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Short Story : Kelcey vs Rachel

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Offline Michael James

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Short Story : Kelcey vs Rachel
« on: May 13, 2020, 04:06:29 PM »
This is a short story that after speaking with someone for a bit, they agreed to let me write a little ditty about them!

Kelcey vs Rachel

Kelcey and Rachel stare at each other panting and breathing hard! Both girls are totally naked and have been tit-fighting for the last 20 minutes and Kelcey’s breasts have held up perfectly against their larger, heavier opponents! Both girls are exactly 5’5” tall, Kelcey is closer to 130 lbs. while Rachel is closer to 145.  Kelcey has perfect 34 C cup breasts while Rachel has really nice, natural 34 DD’s! Both girls rub their breasts as the pain is intensifying quickly.  Finally, Kelcey says, “I think we should finish this a bit more… womanly!” Rachel glares at her and says, “It’s your funeral bitch!” and begins crawling to a better position in the middle of Kelcey’s living room.  Kelcey grins and moves opposite Rachel and both girls sit back and spread their legs, opening their most sensitive spot to the other!  The light glistens off both women’s beautiful pussies since they’re both already wet and leaking a bit of fluid!

Kelcey speaks up and says, “I’m so looking forward to putting you in your place! You think you’re so hot shit just because your tits are bigger! Well, we found out that they couldn’t even beat my tits today, BITCH!” Rachel smirks at her and says, “We’ll see tiny tits! My pussy is about to chew yours up and spit it out! When I’m finished with you, you won’t be able to use that thing for a month!” “Well, bring it on slut!” Kelcey fires back quickly! Now, they both inch closer together and stop just before coming into contact.

Both girls look up at each other and then as if on cue, they both jamb their pussies together causing each to gasp and grunt out, “nnngghhhh”!  They begin a slow grind against each other as they jockey for position! Soon, the fluids are flowing more freely as the shine is now covering both girl’s entire pussy and everywhere, they grind! Another 5 minutes and they’re moaning more than grunting and starting to breath harder! Kelcey smirks and says, “You’re going to cum first bitch! I can feel it in your pussy!” “HA! That’s your pussy you feel getting ready to cum! I’m going to have you coming hard real soon! Rachel fires back!  “HAHAHAHA!” Kelcey laughs back as they continue to grind! Soon, the pace picks up a bit and both are breathing rally hard and moaning and grunting more and more!

Each is grinding hard, thrusting their pussies together and doing their best to keep contact! Then it happens, Kelsey moans out an orgasm first, “MNNNFFFUUCKKKNNOOOGOD YEEESSSSS!!!!” as Rachel continues to grind and work her! “HA BITCH! I Told you I’d whip you!” Rachel, by continuing to grind away, forces the orgasm to last a little longer than it really should have! Kelcey lays back panting as Rachel finally stops her grinding and asks, “Do you wanna give up now? Or do I need to really put you down?” Kelcey’s eyes flutter for a second and then says, “Fuck you! This isn’t over yet! You got lucky and I’m about to prove it!”

As soon as Kelcey’s last words come out of her mouth, Rachel leans forward, grabs Kelcey’s left leg and lifts it straight up as she slides into a top, dominant position and begins grinding hard and fast on Kelcey’s pussy! “ohhh... ohh…. Ohhhhh… ohhhhhhsshhiittt!!” Kelcey moans out as Rachel’s really working her! Kelcey’s in hot water now as not only has Rachel pulled an orgasm from her first, she’s about to pull a second one, and it doesn’t even appear she’s having an effect on Rachel anymore! Rachel continues to fuck Kelcey good as Kelcey’s moans become louder and louder again! Finally, Kelcey screams out her second orgasm in less than 15 minutes!  As Kelcey comes down from her orgasm she yells out, “FUCKK!!!!!” and slams her hands on the floor frustrated as Rachel just laughs. 

Kelcey then shocks Rachel as she reaches up and pulls Rachel down on top of her, compressing their tits between them and planting a long deep kiss on Rachel. They kiss and rub each other for minutes until Rachel readjusts her position and is now laying full on top of Kelcey, basically in a full body press, Tits, stomach, pussy, thighs, calves and feet are all directly lined up as Rachel savors her position, but slowly is becoming overwhelmed by Kelcey’s kiss! Kelcey’s kiss is so good that it’s distracting Rachel from the task at hand and Kelcey can sense this! Suddenly, Kelcey rolls Rachel over onto her back, and maintains the full body cover to not raise suspicion of what she’s about to do! Kelcey tries to force her tits harder and more into Rachels as she begins flexing her upper chest muscles some. It works as Rachel now begins to moan softly into their kiss and Kelcey is now smiling inside!

Kelcey slowly begins moving her pelvis in a slow circular motion, forcing their clits to slowly rub against each other and both now whimper into each other’s kiss.  After a few minutes of this, Kelcey sits up quickly sliding one leg between and under Rachels and lifts her right leg up in the air and slams her pussy directly into Rachels forcing a “UNNNGGGGHHHHFFFF…” and a gasp for air at the impact! Kelcey begins grinding hard and fast from the now dominant position and in seconds, Rachel’s breathing pics up as Kelcey pics up the pace even more! After 5 minutes of grinding and rubbing, Rachel finally screams out her first orgasm “OHHFFFUUUCKKKK!!YOUUUUU!!!BBIITTTCCHH!!!!” Kelcey just grins and keeps up her pace and even adds a bit more pressure! Rachel fires off a second orgasm as soon as her first one ends, but it’s not as big as the first! 

Kelcey slows her pace to a slow, softer grind now as she can now begin to feel Rachel’s clit coming to life! “Now bitch, do YOU want to give up now and admit that my pussy’s better than yours, or do I have to keep proving it to you!?” Kelcey purrs out. “Fu… fuu… fuuck you…” Rachel pants out in defiance!  Kelcey just grins and looks down and lines her clit up directly with Rachel’s and slowly and deliberately, grinds them together! Both girls suddenly make a perfect “O” face and hold their breath as the sensation tingling through their bodies is almost too much! Rachel gasps for air as she was still panting hard when Kelcey started this; Kelcey slowly takes in a breath as she’s getting her feelings under control and continues her slow grind!  It takes only 3 more minutes before Rachels convulses in a major orgasm, practically throwing Kelcey off her in the process!

Kelcey lays there for a second watching and smiling!  Rachel finally calms down and Kelcey immediately jumps back on top of her in her dominant scissor position and begins grinding hard again! Rachel, rather than trying to keep up, is now trying to shove her away... “Fucking Bitch, get off of me!!! GET OFF!!” she screams! She finally succeeds in shoving Kelcey away and rolls to her side holding her clit.  Kelcey eases up and grabs her face and says, “Is THAT really all you have!?? HAHAHAHAA!! MY little baby sister could out fuck you!!!” and shoves Rachel’s head aside as tears begin to flow from Rachel’s eyes.  Kelcey gets up and says, “BITCH! Don’t you ever challenge anyone again! I was beating girls 10x better than you in high school!” and then turns, grabs her clothes, gets dressed and leaves, slamming the door behind her!

The end:



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Re: Short Story : Kelcey vs Rachel
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2020, 05:33:27 PM »
Thank you Michael!  Just the story we needed as we are in these "unprecedented times" realizing that we on this site are "all in this together" and that we know that your stories represent the feeling of "being there for you".  I thought this was going to be continued as Kelcey promised to put Rachel down.  Always look forward to your stories!


Offline Michael James

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Re: Short Story : Kelcey vs Rachel
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2020, 08:50:31 PM »
Thank you Michael!  Just the story we needed as we are in these "unprecedented times" realizing that we on this site are "all in this together" and that we know that your stories represent the feeling of "being there for you".  I thought this was going to be continued as Kelcey promised to put Rachel down.  Always look forward to your stories!

Wow!   Thank you!   I know it's a bit of a short story, but thought it might help pass some time!  :-) 
Thank you for your kind words always!
