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Pain and Promotion: Becky Blaque vs Black Ice

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Pain and Promotion: Becky Blaque vs Black Ice
« on: May 15, 2020, 04:00:43 PM »
A new part to a long series I've been working on. Can read the rest here:
Short of it is a heel and face from a small league end up joining the big time EVL and try to make names for themselves.

Becky Blaque checked her phone as she sat back down in the locker room. The dark redhead laughed at the notification.

“Oh fuck yea!” she crowed. Sammy Saturn looked up from her neighboring locker, fresh out of the showers with a towel modestly wrapped around her midsection.

“Fuck what?” she asked curiously.

“I’m set up for a match against this Black Ice bitch this weekend. I’ve been wantin’ to stomp that edgelord bitch for a while. Show her the real Blaque of the league is.”

“She’s actually black, though,” Sammie added discreetly as she started to change into her street clothes. She pursed her lips and checked a few things on her phone. “I thought so.”

“Thought what?”

“Becky, Ice is consistently in the top ten most popular wrestlers on the scene. And her Ice Breaker finisher is all over WrestlTube’s best finisher lists.”

“Wow,” Becky noted as she pushed some sweaty hair from her face. “I forgot what a massive fucking dork you were.”

Sammie sighed and shook her head. “Look, I’m saying this is a big deal for you. They’re not just feeding us to the lower mid-cards anymore. You’re not just in the big leagues, you’re going up against big NAMES in the big leagues. If you play…”

Sammie’s phone buzzed. She picked it up and raised her eyebrows at the latest news on her profile and cracked a small nervous smile.

“If… WE play these matches right… we might end up as major stars.”

Becky gave her a skeptical look. “Seriously? What kind of a bone did they throw you this time?”

Sammy handed over her phone and she read over the message. Becky scoffed and tossed it back to her.

“Oh fuck off. They gave you somebody with ‘Weeaboo’ in their ring name.”

“And Winny “Weeaboo’ Williams is among the most hated wrestlers in the league. She’s not even like the good heels like you who make it with effort and practice. She cheats in every way she can get her hands on and trash talks the audience as much as her opponent. Imagine the pop that would come from the crowd if I managed to beat her fair and square!”

“I think you’re getting a little ahead of yourself,” Becky scoffed as she peeled off her top and threw it into the locker with her phone. Sammy politely averted her eyes from her pale chest.

“But ain’t nobody as bad as me. Make sure when Weeb’s done with you that there’s enough left of you for me to beat down some more. I’m gettin’ tired of seeing your squeaky clean ass around and not kicking it.”

On the big night, Becky entered the arena proper as the crowd went off in that mixed roar of hate and love (and sometimes both from the same person). She threw her usual middle fingers at the crowd with her confident strut as she approached the ring in her black corset, boots and panties with her choker around her pale throat. She climbed briskly into the ring before scaling the turnbuckle and throwing a quick crotch chop at the audience for good measure before dropping into her corner.
Black Ice looked like everything her name made her out to be. She had dark skin with icy blue eyes, her dreadlocked hair dyed an almost neon shade of blue and white to match her style. Her one-piece, largely open-chested leotard of blue, black and white in jagged patterns hugged her sleek figure, looking lean while having some muscle tone to her middle and limbs. The sound of cracking and then breaking ice (or maybe it was just glass) warmed up before her remixed techno intro blasted and she strutted out to the ring. She tossed her legs over the ropes, bouncing her toned but shapely ass on the top rope a few times before springing into the ring.

The frosty-eyed heel was glaring at Blaque from the get-go, which Becky returned with a cruel smirk of her own. With both girls’ reputations as shady as they were, they didn’t bother even pretending to pat them down before they rang the bell. Becky came out with a fearless attitude, making a quick impression by shoving Ice in her tits. The black wrestler stumbled back a step before shoving her chest forward, ramming Becky with her breasts to knock the redhead back in return.

The audience hooted at the sexier variant, and Becky wasn’t keen on sharing the spotlight. She threw a rough backhand to Black Ice’s cheek to snap her head and dreads away, just to follow it up with a boot driving right into her lower belly. The winded heel doubled over as Becky grabbed her by her long hair. She smashed her knee up into Ice’s tits, getting another grunting gasp from her.

“Looks like we’ve got a new queen heel around here!” Becky crowed before lifting Black Ice by her hair. She kicked her legs out from under her as she tried to smash her face into the mats, but Ice landed on her hands and knees to stop herself short. As Becky hit her knees, Ice was already low enough to slam an uppercut into her pussy. Becky’s twisted sneer broke into a shocked and wide-eyed stare as she let go of Ice to grab her crotch.

“At least I’m more than just tricks! There’s only one queen here, bitch!” Black Ice threatened as she hooked her hands under Becky’s thighs. She ducked low and hurled Becky over her shoulders, making her land on her tailbone with a noisy slam.

The redhead winced and grabbed her ass as she rolled to all fours, but Black Ice grabbed the back of her leotard. She pulled her back towards her and threw out her boot to smash into the back of Becky’s skull, dropping her flat to the mat’s clutching her throbbing head.

“That’s right! Now stay down while I show you how it’s done!” Ice barked at her. She planted her feet on either side of the stunned Becky’s head, stepping on the edges of her dark red hair and pulling up on her wrists. Becky screamed as her hair was pulled by the boots while she bent her arms backwards. Becky kicked at the mats frantically as the ref did nothing but check for a submission.

“Fuck OFF, you skank!” Becky cursed at the ref’s persistence. Ice’s arms grew tired enough to let her go and threw Becky back to the mats, leaving her to wince and rub her head. The black heel circled her briefly before kneeling down and forcing Becky up in a headlock. The redhead wasn’t even back on her feet before Black Ice jammed her thumb into her eye, getting her to scream and recoil.

“Cheapass fuckin’ bitch!” Becky ranted as she held her squinting eye.

“Welcome to the big leagues, cxnt,” Black Ice mocked as she slammed a high kick into the redhead’s chin. Becky staggered drunkenly backward until her back hit the turnbuckle, bracing herself against it while Ice stopped to dig something out of her boot. It was a small, thin plastic tube, bright blue to match her own frosty look. It was a cooling pad that lightly stung her fingers just to hold, the kind normally kept in lunchboxes to keep things cold. She had far more insidious plans as she grabbed the dazed Blaque’s panties and pulled them aside, roughly shoving the icy cold cylinder up her twat.

Becky immediately howled and grabbed at her crotch, staggering out of the corner as Black Ice laughed at her expense.

“Don’t go messing with the ice, bitch! Cuz you get burned!” Ice hissed at her sadistically.

“That doesn’t make fucking sense!” Becky shrieked as she managed to finally slip the foreign object out of her privates. She panted as her pussy still felt painfully frozen over, but as Black Ice tried to move in behind her she clutched the icy bar in her fist. She turned around and punched her hard with her blow reinforced by the item still damp with her pussy juices. The extra weight was still enough to knock Ice for a loop as Becky kicked the legs out from under her, tripping her to the mats before leaning right into an elbow drop to her tits.

Ice grunted at her jugs were crushed and nearly bounced out of her spandex. Becky rolled right on top of her, pinning her arms beneath her knees as she came out swinging for the dreaded woman’s face. Ice threw up her hands to shield her head before suddenly raking her nails down Becky’s pale tits. The red streaks got her to shout and grab her chest, but she clasped her hands together and bashed them into Ice’s forehead.

The reeling black woman fell back to the mats as Becky grabbed her by the dreads again. She dragged her over to a corner and quickly got to work untying the lower turnbuckle. The ref gave some token warnings before she threw away the padding and tried to shove Ice’s face into the exposed metal. The veteran heel grabbed the ropes, gritting her teeth as she held herself away from the brutal steel, but Becky kept shoving into their stalemate as well. Becky finally let go, letting Ice think she’d won before she simply kicked her in the back of the head, launching the black wrestler’s face right into the steel. Her body jerked as it slammed into her forehead, getting her to slump into the corner as Becky gripped her hair again. She started to grind Ice’s forehead into it, getting her to scream in pain and rage as she pushed at the turnbuckle and ropes.

When she finally slammed a few elbows back into Becky’s ribs, she tossed her off and whirled to face her. Ice looked furious, especially with the streams of red running down her forehead. “You fresh little cxnt,” Black Ice growled menacingly. “You did not just-”

“Use the same trick you did the last time you fucked up your title shot?” Becky snapped quickly. Black Ice’s piercing eyes widened with anger. “Turns out Sam’s not the only one who can do a little research. Long as it pisses you off.”

Becky flashed her the middle finger as Black Ice fumed and charged at her. She threw a clothesline at Becky but the redhead dodged under it, letting her hit the ropes behind her. She grabbed Ice on the way back and lifted her up for a backbreaker, but Black Ice grabbed her head and hair while she was still in midair. The suspended heel pulled on her hair and bit into Becky’s lip, looking like a passionate kiss while she gnawed on her bottom lip like a hungry beast.

The clumsily panicking hold couldn’t keep Ice up for long so Becky shoved her away at last. They both parted with Becky’s blood on her lips and the dreaded wrestler’s. Ice’s eyes were wild and wide as she licked her lips.

“Lookin’ a little red, red,” Ice purred in sadistic glee.

“Lookin’ a little dead, cxntface!” Becky snapped. Wordplay wasn’t her strongest suit. She threw a barrage of punches and bitchslaps at Ice’s face but she threw up her arms, catching the berserking Blaque by the arms and kneeing her in the gut. She shoulder-tossed Becky to the mats and got behind her, wrapping her own arms around her neck and pulling in a quick chokehold. Her knee ground into Becky’s back as the raging heel stomped and thrashed against her. Her nails raked at Ice’s wrists but couldn’t get loose… until she swung her boot up over her head and smashing into Ice’s messed up forehead.

Black Ice gave a sharp curse as it irritated her wound, stumbling back holding her forehead. Becky sprang to her feet and charged at her, slamming her with a few heavy punches before Ice caught her forearm. She grabbed Blaque by the throat and hurled her over the ropes, trying to send her flying into the guard rail. Becky went flying, but her boots luckily caught the apron long enough to grab the top rope. She twisted her ankle on the way down but she managed to land on her feet outside the ring, avoiding the worst of the fall. She winced and clutched at her boot but forced herself to rise back up. By the time Black Ice turned to face her, she grabbed her leg and pulled it out from under her.

Becky caught her feet and pulled them both back, crotching the black heel into the turnbuckle. She arched her back and howled as her tits popped out of her icy leotard, getting a big pop from the crowd as Becky grinned and pulled harder. She bounced Black Ice into the pole a few times over, busting up her pelvis before her foot bothered her enough to falter. She winced and bent down to rub at it, but Ice was in too bad a state holding her swollen pussy to stop her. As long as she was down there, Becky decided it was time to make her new secret’s debut.

Becky threw up the ring apron and pulled out the weapon she’d stashed beforehand. It was a kendo stick spraypainted all black, holding it high and menacingly for the crowd.

“How you like my new blackjack, frosty?” Becky gloated as the senior heel could barely see what she had. “I thinking I’ll call it my Ice Breaker!”

She suddenly smashed the weapon across Black Ice’s knee, getting the woman to jolt and scream in pain. She beat it a few more times until her leg looked painfully red, just to grab it and slam it into the ring post for good measure. The crowd groaned and cheered for the new heels brutality, licking some of her blood from her lip. She pulled on the leg once more as she moaned and seemingly helpless Ice shook her head in miserably pain. This time she just dragged Ice out and threw her to the arena floor, smashing her across the back with her weapon. Black Ice fell flat on her tits, holding her back and leaving herself wide open as Becky started to tear off her entire costume.

With the black cheater naked and beaten down, Becky slammed the toe of her boot into her belly. Ice groaned and boosted herself up to her hands and knees but could go no higher than that. That was still plenty for her to work with as Becky went behind her, snapping a few strikes across Ice’s curvy ass, and finally rammed the wooden weapon up her pussy. Black Ice gave a long, pained howl as Becky twisted it inside her. The rougher edges seemed to hit her just right, however painfully, as Ice suddenly squirted a submissive orgasm over the kendo stick and shuddered before falling flat on the floor. Her ass was up in the air like a sheathe for the big black weapon, her eyes rolled back in her head and out ice cold.

The ref gave a quick lift of Ice limp arm before signalling and cuing the bell to end the fight. Becky cackled and raised her fists to the roaring crowd that seemed happy enough for two of the crueler heels to have ended up with the more vicious of them coming out on top. She wiped some of the blood from her mouth before licking her fingers showily and stomping the back of Black Ice’s head for good measure.

That sent a real jolt of pain through her foot that got her eyes to widen and fall to the ground. The ref helped her back to her feet before Blaque shoved her away and hobbled backstage.

“Well I don’t think it’s broken or anything,” Sammy said from the locker room bench. Becky had taken off the boot, showing her ankle was a bit red and swollen but looking fine in terms of long term damage. “I’d see the nurses but ought to be okay before long.”

“Worth it,” Becky chuckled despite her wincing. “Did you see that bitch’s face when I fucked her with that thing? I was gonna call it my Blackjack, but tonight was too perfect. Had to use that name.”

“The fans… DO love a gimmick,” Sammie Saturn agreed gingerly. “But I’m gonna go get ready for my match. You did great out there,” she assured her rival.

“Really don’t care what you think!” Becky called after her pointedly, but she smirked to herself. Out-heeling one of the nastiest heels had to earn her some credit around here.
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