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Rite of passage. Daughter vs daughter and mother vs mother.

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Offline ooreach

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Rite of passage. Daughter vs daughter and mother vs mother.
« on: December 24, 2020, 08:49:43 PM »
Rite of Passage. Both daughters had returned from college and where forced to do a sleep over with another mother and daughter.
The mom's knew each other but the daughters had no idea how. They would have rather spent their spring break with friends, but mom’s can be pretty persistent.
"Both you girls get up." Christine instructed. The pajama clad moms got up and held out their hands and pulled their daughters up. They walked them toward each other and soon the mom's moved behind their daughters.
Each placed their hands on their daughter’s shoulders and slowly moved them closer together. Staphanie stated " this is the right of passage that your grandmothers did with us and now it's your time.
The daughters looked at the others mother and finally knew the truth. Both had almost given up on this happening. They had heard whispers of The Rite, but one did not talk about it, ever. Now they understood why they were there.  Their mothers had fought each other over two decades ago. It wasn’t something talked about in public and never with men. This was a women’s thing.   Each mother looked at the others daughter as the daughters eyed the others mother. Visions of their mothers battle came to mind as each pictured their mom’s fighting.  Quickly they snapped back to now as this was their time.
Each daughter stood a foot away. Just close enough to smell the feminine perfume of the other. Madi looked into Stacie’s blue eyes and dirty blond hair. Stacie smirked back and looked into deep brown eyes with flowing dark brown hair. They both stood eye to eye with Firm breasts and nipples begging to harden beneath their flannel and cotton tops.  Around 5’5 and similar weight they were evenly matched.
Each had dreamed of this day. It was spoken of in whispers as the Right of Passage.  Only practiced by curtain groups. The mom’s explained that they had been pitted against each other as young women and it was only proper for their daughters to battle for women hood together.
The mothers asked their daughters if they were ready and both girls let their mothers remove their  tops, shorts and fleece pants. They stood barefoot and naked as their mothers did the same.  Each girl leered openly at the others body. Without a word tearing down any flaw the saw in the other.  The mothers has them stand side by side to compare and contrast their young daughters bodies. Then butt to butt to determine height.  Then the women turned their offspring so that They ended their stare locking eyes.
  The mom’s slowly pushed their daughters till they stood nose to nose still locking eyes. The girls nipples where hard from the cool air but now they became rock hard to the point of hurting as their nipples  touched. This was the first time either girl had stared at another girl naked and so close and now having her breasts touch another female. Madi physically shuttered as she felt an electric spark go through her breasts and travel down to her womb. A split second later Stacie’s eyes got bigger as she felt the same tingle.  The “tingling” meant it was meant to be. “I am going to dominate you.” Stacie purred to Madi. Madi looked straight into those blue eyes and smiled “ you can try, but I am going to beat your ass.”
“Looks like my nipples will destroy yours” Stacie snidely stated slighting bumping her nipples into Madi’s.
“Not going to mean much since my tits are larger and firmer than yours.” Madi smirked.
The mothers pressed their naked breasts against their daughters backs and pressed them, in unison, till they now where pressed together stomach to stomach and breast to breast. The mothers guided each to rest her head on the others shoulders as the mothers stroked her daughters hair. It was a time of pride for the mothers and a little apprehension of their daughter’s inevitable fight.
The mothers outstretched their arms and took the arms of the other mother and both ladies pressed the two girls together even tighter so that hip bones and thighs touched. They adjusted feet stances so they were completely pancaked together.  The girls squeezed their arms between their advisories mom and  wrapped arms around the others waists and all four squeezed together tightly.
Christine and Stephanie felt the others breath on her shoulder  as each began to tighten their hold on the others arms and felt the mothers  begin to dig nails into the other mothers flesh.  “Get her good, she’s not women enough to dominate you.” Stephanie whispered.
“Your body is superior to hers. You make her submit ,like her mother did to me.” Christine hissed back.
The girls coiled as close as possible till each felt the brush of pubic hair brushing their thighs as they moved from side to side. Madi wiggled one hand up turning it enough to rake Stephanie’s breast before finding Stacie’s hair. Stephanie warned her daughter of the move and after cringing from the brat of a daughter attacking her breast Stacie was attempting the same maneuver.
Daughters stood with heads now pulled back yanking on hair as their mothers kept their bodies pinned together.
“This is a fight to see which of you is more women. It goes beyond a physical fight . It’s to determine if you two are able to prove you can sexually dominate. This is the contest that determines if you are ready to mate ” the mothers instructed.
Soon the mothers released their claws from the other mother and stepped back a foot. Their daughters had locked eyes and each was pulling as hard has she could on the others long gorgeous hair that neither noticed their moms had let go of their body presses.
Slowly they began to rock back and forth with feet barely moving until Stacie lifted a foot up and attempted to wrap it around Madi’s calf. Madi backed away and attempted the same move. Each girl began dancing around, not letting go of hair until each had managed to wrap a leg around the other. For what appeared like a minute they stood completely coiled. Firm ass cheeks tensed with each leg lift of toned firm legs. The mothers admired their daughters famine forms as each was equally matched.  Soon both obtained a leg around the other and both lost balance and ended up crashing to the floor.
They broke apart on impact but quickly coiled back together rolling back and forth. As they rolled their legs unlocked and each roll brought the others thigh in contact with her rivals crotch.
 “I can feel your wetness” Madi hissed.
 “Oh, yeah? Your wet, too.” Stacie hissed back. 
They struggled as they tried to roll on top of each other.  They were of similar  strength and build, both with similar dimples on their ass cheeks.  The only way their mothers could tell who was on top was by the color of the girls hair.
During the final roll Stacie got on top and ended up between Madi’s thighs. She thrusted her hips down and forced Madi’s thighs open wide and spread her own legs out wide to make a strong base.
“Spread those thighs, b*tch.” Stacie demanded.
Madi wrapped her legs around Chrstine’s waist and Madi pressed her crotch deep into her rivals.
“If your ass was any bigger I couldn’t do it.” Madi gloated.
Madi had her hips lifted off the ground a good foot and locked her feet to sqeeze stacie’s waist has hard as she could. Stacie’s firm boobs giggled but moved very little as did Madi’s. Youth was winning the war of gravity, for now.  Both girls nipples where as hard as bullets.
Madi tried to swing Stacie off balance as Stacie tried to break Madi’s leg lock and ended up digging claws into her thighs causing Madi to groan in pain.  She grabbed a handful of Stacie’s dirty blonde hair and pulled with all her might bringing Stacie to the ground.
Side by side Madi’s leg lock was tightened . Stacie tried to kick out of the hold and force Madi’s hands out of her hair with no success. She reached up and found Madi’s brown mane and began to pull.  As they lay there panting hard from the battle and pain Stacie let go of her rival’s hair and thrust her hand  between Madi’s  open thighs. Madi howled in pain.
Stacie smirked “ That must hurt.”
Madi released her leg lock and tried to back away but Stacie fallowed. Madi pushed herself away with Stacie quickly crawling to keep a hold of her crotch. Madi crab crawled till she almost hit the wall and in desperation kicked forward with all her might making contact with Stacie’s crotch. Both girls paused for a second in anticipation. Madi wondered if her strike was true and Stacie wondered if it was going to hurt.
A split second later it was Stacie’s turn to howl as she rolled over and curled into a ball.
“Doesn’t tickle, does it?” Madi shouted.
Sportsmanship prevailed and a rest period of a few minutes passed. Both girl crawled forward. Their firm breasts lightly jiggled  with each step. Hands with nails came forward and each grabbed for a handful of breasts. Neither tried to block the other. They dug nails into soft flesh and began to maul each other’s breasts. Attacking all that made them female each was trying to dominate and hurt.
The mothers watched as their daughters now violated each other’s breasts in a kneeling position. Brown haired and blonde moved just close enough to attack breasts. The daughters locked eyes each daring the other to submit.
They readjusted hand holds and soon turned to pinching nipples while keeping their eyes locked. Mouths slightly opened as physical sighs of pain showed on faces as well as hate and defiance.  Both would not yield. Madi was the first to break the hold and take her right hand and reach for Stacie’s crotch. Stacie tried to back away.
“Are you scared little girl? Fight me like a women.” Madi yelled.
Stacie stopped trying to retreat and with eyes still locked she took her hand and quickly found  Madi’s crotch.
They both came closer on knees each with one hand on her advisories breast and the other molesting the others crotch.  They pushed their hips fully out and spread their legs wide to except the other young women’s attack as they attacked in return. Neither girl had been in a fight in years and never while naked battling another girl nude. Each exposed all her sexuality to the other as she attacked her rivals female body parts.
“I have 2 fingers in you.” Madi purred. Stacie’s eyes got larger. “ Now, Three.” Madi smirked through pain filled gasps.
Stacie broke eye contact to see her mother’s worried look.
Madi saw her mother’s pride and noticed her mother was rubbing herself.
Tears began to run down Stacie’s face. Madi’s eyes got moist in response. The only difference was Stacie’s tears where of fear and pain and Stacie’s where of pain and determination.
Stacie began to bend backwards lowering herself on her heals. Madi continued her attack from a superior position.
Stephanie tried coaching her daughter “ get up, don’t sit down, get up!”
Stacie was wrought with pain and soon gave up her attack on Madi. Madi was stunned for a moment, but she recovered and threw herself on top of Stacie.
Stacie tried to fend her off as Madi pressed herself on top of her but movements later  Madi had mounted her foe and after a quick hand fight she had pinned her. She moved her knees till she was sitting on Stacie’s breasts and soon a smile came over her face. She pinned her arms and put her crotch right under Stacie’s cheeks. The blonde haired blue eyes former cheerleader looked up in pain filled rage.
Madi smiled down at her “ you give? Submit to me. I’m more women than you.”
Stacie stayed quite but planted the bottoms of her feet on the floor and raised her hips trying to buck Madi off. Madi planted her knees on the ground , next to Stacie’s head and pushed her crotch into her rivals chin. She than reached on hand around and with perfect aim smacked Stacie’s now fully exposed clam box.
Stacie squirmed to get her face away from Madi’s wet and moist women hood and to buck her off.
Madi held on until Stacie was still and with three fingers plunged them deep into her.
Stacie bucked wilder than before. The look of rage in her blue eyes. But soon she stilled with full tears running down her face. The took her thumb and felt for her rivals clit and pinched it real hard as she dug deep into her women hood.
“Submit to me, Little girl.” Madi hissed.
Christine called to her daughter ‘“she’s done.  You’ve both done well and are worthy of being considered Women of our tribe.”
Madi rolled off and staggered getting up. She did not realize how tired she was but was greeted by her mother.
Stephanie rushed over to help her daughter up. Tears in her own eyes as she consoled her. “ It doesn’t matter if you win or lose. It’s how passionate you are in the fight. There is no shame in losing to a well fought match. ”
Christine whispered to her daughter “ but it sure feels good to win.”
Stephanie over heard the comment and in a moment of rage stated “How about we real women show the girls how it’s done?” 
This comment threw Christine off balance for a moment until Mandi looked into her eyes “ I’d like to see that.”
Christine smiled at her daughter “ let mommy show you how it’s done. I beat her decades ago and I can do it again.” 
Christine and Stephanie where stunning for their late 40’s. Time had not taken the bloom fully off the rose for either of them. The mothers waited till the daughters where behind them. They came just close enough for noses and nipples to touch.
“Your still pretty firm “ Stephanie stated but before Christine could reply she added “ for your age.”
Christine smiled and said “ your ‘fun bags’ show signs of plenty of breast feeding, too.”
The women felt their daughters sweat covered bodies press into their backs and push them close together.
Red haired brown eyes met blonde haired blue eyes.
“I see you still do your roots.” Christine teased.
The mom’s did not clasp hands around each other but interlaced fingers palm to palm and soon they pressed into each other in a test of strength. The daughters backed away and quickly sat, still being exhausted from their prior match. The daughters sat and watched their naked mother struggle against an equally naked women.  Each girl felt an arousal and pride in seeing their mother attempting to dominate another women sexually.
The mom’s tensed muscles as they pushed chest to chest. Staggering around the room.
Soon Christine was pushing Stephanie back a few feet until Stephanie got backed into the couch.
They both went tumbling and ended up rolling on the furniture.  The mature felines grabbed hair pulling hard. . As they hit the floor they rolled each taking to jamming her knee into the others crotch when they were on the bottom.  These two had done this before and had tricks the daughters had not thought about. Soon Stephanie got pinned on her stomach and Christine mounted her back. She had her shapely ass pressed against Stephanie’s impressive bum.
She inched herself up till he was sitting on the small of her back and Stephanie tried to turn. Christine reached around and slapped her rival’s ass and then brought a hand down between her crotch and soon Stephanie was howling in pain.
“Just like old times.” Christine smiled.
Through pain Stephanie spoke “ how about you fight me like a women. I know your stronger than me. Or are you scared to face me women to women.”
Christine stopped her attack and got off her.
Stephanie rolled over. Both daughters where confused as they watched the ladies both sit on the floor and spread open their legs and come together.
Christine looked at her daughter and spoke “ she knows she can’t beat me in a physical fight, but in a sex fight ,we are all equal  down there.”

Stephanie spoke as a teacher to students “ you see, girls, the true meaning of this trial is to compete women to women and what is our most womanly of assets to pit against the other? We can pull hair, we are all proud of our hair” She continued to speak stroking her own blond locks. “ We can maul and battle breast to breast, since this is one of our most obvious and sexual sighs of our prowess.” She paused  as the daughters came closer and knelt down to watch as each mom spread her legs wide and brought their beavers close together. Christine smiled  as she eyed her rivals crotch and her own “ seems to me this was our most equal battle but, I still won.” “ Stephanie continued her lesson “ We can battle with what really makes a women a women. I am about to pit my pussy against hers. She might be stronger than me, but down here” she said stroking herself “ we are all pretty much equal.”
Christine rolled her eyes “ we going to fight or are you going to bore these girls like you have for over 20 years?” 
“You’d be surprised what I’ve learned in the last 20 years” Stephanie confidently announced.  Thighs touched as the lips of their women hood came into contact.  Stephanie smiled “ kiss me.” Each lifted hips as they bumped clams. Lightly at first as each found a rhythm.  There ample breasts bounced much more than there daughters had but their figures were still impressive for being moms.
The bumping got harder until pain began to register on both the ladies faces.  Madi met the gaze of Staci and soon the mothers got distracted from their pussy fight to see their daughters now locked in the same pose. The girls were locked crotch to crotch and where screaming and yelling in pain as each slammer her tender little package into her enemies. The daughters hissing insults at each other each claiming to be more women than her rival.
Your little c*nt can’t take mine.” “Oh yeah? You won’t be able to f*ck for two weeks after I’m through with you.” “ Oh yeah? Your going to think of me the next time you f*ck a boy.”  The two young women continued to ram forcefully into one another. Sometimes pausing with hips raised off the ground as clit smashed into clit and  pubic bone hit pubic bone forcing their vaginal lips together.
The mom’s paused just pushing against each other in a lip lock as they watched their daughters continue their pussy duel.
Stephanie looked at Christine and smiled “ they get it, now.”
Christine smirked and said “ yes, they do. Now shut up and fight me b*tch. I’m still more women than you are, even after 2 decades.”
Both mothers and both daughters continued to ram their most intimate of body parts into the other. Each couple trying to dominate the other to prove who was more women.  Minutes passed until Stephanie began to howl in pain.
Christine continued to push forward causing a rug burn for them both until she felt her hair being pulled.
It took her a moment to realize it was Stacie attacking her.
Stephanie caught Madi just as she was going to attack her daughter and soon she was in a wrestling match with her daughter’s rival.  Both sets of mothers and daughter’s began cat fighting until both mothers began to yell to her daughter ‘ This isn’t the purpose of the Right of Passage.”
The daughters stopped their struggles and   soon assumed the position they had just seen their mothers in.
Christine and Stacie met crotch to crotch as Stephanie and Madi met. Soon both sets of mothers and daughters where in full sex fight combat.  Young pussy fought old pussy. Clits dueled as both spread legs wide to fight.
Madi quickly realized she was out skilled in this form of combat but quickly adapted by pushing herself onto Stephanie and with a leg on either side she was able to scissor and ram her whole 120 pound body into Stephanie’s swollen crotch. She held on to her leg and bounced. It was painful but so deserving to beat the mother of her beaten rival. She jeered at Stephanie as she saw tears in the older women’s eyes. “ I beat your daughter, I’m beating your old saggy c*nt,  and now I wish your mother where here so I could beat her.”
Christine smiled at her daughters comment  but was barely holding her own against Stacie. Stacie watched In horror as her mother was beaten into submission. She tried to retreat to help her mom, but Christine held her little 21 year old rival. “ Your fight is with me, little one.”
Stacie faced her rival’s mother and soon realized her youth and endurance where no match for Christine’s skill. She began to howl in pain and soon was flat on her back. Christine changed tactics and soon Stacie’s face changed from one of pain to an open silent face. Stephanie was afraid for her daughter until she watched her daughter’s toes curl. The screams coming from Stacie where those of an orgasm. Christine smiled “ you are learning to submit to your superior, little one. She continued until she and her beaten foe climaxed twice more.
Madi walked up weakly to her mother and both mother and daughter hugged.
“I’m proud of you both.” Christine smiled. She looked at Stacie and said “ I hope both you girls have daughters so in another 20 years we can come here and  do this, again. Your daughters can fight, you two girls can fight and your mother and I can fight.



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Re: Rite of passage. Daughter vs daughter and mother vs mother.
« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2020, 01:53:13 PM »