrug.

   ‘Sorry, sorry,’ She said, not resisting as Rick started to escort her back to her side of the ring. Talula meanwhile was still reeling, clutching at her side while Vanessa gasped and spluttered, on her knees with a hand massaging her throat.

   ‘Well, Talula’s chance at gaining some momentum in this matchup was just robbed by a timely intervention by Jenelle, who comes in with a surprisingly effective series of shots to the larger woman,’ Jim said, his eyes narrowing with suspicion, ‘I can’t help but feel there’s some further foul play at work that might explain how Jenelle was able to do more than annoy Talula with shots like those.’

   While Jim speculated, Vanessa had recovered enough to notice something had been left on the ground where Jenelle had been standing, and with a wicked grin she quickly scooped them up. Jenelle was still keeping Rick busy, so she made no effort to hide the metallic gleam as the lights shone from what Jenelle had quickly dumped at her feet before turning to confront Rick – shiny steel knuckle dusters, bridging her knuckles with cold metal. The giggling woman started bouncing on the spot like a boxer, as Talula slowly turned her bulk back around to face her.

   ‘Oh, you’re so going to pay for choking me you fat fuck,’ She hissed, drawing her right arm back and plowing it straight into Talula’s gigantic belly. The punch sank her arm almost to the elbow, as the gargantuan wrestler shook like she’d just got slammed in the gut with a cannonball, her mouth dropping open as the air rushed out of her in a long, drawn-out groan of pain. Vanessa giggled, snapping her left in, then plunging into the soft, yielding blubber with a blistering series of combos that left the audience watching in horror, as slowly but surely they see the behemoth of the ring driven back, one slow step at a time, until her petite rival has driven her almost clear across the ring, each shot sending a spray of spittle from her slack mouth, those mighty arms hanging limp at her sides. Talula’s head rolled as her glassy eyes stared at nothing, gently swaying like an old oak in the wind, her massive body struggling to soak up the brutal punishment being heaped upon it. Vanessa slipped her hands free from the dusters, and with a wink she reached up and stuffed the little steel weapons in the deep chasm of Talula’s wobbling cleavage, hiding them from sight.

   ‘Could you hold onto these for me for a second? You’re a doll,’ She giggled, arrogantly turning her back on the punch-drunk giantess as she strolled over to her corner. Jenelle was still keeping Rick distracted as she approached, although the blonde broke off her flirtation long enough to give the grinning Vanessa a withering glare.

   ‘That’s twice the fat ass has nearly gotten you! Stop showing off and just do the plan like we practiced,’ Janelle hissed, half-raising a hand as if to smack Vanessa. Her partner flinched back, hands raised in submission.

   ‘OK, OK! Jeez, she’s right there, I already softened the tub of lard up for you,’ Vanessa muttered, leaning in to whisper as Jenelle slipped past, ‘I hid them between those fat udders she calls tits. Make her scream a little.’

Jenelle ignored her partner as she strode back into the ring. Rick made to leave, his head turning back towards the action, but Vanessa held it back with a finger to his chin, turning his attention back to herself with a sultry smile.

   ‘Hey, ignore them, Talula’s a fat whale and Jenelle is a bitch. I’m way more interesting to look at, right?’ she purred with a wink, her free hand running down her neck, the fingers trailing between her barely covered breasts. Rick’s attention was firmly rooted, as outside the ring Cherry threw up her arms in disgust.

   ‘Well that’s just great! Perhaps this match would have already ended in a disqualification if the referee wasn’t burying his face in any pair of tits he can find!’ She vented angrily, ‘I mean it’s not like they’ve cheated their asses off right from the very beginning or anything!’

   ‘Indeed, the lack of oversight from the referee appears to be a key factor in the current course of this matchup,’ Jim agreed, trying to calm Cherry down with a reassuring hand on her shoulder, ‘And it’s not looking to get any better as Jenelle closes in on a still very much dazed Talula.’

   Jenelle was taking no risks with her massive opponent, plunging a hand into the soft, warm cave of her breasts and pulling free the dusters Vanessa had hid there without any smart talk. Slipping them onto her fingers once more, she made her way to the nearby corner, hopping up to the top and turning to face the still stunned mountain that was Talula. With a flex of her legs, Jenelle leapt, cocking her arm back as she flew towards her opponent, and with a grunt of effort she threw her all into a savage right hook, clubbing the steel weights on her hands right into Talula’s cheek. The mammoth-sized woman’s head snapped sharply to the side, a trail of spittle flying from her lips, and much of it was tinged pink with blood as the punishment caught up with even a body as big as Talula’s. Like a redwood tree slowly coming down, her thick legs crumpled beneath her, and the big woman went crashing to the canvas once more, the ring shaking like a quake had just hit. Gasps of dismay erupted from the crowd as she knelt there, head bowed low, while Jenelle rolled to her feet, shaking her throbbing hand.

   ‘See, you’re not so tough,’ she sneered, her left hand grabbing at Talula’s tangled, sweaty hair so she could lift it up and speak to her dazed, uncomprehending face, ‘This is for all those times you acted like you were the be-all and end-all, simply because you stuffed the most food into your greedy mouth. You. Disgust. Me.’

   Keeping her head in place with the left, Jenelle’s right swung back, then powered up in a brutal uppercut, slamming the duster flush beneath Talula’s chin. There was a loud click of teeth as the titanic Amazon’s head snapped back, and Jenelle took a step backwards to watch her topple over. She peeled the dusters off as she did so, dropping them to the canvas so she could kick them out beneath the ropes before Rick could notice. Several moments passed, as Talula’s massive girth wobbled and swayed...but refused to go over. Frowning, Jenelle ran to the ropes, coming in with a clothesline against the ragged ultra-weight wrestler, but it still failed to do the job. Neither did the second. Or the third. The commentators watched on as Jenelle grew increasingly more frustrated as the considerable mass of Talula simply refused to topple from her knees.

   ‘Well it seems that despite throwing everything they’ve got at their opponent, neither Jenelle or Vanessa have done enough to put Talula completely out of the fight,’ Jim observed as the fans started to chant, seeing a spark of hope as Jenelle’s forth clothesline barely rocked the huge heavyweight. Rigg’s only reply was a derisive snort, but he kept his arms folded across his boney chest, watching the action as Talula slowly hefted up an arm and made a slow swing. Sadly for her fans, her addled brains had entirely misjudged the distance, and the sloppy shot went utterly wide, not even aimed directly at Jenelle as the blonde laughed at the pathetic display.

   ‘Hey, tons-of-fun! I’m over here!’ She snarled, angry at the continued resistance Talula was showing despite every effort between both herself and Vanessa to beat her down. Spinning on her heel, Jenelle snapped a savage super kick hard into Talula’s skull, hammering the heel of her boot into the big woman’s temple. The light seemed to dim in the heavyweight wrestler’s eyes, and then with a final moan that shuddered out of her throat, the mammoth-sized woman toppled over onto her stomach with a crash, laid out face down as Janelle thrust her arms into the air with a victorious grin. The crowd jeered at her as she cackled, moving around the downed giantess whose lights seemed to be well and truly out.

   ‘Look at her! Take a good hard look!’ Jenelle yelled back at the disapproving audience, one hand gesturing to the jiggling mound of woman at her feet, ‘This is the kind of person you like to see squashing me?! Look at her, she’s pathetic! Can’t even handle a little tiny woman like me,’ she grinned smugly, lifting one foot up to plant it on the back of Talula’s head, flexing her arms as she soaked up the hate of the crowd. With her attention so entirely focused elsewhere, Jenelle didn’t notice the big woman’s hand twitch, slowly creeping along the canvas. The first thing the blonde woman knew about it was when she felt those thick fingers wrap around her ankle, her eyes widening in alarm and panic as she realised she’d let Talula get a grip on her.

   ‘Oh shit!’ Was all she had time to gasp, as her leg was yanked out from under her, pitched her to the ground on her tight ass, Talula’s grip still on her ankle. Jenelle’s face was a mask of horror as Talula lifted her head, the massive woman’s face pussy and marked from the beating she’d taken, but with a determined gleam in them as she pulled Jenelle closer, lifting her upper body up like a whale breaking the waves, rearing up ready to come down hard on her terrified tormentor. Vanessa was still engaging with Rick when she noticed the sudden surge of cheers from the crowd, glancing past his shoulder to see the predicament as Talula prepared to flatten Jenelle.

   ‘Oh shit!’ her partner repeated the words, shoving Rick aside as she rushed forward, charging the titanic wrestler as she prepared to drop. As she reached her opponent, Vanessa leapt, sending both feet into Talula’s injured face, arresting the woman’s lurching movement as her hand spasm released her grip on Jenelle’s boot. The cocky blonde quickly rolled aside as Talula flopped down one more, breathing hard as she shook a little from the shock.

   ‘Now who’s the one showing off?’ Vanessa asked smugly, as she turned back to Rick with a smile, ‘I’m sorry Rick, I thought I saw Talula with a weapon so I had to jump in. Don’t be mad, OK?’ She batted her eyelashes a little and toyed with her hair as she made her excuses. Outside the ring, Cherry was practically chewing the headset cord in rage.

   ‘Oh will you disqualify these two already!?’ She fumed, her professional impartiality thrown to the winds at the disgraceful display, ‘Talula had Jenelle clean for the pin, one move and she could have turned this all around!’

   ‘Oh pipe down ya yappy...pipsqueak!’ Rigg chimed in, only just stopping himself from saying ‘bitch’ when Jim shot him a warning look, ‘If Flubber didn’t move like a bloody glacier she might have got that pin on before Vanessa could have stopped her, not the girl’s fault if fatty moves like she’s in slow motion.’

   ‘PIPQUEAK!?’ Cherry practically howled the words, her head snapping around to stare daggers at Rigg. Jim suppressed a sigh as he did his best to continue the coverage of the match.

   ‘Indeed, a near-fatal error on Jenelle’s part could have given Talula the window of opportunity she required, but a last-minute save by Vanessa has put paid to that. Special-guest referee Rick continues to offer nothing in the way of control as this match further devolves into a relentless series of tricks and cheap shots, with both Jenelle and Vanessa attempting to find something that can put Talula down and keep her down. Jenelle, still the legal woman in the ring, moves to the corner with Vanessa and makes the tag.’

   Rick had escorted both Jenelle and Vanessa to the corner, making sure to observe a legal tag was made, finally seeming to realise he should have been paying attention the whole time. Vanessa turned back to see how Talula was doing, and was shocked to see the giantess was struggling to get back up onto her feet, her sluggish and uncoordinated movements slowing the effort considerably but failing to stop her doggedly trying.

   ‘Oh no you don’t, you’re staying down on the ground Fatzilla,’ Vanessa chuckled, coming at the struggling behemoth and snapping an elbow shot into the huge woman’s jaw in an attempt to topple her back over. While Talula certainly reeled from the shot, she refused to topple once more, the astonishing mass of her bulk keeping her rooted as she kept struggling away. Vanessa followed the elbow shot with a mare kick, then a couple of her hardest chops, but to her frustration nothing she did could halt the titanic Amazon on her slow ascent onto her knees, the crowd hoping against hope as Vanessa stomped a foot on the canvas like a petulant child at her opponent’s stubborn refusal to fall.

   ‘Oh come on, you’re done! Look at you, you can’t beat us, so just go,’ She lashed out with a hard right, ‘to,’ a solid left crashed in right after, squashing into Talula’s cheek, ‘sleep!’ Vanessa’s leg rocketed up as she planted both hands on Talula’s shoulders and thrust herself into a knee strike under Talula’s chin. Vanessa came back down on both feet, panting with the effort of throwing out the blistering series of shots as hard as she could, watching expectantly for Talula to start toppling over. For a moment it seemed she’d get her wish, but with surprising quickness, both Talula’s arms came up from her sides, the meaty hands grabbing Vanessa by the sides of her skull, and with a mighty bellow the huge woman brought her skull crashing down against her petite opponent’s, the impact sending a tremble through the canvas as Vanessa was taken clean off her feet by the shot, dumped flat onto her back in a spread-eagled position. The crowd exploded into a riot of cheers as Talula made the first solid connection of the match, and it seemed like it had laid Vanessa clean out.

   ‘And down goes Vanessa, to a punishing head-butt dealt by a down-but-not-out Talula,’ Jim said, trying to keep his tone neutral despite his satisfaction at seeing Vanessa downed like she’d been clocked by a steel chair. ‘The bigger woman is still on her knees, but Vanessa doesn’t look like she’s going anywhere in a hurry. If Talula can make this count, the entire match could get turned around, despite the dire straight Talula has been put through.’

   ‘It sure could Jim, and it’s nice to see that Rick has remembered he’s a referee and started paying attention to the match,’ Cherry added, grinning over at Rigg as she said it. Sure enough, Rick was standing well back, switching his attention from the action to Jenelle, who watched on from her corner with both hands gripping the ropes, a look of mounting horror on her face as Vanessa’s arms and legs twitched, her eyelids fluttering as she lay flat on her back. Talula meanwhile was working her way back to her feet, the effort far from graceful but eventually paying off as she tottered back upright, swaying a little and looking like she’d been in a train wreck, but with Vanessa still unmoving it hardly mattered how badly beat Talula had been. The massive wrestler loomed over the downed Vanessa, hatred and anger clear on her face as she backed up a little way, the ring gently swaying with each step.

   ‘Looks like Talula has something planned, making a little room between herself and the still unmoving Vanessa. We could be seeing the end here folks,’ Jim commented, which prompted a reaction from Rigg.

   ‘Don’t count those girls out just yet,’ he snapped hurriedly, ‘They’re not done yet, I’m sure...well they’ve got to have another trick up their sleeves, right?’ He finished lamely, his tone uncertain whether he was trying to convince others, or himself. Cherry’s grin wasn’t the most professional, but Jim could understand her savouring the moment.

   ‘Face it Barrows, they’re done. Things might be different in BAD, but here in the BWW, our girls are more than just big around the waistline, they’re big in spirit and determination.’

   ‘Buncha bollocks,’ Rigg muttered, leaning back in his chair. By now, Talula had half the length of the ring as a run up, and her vast ass was pressing the ropes back to near-breaking point. Pausing to raise an arm to her fans, the colossal heavyweight came off the ropes in a charge that wouldn’t win her any races, but still managed to eat the distance between herself and the downed Vanessa with ring-quaking stomps of her boots. As she neared, the massive woman swung up a leg that weighed more than Vanessa and Jenelle combined, and started to come down in a legdrop that would easily finish the match.

   ‘And here comes Tal...wait a moment, where did Vanessa go?’ Cherry said, suddenly perplexed as she glanced to where Talula was aiming for. Sure enough, Vanessa wasn’t there, but rather had started to roll desperately back in the direction Talula had charged from, escaping the descending bulk as the gargantuan wrestler crashed down on the canvas hard. Unaware Vanessa had moved, Talula simply sat there, her arms folded across her chest and a satisfied smile tugging her lips up a little, looking towards Rick expectantly. Evidently, the enormous woman though she’d caught her petite rival in the leg drop, while Vanessa was struggling to rise up behind her, having been tossed a few feet after the impact nearly shook everyone in the ring off their feet.

   ‘Oh no,’ Cherry groaned, and the crowd picked up on the problem at the same moment, trying to cry out to warn Talula as Vanessa managed to struggle back to her feet. Their combined yells were unintelligible however, and with no way of knowing Talula simply sat there as Rick moved up to check is there was indeed a pin, unaware of the danger of her position. Panting hard, one hand clutching her reeling head, Vanessa blinked as she realised the same thing everyone else had, and grinned.

   ‘Ooops, you missed me,’ She yelled, leaping onto Talula’s back and slipping her arms around the titanic Amazon’s throat. Rick blinked in surprise as Talula gagged, caught in Vanessa’s sleeper hold, her thick arms flapping as she struggled to reach around, but her own girth made reaching Vanessa from such an angle impossible. The massive woman’s face reddened as Vanessa tightened her vice-like grip, squeezing as she hissed into the big woman’s ear, ‘Now, go to fucking sleep already!’

   ‘Woo, what did I tell ya!?’ Rigg cackled gleefully at the sight of Talula’s exhausted struggle in Vanessa’s grip, ‘Talk about your last minute gambles, that gal Vanessa ricked big and look how it paid off! Ain’t no way Jumbo’s getting outta that!’

   ‘I’m rather doubtful that was planned,’ Jim said dubiously, ‘But the results are undeniably effective. With Talula already severely weakened by the efforts of her opponents, she doesn’t appear to be in any position to break that sleeper hold, and it seems she’s already slowing down in her struggling.’

   ‘She’ll break it,’ Cherry said, trying to act convincingly, although now it was her time to sound uncertain. As she watched, Talula’s reaching hands had flopped down to her sides, her head only stirring sluggishly as it went from red to a deep purple shade. Rick moved over to the stranded giantess’ side, gripping one of Talula’s wrists with both hands and grunting as he lifted that heavy arm up to around shoulder height, then let it go, watching it flop to the canvas.

   ‘One!’ He yelled out, before hefting the meaty arm up once more and repeating the process. Once again, the thick arm dropped without any sign of resistance, and Talula didn’t appear to be stirring as Vanessa continued to squeeze away at her thick neck.

   ‘Two!’ Rick called it, and lifted up the arm, the crowd watching with horrified anticipation. In perhaps an act that no one would have called though, Vanessa let her arms slip from around Talula’s throat, raising her hand to hold Rick’s wrists before he could drop the arm.

   ‘Uh-uh, not like this,’ She said with a wink, before turning back to spread her arms to the crowd, ‘You hear that everyone! We’re not done with your fat-assed idol yet!’ She yelled at them, circling around the ring as the crowd roared in anger and outrage. Rigg was cackling at the antics, slapping a knee as he watched the attention-seeking parade Vanessa was giving, before she strutted over to Jenelle and slapped her hand for the tag.

   ‘Well folks, I can’t say anyone saw that coming,’ Jim said with a shake of his head, ‘In a surprise move, Vanessa willing breaks the sleeper hold and stops the count, prolonging the match. I can’t help but feel this doesn’t bode well for Talula however, who doesn’t appear to be in condition to put up any further fight.’

   ‘Well can you blame them Jimmy-boy?’ Rigg said with a shrug, ‘These girls have poured weeks and weeks of effort into making this match perfect. I doubt they’d settle for a simply knockout victory, oh no. They’ll want to break her, make her submit, that’d be the only way I’d be satisfied in their shoes.’

    As the two commentators had spoken, Jenelle had joined Vanessa at the stranded Talula, who was still sitting upright with her head bowed, her face gradually gaining its colour back from the sleeper hold. Each of the slender women took an arm, struggling as Rick had to lift the dead weight, and with a nod to show each was ready, the spun on their heels to deliver a double super kick to Talula’s skull, toppling the mammoth-sized wrestler over onto her back with a heavy crash. Still holding Talula’s arms up, the pair quickly wrapped their legs around the fleshy limbs before going down to the canvas as well, twisting at Talula’s wrists while their legs squeezed the meat of her arms in a twinned arm-lock hold. The massive woman’s eyes snapped open, woken by the pain as she gave a cry, trying to thrash weakly but held in place as the duo worked over those fleshy arms. Rick hovered nearby, watching to see it Talula would give to the double-team submission hold.

   ‘An interest double-team manoeuvre by Jenelle and Vanessa now, seeking to incapacitate those large arms and further weaken Talula, but the big heavyweight refuses to give in despite the crippling punishment she has received. Rick seems to be back to taking his role as referee seriously, as he’s ready to signal Vanessa to break and return to her corner at the appropriate time,’
Jim commented as the action continued, although Cherry couldn’t help but snort at even the thin praise her co-commentator offered him.

   ‘Sure, except now he’s back to paying attention to Vanessa, which I’m sure means...Oh look, Jenelle is rolling out of the ring,’ She said with a roll of her eyes, throwing her arms into the air in dismay, ‘Who could have seen this coming?’

   Sure enough, as Vanessa renewed her flirtations with Rick, Jenelle slipped out beneath the ropes, dropping to the outside where she could stoop down to rummage beneath the apron of the ring. After a moment, her hand withdrew, and with it came the long, smooth length of a baseball bat. Grinning maliciously, she hopped back onto the ring edge and stepped through the ropes, patting the rounded end of the weapon in her palm as she moved towards Talula. The ultra-weight wrestler had managed to drag herself to the corner, her back resting heavily against the creaking corner post as Jenelle came to a stop in front of her. Talula was an utter wreck, her hair hanging in a tangled mess, her eyes listless and her face bloodied and puffy with swelling from the repeated shots it had taken, and it seemed cleat Jenelle intended to add to the existing injuries as she gripped the handle of the bat with both hands, setting up like she was about to make a homerun swing.

   ‘Oh come on, she’s had enough!’ Cherry wailed, as if hoping the cry would reach Jenelle, but if the slender blonde heard her she ignored it, bringing the bat around in a swift arc that slugged Talula across the jaw. The titanic woman’s head was blown to the side, a spray of blood drooling from her lips and flying into the air, before her vicious opponent went to town on her bulging, blubbery belly, hammering the length of the bat into the yielding flab with fleshy whump sounds, each shot driving more of the air out of Talula’s lungs. Jenelle seemed like a woman possessed, her eyes wild as she clubbed the weapons into the unresisting mound of her opponent’s stomach, and there was no doubt that the flesh beneath would be marred with bruises for weeks to come. At last the frenzy of swings relented, although it seemed it was more due to Jenelle growing tired than any desire to cease the beating.

   ‘You’re done, you fat, ugly whale,’ Jenelle panted, physically climbing on top of Talula’s stomach unsteadily, like she were trying to gain her balance on a water bed. The jiggling mound beneath her feet, she next clambered over the vast round orbs of the colossal breasts, almost slipping between them, until at last she stood precariously on the downed giantess’ shoulders, the bat held high above her head as though she intended to bring it down blunt-end first into her already bloodied features. Cherry turned away, unable to watch, but Jim looked on grimly.

   ‘Oh man, here it comes!’ Rigg said with an eager grin, but as the two commentators watched, the seemingly unconscious mountain of Talula gave a shuddering heave, rolling suddenly to one side. Her balance upset, Jenelle gave a shriek as she lost her goot and tumbled forward, her high perch on Talula’s shoulders carrying her over the ropes and all the way to the outside, crashing to the ground hard. The crowd popped, the noise incredible as they wished to see their idol rise up, but it had been all Talula could muster to even slump a little to one side, her girth remaining where it was in the corner. Vanessa had seen it all past Rick’s shoulder as she’d been distracting him, and Jenelle’s partner brought her hands to her hair and tugged at the strands in frustration.
   ‘Oh. My. GAWD!’ She raged, before suddenly remembering Rick was standing right there, ‘Um...I mean come on, did you see Talula pull that cheap shot!’ She improvised, gesturing to where Jenelle lay sprawled out on the thin matting of the arena floor, ‘You’re the ref, right!? Go do your job and check up on her, gawd!’

   Rick blinked, taken aback but the sudden gear-shift, but with a shrug he headed to the ropes, dropping down to move towards the downed Jenelle. Vanessa followed him down, sticking close as she cast worried glances towards the unmoving mass of Talula.

   ‘Another sudden upset tosses Jenelle to the outside, but one I fear Talula is in no position to take advantage of it in the shape she’s in,’ Jim noted with a sad shake of his head, ‘Not to mention the fact that Rick appears to have been convinced that it’s his job to check on Jenelle’s condition, no doubt spurred on by Vanessa. The best she can hope for now is for Rick to call the match a draw, if Jenelle is in no condition to continue the match either.’

   ‘Oh what a load of bollocks, Vanessa is still fine!’ Rigg yelled, leaning up in his seat and cupping his hands over his mouth, ‘OI, REF! BACK IN THE RING YE DAFT BUGGER!’

   ‘Oh put a sock in it!’ Cherry growled, glaring daggers at Rigg’s antics. Rick either didn’t hear the outburst or chose not to pay attention to it, as he knelt down beside Jenelle, Vanessa standing over him as he checked her tag partner over. With everyone’s attention focused between the nigh-unconscious Talula or the trio of figures outside of the ring, it took the crowd a while to notice that two figures had emerged from the backstage area, standing at the head of the aisle and attired in matching luminous pink bikinis. A sudden murmur passed through the crowd as the first people spotted them, and that in turn alerted the commentators to the sudden arrivals.

   ‘Oh my goodness, it would appear that Ophelia and Leila have arrived from backstage, and are looking on with some interest at the ring,’ Jim announced with a rising sense of foreboding,
‘Given how this match has gone, I do not believe for a moment that they plan to be passive observers in any of this. With Rick otherwise distracted, there’s little to stop these two interfering in events, and both these women have had past conflicts with Talula that ended poorly for them.’

   ‘Hah! Guess even the fat bitches around here hate each other’s guts!’ Rigg cackled, getting a cold glare from Jim for his language, but it didn’t seem to put him off anyway as the two BWW wrestlers started to make their way down the aisle, clambering slowly into the ring like two sharks scenting the blood of a wounded whale. Rick noticed the cries of the crowd, looking around in confusion, but Vanessa leant against his broad back, pressing her breasts firmly into his back as she draped her arms across his shoulders.
   ‘C’mon Rick, focus! Ask Jenelle is she’s ok to continue the match,’ She encouraged him, keeping him from noticing the events transpiring within the ring. Cherry was muttering darkly under her breath, her hand covering his head-mic in case it picked up on her very unsafe-for-air tirade. Back in the ring, Ophelia had taken a position in the opposite corner to Talula’s stranded bulk, grinning to Leila as she launched herself into a lumbering charge. While once the rotund woman had been only a little behind Talula is size, at her currently inflated weight the colossal Amazon made Ophelia look positively slight, with more than twice the bulk padding the ultra-weight’s substantial frame. However, there was no denying that Ophelia was a woman of considerable weight, and all of it was driving against Talula’s body in a colossal corner splash, belly to quaking belly as the two monumental women collided. For a second it didn’t seem to have much impact other than to almost swallow Ophelia’s belly in that of Talula’s, but the delayed shock rocked the gargantuan wrestler as her smaller rival staggered back, and Talula slipped from her barely upright sitting position into a broken heap at the foot of the corner post. The crowd wailed in horror as Ophelia smirked, looking down at the heavier woman with satisfaction before grabbing hold of an ankle, Leila taking the other as the two heaved at the limp limbs, dragging Talula a few inches back. Leila was up next, moving to the slack-featured face of the fallen behemoth to ensure her head was lined up with the ring post, before starting to climb her way up the ropes.

   ‘Oh God...’ Cherry whispered as she realised what Leila had planned, a split-second before the scowling woman came off the ropes in a less-than graceful leap, legs bent as she brought her wide ass hurtling down like a descending meteor, landing with a weighty impact right onto the demolished face of Talula. Even smaller than Ophelia was, Leila was an expert at the banzai drop, and knew how to drive her weight right onto her victim’s head, unprotected by the padded layers of blubber Talula carried everywhere else. The impact hit the fallen mammoth like a sledgehammer, her arms and legs jerking up only to flop back down again, seemingly lifeless. Her two tormentors were quick to exit the ring, smirking and clapping hands in a celebratory high-five while the crowd roared angrily at them, and by that point Rick had finished assisting Jenelle back to her feet, a little shaken but insistent than she was able to continue.

   ‘I’m up, I‘m up,’ she snapped irritably, waving away Rick as she steadied herself on the ring apron. She spotted the two heavyweights standing just outside the ring, a smile playing across her lips as she gave them a little wave, ‘Oh hey girls, come to see us get the pin on this bloated bitch? Because I’ve had just about enough of this. Vanessa?’ she said, holding her hand out, and Vanessa slapped it with hers for the tag. While Jenelle climbed up onto the edge of the ring and rolled under the ropes, Vanessa clambered up the corner post to perch on the top turnbuckle, crouched low and ready to leap as Jenelle limped over to where Talula’s head lay, glaring down hatefully as she spat in the huge woman’s face.

   ‘Let’s see how you like getting a taste of this move,’ She snarled, turning so she was facing away from Talula’s body, one foot either side of the unconscious giantess’ head. Spreading her legs wide apart, Jenelle grinned as she squatted down low, bringing her ass onto Talula’s face in a mocking version of Talula’s own favoured finisher, the big squat. The use of her own move, and by a woman who entirely lacked the body type to make it anything more than a humiliating manoeuvre, caused a ripple of dismaying groans from the fans, who could only watch as Vanessa in turn leapt from the post and came down on the pillow-soft mass of Talula’s stomach, burying both knees in deep as she landed before laying out on the vast stomach like it were an airbed, hands tucked behind her head. Rick had followed the pair back into the ring, and seeing both women had a legal (if unconventional) pin, he went down and started to slap out the count. Talula did not stir through any of it; the count could have been to a thousand and there was no prospect of the destroyed ultra-weight wrestler even so much as twitching. The pin made, Rick waved for the bell to ring, the hollow sound echoing across a suddenly quite arena, the crowd stunned into speechlessness. Only Rigg Barrow stood up, clapping loudly as he laughed.

   ‘Well bugger me Jimmy-boy, you may have had a point about this fatty wrestling stuff,’ He grinned at his two co-commentators, ‘That was quite the show, I can really see the appeal now.’

   Jim barely spared the gloating BAD wrestler a glance, knowing he would be insufferable to deal with for a while and choosing to instead focus on wrapping up the broadcast, quietly thankful that at least it was over for Talula now.

   ‘Ladies and gentlemen, what we witnessed here tonight was not a wrestling match, but a planned and calculated assault on one of the BWW’s finest athletes,’ he said, his mood sombre as he watched Vanessa and Jenelle hugging in the ring, screaming excitedly at their victory, ‘A cruel and callous act that marks a very dark day in the history of this wrestling federation. While Jenelle and Vanessa might have won their match, there are no true victors to be found here, as we...’

   Jim paused in his unhappy recount, as he noticed both Ophelia and Leila climbing into the ring, meeting the still grinning Jenelle and Vanessa with high-fives and brief embraces, before the four of them clasped hands to raise their arms in mutual victory. The response from the crowd was as loud a series of booing and jeering as they had mustered throughout the entire match, but it was clear they were not quite done yet. The act however had left their collective backs to the backstage entrance, and from it a figure had emerged, racing towards the ring with a great turn of speed. Jim had spotted this new development however, and quickly changed tact mid-sentence.

   ‘Hold on a moment, it would appear we have someone arriving at ringside who feels similarly. Milton has just raced to ringside to Talula’s aid, and her attackers appear to be unaware of his arrival,’ the seasoned commentator noted, as Milton leapt up onto the ring apron and slipped between the ropes, his slender body bare save for his normal wrestling attire if a plain black Speedo. While his slight frame barely matched that of Vanessa and Jenelle, next to Leila or Ophelia he was tragically outsized, but by the fierce gleam in his eye it was clear he was acting more out of a need to defend a friend rather than any realistic expectation of victory. Throwing himself against the ropes, he hurled himself towards the smaller of the pair, both arms swinging out as he brought Vanessa and Jenelle down with a surprise double clothesline, pitching both to the canvas face first and eliciting a wild cheer from the crowd. Leila and Ophelia, taken aback by Milton’s sudden arrival, only hesitated for a moment before pouncing in turn upon the hopelessly outmatched young man, the smaller Leila bringing her arms up high and clubbing them down onto the back of the scrawny boy’s head. Milton was pitched down right between the stunned tag partners, but he wasn’t permitted time to linger there as the vindictive Leila laid into the down boy with hard stomps, before dragging him away towards the corner, intent on punishing the audacity of the plucky young wrestler.

   ‘Oh come on you damn harpies, enough already!’ Cherry cried in disgust, as Leila scooped her far smaller victim up in her arms and slammed him back to the ground on his spine, before bringing her body down atop the boy’s far smaller one with a heavy squat onto his ribs, the impact making his limbs fly up as all the air was driven from his lungs. Vanessa and Jenelle meanwhile had rolled to the sides to get back up and so both were in a position to see the arrival of Betty and Charlene, wearing their regular clothing rather than their usual wrestling gear, moving with less speed than Milton but with equal sense of purpose. Sharing a glance, the tag partners clearly had no stomach to handle the sizeable pair of women heading towards the ring alone, as they quickly backed up and tapped Ophelia on the back, pointing it out to the heavyweight Greek. With a scowl, the sizeable wrestler leant down to whisper to the others, as all the while Betty and Charlene drew closer and Leila continued to mercilessly pummel Milton.

   ‘Bugger me, this is turning into quite the bloody skirmish here,’ Rigg said, seeming to revel in the chaos unfolding in the ring. Betty and Charlene had reached the ring apron and were set to climb through the ropes, but as they had reached halfway through Jenelle and Vanessa rushed at them, hitting a well-timed pair of dropkicks, one to each woman. While not enough to drop either of the heavier women, it did enough to leave them reeling against the ropes, while the two vindictive tag-partners rolled to their feet, gripping Ophelia’s offered hands as they hauled on her hard, grunting as they added what moment they could to the huge woman’s momentum. With a grin, the cruel Greek swung both heavy arms out, slamming Betty and Charlene across the chest while both were still seeking to regain their balance against the ropes, the weighty impact enough to send both the smaller but not insubstantial women against the top set of ropes. The top rope bent under their combined weight and with a horrified outcry from the crowd, both women were sent tumbling without grace over the top rope, landing hard on their backs to the floor as Ophelia grinned down at the pair of them.

   ‘Sadly, it would seem Talula’s situation remains dire, as the unlikely alliance retain control of the ring despite the best efforts of some of the fallen wrestler’s allies and peers,’ Jim continued to commentate. He was growing sick and tired at the shocking display he’d been forced to witness, but his professional conduct kept him going where Cherry had fallen into simply decrying the actions in an impassioned manner, while Rigg had probably never been professional for a moment in his life, chuckling like a gleeful child at ever fresh twist of the knife. With both Betty and Charlene laid on the outside of the ring, only Milton remained within the ring, although in no condition to attempt to drive off the quartet of villainesses. Leila had been focusing her attentions solely upon him since first flattening Milton, and the heavily outweighed boy was tossed in a groaning heap to the canvas by his tormentor. Leila looked set to continue to lay into him, but Jenelle placed a hand on her shoulder to get the larger woman’s attention

   ‘Hey, don’t waste your time on the kid, I’ve got a much better idea to deal with the little runt,’ The slender blonde said, leaning in closer as she whispered something into Leila’s ear. The cruel woman’s scowl of annoyance at having been interrupted changed to a wicked smile. Whatever Jenelle had told her evidently convinced Leila to abate upon her intended punishment of one of her favourite punching bags, as she instead dragged the moaning boy by an ankle, laying out his frail and pummelled body so it lay head-on to the face of the ring leading to the backstage entrance, the heavy woman simply leaving him there as she walked away. Both Jenelle and Vanessa hurried to the ropes on the side of the ring facing the aisle, one at either corner as they busied themselves at the turnbuckles, while Leila and Ophelia both took up a position beside the gigantic mass of Talula, who had remained unmoving and unresponsive to the actions going on around her. The two sizeable women, while utterly dwarfed by the downed giantess, nevertheless pushed their shoulders against the massive woman’s girth, heaving as they started to roll the colossal dead weight towards the side of the ring where Vanessa and Jenelle were busy working on.

   ‘Ladies and gentlemen, I am not entirely certain what is transpiring within the ring right now, but it would appear that these women still have something planned for Talula,’ Jim said with a shake of his head, ‘Although frankly I am at a loss for what else they feel they could inflict upon her at this point. This has become increasingly like a mob of vultures circling a carcass.’

   ‘Yeah, you see a lot of this kind of thing happen in the BAD Jimmy-boy,’ Rigg said with a casual shrug, as though the most tragic screw-job in the BWW’s history was nothing to be surprised over.

   ‘Oh, I just bet you do,’ Cherry growled venomously, which only earned her a grin from Rigg. Meanwhile, Vanessa and Jenelle had managed to work the ropes loose to leave one face of the ring open, and had moved to assist Leila and Ophelia in the weighty task of rolling Talula towards it. Even between the four women, it was clear that there was considerable effort required from all of them to budge such a gargantuan mountain of a woman, but with no hint of resistance to struggle against them, Talula’s broken body began to roll ponderously towards the now open face of the ring. Moreover, it was where Milton was still laid out on his back, blinking in a daze up at the bright lights hanging from the ceiling.

   ‘So much...for your rescue...attempt!’ Leila growled with a cruel smirk, panting between the words as she leant her back into Talula’s massive body while she taunted the young man, all the while Talula’s bulk rolling closer and closer, ‘Some turned be!’

   Perhaps stirred by Leila’s taunts, Milton raised his head groggily, but his reactions were slow and his senses dulled. With a mighty heave, the four hefted the unconscious Amazon onto her side, the broken bulk of her body poised to topple over onto the still dazed Milton, as the crowd gave a cry of warning for all the good it could do. Far too late, the young man realised he was sitting in the shadow of Talula’s looming girth, his eyes widening in horror at what was to come.

   ‘TIMBER!’ Vanessa cried out with a grin, as with another hard shove Talula’s mammoth belly toppled over on top of her far smaller friend, the defeated woman’s own mass used to crush the one young man who had been brave enough to attempt to rescue her. The boy simply vanished with barely the hint of a yell before he was smothered beneath a cascade of jiggling blubber, Talula’s limp body engulfing the unfortunate young man from head to foot. The quarter of heels broke off their attempts to roll the colossal wrestler so they could admire their handiwork, Vanessa hopping up onto Talula’s massive jiggling ass as she grinned.

   ‘Well, I guess if he likes this fat-ass whale so much, he can have as much of her as he likes now,’ she giggled, giving the sizeable cheek she was perched on a slap for emphasis. Jenelle moved around to where Talula’s head hung limp, her messy hair covering the massive woman’s face as the smaller blonde knelt beside her and grabbed a handful of the sweat-damp strands and yanked on them hard, pulling the defeated wrestler’s face up to look up at Jenelle’s cruel smirk.

   ‘Good job bitch, the one person you managed to squash tonight was the one guy willing to try and rescue you,’ the cruel blonde laughed at Talula’s slack-jawed face, giving her bruised and swollen cheeks a slap for good measure before letting her head drop once more as Jenelle straightened up once more, turning to address the other women, ‘OK, let’s get this blubbery hippo over to the ring edge, it’s almost time.’

   Cherry was almost in tears at the sight of it, but if she intended to comment about the events then it was lost as a sudden noise erupted from the backstage entrance. Having to accommodate for the rather large figures of the BWW’s roster, and frequently more than one at a time, the doorway was extremely large, but what emerged from behind the curtain struggled to squeeze through the space as the rear of a huge flatbed truck reversed with a growl of engines. The crowd erupted into confused chatter, uncertain what was happening but fearing the worst as the four in the ring waited for the truck to back all the way down the aisle until the back end bumped against the ring apron.

   ‘My God, are they...are they intending to abduct Talula?’ Cherry was the first to break the silence that had fallen over the commentators, her disbelief breaking them from the shocked stupor as Rigg burst into a fresh bout of laugher.

   ‘Oh this is just beautiful! This is the cheery on top of the big screw-you cake! These girls, they’ve had a plan from start to finish, and you can bet this ain’t the end for tons-of-fun,’ The BAD wrestler cackled, watching with delight as the alliance of heels pushed their captive onto the back of the truck, the heavyweight vehicles sinking on its suspension by quite an amount. As Talula flopped over onto her back, Milton’s recumbent form could be seen, still half buried on her stomach as Jenelle and Vanessa climbed atop their defeated opponent like a makeshift float. Betty and Charlene had recovered from their hard tumble, but with one to either side of the truck, leaving them unable to reach one another. Neither appeared keen to approach the vehicle, and all the more so when Leila and Ophelia came through the ropes to flank it, grinning as if daring the two to make a move. With a roar, the truck’s engines revved and the vehicle began to crawl forward again, making for the backstage area once more to escape with the unconscious Talula. As it reached midway along the aisle however, yet another figure emerged, one of a girth that would have matched Talula prior to her rapid expansion. Wearing her iconic attire, a Stetson hat on her head, Beth stood before the truck with arms folded across her massive chest, her face a mix of hatred and resolute determination as she glared at the truck like it were a steer she could make back down by her sheer presence. The crowd roared as the truck halted, Vanessa and Jenelle casting worried looks to one another, as behind them Leila and Ophelia continued to stare down Betty and Charlene.

   ‘Ladies and gentlemen, the situation here continues to grow more complex,’ Jim struggled to continue relaying the ever-shifting events since the match ended to those watching, ‘Our own BWW commissioner Beth has just arrived to prevent the truck from leaving with Talula. This was clearly not something the tag-partners Vanessa and Jenelle had anticipated, judging by those worried expressions. Between Beth, Betty and Charlene, this is suddenly looking like a much more even fight, and I doubt that any of those vultures were intending anything close to a fair match tonight.’

   As the awkward standoff continued, Beth raised a mic she held in one hand to her lips, her intense glare still focused on the truck.

   ‘I saw the match just now, if you can call it that,’ Beth didn’t both to hide the disgust in her voice as she spoke of Jenelle and Vanessa’s disgraceful actions, ‘And I can tell you right now that I didn’t approve of it. If I felt Talula was in any shape to continue, I’d reverse Rick’s decision in a heartbeat and take over refereeing the match myself, so I could make damn sure you’d not pull any more crap. But that ain’t happening. You beat the poor girl something fierce. You’ve won. But you sure as hell ain’t leaving here with her just to torture her some more. Now get out that damn truck and walk away, before I come over there and get her myself.’

   The crowd erupted into an approving cheer at the commissioner’s threatening ultimatum. The two tag partner looked hesitant, as though considering cutting their losses and fleeing, but before they could make a move, the curtain peeled back once more and a second figure of comparable size to Beth rushed out. Without any ceremony, the new figure slammed into Beth’s back, catching to commissioner unaware as the heavyweight wrestler was toppled off to one side, revealing the scowling visage of Claire, not in her wrestling attire but instead wearing her more civilian garb of dark jeans and a black tank top. She wasted no time in laying into the downed Beth with stomps and kicks, rolling the bellowing commissioner further off to the side until the vast woman was jammed against the railguards, the vicious Claire continuing to drive her boot into Beth’s vast body. Behind the truck, Betty and Charlene were caught up watching Claire’s ambush, so much so that they realised far too late that Leila and Ophelia were rushing them, taking advantage of the chaos. With the truck in the middle of the sudden brawl, the laden vehicle gunned the engines hard as it made its escape, the imposing Beth no longer barring its passage as it disappeared behind the curtains, Vanessa and Janelle grinning as they escaped with their victim. Jim watched the carnage with weary eyes, but the seconds were counting down and they had already overrun their time allocation, the technical staff making desperate gestures for him to wrap it up.

   ‘I’m afraid that we have come to the end of this broadcast ladies and gentlemen, and it ends with a scene of madness as wild fighting blazes outside of the ring. I have no idea what Vanessa and Jenelle intend to do with Talula, but I fear for one of our beloved pillars of the BWW roster more than I ever thought I would have cause to. I’ve been Jim, along with my co-hosts Cherry and Rigg Barrow of BAD wrestling, and I wish you all a good night.’

   And with that, the broadcast ended. Jim sat back in his chair heavily, the tension and stress he’d been putting off the entire match hitting him all at once. He wanted nothing more than to go home and take a shower, but the peace was only fleeting as Rigg stood up and turned to the grin at both Jim and Cherry.

   ‘Well, I made it through the whole bloody broadcast, so that’s my part of the deal done with,’ He said with evident relief, ‘Jimmy-boy, I’d say it’s been a pleasure, but I’d be lying, you were a frosty rod up my arse the entire evening. Cherry love, if you ever get bored of getting weepy over the fatties, you give me a call, the BAD could always use another busty blonde.’

   Jim didn’t have to look to know what Cherry was about to do. He turned in his seat to face her quickly, his arms going for her shoulders as the slender woman lunged at the grinning Rigg with eyes blazing, her patience finally worn so thin with the man that all she wanted was to tear at him. She gave an angry growl, but far from intimidating the man, it simply made the BAD wrestler grin all the wider.

   ‘That’s the spirit lass, the BAD boys love their girls wild and angry.’

   ‘Mr. Barrow!’ Jim snapped as he forced Cherry back into her seat, the woman still wriggling wildly in a bid to free herself from his grip, ‘Given you no longer have any need here, I suggest that you leave before I get security to throw you out.’

   Rigg Barrow simply shrugged, his fun had as Cherry slowed in her struggles in Jim’s hands and started to take deep breath. Once she had regained her composure, she simply stood up and left, unable to handle the chaos that had unfolded, while Rigg simply slouched away, looking bored now that the fight was over. Jim didn’t pay them any further attention as he covered his face with both hands, rubbing his fingers against his brow. All he could think of was what would happen in a week’s time, when BWW would next be broadcast, and just what would happen to Talula in the meanwhile...


Offline luffy316

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Re: The Trashing of Talula
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2020, 02:36:58 AM »
A really fun fight! Love size difference in matches, especially when it remains back and forth despite an obvious advantage
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