Charlotte Mckinney vs Yoko Matsugane

The Beach had a new queen... The Japanese Menace Yoko Matsagune had arrived on QOTB Island shrouded in mystery and rumor and broke Brooklyn Decker in stunning fashion leaving the dethroned American supermodel in ruins. Decker's humiliation at the hands and Juggs of Yoko was thankfully interrupted by her friend Charlotte McKinney who was able to chase the victorious viscous Queen from her prey. Mckinney swore revenge and challenged Matsagune to defend her tiara and national pride on the beach. Yoko gladly accepted and a much-anticipated grudge match was set for the beach arena.
American Woman blared from the loudspeakers as the beach crowd roars and Charlotte Mckinney made her way down the aisle clad in stunning stars and stripes pushup bikini. The big blonde carried an American flag with her waving left and right as she bounced down the railway. Charlotte stopped ringside and embraced a front-row Brooklyn Decker wearing large dark shades and a baggy t-shirt... clearly still recovering from title loss. Mckinney handed her friend the flag and told her... "This is for you Brooklyn". The American Challenger climbed through the ropes into the sandy ring and soaked in the cheers of her adoring crowd as she awaited the newest Queen of the Beach.
The stadium suddenly was filled with the sounds of unfamiliar Japanese music as Yoko Matsagune appeared at the entranceway. She was sporting a white robe with a red sun on the back while she slowly made her way to the ring with her eyes focused on her opponent. Charlotte's eyes met the Queen as she slowly and intently made her way to the ring under a chorus of boos from the pro-American audience. Charlotte's focus momentarily broke as she turned to Decker in the front row. Charlotte could see a mix of fear and concern in the former queens' eyes as her conqueror coldly walked by dismissing her like discarded trash. McKinney clenched her fists "I'm going to make her pay" she whispered to herself as Yoko climbed through the ropes.
Matsugane entered the ring...turned her back to Charlotte and removed her cherished Queen of the Beach Tiara...handing it purposefully to her seconds before suddenly dropping her robe. The crowd was stunned into a shocked murmur as Yoko Matsagune revealed a heartstopping black and red battle bikini. Matsagune gave up 3 inches to her American counterpart but she surely was packing more heavy artillery than the blonde. Charlotte was momentarily taken aback by her the unveiling of her rival's rack. It's not often a woman like Charlotte Mckinney would find herself outgunned as the blonde took in the awesome challenge the Queen would provide her.
The two bikini-clad warriors stood toe to to top neither giving an inch as the bell rang and the battle began.
Ding-Ding Ding
Yoko known for her aggression launched her breasts into Charlotte's red white and blue top nearly blasting the stars and stripes off. McKinney figured it was coming and steeled herself meeting Matsagune head-on in a ring-shaking stalemate. Yoko was surprised with Charlotte's strength and almost immediately retreated as the crowd roared cheering the blonde on. Yoko paused and charged the American who deftly sidestepped the ragin Asian sending her careening into the ropes. Yoko bounced off and was met with a thunderous dropkick square in the chest nearly blowing her bosoms free and dropping the queen to the mat.
Mckinney was quick to press her advantage as lifted the stunned smaller woman by her hair....lifted her high in the air and body slammed her kicking up a cloud of sand. The crowd was deafening as the All American girl called to them and pulled the dazed Yoko again to her feet.
This was not what Yoko had wanted. She had stepped into this match expecting to crush Charlotte in a titfight, to grind her tits down to nothing and send the American woman running like a scared little bitch. She hadn't been expecting Charlotte to turn things into a wrestling match, and she certainly hadn't been expecting the blonde to be womanhandling her like this! This was humiliating, and every moment that Charlotte continued her assault on Yoko, the angrier the Japanese woman felt herself becoming. She needed to turn this around, and fast.
Charlotte wasn't giving her the opportunity to do so, however. Gripping Yoko tightly by the wrist, she forced the so-called Queen of the Beach up to her feet, forcing the dazed and dizzy woman to stand before her, Yoko teetering back and forth on shaky legs. The blonde stared down at her opponent for a brief moment and then smirked. She knew what Yoko considered to be her greatest asset, and she knew exactly how to attack the Japanese woman in the way that would bother her the most. Charlotte lifted an arm and drew it back, then swung down towards her hated opponent's chest, nailing one of her breasts directly with a stiff, hard-hitting chop.
Yoko screamed as Charlotte's attack connected, tears of pain welling up in her eyes as the blonde's hand made an impact with her chest. She stumbled backward, reaching up to nurse her hurting tit, to hold it gingerly with one hand, but Charlotte stayed on top of her. In came another chop, this time to Yoko's other huge, soft tit, and then a third, back to the first breast again. Each shot forced another cry from Yoko's lips, each attack caused her giant chest to bounce and jiggle around, and with each direct blow, Yoko stumbled more and more backward and away from Charlotte. It wasn't until she felt the ropes at her back that Yoko realized the position she was in, and as she raised her gaze to lock eyes with Charlotte, she realized that the blonde had her right where she wanted her.
With Yoko leaning against the ropes, with nowhere to go, Charlotte suddenly came charging in towards her. As she approached the Japanese beauty, she thrust her chest forwards, slamming her own big, beautiful breasts up against Yoko's bigger and heavier pair. Normally, in such a head-on attack, Yoko would have come out on top, but as Charlotte rammed into her, having already softened up her breasts with her chops, all Yoko could do was scream again, reeling back against the ropes as Charlotte impressed rack slammed into her own.
After bouncing off of Yoko, Charlotte put on a wide grin, turning away from her and raising her arms up to the cheering crowd. Yoko remained there, her breath ragged, leaning against the ropes and holding her chest with one hand, watching as Charlotte played to the audience...who, naturally, was completely behind her, screaming at her to continue her attack on Matsugane, and the blonde was more than happy to do so.
"Who wants to see me finish off this bitch?!" Charlotte shouted to the crowd, who roared back at her in approval. With a grin on her face, Charlotte turned back to Yoko and began to approach her again, reaching out to grab her by the arm to pull her back off of the ropes, ready to continue her attack on the currently-ruling queen.
Charlotte had so far proven Yoko to be nothing but a paper champion. Matsugane had struggled to find any consistency on offense while the blonde had time and again found gaping holes in her defense. When Charlotte threw fists, Yoko couldn't keep them off her tiring body. Mckinney's punches weren't haymakers by any means, they were sharp, crisp, and they were taking their toll as Yoko was backed against the ropes where she took an American left-right combination to her bulging tits. Yoko squealed as she sat back and fell through the ropes, landing on her ass in the rising surf beside the beachside ring.
Charlotte wasn't about to let the bitch who'd embarrassed Brooklyn escape that easily and she climbed out of the ring and chased the retreating Japense champion into the surf. Yoko oddly smiled as the furious blonde ran toward her and raised her hands. They circled in the cool knee high surf as Matsugane continued to retreat further into deeper water. Charlotte chased her until they were waist-deep and the All American girl saw the devilish smile curl on Yokos lips as she stopped retreating and came toward her.
In the deep, swirling, waves of the surf, the blonde couldn't move quickly enough to avoid Matsugane's lunge and when Yoko wrapped her in a bearhug, both women fell in the churning water. Two bikini clad bombshells wrestled underwater as the TV cameras zoomed in on the action, unable to make out what was happening beneath the surf other than when an arm, leg, or head would briefly break the surface, then be pulled back under again!
Finally one woman emerged from the cool water… the American fans let loose a roar when they saw the golden blonde hair of their heroine Charlotte Mckinney rise from the water. Mckinney stumbled towards the shoreline trying to adjust her waterlogged top and blow tangled wet hair our her mouth. The Queen of the Beach was nowhere to be found as Mckinney slowly but surely trudged back to the sandy ring to claim her hard fought crown.
The blonde bombshell was trying to ring sand out of her ears and couldn’t tell when her fans cheers suddenly shifted to an ominous gasp. Without warning Yoko Matsugane had exploded from the surf behind Charlotte. Mckinneys face twisted in agony as the Queen of the beach’s fists smashed both sides of her struggling bikini from behind…. Mashing the blondes heaving breasts together and blowing the back of the garment apart. Mckinney collapsed to her knees at the shore fumbling to grab the tattered start spangled top. Yoko let out a cruel laugh as she kicked the sandy wet useless souvenir into the crowd. Matsugane reared back and unleashed a stinking bitch slap to the faltering blonde knocking her on to her back before dragging the squirming supermodel into the ring.
No... no…go no…" Charlotte murmured, shaking her head in disbelief and her stubborn refusal to accept what everyone could see with their own eyes. She curled up, cradling her devastated boobs in her trembling hands; trying to save them even further harm. Yoko loomed over the struggling American; grabbed her violently by her sandy blonde hair and jerked Charlotte up, setting her on her wobbling legs, holding her by one handful of hair and her left breast.
Mckinney was in such a world of hurt, she barely understood the words Matsagune whispered in her ringing ears, “You are mine slut…..” The hair on Charlotte’s neck stood up when Yoko called a cameraman to the ropes. The Japanese menace bodied up behind the All American girl and forced her chest over the top rope. Charlotte Mckinneys nude boobs billowed as the lay limp and lifeless on the top rope as the Cameraman moved in for his close-up. "Say hello to America, LOSER!" Yoko cackled in broken English as she shook the rope, bouncing Mckinney’s mauled mellons like huge pink water balloons.
"No... no... NO... no... NO... no... NO... GaaaaWWWWWAaaaaaaWWWWWddddd.." Charlotte's pulsating sobbing echoed through the night as television screens across the nation captured the unforgettable image of the girls next door’s horror as the rough abrasive ropes bounced her juggs for the world to see...and enjoy.
Charlotte had been brought to her breaking point by Yokos unrelenting assault. Tears streamed down her face as she looked into the audience of her stunned fans. Mckinneys red tear stained eyes met Brooklyn Deckers sitting front row mere feet way from Charlotte and her tormentor. ‘Brook….lynn…. Hel….hel…help me” Mckinney wimpered to her dear friend. Brooklyns fists clenched with rage as she watched Mckinneys breasts bounce and heard Yoko equal with glee. Decker’s fight or flight suddenly kicked in… Matsugane was too much…she couldn’t bear stand in a ring with the Queen of the Beach again. Brooklyn Decker hung her head and quickly left her seat to the exit as Charlotte Mckinney reached out for her “ No….Brooklyn…..why…..” Mckinney gasped….
No…More…..No….More…..I quit”
The Bell rang as Yoko Matsugane released her prey and the blonde collapsed into a quivering heap in the middle of the sandy arena. As a warning to the rest of the world Matsugane grabbed her tiara and climbed the turnbuckle opposite the hard camera. Yoko leered into the camera and taunted the Americans streaming to the exists before launching herself high into the damp beach air. IMPACT…. The Japanese Menace landed a sand quaking Frogsplash onto the broken blonde. Matsugane'sjuggs crushed Mickinneys humbled hooters flats before bouncing onto the embattled blondes gasping face. Charlottes body had been driven what seemed like several inches into the beach as she gasped for air…. But none could be found as she was met with only sweltering titanic tit-flesh….
Charlotte Mckinneys legs and arms sadly twitched for a few lingering moments before her battle with consciousness and Yoko Matsugane had ended
The Queen of the Beach had broken 2 blonde bombshells that night and had laid claim as the ruler of the world.
Yoko Matsugane Defeats Charlotte Mckinney via Submission…
Her Next Challenger….. is ALL TAKERS
Who would you like to see battle Yoko Matsugane ruler of the Beach for her cherished tiara?