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Secret Fire

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Offline bcw8

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Secret Fire
« on: April 14, 2020, 09:12:41 AM »
Angie remembered the passion.

When she and Ken had been kids, it had been white-hot.  They couldn’t keep their hands to themselves.   Life dulls that, over time, and for them it had been thirty-two years of marriage now.  Two kids, grown and gone.  All things considered, life was very very good.  They were happy.  In the second half of their fifties, you could avoid the qualifier “for your age” but the fact was she and Ken both still looked pretty damn good.

She missed the fire, though.  When you’re married that long, you know everything there is to know about your partner.  There are no more surprises.  The fire subsides to embers, irreversibly on the way to ashes.

Fuck, Angie thought.  I was so wrong!

She now knew something she hadn’t known before.  Ten years ago, Ken had strayed.  He’d found a spark, somewhere else.  Angie could forgive him for that.  She’d played with matches herself.  The harder part was that it was Rita.  As in next-door-neighbors Rita and Mike.

Rita was the woman Angie secretly compared herself to.  The same age, same size, all that.  She was beautiful, her short hair dark with a little silver.  No color for Rita.  Angie watched Rita now, from her second-story bedroom, as she worked in her garden.  Her legs were tanned and strong,  She wore shorts and a razorback t-shirt.  When she stood and stretched, her breasts filled the shirt.  Angie imagined Ken’s cock between them.

Ten years ago.  She could let it go.  But the embers flared now, and flames were growing.  The oxygen for the fire was that she had also learned Ken’s other secret.

Angie turned back from the window.  She was naked.  Her breasts were heavy, affected by gravity and childbirth, but still sexy.  Fifty-seven was the new forty, right?  She ran her hands over her stomach, the small paunch that Ken loved.

Ken lay on the bed, his cock erect as he watched Angie.   She’d found the photos on his laptop Friday afternoon.  It was now Saturday afternoon.  She’d screamed at him for an hour, sat silent and remote for another hour, and then came at him like a panther.  They’d fucked all night, like they were twenty again.

“Do you really think she might do it?” Angie said.  Her hair fell in her face as she crawled onto the bed and took him in her mouth.  Her breasts hung just within his reach.  Her brown nipples were the big kind, taking up most of the tips of her breasts.  She thought of the photos of Rita, her nipples small and darker, but oh so stiff.

There had been two folders of photos.  Ken’s second secret was catfighting.  Mature women.  Women who looked like her, and Rita.

Ken thought about the time he’d taken the risk with Rita, the risk he’d been afraid to take with his wife.  The video on the internet of two women in a screaming fight for dominance.  The way Rita had fucked him after it; the same way Angie had fucked him last night.  He gripped Angie’s hair as her lips sank the length of his cock.

“Yes,” he said.  “I think she will.”


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Re: Secret Fire
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2020, 09:38:57 AM »
Great start! Continue please


Offline JT Edson

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Re: Secret Fire
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2020, 12:27:39 PM »
What an incredible beginning. Great build up! I'm hot just thinking of it.


Offline bcw8

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Re: Secret Fire
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2020, 05:36:53 PM »

They invited Rita and Mike over for cocktails for the next evening, Sunday.  It was a lovely June day, so they sat on the terrace.  They had agreed that Ken would be the one to bring it up.  After they’d all had a couple of drinks - ones he’d mixed, strong - he took a breath and took the plunge.

“Rita, Angie knows what happened between us.  And tha it was a long time ago.”

Silence.  Mike sat back in his chair, swirling the ice in his glass.

“I know, too,” he said at last.  “I got past it.  Why bring it up now?”

Ken exhaled.  That was the hardest part. 

Rita reached for Mike’s hand.  Her eyes were angry, at Ken.  Oh, god, she’d thought this skeleton was buried and forgotten.  “I love Mike,” she said.  “It was a mistake.”  She looked at Angie.  “I’m so sorry.”

“The thing is,”  Ken said.  “Angie finding out, it’s started something.”

“I’ve fucked him more times in the last 48 hours than in the six months before,” Angie said crudely.  She hadn’t thought she’d be this angry, that this would be more . . . what?  Dispassionate?  She couldn’t help it.  Rita’s eyes changed in reaction.  Angie saw it.

“I know it was a mistake,” Angie said.  “I know it was short.  I know you’re sorry.”  She was breathing hard, but crying was the farthest thing from her mind.  “But you started it.  You still have to pay, Rita.”

“Hold on,” Mike said.  Rita squeezed his hand.  She waited, her eyes locked with Angie’s.

“Come out to our cabin, at the lake,”  Ken said.  “Next weekend.  It’s out there now.  We need to resolve this.”

“What - “ Mike started, but Rita stood up.  She and Angie had lived next to each other for a long time, but the buried secret had kept them from ever really being friends.  The tension was there, just unrecognized for what it was.  She realized now that Angie knew everything, not just the brief affair, but the kink Ken had shared with her and how she had responded.  Rita’s nipples hardened.  Angie burned now, because Rita had shared something so sexual with Ken, that she never had.

“You want to fight me, Angie?”  Rita asked.  “Is that it?”

“Oh, yes,” Angie said.  “That’s it, exactly.  You fucked him, and you think I can live here and smile over the fence at you?”

Mike looked at Ken.  Ken looked at Mike.  In the end, they had no say in the matter, really.


They called it a cabin, but people like to give their second houses diminutive names like cabin or cottage.  It was actually bigger than their primary house.  Three bedrooms, a massive living room with a wall of mostly glass overlooking the lake, a lot big enough that they couldn’t hear or see the neighbors through the trees, and vice versa.

Rita and Mike had arrived and gone to a guest bedroom with barely a word spoken.

Angie and Ken were in the master bedroom.  Angie had spent a lot of time thinking over the past weekend, feeding the fire in her brain.  She was in front of the mirror, now.  Her brown hair was gathered into a french twist.  Her make-up was flawless.  She inspected the lines in the corners of her eyes, and mouth.  Age lines, not wrinkles.  She stood, and ran her hands over her body.  She’d dressed carefully.  Some lingerie was designed for hard bodied girls, and some was designed for women.  Keep your thongs.  The gray-green color of her lacy set matched her eyes.   She stepped into her black stilettos.  It was time.  Ken followed her, in his robe.

Their guests were waiting in the living room.  Rita stood at the glass looking out.  She didn’t turn, even when she heard their footsteps on the stairs.  She wore black, with a silver accent.  Just like her hair.  Her demi-bra cupped her breasts.   Her panties were cut low on her hips.  Her thigh-high stockings had a silver seam up the back.  Mike was by the fireplace, his robe already open.  He was still in good shape too, his cock semi-hard.  Rita had thought that maybe she’d feel ridiculous, doing this, dressing in lingerie, going to fight her neighbor, for crying out loud.  She didn’t.  She felt incredibly erotic.  She felt strong.  She felt . . . young.

Ken took his place across the room from Mike.  There was tension between them, too, but not the fighting kind.  It was odd, he thought, but the fight was all between the wives.   His cock grew hard too.  Angie had insisted he be displayed.  Fine, Rita had said.  Mike would be, too.  It wasn’t about Ken, not for her at least.

There hadn’t been discussion of rules.  Neither woman wanted any.  Angie stopped in the center of the room.  Only then did Rita turn to face her.  It was four steps for Rita to join her, an arm’s length apart.

Angie slapped her, a flat crack in the silence of the room.  Rita clenched her teeth.

She slapped Angie back.

Angie slapped Rita’s breast, nearly knocking it out of its cup.  Both men were fully hard now.

Rita slapped Angie’s chest.  She came from a higher angle, because she wanted bare flesh, not bra.  The sound was as if she’d slapped Angie’s cheek.  The skin of the upper curve of Angie’s breast went red.

“You bitch,” Angie breathed.  Her next slap turned Rita at the waist.

Back and forth.  Each slap was harder than the ones before.

Rita stepped back first.  Her left cheek was scarlet, because Angie had not alternated, choosing instead to focus on a single spot.  The tears in her eyes spilled out as she closed them against the sting.  Angie’s last slap had been to her breast again, and her nails had raked her nipple through the lace of her bra.   

Angie’s cheeks burned too, but not as much as the light in her eyes.  She’d made Rita give first.  That feeling was incredible.  She wanted more of it, much more.  “You fucked my husband,” she snarled, and lashed the back of her hand across Rita’s mouth.  Rita staggered on her heels, and dropped to one knee.  Angie’s arm flashed back, this time with her fist clenched.  Rita hit the floor, hard.

“Jesus fucking Christ,”  said Mike.  This was Angie, from next door?  The woman who smiled and waved to him in his yard when she got in her car?  He looked at his wife, just pushing up to her hands and knees, that little roll of her tummy over the waist of her panties.  The sharp toe of Angie’s shoe plunged into her belly as he watched.  He knew that a harsh sob of pain from her wife shouldn’t excite him, and in any other setting, it wouldn’t.  Here and now, it made his cock ache.

Angie bent over Rita, grabbing her dark hair in one hand and the thin band of fabric between her bra cups in the other.  She dragged her up, pulling Rita’s bra up as she did.  Rita’s breasts fell free, her hard dark nipples the last things to scrape past the lower edge of the band of her bra.  Angie jerked, hard, until the lingerie came off over Rita’s head.  She slapped Rita’s left breast, coming up under it, driving it up and across her chest.

Rita turned, trying to escape.  Angie dragged her head back.  Rita’s back bent, her breasts falling outwards from her sternum.  Even after ten years, Ken mind went to the sight of his cum spurting onto them.  Her stretch marks were a bit more prominent now, her freckles coalescing into age spots.  Still her nipples alone would have made him hard, then and now.  Some instinct told him to raise his eyes from Rita’s breasts.  Angie’s cold grey-green eyes were waiting for him.  She threw Rita to the floor with a scream of pure fury, and dropped on her.

She dropped right into Rita’s claws coming up for her breasts.  They burst out of their cups, up and together above her bra.  Rita’s nails raked across her broad areolas, then dug in as Rita shoved her off.  Rolling to the top, her short hair in her eyes, Rita pushed down.  Angie beat at her arms and shoulders but it made no difference.   

“Fucking cxnt,” Rita panted.  “So I fucked him!  I don’t want him now, but I won’t take your shit!”  She ground her fingers deeper into Angie’s bulging breasts.

Angie snarled, and clamped onto Rita’s dangling breasts.  “I’ll . . .tear . . .your fucking tits . . . off!”  she spat back.

It was a brutal stand-off, hands crushing soft breasts, both women sobbing.  Finally, Angie’s head went back with a scream and she let go.  Rita lips parted with a shout of triumph but the woman under her clapped both hands on her ears, breaking it into a groan of pain.  It was enough to break her hold.  Angie threw her off.

They got to their feet, slowly.  At 57, this was a huge shock to their bodies already.  Angie unclasped her bra and threw it in Ken’s direction, and kicked off her shoes.  So did Rita,  The fashion show was over.  They were two mature cats in a cage, now.

They slammed together, their breasts pounding into the other’s.  Angie could feel Rita’s nipples like hard little rocks between them, grinding into her nipples.  “Oh fuck,” she sobbed.  Rita surged into her, arms under Angie’s, hands in her hair jerking her head back, tearing the french twists apart.  “Your tits can’t match mine,” Rita gasped.  “Face it, Angie!”  She was hurting her, she could tell, and it made her hot.   Angie backpedaled, but Rita didn’t let her go; she came with her and when Angie’s back hit the glass Rita’s tits smashed hers flat.

Mike was watching Rita’s ass as she drove Angie back, saw the way it shook when the brunette hit the wall.  God, it was incredible.  How had he been married to her for so long and never suspected such a hellcat was beneath the surface of normal life?  He had been fucking her like a teenager all week, but the reality he was watching now exceeded the fantasies he’d had.  This was a sweaty, vicious brawl.  Rita’s fist came back and then rammed into Angie’s guts.   “Get her, Rita!” he roared.  Rita hit Angie again.  Again.

It was spiraling out of control.


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Re: Secret Fire
« Reply #4 on: April 15, 2020, 08:35:36 AM »

Angie sobbed in pain.  Oh fuck it hurt.  The black-haired bitch’s tits, crushing hers.  Her fist pounding her stomach.  Is that why her husband had wanted her?  Did he see some fire in Rita that he didn’t see in her?  Rita hit her in the face.  Angie slid slowly down the glass.

“That’s enough!” Ken shouted.

Rita half-turned to him.  Angie thought his cock throbbed as her swaying tits pointed at him, but the tears in her eyes blurred everything.

“Fuck that,”  Rita said sharply.  “Your little cxnt wife thought she would punish me?  And now that you see - we all see - that she’s a weak little slut, you want to throw in the towel?  No.”  She stood there, fists clenched, some of her silver hair stuck to her sweaty face.  “You’re a prop, Ken.  Our little fling, that’s the tinder, sure.  But this isn’t about you.”

Angie’s knee hit Rita above her hip and below her ribs.  Rita buckled.  Angie spun her, slammed her front-first into the glass.  Rita’s panties had slipped lower on one hip.  Angie drove her knee into that ass cheek, watching it spread and jiggle as she speared into the muscle.  Rita’s hip bone cracked hard into the glass.  Every fist she’d shot into Angie’s stomach she now took in return, punches into her lower back.  Her tits splayed out, wider than her chest, smashed flat.

“This weak little slut is going to destroy you, Rita,” Angie gasped.  “You’ll see.  They’ll see.”  I’ll see, she didn’t say.  Now it was Rita’s turn to slide sobbing down the glass.

Angie dragged her by her hair back to the center of the room.  In front of Mike, she intertwined her left leg with Rita’s, over it and then anchored behind it, and twisted Rita’s upper body sideways and back, until her shoulders were nearly perpendicular to the floor. Rita’s right arm was trapped under Angie’s left.  Rita’s breasts flopped and bounced as Angie torqued her ribs and spine.   Her right breast hung where Angie could reach it with her free hand, and Angie raked it with her nails.

“Look at her, cornerman,”  Angie said,  “Look at your cheating whore wife.  There are photos - did you know that?  Of them fucking.”  She slapped Rita’s breast.  “Of his cum on her fucking tits.   You want to submit for her?”

Mike shook his head, his face dark.  He hadn't known about the photos.

“Good,” said Angie.  “She has to submit to me herself.”  She dug her nails into Rita’s breast this time.  Rita could do nothing but scream, a harsh sound, like burning wood crackling.  But she wouldn’t quit - oh no, not to Angie, she wouldn’t.  Not even when her nails tore skin.  Angie tried, but Rita defied her.  She finally released the hold.  Rita fell face first to the floor.  Suddenly light-headed, Angie bent, her hands on her knees.

Fifty-seven year old women.  Exhausted.  Even with gyms and yoga and spas, their bodies were aging, their skin no longer as tight, pads of fat on their curves.  Still, at least to Ken and Mike, as Rita struggled to her feet and Angie straightened, pushing her hair back, the french twist long disintegrated, they were more erotic than when they were girls.  It was the way they radiated absolute determination to win. 

“That was your best shot,” Rita gasped.  “And I’m still here, Angie.”

“Was it?” Angie said.  Once again, she slammed her breasts into Rita’s.  She had to stop time, turn it back if she could.  She had to erase the photos.

Rita felt something tear in her chest.  A brief, searing pain.  Angie saw it in her face, and grinned.  She swung her tits into Rita’s, saw the flare of pain again.  Hurt her hurt her hurt her ran through her brain like a mad thing. 

Rita turned away, cradling her breasts.  Angie kicked at her, aiming for her ass, but imperfect aim worked to her benefit this time.  As Rita’s thighs parted, Angie’s sharp-toed shoe hit dead-center on her pussy.

Oh, that was a sweet scream, thought Angie.  More, please.


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Re: Secret Fire
« Reply #5 on: April 15, 2020, 01:06:50 PM »
Freaking great man, mature women can really get dirty! Love it....


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Re: Secret Fire
« Reply #6 on: April 15, 2020, 09:50:33 PM »
Rita’s pussy exploded again.  Her breasts swung wildly as the impact jarred her entire body.  Oh god that bitch Angie.  She crumpled to the floor. 

This time Angie dragged her to Ken.  She put her knee between Rita’s shoulder blades and pulled her arms back.  Almost involuntarily, Ken’s eyes dropped to Rita’s breasts.  That glance - that twitch, really - snapped whatever thin threads held together Angie’s self-control.

“DON’T LOOK AT HER TITS!” she screamed.  She jerked on Rita’s arms and whatever was torn in Rita’s breast tore further.  “Goddamnit, Ken, I’m your wife,” she sobbed. 

“Angie, don’t,” Ken said.

“You don’t say ‘don’t’ to me.  You don’t say what’s enough,” Angie spat at him.  “Not for me, not for her.  Got it?”  She let go of Rita’s arms and bent her back over her knee.  Rita’s right breast again was the one closest to her.  For the next two minutes, she beat at it in a frenzy, just fist after fist after fist.  Rita’s body jerked and shuddered but she was too far gone to defend herself.

Angie at last couldn’t raise her arm for another strike.  She dumped Rita to the floor, and sat back heavily.  Her own breasts and belly burned.  Rita lay on her side, sobbing.  Her discarded black bra was only a few feet away.  Angie looked at it for a few moments before finally moving.

She wrapped Rita’s bra around her aching fist and mounted her. 

“No,” Rita moaned, but she got no further.  Angie hit her in the face, another frenzy that ran until exhaustion.  Rita was barely clinging to consciousness now.

Angie unwrapped the bra from her hand.  She looked at Rita’s throat  Strangling her wasn’t . . . enough.  She wrapped the bra around the base of Rita’s right breast, the breast she’d already mauled and beaten into so much raw meat, and twisted it tight, like a tourniquet.  Then she stood, and lifted Rita by it.  Not high, but two feet off the floor was enough.  Rita’s head and arms hung limp, her back arching as Angie pulled.  Then Angie shook her, like a beaten rag doll.   

It’s a trope in catfight stories that one woman will threaten to tear the other woman’s tits off.   Angie actually tried.  She was still shaking Rita when Mike broke her grip and pulled her away.  By then, Rita’s breast was a purple, swelling, bag of blood.

Ken held Angie while Mike tended to Rita, packing ice bags to her chest.  She regained consciousness after fifteen minutes or so, silent and whipped.  She wouldn’t look at Angie.

Angie tore away from Ken, but her target was Mike, not Rita.  She dipped to her knees in front of him, and pulled his cock into between her lips.  At 57, you know things the young girls don’t.  She had him thick in her mouth in a matter of seconds, his cum on her lips and tits minutes later.  She looked at Ken and Rita.

“Don’t even think this makes us even, bitch,” Angie said.  “Take a photo.”

Rita was a mid-level supervisor at a mid-sized corporation.  When she was absent from work for a month, there was gossip.  Was she sick? Depressed? In rehab?  No one could believe she had a secret; she was so suburban, so mainstream,  She was a past president of the PTA.   She volunteered for political candidates.

No one ever imagined the truth, that she’d lost a savage, no-holds-barred, bare-breasted catfight with her equally normal, mainstream neighbor of fifteen years.  Breast reconstruction surgery took recovery time.  It would be months more before Rita thought of revenge.

Angie had lit the fire. 


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Re: Secret Fire
« Reply #7 on: April 16, 2020, 05:08:44 PM »
Another terrific story. Amazing how you show in this story how jealous a woman is with other woman breasts, how it can hurt her pride.