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The Jacuzzi

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The Jacuzzi
« on: May 10, 2020, 09:48:58 AM »

At one a.m., Erica always had the spa to herself.  She wouldn’t turn the lights on, only the jacuzzi, with its soft indirect lights beneath the water.  Her hair wrapped in a towel, she reclined, and let the heat and the jets work.  The stress of the day slowly melted.  Her shoulders relaxed, her eyes closed.

Tonight was different.  She was nearly asleep when the door opened.  So there was another night owl in the building.  A man.  He hesitated when he saw her, then came on.  She’d seen him before, on the elevator, a few times.

“Do you mind?” he asked.  It was not a large jacuzzi.

She shook her head.  “Just shhhh,” she said.  He smiled and dropped his robe.  His body was good.  He slipped into the water and closed his eyes too.  They enjoyed the silence together.

She couldn’t really articulate, even to herself, why she did it.  She just did.  The dim lights, the heat, the lateness of the hour, the fact that she hadn’t had sex for quite awhile and there he was.  Beneath the water, she ran her toe up the back of his calf.  She opened her eyes, halfway.  He was watching her.  She smiled.  She arched her back, just enough to bring her nipples above the waterline.  They tented her bikini top. 

He lifted his arms and draped them along the edge of the tub.  His shoulders and biceps were strong.  Her nipples hardened more, and her lips parted.  His foot was trailing up her leg.  She opened her thighs, slid forward, her head back.  He was very lucky, or very good.  His big toe found her clit, through the front panel of her bottoms.  Very good, she decided quickly.  He didn’t rush.  Slowly, he rubbed her, changing directions, changing pressure. 

The towel fell free from her hair.  She pushed her breasts up from their cups to be cradled together above her top.  She untied one side of her bottoms and pulled them aside.  His toe penetrated her for a tantalizing moment before circling her clit again.  He watched her face and when a spot made her gasp, he marked it and returned to it.  Her toes ran up his cock, measuring it under his swim trunks.

Enough.  She opened her eyes wide, breathing hard.  He stood, the water pouring off his body.  She moved to him, pulling his trunks off his hips.  At first his cock tasted of chlorine from the water but as she milked his first few early drops of cum onto her tongue that faded as his taste filled her mouth.  He untied her top, at the back of her neck, and his hands caressed her breasts as she sucked him.

He turned her, bent her forward.  She braced her hands on the side of the jacuzzi and pushed her ass against him.  She moaned as his cock filled her pussy. 

The next night, at one a.m., Erica came back.  They’d made no arrangement, but she hoped he’d be there.  Mmmmmmmmmmm.  She tingled as she remembered her orgasms.  She wore a different bikini tonight, her sexiest one.  She smiled and pushed open the door.

He was there, but her smile died.  He wasn’t alone.  The woman with him in the jacuzzi caught her eyes and held them, a stare of pure ice in the humid heat.

“Come in,” the woman said.  She was blonde, her hair tied into a long ponytail.  “Close the door.”

Erica did, and saw it had a deadbolt.  She clicked it.  She didn’t know why, she just did.

“I understand you fucked my fiance here last night,” said the blonde.  “And now you’re back looking for more.”  How does one answer that?  Erica didn’t.

“You’ve found me instead,” the blonde said.  “Come take your punishment, you whore.”


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Re: The Jacuzzi
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2020, 07:20:22 AM »
oh! got my attention


Offline bcw8

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Re: The Jacuzzi
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2020, 07:29:38 AM »

Erica walked slowly to the jacuzzi.  She glanced at him but he didn’t meet her eye.

“Don’t look at him,” Corrie said sharply.  “Look at me.”

She did.  Corrie’s hair was damp.  Her breasts were bare, buoyant in the water.

“Get in,”  Corrie said.

Erica untied her bikini top slowly, in the back, and lifted it off her breasts.  She slipped into the tub, in the six o’clock position to Corrie’s twelve.  He sat between, at three.

Corrie stood to face her.  Her breasts were smaller than Erica’s, but perfectly round and firm.  Her belly was flat and hard.  Her nails were long and a dark glossy red.  She was not just topless but naked, Erica realized.  So was he, hard as stone under the water.

“What do you have to say for yourself?” said Corrie.

I didn’t know he was engaged, Erica thought.  “I’m glad I fucked him,” she said.  Why did she say that?  Something instinctive made her reject apologizing, made her refuse to excuse herself to this woman.  He was there.  She wanted him.  And now, she badly wanted to provoke this bitch who thought she was better.

Corrie slapped her, her palm cracking loudly in the dim deserted room.

Erica slapped her back, whipping her head sideways.

Five times, back and forth.  They were breathing hard, their left cheeks flaming red.

“He’s mine,”  Corrie said.

“Last night he was mine,” Erica answered.  “Maybe after this, he’ll be mine again.”  Jesus, where did these words come from?  She was a litigation associate in a law firm, a professional woman.  But it was one in the morning and being a cat instead of a dull professional thrilled her, aroused her.  Her nipples were stiff as his cock.

Corrie lifted her hands, curled them into fists.  Water ran down her forearms, dripped from her elbows.  Standing there, the water level was just below their navels.  “I slapped you first,” she said.  “So you can hit me first.”  Erica hesitated.  Corrie’s lips curled.  “Coward?” she offered.

Erica hit her, in her mouth.  When Corrie’s head came back to face her, there was blood on her lower lip.

Corrie hit Erica, so hard that both of Corrie’s feet came off the floor of the tub with her effort.  Her fist cracked into Erica’s cheekbone.  Erica turned sideways at the waist, toppling into the water.  A wave rolled back and forth across them.  She landed with her hand on his thigh.  Despite the sharp pain in her face, she moved it to his cock and theatrically, obviously stroked him before straightening up and facing Corrie again.  She willed herself not to touch her face.

Corrie’s expression was pure poison.  “I’ll break your hand for that, later,” she said.

Erica hit her in the mouth again, a huge sweeping backhand.  Corrie went sideways into the water, bobbing to her chin, just saving herself from going under.  A thick burst of blood from the impact dissipated in the water and was gone.  Erica could faintly smell the copper scent of it, on Corrie’s face.

That was the end of the veneer of control that carefully trading blows lent to their scene.

Corrie hit Erica in her left breast and even before her scream of pain burst out she was on her, clawing her face, pushing her back and down.  Erica’s ass hit the bench; the back of her head smacked against the tub edge as she flung it back trying to keep Corrie’s nails from her eyes.  The blonde’s hard breasts drove into hers.  Erica had Corrie’s right wrist now, turning her claw so that it dug into her eyebrow and not her eyeball, but what burned in the brunette’s brain was that this bitch was genuinely no shit trying to get her eye.  Corrie’s other claw landed on Erica’s right breast and all five nails sank to their quicks into her.

He scrambled out of the jacuzzi, escaping the boiling frenzy.  He knelt on the edge, his knees spread wide, and stroked his cock as they fought.  Corrie had awakened when he came to bed late the night before, and despite his quick shower and the lingering small smell of chlorine, she’d also smelled Erica, or tasted her when she went down on him.  The fact that he couldn’t get it up for her triggered Corrie, made her wild with fury.  Caught as he was, he admitted the spontaneous liaison, but he couldn’t tell her the erotic brunette had drained him three times, leaving his balls dry, his cock limp.

Corrie had raged all day.  She worked at an investment house, a trader, a wearer of professionally sexy suits like her new enemy, but she didn’t go to work that day and neither did he.  Soon enough, he’d recovered sexually, and tried to entice her, but now she didn’t want him, oh no not now, not until after!  She told him her plan, and that made him hard, for sure.

So here they were.  The scene of the crime.  Their intimate hothouse of steam and water, a boiling pot of female fury now.  He stroked his cock carefully, so as not to cum too soon, and watched Corrie claw Erica’s beautiful breast, working her thumbnail deep into the nipple that he’d sucked in that very spot just twenty-four hours before.


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Re: The Jacuzzi
« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2020, 11:07:48 AM »

Erica screamed.  This blonde demon was riding her, cutting her face and her nipple with her talons.  She jammed both her hands into Corrie’s breasts, coming up under them, and shoved.   Corrie was thrown back; her foot slipped, and she went under.  Erica lunged after her, to pin her beneath the water, but Corrie popped up again, cork-like, and deflected the brunette, swinging behind her.  Corrie’s arms snaked around her, locked on a reverse bear hug, just below her breasts, pushing them up.

Fuck this blonde bitch was strong.  Erica gasped as Corrie squeezed her.  She flung her head back, trying to hit her with it, but she missed as the blonde moved.  Now Corrie dug her chin into the spot where Erica’s neck angled into her shoulder, turned her face into the side of Erica’s throat.  Corrie squeezed.  Her chest was hard against Erica’s wet back, her breasts slipping outward as her sternum met Erica’s spine.  She felt the weight of Erica’s tits on her forearms, how they were swaying slightly as Erica fought to breathe.

Harder.  A soft breathless groan burst from her trapped prey.  The sound made Corrie wet, the heat in her pussy higher than the surrounding water.  Harder.  The bitch was breathing in short hard gasps now.  She couldn’t draw a full breath.  Corrie opened her mouth against Erica’s straining neck, tasted her skin.  Chlorine.  Sweat. Can you taste fear?  Corrie imagined she could.  She fucked him, she thought, and bit down.  The sudden panicked thrashing, the brunette’s ass pumping back against her, oh yes that was what she wanted.  Harder.

The only thing Erica could do was drive them both backwards.  Corrie’s back hit the edge of the tub, hard.  A lightning bolt of pain shot up her spine, down her legs.  She lost her bite.  Erica broke her bearhug, spun out and away.

Erica touched her neck, saw blood on her fingers.  “You fucking animal,” she said to Corrie.

“You fucked him, you slut,” Corrie snarled back.  “You want rules to apply now?”

Erica washed her fingers in the water.  She felt a hot trickle run from her shoulder down over the curve of her breast.  “No,” she said, and she realized it was true, not just bravado.  “No, I don’t want the rules to apply.”  She untied the knots at her hips, and tossed her bikini bottoms to the outside deck.

It was a perverse sort of baptismal pool.  Rather than washing away sins, it washed away limits.  Their sweat, and now blood, mixed and overwhelmed the modern additives, the things meant to keep them safe and clean in the jacuzzi.  They forgot their jobs, their stress of daily life.  This wasn’t about motions or court orders or puts or calls.  It wasn’t even about him, really, although he was the fuse that lit the powder.  This was primitive and dirty and woman to woman and goddamn fucking right no rules.

They clashed in the roiling water, screaming, trying to force each other under.  Corrie drove elbow strikes into the bite mark on Erica’s neck, pounding down on her.  Erica clawed her between her thighs, ripping at her shaved labia, plunging fingers up into the different, slick wetness inside her.  Their tits slapped and ground together.  They sputtered when waves hit their faces, snarled when the water cleared.

“He wanted me,” Erica dragged Corrie’s head back, her teeth clenched inches from her ear, held back only by the heel of the blonde’s hand under her chin. “Did he tell you how many times?  Huh?  It was like he’d never fucked a woman before!”  She had four fingers inside Corrie now, spread as wide as she could spread them, nails hooked into the wall of her vagina.  Corrie’s piercing shriek of agony was delicious.  “He wanted my pussy over yours, bitch - once I finish with you no one will want your ruined cxnt.”

Corrie slid her hand down from Erica’s chin, and dug her fingers into the brunette’s throat.  Choking her.  Her other hand twisted a grip of wet hair at the top of Erica’s head, forcing her head to bow, constricting her throat even more.  Erica released her pussy claw to try to counter but that relief just gave Corrie more leverage.  She was so strong.  Erica’s face was just above the water, the waves cascading back and forth slapped her face as she strained.  Then she was under, and Corrie turned, and pushed her deep.

Corrie’s eyes glowed with triumph as she watched the stream of bubbles flow up to the surface just below her own downturned face.  The whore’s dark hair streamed out in all directions in the water, a shimmering aura around her head in the jacuzzi lights.  Then Erica’s foot braced against Corrie’s ankle, and shoved her leg out from under her.  Without even a second to draw in air, the blonde went under too.

They each burst to the surface.  He thought of mermaids, those symbols of sex to desperately horny sailors, wet hair streaming, bare breasts slick.  Fists flashing.  Erica slashed punches into Corrie’s tits, flinging a spray of droplets from her skin.  The blonde backed away but there was no room to escape.  Then Erica’s claws sank into the lower hemispheres of her targets, thumbs in, fingers out.  She crushed Corrie, lifted her, slammed her lower back against the tub wall.  Corrie’s head and shoulders were out on the jacuzzi deck, sweeping a wave of water across it to splash onto the carpet of the room.  Erica still crushed her tits, her nipples pointed straight up at the ceiling.  Erica knelt on the bench, her wet hair in her face, and poured all her gasping strength into her grip.

Corrie made a strangled, harsh sound.  Erica was crushing something deep in her breasts.  Milk sacs and blood vessels burst - small things but they fired unbelievable pain into their connected nerves, her body warning her she was being hurt, hurt badly.  Corrie drove her forearms up into Erica’s arms.  Only the slickness of her wet skin allowed her to break the brunette’s hold.  She put her foot in Erica’s stomach and shoved her back across the tub.

Corrie had wanted this - wanted the fight.  But she had only imagined the other woman cowering, trying to escape, sobbing in pain.  Now she was one sobbing.  This bitch had fucked her man and now was beating her, ripping her pussy, wrecking her tits.  This should have sparked fear, but strangely it didn’t.  It made her free.  She could only hurt a weak opponent so much.  This was another matter.  This bitch had hurt her.  Corrie could hurt her as badly as she could, in return.  She swallowed her pain and lifted herself.  Erica was waiting, across their pit of water.


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Re: The Jacuzzi
« Reply #4 on: May 11, 2020, 01:03:59 PM »
Erica won and I like it!
Like she force beaten blonde to serve while she ride him.


Offline bcw8

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Re: The Jacuzzi
« Reply #5 on: May 11, 2020, 10:02:21 PM »
They met in the center with an impact that sent a tsunami circling their tiny ocean.  Despite the damage she’d taken, Corrie fearlessly drove her tits into Erica’s bigger ones, staggering the brunette.  Corrie hooked her leg and Erica went under again.  Corrie shoved her to the nearest point on the bench, trying to get her knee on her throat to hold her down.  She only partly succeeded - she pinned Erica, but against the wall, her mouth and nose above the water line.  And her tits.  Corrie carved them with her nails, deep scratches drawing blood.  Erica choked on a wave, finally pushing the blonde’s knee away.  They crashed together again, and again Erica took the worst of it.

This time, beneath the water, it was Corrie who savagely attacked Erica’s pussy, paying her back for the mauling she’d taken before.  Erica shrieked wildly, beating at Corrie’s head and shoulders, but Corrie bore in.  There was blood in the water, and the blonde was the great white shark now.   Oh god this bitch’s nails!  They were like little daggers.  Erica couldn’t escape them; they were inside her, like the blonde was trying to scratch away everywhere his cock had been.  Her back hit the tub wall.  She flung herself up, and out, desperate to get away, spilling onto the floor of the spa.

Corrie couldn’t process this for a second.  The brunette had left the jacuzzi!  Then she went over the edge after her, and ran straight into a fist in her left breast.  They crashed to the wet carpet together, a tangle of wet hair and battered bodies.  Corrie twisted onto Erica’s back.  She grapevined her legs, spread them wide as she could, and snaked one arm under the brunette’s arm and up to the back of her neck, a half nelson.  Her free nails sank into the side of Erica’s breast.  Corrie lifted her hips and slammed them down into Erica’s ass.  With the brunette’s legs split, the impact drove her clit into the floor.  Erica moaned.  Corrie rolled onto her back, bringing Erica with her, still spread wide.  Erica caught her wrist just as her nails dug into her pussy again, keeping her from a finishing claw. 

They strained in a long, tortured stalemate, Erica’s neck bent in the nelson, her legs wide open.  Corrie turned with Erica’s resistance, let her push her clawed hand up and away from her pussy.  Too late Erica realized the blonde now wanted her breast.  She screamed as Corrie ripped it.  Then the blonde flipped her back onto her stomach, releasing her legs.

Corrie sat in the small of Erica’s back, and jerked back on her hair, dragging her head back until her tits were well off the floor.  She raked them with her other hand, slashing livid red scratches in her drying skin.

“Did he cum on your tits last night?” she snarled. 

“Fuck you,” Erica forced out.  Tears streamed down her cheek.  She trembled, shaking with pain. 

“Did you?!” Corrie screamed at him.  He shook his head.  No.

“Do it now,” Corrie ordered. “I want your fucking cum on her tits when I shred them and put her back in the water to drown.”

He came to them, looked down on his lover from the night before.  He thought how skillfully she’d sucked him, how amazing she’d felt when he fucked her.  Now her eyes were feral, her teeth clenched.  Corrie pulled her head back more, and he saw her tears as her throat was displayed.  He also saw his fiance savagely claw her breast again, and that tipped him over.

Ropes of his hot cum spurted across Erica’s face.  They lashed her throat, ran down over her tormented tits, mixing with the blood from Corrie’s deepest scratches.

No more, she thought.  She tried to say it, but could only sob.  Now the blonde’s nails were in her forehead, and blood ran into her eyes.  She tried again.

“No more,” Erica croaked.  “No more.”

Corrie ignored her.  “She’s giving up,” he said to her.  “She said ‘no more.’  Enough, Corrie.”

“She didn’t fucking say Please,” Corrie answered.  She smashed Erica’s face into the floor before getting up.  She dragged her the few steps to the tub, and flung her over the edge back into the water.


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Re: The Jacuzzi
« Reply #6 on: May 12, 2020, 07:03:20 AM »

The water had a pink tinge to it now.  It washed the blood from Erica’s face and breasts.  His cum stuck to her longer.  Corrie followed her, sliding into the tub.

“Please,” Erica said to her.  “No more.  I don’t want to fight any more.”

Corrie slapped her, a reprise of the first moment.  Her wet hair flew.

“Please!” Erica sobbed.  “I’m sorry!”

The blonde slapped her again.  “You’re sorry you aren’t good enough to win, bitch.  That’s all you’re sorry about.”

“I won’t do it again,” Erica whimpered.  She hated herself for that, for her weakness.  Corrie actually laughed out loud.

“You won’t?  You won’t fuck my fiance again?  What a kind offer!”

Corrie’s face was inches away.  Erica kept her head down.  The brunette hands were down.  Corrie’s mind hummed.  “Here’s my offer,” she said.  “Beg me again.  Say I won the fight, but you need to be punished more.”  She ran the nail of her forefinger over the curve of Erica’s breast.  “For five minutes, I do whatever I want to you.  You take it.  Beg me to stop if you want, but you take it.  If you fight back, if you say anything else, if you try to escape, if you even fucking look me in the eyes, bitch - then it’s all off.  It’s all off, and I don’t stop.  Not in five minutes, not ever.”

Five minutes of hell.  Unrestrained pain and total humiliation.  He would watch it.  But then escape.  For a second, Erica considered fighting on, but her courage failed.  She couldn’t beat this woman.  She’d tried - oh she’d tried.  And now there was a worm in her brain that told her she deserved this.  She deserved to be punished.   

“You won,” Erica whispered, but in the still of the spa in the dead of the night it sounded like a scream in her own ears.  “Please, I’m so sorry - please punish me for what I did.”  She tried to pretend that she didn’t see that Corrie was touching herself as she listened to her.

Corrie hovered on the edge of her orgasm.  She could scarcely believe it.  This bitch - this haughty bitch, that she’d seen so many times in the building with her fucking arrogant face, this slut who’d fucked her man, this cxnt who dared to fight her, who’d hurt her - she was broken.  Shattered.  She fucking owned her.  Oh, that edge was close!

Corrie set her nails in Erica’s breasts, just denting her skin.  Ten knives poised to stab.

“Five minutes,” she said.  “Starting . . . . now.”

Erica screamed for the first minute.  She begged for the second minute.  She survived for five.

Corrie left Erica on the jacuzzi deck, barely conscious.  She watched, dully, as the blonde took him in her mouth, and then rode his hips.  She saw her shudder with orgasm after orgasm, and she knew that her submissive suffering was the reason for them as much as his cock.  She closed her eyes at last and cried, silently.  Corrie spat contemptuously on her ruined tits as she stepped over her when they left.  It was nearly dawn when Erica finally moved.  Corrie had taken her bikini and robe.  Her final humiliation was the stairs to her apartment, praying no one would see her.  That prayer, at least, was answered, but it was the only grace her baptism earned her.


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Re: The Jacuzzi
« Reply #7 on: May 13, 2020, 12:55:59 PM »
Another awesome story!  ;D ;)
Proudly butch and living as a 'man'. In this catfight fantasy there are no losers, and in the end all should be winners!


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Re: The Jacuzzi
« Reply #8 on: May 15, 2020, 01:04:10 AM »
This was wonderful. I loved the violence. The setting was very good and the water and wetness made it extra hot. The story was a good length as well. Thank you.


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Re: The Jacuzzi
« Reply #9 on: May 16, 2020, 01:05:48 AM »
A FN Mazing!