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two wives fight each other,write a story about it who will win and how makes it!

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Bride Fight – Niki (brunette) vs Bea (blonde)

Chapter 4. Had a good foot massage lately?

Niki lay on her side in the water. She was resting on her arms which kept her mouth and nose above the surface. She was dreaming. She was dreaming she had caught that whore Bea with her husband. She had chased her and easily caught her. A few good punches and the weak bitch went down. She dragged her by the hair to a smelly fish pond. Picking her up over her head, she tossed Bea into the pond. Bea landed on her face in the filthy water. Bea rolled over in the water. Her gown, face, and body were covered with greenish, brown slim. She looked like the filthy whore she was. Niki was still pristine white like the virtuous woman she was. Niki went back to her husband and to Bea’s husband. She had both of them waiting on her and comforting her. Well it was a dream, wasn’t it?

Bea was fully awake but not in such great condition. The immense pain in her back had lessened to a dull ache. The yoga exercises had helped, otherwise she wouldn’t be able to move at all. Adrenalin from the fighting and from the fear for her life also helped alleviate the pain. If forced to she could fight but she needed some more time to rest and recuperate. Her gown was ruined by the cow and her breasts were sticking out. At least her gown was town open. Normally she wouldn’t have been all that bothered by having her tits exposed. Bea liked to go topless and did so at some beaches where you could get away with it. Her tits were large and perfectly shaped. If ya got it, flaunt it was her motto. But she was embarrassed at having her breasts expose by her hated enemy, Niki. It was a woman thing. It a catfight you often tried to expose your opponent’s tits. Not so much as to attack them but more for the humiliation of having their sexual organs exposed while yours remained covered. As I said, it was a woman thing. She cupped her right tit, pulled up on the bodice/bra while stuffing back in. Then did the same to her left breast.

Bea’s husband came over to see if she was all right. She answered, ”I’m Ok except for my back. I could be in real trouble if she attacks it again.
”Roll over on your stomach and I’ll give you a massage.” Bea did that and you cold hear the moans of relief as he worked on her back.
”You have magic fingers. I hope they can work their magic in another area tonight. Thanks lover. I think I am ready to finish the hippo off.” She gave her husband a long and passionate kiss.
”Look, you knocked her out. Why don’t you just take that as a victory and not take any chances of getting hurt again.”
”Because I’m not sure she is really out. And also I want revenge. You don’t ruin my wedding day and get off that lightly. I want to totally destroy and humiliate her. AND DON”T GET IN MY WAY! I’m serious!”
”Ok, if you must. Just don’t let her get on top of you again. I want you in tip top shape for tonight.” He gave her another passionate kiss. The bulge in his pants was obvious to everyone as he kissed her, thought about tonight, and thought about her sexy wife beating up Niki.

Bea tried to stand up but plopped back down on her ass. It wasn’t her back. It still ached but the pain was tolerable. It was the damned gown. It was too heavy. The huge wedding dress had gotten completely soaked. It had soaked up gallons of water and remember, ‘a pint’s a pound the world around.’ She said to her husband. ”undo my zipper.” as she rolled onto her stomach. She kicked off her shoes and slid her dress down off her. This once again left her breasts bare as she was only wearing a half slip. But that was OK because it was her dong, not Niki’s. She stood up and moved provocatively for those observing her. Her slip wasn’t tight, but the material clung to her body and legs, showing them off to a great effect. Unencumbered by all that weight and with better footing she was not ready to finish Niki off.

Niki finally woke up out of her stupor. She lay there for a few minutes getting her bearings.. Fuck! The two bit whore had made a mess of her dress and her hair. The events returned back to her memory. She had intended to shove the cxnt in the dirty pond then go back to her reception all white and pretty. Bea would be covered in mud; her dress ruined and would leave the area in shame. Instead the little twerp had somehow managed to shove her in the pond. At least she had managed pull the slut in with her and eventually get on top of her. She was ready to break the hussy’s fucking neck or back when the lights went out. She wasn’t sure what had happened but figured someone must have blind sided her. No way did Bea have the power to knock her out. Nothing hurt too much. Her jaw was sore and it felt like she might have a loose tooth or two. Also there was an ache in her stomach. She was not used to punches to the stomach and was still feeling the effects of Bea’s blow.

Damn she was tired. All that chasing that little bitch in the hot sun. She had never run so much in her life. And after all her efforts here she was lying on her back in the muddy pond. “That bitch will pay for this. She will be lucky to come out alive! I promise….” Niki mumbled under her breath. She remained lying on her back to get back her energy. When she last glimpsed at Bea it didn’t look like she was in any shape to attack soon. ”I hope I broke the husband stealer’s back.” she said softly as she remembered her success against Bea.

Bea sat up. She saw Niki in the muddy water and knew she probably ought to go over and kick the shit out of her while she could. Just as she started to get up to do this Niki she saw Niki wake up and roll over onto her back. It was time to do something before Niki came to her full senses ”If the dumb cxnt had any senses” Bea chuckled to herself. The word cxnt gave her an idea. She walked over to the edge of the pond. She grabbed Niki’s ankles and with great effort pulled her so Niki was half in the water and half out. Bea didn’t want to take a chance of fighting in the water again and getting dunked by Niki. She pulled Niki far enough out that if Bea had to she could take off away from the pond were it necessary. In no way was Bea a dumb blonde.

Niki wasn’t too sure what was going on but she still felt too exhausted and groggy to effectively attack Bea. If the bitch jumped on her she would just roll them over and then have Bea buried under her. She had done one other thing. While she was being dragged out of the water she saw the two veils floating in the water. She grabbed them thinking they would make good weapons and could be used to hog tie Bea up later on.

Bea pulled Niki as far out of the water as she could until she couldn’t drag the heavy woman any further. Once the buoyancy provided by the water and the slippery mud ended, she couldn’t move Niki; at least not without tiring herself out completely. And that wouldn’t do. She took one shoe off of Niki and threw it at her and then the other. Niki easily blocked them with her arm. Bea sat down just inside Niki’s ankles which she spread on either side of her. She held Niki’s legs out wide as she inserted her feet between Niki’s legs. Bea straightened one leg until it found Niki’s private area. No one could see exactly what was going on but they all knew. Niki’s gown had slid up above her knees as Bea dragged her but her private area was still hidden by the gown.

Once Bea found her target area with her foot she worked her toes around and under Niki’s panties. She inserted her toe into Niki’s vagina and then wiggle it to work it in further. She held onto Niki’s ankles to use as leverage to push her foot in as hard as possible. Niki started screaming in pain. She was now fully awake. Bea laughed a raucous laugh and called out to Niki’s husband. ”Bruce, I think you should know wide her cxnt is. It must have seen lots of action. Why my whole foot fits in there.  I know your little dick won’t come close to filling it. Just wanted you to know so you aren’t disappointed on your honeymoon bed.”  Bea’s comment about Niki’s husband prick was a calculated one aimed at letting Niki know she had slept with her husband and knew the size of his sex organ. It wasn’t true but Bea loved to needle her adversary in a fight. It usually caused them to act brashly and walk into a sucker punch. And she loved to get under Niki’s skin at anytime. In this case she probably would have been well served not to needle Niki and get her any angrier.

Bea was having fun at Niki’s expense and was enjoying humiliating her by violating her with her foot in front of everyone. But it wasn’t a tactic that would gain finish Niki off and incapacitate her. Perhaps Bea’s desire for revenge and to humiliate Niki had affected her reasoning. Time and the pain from Bea’s toenails raking the inside of her vagina surged energy back into Niki. She forgot she was tired. She yanked her right leg hard out of Bea’s grasp. Her ankle was just too slippery with muddy water for Bea to have any chance of holding onto it. Before Bea could react, Niki swung her leg in a big arc. She caught Bea on left side of her rib cage and knocked her over to the side.

Bea reacted quickly once she landed on her side. She rolled onto all fours and crawled rapidly away from Niki. Niki lunged forward onto her hands and knees and chased after Bea. She almost caught on of Bea’s feet but just missed. Unencumbered by a heavy dress and being naturally quickly, Bea soon got out of Niki’s reach. When she thought she was at a safe distance she dropped onto right thigh and turned around to see what Niki was doing. What she discovered to her horror was that Niki had stood up and was bearing down on her.

To be continued ……
« Last Edit: August 17, 2010, 03:28:03 PM by byline »
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Bride Fight – Niki (brunette) vs Bea (blonde)

Chapter 5. How Long Can these Brides Fight?  Answer: Neither will submit so until one can’t stand at all or is made unconscious and hot tied by the other it will not end. Neither will give up to the other, that is for sure.

The crowd was buzzing as to what would happen next. The general consensus this time was that Bea had come out the better in round 2, at least in the humiliation factor. She had recovered first and been the aggressor. Of course Niki’s supporters did not agree and pointed out ”Look who is the chicken shit and ran away.” or not so polite words to those effect.

Bea had scampered up the slope on her hands and knees as fast as she could. She wasn’t running away from Niki rather than trying to gain space so she could be the one to control how they tangled up again. To her horror Niki was right there when she spun around on her ass. She couldn’t believe that the out-of-shape fat cow had gotten to her feet in that water soaked bridal gown let alone run up the hill after her. Yu could say that Niki was out-of-her-mind crazy with anger, especially after Bea’s foot fucking and her comment about her husbands sex organ. That kind of rage can make a person seem super human when combined with the great surge of adrenaline.

Niki was charging fast, growling and hissing with her claws out. It must have been a frightening picture to Bea to look up from the ground and see this angry animal ready to pounce on her. Bea didn’t have time to stand up or to roll over and scamper away. All she had time to do was to collapse on her back and raise her legs just as Niki got to her. Bea bent her right knee and then thrust her leg out into Niki’s belly. Given that Niki was charging uphill it was enough to stop Niki dead in her tracks as air whooshed out of her lungs.  Bea would have liked to have flipped Niki over her head but that was impossible with the slope.

Niki did ball back on her rump with a loud PLOP! She was able to hang onto Bea’s foot. This prevented Bea from getting away from her. Holding onto the foot, Niki slowly got to her feet. Bea kicked Niki with her other leg but there wasn’t much behind the kick. Niki grabbed it and now she had ahold of both of Bea’s feet. Niki raised Bea’s feet into the air and spread her legs. Recall that Bea had shed her gown and was only in her half slip. The slip normally hung down to her knees but now fell down and exposed a goodly share of her thighs. Niki placed her own foot between Bea’s legs and pushed down. The foot was big enough to also catch the slip so that it was clear her foot was planted directly on Bea’s pussy. ”This will teach you to foot fuck me. When I am done you won’t be able to stand and certainly not fuck for a long time.” And Niki was serious.

Niki was an only child and was spoiled to say the least. She was used to getting her way and not being denied anything. In school she was called “Lola” behind her back as it “Whatever Lola Wants, Lola Gets”. If someone took something from her or got in her way she had no hesitation about destroying them. She sent a couple of girls to the emergency room when they got it her way. This is one reason her hatred of Bea went beyond reason – Bea had stolen her last two boyfriends and now claimed she had slept with her new husband. Niki not only wanted to beat Bea in a fight, she wanted to totally and completely destroy her. So when she made her threat, Bea knew she meant every word of it. As far as Bea was concerned she was fighting for any future sex life at the best and for her life at the worst. To make her even madder Niki heard a cry of ”Lola, you gonna let that ugly bitch take way your man?” followed by loud laugher from several watchers.

Bea had an older sister. Growing up they fought a lot. Her sister was older and was bigger during most of their growing up so Bea learned how to fight bigger women. She also learned a lot from these fights. Once she got close in size to her sister the tide started to change and Bea usually made her sister give up, often with tears flowing from her eyes. Once Bea started getting the better of her sister she even goaded her sister into fights so she could “even the score.” Bea may not have been spoiled the same way Niki was but she learned you have to fight to get what you wanted. No body was going to give you anything.

Niki was grinding down on Bea’s crotch with all her weight and with the extra weight of the water soaked gown. The gown could easily have been 50 pounds there was so much material to soak up water and it was heavy to start off with. Bea had to do something before Niki could get her balance well enough to insert her toes into her vagina and rip it apart. She knew Niki would do that. . Bea couldn’t kick her off or get her legs free, try as she may to wiggle her legs. In desperation she grabbed Niki’s other ankle and thrust her pelvis up so her pussy area pushed back on Niki’s foot. Obviously she couldn’t really lift Niki’s foot. But when Niki tried to step back to regain her position she couldn’t move her foot. With the extra pressure from Bea she tripped over backwards..

The spectators would not believe what happened next if they hadn’t observed it with their own eyes. Even then they found it incredulous. As Niki went down Bea held onto her ankles and rose up. Her intent was to keep her legs spread and come down on Niki where she could get some kind of scissors. She doubted if Niki’s soft midsection or chest could take much punishment. Niki thwarted her plan by keeping her foot between Bea’s legs. Niki continued tumbling onto her back with her foot supporting Bea by her pussy. At one point Niki was on her back with Bea horizontal over her.  Niki’s leg was straight up in the air and Bea’s pussy was impaled on her foot. Niki’s bent her leg slightly and she snapped it straight tossing Bea high in the air.. Bea did a flip in mid air and landed on her feet facing down hill. Niki continued in a backward summersault. She wanted to complete her summersault, land on her feet and stand up. She didn’t quite make it and ended up sitting on her ass with her legs bent under her. She was facing uphill.

You probably believe that this occurrence was highly unlikely if not completely unbelievable. Perhaps some more background of Niki and Bea will help you understand why it was possible. Niki took part in gymnastics, starting at an early age. By junior high and high school she had been good enough to make the gymnastics team. She even won some medals in tumbling and did OK on the balance beam, her two best events. So when she fell backwards with Bea on her foot it was almost like exercises she had done where one girl jumped on the other girls feet, landing on her stomach. Then the girl on the bottom would flip her up and over. Niki was no longer in tumbling shape and had gotten too tall to be a great tumbler. She no longer trained. But muscle memory made her react automatically with Bea’s pussy balanced on her foot. She reacted instinctively and launched Bea up in the air just as she had sent other girls into a flip.. It was even easier that practice because as they were tumbling down hill. But she had not been practicing tumbling lately and her added weight and size were too much for her to do the proper finish. One other item of interest from Niki’s gymnastic days. Niki did develop strong muscles throughout her body. Gymnasts need strong legs, arms, shoulders, backs and especially, core muscles. Had she not stopped exercising and training she would have been much stronger than Bea in the upper body and core muscles. Such was no longer the case although she was still relatively strong compared to most women. She looked soft because of the extra flesh but there was still some solid muscle underneath.

Bea had gone out for gymnastics also. In their young days she was taller than Niki. In fact Niki was on the short side until she put on a birth growth in her late teens and grew slightly taller than Bea.. Bea was kind of gangly and too tall and long legged to be a good gymnast. It is simple mechanics and is why gymnasts tend to be short. She didn’t like being outperformed by Niki and so gave up gymnastics. It was one of the early victories of Niki over Bea and Niki relished it even to this day. Instead Niki took dancing lessons and became a ballerina. Her long legs made her leaps, pirouettes, and other ballet moves look graceful. She was light so her partner could lift and throw her. She was used to being tossed by her partner. Often they weren’t very good so she learned how to land on her feet from some very awkward positions. By comparison, Niki’s automatic reaction to flip her was perfect in allowing her to complete her flip in mid air and land on her feet. She developed strong legs from the dancing and ballet. She continued to practice at the barre to this day as a way of staying flexible and in shape. It kept her claves and thighs well defined and strong. Not overly muscular but very shapely. That is why she wanted to scissor Niki and inflict a lot of pain on her.

As mentioned, Bea ended up on her fight facing downhill. Niki was sitting down facing uphill. Good fortune continued to come Bea’s way. She landed right near the two veils that Niki had gathered up. Niki had dropped them when she had grabbed Bea’s ankles. Bea scooped them up, turned around in a flash and wrapped both of them around Niki’s throat from behind. Niki gasped as Bea tightened them around her throat. Niki would have been choked unconscious but she managed to insert her fingers to give her just enough space to gulp some air now and then.

Bea twisted her veiled garrote to apply more pressure. She could hold it with one hand while she found the zipper in the back of Niki’s gown. Bea pulled the zipper all the way down. The gown opened up and fell off of Niki’s chest. It couldn’t come off because Niki was sitting down. But it did fall down around her hips and legs to fully expose her breasts. Bea was satisfied that both now were topless. And she had done it to Niki while she had exposed her own to get rid of her gown. Bea was in control now. If Niki moved too much Bea would tighten the noose and threatened to kill Niki unless she behaved.

Niki’s husband started yelling”HEY! STOP THAT! That’s unfair! Bea is cheating. She’s choking my wife!” He got started to move towards the two women but Bea’s husband grabbed his arm to restraint him.
 ”I don’t see any rules posted. Besides your wife was the one who had the veils and she was going to use them on Bea. Looks like she’s been hoisted on her own petard so to speak.” Neither man wanted to get into a fight so they decided to wait and see what happened.

The bridesmaids in Niki’s party weren’t going to let Bea use her dirty tricks and choke Niki. They started to run up the hill. They were tackled by Bea’s bridesmaids; pulled back by the hair; grabbed by the arms; caught in a bearhug; or stopped in some way. The women were soon rolling around on the ground; mutually pulling hair and slapping each other; kicking each other; squeezing each other in bearhugs; twisting arms up backs and fighting amongst themselves. Bea had a couple more bridesmaids as her wedding party was bigger. So in some cases it was two on one. But a couple of Niki’s bridesmaids were much bigger than anyone in Bea’s party. Overall the odds were pretty even.

To be continued ……
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Bea opened up a lead of 3 votes, the biggest lead by either in awhile. But I see as I was writing the last chapter Niki has gained back a vote.

Is Bea going to move further ahead and finish Niki off in some horrible way?

Is Niki going to come back and make a fight of it so the fight goes on?

Is Niki going to surge ahead and finish Bea off in some horrible way?

One thing for sure. The fight won't end with one woman submitting to the other and just quitting. They hate each other too much and will never surrender to the other. The fight will only end when one woman cannot continue.

OK voters, it is in your hands how this fight goes.
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{My story reflects the fact that Bea has the biggest lead of the voting so far.}

Bride Fight – Niki (brunette) vs Bea (blonde)

Chapter 6 - What’s a Little Torture Among Enemies?

Bea knelt down behind Niki and bodied up to her to keep her in place. She crossed her shins over the back of Niki’s calves so Niki couldn’t move her legs. She tied the two veils around Niki’s neck in a big knot. She picked a short stick that had fallen from one of the many near by trees. This was inserted into the knot and made a nice handle to twist the knot to tighten the nose. . Niki had inserted her fingers of both hands between the veils and her throat. Bea didn’t have the strength to pull the veil tight enough by herself with Niki pulling the veil away. Bea was also afraid that Niki might be able to yank the veil away and even get possession of it. The stick gave her the leverage she needed to tighten the garrote as much as she wanted to. The pressure also kept Niki’s fingers trapped and she couldn’t pull them out. Bea could choke Niki unconscious anytime she wanted to. Bea was in control now and was in no hurry to put Niki out. The pressure Bea exerted by twisting the stick tight even kept Niki’s fingers trapped so Niki could not removed them to defend herself or attack Bea. (Niki didn’t really dare to remove them because they were the only think keeping her larynx form being crushed and the only reason she could get any breath at all.)

No, Bea was in no hurry. Niki was in no danger of escaping or fighting back. She was completely at Bea’s mercy and Bea loved it. Bea’s breasts had perked up and her smallish nipples had grown erect for the excitement of her domination of Niki. When women fight they are not like men who want to want end the fight as quickly as possible. Women want to dominate their adversary to torture and humiliate them as long as possible. Bea and Niki were this way even more so. The thrill of fighting to them was only partly in the victory. Most of it was in the trip along the way when they were getting the better of their hated enemy. Bea was going to prolong this as long as she thought wise.  ”Stay in place, cxnt, and take your punishment if you don’t want to get choked to death! You tried to break my back and you are going to suffer for that.” It was not an idle threat. You can end your misery by giving up and admitting I am better than you in every way. Hee hee, you can ask your husband who is better in bed.”

”Fuck you, you two bit whore. As if you could even charge that much” Niki gasped the words out in a voice hoarse from the pressure on her larynx. She would never admit defeat to Bea. She also knew that even if she gave up Bea would continue her torture. The woman was a liar and had no sense of honor. Niki and her friends often referred to Bea as “that fucking, bitch snake in the grass.”

Bea kept one hand on the knot and yanked Niki’s head back by the hair as she spit in her face and said, ”If that’s the way you want it, miss piggy, that’s the way you got it. Don’t say I didn’t give you the chance.” She used the clump of hair to whip Niki’s head from side to side. Some hair came out and Bea grabbed another handful and pulled even hard. Bea switched hands so she could curl the fingers of her right hand on Niki’s face. She dug her fingers in to one cheek and her thumb into the other. Bea forced Niki’s mouth in a pout. She grabbed Niki’s nose and almost twisted it off. She pinced Niki’s lower lip, pulled it out and twisted it. Niki screamed out in pain each time even though her throat was constricted.

Niki’s big tits were giggling and bouncing as Bea whipped Niki’s head around and clawed her face. They were an irresistible target. Bea would never admit it but she was jealous of Niki’s breasts. They were larger than hers and just about as firm. Niki’s nipples were larger also. Bea had larger than normal breasts but they were overshadowed by Niki’s and Bea’s nipples were on the small side. She had also seen that her husband couldn’t keep his eyes off of Niki’s cleavage earlier. She wasn’t worried about Niki stealing him because Niki wasn’t his type. But he couldn’t resist her boobs. Bea could tell he was wondering just how big they were, were they soft or firm, what would they be like in his mouth or hand. And he didn’t even know how big and inviting her nipples.

In catfights there is almost always an attempt to rip off the other woman’s top to expose her breasts as I mentioned earlier. But there is usually little time or opportunity to go after the breasts. You must use your hands for other things. If you go after her breasts she can use her hands to do much more damage to you elsewhere. Damage that can knock you out , give you an injury or get you trapped in a helpless position. Maybe you can get in a good punch now and then but punches are more effective other places. So you are too busy defending yourself or trying to get her in a position where you can dominate her to do much mauling. Sorry fellows who always like to write about the two women locking up in tit grabbing but that’s the way it is. Maybe in a staged fight but not in a real fight. But once you have her at your mercy, well that’s a different story. And that is exactly where Bea had Niki.

So Bea spread the fingers of her right hand as wide as possible. She grabbed as much of Niki’s right tit as she could. There was still a lot of tit left over. Small breasted women always say “Anything more than a mouthful is wasted.” By that criterion there was a lot of waste in Niki’s tits. There was even a lot of waste if it had been more than a handful. Bea could not take off of Miki’s breast in her hand. Bea curled and uncurled her fingers. She loved the feel of Niki’s breasts squishing in and out as she squeezed and unsqueezed. Soft tit flesh would ooze between her fingers when she curled her fingers and nails into the soft breast. Sinking her nails in as deep as she could, Bea pulled and twisted the large boob as much as she could.

Bea had been concentrating on attacking Niki’s breast that she got a little careless with applying pressure with the stick. Niki was able to get some good breaths. But before she could pull her fingers out or pull the material out too far Bea realized what was happening. She quickly gave a big twist tot the stick and Niki’s eyes bulged out from the pressure. Bea then backed off just enough to keep the red faced Niki from passing out. ”Try that again and I won’t be so kind.” It was kindness that Niki could do without. ”Let’s see how you like this.” Bea switched from a full tit attack to Niki’s nipple. It was large made huge by the fighting. Bea had no trouble in getting ahold of it. She pinched it, twisted it, and, for the most pain, sunk her finger nails just behind the nipple while stretching the nipple and the tit out as far as she could. This caused the loudest and longest restricted screaming by Niki. ”SHUT UP!” yelled the cruel Bea more for effect than anything else. In truth she was enjoying the screaming and wanted to hear as much as possible.

Bea’s biggest disappointment was that she couldn’t use both hands at once. She did the next best thing. She switched hands and now went after Niki’s left tit with her left hand. ”We don’t want one flabby bbobie getting more of a massage than the other, do we?” she cackled just like the witch her enemies (and a few so called friends) called her.

Ad Bea was having her fun with Niki and torturing her every way she could from that position you might wonder what was happening in the bridesmaids fights. To refresh your memory, Niki’s bridesmaids had tried to come to Niki’s aid. Bea’s bridesmaids caught then to stop them and they started fighting each other. It didn’t remain one set of bridesmaids against the other set very long. Soon it became like a huge battle royal. Even among one “team” there were women who had scores to settle with another. In the heat and confusion of the fight they would “accidental” yank the others hair, punch her, kick her, or even twist her arm. Whatever they could do to get some satisfaction. It didn’t matter which team they were on.. Some of the women didn’t have any real scores to settle. They concentrated on the other bridal party but hey still fought with relish. Many of these more demure ladies had never been in a catfight before. They found pulling another woman’s hair, slapping her, rolling around with her was enjoyable and even sexually exciting. Who knows, maybe after this these women may even want to participate in rules catfights for their boyfriends, girlfriends or husbands. Maybe they would even get into real catfights. Some good could come out of this disorganized, wild melee.

Soon it wasn’t bridesmaids along. Women guests also had scores to settle and got into the action. There was fighting everywhere. There were pairs who had separated to go after each other. Two on one or other multiple combinations were seen. And there was the rally big pile up of women where it was difficult to see who was doing what to whom. A massive tangle of arms, legs, and bodies with shrieks of pain, cries of triumph and even squeals of delight sounding as hair and clothes flew about.

There were some women who were just mean and nasty and loved nothing more than beating another woman up just for the fun of it. One such woman was a big 5’10
 black haired bruiser of at least 180 pounds. She was from Niki’s group. She had dragged a petite 5’4” 110 pound blonde from Bea’s party out of the battle royal by the hair. Now she had her down and was pounding the piss out of the blonde. Another small blonde of about 115 pounds tried to come to help the first blonde. She rushed at the brunette and tried to tackle her off. The brunette just laughed in glee at her futile efforts. The brunette put the blonde face down on the other blonde who was on her back. She sat and bounded on both of them as she continued to pound the piss out of both of them and yank their hair out, etc. You get the picture. She got particular delight out of grabbing the top blonde by the hair with both hands and mashing and rubbing her face against the other blonde’s face.

While all this was going on action was occurring elsewhere. The mothers of both brides were back in the ballroom. Some words were exchanged that lead to some pushing and shoving. This escalated when they one of them slapped the other only to receive a return slap. That led to hands in the hair and hands grasping at clothes. But that is a left for another chapter or even another story.

You may wonder what all the men were doing during all of this. OK, so mainly you women are wondering. Well some of them were fighting but that is not of interest to this reporter. They fought like men, throwing punches to knock the other out. No where near as interesting as the way the women were fighting. About the only two men that would be of interest to our story would be the husbands. They had moved up the hill so they could get closer to their wives fighting. Bea’s husband in particular went far enough up so he had a good view of Niki’s bare chest. He was content to let the wives fight. After taking a lot of punishment his wife was not in total control. She deserved to have her fun with Niki. Niki’s husband was tempted to knock Bea off his wife and at least make it a fair fight again. He would have had to contend with Bea’s husband of course but that was not the main reason he didn’t go help his wife. She had made him promise to not interfere NO MATTER WHAT!!! He knew from past fights she meant every word of it. If she lost so be it, although we must point out she had never lost a fight. But she didn’t want any victory cheapened by the other woman claiming she had received help. Victory was sweet only if she did it by herself. Niki’s husband knew not to take that pleasure away from his wife. Not if he wanted to stay married.

Back to our main attraction, Bea and Niki. No, Niki had not found away to escape. She was still being dominated and tortured by Bea. Bea had pushed Niki down onto her face where she could lie on her and trap her even more. It was easier to twist the garrote this way to boot. Bea had pulled Niki’s right arm behind her back and twisted it up into a chicken wing. She held it trapped there between their bodies. Bea was trying to see if she could break it off or at least to get Niki to admit defeat. Fortunately for Niki the former hadn’t happened and unfortunately for Niki the second would only happen over Niki’s dead body.

How much more punishment could Niki take?
Would Bea eventually choke her unconscious or even choke her to death?
Would Bea do permanent damage to Niki(besides her ego)?
Would Niki find a way to escape?
Would someone or divine nature intervene on Niki’s behalf? That would be fair for Bea had had most of the luck or else she would be unconscious or with a broken back by now. But it would be disappointing turn of events to this reporter.
What would happen next?

Stay tuned. To be continued ……
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I am surprised that Niki lasted this long, Bea would just destroy her.


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come on forks! Don't let that two bit little blonde tease get the better of Niki. Let's see Niki squash her lije a little bug. >:( >:( >:( >:(
I am surprised that Niki lasted this long, Bea would just destroy her.

 I am curious why either of you think one would beat the other easily? Personally I think it would be a close fight all the way. You insight could help me in the story.
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Bride Fight – Niki (brunette) vs Bea (blonde)

Chapter 7 - Never Count Niki or Bea Out until the Fat Lady Sings

Bea had Niki flat on her stomach. She was choking her with the two veils she had wrapped around Niki’s throat. The veils were secured with a knot that had a stick through the knot. The stick could be use to twist the knot to tighten the noose as much as Bea desired. Bea had Niki’s right arm in a chicken wing and trapped there by her body. Niki’s left hand still had her fingers between the veils and her throat, trying to lessen the pressure as best she could.

Bea started punching Niki with her free right hand. The left hand was used to twist the stick as necessary to keep Niki under control. Bea pounded Niki’s right side again and again. She hit Niki on the side of the face with three quick blows. Niki was barely moving. She cold only get some air now and then and her energy was sapped. Bea grabbed the hair in the back of Niki’s neck. She pushed down to grind her face in the grass. She rocked Niki’s face back and forth and then slid it along the ground.

Bea tightened the noose until Niki’s eyes rolled into the back of her head and Niki passed out. She got off Niki and walked around to her feet. She grabbed the hem of Niki’s gown. The gown had been unzipped and had fallen below her waist. But it still remained on her hips and covered her legs and ass. Bea pulled the gown down off Niki’s legs and tossed it to the side. It landed close by as the gown weighted a ton. Niki was wearing a full, strapless slip. The top had come off her breasts when the falling gown pulled it down. Bea pulled Niki’s slip off leaving her in just her panties. It was time to make Niki suffer the indignity of being stripped nude. She worked Niki’s panties down. It wasn’t easy because Niki was too heavy for Bea to lift completely up. She had to roll Niki back and forth and work each side down over Niki’s large hips and big butt. It was easy after than and Bea slid them down her legs. ”My dear, is that cottage cheese on your t highs? You really ought to do something abut that cellulite.” She sat on Niki’s back, pulled her head back up by the hair Bea stuffed the panties in Niki’s mouth. She pushed at any material that stuck out until the entire panties disappeared into Niki’s mouth.

Niki was still not moving so Bea lifting her own legs and spun on Niki’s back. She started slapping Niki’s bare bum. It flattened and giggled with each slap and then bounced back. Bea kept it up until Niki’s butt was a rosy red. She finished off by giving Niki’s ass some hard punches, driving her knuckles deep into the giggly flesh. Still sitting on Niki’s back and facing backward she slid her right hand between Niki’s thighs and reached around. ”Wouldn’t you know she had a full bush! Yeah, if I had an ugly twat like that I would keep it covered too.” Bea wound some pubic hairs around her finger and yanked them out. She was going to really start working Niki’s pussy over until she heard Niki stirring. The pain from the pubic hair being pulled out brought Niki around. She was still too groggy to know what was going on but Bea was not taking any chances. Niki was aware enough to spit and pull the panties out of her mouth. Bea reacted quickly. No way was she going to give Niki a chance to get back into the fight.

Bea spun around on Niki’s back to face forward. She grabbed the stick with one hand in case she had to choke Niki again but not so tight as to choke her unconscious. She wanted Niki awake what she had planned for the helpless brunette next. It was payback time for Niki trying to break her back. Bea toke ahold of the noose in both hands and pulled back. But she couldn’t lift Niki’s head and shoulders up in her current position. She bent her legs out in front of her so she could brace them. It was still tough work for Niki was not light. Niki was beginning to feel the pain. Niki had been pushing up on the ground with her hands to go with Bea and lessen the pressure on her neck and back.  Bea reacted by giving the knot a good twist. Fearing she would be choked, Niki lifted her hands and grabbed the veils with both hands to try and pull the noose away. When she did this her weight was being supported by the noose. That, combined with Bea twisting tighter and Niki pulling, was too much for the frail material. Both veils were of a fine, delicate mesh and not that strong to begin with. The two together had held but the additional pressure was too much even for two. They ripped apart in an instant and Bea tumbled over backward off of Niki.

Niki fell forward on her face but thankful that she could breathe fully again. She took in several gulps of air. Bea tumbled backward and then rolled to the side and got up quickly. She charged at Niki and launched into a flying leap to land full force on Niki’s back. Niki was reviving quickly but in no way could she get up in time to face Bea. Instead she instinctively rolled to the side. Bea landed face first on the ground. She scrambled to her hands and knees to get up before Niki could get on top of her. Niki did not try and get on top of Bea. She had managed to get to her knees facing Bea while Bea was recovering from the hard hit to the ground. As Bea got to her hands and knees Niki intertwined her fingers and gave a double ax handle chop right in the small of Bea’s back. It would have been a devastating blow under any conditions as Niki got her weight into it. It was even worse given the torture Bea’s back had suffered previously. Niki gave Bea a second blow just for good measure. You could hear the dull thud characteristic of such blow as well as a gasp/grunt combination from Bea. That was followed by a loud shriek caused by the pain that surged back after the initial shock of the blows.

No one ever said that Bea couldn’t take pain. She gritted her teeth and rolled just as Niki moved towards her to get on her back. Bea got to her knees. The two women were now facing each other on their knees. They locked up trying to twist the other down. It was no contest. Niki not only had twenty pounds on her and strong shoulders left over from gymnastics but Bea also flinched involuntarily as her back let her know it was injured. Niki forced Bea flat on her back and got on top in a full body pin. Niki searched for the veils or the panties to use them on Bea but she couldn’t reach them. So she used her hands to throttle Bea. Bea countered by throwing a hard punch to the side of Niki’s head. A second such blow forced Niki to release her grip on Bea’s throat. She sat up so she could slap Bea back and forth across the face. Loud slaps rang out as she hit slapped Bea and then hit her with a more powerful backhand on the return. Bea protected her face by crossing her arms in front. Niki grabbed her wrists and easily pushed then against the grass just above Bea’s head. She leaped up so her shins landed hard on Bea’s biceps. She inflicted more pain by moving so that Bea’s biceps rolled to and fro under Niki’s shins. That had to really hurt as Bea had fairly solid biceps. The muscle grinding against bone hurt worse than if she had flabby  arms.

Now it was Niki’s turn to gloat. ”I guess you like my pussy as you ripped my panties off to get to it. Maybe you would like to taste it up close and personal.” She slid further up so Bea’s face was just inches from her crotch. She grabbed Bea’s hair and pulled her mouth and nose up into her pussy still covered with dirty water from the swampy pond. Bea got a mouthful of filthy, dark black, coarse pubic hair. Niki clamped her large thighs on Bea’s head to squeeze it and to trap it. Bea’s head almost disappeared between Niki’s large thighs.  Bea tried to bite Niki’s pussy but all she got was pubic hair in her teeth and the taste of foul slim. She tried to spit it out but Niki’s pussy pressed against her mouth making that impossible. Bea was forced to swallow the filthy stuff.

Niki moved up even further so she could force Bea’s head flat against the ground with her crotch bearing down on it. She spread her knees so her full weight bore down on Bea’s face. She wiggled her ass back and forth to grind her pussy on Bea’s face. ”You like to fuck everything around. Come on, nympho, put that tongue   to good use.” Muffled sounds came from Bea but were unintelligible as her mouth was covered. You can use your own imagination. Even if Bea had wanted to, WHICH SHE DEFINITELY DID NOT!, she couldn’t what with the smell and taste of the slimy pond residue.

Bea could not lift Niki’s knees off her arms nor get her head away from Niki’s crotch. But her legs were free. In a sudden move she brought them up and hooked them around Niki. Niki was aware of this maneuver as she often had another woman in the same position she had Bea in. Under must circumstances Bea’s move would have been ineffective. In fact Niki would usually have grabbed Bea’s legs and forced them down in a matchbook, trapping Bea even further. But Niki was facing uphill and although the slope was not that steep it was enough to aid Bea in pulling Niki backward.

Bea went with Niki, keeping her legs around her as Niki tumbled backward When they stopped Bea had gotten her legs into a scissors around Niki’s chest. At first her legs squeezed on Niki’s sides. But in the struggling Bea managed to get to the side of Niki and got her thighs pressing down on Niki’s rib cage. Bea’s powerful ballerina thighs began squeezing Niki. Niki’s large breasts were trapped and were being flattened. If they hadn’t been so large and so soft Niki would have had some cracked or broken ribs by now. Even though her breasts were screaming in pain, they acted like a buffer to protect her ribs. Bea relaxed her legs only to reset her legs and redoubled her effort. Niki was screaming in pain but she would not submit. She would hang on even if her ribs were crushed.


The wild battle royal of Niki’s and Bea’s friends and bridesmaids had been going on for some time. The behemoth brunette had knocked out the two petite blondes and was looking for some other fodder to chew up. She was met by two women around average height and a little heavier than average. They subdued her with great difficulty. The three of them continued to struggle with the pair having a slight advantage. The outcome was still in doubt. There were women lying or sitting about in various stages of disarray. Some where unconscious. Some had just run out of gas and were resting. Some were in too much pain to continue. A few had run away.

There were a couple of pairs of women who had never been in a fight before. At least not a fight with full body contact with another woman. They had gotten sexually aroused and were now kissing and fondling each other instead of fighting. These women would either be embarrassed later or be happy they found a new pleasure.

Those left fighting were the hard core that really hated each other. Most of these fights were between friends of Bea and friends of Niki whether they were bridesmaids or not. Bea’s friends tended to be blonde or with light brown hair. There was one redhead. Niki’s friends tended towards shades of dark brown hair gong all the way to jet black. Overall the light haired women seem to be doing as well or poorly as the dark haired women. From this sample one could only conclude that hair color had little to do with fighting ability. If you liked brunettes beating up blondes you could find that. If you liked blondes beating up brunettes you could find that. And if you liked watching them ripping hair out in an equal struggle you could find that.

Meanwhile back at the ranch, er in the ballroom, Niki’s mother and Bea’s mother got into a heated discussion. That’s the polite term for a loud argument. Niki’s mother was named Nikita.   Bea’s mother was named Beatrice only Bea’s mother called herself Tricia as she thought that sounded more sophisticated than Beatrice. Nikita was short. She claimed she was 5’2” tall but most people though she added a inch or two to her height just as she took 10 pounds off her weight. Tricia was 5’6” tall. Tricia was vain and had kept her figure. Nikita carried a few extra pounds but not all that much.  More like what most women put on as they reached their later forties or early fifties. That was the ages of both women. 

Tricia had come up to Nikita and said ”You should teach your daughter more manners. She started this whole thing by attacking my daughter.”
Nikita snapped back ”It was your daughter that is to blame. She purposely booked the same location and somehow wangled the best setting.”
”There’s plenty of room her and other nice spots. You and your bully daughter could have stayed away from us. Niki purposely went out of her way to cause trouble.”
”She just reacted to the way Bea was flirting and going after Niki’s fiancé. She paraded herself so that he couldn’t keep his eyes off her.”
”Can Bea help it if she is so beautiful and sexy? Can see help it if men are attracted to her so much? You are suggesting she should be unfriendly to them.”
”Friendly? Is that what you call it?  I call it something else. Which reminds me, Niki made the reservations first. She should have ended up with the choice location and settings.”
”What are you implying. Your daughter ended up with worse locations because she is too dim witted to make the right choices. Bea is a lot smarter than her and always has been.”
”SMARTER? THAT”S A FUCKING CROCK! She probably got them by sleeping with the man who made the reservations. Or woman for that matter. Your daughter is nothing but a whore and a nymphomaniac. I hear she will fuck anything that moves.”
”You take that back!” Smack! Tricia gave Nikita a slap on the cheek. It wasn’t a hard slap, one more for emphasis. She was much taller than Bea and wanted to show her she would force Nikita to take her words back if she had to. She was expecting Nikita to slap her back. That is what most women did and Tricia was all prepared to grab her hair and throw the small woman to the ground.

Nikita didn’t slap her back. She didn’t say anything. She just would up and cold cocked Tricia on the jaw with a powerful close fisted punch. Tricia stood there for a second. Then her knees crumpled and she sank slowly down on her haunches. She wasn’t knocked out but was certainly dazed. Nikita grabbed Tricia by the hair, bent her head back and slapped her back and forth across the face. ”Your daughter is a fucking tramp and I stick by my words.” She then shoved Tricia on her back and walked away.

Most fights with Nikita ended this way. They were over quickly. Nikita was small and other women thought they could walk all over her. What they didn’t know was that Nikita didn’t believe in a little hairpulling, pushing and shoving, or slapping foreplay. She would throw the first hard punch. And she knew how to punch the way other women did not. One punch and they either went down or decided some other part of the room looked more appealing. She hit her husband once when the other woman ducked and she broke his jaw. If they didn’t run away Nikita was ready to throw some more good licks. That would put them down for sure. A woman had to be able to take a punch to stay with Nikita. Needless to say Tricia was not used to taking such powerful punches. She had been in catfights before and had won most of them (she claimed all). But those women had tried to get into a hairpulling catfight with her. She was unprepared for Nikita’s blow.

But least you think she had the fight knocked out of her you don’t know Tricia. She was her daughter’s mother and would not quit, even more so than Bea wouldn’t quit. She had taken what she considered a cheap shot and had a lot of fight left in her. She rubbed her jaw and shook the cobwebs out of her head. Then she got up and charged at Nikita from the rear. She tackled Nikita and soon both women were rolling around on the dance floor trying to get the better position.

To be continued …..

Any thoughts on how the mother vs mother fight will turn out?
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My bet is on Nikita.

Can you focus on one of the other brawls still going on between hated rivals in the parties outside in the next part as well?

Of course. Maybe I'll break them out into a separate post. That is unless the result of this fight and the mothers fight plays a roll in the Niki vs Bea fight. I am not sure where I am going so who knows what will happen.
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Bride Fight – Niki (brunette) vs Bea (blonde)

Chapter 8 – Give up, cxnt! Never, slut!

Bea was lying on her side with her legs around Niki’s chest. Niki was lying on her back. Bea was facing towards Niki’s legs. Niki was completely nude. Bea had on her half slip and presumably panties underneath. Most of Bea’s thighs were exposed as she applied her scissors on Niki. Bea was squeezing Niki’s ribs and huge breast between her thighs for all she was worth. Niki gritted her teeth and refused to submit. Bea’s thighs and legs started quivering from the strain and still Niki hung on. Niki had been unable to separate Bea’s legs. She had tried grabbing her toes and bending them back to unhook Bea’s ankles. She couldn’t do it. Niki switched tactics. She started pounding Bea’s thigh with her knuckles. Bea’s legs were trying and with Niki pounding them black and blue she knew she couldn’t continue much longer.

Bea tried grabbing Niki’s wrist. Niki jerked it away and starting pounding again. Suddenly Niki hooked one leg over Bea’s shoulder and neck. She bent it to try and hook Bea’s head into a figure four scissors. She was almost successful until Bea saw Niki’s tender spot. She grabbed a big clump of that thick black pubic bush. Niki yelled in pain, forgetting all about her headscissors. She grabbed Bea’s blonde hair and yanked her head back so hard you could hear the vertebrae in Bea’s neck crack. Bea’s head was almost touched her back. Niki kept pulling back with pulled Bea far enough away she could no longer reach Niki’s crotch.

Bea’s legs tired to the point where she could no longer squeeze very hard. Niki worked her way out while still holding onto Bea’s hair and bending her head back. Niki slid down the grassy slope to below Bea’s head. She stood up all the while yanking on Bea’s hair so Bea couldn’t get to her feet. She started dragging Bea down the slope by the hair. ”Let’s go for a little swim, shall we, blonde?” even though it was impossible Bea was blonde, her hair was so dirty from her previous dunking in the slimy pond.

Bea tried rolling onto her stomach to get to her hands and knees and then to her feet. Niki wouldn’t allow her to do this. If Bea got up too far Niki would give a big yank and Bea would do a face plant in the grass. Bea ended up just grabbing Niki’s hands to ease the pulling on her hair. Down the slope they went towards the pond. Niki dragged Bea unabated all the way to the edge of the pond. She hesitated deciding whether to step into the pond to drag Bea in or if there was another way to put the fucking bitch in there.

Niki’s hesitation was enough for the quick Bea to get to her feet while Niki had turned her head to look at the pond. In one motion Bea stood up and delivered a hard left to Niki’s pudgy gut. She followed up with a harder right between Niki’s legs. The two punches caused Niki to bend forward only to have her ching meet Bea’s knee. Over went Niki, flat on her back in the filthy pond as water splashed everywhere.  Bea was standing with her hands on her hips laughing at Niki who sunk in deeper.


The fights among various women in the two parties continued. For the most part the women had paired off into those that had the most issues with each other. But there were some multiple fights going on  at the same time. Rather than addressing all the fights at once we will describe them a few at a time.

There were two Black vs Blonde  fights gong on, one of tow skinny women and one of two rotund women. Two women had shown up in pants and two in dresses:
There outfits were so similar even down to the hat they were some of the first ones to clash. The hated each other and were looking for an excuse to attack each other. Cynthia made some snide remarks about Julie's outfit. She claimed she look much better in it than Julie did so Julie should go change. Julie answered "If you want it off my you should take it off me. That is if you are woman enough." "Oh I'm woman enough!" Cynthia ripped off Julie's hair, threw it down to the ground and stomped on it with her spike heel. "Why you fucking bitch!" Julie did the same to Cynthia's hat. Julia also make sure she got a strand of Cynthia's blonde hair while jerking the hat off. "Ow.... that was uncalled for, you filthy cxnt!" Cynthia complained. She followed her words up by grabbing Julie's hair with both hands.

The two fighters where pulling hair with one hand, jerking the other woman's head back and forth. With the other hand they grabbed the top of the corset looking tops. They managed to get each other down on the ground. Cynthia was getting the better of Julie. She had her underneath her. Both were ripping clothes but Cynthia had bigger tears in Julie's top. They had not yet gotten to the pants. This was a fight more to strip the other rather than a hairpulling, slapping catfight. "Guess I am woman enough to strip you." Cynthia laughed as she ripped open Julies top to expose her small but very shapely tits.

Pat was standing next to Vickie when a few women started fighting. She turned to Vickie and said "You must be a friend of Bea's." Vickie looked and saw it was a bitch she had had a run in with before. "Why do you say that?" "Because of the way you are dressed." "And what is wrong with the way I am dressed?" "Cause you're dressed like a whore, why you can see your flabby tits right through your so called dress.""I ain't heard no complaints" "You're hearing one now." Pat got right into Vickie's face. Vickie threw her arms around and started squeezing. "My tits are a lot bigger and firmer than your old hag tits." Pat circled her arms around Vickie and the two where competing in a bear hug. Pat was stronger than Vickie. Not only that but she was wearing a bra while Vickie obviously was not. It wasn't clear who had the bigger tits and firmer tits, but the bra made it no contest as Vickie's were pressed down and flat. "Stop, your hurting my tits.""Give up already, blondie? Not until I'm through" Vickie let unclasped her hands hoping Pat would do the same. When she didn't Vickie grabbed Pat's hair and snapped her head back. Pat let go immediately . The two locked up in a hairpulling fight. Vickie and Pat staggered all over the place as they fought. Eventually Pat managed to yank Vickie to the side and get her turned around. She let go of Vickie's hair and put a full nelson on her. It was quite a sight of one big woman with a powerful full nelson on another big woman. It was two massive arms entwined around two other massive arms. Pat force Vickie's head down and was now marching her around the grassy area. She shook her from side to side so others to watch Vickie's big, unhindered tits flop all around. They were covered but with a see through dress and it was almost as good as if her boobs were exposed.

Another fight was a two on one fight. The participants were:

Karen was not involved at this time. She was busy in another fight for the time being. The two enemies were Alice (Niki’s friend) and Gladys (Bea’s friend). They had gone to the same school and the same one as Niki and Bea. Alice was the studious, intellectual type and Gladys had been a cheerleader. Like Bea, Gladys was very popular with the fellows. Alice was not so popular  unlike her friend, Niki, who was popular and competed mainly with Bea for boyfriends. Gladys wasn’t stupid but not in the same class as Alice who was smarted than most people. In school Alice always putting Gladys down for being a stupid blonde bimbo. They had always been hostile towards each other but surprisingly had never gotten into a fight. The wedding changed all that. Alice and Gladys were among the first ones to start fighting when the general battles broke out. Alice may have had the edge in brain power but she did not in muscle power and athletic ability. Gladys quickly got the better of her. Gladys had Alice in a painful chickenwing combined with a police choke hold. Maria was Alice’s friend. When she saw what Gladys was doing to Alice she grabbed Gladys by her long blonde hair and pulled her off of Alice. Gladys was no physical match for Maria. Maria grabbed both Gladys’ upper arms and pulled them behind her back. She linked her left arm through Gladys’ left arm and the grabbed her right upped arm with her left hand. She had Gladys’ arms trapped with one arm. She used her other arm to grab Gladys by the hair and hold her head. She urged Alice to work Gladys over. Alice was not systematically working Gladys’ body over with her fists. She slapped Gladys’ face but didn’t hit it with her closed fist. She was too smart for this, knowing she could injure her own hand. But Alice did hit Gladys on the body with a closed fist. She alternated punches to Gladys’ stomach, each breasts, and a few down low. Alice really liked pounding Gladys’ breasts as the were much larger than hers and better shaped even tough they were larger. Gladys could do nothing but take her punishment. She could not escape Maria’s  trapping of her arms or grasping of her hair. Maria joined in the fun by occasionally grabbing Gladys’ arms with both hands and trying to force her elbows together behind her back. This made Gladys’ breasts and stomach stick out to the thrill of Alice as she pounded away.

There are more fights going on but we will leave those for another later.

To be continued …
« Last Edit: August 22, 2010, 09:58:37 PM by byline »
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Bride Fight – Niki (brunette) vs Bea (blonde)

Chapter 8, part 2 – The fight between mothers.

I had to break this post up as it was too long for one entry.

Back at the ballroom Nikita (Niki’s mother) and Tricia, aka Beatrice, (Bea’s mother) were involved in a physical confrontation. Here is what they looked like before the fight:
Nikita 5'1" ~122 lb
Tricia {Beatrice} 5'6" ~125 lbs
Nikita was a lot shorter than Tricia but there were about the same weight. In spite of the big difference in height Nikita had decked Tricia with a round house punch. As the old saying goes It isn’t the size of the dog in the fight, it’s the size of the fight in the dog.” According to that adage Nikita was bigger than Tricia. But there is a lot of fight in Tricia. Once she had cleared the cobwebs she ran after and tackled Nikita. Nikita had walked away thinking the fight was over. That is how most of her fights ended – one punch and the other woman was done. When we last left them they were rolling around on the floor. Tricia was holding onto Nikita from behind with her hands clasped in front of her stomach where she grabbed her to tackle her. Both women had on long gowns which limited them slightly but not all that much since they were not tight on the legs. But all that material made it impossible for Tricia to get her long legs around Nikita unless she hiked her dress way up. She didn’t have time for that, otherwise she might had ended the fight quickly with a scissors.

Nikita was more compact with Tricia being taller and more gangly. She was able to turn in Tricia’s grasp so they ended up face to face. They rolled back and forth, neither staying on top very long. Nikita’s shorter legs proved a blessing in disguise. She was able to spread her legs wider within the confines of her gown than Tricia could. She was able to spread them wide enough to prevent Tricia from rolling her off once she got on top. Tricia was still hugging Nikita and holding onto her for dear life. Nikita’s arms were free. She got on top but Tricia’s hold prevented her from sitting up and straddling her in a schoolgirl pin. It didn’t matter. Nikita was not so much into wrestling. It didn’t pay off at her size. She was a slugger, Nikita started hitting Tricia on each side of the face in rapid condos. She was too close to hit as hard as she wanted but still got quite a bit of power into her shorter crosses to the side of the head. Tricia was taking one blow after another as Nikita hit her with her right fist and then her left fist. One left turned Tricia’s head and the right caught her square on the nose. The pain was excruciating and Nikita could feel Tricia’s arms relax off her. Now Nikita scooted up into a schoolgirl straddle. Maybe she wasn’t into wrestling so much but she was enjoying the humiliation of this bigger woman being pinned like a school girl by a much smaller woman.

To be continued ...
« Last Edit: August 21, 2010, 12:08:56 AM by byline »
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Bea has had enough & she turns to face Nicky & she puts her hands on her hips screaming, "alright you fat cow. I'v had enough of your big mouth. lets settle this once & for all. Nicky laughs & says "alright you fuckin little whore, lets fight outside in parking lot. The two woman start walking out the door of the wedding hall with a large crowd following right behind them. The crowd forms a large circle around the two woman as they turn & face eachother. Each woman's friends were shouting out words of encouragement (kick her ass, rip out her hair, knock her face in." Nicky screams, "I'v been waiting a long time for this you pathetic little slut, I'm going to knock the shit out of you right in front of everyone & then I'm going to humiliate you & teach you a lesson you'll never forget. When I'm finished with you your fuckin little whore, you're going to be so embarrassed, you'll never show your face around any of these people again.

Bea is infuriated & she puts her hands on her hips screaming, "you fat cow, you fuckin whore, you think you're so fuckin tough. I'm going to punch you out until you don't even know where you are any more & then I'm going to sit down right on that big mouth of yours & show everyone just what a stupid, pathetic fat cow you really are." Nicky is infuriated & she pulls her right fist back & she lunges forward, sending her fist full force right at Bea's face. Quickly Bea manages to step back and out of the way of the punch, & as Nicky is off balance Bea quickly sends her right fist "bang," right into Nicky's nose, swinging Nicky's head back & forth. Nicky gets this shocked look on her face, she wasn't expecting bea to hit her. Bea pulls her right fist all the way back & she sends it plowing full force, "bang," right into Nicky's nose again, & Nicky cry's out, "I'm bleeding as her head snaps back & Nicky stumbles backwards a few steps.

Bea is really pissed off & she goes right after Nicky again. She sends her right fist at Nicky's face again, but this time Nicky is ready for her. Quickly she reaches up with her left hand & she catches Bea's wrist in mid air & with her own right fist she plows it "bang," right into Bea's chin. You can hear Bea's teeth knock together & chatter in her head as her head snaps back & she goes stumbling backwards on her high heels until she loses her balance & she falls right over onto her ass on the concrete with a bang."  Nicky stands right over Bea screaming, "get up whore, get up & fight me so that I can really kick your ass. The crowd went silent for a second. Then you can hear a couple of Bea's friends shouting for her to get up & fight." Bea is just starting to get to her feet, but Nicky grows impatient & she leans over & she laces her hands through Bea's blond hair & she starts yanking, wrenching, jerking at her hair. Bea screams, "aahh," from the pain of having her hair ripped right out of her head as she's dragged strait up on her feet,

but as Bea is stood strait up she sends her left fist plowing "boom," right into the pit of Nicky's fat cow stomach. She knocks the fuckin air out of Nicky & "ooofff," Nicky's eyes almost bulge right out of her head as she grabs her stomach & bends over in pain gasping for air. Now its Bea taunting Nicky. She standing there with her fists raised like a man screaming, "alright, you wanna fight, you really wanna fight. I'll fuckin fight you Nicky. I'm going to blacken your eyes & break your fuckin nose & knock out your fuckin teeth, & then after I kick your ass, I'll," but Nicky is regaining her breast & she lets go of her stomach as she starts to stand up strait, & as she does, Bea sends her right fist plowing "bang," uppercut right into Nicky's jaw. You can hear Nicky's teeth knock together & chatter in her head as her head swings up & back & Nicky stumbles backwards on her high heels.

Bea goes right after Nicky, she grabs her dress with both of her hands & she shoves her back hard. So hard that Nicky's dress rips halfway off of her body in Bea's hands as Nicky goes stumbling backwards on her high heels until "boom," her body hits the cement wall of the wedding hall hard, & ":bang," her head does too. Nicky's huge white push up bra is exposed in front of everyone, & now the crowd is really cheering. Nicky is just standing there & Nicky is not only shcoked, but she's slightly dazed too. Bea grabs Nicky's dress & now she rips it right off of her body & now Nicky is just standing there in front fo everyone in her huge sexy white push up bra & little white lace panties & now the crowd is cheering even louder.

Bea wraps her hands right through Nicky's hair & she shoves her head back hard "bang," right into the concrete. Nicky's head bounces up off of the hard cement, & Bea screams right in Nicky's startled face, "you thought you were so fuckin tough, you thought you were going to beat me up & humiliate me in front of all of these people, but you were fuckin wrong Nicky you fat fuckin whore. I beat you up, & now I'm really going to fuckin humiliate you. I'm going to sit right on that big mouth of yours & make you moo into my cxnt & I'll show everyone just what a stupid, pathetic fat cow you really are," & Nicky doesn't say a fuckin word. She's so fuckin startled. Bea shoves Nicky's head back "bang," right into the cement wall again, screaming right in her face, "now do you know what you're going to do Nicky you fat cow, you're going to moo for everyone. You're going to fuckin moo & tell everyone just what a stupid, pathetic fat cow you are, now let me hear you moo."

Shock turns to anger & Nicky's face is beet red. Nicky loses her temper & suddenly she sticks her hands out & she wraps them right around Bea's neck, & she spins Bea around in a circle, & she shoves Bea's head back "bang," right into the cement wall. Nicky is enraged & she starts "bang, bang, bang,"  hammering Bea's head against the concrete  Bea gets this shocked & startled look across her face as Nicky cracks her fuckin skull against the hard cement over & over again until first Bea's eyes start swimming around in her fuckin head, & her legs get all wobbly, & Bea is seeing stars, fuckin stars as "bang, bang, bang," Nicky just keeps on bashing her head against the wall until Bea's eyes roll right up in her head, & Bea goes limp like a floppy doll in Nicky's hands & then her knee's just buckle right under her & when Nicky lets go of Bea's hair, Bea just goes sliding down the cement wall onto her ass on the ground, out cold. Nicky knocked Bea unconscious, but Nicky is far from finished with Bea yet.

She grabs Bea's hair with her left hand & she holds her head up. Then she takes the open palm of her right hand & she slaps Bea "boom," right across her face, swinging her head to the side from the force of the hard smack. Then with the back of her hand she cracks her. She smacks her backhand across the other side of her face swinging her head back in the other direction. she starts smacking her face, "bam, bam, bam, bam," forehand, backhand, forehand, backhand, "bam, bam, bam, bam," back & forth & back & forth, she's smacking the fuckin shit out of Bea's face screaming "wake up bich, fuckin wake up, I'm not even finished with you yet. She slaps Bea's face silly, until she slaps her back awake, she slaps Bea right out of those fuckin stars she was seeing, & when Bea's eyes blink open, Bea is slapped so fuckin senseless that she doesn't even know where she is any more.

Nicky starts pulling her hair, she's ripping chunks of hair right out of Bea's head as she drags her standing strait up on her wobbly legs. Nicky lets go of Bea's hair, & she grabs her dress with both of her hands & she shoves her back hard, & now it's Bea's dress that rips right off of her body in Nicky's hands, & now Bea's sexy push up bra & little white lace panties are exposed in front of everyone & now the crowd is really cheering. Nicky is clearly winning at this point & Bea is knocked silly. Nicky walks right up tp Bea, & Bea is all wobbly on her legs & she's all pummeled and weak, & Bea has tears welling in her eyes & desperately she cry's out, "alright, stop, enough you win, please stop," but Nicky is still really pissed off & she's not going to fuckin stop.

Nicky jerks Bea forward & she starts screaming right in her shocked face, "alright bitch, you want me to stop beating you up, then tell every one that you're my slave, tell everyone that you are going to do whatever I tell you to do." Bea gets this totally shocked & startled look on her face & she starts to walk away from Nicky on her wobbly, rubbery legs crying out, "no, get away from me you sick bitch." Nicky runs right after Bea & she grabs her shoulder & she spin Bea right back around to face her again screaming, "how fuckin dare you walk away from me you fuckin whore, i didn't say you can go anywhere yet." She grabs Bea's bra with her left hand, & she takes her right fist & she sends it plowing "bang," right into Bea's nose. Bea's head swings back, but Nicky is enraged & she starts "bang, bang, bang, bang," pulling Bea forward into her fist. She's smashing Bea in her nose "bang, bang, bang, bang," over & over again. She's knocking Bea's face in with her fist. She's bashing her fuckin nose in with her hard, powerful punches, & Bea's head is swinging back & forth & back & forth like a floppy doll under her hard punches.

Nicky is knocking the shit out of Bea, just like she said she would. Right in front of all of these people. Blood is gushing out of Bea's nose & when Nicky stops punching Bea, Bea is all submissive. She's crying like a baby, crying out, "please Nicky, I'm your slave, I'm your fuckin slave, I'll do whatever you tell me to do." Nicky screams " that's right slave, take your bra off so that I can use your flabby tits as punching bags. Bea is scared & she doesn't want to piss tough Nicky off again. Bea pulls her bra off, & Nicky screams, "alright bitch, now beg me to punch your ugly pathetic cow tits black & blue. Bea is crying like a baby, but Bea is scared & she's totally submissive to Nicky now & she cry's out, "please Nicky, please punch my ugly, pathetic cow tits black & blue, I'm begging you punch my ugly, pathetic cow tits black & blue." Nicky raises her fists up like a man & she starts using Bea's big breasts as punching bags. The crowd is going crazy as she pummels Bea's tits until Bea's tits swell up & turn black & blue.

Nicky screams, "now lay down on your back slave." Bea is scared & she doesn't hesitate. She lays down right on her back, & Bea is still crying like a little girl. Nicky screams, "you think I'm a fat cow. Now you're going to show everyone just which one of us is the fat cow," as she stands right over Bea & she starts to lower her panties screaming, "look up. look up at me you fat cow." Bea is scared, she's so scared she's shaking in fear as she looks up at Nicky through her dazed, glazed eyes & realizing what is about to happen to her she starts crying out, "no, oh no, please no." Nicky sits down right on Bea's stomach & she slaps her "bam," hard right across the face screaming, "now bitch, you're going to moo, & you're going to show everyone just which one of us is the fuckin fat cow, now let me hear you moo." Bea is a slave & she lets out a feeble little "moo."

Nicky cracks her "bam," backhand across the other side of her face screaming, "you better moo a lot louder than that you fuckin fat cow, & keep mooing until I say you can stop." Bea is crying, but Bea is scared & she tsarts "moooooo,mooooo, mooooo,ing at the top of her lungs over & over again until Nicky lowers herself down & Bea's moo's are muffled.


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Bride Fight – Niki (brunette) vs Bea (blonde)

Chapter 9 – Sore and/or Exhausted, Niki and Bea Fight on!

A punch to the belly, another punch to the crotch, and a knee to the chin had sent Niki flat on her back in the mud. The previous fighting in the fish pond had splashed a good share of the water out. The front of the pond was mainly mud with what water that remained being in the deep end at the read of the pond. The fish were back there trying to hide among the rocks or vegetation. Bea was laughing at the plight of Niki flapping her arms and legs in the mud as she tried to get up. She was laughing so hard her sides were splitting as she stood with her hands on her hips. ”Look at the fat pig …. wallowing in ….. the mud. She’s …..right …….where  ……she ……belongs.” she managed to get out in spurts between shrieks of laughter. Bea was laughing too hard to take advantage of the situation.

Niki wasn’t finding it so funny. She was furious to say the least. She couldn’t get up off her back and she didn’t want to roll prone in the mud. Niki managed to lift one leg out of the mud that gave a slurping, sucking sound as it emerged from the thick mud. Niki swung her leg hard from the side connecting with Bea’s ankles. She knocked Bea’s legs completely out from under her sending Bea crashing to the edge of the pond. Bea landed on her side. Bea slid down the muddy edge into the mud. She was on top of one of  Niki’s shins still buried in the mud. Niki brought her other leg down hard on Bea’s side. Bea had turned slightly towards her stomach and Niki’s heel landed square on Bea’s kidney area. Bea couldn’t take a breath from the blow. Had she been able to she would have pierced the air with a blood curdling scream from the pain in her back caused by the foot.

Both women were not in very good shape. Niki was still winded from the blow to the stomach, sore from the blow to her pussy, and dizzy from the knee to the chin which was also very sore. She had taking several shots to the head or face with more residue pain being left each time. Niki was also close to exhaustion. Bea had a back throbbing with pain. Her hard fall did nothing to ease the pain. She had the wind knocked out of her from the kidney kick. She was tired  but had more stamina left than Niki. All told neither woman had a significant physical advantage over the other. And neither had a mental advantage over her rival either.

Niki tried to gather Bea between her legs. She got her foot further around Bea and tried to pull her further up between her shins hoping to get a scissors on her waist and sore back. Bea tried to get to her hands and knees. She was in the mud but it wasn’t as deep and so could get her hands and knees on more solid ground. When she tried to lift Niki’s leg up the pain in her back was too much and she collapsed back down. Bea was not about to let Niki trap her between her legs. She rolled onto her stomach so she could reach up and grab Niki’s thick, exposed bush. Bea used it to pull her up onto Niki’s thighs. Then she got a good grip on Niki’s tits and used them to pull her up onto Niki’s body. She could not reach Niki’s hair which she used to pull herself up so her tits covered Niki’s face. Niki’s body was covered with mud which allowed Bea’s body to slide effortlessly up her body. Of course Bea’s front also got covered with mud from Niki’s body.

Bea was on top of Niki but wasn’t very happy at being back in the pond. She didn’t like her chances in the pond. Niki had 25 pounds on her and to her consternation and disgust she discovered Niki had the greater upper body strength. These strengths favored Niki in the muddy pond. Bea’s advantages were alleviated by the pond. She had the stronger legs but couldn’t really make use of them in the soft bottom. She was quicker and a lot lighter and faster on her feet. Again, useless in the pond. The last time they were here she was unable to keep Niki underneath her while Niki had no trouble burying Bea underneath her body for as long as she wanted.

To her surprise and delight Bea found this time was different. She was holding Niki down and was actually able to cover her face with her large breasts even though they weren’t up to Niki’s standards. With so much of the water splashed out the mud had become a really thick mess. When Niki tried to roll over the surface tension from the thick mud held her down through its suction. It was similar to what quick sand does. She could barely roll over by herself, let alone with Bea on top of her. Now Bea was plastering her muddy, fucking tits all over her face. The mud made it to slippery for Bea to hold her head in place to completely smother her. But with Niki’s heavy breathing from being exhausted and trying to get her breath back form Bea’s punches, she still couldn’t get enough air to satisfy her.

Not that Niki was in a hopeless position. Both Bea and Niki are very resourceful fighters. If something doesn’t work they will try something else. Niki wrapped her arms around Bea’s waist. She tried squeezing hoping Bea’s injured back would not be able to take it. Bea felt the pain but she thought she was too close to victory to let it affect her. Niki changed tactics again. She let go of her grasp and started hitting Bea as hard as she could in the back and kidneys. That pain was too much for Bea to ignore. She let go of Niki’s head where she was holding it against her breasts. She tried to grab Niki’s wrists to stop the pounding. She chased Niki’s arm all out the place. Once in awhile she got grabbed Niki’s wrist but the mud made it to slippery to hold onto.

 Niki grabbed Bea’s hair. She yanked her to the side with the idea of rolling over on top of Bea. Bea did slid off to the side but Niki could not extricate herself from the mud. She remained on her back. Bea slid off because of the mud rather than rolling off. She landed on her stomach but did manage to roll onto her side. Niki got a grip on Bea and was able to pull on her to roll onto her side. Now the two women were in the mud facing each other on their sides. Niki was on her right side and Bea was on her left side. A leg battle started in the air as both fighters tried to get their leg up and over the other woman’s leg. Whoever won this battle might then be able to throw her hips up and over and get on top. Niki won the battle not because she was faster or better but because Bea was still wearing her half slip. Thus Niki could get her leg up higher. But Niki was too exhausted and too slow to complete the maneuver and get on top. So the two remain on their sides. They smashed mud into the other ones face. They pulled hair. The grabbed at breasts. They slap or hit the other ones cheek. Both women were tired and so the action was not as fast nor at the same intensity as at the start. Each woman was giving it everything she had but neither had a lot left.


While their daughters were fighting, the mothers of the two were also fighting in the ballroom. Whereas the daughters fight was close with the outcome in doubt, the mothers’ fight was rather one-sided. Niki’s mother, Nikita had decked Bea’s mother, Tricia, dazing her but not knocking her out. Tricia tried to make a fight of it by tackling Nikita and taking her to the floor. The struggled on the floor but it didn’t take long for Nikita to get on top of Tricia and hold her down in a schoolgirl pin. Nikita was now letting everyone within shouting distance know how she had the “much bigger woman” down in a totally helpless position. What she failed to mention was that although Tricia was five or six inches taller than her, they weighed the same.

Even if Tricia had weighed 10 or 15 pounds more the result would have been the same except it might have taken Nikita a little longer. The two weighed in the same. Tricia was slender, even skinny whilst Nikita was fleshier. But Nikita was also stronger, that wasn’t all fat that brought the shorter woman’s weight up to Tricia’s weight. OK, let’s say for arguments sake Tricia was stronger to go with her greater height and that she was heavier. She still would have little chance against Nikita. Nikita certainly knew how to throw a punch whilst Tricia did not. If her daughter, Niki, could punch like her mother then Niki’s fight with Bea would have been over a long time ago. It was a bit of irony that Bea could out punch Niki while the reverse was true of the mothers.

What made Nikita the big favorite was their backgrounds. Nikita had grown up on the streets where she had learned to fight. Tricia had been born with a silver spoon in her mouth. She had never really been in a fight. Of maybe she got into some shoving matches with other debutants and women in the upper society. Their different backgrounds also contributed to the hostilities between the two families, mainly between the women of the families who were more concerned about social status. Nikita had married into money and society. Tricia never let her forget it. She took every opportunity to point out how uncouth Nikita was. Nikita probably could have taken this in stride but Tricia’s snide comments were extended towards Niki. Tricia said that Niki would never be a lady with her poor upbringing. Bea joined in her mothers comments? Nikita defended her daughter saying that her daughter had a lot more class than Bea.  Bea was a tramp and a liar. Nikita’s comments did not affect Tricia as much. She just held her nose up in the air and looked down on Nikita and Niki. No wonder Nikita couldn’t way to beat Tricia up. And no wonder the two daughters found like cats and dogs. Unlike Tricia, Bea had learned to fight. Her treatment and “holier than thou” attitude made her many enemies. The looked at her like a stuck up rich bitch who couldn’t fight. They attacked her and so Bea learned how to fight out of necessity. She even had some boys teach her how  to throw a punch.

Nikita was on top of Tricia and was not about to let her up. Tricia pleaded and begged for Nikita to let her up as she couldn’t get Nikita off. The more she begged the more Nikita enjoyed it. She loved seeing this uppity woman being humiliated and groveling. She slapped Tricia’s face every now and then. More for the humiliation than for anything else. Nikita was breaking down Tricia’s will completely. Soon Tricia was bawling her eyes out. Not so much from pain but from the humiliation and her feeling of total helplessness. This much shorter woman had her down and there was nothing she could do about it.

Nikita held Tricia down until she started getting bored because Tricia just wasn’t fighting back enough. She finished the fight with a  couple of hard shots to the head. Tricia’s head fell to the side with her eyes closed, totally out of it. Nikita slowly got off Tricia. She looked down at Tricia with disdain and then headed for the door. ”Let me go see how my daughter is beating up that other stuck up bitch. Surely Bea is no match for her.”

To be continued ……

The other bridal party fights will be posted later ....
« Last Edit: August 22, 2010, 03:02:24 AM by byline »
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Bride Fight – Niki (brunette) vs Bea (blonde)

The Bridesmaids and Guests Fights Part 1

Most of the other women were no longer watching Bea and Niki, they were too busy fighting amongst themselves. A wild melee too place and it wasn’t easy to always tell who was fighting whom. Eventually some women were eliminated from the fracas . Some were knocked out. Some were too exhausted to fight any more.. Some had their clothes ripped and ran off in embarrassment. A few even had gotten sexually excited, stopped fighting and now where engaged in various stages of sexual satisfaction.

A few of the remaining fights have already been documented. A progress report is due.

Pat (black) vs Vickie (blonde): Two very plus sized women. Pat had gotten Vickie in a full nelson  and was parading her around shaking her so her tits flounced all around through her see through top. Part bore down on Vickie’s neck and slowly forced her down to her knees. Pat then pushed her body into Vickie sending her prone with Pat on her back. She tried to get a scissors around Vickie’s body but the rotundness of Vickie’s body and the amount of fat on Pat’s thighs made it impossible for her to lock her ankles together around Vickie. So pat slid flat on Vickie’s back. She lifting her ass as much as she could and rammed her lower body against Vickie’s ass. It was reminiscent of  one whale trying to hump another. Pat pushed as hard as she could on the back of Vickie’s neck and head, squashing her face into the grass.

[b[Cynthia (blonde) vs Julie (black): [/b] Two skinny women in pants. Cynthia and Julie were rolling around on the grass trying to strip the other of an outfit she thought too close to hers. Julie had ripped some of Cynthia’s top but Cynthia had ripped enough of Julie’s top to expose her bra and a good share of her small, shapely, firm tits. Cynthia got to her feet with Julia on her back between her feet. She took a good hold of the torn top and jerked it up. The top tore completely in half. Now Julie’s bra was completely exposed. Cynthia grabbed that and pulled it off. She twirled it in the air around one finger as a trophy. Julie was embarrassed and crossed her arms in front of her tits to cover them.

Alice (brunette) and Maria (brunette) vs Gladys: Ex-cheerleader Gladys and ex-valedictorian Alice had been enemies since high school. They were ones of the first to start fighting which lead to the general riot. The slender Alice was o match for Gladys who was twisting her arm behind her. Maria saw this and didn’t like seeing a blonde getting the better of a brunette, especially since Alice seemed overmatched. She held Gladys’ arms behind her while Alice started working Gladys’ body and breast over. It was a good thing for Gladys that Alice couldn’t punch that hard. Nevertheless she was taking a lot of punishment and starting to go limp. That leads us to another fight that was going on.

Karen (blonde) vs Stephanie (brunette).
Karen (Maria's enemy)
Stephanie (Maria's sister)
When the fighting started Karen looked around for Maria. Karen and Maria were coworkers.  They worked on the same project and had several heated verbal arguments when things on the project weren’t going well. Each blamed the other. A physical fight in the workplace would have been dismissal for both so they never got into one. Karen couldn’t find Maria but she came across Stephanie, Maria’s ‘little sister.’ Stephanie was Maria’s little sister because she was two years younger. But she was now the same size.  Karen, Maria, and Stephanie all matched up well. Since she couldn’t find Maria, Karen decided to take her hatred out on her sister. She never gave Stephanie a chance. Sneaking up behind Stephanie she yanked Stephanie’s head back by her little pony tail. The pony tail came undone. Karen bent Stephanie over backward at the waist until her upper body was parallel to the ground. She clamped a reverse headlock on Stephanie with her left hand. With her right hand Karen slammed her fist into Stephanie’s belly which was facing skyward. Stephanie buckled and landed on her rather large ass. Karen yanked her back up by the hair, bent her over again and delivered another chop to her gut. A third time and it was obvious that Stephanie was not going to get back up on her own. Karen delivered a roundhouse kick to the side of the sitting Stephanie’s head and Stephanie dropped down on her side – out for good. 

Karen left the unconscious Stephanie and went looking for Maria. She found her helping Alice beat up Gladys. ”HEY! Two on one isn’t fair. Let’s even this up!” Karen’s shouting alerted Maria. She shouted back ”Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.” Maria let go of Gladys and charged at Karen. Karen charged at her and the two collided full force. The crash knocked them both to the ground with their arms locked around each other. Gladys was weak from all the hitting Alice had done to her. With her arms free she threw them around Alice in a clinch. She needed time to recover. Alice tried to push Gladys away but wasn’t strong enough. She couldn’t hit Gladys as they were too close together. Both were struggling to stay on their feet; Gladys from being rubbery legged and Alice because of Gladys leaning on her. But neither wanted to go down onto the ground. So they wobbled around with Gladys clinging onto Alice for all she was worth.
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Bride Fight – Niki (brunette) vs Bea (blonde)

The Bridesmaids and Guests Fights Part 2

There were several other fights going on. I will identify the fights and the combatants. Details of the fights will follow later:

The Patent Leather Fight with Marylou, Phyllis, Barbara, Rebecca, Bonnie and Joyce. Women who wear patent leather seemed to have an attitude and be quicker to fight that others. Maybe it just appears that way but anyone who dares wear such outrageous outfits to a wedding must to be looking for trouble.  These women knocked several others out of the battle royal and now were down to facing each other. It was nominally the brunettes vs the blondes but hairpulling and cheap shots did occur intra hair color.
The patent leather was strong with lots of openings and straps to get a got grip on. Several outfits had bare backs and soon claw marks appeared on the expanse of bare skin. Lace ties front and back were quickly undone and a few sets of boobs bounced around free of restraint.

Biggest Battle Royal still Going on This was a eight woman free-for-all consisting of:
Jo Ann

These were all slender women who were not all that strong. Their lack of weight and strength was greatly exceeded by their heart and intensity in a fight. None were a push over by any means. That is why they were left in this big battle when bigger and stronger women were tossed out. Some were very smart and combined two or three on one to get superior foes out. A real battle royal was gong on. Legs and arms were tangled. Hands were grasping whatever they could. Legs kicked wildly. Squeals were heard as a hand found its way down someone’s top and grabbed a breast.

Big Brunette Tortures Two Small Blondes then Runs into a Big Blonde”
Carol was one of the biggest, toughest, meanest brunettes around. She loved nothing better than dominating and crushing blondes much smaller than her. Jeanne had once been Miss New York State in the Miss USA contest. She was about half a foot shorter than Carol and a good 60 or 70 pounds lighter. Carol set her sights on Jeanne. She had never tortured a beauty queen winner before. She grabbed Jeanne by the hair and flung her around. Carol lifted Jeanne up and slammed her to the ground on her back. She then leaped on her and started to wail away on her. Ginnie was of the same stature as Jeanne. She would protect and defend her friends no matter how big the other person was, male or female. She flew at Carol and tried to pull her off. She had two chances, slim and none. Carol swatted her away like a fly. As Ginnie rolled over to get up Carol took ahold of her hair. She got off Jeanne and hauled her up by the hair also. She clamped a headlock on the frail neck of each blonde, one  in each hand. The two blondes were helpless to do anything about their plight. Carol crushed their necks as she pranced around. Judy spied what was going on. Judy was the blonde version of Carol. Just as meant, tough and big. They were almost the same height and weight. Carol was perhaps an inch taller and Judy maybe had 5 or 10 pounds on Carol. Neither difference was significant at their sizes. Carol unclasped her hairs from Jeanne and Ginnie. Grabbing their hair she smacked their heads together. Both blondes went to lullaby land as they crumbled to the floor, out stone cold. Carol and Judy squared off with their fists in a ready position. They circled each other as they waiting for an opening to throw the first punch.

Last but not Least - Roberta (dark blonde) vs Marilyn (blonde):   
This fight did not occur on wide expanse of lawn that led from the mansion down to the fish pond. When everyone rushed out Roberta and Marilyn retired to the bar with their escorts. Roberta was in a long, elegant floor length gown. Actually Roberta’s gown dragged on the floor which was all the more reason not to get grass all over the hem.  She felt too refined and too much a lady to go tramping off and watch two stupid brides ripping each other apart. Marilyn decided a drink was what she really needed.  Marilyn sat down at on a tall bar stool. She crossed one long elegant leg over the other. Her gown was split in front and most of her legs were exposed. After a couple of minutes she uncrossed them, lifting the other leg high and the air and crossed them the other way in a great Sharon Stone imitation. Except Marilyn was wearing panties, back panties. Roberta’s date almost popped out of his head as he watch this exhibition. He sat starting dumbfoundedly staring. His concentration was so great he did not hear what Roberta said to him. He was totally oblivious to anything except those elegant, super sexy legs. Roberta got up with a sigh of disgust. She walked over to Marilyn.
”Would you please mind covering up your legs?”
”Because this is a public place and you look indecent.”
”I don’t see your boyfriend complaining. He can’t take his eyes off me.”
”You have no class, you BITHC!:
”Whatsa matter, jealous? Afraid to show your skinny legs?”
”My legs are a lot better than yours. I don’t have to flaunt them. I’m not looking for a john like you are. You’re nothing but a bar girl working her territory.”
”Don’t you call me a whore, you bitch!”
With that Marilyn threw her drink in Roberta’s face. Roberta grabbed Marilyn’s second drink waiting for her and threw it in her face.  Marilyn stood up to face off with Roberta.
”You want to show your legs, let me help you, bimbo1” She took each side of Marilyn’s split in each hand and ripped it up, all the way to her wasit.
”You crazy bitch, look what you’ve done to my dress. You’ll pay for that.” Marilyn circled her fingers around Roberta’s strap intended to break them and rip Roberta’s top down. Roberta latched onto Marilyn’s straps and now the two were jockeying around, trying to break the straps or throw the other down. Round and round they went.

To be continued….
My favorite beauty
Beauty and Class 


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Bride Fight – Niki (brunette) vs Bea (blonde)

Chapter 10 – One Bride Prevails but Is the Fight Really Over?
Niki had dragged Bea by her long blonde hair down to the edge of the fish pond. Both had ended up in the pond which was now a thick, viscous, goopy mess. Bea had the early advantage being on top of Niki. Niki was on her back with Bea lying on her facing her. It looked like she was easily on her way to victory over her hated rival. Niki used Bea’s hair once more to slide her off to the side. They ended up fighting on their sides facing each other. Niki was on her right side and Bea on her left side. Fighting in the mud was very tiring. It looked like Niki and Bea were fighting in slow motion. That did no lessen their desire and attempts to get the better of the other. Both knew they were close to not having anything left to fight. Who ever got on top would come out of the mud the winner. The fighting was quite even. Niki was more exhausted but also heavier.

Niki got her left leg over Bea’s legs. She clasped Bea’s shoulder with her left arm and was able to pull her upper body out of the mud and lean into Bea. The battle was turning in Niki’s favor as she could now use her weight to twist Bea towards her back. Slowly but surely Niki got further and further over Bea until she had turned Bea about 1/3 of the way over onto her back. Bea was in a panic. The muddy bottom was too soft for her to plant her leg and push Niki back. She had no way of stopping Niki. If she didn’t do something soon Niki would have her on her back and be on top of her. There was absolutely Bea could get out from Niki if that happened and she knew it.

Niki was enjoying feeling Bea lose this battle. She was enjoying it even more as her body was pressing into and onto Bea’s body and dominating it. She was feeling one of the ultimate pleasures of one woman fighting another, dominating her body with yours and pinning it helplessly under yours. Bea was moving her right leg around frantically in what appeared to be a useless effort. Suddenly her foot came in contact with the side of the bank. The bank provided a firm footing. Bea pushed as hard as she could with her strong leg. Now Niki had no way of stopping Bea as she pushed and rolled Niki over onto her back. Bea grabbed Niki’s hair and used it to put her body up onto Niki’s.

Bea could feel Niki’s body go limp under her. Niki was completely exhausted physically. Niki had made one last ditch effort to get on top of Bea. She had given it all she had. As long as she was making progress her energy and strength remained. Suddenly the tables had turned. She had nothing left. She had been beaten physically and mentally. That was the more humiliating part to her, losing mentally to Bea. Still Niki refused to submit even though Bea taunted her and threatened her.

Bea knew Niki could no longer resist her. She knew just how to finish Niki off. First Bea pinched Niki’s nose so she couldn’t breathe through it. Then she reached done and got a handful of the thick mud. She shoved it into Niki’s mouth and clamped her hand over Niki’s mouth covering it completely. Niki was forced to swallow some of the mud. It made her gag but she couldn’t breathe. She lapsed into unconsciousness. Bea had won but wasn’t finished just yet.

Bea slid down off Niki and stood on solid ground. Tugging and pulling she finally managed to ooze Niki out of the viscous mud and onto the grass. She kept ahold of Niki’s ankles and slid her around until her body was parallel to the edge of the pond.  Niki was completely nude except she was covered with mud. Bea rolled her onto her stomach. She knelt down on Niki’s legs. Beat got a hand full of mud in one hand and with her other hand spread Niki’s ass cheeks. She  shoved mud up Niki’s anal canal and worked it in deep with her fingers. Satisfied she had filled the cavity with enough mud, she rolled Niki over again onto her stomach. Niki was now in very shallow mud. Bea used Niki’s ankles to rotate her so Niki’s upper body was in the shallow mud and her pelvis and legs on the grass. She spread the unconscious Niki’s legs as wide as she could. Getting mud in both hands she kneeled down between Niki’s legs facing her pussy. She piled the mud on Niki’s lower abdomen just above her pubic hair. Taking the vaginal lips in both sets of fingers she pulled them apart. Using the fingers of one hand to keep Niki’s vagina open she scooped up mud with the other hand and forced it in. Once significant mud was inserted she could now use both hands to stuff more and more mud up Niki’s cxnt. She sneered at the unconscious Niki and couldn’t restraint herself. She said ”Hey, piggy, I’m just providing you for some lubrication for later on. HA HA HA HA@” Satisfied with her handiwork Bea got up. She gave Niki a few good kicks between the legs followed with hard stomps on her belly and breasts. A kick on Niki’s side and Bea turned and walked away, raising her arms in triumph.

Bea was covered with mud. Her husband motioned her over to where a hose was lying at the top of the grassy knoll. He washed the mud off with the hose. The cold water was refreshing to Bea and revived her. He was all the mud off. Bea picked up her muddy gown and hosed it off herself. She was bent over washing the mud off. Whether she could put it back on or not was not clear. All of a sudden she exclaimed ”What the f…….” She couldn’t finish her expletive. Nikita had come out of the ballroom after having knocked out Bea’s mother, Tricia. She had seen the ending of the fight and couldn’t believe her eyes. It was unfathomable that her daughter could be beaten up by this snake-in-the-grass whore.

Nikita yelled out ”I’ll teach you to use dirty tricks to beat my daughter. You have the tough woman in the family to deal with now.” She leaped as she was yelling and landed on Bea’s back. She clamped her legs around Bea from behind as Bea stoop up. Nikita was now riding Bea as Bea spun this way and that to try and get Nikita off her. Nikita held onto Bea’s hair to stay on her back.

To be continued ???????????

The other fights will continue on the “Catfight , Boxing & Wrestling Stories” page if there is any interest. Are there any particular fights out of all those going on that you would like to hear about first?
My favorite beauty
Beauty and Class