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What will happen if my girl friend fights the bully?

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Offline takeshiP

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What will happen if my girl friend fights the bully?
« on: October 07, 2020, 05:35:54 AM »
An older girl at my girl friend's office has been bullying her since she joined. First she put my girl friend down when she was introduced to the team. Then she started using every opportunity to diss my girl friend and make her look bad. For the past month or so she has been physically pushing my girl friend around. Once she "accidentally dropped" coffee on my girl friend's arm. Another time my girl friend's hair got caught in her hand and a few strands got ripped out by mistake. Yet another time she bumped into my girl friend from behind hard enough to make her fall.

My girl friend is a calm, sweet girl but is seething at this and is seriously thinking of slapping the older girl the next time something like this happens. I am however worried that, that is exactly what the bully wants. If she gets a chance she might use it to really hurt my girl friend.

What do you think will happen if my girl friend fights the bully?

My girl friend's stats
Height: 5'0
Weight: 112 pounds
Measurements: 30C-22-32
Age: 25

The bully's stats
Height: 5'4
Weight: 148 pounds
Measurements: 40B-34-40
Age: 28


Offline takeshiP

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Re: What will happen if my girl friend fights the bully?
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2020, 05:37:33 AM »
Here are some pics of the girls together. The bully is on the left and my girl friend is on the right.


Offline Chuka

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Re: What will happen if my girl friend fights the bully?
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2020, 11:27:42 PM »
Your girlfriend should avoid a fight with that bully at all costs even if she has to quit her job.

The bully is ugly but she's bigger, stronger and looks way meaner. Your girlfriend is no match for the bully and will get wrecked if they fight.

The bully will cream her and milk her tits!