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The Visit

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Offline sinclairfan

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The Visit
« on: January 19, 2021, 11:26:04 PM »
11th floor of A New York City apartment, January 1947

Sarah, the wife, aged 42, blonde
Anna, the mistress, aged 33, brunette

<The door knocks.  Anna answers.>

A:  Yes?

S:  May I come in?

A:  Yes, I suppose.  You look like you've come a long way.  <Steps aside to give Sarah room to enter.  The two brush shoulders, Anna not quite blocking Sarah, but not yielding either.>

S:  Not far.  Fifth Avenue.  But the traffic was moving slowly in the snow.

A:  It's snowing?  I dodn't realize there was snow expected.

S:  Nor did I.  I wouldn't have come if I knew snow would start.  But then I was more than halfway, so I had my driver continue.

A:  Oh?  Your driver?  Is he .... waiting outside?

S:  Thank you for your concern.  No, I told him to meet me at the Harvard Club in 3 hours.  That gives me an hour to make my way there after .... leaving here.

<Sarah turns her back to Anna, inspecting the paintings, fixtures, and carpets in Anna's immaculate apartment.  She walks up to the bedroom door, which is closed.>

A:  Oh?  You'll be here two hours?  What if I wasn't here?  Or had a guest?

S:  A guest?  A gentleman caller?  I suppose .... I knew your gentleman caller is .... elsewhere .... in Albany, until tomorrow.

A:  Why do you need to go in the bedroom?

S:  I wanted to see where you .... entertain .... gentleman callers.

A:  You haven't introduced yourself.

S:  Nor have you.

A:  You must know who I am .... if you called here.

S:  I figured I'd..... surprise you.  Have I?

A:  He told me you and he fought yesterday ..... quarreled.... and that you told him you knew I lived here.

S:  So  ..... you know who I am?  You've seen my picture?

A:  Pictures don't always do justice .... Are you able to confirm that?  From me?

S:  I can.  You are even more attractive than .... a picture I found.

A:  Thank you .... I think.  Is that what you can here to see? .... and to say?

S:  I don't know yet.  I acted partly on impulse.  I do that after .... he and I quarrel. 

A:  But .... you left yourself 2 hours.

S:  Yes.  Just in case.

A:  Just in case .... what?

S:  Just in case .... you and I .... quarrel .... or worse.

A:  Oh?  Worse than quarreling?

S:  In case our quarrel .... escalates.

A:  Will it?

S:  Do you .... want it to?

To be continued....


Offline Wicked

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Re: The Visit
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2021, 02:55:36 AM »
Oh please continue.


Offline sinclairfan

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Re: The Visit
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2021, 03:39:44 PM »
<Sarah and Anna are standing 12 feet apart in the living room, with Sarah for the first time turning to fully face her host.  Sarah removes her scarf and earmuffs, and sets them down on an end table.>

A:  If those are wet from the snow, I'll ask you not to place them on the new furniture.  It will warp.

S:  <setting down the scarf and hat anyways>  Oh?  You asked him to buy you new furniture?

A:  How is what he .... we.....  bought .... for this apartment .... your concern?

S:  I would think if it came from my family's money .... my father's family .... I would think it's very much my concern.

A:  You father is not the only one with money.

S:  Oh?  So your father knows you moved here?  ... and the circumstances? .... that you're the kept woman of a married man?

A:  You presume me to be kept.  I ask you again to remove the scarf and earmuffs if they are wet.

S:  Oh, do you?

A:  I do.

<<<<<Both women face each other in silence, still twelve feet away.>>>>

A:  I'm presuming, by your actions, that the scarf and earmuffs were not wet.

S:  Oh, is that so.  Will you .... come and look?

A:  Let's stop make presumptions about each other.

S:  Such as?

A:  Such as ..... what each will do .... or not do .... to the other, if provoked.

S:  Oh?  Have I provoked you? 

A:  You knocked without calling ahead.

S:  Would you have invited me ... if I had called ahead?

A:  I would have asked the purpose of your call.

S:  And if .... I had the purpose of the call was best delivered face to face?

A:  I would have requested a meeting at a more appropriate location.... such as the Harvard Club.

S:  You are accustomed to calling at the Harvard Club?

A:  I am accustomed to moving in circles such as that ...  in Philadelphia ..   in Reading ....

S:  Oh, are you?  In such high circles as Reading, Pennsylvania?  I apologize for my impertinance .... I surely have underestimated you, Anna, if you have connections in Reading, Pennsylvania.  Does it take sharp elbows to survive there?

A:  I've sharpened my elbows there .... and at horse farms there .... not drawing rooms.....with women as impertinent as you .... and more.

S:  Is that so?  Do you presume that my only elbow sharpening has been in drawing rooms?

A:  I presume so .... if you look down upon places that aren't New York or Philadelphia.

S:  My upbringing included summer visits to ranches in Montana and Idaho.  My father was a believer of the Teddy Roosevelt philosophy of the vigorous life .... and of sharpening elbows ..... against women of my own class .... and, the locals, as he called them. 

A:  You tell me this .... for what reason?

S:  So that if you insist on touching my scarf ..... I can tell him .... that you knew what you were walking into.

<Anna steps deliberately closes to distance between herself and Sarah in half.>

S:  You hesitate.

A:  You mentioned ... him ... I wonder if you are here because of me .... or to spite .... him .... from your quarrel with him yesterday.  The impulsiveness you mentioned.

S:  You may approach with a clear conscience.  The scarf was set down deliberately.  Coming here was impulsive.  But provoking is something I've wanted for awhile.  Since I found out about you.

A:  I've wanted this as well.  I didn't realize you'd reciprocate.

<Both women remove their shoes.>

S:  Well, now you know.

To be continued....


Offline DS79

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Re: The Visit
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2021, 03:53:34 PM »
I am curious and excited. please let us know what clothes and looks of both female rivals.
I love women especially when they fight


Offline sinclairfan

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Re: The Visit
« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2021, 11:27:44 PM »
<Anna is dressed in light grey winter woolen stockings, a light brown casual skirt down towards her ankles, and a somewhat less casual grey blouse with long sleeves which match her stocking.  Her thick, lush, permed brunette hair plunges down her back, three-quarters of the way to her waist.  Anna's 1940s look is a foreshadowing of Ava Gardner's in the early 1950s.  Sarah's more classic peroxide blonde hair is a throwback to Jean Harlowe's late 1930s look, matching her rival's in thickness, but coming up 4 to 6 inches short in length.  She, too, has thick grey winter woolen stocking, a similar length skirt, but a sweater instead of a blouse, and another sweater-jacket as partial protection against the New York City winter air.  Anna considers attacking her enemy before either the outer jacket or inner sweater can be removed, but an innate Pennsylvania-bred sense of fair-play overcomes her.  She also becomes acutely aware that Sarah is the mother of the three teenaged  children of the man she loves, the love of her life, and hesitates three feet from her enemy.>

A:  When you .... envisioned this moment .... how were we dressed?  You and I?

S:  You .... if you .... if you knew that sleeping with him .... first in Pennsylvania .... and then .... here ...  here in New York City .... my home MY home .... would lead to ... to THIS ... to us quarreling .... how could you continue?  ...  How COULD you??

A:  I ..... for love .... can you not understand that .... he's always described you as cold ... can you NOT understand ... if you had loved him .... he would have never ... yielded to me.... Do you still not understand that??

S:  Love?  You bitch!!  You call me impertinent??...  I'm his wife .... his lawfully-wedded wife.

A:  You'll never understand.  .... Not fro me you won't ..... Not,you and him .... or me and him....  this is about you and me ..... we both understand .... we've both had the same thoughts..... for years now .... when I was still in Pennsylvania .... when the war ended, and I could come to New York at last .... I came here for him .... but for YOU as well.... we both know that know ..... we both ....  UNDERSTAND .... we both can speak of that .... of this, this moment .... when you thought of this moment, what were we wearing.....

S:  I think my answer .... will be the same as yours ....

A:  Then  ..... there should be no reason for you to not .... speak it.

<<Sarah deliberately removes her sweater-jacket, unbuttoning it deliberately.  She places it on the end table her scarf and earmuffs were on.>>>>>>

S:  Tell your father ... I .... warped his new teak furniture .... it wasn't you.

A:  Don't you speak of my father, you .... gutter tramp...  you alley bitch.

S:  Tough talker, Anna.  What were we wearing??... Less than this, no? .... that we were wearing??

<<<<<Anna removes her skirt, revealing black panties.  She tosses the skirt onto the nearby couch.  She begins unbuttoning her blouse.  Sarah follows, one item of clothing behind her rival, stepping out of her skirt, then her blouse.  Both women angrily THROW each item of removed clothing onto the couch.  Both women's 36C breasts are c
visible underneath their underwear.>>>>>>

A:  Less than that .... and less than this.

S:  Show me, tough girl.

<<<<Anna instantly begins unhooked her bra.  Her 36C breasts reveal large, protruding nippples.>>>>>

S:  When he was kissing THOSE .... he was thinking of .... <<<undoes her bra>>>> .... THESE.  <<<<Sarah's silver dollar nipples match Anna's in thickness and texture.>>>>

A:  Or .... perhaps the other way around.

S:  Then .... I'll destroy yours .... to eliminate the confusion  ... on his part.

A:  Oh, there's no confusion honey.

S:  Then I'll destroy them anyways.

A:  Oh .... will you?

S:  I will.

<<<Both women step forward.>>>>

To be continued.....


Offline sinclairfan

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Re: The Visit
« Reply #5 on: January 21, 2021, 09:43:42 AM »
<<<<The two women are now topless, both wearing only knee-high stockings and panties.  Both are nervous but determined.  Early January dusk has arrived in New York City, hastened by the intensifying snowstorm outside.  Ominous gusty winds buffet the 11th floor apartment window.  The living room grows dim, its only sources of light being the darkening window and what little light carries from the kitchen.  Both women welcome the semi-darkness, as it minimizes their bashfulness at their semi-nude bodies.  Not that either has reason for shame--their 42- and 33-year old bodies could pass for 24-year olds in silhouette.  Each sees why the common man in their life has carried on a vigorous sexual relationship with the other for years, and refuses to give up either, even at great monetary cost, and even in violation of his sacred wedding vows.>>>>>

<<<<Anna reaches for Sarah's scarf on the end table.>>>>

A:  This is soaking wet.  You've ruined the wood on my new end table.

S:  A proper host would have offered me a place to set it.

A:  You did that deliberately to provoke me.  You came here looking for a fight.  I know your type.  You had a boarding school upbringing, but inside you're no different than the country girls outside Reading, Pennsylvania who heard there was a girl at one of the horse farms outside town who knew how to fight, and would come and provoke me .... to challenge me in an empty barn .... to make a name for themselves.

S:  You hypocrite.  <Gets nose to nose with Anna.> You speak of provoking.  You carry on an affair for years with a man from New York you know to be married and with children.  And then when you can't stand the waits between trysts any longer, you move to the city he lives in 8 blocks from his lawfully wedded wife.  You ..... YOU are the provoker. <<<Slaps Anna in the face.>>> It is YOU who caused this .... us.  And what we are about to do to each other!

A:  <<<<Slaps Sarah in the face.>>>> Is this what you used to do in the summers in Billings, Montana with the miner girls?  And the railroad rest stop wenches??? Slapping??

S:  <<<<Slaps Anna hard in the face.>>>>  I never told you those fights were in Billings???? I said Montana and Idaho.  <<<Slaps Anna hard.>>>> Who TOLD YOU Billings??  <<<Slaps Anna hard.>>>>

A:  HIM.  He did, you dumb bitch.  <<<<Slaps Sarah hard in the breast.>>>> Your husband knew about your summer fights in Billings.  <<<<Slaps Sarah in the face.>>>> We would talk about them in bed.  As foreplay.

S:  <<<Slaps Anna's breasts.>>>> And who did they excite and arouse.  <<<<Slaps Anna's mouth>>>> Him???  <<<Slaps Anna's breast.>>> Or you ??

A:  <<<<Slaps Sarah's face.  Both women's faces and breasts are now beat red.>>>> They aroused him, and made our lovemaking intense, you jealous bitch.  <<<<Slaps Sarah's breasts.>>>> But they .... EXCITED ... me, you Amazon cxnt.  Because I knew I needed to .... fight you.  With fists.  Like you used to fight those Montana girls.  <<<<Punches Sarah in the face.>>>>

S:  <<<<Punches Anna in the face.>>> Then you DID ...  come to New York.  To provoke me.  You're no different than the Pennsylvania country girls who would come to your farm to fight you in a haybarn, or in a corral.  <<<<Punches Anna in the mouth, drawing a trickle of blood.>>>>

A:  <<<Punches Sarah back, also in the mouth.>>>> Now who speaks too loosely???? When did speak of haybarn or corral fights???? <<<Punches Sarah's breast.>>>>  Or .... did he also speak in bed..... with YOU .... about ME????

S:  <<<<Punches Anna's breasts.>>>> Only .... only ... late last night .... when he and I quarreled .... and I said I had discovered your address ...  and might visit.  He warned me .... you had experience .... in the type of .... fights .... brawls .... I had had in Billings.  <<<Slaps Anna's face.>>>>

A:  And yet .... you came anyways.  <<<<Mauls Sarah's breasts, breaking skin with her nails.  Both women clinch, faces inches apart.>>>>

S:  <<<<Mauling Anna's breasts, drawing blood.>>> I ..... needed to.  I .... need this.  To test myself.  Against ....  YOU.  <<<<Both women moan in agont.>>> You speak of me not understanding love.  But YOU .... YOU don't understand hate.  Real hate.  For another woman.

A: I assure I hate you.  And have since I met him.

S:  I hate you more.

A:  Try me.

To be continued.....


Offline sinclairfan

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Re: The Visit
« Reply #6 on: January 21, 2021, 02:20:45 PM »
<<<<Both women release their mutual breast claw grip, their eyes tearing in agony.  They step back and inspect each other.  Anna has a small stream of blood starting to move down the left side of her mouth.  Sarah has a similar rivulet  on the top of her left breast, which has been raked by her enemy and rival.  Both women are breathing heavily.  Anna grabs Sarah's scarf from the end table, wiping her blood and sweat on the scarf, which is quickly smeared red.>>>>>

A:  Your scarf ruined something of mine.  And now it, itself, is ruined.  What goes around come around.

S:  You dare speak of fairness, you cheating whore?

A:  He ran to me .... when running from you.  He propositioned me over five times before I yielded, you clueless bitch.

<<<<<The telephone phone rings, jarringly, causing the gladiatrices to break their stare from each other and direct it to the phone.  Anna walks over and answers.>>>>

A:  Hello?

A: Oh, well hello darling, your lovely bride and I were just speaking of you?

A:  Why, yes, in person.  Face to face, woman to woman.  Does that surprise you?

A:  No, no trouble.  You were expecting trouble?  The night is young, .... but no trouble ... yet.  Nothing that I can't handle.  I'm a big girl.

A:  Yes, she's right here.  Would you like to speak to her?

A:  Alright.  Sarah, there's no trouble, right?  Would you like to speak to your husband?

<<<<Sarah approaches warily, and Anna hands her the phone.>>>>

S:  Hello, darling.  How is Albany?

<<<<Anna makes herself a whiskey and water.  She prepares a second, apparently for Sarah.>>>>>

S:  Why, yes, I know you advised me to not visit your .... special friend.  She's SUCH a gracious hostess, I do believe she just prepared me a drink.  But she and I have .... SO MUCH .... catching up to do.  It's been 8 years, after all, that you've known her ... and not shared her with me.  She was telling me about the .... small talk .... you and she engage in .... about her .... about me .... about my youthful summers in Montana.

S:  Why, yes, she and I are ..... sorting out .... the relationship between her and me.  Girl talk.  We still have a little longer to go.  Like she said, nothing I can't handle.  Cocktail hour is just starting it appears, she's prepared a cocktail for me, and is starting a second herself.  It appears it will be an .... eventful evening.

S:  Will I see you tomorrow night, then? 

S:  I love you, too, darling.  Shall I put your .... special friend .... on the phone?  It's her phone, after all, paid for my her father, yes?

<<<<Holds the phone for Anna.  Anna takes it warily.>>>>

A:  Well, yes, NOW she knows about my father.  We both told you ..... she and I are .... catching up .... about ever so many things. 

A:  No, there won't be trouble.  She's enjoying her cocktail now.  No reason to send her driver over.  She and I are big girls, we can handle ourselves.

A:  Good night, darling.

<<<<Anna hangs up the phone.  She makes a third cocktail for herself, and a second for Sarah.  Anna offers Sarah a cigarette, which she accepts.  She lights one for herself.>>>

S:  Do you think he bought it?

A:  No.  Nor do I think he wants to, either?

S:  In what way.

A:  I think he knows you and I are about to go at it like two rates in a cage.  And I think that's what he wants.

S:  I think you're right.  Is it what you want.

A:  More than anything.  And you?

S:  Do you need to ask?

A:  No.  Just making sure.

S:  May I have one more drink?

To be continued....


Offline sinclairfan

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Re: The Visit
« Reply #7 on: January 21, 2021, 10:51:38 PM »
<<<<<Anna returns to the living room with her third whiskey and water, this one mostly whiskey.  Sarah ponders if she lost an opportunity to attack her rival from behind while Anna was in the kitchen with her back turned.  The thought that, contrary to what she expected, Anna funded many of amenities in the apartment, electrifies her.  She is in her enemy's lair   Anything that breaks is her enemy's loss, not her own.  She sits on the couch, waiting for her enemy to return, which she does presently.>>>>

S:  I'm still upset about the scarf.  You ruined it much too willingly.

A:  As am I, about the end table.  It was a brand new piece.

S:  When I return home this evening ..... after I finish you .... I shall take one of your scarves, as reimbursement.  So I'll be entering the bedroom where you fuck my husband, one way or another.

A:  And if it's locked?

S:  I'll kick the door in, if I must.

A:  So ladylike.  No wonder he's leaving you once your children are grown.

S:  Is that a fact?  For you, I suppose?

A:  Perhaps for me.  Even if not, I know no man would spend a lifetime with you.  You're nasty ... and icy.

S:  My attractiveness needs no apologies.... my breasts stand at attention as your do, even with a decade longer of experience.  Any man would jump at the opportunity to caress this bosom.

A:  And then?  What of the nagging?  The belittling?  What man tolerates that, you dumb bitch?  With the war, there are many more women than there are men.  The have their pick of us.  There are 3 of us for every one of them.

S:  What man would want you, who has no respect for marital vows, for the sanctity of the home?

A:  I don't want many men.  I want one. 

S:  He's taken, whore.

A:  He called me tonight, not you.

S:  He knew that if you and I quarreled, you would lose.

A:  The wound on your breast says I'm not losing.

S:  You fat lap says you are.

<<<<Both women pause to gilp down their remaining cocktail.>>>>

A:  I swear, if I kill you tonight, the only reason I won't confess is the time I'll miss seeing him.

S:  And I swear .... your time with him has ended already.  He will never set foot here .... or anywhere YOU are ..... ever again.

A:  Big words, Sarah.

S:  You've not spoken my name until now.

A:  Why would you notice something like that?

S:  I want you to acknowledge ... his wife.

A:  His .... divorced wife.

<<<<Both women stand and get face to face.>>>>>

S:  I shall never grant him divorce.

A:  Then I shall make you his widow.

S:  You're incapable.

A:  Try me.

To be continued....


Offline sinclairfan

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Re: The Visit
« Reply #8 on: January 22, 2021, 10:57:41 PM »
<<<<Nearly complete darkness fills the window of the 11th floor apartment, as nightfall comes to the sky, and fog and wind-swept snow prevent light from reaching up from the New York City streets below.  The little light making its way into the living room is from the nearby kitchen, so both women can now barely make out each others' bare flesh if they move more than arms'-length away from each other.  Both women's speech have become slurred from the rapid consumption of three of Anna's generously-poured cocktails.  Their physical and emotional inhibitions are lowered.>>>

<<<Sarah mind races at Anna's use of the word 'widow'.  Would Anna murder Sarah if given the chance?  During the ride over to Anna's, Sarah considered the thought of throwing her rival out of the 11th floor window if she was able to subdue Anna in a fight, and making it look like Anna had leapt to her death out of despair of losing her lover, Sarah's husband.  But Sarah belatedly realized she had foreclosed upon that option by impulsively disclosing to her husband that she knew the address of her rival's love nest.  If Anna died, Sarah's husband would turn in Sarah.>>>>>

<<<Sarah instead decides to use the dark, and Anna's compromised reflexes, to do what she should have done before--to wait for Anna to turn her back, and to catch her enemy unawares.  To strike first in the fight, as she learned in her youthful Montana summer fights.  To always get the first punch in.>>>>

<<<<Sarah also still has not seen the bedroom in which Anna cheats with Sarah's husband.  She decides to slip backwards in the dark, and to edge towards the door.  She decides to momentarily district her rival by baiting her with a shocking retort.>>>>

S:  You speak of killing?  How will you fuck him if you're in jail?

<<<Sarah slips backwards in the dark as Anna considers her reply.>>>>

A:  You came here, to my home, for the purpose of attacking me.  I've the right to self-defense.  If you .... met with an accident while here, the law would hardly blame me.  <<<<Anna surprises herself with how well-thought out her plan is.>>>>

<<<<Sarah's plan works perfectly.  so completely intent are Anna's energies on annunciating her reply, that Sarah has surreptitiously slipped into the adulterous bedroom.  Sarah opens the door, slips in, and Anna belatedly recognizes her error.>>>>

A:  Get out!!!! Why are you .... in there???  Get out of my bedroom!!!!!

<<<Sarah rushes in, and turns on a light, revealing a large, elegant bed with thick sheets, covers, and pillows.  She rushes to the opposite side, and angrily faces Anna.>>>>>

S:  This is where you fuck him??

A:  This is where he and I make love, and where he experiences delights he misses with you.

S:  When you were on the phone, moments ago, you said you and were meeting woman to woman.  But .... our womanhood <<<<looks down at her own panties>>>> has not been displayed to each other yet.

A:  I am not opposed to so doing.  <<<<Steps out of her panties.  Sarah does the same.>>>>

<<<<Sarah then dramatically mounts the bed on her knees.  Before Anna can realize what is happening, Sarah relieves herself on the bed.>>>>

A:  You bitch!!!!  You're peeing!!! That will ruin the bed!!!!

S:  Oh, will it?

To be continued.....


Offline sinclairfan

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Re: The Visit
« Reply #9 on: January 23, 2021, 04:01:53 PM »
<<<<<Angered and appalled, a vengeful Anna turns back into the living room and grabs her enemy's sweater coat, skirt, and sweater blouse from the living room, and returns to the bedroom, rubbing the clothing into the sheets of the soiled bed.  Sarah briefly pulls on Anna's hair in attempt to interrupt her rival's destruction of the clothing she would have needed to depart after fighting her opponent, but Anna pushes her off-balance enemy from the bed, causing Sarah to reconsider her tactical response.>>>>>

A:  You bitch!!!  I'll show you!  No one will ever wear these clothes again.  Not you, not anyone!!!

S:  You classless slut!! Those are irreplaceable items of great sentimental value!!!

A:  You speak of class?!?  You use a bed as a water closet?!?  Did you learn that in Montana?!?

S:  You .... You where.  You ruin my clothes ...  then I ruin yours!!

<<<<Sarah leaps over the bed, shoulder-bumping her stunned enemy, and dashes through the bedroom bathroom, pausing to turn on the water to the bath, and proceeds into the adjoining closet, opening the door violently.  As she had hoped, she is presented with an array of underwear, skirts, blouses, and even dresses and gowns, folded on shelves or hung neatly on coat racks and hangers.  She begins mindlessly flinging the clothing from the racks onto the floor.  She grabs a random handful of items and tosses them into the tub of flowing water, and returns to the closet to grab another batch.  As she bends over, the closets owner tackles her, both women falling onto a disheveled pile of items, hands desperately seeking each others' disordered manes of hair.>>>>

<<<<The women wrap their legs around each others' waist, and the catball arrives at a temporary stalemate.  The women's faces are inches apart.>>>>

A:  You .... criminal .... bitch.  He told me what you were capable of, but even I didn't believe him.  You belong in prison .... with the gangster trash you've always been.>>>>

S:  You speak of prison....  you harbor thoughts of murdering me .... and taking my family ... and my place .... you jealous whore. 

A:  I'll .... I'll .... break you .... so he can never sleep with you again.

<<<<Anna reaches down beneath her rival's legs with her left hand, alternatively scratching flesh pulling hair.  Her rival instinctively responds in kind.>>>>

S:  <<<hissing viciously>>> You .... you think with only this part of your body.  That's all you're good for ... as the whore to another woman's man.

A:  You think of ....  sex .... as filthy.  Because you know not love.  He never loved you, even at the start of your marriage.  Your father found him for you.  You call me a whore to your husband, but I call you a whore to your father.

S:  I dare you to say that again.

A:  Sarah's father is her pimp.  And she is his whore.

S:  Now I know what hate is.  I thought I knew before, but I know for certain now.  I hate you, and cannot stand knowing you are alive a day longer.

To be continued.....


Offline sinclairfan

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Re: The Visit
« Reply #10 on: January 23, 2021, 10:07:47 PM »

Sarah is acutely aware that Anna has hit a nerve by her Daddy's whore analogy.  In an instant, she knows exactly why. 

She recalls her father's Teddy Roosevelt/vigorous life upbringing of her from her childhood right thru her college years at Radcliffe.  The oddest episode occurred the summer she turned 18, in 1923.  Her father began to be less ..... discreet .... with her about his love of the company of flappers and women of I'll rebute out in the Wild West in Billings, Montana.  His father's companion for the summer, a young but tough-talking, hard-drinking, cigar-smoking redhead named Bridgette Sarah's chaperone and companion during the days while her father handled banking and railroad and mining business.  Sarah found Bridgette fun and uninhibited and naughty, which of course she was.

One night, Sarah heard her father confide in Bridgette that it was "time for Sarah's initiation into catfighting."  Initiation?, thought Sarah.  Aren't I an expert, from 8 years in exclusive New England boarding schools, with homesick, competitive girls cooped up in tight quarters for months on end.  Sarah had of course seen quickly-broken up hairpulls break out.  In then, at Montana ranches, she had seen female ranchhands and cowgirls at last given the opportunity to finish what they had started, with fistfights sometimes lasting just 60 seconds, but sometimes going multiple rounds for up to a half hour, one or both women ending up bloodied or bruised.

So, what did Sarah still need to learn about catfighting.

One Monday afternoon Bridgette led Sarah into one of the Billings whorehouses.  The Madame greeted Bridgette and Sarah and said, "Well, well, you promised a blonde bombshell, and you weren't exagerrating.  So, you're here to catfight one of my girls for an hour, I hear."

Sarah's heart raced.  A bell rang, and 12 hooked emerged from the rooms for a lineup.  12 stunning looking beautiful women.

Brdgette said, "Take your time, Sarah.  Follow your heart.  Whoever you choose will introduce you to the excitement of female catfighting.  The real thing.  Just you and her."

Sarah locked eyes with another blonde, about her age, who looked at her challengingly.  The girl's stare made Sarah soaked between her legs.

" Her," she said.  "I want to fight her."

"Good," the blonde hooked replied.

To be continued.....


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Re: The Visit
« Reply #11 on: January 24, 2021, 07:11:53 PM »

<<<<From the cathouse lobby,, Bridgette wishes Sarah "Good luck", playfully shouts at Sarah's hooker to "Go easy on her!!!", and Sarah follows her blonde hooker, named 'Clara' (no doubt a pseudonym, inspired by the movie actress Clara Bow) upstairs and into Clara's bedroom.  Clara shuts the door behind herself and Sarah, and orders her to "Strip, except for your panties", an order with which Sarah willingly complies.  Clara does the same, revealing perfect 34D breasts.
The two face off in the center of the bedroom.  Sarah is less nervous than she expected to be.  She is pleased with her choice of Clara. >>>>

C:  I like to keep things simple.  Three rules to real catfighting, hun.  One, all real catfights are personal.  Two, all real catfights are won or lost on the ground, so have a good ground game.  Three, never  EVER give the other girl your back.  If you do, she can do anything she wants to you.  Any questions?

S:  Umm, a couple.  There's no rule that 'It's not the size of the girl in the fight; it's the size of the fight in the girl?". 

C:  Good question.  Size does matter in a fight.  Be careful about fighting outside of your weight class--don't get into it with a much bigger girl if you can avoid it, especially if she's heavier.  Especially if she's obviously baiting you--it shows she intends to use her size advantage.  And if you have to fight her, catch her by surprise.  Other questions?

S:  Just one.  If you and I fight right now, are you saying it will be personal.

C:  Since you're paying for my time, then .... no .... it won't be personal.  Just like when a man pays for my time, I don't kiss him on the mouth .... that's too personal.  So, although I can teach you some things here this afternoon .... give you tips, give you the sensation of catfighting .... if you're ever in a REAL catfight, don't mistake what you and I do in this hour as the real thing.  I make that rule,.... all catfights are personal ..., the NUMBER ONE rule, because we females are sometimes to practical, too collaborative, for our own good.  If you ever get into it with another woman .... and I mean .... REALLY GET INTO IT .... make sure you get your head it the right place .... that it's you and her, woman to woman.  You need to destroy her.  Her body, her mind, her spirit.  Because, if your head's not in that place .... and hers is .... she'll win  ..... and you',ll lose.

<<<<Sarah can feel her young mind expanding as Clara speaks.  She craves to know how Clara has learned so much about catfighting .... and the women Clara has encountered in building her vast wisdom.  But, she also knows she only has an hour with Clara.  An hour she'd rather spend not talking..... but fighting.  Catfighting.  If catfights are won on the ground, then why not cut to the chase.  Sarah can resist no longer.  She tackles Clara .... and takes her down.  Somehow, Clara rolls with the tackle, and ends up on top of Sarah.  Clara digs her nails into Sarah's breasts.  Sarah responds, and is stunned by the firmness of Clara's chest.  Clara's flesh smells like an orchard, and Sarah is jealous of how eaily men must be aroused by laying intimately with Clara.  Sarah is unable to displace Clara off of her.>>>>

C:  Use all four limbs in a ground fight.  Use your legs.  Don't let me stay on top of you.  Every second matters.

<<<<<Sarah realizes that her legs are passively spread on the ground.  She bends her knees, and drives them ferociously into Clara's spine.  Clara emits grunts of pain, which excite Sarah.>>>>

C:  That's the right idea.  But that's still just your knees.  Use your whole legs.  Get me off of you.

<<<<Sarah uses her thighs to wrap her whole right leg over Clara's face and neck.  She then pushes down, and sits up, raking desperately at Clara's face and chest.  But Clara's legs are now free, and she heels Sarah in the jaw, and slaps Sarah in the face, and recounts her.>>>>>

C:  Even when you have the initiative, you still need to play defense.  Never let your guard down, even when you're making an offensive move.

<<<<Sarah pauses briefly to gather herself, and resumes kneeing Clara's back and kicking her face, but this time with her right and left arms raised as protection against Clara's inevitable retaliation.  When it comes, Sarah is ready, and she deflects the blows.  She then falls upon her sparring partner, intending to mount her, and momentarily succeeding, until Clara grabs Sarah's hair and pulls Sarah down on top of her.  Sarah feels her breasts lined up on Clara's, and their faces come together.>>>>>

C:  You're a natural student at catfighting.

S:  You're a great teacher.

C:  Got an apple for your teacher?

<<<<Clara rams her tongue into Sarah's mouth.  Sarah craves to have her breasts carcassed by Clara's, and grinds their upper bodies together rhythmically.  Sarah desperately answers Clara's kisses by flicking Clara's tongue with her own.  The two kiss for five minutes straight.  Sarah pulls back and faces Clara.>>>>

C:  Ride my face, Sarah.  That's what I do when I win a catfight.

S:  If that's what you then .... then I'll do it, too.

<<<<Sarah's only regret is that her father only bought her an hour with Clara.  In 1947, she will make sure to leave ..... two hours .... for her catfight with Anna.>>>>>

To be continued.....


Offline watchourwivesfight

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Re: The Visit
« Reply #12 on: January 25, 2021, 06:04:31 PM »

what a great, HOT story


Offline sinclairfan

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Re: The Visit
« Reply #13 on: January 25, 2021, 11:21:36 PM »

<<<<As Sarah and Anna remain in a catball stalemate in a semi-dark New Your City snowed-in apartment in 1947, Anna, the mistress in the titanic showdown matchup, also seeks strength by drawing upon her experiences from a catfight in her youthful days, which also occurred at age 18, her sophomore year at Bryn Mawr College, one of the Seven Sisters colleges of its day.>>>>

<<<<Bryn Mawr in 1932, the height of the despair of the Great Depression, was a time of lowered expectations for the privileged co-eds, as their parents adjusted to reduced circumstances, and their offspring to broken engagements when fathers-of-brides-to-be were unable to guarantee dowries, and young men themselves were unable to secure gainful enough employment to propose marriage.>>>>>

<<<<Many social mixers thus buzzed with elevated tension, as co-eds competed for and sought out the ever-dwindling supply of marriagable bachelors.>>>>>

<<<One night at a sorority dance, Anna, as a sophomore, served as a hostess for the junior and senior co-eds striving to dance with UPenn fraternity members.  Her thick brunette mane, as it always did in Reading, drew the jealous glares of the co-eds and the lustful attentions of the males.  She danced many more waltzes than most of the juniors and seniors, and walked out with more phone numbers.  The next Saturday morning, she made the mistake of walking back from the lobby unaccompanied, and was confronted by two junior blondes.>>>>

B1:  Hey, sophomore.   <<<angrily>>>>

A:  Yes?  Or,. ... how do you know I'm a sophomore?

B2:  You're the bitch that crashed the mixer last night.

A:  I beg your pardon, I was a volunteer at that mixer.

B1:  Then why were you dancing there, bitch?

A:  I'll ask you to stop using that word.  Bryn Mawr ladies don't use it on each other.

B2:  Bryn Mawr ladies understand seniority.  Carry my books, sophomore.  <<Bryn Mawr women must always carry books when asked by upperclassmen.  The privilege is rarely invoked, but in 1932, universally obeyed.>>>>

A:  Since you ask, I'll carry yours.... but not ...  HERS.

B1:  If you won't carry mine .... <<<<the blonde gets nose to nose with Anna>>>> ..... then I'll carry yours.  <<<<The first blonde tears Anna's textbook and notebook from her grasp.  Anna's notepaper goes flying in the autumn Pennsylvania breeze.  It is pointless to chase after them.>>>>

A:  That represented two hours of Plato study in the library, that I shall have to repeat tonight or tomorrow.  I demand an apology.   <<<Anna steps forward into the first blonde's face.>>>>

B1:  Oh, that's a good one sophomore.  If I don't apologize?

A:  Then I'm prepared to force one with my fists, which I assure you I am able and willing to use.

<<<<<A female faculty member exiting the library sees the 3 women in a circle, and asks if there is a problem.>>>>

B2:  My sorority sister and this .... sophomore .... were just settling a dispute over Plato, Professor Morgan.

Morgan:  Ah, such youthful impetuousness!!!!!  Just be sure to settle the question without making such a scene.  <<<<winks at the coeds, and walks away>>>>

<<<The three women wait for a resumption of privacy.>>>>

B1:  She's right, sophomore.  Let's settle this.  But not in the open.  Our sorority house is 5 blocks this way.

A:  I thought you'd never ask.

To be continued.....


Offline Wicked

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Re: The Visit
« Reply #14 on: January 26, 2021, 12:08:47 AM »
I love this story so far!