« Reply #27 on: January 28, 2021, 07:28:09 AM »
Name: Sherri McCarthy
Alias: Chopper
Age: 36
Status: Active
Threat Level: 7.5
Fight Style: Brawler
Known Wins:
- Agent Aqua x2
- Agent February
Known Losses:
- Agent December
- Agent Aqua x3
As far as crime is concerned, Sherri McCarthy wouldn't normally be worth our time. The leader of her very own biker gang, she made most of her living off of moving crank around the Southwest US. However, SPA has recently learned that McCarthy has been in contact with both Lori Striker and the Stax Corporation. While the meaning of their relationship is unknown, SPA intends to find out. The only issue is there currently is no Southwest overseer after he passing of Agent Aqua. As such, TYME has stepped in and taken most of the "territory."
Perhaps a newer SPA agent will distinguish themselves and become the director of Southwest operations. If so they will be sure to have multiple run-ins with McCarthy.
With a threat level of 7.5 out of 10, McCarthy is a competent fighter. Rookie agents may engage McCarthy solo, though backup is highly recommended. Veteran agents have the green-light to engage and apprehend as they see fit.
Agent Aqua's Notes: In all my time at SPA Sherri McCarthy has never been more than a blip on the radar. However, for the past year she's been gathering more and more territory. Scooping up cooks and flipping dealers on their old bosses. She's gotten cozy with the cartel in the area as well. I suspect they have a power-sharing agreement. More info is needed to confirm, though.
Having engaged with McCarthy on multiple occasions, let it be known that her style is unrefined. She finds herself more comfortable throwing down in a bar or back alley than in a gym. As such, her abilities leave much to be desired on a technical level. However, she does have power. And she's tough as hell to keep down. Keep an eye on her if you think you've got her beat. She's dug deep and put me down on a few occasions.
Agent Blue's Notes: 5 years since Agent Aqua's notes and our info on McCarthy is only slightly more illuminating. Before her death, Aqua seemed convinced hat McCarthy was on the verge of something big. All we've been able to discover is she drove out the cartel that had control of the area. Real hostile takeover shit. Because of that McCarthy and her crew have bodies on them, though Sherri has kept her nose clean. It helps that our presence in the area is limited. I will have to reach out to our TYME contact and see what they might be willing to divulge. They like to keep things close to the chest over there, though. I guess I would too if I had shareholders to answer to.