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Fawn vs Evelyn - the Queen of the Night Club

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Fawn vs Evelyn - the Queen of the Night Club
« on: January 16, 2021, 09:54:30 PM »
Few days ago I had a nice fight with Evelyn on we agreed to post it here....hope you will enjoy it...we did..   ;) ;) ;)

Evelyn - Throbbing music, a bass beat I feel in my chest. Strobes that flash lightning streaks across my cherry-red crop top and skirt....and my spike-heeled knee-high boots....          

I prowl through the club with a sleek runway strut, men and women alike swivelling to watch me.  No woman here compares.

Fawn Lee: well...I guess I will steal the scene from you soon as I am walking in....dressed like this I shall be the queen of the place.

I walk to the counter and before I can even place my for the drink I get three guys nodding to the barman and offering me. I thank them as I am getting surrounded and invited to the dance floor....

Evelyn: I pause in the upper-level private booth of some filthy rich player, a tech billionaire of some sort, for a flute of champagne. His eyes roam hopefully over my body. Mmmm
Then below I see a knot of men forming around a sleek, dark figure, a slender beauty in black, boots to mid-luscious-thigh.  I feel a tug in two directions. A hard pulse of instant hate for this bitch, this Asian tigress, for daring to come into MY club so brazenly. And a throb of pleasure to close my eyes and imagine her, bare-legged, barefooted, her sexy boots my latest trophy and her beaten body just another piece of nightclub meat.
I turn to my new wealthy patron as I point to you with a single glossy red nail.
“Invite her up for a drink, will you, love?” 
My other nails tracing his cock through his slacks is more than enough to get whatever I want.

Fawn Lee: I am busy drinking and talking with some of these nice guys...not all are nice actually as I have some hands touching my back and buttocks.... then another one comes and gets my attention... "Excuse me miss....Lady Evelyn is inviting you at her table..."
I look at him..."and who the hell is this Lady Evelyn....??"
He turns indicating a gorgeous blonde all dressed in red....with stunning shining red boots to complete her might be interesting meeting this Evelyn so I leave the herd of guys hanging there and walk to the table....putting particular attention into moving sensually ...
my stiletto heels clicking loud on the marble floor as I cross the room followed by all the eyes…

Evelyn: Amused, I watch you come when summoned.  So obedient.  I rise to greet you, a kiss on each cheek, my first chance to sample your hand just lightly touching your waist....I really do insist that you join us for a champagne and tell me where you purchased those lovely boots....
But my eyes do not smile. They challenge you....dare you to pretend you belong at a table with me...

Fawn Lee: I am not obedient...only curious to know who is this blond bitch and what she wants from me... I don't like being touched by someone without my permission so I grab your hand and take it aside...not even kindly then I accept the flute of Champagne but still stand not sure if I seat....I look at your eyes and I don't see friendship or sweetness there....more a challenging look
“so...." I say..."I am Fawn.....and you...are...? And to what I owe the pleasure of your invitation....?"
I look at you straight in the eye.....showing that I am not intimidated by your stare....

Evelyn: It's amusing, the stubborn way you stand, the petulant way you reject my touch.  I sit back with a smile and cross my right leg over my left.  Your eyes flick from my boots to my breasts as I subtly arch my back.
"I'm Evelyn, love.  And let's not leap to the conclusion that meeting me will be pleasant for you."
"Stand, or sit - it's of no concern to me .. . you won't be staying long.  This," with a flick of my hand I sweep the club - "This is mine.  I don't think you should stay."

Fawn Lee I listen to your words then smirk.."Well...I did not see your name on the entrance of the nightclub Eve - lyn I doubt that you own the place....and about the fact that I should not stay, well I am the one who decide when I have enough and leave"....
That said I put down the flute still untouched and turn....
"Thanks for the Champagne....but I prefer Vodka...with friends...."
and walk away going back to the guys I left at the counter....they look pretty surprised...probably not expecting my behaviour and the words I said to you....One of them comes near...and whisper... "Wowww...i have never seen anybody talking that way to Evelyn..."
I laugh...."That arrogant bitch needs to stay at her place...." and take a sip from the glass he offers me...

Evelyn: My smile deepens to something almost merry, watching you enjoy your little "victory" - but while my name in fact is not on the door, Fawn, and no I do not own the club in the sense of legal title, it is indisputably mine.
I carefully place my empty flute on the table and walk to the center of the dance floor.  Unless you, I don't need to concentrate to make it sexy.  When I raise my arm, it takes the DJ only a few seconds to bring the music to a close. Those dancing, stop in confusion, then move to the edges as I slowly turn, my hand pointing the way for them.  Turning, until it points to you.  And beckons you,  again.
Will your curiosity bring you into my reach, Fawn?

Fawn Lee: Still talking with my new friends...when all of a sudden the music is stopped...the place has become silent....surreal atmosphere as everybody turns to the center of the dance I do it too...and see the blond Evelyn standing there, looking at me and pointing at me....
“What now...?” I all the eyes converge on me like I am on the central spot of the attention....I feel that they wait for me to do or say something....but I am really surprise...not knowing what is really happening here...till the tall blond guy at my side says...
"She is challenging you, Fawn..."
"What...?" I keep staring at you....waiting...

Evelyn: You try my patience, little Fawn.  Are you so afraid, after your show of bravado?
"Everyone!  Fawn believes that I have no say in whether she stays, or not! But of course I do.....  If you want to stay, dear, you must come and dance with me."
With that, I peel off my crimson top, and stand, hip cocked, in boots, skirt, and bra.

Fawn Lee: ok, then....I my glass to the guy and walking towards you.....slowly, not showing any concern, looking at your eyes and keeping my head well heels click loud in the unreal silent room....nobody dares speaking....I stop in front of you....
"So....what's the problem if I stay or not...? Do I need your permission....Eve - Lyn ? " mocking on your name purposely as clearly answering to your challenge.

Evelyn: Your innocent act continues.  Perhaps you seek the cheers of those who favor the underdog.  But the fact remains that your boots mark you as a cat ... you don't fool me.  Not in the slightest.
"Yes.  You need my permission.  Now - " I touch your raven hair - "You may ask for it, or you may simply take it - if you can."

Fawn Lee: I look around at the crowd, all holding their breath, waiting for the development of the game we play.....I smile then touch your blond hair....
"I don't need to ask any permission to you to be that clear....Eve - Lyn ?"
My words sounds like a shot in the silence....I see some of the guys smirking openly...
"So....Eve - Lyn ....what are you going to "and again I pass my hand on your blond hair patting you as I would do to my pet....

Evelyn: My palm cracks across your cheek like a gunshot.  You totter in your lovely boots, your ankles buckling. "Just that, dear," I purr.

Fawn Lee: I am shocked and surprised....My cheek is burning as my head is turned aside by your was fast and I did not see it coming...I stagger aside, hardly remaining on my heels....
"You bitch..." I hiss....then close the distance and go for your body, sending a good blow into your stomach....."Take this ...slut..."

Evelyn: I was right, the lovely, innocent looking Fawn has fire in her heart.  Your little fist spears into my toned belly - deeper than I thought you capable of, truth be told.  Well done!
I drive my knee into the same spot in your belly.  And hard.  Our dance begins .... the DJ starts the music, a hard, driving beat....

Fawn Lee: arghh....your fast counter attack....hitting in my belly as I double over moaning softly....
and the crowd cheers loud....I guess they are cheering their local champion, but now I decide that I am here to make a change of management to the place...I stand back up and get ready again....I see that you are fast and dangerous..

Evelyn: I’m very pleased that you take two shots to your lithe little body and still have the courage to stand with me, Fawn. It’s so much more fun with a girl with spirit. Beating her spirit out of her, I mean. The entire club has gathered at the fringe of the dance floor. The music throbs - loud, but not so loud as to drown out your screams or your submission.

Fawn Lee: am facing you...looking for an opening ...and I charge , sending my left foot on, hitting the side of your thigh....making you grunt and turn slightly aside and my next kick gets into the back of your look surprised as you land hard on your butt...among the laughs of the crowd...

Evelyn: You surprised me. Your black boots flash. One hits me hard, just above the shaft of my glossy boot. Pain shoots up to my hip, down to my knee, hobbling me. And then the second flash sweeps my legs. Hitting the floor isn’t as painful as it is humiliating. Some of the gathered watchers actually laugh. At me. Fury boils in me. Turnabout, Fawn, you bitch. My leg lashes into your calves. Join me here on the floor. You’ve barely hit the polished surface before I’m on you, one claw in your hair, the other in your breast.

Fawn Lee: and now it is a hair is pulled painfully so I retaliate immediately grabbing a handful of your blonde mane and try to rip it off your head...we begin rolling on the floor and when we stop I find myself straddling you....good I am on the upper part, advantage on my side...

Evelyn: With you on top I wrap your hair around my hand...drag your head back, straining your neck, baring your throat....Lifting your torso.... I rip your neckline. Then slash into your breast.
Take it, you little cxnt. Take your punishment.

Fawn Lee: getting some punishment...the damn bitch is fast as a I send some blind punches down....I know she is still under my ass...and I hit her...wherever part of the body, no mater till I can hear the smashing sound of my fists into your flesh...Take this...bitch...I hiss through the pain of hair getting pulled

Evelyn: Your fist lands, indiscriminately. My collarbone. Thud. My shoulder. Thud.
My face. Thud. I twist hard, trying to throw you, to drag you off.

Fawn Lee: feeling your attempts to throw me aside...I close my legs around your lower torso, squeezing I roll aside taking you down with me, scissoring your are still holding my hair but not pulling as hard as before...

Evelyn: Both on our sides now, you scissoring me, my grip in your hair slipping. I rake your top thigh, above your boot. Then I slice my hand under your hitched-up skirt, into your taut ass cheek. My other hand rips your neckline deeper. Cheap dress. Cheap boots. Cheap whore.

Fawn Lee: well....time to get to the offensive, before this bitch makes too many damages ....she is like a wild I throw my hand under the hem of your dress and not finding much opposition in the slutty thong you wear, I grab firmly your mound, scratching nicely your pussy....
Hope you like this....

Evelyn: You loosen your scissors so you can attack my pussy, you greedy vicious slut. I scream as your nails slice into me, a wild, animal cry. The crowd hushed for a second then roars back. So many want to see me fall ....they will be disappointed....
I lunge hard, rolling you under me, my forearm pressed across your throat. You keep clawing me....
I keep screaming.....and I jab my thumbnail into your stiff brown nipple....working into it....who can take the pain.

Fawn Lee: I feel like you try choking me....and I am panicking a little bit....finding under your body though my hand is still inside your I keep on scratching your love hole...but I also insert two fingers inside....and start pumping...see if I can get you now....pumping you...and try to breath...

Evelyn: You try all your your fingers fuck me, rubbing my clit, trying to take my breath, sure as I’m choking you. I can’t stop a moan.....

Fawn Lee: let me see if I can make you cum....before you manage to cut my breathe
Good,  you are already getting that's all what I need...then you will be mine, bitch.
People around realize what is happening to they are cheering me ...they want you defeated and humiliated. Your reign as the bitch Queen is coming to an end tonight.

Evelyn: God, your groping fingers are fast, and hard, and circling my spot.... a skilled little fuckfighter.....I release your throat, pushing up, both hands now crushing your tits, dragging them outward.  And my pussy clamps down on your fingers....squeezing them....

Fawn Lee: ah ah...such a bitch...your pussy reacting to my fingering....and at last you stopped choking me...I can breath normal now...though my tits are now under attack...
but I am too focused on making you cum...then you shall be mine....and I accelerate the pumping...oh yes....spurred by the cheers of the guys around...

Evelyn: Try your best, you little slut. I lift my hips and slam them down.  Again. You can’t keep your fingers in me as I crush your hand against your belly.

Fawn Lee: arghh...damn…I lost the grip on your soaked wet fingers slid away....
I dive down...trying to block you again....but you are moving fast and I can't find a good catch now.

Evelyn: We roll apart. Breathing hard. You want at me, you whore, I’ll take that challenge. My bra and skirt hit the floor. Just boots and thong now.

Fawn Lee: I stand in front of you...and accept the dress falling to the floor, leaving me in my thong and stunning boots.... I hear the sighs and the whistles of the guys admiring my body....'n...let's go at it...

Evelyn: A few may admire you...for won’t last. I slap your breast, a savage, raw blow.
Your stiff little nipple takes the worse of it.

Fawn Lee: my tits are not big...but they are nicely shaped....I yelp when you hit me....and I see red....immediately I jump on you and we again roll on the floor in a heap.
I slap you tactics...just pure rage now...

Evelyn: Your tits won’t be nicely shaped when I finish, Fawn. Your slaps hurt....but that feeds my fire..... my knuckles hammer your weak tits, beating them into your chest. Your nipples going soft with pain...

Fawn Lee: you like punching my tits....instead I am going for something more delicate....and I send a nice direct into your face....time to put an end to this farce...I hiss. I see your head thrown back violently. Good.

Evelyn : Your fist slashes into my face, your fury fully behind it.  My head whips back. My legs buckling....

Fawn Lee: looking at my battered tits...getting blue ....I feel the rage as soon as your head comes back in place I send a second punch...catching your jaw square.... you roll aside as I massage my hurts too...

Evelyn: Head spinning....I try to stand but I immediately drop to my knees....the jolt jarring my body. Hair in my face, I collapse to hands and knees.....

Fawn Lee: I slowly stand up...watching at you...on your much cocky now, bitch...?
I stand there admiring my work...then I walk over you and pass my arm around your neck...You liked choking me ...? turn…

Evelyn: You pull me back up to my knees.... my tits on full sweaty display....and lock your arm across my head throbs, a drumbeat....I can’t make my arms work....

Fawn Lee: Start squeezing your neck....showing your tits to the astonished crowd, ...woww...I am beating their champion, the arrogant bitch is going to be destroyed tonight....then I remember the treatment you gave to my I begin scratching yours....passing my nails well around them both, leaving red stripes...all the way...

Evelyn: Your nails slash across my breasts like knives. Again, more slowly, as you gleefully dig into my flesh, delightedly torturing me before the cheering animals that circle us. And again.... my tits are in agony...But your choke loosens, as you focus on sadistically ripping me. I can breathe again. I drag in oxygen. And reach up for your scalp as you lean over my shoulder, your claws making yet another trip across my chest. I jerk your head down trying to snap your fucking neck, you bitch. As a result your chin smashes into my skull hard. I scream in pain but you get the worst from the impact and jerk again. You drop to your knees, behind me, dazed. I slam my elbow back into your bruised breast.

Fawn Lee: savouring my are mine...bitch..keep on torturing your tits....and enjoying it soooo hair...arghh….you got them again …damn when I decided to keep them so long....falling over...and allowing you to grab desperately you pull chin smashing into your hard thick skull...I drop on my knees...and next I get an elbow in my chest...and another in my my turn to be frozen on my knees....dangerously dazed...

Evelyn: My breasts are burning....sweat into a dozen scratches....but now I’ve hurt you, you vicious cxnt. I have to push through the pain, the damage you’ve done to me...I turn on my knees, and smash my fist into your ribs. You’ve weakened me, but you’re dazed now. You offer no defense.
And the way you jerk when I hit feeds me, gives me strength...I swing again.
At your face this time, you smug bitch....

Fawn Lee: oh..gosh...I have been an idiot and now my advantage is lost....and I am facing an enraged bitch you hit my ribs hard...then a second blow to my jaw....and a fall back....and now I find myself looking at the ceiling...a spinning ceiling..

Evelyn: You held me, displayed me to the jeering jackals. You need to pay for that, Fawn.
I stomp your flat hard stomach, the sole and heel of my boot blasting your abs. Your knees and torso both come up as you fold screaming in pain.  Mmmmm the sound of pain you make....

Fawn Lee: you bitch....I groan as you decide to take a walk on my heels digging deeply in my soft skin...I spring up howling in pain and my hands go to massage my aching part as I roll aside in a folding position....I hear the crowd around now cheering for you....the bastard...

Evelyn: The crowd is fickle, aren’t they?  You thought they wanted you to win?  They only want to cheer whoever is hurting the other at the moment. I kick you in the back, in the muscle that runs along your spine. Flop in agony, Fawn. You so enjoyed inflicting pain on me...the boot is on the other foot now. I strut around your writhing body,  and aim another kick. This time, my target is your breast...

Fawn Lee: now I am in deep and serious trouble....the bitch circling like a vulture around my downed body, having fun sending kicks that I can't stop and each blow is now welcome with cheers...
I roll on my belly and push myself up on my hands and knees....may be I can have a chance if I get back on my feet....

Evelyn: Yes. Rise to your knees. Then let me help you to your your hair.
I lock you in a bear hug. You’ve slashed my tits but they will still crush yours.
My nipples drive your softened nubs into you. I tighten my grip....

Fawn Lee: ok…now I am trapped into a painful bear hug....crushing my ribs...I moan ....then I remember one advice a friend gave me, my last hope, my last chance.
I take my head back and drive it in front a nice, vicious head butt....and from the scream of pain exiting your mouth I know that it forehead is aching too...but I see some blood on your face now...good...very good

Evelyn: My nose.... a burst of blood in my sinuses and dripping over my barely missed breaking it.... my grip around your body falters and I stagger backwards. I see a spot of blood land on my foot, as shiny as my boots, but darker. Somehow, I keep my feet, dazed, my eyes blinded with tears of pain.

Fawn Lee: You release the bear hug....and I drop down on my feet...breathing and ribs aching....I look at you and spot some blood dripping from your nose... we both look spent and tired now....see who has more stamina left ....I slowly and painfully push myself up...and I stagger slightly on my heels walking to you… arms up, fists closed...

Evelyn: I clear my eyes...and partly my throbbing you shakily advance on me. I raise my aching hands too.... a fistfight to the finish, now....I feint, and rip a punch into your ribs.

Fawn Lee: we are both tired so now it is a battle to see who has more power left....I get another blow into my already sore ribs....I groan...I throw a punch...getting you in the stomach....but I almost fall over, tripping on my double over, so I grab your hair and lift your head up, looking at your bleeding face....then I raise my arm...ready to deliver another blow…hopefully enough to finish you off…

Evelyn: When you raise your arm, I hammer your ribs again. The same spot. As hard as I can, with cramps burning my abs. Your hand in my hair falters. I straighten....another strike to your ribs.
My hand throbbing from the impacts.

Fawn Lee: blows into my ribs...hope they are not cracked by now...the pain hits me and I feel legs give up...and I slide down trying to hold on you....but ending on my knees, my arms still embracing your thighs...hands clutching to your face facing right into your groin.

Evelyn: I wrap my hand into your long, black hair. Tilt your face up to mine. Your eyes are dull.
I slam my knee hard into your chest. Again and again. Between your swaying breasts. Then Into them. You groan and moan…

Fawn Lee: getting punished but I can't find the strength to stop this attack.....I raise my hands but I can't stop your knee from hitting my chest and sore tits more times, so my last resource is holding your nails digging as deep as possible...and scratch you ....desperately trying to stop you.

Evelyn: Your nails dig into my thigh, burning pain, you damn stubborn bitch.... but adrenaline is pumping through me now at levels that are beyond control. I pull your head back again. Your lips parted. Your eyes nearly closed. I know that you are mine. No more doubts. And I whip my fist into your face. Thud.  A second blow to your mouth. Thud. Your head twists, even with my grip.

Fawn Lee: I am in a very bad position. On my I am praying....and I guess my prayer would end to deaf ears now...and as are not in a forgiving mood next I get a heavy punch into my face, then another in the mouth...and I would fall back if not for your grip on my hair...who hold my head there. I am tasting some blood in my head is ringing...the noise of the crowd surrounding us is turning into a sort of distant echo...not good....and then my arms fall down limp at my side....signalling my defeat….

Evelyn: My adrenaline surges with triumph as your arms drop.  I defeated this vicious little bitch. You’ve learned one lesson. I have tamed you. You are done. Now it’s time to give you the final blow. I release your hair and before you may even start to fall, I load my fist with all my power, smashing your face again, hitting my favourite target. The tip of the chin. it is a perfect uppercut blow, taking you from below. I smile hearing your teeth clattering loud in your mouth, watching your head thrown violently back as you fall and land hard, your slender body sprawls full length on the dance floor. Limp. Still. Only the slight movement of your battered tits showing that you are still alive.
The crowd is hushed. I sway, exhausted.   Then they roar.  I let it wash over me. Then I turn to a nearby watcher. “Bring me my purse.” Time for your second lesson, Fawn.

Fawn Lee: I know I am done...and there is nothing that I can do...I am sort of floating unaware of what is happening….till I get caught with a new nasty, devastating blow...and then all becomes I fall back....out cold, spread eagled on the dance floor...the last thing I can hear is the roar of the crowd...cheering for their local bitch

Evelyn: I walk over your limp body, enjoying my destruction of the arrogant bitch that dared challenging me. I pass the sole of my boot on your face and raise my hands up in a pose of victory as the now adoring crowd is busy taking pictures and video clips of my triumph. And it is not over. She brings me my purse. And water. I drink deeply. “Pour the rest on her.”
I want you awake for this.

Fawn Lee: I get splashed with cold water....coming back to the world...still dazed and confused....
I slowly pass one hand cleaning my face and moving back my soaked hair....turn my head left and right...eyesight still blur but I can distinguish plenty of faces all pointing at me....and flashes from pics getting taken….

Evelyn: I step to you and put my boot on your hair. You watch me take it from my purse. As red and glossy as my boots. And thick. A nice, huge 10” dildo.
“Peel her,” I order my new helper. She kneels and works your sweaty thong down your hips and legs....while I buckle on your hard- rubber lesson on who owns this club.
I stoop, and grasp your wet hair again. Kick you, twisting you onto your belly. Your beaten belly. Your pancaked, bruised tits. I run my hand over your bare ass, Fawn. I slip it between your thighs, my fingers probing your wet pussy. So wet, you slut. My thumb slipping between your tight ass cheeks
I am going to use my dildo on you, the one I’ve strapped on. The one you feel against you ass
I reach for your hair... again. Drag your head back. Lift your raw swollen tits from the floor.

Fawn Lee: coming back...feeling my thong getting removed...down my legs...then I get rolled over my tits and ribs still aching for the beating I took but still too weak to react and fight back...and then ...the crowd cheering loud as you caress my inner with my pussy, already wet for the excitement I got when fighting...and last...something positioning right at the entrance of my ass hole....rubbing it...then down to my pussy labia and back up again... playing..and causing me to get aroused...

Evelyn: Mmmmmm you’re enjoying it, you weak little slut....even in pain, you moan.
You fought my small mercy to you is this... I slide the cock once....slowly....into your hungry pussy.

Fawn Lee: feel it...must be a good sized rubbed strap-on cock that the blond bitch is using on are holding my hair so I can't turn my head back and check this out...but I feel it pushing down my love hole...and...gosh....I am already reacting...

Evelyn: I release your hair, dragging my nails down your your waist.  Lifting your hips.
Once. That’s all the wet you get, Fawn. I slide out of you, a slurpy sucking sound and lift the tip of the cock to your tight little ass.

Fawn Lee: I was almost on the verge of cumming when the dildo is pulled out....leaving me dripping juices but not finishing with the orgasm that was mounting inside... you lift my hips high now...and the tip of the dildo is now on my ass hole's threshold.....gosh....going to be humiliated in front of all those people...

Evelyn: Mmmmmmm sooooo slowly I sink it into you..... a millimeter at a time....spreading your trembling ass.  Until my lower belly finally meets your skin. Then I press even deeper. Your ass flattening against me. And I hold it there....The crowd all watch in fascination now. Watch your tits jerk. Watch your face twist. Evelyn: I slowly pull back..... And then drive it back, violently into you like a spike.

Fawn Lee: I don't want to show this bitch and her friends that I am getting aroused...but my body is betraying the dildo is pushed down to its end I feel the orgasm coming body shaking...close my pull out...then push hard, a violent thrust reaching the end...and this is breaking the dam...I scream...and cum hard...gushing juices like a fountain....making a puddle on the floor under me....and my body is twitching...not stopping....

Evelyn: Mmmmmm I reach beneath the dildo as I ram it deep, again, and find your spasming clit with my thumb....”Cum for the people, bitch,” I purr and snarl..”cum hard slut.”
I fuck you through one, Fawn. Then another. I want to cum till you are out.

Fawn Lee: arghh....getting another orgasm.....and another....gushing plenty of cum...draining my remaining knees give up and I splash onto the floor...looking like a frog stuck to it
I lose the count of how many time I cummed....I am exhausted and almost passing out

Evelyn: Mmmmmmmm.  I unbuckle at last. Leaving it buried in you pushing it to the very edge, almost disappearing into your hole.. A souvenir for you to keep.
I sooo enjoy unzipping your boots. My souvenirs.  Your delicate feet, bare. Twitching.
One last grip in your hair, bitch. Crawl, if you can. You can’t move. Too exhausted.  I laugh as I raise my hands again shouting…”I destroyed the bitch…” the crowd erupts is cheers and applauses.
I drag you from the floor. To the alley fire door, leaving a streak of shining cum on the way.
The crowd follows still taking pics and videos of your humiliating destruction.
“It’s MY club, bitch,” I hiss. Between your hair and the cock still imbedded in your ass, I lift you to your feet. And tip you into the dumpster. Good riddance.

Fawn Lee: very confused...dazed...spent...defeated and humiliated...the dildo still stuck deep inside my ass....I feel my boots getting pulled out...arghhh....I love these boots...ok..I have more of them..even the same model...but still....I hate losing them...too weak to fight as I am dragged from my hair....on the cold floor....then out of the the cool evening...and last I remember I am thrown unceremoniously in the dumpster...among the rubbish....and then I pass out....

Evelyn: The final touch. I take your phone. A selfie of me over your naked, bruised, defeated, pathetic body. I search the contact list…and send it to your man. And toss it in.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2021, 10:04:51 PM by FawnL »


Offline York

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Re: Fawn vs Evelyn - the Queen of the Night Club
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2021, 12:10:49 PM »
Nicely done ladies. Good descriptions and it is always a pleasure reading of two sexy bitches having a fight.
May be Fawn can go for a revenge and get her boots back  ;) ;)


Offline bush

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Re: Fawn vs Evelyn - the Queen of the Night Club
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2021, 07:31:05 AM »
My thanks to Fawn and Evelyn for this.



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Re: Fawn vs Evelyn - the Queen of the Night Club
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2021, 02:02:44 PM »
...thank you for the comments.....may be one day we shall fight again....(I want my boots back)   ;) ;)