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TABSK: Stolen Kisses edition

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Re: TABSK: Stolen Kisses edition
« Reply #30 on: October 17, 2020, 05:23:50 PM »
Very good can’t wait wait to see what happens


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Re: TABSK: Stolen Kisses edition
« Reply #31 on: October 17, 2020, 10:11:49 PM »

When I come to on the closet floor, Debbie is standing over me, washed up from an apparent shower, standing over me in my favorite pink robe.  Most of the clothes which had littered the closet floor during our brawl have been removed from the closet.  I assume my neat-freak husband has picked up after my frenemy and me, but I then hear him downstairs.  My women's intuition gets a very bad feeling about what has transpired while I was unconscious on my back.  Debbie has a cat-that-ate-the-canary smirk.

> Well, hello, sleepyhead.  You slept right thru another lovemaking session between your soon-to-be-ex-husband and me.

> He's MY husband, bitch.

> Correction, WAS.  Unless ... unless maybe you want a Round 2??

> Debbie, get real, you have 3 kids and I have 2.

> And together, he and I will have 5.  Easy-peezy, what's your point.  Your husband has always been good around the house.  You should know that by now.

> Debbie, I know us fighting for him was always some sick fantasy of yours, that I admit I played into by inviting you over tonight.  But you can't possibly think you beat me bad enough that I'm walking away.

[Debbie undoes my pink robe, and provocatively drops it to the ground.  Her nude body approaches me.]

> Then come get some more, hun.  Let's go again.  I welcome it.  Before he comes back--I'll go less easy of you this time, sweetie.  Count on it.

[I try to get up, but every joint in my body feels sore from our fight.  My mouth has a terrible, salty-sweaty-musty taste permeating it.  I recognize it, but want confirmed what it is.]

> Debbie, did you RIDE me when I was passed out?

> I rode YOU .....then your husband .... then YOU again.  As he cleaned out your closet.  It was .... PURE EXSTACY .... Tammy.  I've owed you that for years you SICK FUCK .... ever since you would call me at night, knowing I was in bed with my ex.  Wanting to eavesdrop on us.

> Why'd you take the calls?

> I actually don't know.  Wanting to start something with you I guess.  Aren't you glad the gloves are off, sweetie?  I knew I'd win.  But I'm glad I did.

> If he wants to be with you and him so bad, why are you and him still here?  Why didn't you just take him back your place?

> Oh, is your memory spotty, hun?  Remember?  The 5 kids?  YOUR place is bigger.  He and I are taking it.  You can have my place tho.  Get it?

> You and what army are getting me out?

[I'm now standing, facing her, nose to nose.]

> I don't NEED an army, judging how Round 1 went.

> Oh, but honey, that was just the warm up.

> I was hoping you'd say that.

To be continued....


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Re: TABSK: Stolen Kisses edition
« Reply #32 on: October 18, 2020, 07:01:12 AM »
Wow awesome story so far. Tammy might want to hear from her husband I know I’d want to watch round 2 if I were him.Tammy may need to know just what happened during her nap. She’d be well served to know  how much of the fight he saw and his reaction to the outcome?  This is great with many directions to go in. Very nice


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Re: TABSK: Stolen Kisses edition
« Reply #33 on: October 18, 2020, 02:17:09 PM »

Debbie and I are about the tear into each other for the second time in the evening when we're startled by the sound of my husband clumsily opening the closet door, holding cans of Mountain Dew in each hand.    He notices us standing toe to toe, naked, but appears to not notice how angry we are with each other, and much too nonchalantly says,

> Oh, good, glad to see you're ok Tammy.  I got drinks for both of, I figured you'd both be thirsty.  [I actually AM ravenously thirsty at the moment, and desperately want to wash the sour taste of Debbie's cum out of my mouth, so I greedily gulp the soda he's offering.]  Tammy, I'm glad you two have known each other long enough that you two can make up after this.  Women are funny like that I guess.  [He then toungue kisses Debbie pasdionately and says .....] I'll be right back with your overnight bag, Debbie.  You two girls be good while I'm gone.  Unless, ... unless, .... did you want to come with me Tammy?  To Debbie's place?  Or, I guess, now, it's your place.

> Tell ya what, I'll catch up with ya in a bit.  Debbie and I have some .... making up to do.

[My husband snaps out of his dumb-jock fog for the first time, and detects sarcasm in my voice.  He tilts his head and looks at me questioningly.  I want him to leave Debbie and me alone, though, so I grab Debbie tenderly by the hair and say.....]

> Isn't the right, Debbie?  Just a little, gentle make-up kissing?  [I kiss her on the mouth softly, almost chastely.  My husband looks at her for her response.]

> That's right.  Watch.  [Debbie retuns my kiss with several of her own, on my mouth, nose, cheeks, and shoulders.]  You bring my stuff over.  And get my overnight bag.  We'll be fine here ..... girltalking.

My husband buys our act.  We've tricked him into leaving us alone for our rematch.  He descends the stairs and goes out the front door.

Debbie and I square up, angrier than hornets at each other.  I break the silence.

> I'm going to kick the living shit out of you Debbie.  But before I do, two questions.

> Go.  But do it fast.

> First.  Overnight bag, huh?  And he knows what it looks like?  Let me guess.  Tonight wasn',t your first time fucking him.

> Well done, Sherlock.  We've fucked a couple times, when you were doing travel swimming overnight with your kids.  And it was .... SPECTACULAR.

> Fuck you for that.  Second, do you remember senior year at Hilltop, where that Lynnfield girl and I wanted to fight, but the cops were patrolling, so we acted nonchalantly until they pulled away.  And then she and I damn near killed each other?

> Sorta.  What's your point?

> Oh.  Just that this reminded me of that.  Just now.

To be continued....


Offline ralbright2010

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Re: TABSK: Stolen Kisses edition
« Reply #34 on: October 19, 2020, 05:45:32 PM »
Debbie is clearly Tammy's Alpha Mistress. Tammy admitted she masturbated to "memories" of Debbie's fights and listening to Debbie and her ex hubbie make out sessions. The feel of Debbie's naked skin sent Tammy over the edge. She wants Debbie to beat her, take her and make her the cuckolded wife. Can't wait for Debbie to used her superior fight skills to subdue Tammy and use a pain / pleasure seduction to confirm Tammy is her submissive bitch.


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Re: TABSK: Stolen Kisses edition
« Reply #35 on: October 19, 2020, 07:24:49 PM »
Debbie and Tammy’s husband had to discuss the probability that she would fight for him. He wasn’t too surprised his wife lost and in fact seemed quit good with it.  I would sure like to know how he felt watching Debbie kick his wife’s ass. Tammy watched he and Debbie before the fight with her blessing. Debbie should show Tammy how much her husband enjoyed sex after seeing her kick Tammy’s ass. Or I suppose Tammy could’ve also enjoyed Debbie beating her ass in front of him.


Offline sinclairfan

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Re: TABSK: Stolen Kisses edition
« Reply #36 on: October 19, 2020, 09:51:20 PM »

Debbie and I approached each other, our erect breasts coming together and preventing us from getting fully nose-to-nose.  We glared at each other, our hands reaching down between each others' legs and gently scratching each others' pussies, a veiled precursor of the deeper slashing to come when Round 2 commenced in earnest.

But before that happened, there was still a liile bit more air to clear.  I wanted to get busy fighting, but welcomed the pause, taking in the fresh scents covering her body from the intermission shower she took after cleaning up from Round 1--and the fucking of my husband and the violating of my face which followed it.  It was a soapy but natural smell, and it was arousing me to near the breaking point.  I felt seconds away from cumming, and my breathing was elevated.  Debbie broke the silence.

> You fucking stupid, weak bitch.
 You talk about that Lynnfield fight as if I should remember it for some reason.  But that was every damn catfight you were ever in.  You could dish it out....a little.  But did you ever notice ..... you always got the living kicked out of you, too.  Even in the fights you somehow won.  Torn out hair, bloody noses, cut lips .... scratches..... Tammy, you were fucking bleeding thru your blouse from that 5 minute fight we had at our house last week.  And that was just from your draws and your wins.  Bitch, we ALL lose fights eventually ...... even ME ..... but Tammy, the fights you lost .... shit, I had to carry you home from every one of them. 

[I can feel Debbie getting wetter as she talks.  She's literally dripping from her pussy.  Fuck, I knew it .... the thought of me losing a fight is literally a sexual turon to her.  And always has been, I now realize.]

> Is that why you always tried to instigate catfights with girls by getting me to make out with their boyfriends, backstabber??  You wanted to see me get beat up??

> [Debbie smirks at me challengingly, our breasts now rubbing together hard.]

> You call ME a pussy for not challenging you all these years .... but if you wanted to get off by seeing me get beat up, why didn't yiu just do it yourself, bitch?

> Because......I wanted a challenge.  I wanted you to fight me back.  Tammy, you have a glass fucking jaw like no one I've ever seen.  Fighting you in a fist fight is like fighting a child.

> [I know what she's saying to be true.  I have almost no recollection of my lost fights, or at least the endings, all of them ending in clean KO's.]  Then let's fight like women.  No fists.  Tits and pussies only......If you're woman enough.

[Debbie answers without using her voice.  Her evil grin, her sharp claws to my groin.... are the only answer needed.  She and I are about to catfight to see who gets my husband.]

To be continued.....


Offline sinclairfan

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Re: TABSK: Stolen Kisses edition
« Reply #37 on: October 20, 2020, 10:17:58 AM »

Debbie and I come together in a clinch, our left hand clutching and pinching the others' right breast, our right hand mauling each other's groin.  I feel pain coursing through my body, but also delight at the emotional release of the many years of strained friendship with Debbie.  I finally understand her, and the toxic dynamic between her and me.

I hiss at her:
> To think:  All those years we attended each others' fights, we weren't watching each others' backs.  We were rooting for each other to lose.  Or to at least get beat up.  You bitch.

> Well, over the years, I certainly got my wish many more times than you did.

> Fuck you, Debbie.  You bit off more than you you chew plenty of times.  When you were a junior and fought the senior girl, she totally had her way with you.

> Tammy, you loser.  If you fight enough, you'll lose eventually, especially in street fights.  But you're the queen of knockouts.  Like earlier tonight-remember??

Our verbal antagonizing causes us to intensify the mauling of eacg others' bodies, and we slide down the closet shelving onto our knees, continuing to maul each others' groins.  There's no strategy behind our attacks--just clutching and scratching as hard as we possibly can.

I can feel my own arousal in the delightful sensation tingling between my legs.  And I can feel Debbie's in the thick cum dripping on my right hand and down my wrist.

On a uncontrollable impulse, I release my right hand from Debbie's groing, and put my right arm, wrist, and hand to my mouth.  I look her in the eyes, and taste her cum.

Her left hand releases my right breast, and grabs my blonde hair, guiding my face to hers.  Our mouths meet, and we tongue kiss as energetically as I've ever been tongue kiss.  Our lips make a suctionny-sucking sound, which arousal me to near-orgasm.  I rub my erogenous breasts on hers, which have become rock-hard again.

We continue kissing, bringing our bodies together.  Sweat and blood mingle together, as each of our breasts have started to bleed from the minutes of mauling and scratching which preceeded our kissing.

Our tongues duel with each other, trying to pin the other's down on her mouth. 

> Fuck you, bitch.

> Fuck you, homewrecking whore.

In the act of speaking, our teeth accidental graze each others' invading tongues.  We then retaliate, biting on purpose this time.  Our biting migrates from
our tongues,
to our lips,
to our noses,
to our chins,
to our shoulders.
Harder and harder bites.  I remember that at our first, clothed catfight, a week ago, when I confronted Debbie at her house, our teeth had made contact with each others' hand and wrists.  But those bites were semi-accidental, in the fog of battle.

These bites are deliberate.

And I love it.  I love biting my enemy.

And getting bitten by her.

I tell her.  At long last, I tell my frenemy what I wanted from her, all along, for forty years.


Debbie seems to have the same idea, responding to my encouragement with gusto.  She bites my shoulders and neck.  She pinches and twists my breasts.  She pushes me down on my back, and grinds her groin into mine.

> Fuck you Tammy.  Fuck you you stupid bitch.

> Pull my hair Debbie.  Pull it pull it pull it!

Debbie digs her claws into my hair, tossing my skull around like a rag doll.  Her body rocks back and forth on mine, our groins locking together.

> Hurt me hurt me!

> I HATE you, I HATE you.

Both of us cum together.


> Yes yes yes o gawd yes yes yes

Our tongues find ach other again, resuming our sucking.

We continue kissing as our bodies decompress from the raw exstacy we've just experienced.

> YOU-'RE the SIDEKICK.  I'M the ALPHA.  AND IF YOU ....  EVER .... come near him, without my permission, I will kick the living shit out of you.  Got it, Tammy?

> Yes, Debbie.

TABSK, when Kristy first wrote back about my predicament, she said Debbie got to have a thrill with my husband, without the pain in the ass of doing his dishes and laundry.

Well, now she's doing his dishes and laundry.

Should I take consolation in that?  Tammy

Dear Tammy-- Well, you're gonna have to take consolation in something, right?  You best friend stole your husband, your kids, your house, your life.  It doesn't get any lower than that.  But at least you caught her in the act, confronted her, and fought for him, woman to woman.  You'll always have that.  And, even she admitted to you--you have the constant option of Round Three hanging over her head.
If you're ever feeling up to it.
And, yes, there's that--no dishes or laundry.
Best of luck.  And kudos on standing up to a bully.  TABSK


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Re: TABSK: Stolen Kisses edition
« Reply #38 on: October 24, 2020, 08:43:31 PM »
Dear TABSK--It's me again, Kristy, reading with so many mixed feelings about the collapse of Tammy's friendship with Debbie, and her marriage to her husband (Tammy--did the marriage, the legal part, actually collapse?  or do you, your husband, and Debbie just have unusual sleeping arrangements?  They can't possibly raise all 5 of the kids adequately on their own, can they?) .  Guilt, for one.  I hope my letter to you wasn't the deciding factor in Tammy having physical confrontations with Debbie.  Don't get me wrong--I'm glad she did; not because of the outcome, but because giving Debbie a free pass on her seduction of Tammy's husband simply was not an option.  Which is a good lead-in to my second emotion:  TOLD-YA-SO.  I knew it, my women's intuition is right on this every time.  I just knew Debbie did more than kiss Tammy's man--I knew it had already progressed to sleeping together.  An overnight bag, Debbie?? Really?  You spent entire nights with him??  Sick sick sick.  I hope Tammy's scratches are permanently embedded on you as an everlasting reminder of your disloyalty.
But then my reflections drift back to me--why I've never married, why I searched for Robin in 1997, and why it was just over, after all that, after I fought her in her Leominster house on that rainy day.  I now realize:
 After Robin had beaten Cindy in a fight in 1983, and then I did the same in 1984, and a Robin-Kristy championship grudge match became all the buzz in our cul de sac, I now realize that the Robin-Cindy fight held such fascination with me BECAUSE I HADN'T WITNESSED IT.  And I wanted to, like, really bad.  And Robin hadn't seen my fight with Cindy, and I wanted her to have seen it, almost as badly.  When I fought Robin, I was finally watching her fight, and she was finally watching me fight.  I think that part of the fight, even more than Britney being there, is what caused me to become so aroused during the fight. 

I think Debbie and Tammy enjoyed watching each other fight, and got to fulfill it in high school and college.  I think Robin and I wanted to watch each other fight, but it was unrequited until we fought each other.

I guess my real question, TABSK, is--is there a word for two women who enjoy watching each other fight?  And whether there is or not, what does it mean?

Dear Kristy--Thank you for staying in touch.    We share your almost-shock-almost-denial at the mind-blowing ramifications of the Debbie-Tammy showdown-in-the-master-bedroom (breakup of a marriage?  merger of two families?  has there been legal paperwork effected to make those happen and be enforcable??  or is it enforced by a tense 3-way truce between the 3 parents?), and also share your resigned what-a-surprise at how far along Debbie's intrusion into Tammy's life had already progressed anyways.  Debbie truly has so much to answer for, and we at TABSK still hold out hope for the thorough ass-kicking she so truly deserves (has no one caught our hint of Tammy revisiting her betrothal bed some night when she's feeling up to it?).

Now, as for you, Kristy:  yes, there's a word for it when two women enjoy watching each other fight, when it's combined with sexual arousal during or after the fight.  Attraction.  As in sexual attraction.  Those two women are sexually attracted to each other.  Tammy and Debbie to each other (albeit in a toxic way).  Robin and you to each other.
Kristy. C'mere girl.  Look at me.  Up here, my eyes are up here.  You're attractive enough to have been a dancer, you're in your 50's, and you've never married?  Kristy, you're not straight.  We don't know what you are, but guys don't do it for you.  We're not criticizing--good for you for not entering into a going-thru-the-motions straight marriage. 
Again, not judging.  But you asked, so we're answering.  Correction--ruling out one possible answer.  We thought you Should Know.  It's in our name, after all.  TABSK


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Re: TABSK: Stolen Kisses edition
« Reply #39 on: October 25, 2020, 02:59:11 AM »
I think one part of the Tammy vs Debbie fight that hasn’t been talked about much is Tammy’s husband. Did he encourage the fight? Did Debbie talk about fighting Tammy to him prior ? Did Debbie talk about fighting Debbie back when they kissed behind Tammy’s back? Was he encouraging Debbie to fight Tammy for him? It seems that it was a given after that the winner was staying with him. That had to be decided at some point either before or right after. Was Debbie so sure she’d beat Tammy and he’d want her after or was He sure Debbie would win that they would be together? What was his reaction when he knew she was losing to Debbie? When Debbie had Tammy set up for the final blow was he encouraging Debbie then? After he and Debbie had round two who’s idea was it that Debbie ride his wife’s face? Certainly he played quite the roll in the fact he was Debbie’s prize for winning the fight. Would another fight getting him back if she did somehow beat Debbie? Such a great story with sooooo many things or directions to go with or not. Very good set up for what could have so many different directions to take this. Look forward to either more of this one or your next story. I have enjoyed this one very much and do hope there is more to come. Again enjoyed it very much.


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Re: TABSK: Stolen Kisses edition
« Reply #40 on: October 25, 2020, 09:20:32 PM »

Date:  December 27, 2019
Subject:  Hey, It's Tammy, from TABSK

Hey, Kristy.  I hope this isn't too stalkerish.  I found your email from a Marian High School alumni directory.  I figured out from your letters to TABSK that you must have gone there, and about what class year you must have been.  I hope this doesn't scare you off--but I figured we were already practically talking direct to each other thru TABSK, so might as well "cut out the middleman" and talk directly. if that's ok with you.

I feel like we already know each other.  To start with, we were both TABSK readers, so we were both already into catfighting, amiright?  And you reached out when you heard my story.  And you and and enemy that needed settling things with, like I did with Debbie. 

Kristy, the real reason for this note is to tell you there's no reason at all for you to feel guilty for what happened to me.  To start with, I'm a grown woman and am accountable for my decisions.  But, (and here's what I wanted to share just between us, and not with TABSK's thousands of readers) my husband's and Debbie's affair was much more tawdry and pre-meditated than my worst suspicions.  You called it--there was way more going on between them than stolen kisses.

When I started living at Debbie's place after she won our catfight (and, no, to answer TABSK's and your question, none of this has been legally formalized; I'm still my husband's legal wife--Debbie and my husband and I can't afford 5 kids if Debbie gives up her alimony and child support payments from her ex), I found in a desk drawer printed texts from my husband to her from the start of their affair. 

Her--Tammy around?  It's Debbie.
Him--She's sleeping.  Should I wake her?
Her--No, I actually wanted to talk to you alone.
Him--I shouldn't have kissed you back today.  I'm so sorry.
Her--Step up Studley, be a man.  You deserve it.
Him--How so?
Her--You do everything in that house.  Earn the money, fix the house, help with the kids.  I kiss ok, right?
Him--Better than ok.  What's your secret?
Her--<blushing> 2 secrets.  18 months of celibacy.  And your sexiness.
Him--How are you celibate if you're married?
Her--He hasn't done it for me for awhile.  It's ending once our daughter's residency is established for high school.
Him--I had no idea.  I'm sorry.
Her--I'm not.  I want you.  Sex.  Then marriage.  Then lots more sex.
Him--You get right to the point, I'll give you that.  How long have you wanted me.
Her--Since you and Tammy started dating.  I wanted to fuck you hard.  What did you think of me?
Him--<my turn to blush>I thought you were Tammy's sexiest friend.  By far.
Her--Does she know that?  Has she ever?
Him--I lied to her.  I told her about a different friend of hers, to throw her off.  But I think she knew it was you I liked best.  But she didn't think of you as a threat, since you were married.
Her--I regret all the lost time.  I don't want to lose one day more.
Him--Tammy is home all the time.  I do the shopping.
Her--I want to see you there.  We can kiss.
Him--I'd like that.  But I'll regret that we can't do more.
Her--More?  Like what?
Him--You already know.
Her--I want you to say it.
Him--Fucking.  I want to fuck you Debbie.  And I can't.
Her--Welcome to my world.  I want something I can't have.  Besides you.
Him--What's that?
Her--To catfight your wife.
Him--Because you're jealous of her?
Her--Pfft.  Don't make me laugh.
Him--Then why do you want to catfight her?
Her--Because I've always wanted to.  The thought drives me wild.
Him--As in, it turns you on?
Her--I masturbate to the thought of it.  Have for years.
Him--How come you never have, Deb?
Her--Same reason I didn't kiss you until the other day.  Looking for the right time.
Him--Another regret.
Her--Yes.  But not for long.
Him--You and her would be an epic catfight.
Her--Have you seen her fight?
Him--Yes.  When she and I were dating.  That friend of hers I lied and said I liked.
Her--And?  Did watching it turn you on?
Him--Yes.  A lot.  But not as much as watching her and you fight.
Her--Then let's bait her.  Tell her I kissed you.

......and on and on.  Them scheming against me.  Them planning nights together when I was away.

So, I didn't end the marriage by fighting Debbie.

I was over already.  They just hadn't informed me yet.

Anyways, her act will get old with my husband soon.  And she'll get tired of raising 5 kids.  I'll be back in my husband's bed.  And, if she has a problem with it, she knows where to find me.

In the said you're still in New England??  Rhode Island, I think?

Wanna meet IRL??



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Re: TABSK: Stolen Kisses edition
« Reply #41 on: October 26, 2020, 02:35:11 AM »
Very very nice. Love the talk between the two and Tammy finding it. Excellent and inventive way to bring the conversation into the story. This is one of the best stories I’ve read here. Hopefully there’s much more of this to come. I love the reflection and the fact the promise of a fight with his wife to start their affair. The talk between Debbie and Tammy‘a husband gives a bit of insight as to what he thought of a possible fight between them. Who did he pick to win? How did Debbie describe the pending fight to him? Surely she told he stories of how the fight would go? Did he pick a winner or ask Debbie to do certain things to Tammy? Was Debbie positive she’d win? Awesome job and still questions as to Kristy and Tammy’s possible meeting. Really good stuff.


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Re: TABSK: Stolen Kisses edition
« Reply #42 on: October 31, 2020, 07:35:32 PM »
Dear TABSK--It's me, Kristy.  And, in a way, it's Tammy, too.  Tammy knows I'm writing this.  Tammy and I met IRL.  I know you don't like the idea of your readers meeting IRL, and that you try to avoid giving personal information that would enable such meetings.  But Tammy and I were less than a hundred miles from each other, both had Catholic High School connections, and most important of all, were sexually attracted to each other after reading each others' stories.  So, we were bound and determined to find each other, and we did, first by email, then on FaceTime, and finally in person.  Tammy now has all sorts of free time on her hands now that her backstabbing frenemy Debbie has custody of Tammy's kids (and husband), and my years of tenaciously protecting and preserving my independence are finally paying off.  Tammy and I almost immediately started engaging in FaceTime sex from our very first connection on it, and it was a given that our attraction would carry over to our first in person meeting.  You can do a lot on FaceTime with a partner, but one thing you can't do is kiss, and Tammy's kissing with me has been magical since we began, in more ways than one.  We of course kiss each other more passionately than we have any partner our entire lives.  But our kissing also gradually escalates to us calling each other names, then slapping, and eventually wrestling. 

We don't stop kissing once the wrestling starts.  We sort of alternate back and forth; craving wrestling while we are kissing, craving kissing while we are wrestling.  Sometimes, one of us will hold back and force the other to "earn" a kiss, by holding the other down and forcing ourselves on the other.  I'm actually a bit leery now about getting into an actual streetfight or catfight, for fear of craving to kiss my opponent.

Here's my main reason for writing, though.  Each of us has an irresistable urge to confront Debbie.  The level of her betrayal of Tammy is almost limitless.  But we don't want to ruin a good thing, since Debbie's usurpation of the head of household role is what gives Tammy freedom and time for a relationship.  Do we just "let it go" with Debbie.  I feel like we're waking a sleeping dog if either of us handles business with Debbie, but we both feel inadequate letting a blatant slight just naturally age into an old score.  We even feel that Debbie is laughing behind Tammy's back.  Is there way to put Debbie "on notice" that we haven't forgotten her scheme, and that she needs to watch her back.  Kristy

Dear Kristy & Tammy--Congratulations on finding each other.  And you've both heard what the best revenge is, right?  It's living well.  You have a good thing going with each other--don't invite Debbie into it.  If Debbie has problems with that she knows where to find Tammy.  Otherwise, try and live happily ever after with each other.  TABSK