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Repost: 'Kayla vs Alicia - OPW Title fight Rematch' by Howard Cossell

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Offline Kayla

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OK, here’s a repost (from before the Board Crash here) of another of my stirring title defenses by Howard Cossell after winning the OPW title from Marie B in an awesome fight reposted at:,6524.0.html

This is my REMATCH with Alicia in Sydney after I beat her in Baghdad – read at:,7430.0.html

Hope you enjoy & post some comments!  ;D ;)



Kayla vs Alicia Christmas: OPW Title Fight Rematch in Sydney
By Howard Cossell

 "Silence" by Enigma plays and Rachel returns to the ring. A ladder is standing up on the outside of the ring. The black haired blue eyed goddess is still fuming as she takes a seat at the commentator's table and dons a headset.
 Rachel- "Tonight has been an eye-opening experience. I needed to take a ride and clear my head. I want to get a look at who I will be facing. Because no matter what anyone thinks, I WON the battle royal."
 "Flashdance" by Irene Cara plays and out comes Alicia Christmas. Alicia is dressed in a white one piece with an opening down the middle showing off her firm abs and round deep navel. The Barbie with the very white teeth and long blonde hair has on white boots and a white cape with feathery ruffles. As she gets into the ring she takes the cape off and waves at all the booing fans.
 Rachel- "Alicia Christmas is a very talented wrestler. She always sets a good pace; she's one of the fittest women I've ever been in the ring against, the big mouth and eccentric talk is a cover for an above average fighter. But she isn't always focused and she isn't the best."
 "Simply The Best" by Tina Turner plays and out comes the OPW World Champion, Kayla, to many many cheers! Kayla has the OPW World title around her waist, and the People's title around her right shoulder. Kayla complimented the city of Sydney earlier in the night and she comes out in a camouflage bra, a very small black thong, and black boots. She seems oiled up and ready as she enters the ring and does her traditional wave. As she's waving, Alicia attacks her from behind begins to pound her back with forearms. The referee takes Kayla's World title belt off of her and straps it onto the hook that takes it up high above the ring. Alicia takes Kayla and rams her head into the turnbuckle, then rams her shoulder down into the steel ring post.
 Rachel- "Alicia is off to a fast start. She's trying to break the so-called champion down early. But she's going to have to hurry up or this woman will turn things around. Kayla was piledriven on the floor in their last fight, and she recovered from that very quickly. Alicia is trying to get this over with."
 Alicia sits Kayla on the top rope and climbs to the top also. Alicia tries to suplex Kayla off the top rope, but Kayla counters and front suplexes Alicia onto the ropes, Alicia's crotch hits the top rope and she grabs her womanhood and purses her lips in pain. Kayla hops down and begins to shake the top rope, forcing Alicia to bob up and down on it as she rides the top rope in agony. Kayla bounces off the opposite ropes and knocks Alicia out of the ring with a dropkick. Alicia's right elbow and right hip take the brunt of her fall as she tries to angle her body to catch herself. Alicia rises to her feet only to be hit with Kayla's trademark baseball slide. Then Kayla slips out, pulls Alicia to her feet, and kicks her between the legs.
 Rachel- "I find it somewhat amusing that Kayla was disappointed by my steel plate trick with Glory. She felt that I wasn't being honorable. But Kayla has kicked someone between the legs in all of her matches. It's probably her favorite move, and her only move. What a hypocrite. When I was champion, she would've been disqualified for doing that; but like I said before, OPW today has no rules."
 Kayla whips Alicia hard into the steel steps; the blonde's shoulder now takes the impact. Kayla takes some of the additional emergency cable from out of a box near a cameraman and proceeds to wrap it around Alicia's head. Kayla tries to strangle Alicia, but the blonde throws herself back. Kayla's head hits the steel ringpost and Alicia turns around and slams Kayla's head into the steel steps. Kayla is stunned and Alicia pulls her up, takes Kayla's right arm and pulls it in the ring around the steel ringpost. Then Alicia stands on the other side of the ringpost and yanks the arm, slamming Kayla's head and torso into the ringpost and the steps. Alicia mounts the fallen brunette, pounding her above her eyebrows and easily busting her open. Kayla's face is now a bloody mess as Alicia stomps down on Kayla's crotch.
 Rachel- "Ladder matches are no-disqualification. It is somewhat amusing that for a wrestler the calibur of Alicia Christmas, she certainly has spent a lot of time outside of the ring in her matches with Kayla. All that talk about morals and her perfect world. That woman is delusional and aloof."
 Alicia goes around and gets the ladder and slides it into the ring. She leaves it on the mat and goes outside, but Kayla catches her with a flying clothesline when she approaches. Kayla is bleeding badly now as she enters the ring and grabs the ladder. Kayla places the closed ladder between the top and middle ropes. Alicia jumps on the ring apron, and Kayla rams the ladder into Alicia's stomach "OOF!!" The blonde doubles over but rests on the ropes only to have Kayla jump on her own end of the ladder like a see saw and send the top of the ladder up and crashing under Alicia's chin. The blow sends Alicia flying off the ladder and onto the metal box that the cable was in. Alicia is lucky she didn't blow her knee out on that landing as Kayla wipes the blood from her eyes and stands the ladder up in the middle of the ring. Kayla begins to climb the ladder but Alicia reenters the ring, gets underneath Kayla to where Alicia's back is against the ladder and Kayla's crotch is in Alicia's face. Alicia lifts Kayla and does a variation of a powerbomb, slamming Kayla off the ladder and to the mat. Kayla lies spread eagle as Alicia closes the ladder and takes it to the corner.  
 Rachel- "Once upon a time, Alicia Christmas would have climbed the ladder and won the match. But now she's all story and no substance. This is stupid of her."
 Alicia climbs to the top rope while holding the ladder in front of her, and jumps off, slamming the ladder onto Kayla's body. Kayla is rolling around in pain as Alicia leaves the ring and reenters with a steel chair. Alicia places the chair on the mat and pulls Kayla up. Alicia places Kayla's head between her legs and goes for a piledriver on the chair, but Kayla stands up, throwing Alicia over her shoulders and onto the grounded ladder! Kayla angrily picks up the chair and with Alicia laying on top of the ladder, Kayla pulls Alicia off, opens the ladder and places Alicia's body between the sides of the ladder to where Alicia's head is at the bottom of the ladder.

Kayla closes the ladder and begins to hammer it with the chair, slamming the chair and the ladder into Alicia's body! Then with Alicia's head sticking out from the bottom legs of the ladder, Kayla climbs the top rope and jumps off. Kayla's feet land on the bottom legs and slam the side of the ladder facing up down on Alicia's body in a painful vice. Alicia lets out a primal sounding scream in her high-pitched Minnie Mouse-like voice as Kayla puts as much pressure as she can into this.  
 Rachel- "This match is becoming brutal, as ladder matches tend to be. Neither one of these women is focused on what she is doing. They seem to hate each other too much to concentrate on winning the match. This is what seperates ME from them."
 Kayla yanks Alicia from in between the ladder and puts Alicia's head between her legs. After wiggling her hips, Kayla hits Alicia with her powerbomb, the K-Bomb right on the ladder. Kayla pulls Alicia off the ladder and tosses her out of the ring. Kayla grabs the ladder, but sees two crew members bringing another ladder down to the ring. Kayla now realizes that the first ladder is too damaged to be able to stand up.

The bloody brunette places rests the first ladder in the corner against the turnbuckles and gets the new ladder as Alicia slides into the ring. Kayla stands the ladder up in the center of the ring only to have a now bloodied Alicia nail her from behind with the chair. Alicia doubles Kayla over with a knee to her stomach and grabs Kayla by the hair and by the butt and rams her into the other ladder. Kayla's head goes through one of the openings, but her shoulders take the huge impact. Alicia pulls Kayla out of the corner and keeps the long ladder draped around Kayla's head and neck.  
 Alicia shoves the end of the ladder and sends it and Kayla into the corner, the front of the ladder goes over the top of the turnbuckle and hits the ringpost, the effect is that the ladder shoots back into Kayla's trapped neck! Kayla pulls the ladder off of her as she goes down. Alicia unfolds the chair and sits in it with her legs crossed as Kayla struggles to get to her feet.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2010, 09:40:21 PM by Kayla »
Naughty - but oh, so NICE! :-)


Offline Kayla

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Re: Repost: 'Kayla vs Alicia - OPW Title fight Rematch' by Howard Cossell
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2010, 10:37:46 AM »
 Rachel- "More stupidity from Alicia Christmas. Climb the ladder and win the title. It's sad that the effects of all her matches have damaged her brain more than her body." 
 Alicia pulls Kayla up and pulls her to the chair. Alicia turns Kayla to where their backs are to each other and Alicia falls back, pulling Kayla's neck down across the seat of the chair in a neckbreaker! The seat of the steel chair is bent now, but the chair is still standing. Alicia takes a deep breath and begins to climb the ladder, her white suit and tanned tummy covered in she and Kayla's blood. Kayla gets up and desperately grabs Alicia's leg as the blonde has almost made it to the top. Alicia kicks Kayla off of her but the brunette is still standing. Kayla proceeds to climb the opposite end of the ladder and the two women meet at the top, the belt only a mere five feet above them. Kayla and Alicia exchange punches and Alicia begins to ram Kayla's head into the top of the ladder. Alicia climbs to where she's standing on the top of the ladder and reaches for the belt. But that darn Kayla... she punches Alicia between the legs and pushes her off. Alicia's legs spread apart as she tries to land on her feet, but she crashes on the chair, the back of the chair nailing her right between her legs. Alicia screams in pain and immediately begins to rolls around crying as Kayla watches her. Kayla easily unstraps the title and gets down. 
 Your winner and STILL OPW World Champion... KAYLA!!
 Rachel- "To absolutely NO doing of her own."
 Kayla sees Alicia Christmas and grabs her. The crowd is shocked as Kayla, without even thinking about it, rips off Alicia's suit and reveals her big delicious breasts with eraser like nipples and a pair of white silk panties!! Alicia is too hurt to do anything about it as Kayla celebrates by throwing the suit to the crowd. Rachel clips Kayla from behind and turns her over. Rachel steps between Kayla's legs, crosses them around her own, turns her over on her stomach and sits back into her finishing move, the Sharpshooter. Kayla is screaming in agony as Rachel seems to be doing this to her for no reason at all as a few tears start rolling down Rachel's eyes out of frustration over what happened earlier. 
 Rachel- "This is what you get for putting MY NAME in your mouth. This is what you get for criticizing ME! You think you are the best, you may very well be an average fighter at most, but I AM THE BEST, and you will see that it is not so easy."
 Glory runs down to the ring and grabs Rachel. Glory goes for a Rock Bottom on Rachel, but Rachel slips out of it and exits the ring. Glory smiles at Rachel as Rachel backs up the ramp.
 Rachel- "Your day is coming. Your day is DEFINITELY coming, Glory. You screwed me out of MY match."
 Glory- "Well come on, then. Come get me, purple puss!!"
 Rachel has to be restrained as the staff come rushing down to prevent her from reentering the ring with a steel chair she grabbed. Kayla rises to her feet and grabs hold of a chair. When Glory turns around, she jumps as Kayla stares at her. Glory and Kayla eye each other cautiously as Glory points at Kayla's belt and gestures around her own waist. The show ends with Kayla standing in the ring holding the chair as Glory backs up the ramp. Rachel then attacks Glory from behind with a silver baseball bat as the staff pulls her away again. 
 Rachel- "Tag. (looking at Kayla) The best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be!"
 Rachel points the bat at Kayla as she backs out of the arena. The EMTs are seeing about Glory who's holding the back of her neck in agony. Kayla looks on, still holding the chair as the show ends.
Naughty - but oh, so NICE! :-)


Offline Marie B.

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Re: Repost: 'Kayla vs Alicia - OPW Title fight Rematch' by Howard Cossell
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2010, 06:17:08 PM »
It's Kayla at her hottest!


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Re: Repost: 'Kayla vs Alicia - OPW Title fight Rematch' by Howard Cossell
« Reply #3 on: August 04, 2010, 06:21:57 PM »
Nicely done, Kayla.  I really enjoyed that!

Bad (Bad) Blood (Blood)
The bitch is in her smile.
The lie is on her lips,
Such an evil child.


Offline Kayla

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Re: Repost: 'Kayla vs Alicia - OPW Title fight Rematch' by Howard Cossell
« Reply #4 on: August 04, 2010, 09:39:09 PM »
Thanks, Marie & Jonica!  :D But J, just a reminder, it was HC who wrote this story, not me!  ::)
Naughty - but oh, so NICE! :-)


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Re: Repost: 'Kayla vs Alicia - OPW Title fight Rematch' by Howard Cossell
« Reply #5 on: August 08, 2010, 12:10:56 AM »
thanks for the repost, Kayla! Geez... that was soooo long ago lol; things have changed so much for all of us, I'm sure. Jessika, I was going to give you the World Title, but Marie and I had a friendly conversation that changed that and Marie won it and passed it to Kayla, and you went to the convent. So, I did the Tribute Show for you to reward you for being so cool. But later on, a little before the board crashed, Abby and I were talking about a way to bring you back in as a major "bad guy." I never really liked the "old, passed her prime, too dumb to know when to walk away" Jessika; I wanted to bring you back as an extreme, bitter, violent "yeah, I offend people and I don't give a shit" person and throw you in there in a three-way feud with Rachel and Sam. Sam was the obvious choice for a dance partner, and Rachel was in because I always wanted to do a Rachel/Jessika match and never could find a reason lol.

Those were the days; I have to admit, when the New York Giants won the Super Bowl, I thought of Marie, since that's her team. Anyway, you guys be great and take care. Glad I saw this. And Jonica, your work is outstanding; keep it up.  :)
"When people walk away from you... let them go. Your destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves you... and it doesn't mean they are bad people. It just means that their part in your story is over."