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Queen of the Beach Island Challenge!

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Queen of the Beach Island Challenge!
« on: April 17, 2020, 06:21:13 PM »
While we re all stuck inside I thought of something fun to help pass the time...

I love this thread... Thanks Reddmaster9497


Drawing from current events

QOTB organizers have gathered the greatest bikini brawers on earth to a secluded Island

The rules are simple... I will start with a brief battle.
The winner holds court on the Beach.
At the end of the match her next opponent will be suggested.

Another writer will hopefully join in with a brief story... They will decide who wins and who the next challenger is.
Maybe a Bikini-clad Battler can make a run and hold on to the beach for a streak of fights...maybe they last one challenge lets see!

Lets start!

Scarlett Johansson vs. Jennifer Love Hewitt


Johansson possessed a star power and track record that few of the Queen of the Beach competitors could match , and while Scarletts rack was certainly not the biggest in the field, they may have been the most iconic.

Had it been 2005 Jennifer Love Hewitt might have been the hands-down favorite. While no doubt past her prime JLH was still a feared and respected competitor. There was nothing Hewitt had not done or had done to her in her career and she had absolutely no fear of the great Scarlett Johansson.

Rd 1 No surprise here! Jennifer Love Hewitt having nothing to lose, charges right at Johansson, stunning the movie star with a bosom-busting collision that not only rocked ScarJo back on her heels but shook loose her hairdo. Hair in disarray, Scarlett planted her feet just in time to absorb the second impact of JLH's heavy artillery. The third time Jennifer Love tried the same thing, however, ScarJo was ready for her.
Scarlett side-stepped, caught JLH in a Side Headlock and hip-tossed her over and back down on her back in the sand. Scarlett added to the breathtaking impact by landing her hip square on Jen's tummy, driving all the air out of her body. A short elbow smashes further disoriented JLH who was unable to offer any resistance when Scarlett planted her bosom squarely over Jennifer's face, wrapped her arms around her head to prevent any chance of turning away, and then rode her face into the sunset. When Hewitt went limp, Scarlett stood up, ripped down Hewitt's top and posed with her foot planted firmly on the brunette's flattened bosom. The rapidity of ScarJo's victory sent shockwaves through the Beach as the other women got the message that Scarlett Johansson was taking this thing seriously!
Winner: Scarlett Johansson, Rd 1, KO, Breast Smother
* * *
ScarJo- 1 Victory and Currently holds the beach

He first challenger is

... Megan Fox

« Last Edit: April 17, 2020, 08:37:11 PM by Freefall »


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Re: Queen of the Beach Island Challenge!
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2020, 01:03:22 AM »
Megan was certainly no stranger to Johansson and knew she'd have her work cut out for her after seeing Jen go down so quickly. Fox was much more cautious than the previous brunette, allowing Scarlett to come to her and when the blonde did so Megan was ready for her, sliding under Johansson's swinging arm and quickly slides behind the blonde. A kick to the back of Scarjo's knee knocked her foe down and Megan then reached around Johansson's throat and put her in a deep choke, her left elbow crushing the blonde's windpipe while pulling on her right wrist for added pressure. Scarlett's face immediately begins turning red as she swings her hands behind her towards Megan's head, Fox expertly dodging the blows until the blonde manages to grab hold of a fistful of dark brown hair and with a mighty heave, flings the brunette over her shoulder and down to the sand while she gasps for breath.

Fox looks up from her back and just as she expects, Scarjo is going for her second breast smother in a row, this time in reverse as faces the brunette's feet. Unfortunately for the blonde, Megan is ready for this and quickly rotates herself out of the way and grabs Johansson's right wrist as she turns away. Pulling the limb tight against her crotch, Fox shoots her legs up and wraps her thighs around the blonde's throat, pulling her down into the sand while she goes about choking her foe out for the second time. This time the blonde can't escape no matter how hard she struggles, eventually passing out and going limp between Fox's flexing thighs. Secure in her victory, Fox can't help but pull the blonde's beaten face up by her hair just to grind her bikini bottoms over the still slumber Scarlett's mouth and nose.
Winner: Megan Fox, KO, arm bar/head scissors
Megan Fox - 1 Victory and currently holds the beach

Her first challenger is

...Ashley Benson


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Re: Queen of the Beach Island Challenge!
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2020, 02:25:26 PM »


Ashley Benson packed for a long stay on QOTB Island. By the blondes estimation she was good for a month. 4 suitcases each filled with enough bikini’s that shed never have to fight in the same one twice. Megan Fox made sure she couldve used a backpack instead.

Ashleys confidence evaporated early in the bout as she struggled to cope with Megans speed and well known ferocity. By the second round The Blondes hot pink bikini was in tatters as Fox sank her claws into her challenger.

Ashley Bensons long stay on QOTB Island culminated in a sobbing round 2 camel clutch submission with a beaming Megan Fox seated on her back and her throbbing breasts gripped for maximum leverage.

The Bell rang and the black haired vixen released her prey allowing her to flop to the sand like the fish out of water she was.

Megan placed her foot on the battered blondes upturned ass...
“Say hi to Scarlett for me on the way back” she purred

Winner RD 2 Submission Camel Clutch -Megan Fox

Megan has 2 Victories and Controls QOTB ISLAND

Her next challenger is...

Jennifer Lawrence



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Re: Queen of the Beach Island Challenge!
« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2020, 08:16:09 PM »

Jennifer hadn't sailed over to the island just to leave again, she was planing on a long nice stay, so she could enjoy those tropical beaches. It was evident she had a mission, and was determined to fulfill it. It didn't take her long after stepping ashore, to find Megan Fox, who clearly had gotten a stan during her stay on the island. Without the slightest respect Jennifer told her opponent as she approached her "I'm sending you home now bitch". What followed was a nasty, ugly fight between two alphafemales. In the end though, after sitting on top of Megan's back, pinning her down against the burning hot sand, Jennifer succeeded on delivering on her promise. With a cocky smile on her face, the blonde proceeded to yank Megan's bikini up against her crotch, thus giving her a painfull wedgy, forcing a sharp scream of agony from the brunette, which soon turned into muffles, as Jennifer pushed her rivals face down against the sand. Megan denied the first request to submit, so Lawrence got cruel "Well I gues we gonna do this the hard way Foxy" she laughed, before bitting down on Fox'es left buttcheek. Lowd muffles were heard immediatedly and Megan tapped like crazy, conceding defeat to the woman, who had proven to be superior to her. After the fight had ended Megan left the island humiliated, without being allowed to collect her luggage back in the cabin. Lawrence on the other hand stripped from her bikini, and as a sign of dominance put on one of her defeated opponents leftbehind bikinis. Sitting on the beach chair  in Megans bikini and with sunglasses on, she was enjoying the sun, sipping a mojito and with a thick american accent shouted to the badly beaten up Fox, who was getting on the boat leaving the island, "Hasta la vista baby". Jlaw had conquered the beach, and wasen't gonna give it up any time soon, come which bitch may.

Winner: Janiffer Lawrence Submission
Jennifer Lawrence - 1 Victory and currently holds the beach

Her first challenger is

...Kate Beckinsale



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Re: Queen of the Beach Island Challenge!
« Reply #4 on: April 19, 2020, 03:05:15 AM »

JLaw was sitting on the beach chair, watching how Megan was leaving the island, when suddenly she sees a figure approaching her from the opposite side. She turns and downs her glasses, looking at the women approaching her. It was non other than Kate Beckinsale. Jennifer gets up and approaches Kate with a smile on her face. "Well well, it isn't the old slut of Beckinsale. You really think you can make me leave the island?" Asks Jennifer, but Kate doesn't answer, instead she slaps Jennifer and the two start to fight

The fight was much harder that what Jennifer expected. Kate was very experienced and she used all of her tricks to try to beat JLaw, but the blonde american wouldn't give up, not after being the Queen of the Beach. Now both women are standing on their knees in front of each other. They are tired and breathing heavily, but the two grab at each other's hair again and they get back at rolling. To Jennifer's surprise, Kate achieved to get the top position, and tries to plant her boobs on JLaw's face. "Get that off my face!" Shouts Jennifer, and soon moves her hands to Kate's bottoms and pulls up to give Kate a wedgie and roll her. Now Jennifer gets on top of the Brit, but doesn't let go her undies. Instead she moves her body up a bit, and smashes a knee on her pussy, making Kate moan, but soon they are muffled by Jennifer's boobs. "This is a real pair and deserve to be on your ugly face!" Shouts Jennifer. Kate tries to escape, but is impossible for her and soon she passes out.

Jennifer now gets off Kate, and now she doesn't act so cocky like she did after Megan. She just sits on the sand as she waits for her next opponent.

Winner: Jennifer Lawrence via Breast Smothering
JLaw - 2 victories and still QOTBI

Her next challenger is...


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Re: Queen of the Beach Island Challenge!
« Reply #5 on: April 19, 2020, 11:58:44 AM »
Rihanna, not wanting to give her any chance to rest, charged Jennifer at full force and tackled her to the ground.
The two beauties grappled, rolling on the sand, Rihanna was aware that after Jennifer she would have to fight other opponents so she desperately tried get a quick submission to end the fight as fast as possible. Jennifer, on the other hand tried to simply cling at her opponent, trying to move as less as possible.
The fight got very static and Jennifer strategy seemed to work as Rihanna had to spend a lot of energy in order to try to break Jennifer's grip, But eventually Rihanna was able to free herself and launched an all out assault on Jennifer, finally pinning her to the ground.
"You're a though one Lawrence" panted Rihanna "But it's time to end this!"
"Do your worst bitch!" Muttered a still defiant  J-Law.
Rihanna smiled wickedly, turned to face her opponent's legs and dropped her famed facesit on Jennifer, who found her mouth and nose totally engulfed by Rihanna's bountiful buttocks.
J-Law buckled and kicked her legs frantically to escape Rihanna who decided to add insult to injury by pinching the blonde perky nipples, using the hold to pull and twist Jennifer breasts.
"Give up or pass out J-Law" giggled Rihanna "Either way is fine by me!"
But it seemed that lady luck was on the blonde side as Rihanna decided to lean forward to apply a crotch claw just in the same moment Jennifer left leg kicked up wildly. Jennifer'leg hit Rihanna right on the face almost knocking her out and allowing Jennifer to pull her away.
Jennifer jumped on Rihanna's back shoving to the ground her dazzled opponent and using all her weight to push Rihanna's face down in the soft sand. It was a desperate, crude and brutal move but just as Rihanna realized  that the sand was invading her mouth and nose, suffocating her, she went in full panic mode and frantically slapped her hand on the ground signaling her submission.

Winner: Jennifer Lawrence via submission
Jennifer Lawrence - 3 victories and still Queen Of The BeachI

As the officials carried away a coughing and semi conscious Rihanna, Jennifer rolled on her back and lay on the sand panting heavily, her body drenched in sweat.
But her hopes to have a bit of rest faded away as she saw a figure towering over her and heard a familiar voice.
"Well, that was impressive Lawrence...but sadly you ran out of luck

Next opponent, Sophie Turner.

« Last Edit: April 19, 2020, 01:50:57 PM by The Italian »


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Re: Queen of the Beach Island Challenge!
« Reply #6 on: April 19, 2020, 05:47:31 PM »
An IMPRESSIVE string of wins by J. Law... doubt she can keep it going against the 'battlin' Brit bombshell' Turner. But I can't wait to see it!!

A nice way to get back to the board after being away far TOO LONG!!!!


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Re: Queen of the Beach Island Challenge!
« Reply #7 on: April 19, 2020, 06:19:06 PM »
An IMPRESSIVE string of wins by J. Law... doubt she can keep it going against the 'battlin' Brit bombshell' Turner. But I can't wait to see it!!

A nice way to get back to the board after being away far TOO LONG!!!!

Thanks for the kind words.
To be honest if it were up to me, I would love to see Turner defeated. I don't know why, but even if I like her a lot as an actress and as a woman I always found exciting the idea of her being the overconfident, snobbish and cocky heel who gets defeated by the underdog due to her own arrogance.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2020, 07:02:56 PM by The Italian »


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Re: Queen of the Beach Island Challenge!
« Reply #8 on: April 20, 2020, 01:55:47 AM »


RD1 was as tentative as any in the tournament so far. Jennifer spent a majority of the action in a defensive mode, not landing much offense but not allowing much to get through either. Sophie was as aggressive as predicted but grew easily frustrated with the blondes almost expert defensive tactics. However, at the tail end of the set the Game of Thrones beauty was successful in forcing the Oscar Winner into a corner and landed some sturdy shots to Lawrences prime time jugs. Jen covered herself as the bell rang, clearly disappointed she allowed RD1 to slip away.

RD2 Saw an energized Queen of the Beach flip the script on her over-energized opponent. Turner looked to continue her success from the end of the past round but could not touch JLaw. Sophie found her self on the sand when Jennifer dodged a haymaker right. Turner squirmed as Lawrence worked her like a seasoned pro. Jen put on a clinic of holds before locking in a textbook camel clutch in the center of the white sand ring.

The red head screamed in agony as Lawrence layed on the small of her back and wrenched her chin back, she could feel the blondes heaving tits against the back of her head as she writhed trying to find a way out of the devastating hold. Finally, it was too much for the former Winterfell girl…”i Quit” she groaned in a disappointed embarrassed voice.

WINNER RD 2 Submission... Retaining Control of Queen of the Beach Island
Jennifer Lawrence - Victory 4

Jennifers Next Opponent is...
Abigail Ratchford
« Last Edit: April 20, 2020, 01:57:53 AM by Freefall »


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Re: Queen of the Beach Island Challenge!
« Reply #9 on: April 21, 2020, 07:02:17 PM »
Wow, with Abigail some kind of goddess enters the stage, this will be interesting. °O°


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Re: Queen of the Beach Island Challenge!
« Reply #10 on: April 21, 2020, 07:27:36 PM »
Im hearing with the lack of live sports Ratchford / Lawrence is blowing up the casinos!

Not sure where my money is going... Jlaw is on fire but shes going to have her hands... and cups full will Abigail


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Re: Queen of the Beach Island Challenge!
« Reply #11 on: April 22, 2020, 12:48:41 AM »

From the first moment of their fight, Jennifer knew she was in trouble.

She was four wins deep into the beach challenge, but it felt like each fight had came sooner than the last, and she wasn't get the proper time she needed between each fight to fully rest and recover. The constant fighting was starting to make her wonder: could any woman hold onto a streak like this for long, with challengers lurking around every corner? Her winning streak was starting to take a toll on her, one she couldn't deny, and now, facing off against Abigail?

She knew her streak was about to end.

The moment their fight began, Abigail rushed towards Jennifer. Ratchford wasn't stupid; she knew that Jennifer's wins had to be taking a toll on her at this point, and that she might be able to end this quick with a simple rushdown strategy. She came in hard and fast, launching a knee straight towards J-Law's unprotected tummy. Jennifer couldn't get her hands up in time to block the hit, and so when Abigail's knee sank deep into her gut, she almost immediately began to double over, her eyes going wide as the air was forced from her lungs, leaving her breathless...and of course, Abigail was there to catch her in her arms as Jennifer slumped forwards, a nasty smile on her face as she did so.

As she caught Jennifer, she immediately twisted her body to the side, tossing the other woman onto her back against the sand beneath their feet, and before Jennifer could make another foot, the dark haired beauty lifted a foot, aiming a sharp stomp into Jennifer's stomach. One, and then another, and then a third. It was something of a dirty tactic, but Abigail wanted to end this fast, and with each blow leaving Jennifer reeling, gasping and struggling for breath, the buxom bombshell knew she had this in the bag.

After the third stomp to the bare belly of J-Law, Abigail sank down to her knees, quickly moving to straddle Jennifer's body as she struggled to fill her lungs again. Before she could even have a chance to realize what was happening, Abigail lashed out, catching her by the wrists and pinning her against the sand. Realizing what was about to happen, the actress began to struggling beneath her, kicking her legs and trying to buck her body, but she was too weak at this point, and she didn't even have a chance to stomp what Abigail had in mind. The Instagram model gave her a smirk and a cruel wink, and then lowered her upper body downwards, covering Jennifer's face with her giant, infamous tits, going right for the breast smother. Jennifer began to wail out beneath her, crying out into the soft flesh of Abigail's chest, but her whimpers and groans only lasted a few seconds, and before even a moment had passed, Jennifer's struggles stopped, the woman going still and unmoving beneath Abigail.

Abigail kept her breasts pushed against Jennifer's face for just a moment longer before peeling them away and rising up to her feet, standing victorious over unconscious body. Placing her hands on her hips, standing there as confident as can be, she cried out, issuing her challenge to anyone in hearing range.

"Get this trash off my island! And...bring me my next challenger!"

Winner in Round One by breast smother: Abigail Ratchford
Abigail takes control of the beach with one win.

Abigail's next opponent: Anna Kendrick


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Re: Queen of the Beach Island Challenge!
« Reply #12 on: April 22, 2020, 12:49:05 AM »
LOVE this thread, by the way!


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Re: Queen of the Beach Island Challenge!
« Reply #13 on: April 22, 2020, 01:59:36 AM »
An impressive run for Jennifer Lawrence ends with a whimper...
Ratchford absolutely crushed her!

Was my money on Abigail yes!!!
Was it on a first round SMOTHER... NOPE

Anna Kendrick’s got guts but She’ll need more than that to take the Island from the new queen

« Last Edit: April 22, 2020, 03:52:08 AM by Freefall »


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Re: Queen of the Beach Island Challenge!
« Reply #14 on: April 22, 2020, 05:20:09 PM »
Abigail Ratchford is a women I would be scared to have sex with, the pleasure may overflow my whole nerve system and kill me. Her body radiates unbelievable sexual power, the way her boobs shake with each arrogant step, her arrogant look that tells every other women "You are inferior!".... This woman is so full of herself I just love it!