I was wondering why do you guy's, think a girl who work's for a company, who has a grudge against a girl who works there, will fight her several times, and never win once. I would think a woman wouldn't want to put herself through it, unless she's a switcher and in denial, and there is something she secretly likes about being dominated by the other girl she supposedly hates. Secondly, maybe the producers ask them to do it because, the fans who buy there product requested it, maybe.
Anastasia vs Leni, Leni, never beat her , Anastasia vs Mary, Anastasia, never beat her, I have heard of girls following another girl who they have fought and lost too several times to a different company, and continuing there grudge matches there. I remember hearing, one producer say in an article, grudges matches always made him nervous, and that he had heard of girls, taking there personally grudges to different company's and having matches.
I guess my question is, why do you think a woman, would go through the emotional stress of repeatedly losing to the same girl 4=5 times, As I stated before I have my theory, but I would like to hear you guy's opinions,