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Ladies Pro Wrestling Volume 48

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Offline The Midnight Rider

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Ladies Pro Wrestling Volume 48
« on: May 29, 2020, 11:22:39 PM »
Our opening match is Lillian who weighs in at 145 and is wearing a red and green one piece. Her opponent is Dena who weighs in at 200 and is wearing a burgundy one piece. Dena simply dominated Lillian in what she deemed a warm-up match for her showdown with Hailey. Dena began by poking Lillian in the eyes. Then she placed Lillian in the corner and began choking her until the ref finally broke it up. Dena then told the crowd to that it was over as she gave Lillian a bodyslam then she removed the straps from Lillian's bathing suit exposing her breasts. From there Dena climbed to the second rope and delivered a huge elbow drop right to Lillian's bare chest. Dena then nonchalantly laid on top of Lillian as the ref counted to three. Dena then stood up and raised her arms in victory as Lillian laid on the ground clutching at her exposed breasts and her legs shaking from the pain of the elbow drop. Dena then told the crowd that the next time she hits the elbow that it won't be on to Hailey's breast. It's going to be straight to her crotch. Your winner of the match is Dena.

Our main event is McKenzie who weighs in at 130 and is wearing a red white and blue two piece. Her opponent is Katie who weighs in at 165 and is wearing a gold one piece with a black dollar sign printed on the front. McKenzie used her speed to frustrate Katie for the first few minutes. Katie would eventually let it get the best of her as she started chasing after McKenzie only to run straight into a dropkick. McKenzie then was able to trap Katie in a side headlock for several minutes. Katie though was able to get free when she grabbed a handful of hair and slung McKenzie into the turnbuckles. From there she began kicking McKenzie in the ribs. But McKenzie wasn't done as Katie went to whip her into the opposite corner she was able to reverse it and send Katie crashing into the corner. Seeing her opening McKenzie quickly grabbed Katie's head and set her up for the tornado DDT. But Katie had it scouted out as when McKenzie was on the top rope she was able to grab ahold of McKenzie's bikini bottoms and sling her down to the mat. Leaving McKenzie to hit the mat and knock the wind out of her. Katie then smelt blood and quickly applied the Silver Stretch. McKenzie frantically tried to break the hold but finally after a few more seconds the pain was too much and she tapped out. Katie finally released the hold and began to celebrate as McKenzie laid there groaning in pain and holding her ribs. Katie then told the crowd that Heaven has lost her mind thinking that she has chance against her. She then told McKenzie that she forgot something and then she took a hundred dollar bill out of her top and stuck in McKenzie's mouth. Your winner of the match is Katie.

In the next episode we will see Stephanie take on Breeann