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two wives fight each other,write a story about it who will win and how makes it!

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Write it how this fight would happen according to you!


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Bride Fight – Niki (brunette) vs Bea (blonde)

Chapter 1. The Initial Encounter

There is something special about two brides getting into a catfight. The two donned in white for purity and yet getting down and dirty in the grass and mud. This is a story of such a fight.

It was a beautiful day for a wedding. Sunny with a few billowy clouds and the temperatures in the low 70s. Only a slight breeze was blowing but the western sky did look more ominous. Heavier clouds were forming which could lead to thunderstorms here and there.

Niki’s wedding was now going well but it hadn’t started out that way. She had been celebrating her approaching wedding with lots of good food and drinks at various parties. She was quite popular and all her friends wanted to honor her. The first crisis came when she went to put on her wedding dress. It didn’t quite fit. It stretched enough but the zipper in the back looked like it would split at any time. It was stretched tight across her bosom and even tighter across her waist and hips. It looked terrible. She was happy about her larger bosom. She had a large chest to begin with and when she added weight it was the first thing to get larger.

But something had to be done. Niki couldn’t walk, bend and cert5ainly not dance without fear of her gown splitting at the seams. Fortunately she had an aunt who was a good seamstress. A hurried call was place and the aunt was able to let out the gown enough that Niki felt comfortable in it again. One crisis was averted. But the scare added to Niki’s nerves. She already had the normal tensions combined with the excitement of her wedding day.

The difficulties with the gown delayed her departure to the church. But even with this delay the limousine was even later. Niki paced like a cage lion, her anxiety rising with each minute. She screamed at her mother and bridesmaid at the slightest seeming transgression. She was close to becoming a bridezilla.

Finally the limousine came and things went well from there on. But the hassle of the morning had Niki’s nerves on edge. The impending clouds added to her discomfort as she hoped they would get to the reception before any possible storms. She needn’t have benn worried about the weather. When they came out after the ceremony she saw that the clouds at dissipated and only the beautiful fluffy clouds remain.

Niki had chosen a beautiful estate near Oyster Bay on Long Island, New York. It was at the old “Coe Estate” which was not an arboretum. She had dreamed of having the entire estate to herself so her guests could roam the beautiful grounds at will. There was two large expanses of lawns, in front and back of the large almost castle like mansion. There was an azalea path that lead to an Italian style swimming pool. Various lawns with imported trees. One expanse of lawn even lead to a small fish pond. It was so beautiful and romantic. She envisioned herself as a fairy princess with her knight in shining armor strolling here and there with her entourage.

When Niki and her new husband arrived at the Coe Estate the first bit of disappointment surfaced. There was another wedding party there. This shouldn’t have surprised her as it was a popular wedding spot. It was only a minor disappointment brought on more my her previous daydreaming and her expectations. But the grounds were immense and the two parties could take place without a lot of interaction or interference. That is it was only a minor disappointment until she caught a glimpse of the other bride.

It was Bea, her hated enemy. She considered Bea a blonde tramp who always seemed to move in on her current boyfriend. They always seemed to be in competition Both had their share of victories but lately the tide had turned in Bea’s favor.  Niki was 15 to 20 pounds lighter at the time. She just knew she had the better figure with the bigger bust and the smaller waist. She considered her slightly wider hips more womanly and better for child bearing. Even so, to her consternation Bea had stolen her last two boyfriends away. She chalked it up to the rationalization that they preferred blondes even though she was sure Bea’s blonde hair came out of a bottle. She was tempted on more than one occasion to prove it by pulling her hair out by their black roots. The opportunity never presented itself and so this desire lay unfulfilled seething within her.

Now Niki was 15 to 20 pounds heavier and was more self conscious about her appearance compared to Bea’s. Envy was added to her feelings of hatred. Matters were made worse when she caught her husband taking sidelong glances at Bea when he thought Niki wasn’t looking. Her insecurity was not well founded as her husband preferred his “little princess’ as he called her even though she was zaftig.  That was the way he thought of her as he like his women on the plumpish side.

Niki’s anger continued to rise as she was preoccupied with watching Bea instead of having a good time. She was sure the bitch had found out where she was having her reception and booked the place to spite her. Niki imagined that Bea arrived earlier just to get the better locations. Why the fucking cxnt had even patterned her dress after Niki’s so she could show off her more svelte figure. It was too much for her when she thought she saw Bea looking at her husband and giving him the come on with her smile. She looked daggers at her and continued to fume even more.

Whether all or any of these evil intentions assigned to Bea by Niki were true didn’t really matter as it was what Niki believed. If you knew Bea you would know that she was capable of acting to spite Niki and get the best of her. Niki’s female friends did little to calm Niki down but added fuel to the fire instead. None of them like Bea. Most of them had never been as sexy or attractive as Niki and so were even more jealous of Bea and threatened by her concerning their boyfriends or husbands.

Bea had set up where the best tables were. She was busy laughing and placing a gift someone had given her. Encouraged by her girlfriends, Niki got madder and madder. Finally seeing Bea “prancing around” with her gift at the choice spot was too much. All the frustration, anger, and anxiety of the morning events; her belief that Bea had booked this place and worn her gown to spite her; her perception that Bea was flirting with her husband and his reception of her flirtations; her long time hatred of Bea; and her unfulfilled desire to rip her hair out,  combined with her trigger temper until it was too much for her. Already close to be bridezilla she went over the line.

Irrational and angry as she was she had the presence of mind to remove her jacket. She charged over to Niki, got right in her face and screamed “GET OUT OF HERE YOU FUCKING SLUT! I BOOKED THIS ESTATE FIRST SO THIS AREA IS MINE.!”.

Bea turned towards Bea, smiled sweetly and said as politely and yet cattily as she could, Why Niki dear, don’t be so upset. There is room enough for both of us even though I see you now take up a lot of space. (giggle) I don’t see your name on these tables and I was here first.. But I think we can find a spot for your party.” Bea knew Niki very well and although it appeared she was trying to compromise and accommodate Niki she knew the effect her sickingly sweet and simultaneously catty remarks would have on Niki. She was trying to walk a fine line and get Bea’s goat while not goading her into a fight. Bea now had 15 or more pounds on her and she wasn’t sure if she could handle her.

Bea had misjudged Niki’s state. She didn’t know about the previous stresses Niki had been subjected to. She didn’t know the depth of  Niki’s hatred for her although she was aware that Niki would love to rip her hair out (as she Niki’s). She didn’t know that Niki was a millimeter away from becoming Bridezilla. She had pushed too far given the circumstances and Niki burst into being Bridezilla with a capital B. Niki went berserk. Without warning she took her bouquet of flowers and smashed it into Bea’s face. Caught unawares and with Niki’s fury and greater weight, Bea was forced back until she was bent backward onto the table. Niki roared as a lioness and laughed at the same time as she easily held Bea down and ground the flowers all over her face. Niki let go of the flowers and reached back to smash Bea in the face…..

Before she could throw her punch calmer heads prevailed. Both husbands grabbed Niki, one on each arm, and pulled her off of Bea. Bea was not pissed and her hatred of Niki overcame any thoughts of playing nice and trying to rattle Niki with words. She was upset by being attacked and gotten the better of so quickly having found herself helpless to get Niki off her. she would not accept the excuse that she had been jumped unfairly as her competitive nature caused her to feel humiliated by being so dominated. As Niki was being held Bea wound up and gave her a crack on the cheek. It wasn’t a slap but a closed fist knuckle blow that had to have hurt both women. Niki’s knees buckled a tad. A nasty mark appeared on her cheek. That damned cxnt could hit harder than expected.

Bea’s husband let go of Niki and grabbed her. The two husbands pulled their respective brides away from each other. Both women kicked out at the other but were pulled too far apart to connect. Each husband held their respective wife by her hands as the two women tried to escape. They bent forward, kicked, and hissed with fists clenching and unclenching. Words not fit for the youngsters around were hurled back and forth. Finally the two women were dragged far apart. The hope was tempers would calm and the festivities could return to normal. One side note, both husbands hoped that the action was caught on video camera. Their natural reaction was to pull their wives apart in the spur of the moment. But each had a secret desire to see a catfight between them. Ah, men, they are so controlled by their obsessions and by stirrings in their briefs or boxers.

To be continued we hope ………..

« Last Edit: August 17, 2010, 01:19:03 AM by byline »
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I love it as you started the fight between Niki and Bea! Congratulations! I hope for it soon you give the continuation as a present to us!


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I love it as you started the fight between Niki and Bea! Congratulations! I hope for it soon you give the continuation as a present to us!

I'm glad you like it. I hope the buildup isn't too slow for some. I like to give enough background so you can understand the reason for the fight and what each woman is thinking. This is a fight with a history between the two and not just a impromptu fight caused by one woman bumping the other etc. I will write more after more voting has occurred. Hopefully more will join in in voting and expressing their opinions about who would beat who any why.
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« Last Edit: August 14, 2010, 11:28:40 PM by amazonasz »


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Great story, so far. I really like the build-up. It gives meaning and a reason for the fight to come. Based on the voting so far, it looks as if it is going to be along drawn out fight. Maybe the horny husbands will have a very special honeymoon treat.


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Great story, so far. I really like the build-up. It gives meaning and a reason for the fight to come. Based on the voting so far, it looks as if it is going to be along drawn out fight. Maybe the horny husbands will have a very special honeymoon treat.

I think you are fight about the fight being long and close and right about the husbands special honeymoon treat. I suspect the wives will also get turned on by their fighting. The action in the bedrooms or wherever will most likely register on the Richter magnitude scale. I wonder if either wife is a screamer?
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Bride Fight – Niki (brunette) vs Bea (blonde)

Chapter 2. You Can Run but You Can’t Hide

Calm had been restored and hostilities seemed to have subsided. The two parties separated and when to their respective areas on different lawns. The first encounter had only occurred because the wrought Niki had been curious why she couldn’t get the lawn she wanted. Her emotions boiled over when she saw Bea and concluded that Bea had purposely aced her out. With the two parties separated that would have been the end of it unless Niki purposely went over to Bea’s party. Niki gave Bea a parting glare before she left and you can see the wheels in her brain spinning ”This ain’t over yet, BITHC!”. Bea grabbed her parasol thinking ”If that pig gets anywhere near me again she will get a good whack on the head.”.

That would have been the end of it except for two synergistic factors. I say synergistic or fortuitous  rather than unfortunate because we all want to see a catfight, don’t we? Factor one was that many of the guests were mutual friends, mutual enemies, and people who were friends of one and hated the other. For most of their lives Bea and Niki had moved in the same social circles. Both were debutants at the same coming out party. They were actually friends then as both were young and not yet so competitive in vying for center stage and for each other’s boyfriends. But as they grew older that changed and they became enemies. Since they shared common acquaintances it was natural that many of the guests could have been invited to either party and had to make a choice. Even some of the mutual enemies were invited and attended one party or the other. After all they were important members of the social register and no fashionable society wedding could take place without inviting them.

The second factor was the set up at the Coe Estate. As noted already, the Coe Estate had two main lawns and many other lawns and areas where wedding parties could be held. The mansion had one huge formal ballroom. Just outside the ballroom was a large open aired pavilion with huge columns to support the roof. The ballroom not only contained a grand piano but a large organ with built in pipes. The organ had an uncommon feature with two sets of keyboards so two people could play at once. The only reason to point this out is to show how splendid and grand this ballroom was. It was the best place to dance with the large ballroom floor and the many large doorways between the pavilion and the ballroom. It was picturesque and romantic. It could accommodate several groups of wedding dancers at once. No one rented the ballroom exclusively with a few exceptions given to celebrities and the highest of society. Instead the Coe Estate included a set of musicians who played continuously. Guests of all parties could come and dance and then go back to their own areas and their own bands. All parties were charged a fee to support the musicians so most groups felt completed to use the ballroom to get their money’s worth. Besides, it was so romantic and such a perfect setting.

Soon members of both wedding groups ventured to the ballroom. It seemed natural for them to mix as so many new each other. This way they could help celebrate both Niki and Bea without having to chose one over the other. It wasn’t long before the whole wedding parties were in the ballroom dancing. Bea and Niki seemed to coexist reasonable well except that Niki’s friends claimed that Bea was flirting with Niki’s husband every chance they got. Bea’s friends claim she was just dancing and that Niki was jealous of her and shooting daggers at Bea the whole time.

After a bit of dancing it was time to “dance with the bride.” Moth men and women would donate to the couple’s honeymoon fund for the opportunity to dance with the other. It seemed natural for guests of either party to donate to either woman and dance with her so the “dance with the bride” functions were done simultaneously for both brides. Sounded like a good idea because there would be a larger pool of dancers for each bride. Except you had to know a little contest would start with Bea and Niki. Partners would dance with one and then the other. Bea started it first. When she was dancing with a man she would move her body in as close to her partners and rub him in a seductive way. Bea was a natural tease and didn’t see anything wrong with having a little playful fun with her dance partner. So knew her husband well enough to know he would be watching and would get excited rather than jealous. Niki tried to match Bea but was not as successful. She did not move as gracefully as Bea and Bea’s more lithe body could press up against and move with a man’s body in a way that Niki’s couldn’t. Besides, Bea just enjoyed it more and the men could feel that (even if it made it harder for them to dance.) A trend soon became apparent. Men would dance with both and then pay again and even a third time to dance with Bea. ”The cheap whore is racking in the doe and getting all the attention.” Niki fumed to herself as her temperature was rising.

Even though there was lots of room on the spacious dance floor with just the two brides and their partners dancing, Niki slowly moved closer to Bea. She “accidentally” backed into Bea, thrusting her big butt out against Bea’s smaller but firmer butt. This pushed Bea into her partner. Bea didn’t really mind as it gave her an excuse to make him as aware of her body as possible without seeming to do it intentionally. As I said, she loved to get a rise out of a man, something which didn’t endear her to many of the women watching. As they danced, one “accidental’ bump lead to another. At first Bea took up the challenge and the bumping got a little more forceful as the two women would throw out their hips at the other. As people realized what was going on they started to enjoy the show. They even started encouraging the two. Neither Bea nor Niki were exactly inhibited with Bea being the less inhibited but alcohol made them even less so. The bumping got harder and harder.

It was a competition much in favor of Niki. Bea could move better and tried to time her attacks to catch Niki off balance. But most of the time Niki’s greater weight and size overwhelmed Bea and she would bounce off of Niki. A few times Bea was almost knocked off her feet as Niki continued to drive after initial contact. Realizing that she was no match for Niki, Bea started to avoid Niki. Niki’s thought was ”The fucking cxnt is afraid of me”, and pursued her even more relentlessly. Bea’s detractors hooted, whistled, and booed Bea for they were enjoying her getting bounced around so much. They formed a circle so Bea couldn’t always stay away from Niki.

Bea’s supporters were hoping that she would get fed up with Niki’s antics and go after her, slugging her once again. Much to their consternation Bea showed remarkable restraint. Perhaps she was being embarrassed but she thought ”Any rational person will see what an ass Niki is being. She is trying to goad me into a fight but I will not ruin my wedding by getting into a fight with her.”. Niki was the more temperamental, giving to sudden outbursts and fury. Bea had much more self control but was more calculating. She would not be goaded into losing her temper and getting into a fight but she would remember this and get her revenge at a more appropriate time.

Seeing his wife being somewhat humiliated, Bea’s husband decided there had been enough dancing. His sexy, little wife had hauled in quite a bundle and had clearly outperformed Niki in that department. He yelled out “TIME TO CUT THE WEDDING CAKE.!” Bea’s wedding cake was unveiled. It had been wheeled into the ballroom covered. With a big flourish the best man revealed the wedding cake. And my, my, it was some wedding cake. Niki’s immediate thought was that Bea had purposely upstaged her again as her cake paled in comparison. But such was not the case. Bea had little to do with the cake. It had been created and given to Bea and her husband as a gift from the owner of the most exquisite pastry shop in town. She was good friends with Bea and when out of her way to make a fabulous cake. Of course it was also good advertising among some of the withiest people in town.. The cake had tier after tier after tier, each on firm white chocolate columns. Each tier got progressively smaller in diameter until the top tier was just a little over a hand full. It was meant to be shared by the bride and groom alone. A stunning set of figures with a few jewels, including two diamonds that made the bride’s eyes sparkle.

The cake was like a red flag to a bull as far as Niki was concerned. Her temper exploded and Bridezilla returned in full force. She rushed over to the cake. She swiped the top tier off which fit nicely in her big palm. The figurines when flying. Niki turned and face Bea with a look that could kill. She raised her arm to throw the cake and Bea moved quickly back. Rather than throw the cake and miss, Niki moved slowly towards Bea. She took a few steps forward and Bea took a few steps back. Then Niki charged her but Bea dodged her and moved to the side. Soon Niki began chasing Bea all around the room. Most spectators were laughing and enjoying the spectacle. They didn’t know how furious Niki was.

The foot race was no contest. Bea was much faster and more agile than Niki what with Niki being overweight. Furthermore Niki had to be careful not to lose grip of the cake as she chased Bea. Bea would run and put some distance between them. Then she would turn around and taunt Niki. ”Come on, YOU FAT SLOBY! Is that the best you can do!” or words to that effect. She would stick out her chin and say “Come on, let’s see if you can plant it.”  Fearing that Niki’s friends and Bea’s enemies would trap her, Bea ran out the large doors onto the pavilion and then on to the lawn. Come back, bitch, and eat your cake!” Niki huffed and puffed as she chased Bea. ”You certainly don’t need anymore cake!”, Bea laughed back at Niki.

Now that she had more space Bea played her little game even more. She would let Niki get close,, sometimes almost within reach, and then slip quickly to the side or dart off again. She got braver and braver even taunting Niki like Bea was a matador and Niki was the bull. This went on and on until Niki was huffing and puffing. She had to stop now and then to catch her breath and to let the pain in her sides lessen. Bea kept taunting her mercilessly. Now it was Bea who was showing Niki up, but just like Niki had shown her up in the bumping contest.  Bea was enjoying this and Niki was getting madder and madder and madder. Niki was dogged in going after Bea. Niki was like a cat pursuing her foe, sometimes chasing her and sometimes slowly stalking her. But this foe was faster and more cunning than the predator. 

Or was the prey more cunning than the predator? Niki couldn’t catch Bea but she was chasing her in such a way that Bea headed across the vast lawn, down a grassy knoll towards the fish pond. It seemed like Niki was herding Bea where she wanted her to go. Niki’s ploy was added and abetted by her supporters. The crowd had pursed the two women. Some just hoped to see the spectacle of a cake plant in the face and perhaps followed up by the two women rubbing cake all over their faces. Usually the bride and groom did this in play but to see two women to it in earnest was even more fun. Others wanted to see the action turn into a real catfight. The husbands were of mixed emotion once again. The obsession of seeing their wife in a fight won out. Each was sure that his wife could come out the winner and if they were taking too much punishment they could always stop it. So confident were they that they placed a bet on their wife as they followed them down the Lawn.

The lawn was vast and Bea could normally have out maneuvered Niki and avoided her all day. However Niki’s friends were given eye signals and a hand motion by Niki as to her intentions. They moved to block Bea so her only direction of retreat was down the grassy knoll towards the fish pond.  When it was too late Bea realized she was cornered. The smelly, dirty fish pond was directly behind her. To the right and left were thick bushes too dense to run through. And of course the crowd also prevented her escape. She tried to run threw them but her enemies grabbed her roughly and threw her back. About the only good thing that could be said about their actions were that they were sporty enough not ho old her while Niki shoved the cake into her face. They left her free to try and dodge Niki or fight back.

With no where to run Bea had to turn and faced Niki. Bea said as bravely and as threateningly as she could, “Come on, fatso, if you want a fight let’s have it. Drop that cake and be prepared to get knocked on your fat ass.” Bea clenched her fists for emphasis.   Niki remained quiet. Her face broke out in a huge, evil grin as she started slowly moving in on Bea. She slowly closed the distance between them and her grin got bigger and more sinister. Her eyes sparkled with glee.   Bea’s face turned from one of gloating and taunting to show a brief glimpse of fear. Then she composed herself, clenched her teeth and glared daggers back at Niki in a desperate attempt to show confidence that she was ready for Niki.

Things were getting serious. Supporters of each were urging their girl on and deriding the others. Niki was not only heavier than Bea but was a few inches taller than Bea. On top of that Niki was on higher ground and so looked even bigger and more menacing. Most of Niki’s supporters and even some of Bea’s supporters thought that Niki would crush Bea in any fight. On the other hand Bea had her supporters who were confident in her fighting abilities. And even of some Bea’s enemies had been in fights with her given Bea’s proclivity for flirting with their boyfriends. They knew that Bea had a powerful and quick punch that she was more than willing to use. This group figured that Niki could not take many punches from Bea in a fight. Bets were played both ways as tensions mounted and the two women got closer and closer…..

To be continued ………
My favorite beauty
Beauty and Class 


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I am enjoying this great story.  I hope that you will post chapter 3 soon.


Soon, but come on folks. Let's have a little more voting that I can reflect in the story.
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Niki 3-4 cm (0'13) bigger than Bea,and with some 20 lbs heavier.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2010, 03:19:02 AM by amazonasz »


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Niki 3-4 cm (0'13) bigger than Bea,and with some 20 lbs heavier.

Thank you. I shall make sure my story is consistent with those differences. Hope you liked Chapter 2. The action pics up quite a bit in Chapter 3.
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Bride Fight – Niki (brunette) vs Bea (blonde)

Chapter 3. Let Them Eat Cake

The moment of truth had arrived. The bull had cornered the matador.. The matador was looking to apply the coup de gras. The cat had the mouse trapped. The mouse was baring its own fangs.

There were some members of the wedding parties on both sides who thought what had occurred so far was more fun and games then a serious face off. They did not know the history of these two women and how much they actually hated each other. They found the bumping on the dance floor more humorous than anything else. And who hadn’t seen some attempts at smashing the cake in the bride’s mouth at a wedding. Of course it was usually done by the groom in fun but watching one bride chase another with the cake was hilarious. Watching them run in high heels and the big gowns added to the atmosphere. Why even Bea was laughing while she was darting around and teasing  Niki while tempting her to try and hit her.

Now even these people could see how serious it had become. The look on both Niki’s and Bea’s faces could not be mistaken for anything other than pure anger. Both women curled their lips as they snarled at each other.
BITCH! I’m going to destroy that ugly face of yours.
No way, LOSER! You are jealous of my face and figure. But you are a loser and will come out worse if you try anything.
Dram on, SLUT! I saw you flirting with my husband. I am going to make you wish that you hadn’t ever done that. I’m goona rip you apart after I smash this in your face.
Hey, it’s not my fault if your husband ogles me. He can see how much more of a woman I am than you are. I’ll bet he is dreaming right now about getting me into bed. Too bad for him he won’t have the opportunity.

Insults and bickering continued back and forth. Each woman was getting worked up more and more. It was obvious that Niki had an uncontrollable short fused temper. Bea was more self-controlled but when pushed too far her rage could equal Niki’s. The crowd was egging them on.  ”Don’t let her talk to you that way…. Get her, rip her hair out…. Scratch her eyes out….. Teach the hussy a lesson…… Put Bridezilla on her fat ass…….” More and higher bets were placed as the two women faced off and it was obvious that this would become very physical very quikcly.

Niki stood on higher ground and seemed almost a head taller than Bea. It truth she was only about an inch and a half taller. But being above Bea she looked like a menacing figure with her twenty more pounds. Bea thought ”it was more like thirty pounds if Niki was honest.” Twenty pounds was accurate for Bea was heavier than she looked. Bea also liked to eat and so she jogged and exercised often to keep her figure. Thus Bea had comparatively more muscle mass than Niki. Niki was heavier but Bea was a little bit stronger. In reality any fight between them would not be settled quickly in all likelihood. Niki had the weight advantage while Bea was the stronger of the two although not that much stronger to completely nullify Niki’s weight advantage. Bea was faster and not as winded or tired as Niki. Both women were determined, vicious fighters when angered.

The most amazing thing through this cat and mouse game was that Niki had not impulsively thrown the icing covered cake at Bea or made a wild swipe to smash it into Bea’s face. Even as much as Bea had taunted her and goaded her into doing so It was against Niki’s nature to be so patient and she showed remarkable restraint. She wanted to take her time and really grind the cake all over Bea and enjoy every second of it. Now that they were in the moment of truth Bea again tried to force the issue and cause Niki to take a hasty and ill-advised throw. She stuck her tongue out at Niki and then thrust out her chin.  ”Here, dumb ass, see if you can hit this.” When Niki didn’t take the bait Bea stepped forward and swung at the cake trying to knock it out of Niki’s hand. Niki was too smart for either ploy. She pulled her arm back far enough so that Bea swung and missed.
Bea had put a lot of weight into the punch as she stepped forward. She was off balance and still moving forward as. Niki grabbed Bea’s blonde bun in the back of her head with her left hand. With the right hand she slammed the cake into Bea’s face. A roar of applause went up from the crowd at the direct hit and the finesse at which it was done. Niki then started grinding the cake and sticky frosting all over Bea’s face. The soft lemon filling served as soap as she washed Bea’s face all over. Niki even managed to shove icing and lemon filling up Bea’s nose.

Bea did not just sit back and take it. She tried to pull Niki’s arm away but couldn’t do it. She couldn’t see anything as she had to shut her eyes to keep the cake out of them. Bea swung wildly trying to connect with the side of the Niki’s head. She connected now and then. But Niki had pulled Bea in close so she could really grind the cake into her face Hence Bea had no room to take a big swing. Plus Niki had her off balance and she couldn’t set her legs to drive the punches. Some punches found their mark and even if somewhat painful Niki was enjoying her victory too much to care. She held Bea’s head in place as she continued to wash her face with the cake, icing, filling mess. She also kept moving forward, pressing into Bea and forcing her backward. This kept Bea continually off balance and make her attempts at punching appear futile and even silly.  Making Bea look helpless in front of an audience added immensely to Niki’s enjoyment.

Niki was forcing Bea back step by step. Her twenty extra pounds were aided by the downward slope. It wouldn’t be long before Bea would be standing or dumped in the pond. Having completely covered Bea’s face and even rubbed some cake into her hair, Niki glanced down and saw that some of the gooey mess had fallen on Bea’s chest. Some of the lemon filling had even oozed down into her cleavage. Bea’s bosom was not as large as Niki’s but it looked large enough in her wedding dress. Niki noted that Bea had a push up bra obviously built into the bodice. And she probably even had some stuffing in there as she didn’t believe Bea’s “little titties” could stand out like that. The temptation was too great. She let go of Bea’s hair and grabbed the top of her strapless gown with her left hand. Pulling the bodice/bra combination out she shoved more cake and lemon down her cleavage. Then she placed the flat of her hand on gown directly over Bea’s tits and rubbed the cake remains all over her tits.

Bea was being humiliated but she was grateful that this slight diversion had interfered with Niki pushing her back into the pond. She had been unable to stop Niki from pushing her down the slope. Thank heaven for small favors. Bea took the opportunity to wipe her eyes clear and get a good hand full of cake from her face. She rubbed it all over Niki’s face. She wiped some more gunk off her face. This time she grabbed the top of Niki’s gown and mangled cake down her front. Bea had an easier time of it for Niki’s gown was cut lower to reveal more cleavage and Niki’s boobs were larger and very soft as natural tits are. Whether or not Bea had padding, Niki certainly didn’t need any. Niki and Bea continued to rub cake wherever they could from the face, down the chest and into the cleavage. 

Bea grabbed the top of Niki’s gown with both hands and tried to yank it down and out to rip it and expose Niki’s tits. Niki quickly followed suit, each trying to expose the boobs of the other. However a hard rib at the top of each gown thwarted their efforts. The rib and the material had to strong enough to hold the strapless gowns up. Neither woman was strong enough to tear the material off the other woman’s breasts.

What the strong bodice/bra did do was to provide a good hand hold to grip that allowed the women to whip each other around. Bea and Niki were both still trying to rip the dress down but were also moving each other from side to side and trying to toss each other around. Niki had the advantage in weight and position but some how through her agility and nimbleness Bea managed to get Niki down the hill so they were facing each other on equal fitting. Niki still had the advantage and was moving Bea more than Bea was moving her. Niki planted her feet to give one has tug and whip Bea into the fish pond. Sensing disaster, Bea managed to double up her fist and punch Niki in her soft belly. She had room to put her weight into the punch and it went deep into Niki’s gut. It was perfect timing on Bea’s part as Niki was pulling her forward at the same time. Bea did not wait to see how effective her punch was. She grabbed Niki by the left arm and spun her around so Niii’s back was to the pond. Before Niki could catch her breath or recover Bea spread her fingers on Niki’s face and shoved her hard backwards.

Niki stumbled over backward towards the pond. As she was falling she reached out to grasp anything she could to keep from falling into the fish pond. Her fingers found the top of Bea’s gown and she curled them in to get a good grip. Bea set her legs to keep from being pulled in. The weight of Niki falling backward was enough to do what Niki could not do previously. Bea’s gown was not ripped but was pulled down below her boobs exposing them. And no, there was no extra padding there. It was all Bea inside and now all Bea outside for all to see. Niki kept ahold of the gown and as she fell backwards.  Bea tumbled with her. Niki’s back hit hard on the surface and dirty water splashed everywhere dousing several spectators who had gotten too close. Bea was pulled own on top of her. They ended with Niki in the pond on her back and Bea on top of her.

A little information about the pond is helpful. The pond was wide but not deep. Most of Niki was in the water but Bea was on top of her high and dry except for the splashing. The pond had not been cleaned lately. It had lily pads for effect but it also was covered with green, slimy algae and water grass which hadn’t been skimmed off. It was overdue for a cleaning. The bottom was silt which settled when the water was calm. But when someone of Niki’s size fell into it the water rapidly became filthy dirty. Silt and algae covered anything the water did. There were also koi in the pond. Koi are Japanese ornamental domesticated carp for those of you unfamiliar with koi. They can be quite expensive but that is not important to the story. One koi was splashed way up in the air with the tidal wave caused by Niki. When the water splashed down over Niki the poor (or lucky) koi landed with his nose buried in Niki’s cleavage. His attempts to wiggle and swim away forced him deeper into the breech. Bea made the best of this by pulling the little fellow out by his tail and stuffing it head first into the screaming Niki’s wide open mouth. She then shoved on Niki’s chin so she couldn’t spit it out right away.

Bea spread her legs to stay on top of Niki even though it meant getting them covered with algae and silt. It wasn’t too hard to keep Niki in place because she was still gasping from Bea’s hard punch to the belly and the indignity of landing on her back in the slim. Bea grabbed a hand full of algae and wiped it on Niki’s face. Here, let me wash that cake off your face. She cupped some silt filled water and yanked Niki’s hair back hard forcing Niki to open her mouth wide in a painful scream. And you really ought to take a gulp of water to wash that fish down. Bea snickered as she dumped the dirty water into Niki’s mouth. Bea was going to get revenge for all the humiliations Niki had done to her earlier.

Niki coughed and choked on the water, probably more from the thought of what the water was then from the amount of water. Bea grabbed her wrists and out muscled Niki, forcing her wrists flat in the water. The struggling in the water caused it to splash up and over Niki’s face just as she was taking a breath. More coughing and gagging which allowed Bea to keep her pinned on her back. But this couldn’t last forever. Bea didn’t have the weight to keep Niki down. Niki wrenched her wrists free and sank both her filth covered hands into Bea’s blonde hair. The bun came undo (as was Niki’s already from the water). Niki got a better grip and pulled Bea sideways as she rolled herself. Now Bea was on her back with Niki lying on top of her. Being less rotund than Niki, more of Bea was in the water. In fact her face was barely above the water and got covered with any motion by the women. And there was a lot of motion as the two women struggled in the muddy pond.

Bea’s arms and legs thrashed and splashed in the water as she tried to somehow get Niki off her. It was a sight that Bea’s enemies enjoyed immensely. Niki gloated saying Turn about is fair play, my dear whore.” She rubbed Bea’s face with dirty water, lily pads, algae, and some water grass. She held Bea’s nose until Bea had to breathe through her mouth and then stuffed some of the dirty mixture into her mouth. Niki tried to catch a fish to stuff it in Bea’s mouth but couldn’t catch the fast little koi.

Niki might well have kept Bea down like this until Bea was forced to admit defeat in humiliation. Bea had stronger legs than most people thought but she couldn’t plant them well enough in the silt bottom to roll Niki off her. And she didn’t have the size to just roll them both over even though she did a job on Niki’s hair. But Niki had other plans for Bea. She got off of Bea and carefully moved to Bea’s right side. As she expect Bea immediately tried to roll onto her left away from Niki. Niki grabbed Bea’s left arm and yanked it out hard from underneath her. Without the arm for support Bea did a face plant in the water. Niki executed her move perfectly and trapped her face down by throwing her big leg over her pinning her face down. Then Niki slid on top of Bea to pin her down with her whole body. . She now had Bea face down in the water – the position she wanted her in initially when she tried to toss Bea into the pond. . Niki moved into a squatting position on Bea’s back. She grabbed Bea’s hair in both hands and pushed her face down hard into the soft silt at the bottom of the pond. She wiggled her ass which caused Bea’s exposed tits to grind deeper into the soft, muddy bottom.

”She isn’t so sexy now, is she!” Niki called to her own husband who she thought had been lusting after Bea. ”What do you think of your wimpy wife now?” she made sure Bea’s husband was aware of her plight. Niki was having her fun now. She held Bea’s face down in the muddy bottom. Then she would pull it back by the hair and let the dirty water drains off her face. As Bea was gasping for breath Niki would bend down into her ear and whisper something like ”You aren’t so tough now.” or ”Ready to give up and get your skinny ass out of here yet?” or anything else she could think of each time she dunked her and then let her up at the last second. The only sounds out of Bea were sputtering, choking, and coughing and a look of total dismay and helplessness.

Bea’s husband had seen enough. His wife was being tortured by this bit brute and maybe even drowned. ”Let her go, LET HER GO! You’re drowning her. She’s had enough. Or please let her go.”
Niki snarled back ”I ain’t heard her admit it yet and plead for mercy.  She’s not getting up until she does.”
That’s because she can’t get a breath to say it. Can’t you see she is finished!”
”That’s her problem, not yours.” Niki gloated mercilessly.
Niki bounced on Bea’s back hard and you could here some cracks from her spinal column. She pulled Bea’s head up again by the hair and enjoyed watching her soaked face groaning, panting, and coughing. Bea was kicking her legs, bending them alternately at the knee trying to kick Niki in the butt. But Niki was too far up and all she did was hit our own firm ass. Niki reached back and grabbed one leg as Bea kicked.  She pulled it up and forward in sort of a one legged boston crab while pulling her head back by the hair. Bea’s gown slide above her knee showing a very well turned, sexy leg that wasn’t even muddy as it had been covered by the full length gown. Niki dropped the leg and worked her hands under Bea’s chin She leaned back and pulled. She pulled harder and harder until Bea’s back was bent almost at right angles. Bea’s screams of pain filled the air but she would not submit. It looked like she would rather have her back or neck broken than submit. Bridezilla was only too willing to do either. Bea’s husband tried to get at Niki to pull her off but he was held back. Could too much alcohol have turned these ‘gentlepeople’ into a blood thirsty mob? Did Bea have such strong enemies that wanted to see her injured? Or did they just want to see a definite winner?

In a last ditch effort Bea spread her finders and planted her palms in the mud. She finally reached solid ground. She pushed as hard as she could as Niki was leaning even more backward. Thank heavens that Bea’s yoga practice had made her back more flexible or it surely would have been broken.  Niki lost her balance and fell to the side. As she was falling she let go of Bea’s chin. In spite of a surge of pain, Bea twisted her body hard enough to throw her elbow at Niki’s face. It connected squarely with Niki’s jaw and Niki collapsed on her side, maybe unconscious or maybe just dazed. But she was not moving. Fighting the pain in her back Bea drawled out from under Niki’s leg and out of the pond. She collapsed on the ground and lay there on her back. There wasn’t a white spot left on her gown or skin. Her exposed perky breasts stood up nicely. I think the phrase is she was tits up.  They were covered with grim but then there is something so sexy about a mud covered beauty.

Niki also lay still on her side in the pond. Bea’s blow had been effective. Perhaps it was a fortuitous blow to the same spot she had slugged Niki when Niki was being held.  Also the out of shape Niki was exhausted. She was definitely unconscious or semi-conscious.

Was the fight over? Had Bea knocked Niki unconscious with a lucky blow and won the fight? Some slight movement form Niki and low moans answered to the negative. Both women were incapacitated for the moment but both were awake and almost imperceptivity moving. What would happen next? Niki lay there dazed and exhausted as she was not as fit as Bea. But Bea lay there in great pain. She was also tired if not as exhausted as Niki. Running around in the hot sun on high heels and in a heavy gown was hard work. Now the gowns were soaked and even heavier.

The general consensus was that Niki had won the first round. She had come close to finishing off Bea and only escaped through a lucky elbow. Niki had been able to hold Bea down while Bea could not do the same. They were sure Niki would get her down again and then it would be all over for Niki. The fight would not last long once the fight resumed.

 But there were those who thought differently. They had to agree that Niki had gotten the advantage on Bea. But Bea had escaped on her own and it was not a lucky elbow. A few had faced Bea in a fight and lost. They knew of her high pain threshold and resistance to pain. They also had experienced her lighting fast fist with power behind them. No, they knew Bea had no quite in her. A few good punches to the soft Niki and the fight would be over. It didn’t look good for Bea but it was too early to count her out.

To be continued ……..
My favorite beauty
Beauty and Class 


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I am open to suggestions on what should happen next and how. Who dies what to whom. I may not use them but all ideas are welcome. And remember you control the direction the story goes in my your voting.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2010, 01:40:30 AM by byline »
My favorite beauty
Beauty and Class 


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Very good story!