Dear TABSK-- Julianna here, again; or, really, Kendyl's Mom, since that's whose drama I'm butt in my nose into (but only because I feel I fave to). I was, of course, stung by the feedback I received from both you and your readers. But after I counted to 10, took a deep breath and thought about you were all saying, I thought to myself: "You know what? They're right. I've been a negligent mother to Kendyl. She and I have never had The Talk." I finally did sit down with her last night, and here's the gist of how it went.
> Kendyl, you and I need to talk. We should have discussed this 4 years ago, but we will now.
> Oh, gawd Mom, not another thing I probably already know about.
> Kendyl, have you ever been in a catfight?
> So, what, you look wanted me suspended from school? Real mature, Mom.
> Of course you shouldn't catfight at school, .... IF it can avoided. But you didn't walk away from any school catfights, did you? ..... look at me, DID YOU??
> Maybe .... but not because I was afraid!
> Oh, for what reason then, Kendyl??
> More than one, Mom.
> OK, let's hear them. And I have all night.
> Well, to start with .... school bathroom floors are gross.
> You'll get no argument from me there. You were challenged in a school bathroom and walked away??
> Not challenged .... there. Just, ya know, "Meet me in the school bathroom after 5th period."
> Kendyl.... I hope your reply wasn't "No, the floors are gross."
> I just didn't .... show up.
> And that was all??
> Pretty much.
> Don't you see how cowardly that looks?? And how that girl told ALL HER FRIENDS and ALL YOUR FRIENDS that you were afraid to face her??
> Let them think what they want.
> No, DO NOT let them think what they want.
> Because?
> Because that turns into that bitch Carmen thinking what she wants.
> Such as?
> Such as that she can steal your boyfriend.
> She can't.
> Because.
> Because, if she tried, I'd deck her.
> Does she know that??
> She should.
> And how? Have you told her?
> No.
> Then HOW does she know.
> Will you help me tell her?
> You need to do the dirty work. But I can help.
> I'll sleep on it.
> Don't wait long.
Dear Julianna--We're with you on this one. This talk happened late. Don't wait long. TABSK