Dude Aaron, just because this story doesn’t conform to your tastes doesn’t mean you gotta bash it. There are plenty of stories on this sight where the good girl always wins, or the combatants become besties or lovers afterwards. Those aren’t my taste, but I don’t comment on those stories about how they’re too friendly and saccharine sweet for me. Some of us come here for the sadism and cruelty fantasy. And that’s just it, it’s fantasy, no one actually gets hurt or maimed, the fighters in this story can engage in this kind of combat hourly if the writer feels like it.
Feminism and female empowerment are not set back by sexual fantasy. If female empowerment is your bag then great! There are plenty of really good writers here who cater to that particular thing. If bcw8’s stories aren’t your interest then find someone who’s style you like an encourage the heck out of them like the rest of the commenters here are encouraging this writer. He always turns in great products, with great character depth and development and even in some cases really interesting world building. I like his style and his themes and yes even the cruelty and sadism.
The point being, don’t yuck my yum dude.