Margot - She's in similar shape as Emma but seems like a much tougher fighter and a dirtier fighter.
Gal - She's got military training for 2 years which should easily give her the advantage over someone like Karen Gillan.
Natalie - Like Margot and Emma, she's in similar shape as her opponent but seems much tougher.
Hailee - Only reason that I choose her is that Zendaya is a complete creampuff and would have a hard time winning a fight against anyone despite her height.
Daisy - While Daisy doesn't seem like a great fighter, Emma Robers is a bit too fragile.
Keira - Close one, but I think Keira would get the upper hand.
Alicia - Another close fight, but considering that Alicia has training in hand-to-hand combat, I picked her.
Kaitlyn - Not exactly a fighter, but not a joke like Kiernan.