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Naked Kickboxing LisaNasty vs Remington
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Naked Kickboxing LisaNasty vs Remington
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Why do you write like you're running out of time..
Naked Kickboxing LisaNasty vs Remington
December 12, 2020, 08:33:54 PM »
Below you will find something I so rarely get to do. Kickboxing. It is my first love and what I actually spent time doing IRL in amateur fights. But enough about me. Please. Gice Lisa some love because she's the first kickboxing match I've had in over a year and goodness was it a brutal one.
You can find my lovely partner
she has quite the repitore and runs of of the FCF's picfighting groups. Enjoy. (I am in blue she is in green)
It was a rare and wonderful week given that once again I was standing in front of a hole in the wall boxing gym on the edge of the suburbs. Truth be told the place was easy to overlook but it was the reason for most of my success. WhenI had been competing as a foxy boxer it had been the source of most of my training and lets be honest as one of the rare female members of the gym I got quite a bit of special treatment. Even so much as to have the owner buy a smaller than regulation boxing ring. The other people had been skeptical about such purchases. He’d told them all it was so they could practice in a smaller space and then when they were in an actual ring it would be a luxury.
That was all a bunch of bullshit the ring was the regulation size for the NAFBL. He’d even gone so far as to convince some of the other females who trained there to help me work on fighting in heels. Suffice to say he for sure had the pay per view every week for my matches.
Ever since then I pretty much had carte blanche to use the ring in the evenings for my own fun. Tonight was one of those nights as I unlocked the front door and moved into the older gym. Making a beeline towards the back of the gym to the ring. I grinned up at it as I dropped my bag and started wrapping my hands. I’d let Lisa know she could just come right in when she got here. The black and blue venum gloves and shinguards in my back gleamed up at me. It had been a long time since I’d been able to use them and longer still since I’d worn ONLY them.
My heart is racing like crazy. What did I get into here? But could I really let that sit on me? That laugh from Rem? How did she dance around in front of the others and said she was better than me? Definitely not ... After writing a lot of texts, I found out that, like me, she has often been in the ring. And just like me, she seems to hate clothes. I sit in my car and speed down the street and stop in front of the gym and see your car. I get out and only have my bathrobe on. I push against the door and it is ajar. Exactly as agreed. The light is dimmed and I see a figure. "So are you really sure? Now you can still run!
As the door opens I look over my shoulder and smirk at your words. I have the second of my hands almost wrapped as I feed the wrap through the last couple loops. They wouldn't let us do this in the foxy boxing ring because a really well wrapped hand meant you could hit with express train force and not feel a thing. This however was not that so I was perfectly happy to wrap up for this.
Standing in a baggy t-shirt and gym shorts I just laugh at your words. Between the texting and the snooping around I was a little nervous but I was feeling pretty confident that I’d be using your face as a sex toy by the time we were done in the ring. Though I’d been wrong before. “Glad to see you showed up and didn’t chicken out.” You’re a little taller and I'm a little heavier than me but at least I have bigger tits and I’m pretty sure I Have more feist than you’ve ever seen in your whole damn life.
Slapping the velcro on the end of the wrap downI pull my shirt off and then step out of my shorts leaving me totally naked. Bending over so you can see my ass and the back of my mound. What can I say, I know how I look. I grab my shin guards and start pulling them on. “Well, come on then. Let's see how you look.”
Smiling as I see you finally stripping down.. Me chickening out babe? I think you challenged the wrong babe.. I can see your smaller but really impressive body and I can't fight a lil lick over my lip.. " bitch" as I drop my robes and stand naked in the big room. my nipples are growing big as it's a bit chilly in here... so we wanna go ? No rules as we agreed? as i confidently move over towards you and smile..
Standing up and looking you over I pull on my gloves and slap them together. My own nipples are rock hard. I’ve already removed the piercings so that nothing gets caught. Catching your little lick I smirk turning I walk to the ring and climb in. “Well I wouldn’t say no rules…lets say we go until one of us is absolutely KO’d. Hits to the pussy are totally fine. Elbows, Knees, Throwing to the mat. Lets just say if you’re down no we give each other a fair chance to stand up. Lets say… a 20 count. If you’re still conscious after that then you’re allowed to climb on top and finish her off however you want. Sound good to you?”
I lean back into my corner and watch you get ready and climb into the ring. “I assume you don’t want to do rounds. We’ll just go until someone is out. How does that sound?”
I smile... it's like music in my ears babe ! i hiss back and step into the ring... and jump up and down. My big firm tits bouncing up and down as i hit my gloves... You think you can handle this body babe? I hiss and raise my fists... "let's dance bitch !”
As you bounce around in your corner I raise an eyebrow and then smile. Oh this is going to be way too much fun. Pushing off the ropes I move out of my corner, my feet gliding over the canvas smoothly as I bounce free of the corner. My breasts bounce up and down but not with a ton of force they sit firm on my chest. A blessing of genetics that has made me a formidable titfighter.
I touch gloves with you and back off enough to circle a little bit. I’m not quite sure how good you are but I’m keen to find out quickly. Circling to my right, your left I flick my left left up and aim a wheel kick at the calf on your left leg trying to slap it on the inside of your calf. Immediately after I follow up with a jab to cover as I sneak my foot forwards continuing to move towards your left side.
I can see your quick moves, your firm body and your fast hits. I'm glad you test my skills and I quickly block your first shots. I move towards my right and keep jumping and moving my upper body left and right as I sneak in and use a straight right towards your belly, testing your reaction!
You circle in reverse of the direction I’ve been moving and that pretty much is exactly what I was hoping you’d do. Your lead leg checks my first kick to the calf and then you bat the jabs away. Good to know you’re not awful. This should be marginally better than a total steam roll. I continue to smirk over my guard. You slide in and throw a right cross at my belly. Driving my left elbow across my belly I push it to the side but I also use the block as I way to be super sneaky.
As I pull the block across I inch my left foot to the right. As you back out of the punch I wait until you start to continue your circle before I pivot on my left foot and unleash a wicked spinning side kick. The kick comes off my right side as I lift my right leg and while on my base foot. I drive the kick at an intersecting angle with your circle and as you’re pulling your punch back I aim it under your elbow and try to put my heel through your liver. It's a wicked body kick that has literally knocked girls out with one kick before. I hiss out in effort as I drive the kick in HARD!
Ouch oh my God. I scream in pain. You slut! You are insanely fast and cunning. Luckily I'm not from yesterday either and before your punch caught me I turned and you just hit my abs. Nothing, despite the blow is hard and I fall backwards. You will pay me for that! I come back to you and deceive a right one like at the first blow but then I pull back and kick my left foot directly against your knee.
As you scream in pain and stagger back from the kick I smirk at you. That was a hell of a kick and the fact that you caught it on your abs and not your liver is really not much better but at least it wasn’t a body blow KO in the first minute of the fight. I see rage boiling in your face and I lick my lips giving you a look at my forked tongue.
You lash out with another right punch and I slam my elbows together catching it on my arms, you follow with a dirty right kick into my knee. I don’t have time to pick up my leg so instead Ijust bend my knee forwards and lean. The result is you straight kick the top of my thigh. It hurts like a bitch and I glare at you. As you’re putting your foot down I follow you pivoting on my lead foot and sweeping my right leg out in a roundhouse kick. At the last second I drop it low and aim to kick your legs out from underneath you as you’re putting your foot down, trying to drop you in a heap on the canvas as I follow through with the kick in a full rotation bring me back into my guard.
You howl in pain and I grin like a witch. You start your kick but this time I try to get to you before. I kneel down and into your kick and my knee and your foot meet painfully. And as you try to get back into your position I follow you and hit with my right elbow in the direction of your face.
You check the low kick to the back of your legs and continue to bully forward towards me with an elbow flare at my face. This is where my size is actually going to be an advantage. I pray to the gods of the underworld and I duck and step with my right foot. As you lash out with the elbow I drop under it and feel it score a line across my scalp.
However it's not a debilitating hit to my mouth like it was going to be. It hurts like a bitch but I’ll live. However, I continue the step in and under your right arm.
And return the favor. As I duck the elbow and step past you I wrench my left shoulder back around and drive a spinning lifting elbow up aiming it under your chin trying to snap your head backwards.
Regardless with my ass to your pussy I drive my hips backwards in a saucy booty snap. If the elbow hits you it should knock you away. If it doesn’t, at least it will give me a chance to step out and around you back into my guard. I hope.
You are a hellcat of a fighter. quick, small and fierce ! I can feel my elbow hitting your scalp, adding a burning pain to it and I groan, and smile again as you wield in pain. But what I did not expect is that you are so quick and duck underneath my hit to return the favor towards my face. My eyes widen in horror as I see your sharp and hard elbow coming towards my chin and I can barely press my tits forward and my head backwards and your elbow hits me in the chest. A blinding pain runs through my body and I close my eyes as the hideous pain arches through me. My tits are bouncing wildly up and down and as you snap backwards I instantly roll backwards on the hard floor and just slowly get up to my knees... through clenched eyes i look over to you "mmm you mean bitch.. this ain't over yet ! i groan ..."
You take the hit to your tits and I am honestly super impressed by the fact that you sacrificed your glands like that. As you take the hit and fall backwards I whirl and see you come to your knees and start to rise. Time for a little payback. That kick to my knee was dirty. As you get to your feet I lunge across the ring cocking my right foot back like I going for BIG round house with my right foot I course correct at the last second and launch off my left foot and swing my right knee up into a flying knee aimed at the side of your face trying to land a high momentum flying knee into your temple. It's an absolutely devastating KO technique. Even if you manage to block it it's going to hurt. I'm counting on you still getting up to make it hard for you to dodge it.
I can see you licked for blood... I fake that I can barely get up but what I see what is coming next and it is terrifying ! You get up to your feet as quick as you can and your bare feet trampüle on the floor. Shaking the arena and I smile.. " not this time bitch ! and as you jump towards my face I quickly snap my face to my right side dodging the blow that would be absolutely fatal and I raise my left fist, and slam it right in between your legs. your knee hitting my arm and I groan in bitter pain as we collide.. " FUCK !
I suppose on a certain level I should have expected this. Thankfully the knee out position means your access isn’t perfect. That doesn’t mean that I don’t go down hard. I feel the knee slam into your arm and I know there is no way you are going to be using that very well for the rest of the match. If there is one. I hit the canvas on my knees and curl into a ball on my knees moaning in pain from the glancing punch to my pussy. Thank god for your boxing gloves or I’d probably be out cold. Instead I just hurt like I took a paddle between the legs. I keep my head on the mat and my knees crunched up and inhale hard trying to force the pain down. I have twenty seconds and I plan on using them. I inhale again and wait for you to count while I ease my snatch with my glove. Damn that hurts.
I HOOOWL IN PAIN ! I scowled and scream... luckily we are alone because I know every SANE person would have ended this fight right here and now. It almost felt like you ripped my arm off but my glove slammed so hard in between your legs that the pain must be beyond belief.... I look over to you and you are crawling in a ball moaning in pain. i cant contrl myself but laugh like a mean hyena at the sight of you and i begin to count.. and as i count i slowly rob over towards you ... licking my lips and running my gloves across your incredible big firm sweaty tits " im going to use you as the cheap sex slut you really are after the countdown ! " I hiss and count higher ..
I hear you cackling and counting and you stalk over to handle my tits while my gloves are engaged rubbing my aching twat. I glare at you as you count. When you get to 16 I smack your gloves away from my tits. "In your dreams slut. You're going to pay for that." Rolling into my knees I push myself up and stagger back onto the ropes my legs still kind of rubbery from the pussy punch. Glaring at you I put my gloves up. You're going to get it now. Shows what a bitch you are going for the low blow to get an advantage because I was kicking your ass with actual skill. That's fine. I can play dirty too. Hopefully that hit to my womanhood hasn't put me too far behind. I sag on the ropes and narrow my eyes, stealing as much time as I can to recover while I wait to see what you do.
Ouhmmm bitch ! i moan.. as i slowly but steadily gain some feelings back in my left arm (luckily not my hard punching arm I hiss .. Oh you thought this is the end? The rabbit hole is waaaay deeper.. and if you want i can slam my fists barehanded into your body, tits and pussy bitch ! i gnarl... clearly seeing you again some breath back again as i taunt and provoke you.. perhaps not the best thing to do but this way I'm gaining some breath back as well…
My little sag on the ropes is honestly kind of a trick. As I put my weight into them I suddenly relax and let them spring me off the ropes. I drive a sliding right front kick aimed at your abs on your left side where your arm is still recovering. Forcing you to block with your right arm. But that's just the first trick as I snap the kick out I twist on my base leg and whip it around in a heel hook to the right side of your face trying to slam your jaw with my right heel. It pulls on my stinging snatch to do this but I grit through it as I whip the kick at your head after it springs off your block. Hopefully it will send you stumbling. I land forwards and unleash a right left combination with my gloves aimed at your face to keep you on your heels.
OUHMM ! A small moment. of cockiness.. arrogance you may call it and the devil strikes ! Like a mad bitch you drive at me and surprise me. I block your first hit but the next heel hits me hard and then you begin to work all over my body as I'm stumbling backwards. I finally stumbled back into the ropes and instead of letting go you bite yourself into me and keep pounding towards my face. I duck it, and hide behind my gloves but it's no use as you overpower me and i fall into the ropes and then land on my ass on the ground, and as i look upwards i can see you grinning and counting at me..... i can taste some blood in my mouth as it runs down my face ..
The heel cracks into your face and I know you felt that. Dumb bitch. I watch you stagger and then chase you with a flurry. You shell up and it's a good idea or you'll be kissing canvas after the flurry of punches I unload into you. Instead you hit the ropes and I bounce you off them before you taste leather and go down hard on your ass. Looming and smirking I make sure I stay out of range of your limbs so you can't launch any dirty attacks from the canvas. You're a cheap slut and I know better now. You'll do anything to win and its hot but I'm not going to let you punk me for a win.
Holding my gloves in a loose guard I keep counting as a little trickle of blood drips off your lips. "Uh oh. Did that hurt slut?" I keep counting you. Ready for you to get back up so we can keep going.
mmmm just as you thought i was scanning the landscape for a cheap shot ! but you ain't giving me that ... my head hurts and the world keeps spinning but slower and slower.. and as i hear your vicious voice going up to 14... 17 ... I slowly get up to my feet and stand kinda solid on my feet at 19... " well... at least one of us needs to keep this shit thrilling don't we btich ?! Both of us are panting hard now.. both of us already on the floor and both of us willing to give anything to do this here ! I raise my fists, showing and admiring you.. knowing that you'd love to make me cold right now with a quick hit but now it's my turn to close in, and I know that you are scared for my cheap tricks ! as i use a quick left jab with my almost broken arm which you can easily block and then FAKE a kick towards your pussy and then i slam my right fist with all my hatred towards your solar plexus in between your shivering bouncing firm sexy tits !
As you scrape yourself off the floor I smirk all the way back up. I’ve got your number now bitch and I have every intention of using it to put you on your back totally out. You put your gloves up and are clearly ready to mix it up again and I’m happy to oblige you. Your left jab is a pretty standard thing and I swat it aside. You lift your leg and snap it like you’re going to kick me in the crotch again and I jerk my right leg across my body to block it but you pull the kick, stepping in and sinking a right uppercut into my solar plexus. I blast air out of my mouth as you punch contracts my diaphram for me. “Uuuunnnhg” I drop my gloves around your shoulders, gloves behind your neck in a clinch. I can barely breath but I know if I don’t MOVE you’re going to do something nasty to me. I suck my elbows in and down as I hang on you our breasts smashed together by the contact. I have an idea of what you’re going to try so I put my weight on you and work my feet back a little bit. Not today bitch. Not today. I suck air and just act like I’m out of it. I mean. I am kind of out of it with my chest still spasming but my lizard brain is pushing me forwards.
Our sweaty bodies pressed together. the blood of my face tingling down our battered and humiliated bodies. your weight pulls me down and i'm barely able to keep us both up. I snap forward and bite into your lower lip. seeing in your shocked eyes. this isn't a fight anymore. This is a beatdown for survival as neither of us shows any mercy or empathy for the other. as you wrap your arms around mine i do the same but now im pushing forward and doing so quick and steadily until your bare back RAMS into the ropes,,,
You lunge forwards and bite my fucking lip! Bring my head down suddenly I headbutt your right in the face as I yank my lip free. It scrapes skin and sends blood over my lips. You absolutely bitch! As you shove me backwards I let you until we slam into the ropes I use the momentum to slam back only this time I yank your neck downwards and drive my right knee into your breast bone trying to split your heaving tits with my sharp part of my knee. Hiking my hips back I loop my right arm around your waist. As soon as I have it secure I step across your body. Slamming my ass into your pussy I drive upwards with my legs.
I'm no Ronda Rousey but my hip throw is pretty fucking great. Yanking your upper body I turn hard and try to throw you head first over my hips to slam you on the mat is a hot heap on the canvas as I let go at the last second.
ouuuhmmmm I almost had you .. I can taste the blood of your lip dripping into my blood but as you hit the ropes and use the combined force of our naked bodies and slam your knee upwards into my body I almost pass out ! FUUCK ! the air is pressed out of my fucking body and then you use your devilish quickness and punish me even further. you yank at my upper body and tits and I groan in horror as you finally use my body like a sand sack and I slam hard face forward on the floor and break my nose as I hit the canvas... ouuhmmmpphh…
I was sort of expecting you to turn over in the air but you go over limp and instead of landing on your back you land face first and there is an audible pop. The blood on the canvas tells me what it was. Thank god it wasn’t your neck. Part of me almost lunges to check if you’re okay but you’re the kind of bitch who’d punch me in the pussy if you got the chance so Instead I Stay standing tasting blood on my lips. “How are you feeling bitch. Want some more of this or are you out?” I walk around so I’m in front of you and start the count. If you get up great. If not then you’re going to get a seriously unpleasant surprise.
“Lets go loser. Make up your mind!” I keep going with the county. Keeping my guard up loosely and ready for any dirty tricks from you.
I groan... and slowly turning towards my back.. looking up.... i can only hear your voice and the lights of the arena... the pain on my face is insane and i can taste even more blood running down my face.. i'm trying to get up.... moaan... ahh... I reach up... pressing my left arm behind my back to get up but right as I do so I can hear it almost snapping and I fall backwards and the back of my head hits the floor again and I bite my tongue hard. My eyes closing ,,,,, not even able to mumble a fuck you into your face as you look down at me like the arrogant cxnt you are... and the world around me finally darkens !
I finish counting you out but you're a fucking mess and you finally stop twitching after you manage to roll yourself tits up. With a roll of my tongue I spit on your tits a mix of blood and saliva. Taking off my gloves and leg guards it leaves me in just my hand wraps and my ankle wraps. Tossing them aside I yank your gear off leaving you totally naked on the canvas out cold. Kicking your ankles apart I reach down and tap the side of your face a few times before reaching down and rubbing your cxnt until you come back around.
"Hey slut. Look who lost? Oh by the way. Payback's a bitch." Standing between your legs I suddenly hop over your right leg and swing a hard full force kick into your pussy with the top of my foot giving you something to moan about as I step over you to let you enjoy that for a moment before I go back to take my prize.
I woke up... hoping that this thing was a terrible nightmare but I can hear your voice again.. I look up.. completely naked just as you are and SUDDENLY::: FUUUCK ! OH MY GAAAWD ! I am close to passing out again as you kick with your foot into my pussy and I spit out some blood and saliva across my battered tits.. FUUUCK !....
"Oh no. No passing out." I grab your hair as you shudder from the kick. Yanking your head around while you cup your busted cxnt I step over you again and sit down trapping your arms under my legs. I plant my tight ass on your tits and squeeze down hard using the muscles in my ass to smash your breasts. "Now then. Did you promise to make me hurt more than I'd ever hurt before?" With that I hit you bare fist right on your belly button. Driving hard with it. "I can't hear you back there loser what was that?" I slam my left down hard on your stomach.
OUUHM FUUUCK ! I groan.. the fight not yet vanished out from my body but you keep battering me.. OUHN;.. i spit onto your tits " WELL ASK YOUR FUCKING PUSSY BITCH ! '' I moan and cry underneath you... the pain in my body even turning me more on as you sit on top of me like the crazy witch you really are... i realize, even if i beg and cry, you'd not stop hurting me !
You spit at me as I have you trapped under me and I just roll my eyes and proceed to beat the absolute hell out of your stomach throwing bare firsted punches into your liver, stomach, bladder and sides until your stomach is red and splotchy. Switching so I'm facing your face with my upper body I glare down at you like some sort of dark goddess. "You're a cheap whore and I enjoyed kicking your ass." With that I back hand your bloody lips and send your blood splattering on the canvas.
Grabbing your hair with my left hand I move forward a bit and then reaching back I hammer my right hand down on your pussy. Just enough to make you scream. At the same time I grab your mouth with my left hand so you can't bite me and then clamp down on your head with my thighs and my pussy riding your mouth and face with my cxnt like its a sex toy. Smothering you with my snatch and getting off on your busted up face.
ouuuuummm DAMMN ... ahh.. you use and abuse me... raping me like the cheap whore I am... FUCK ! I groan.. battered and shattered and now you get up on me.. and you are wise to stop me from biting your pussy because i would have done so with every part of my jaw ! I moan and your juices drop all over my face as I can feel the orgasm rising in me as well.. mmm .. you knowing i love the pain so much makes me even hotter for you and i groan.. AHH AHHH .. as the cum drips down my thighs…
As soon as I feel my own climax overtake me I Just ride your face mercilessly into the canvas trying to smother you with my juices and my womanhood careful to keep your mouth in check. Shivering out the last of the orgasm I stand up. Looking back at your little puddle I smirk. Walking over I stomp on your spent pussy and as soon as your head pops up I whip my right foot into your face in a heavy round house right to your chin to knock you out cold.
With that done I collect my clothes and gear. Snapping a photo with my phone I smirk. Then I take your robe and leave you naked and knocked out in the middle of the ring. Hopefully you come to before the owner finds you in the morning.
Creator of the only Free Titfight Card Game
So let's
Re: Naked Kickboxing LisaNasty vs Remington
Reply #1 on:
December 13, 2020, 07:43:04 AM »
Thanks for the amazing fight. I will always gladly love to have a rematch and maybe next time I get you!!
Xoxo Lisa
Siew Savage
Junior Member
I shocked by the great welcome I've gotten here
Re: Naked Kickboxing LisaNasty vs Remington
Reply #2 on:
April 24, 2021, 12:32:33 PM »
OK, I just saw this post and WOW.. you two are both amazing.. just to repeat myself again lol.
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