You Tube has 2 very-different-yet-very-similar 3-round MMA fights: Nadia Nixon beating Rachel Wray, and Ginger beating Danni. But which fight wins in the sexiness department?
1. The fighters
Rachel Wray is a former Kansas City Chiefs cheerleader, who is convincing as both a cheerleader and a fighter (especially her punching--as pointed out in the YouTube comments, her technique had lots of holes, which led to a career-ending injury in a later fight). But Danni and Ginger, especially Danni, are quite sexy as well. Danni no double used the fight, justifiably, as a path to a rich husband. Hopefully he's treating her right.
Danni-1.0 Rachel-0.0
2. The matchup
Nadia Nixon has a clear skill edge over Rachel, and similarly Ginger over Danni (Danni seems reluctant to engage in any clinching at all, which is a good way to lose a WMMA fight--she's actually fortunate she didn't get pinned for a ground and pound, or submitted in an armbar).
Danni-1.5, Rachel-0.5
3. Violence
Rachel busts Nadia's nose open in Round 2, and wide open in Round 3. In a 5 round fight, I think Nadia would have gotten light-headed. But Ginger is a beast herself, engaging in flailing slugfests with Danni, then at least twice trying to break Danni's neck. Not cool, Ginger.
Danni-1.5, Rachel 1.5
4. Fight skill
Rachel and/or Nadia would each destroy Ginger and/or Danni. But Rachel/Nadia are purporting to be professionals, and come off as amateur-ish. The reverse is true for Ginger/Danni--Danni show the courage of a lioness, never giving Ginger her back.
Danni-2.5, Rachel-1.5
5. The clothes
Perhaps the reason Ginger and Danni didn't get on the ground much is that they realized their tops would literally pop open. And what a show that would have been.
Danni-3.5, Rachel-1.5
6. Intangibles.
Noteworthy that Nadia's and Rachel's careers both fizzled out shortly after this fight: they were both literally putting their lives in jeopardy by continuing to climb in the ring, given their shortcomings. Also notable that the film of the Ginger/Danni fight has survived, despite its limited release--others have noted its uniqueness.
Danni 4.5, Rachel 1.5
Go Danni!! You lost the battle, but won the war!