<<<<The two women are now topless, both wearing only knee-high stockings and panties. Both are nervous but determined. Early January dusk has arrived in New York City, hastened by the intensifying snowstorm outside. Ominous gusty winds buffet the 11th floor apartment window. The living room grows dim, its only sources of light being the darkening window and what little light carries from the kitchen. Both women welcome the semi-darkness, as it minimizes their bashfulness at their semi-nude bodies. Not that either has reason for shame--their 42- and 33-year old bodies could pass for 24-year olds in silhouette. Each sees why the common man in their life has carried on a vigorous sexual relationship with the other for years, and refuses to give up either, even at great monetary cost, and even in violation of his sacred wedding vows.>>>>>
<<<<Anna reaches for Sarah's scarf on the end table.>>>>
A: This is soaking wet. You've ruined the wood on my new end table.
S: A proper host would have offered me a place to set it.
A: You did that deliberately to provoke me. You came here looking for a fight. I know your type. You had a boarding school upbringing, but inside you're no different than the country girls outside Reading, Pennsylvania who heard there was a girl at one of the horse farms outside town who knew how to fight, and would come and provoke me .... to challenge me in an empty barn .... to make a name for themselves.
S: You hypocrite. <Gets nose to nose with Anna.> You speak of provoking. You carry on an affair for years with a man from New York you know to be married and with children. And then when you can't stand the waits between trysts any longer, you move to the city he lives in 8 blocks from his lawfully wedded wife. You ..... YOU are the provoker. <<<Slaps Anna in the face.>>> It is YOU who caused this .... us. And what we are about to do to each other!
A: <<<<Slaps Sarah in the face.>>>> Is this what you used to do in the summers in Billings, Montana with the miner girls? And the railroad rest stop wenches??? Slapping??
S: <<<<Slaps Anna hard in the face.>>>> I never told you those fights were in Billings?

I said Montana and Idaho. <<<Slaps Anna hard.>>>> Who TOLD YOU Billings?? <<<Slaps Anna hard.>>>>
A: HIM. He did, you dumb bitch. <<<<Slaps Sarah hard in the breast.>>>> Your husband knew about your summer fights in Billings. <<<<Slaps Sarah in the face.>>>> We would talk about them in bed. As foreplay.
S: <<<Slaps Anna's breasts.>>>> And who did they excite and arouse. <<<<Slaps Anna's mouth>>>> Him??? <<<Slaps Anna's breast.>>> Or you ??
A: <<<<Slaps Sarah's face. Both women's faces and breasts are now beat red.>>>> They aroused him, and made our lovemaking intense, you jealous bitch. <<<<Slaps Sarah's breasts.>>>> But they .... EXCITED ... me, you Amazon cxnt. Because I knew I needed to .... fight you. With fists. Like you used to fight those Montana girls. <<<<Punches Sarah in the face.>>>>
S: <<<<Punches Anna in the face.>>> Then you DID ... come to New York. To provoke me. You're no different than the Pennsylvania country girls who would come to your farm to fight you in a haybarn, or in a corral. <<<<Punches Anna in the mouth, drawing a trickle of blood.>>>>
A: <<<Punches Sarah back, also in the mouth.>>>> Now who speaks too loosely?

When did speak of haybarn or corral fights?

<<<Punches Sarah's breast.>>>> Or .... did he also speak in bed..... with YOU .... about ME?

S: <<<<Punches Anna's breasts.>>>> Only .... only ... late last night .... when he and I quarreled .... and I said I had discovered your address ... and might visit. He warned me .... you had experience .... in the type of .... fights .... brawls .... I had had in Billings. <<<Slaps Anna's face.>>>>
A: And yet .... you came anyways. <<<<Mauls Sarah's breasts, breaking skin with her nails. Both women clinch, faces inches apart.>>>>
S: <<<<Mauling Anna's breasts, drawing blood.>>> I ..... needed to. I .... need this. To test myself. Against .... YOU. <<<<Both women moan in agont.>>> You speak of me not understanding love. But YOU .... YOU don't understand hate. Real hate. For another woman.
A: I assure I hate you. And have since I met him.
S: I hate you more.
A: Try me.
To be continued.....