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slippery Humiliation...

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Offline ~Rox Erotique~

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slippery Humiliation...
« on: September 03, 2010, 02:49:21 PM »
So here I am… an average girl who has a passion for confrontation, a mouth for war and a head full of shit. I’ve managed to talk my way into some really stupid situations before but this HAS to be the worst one yet! I’m stood here, tied to a bar as the overzealous occupants of the pub line up and walk over one by one and pour their drink over me, dressed in a bikini and covered in oil… life can take some funny turns sometimes that’s for sure!

By this point in the story you’re probably thinking WHAT the fuck are you talking about you mad little slut? But WHAT isn’t important right now… what you really need to know is WHY…

And the reason WHY I’m here being pelted with pints, shots and unpleasant remarks concerning my family lineage is that 5’0” blonde bitch looking smug in the corner laughing with my mates… WHY I’m here is because she beat me, that’s the WHY! There she is crying! Not from anything I’ve done to her I should add, she’s crying because she’s laughing so hard at my expense and probably because Lorna’s recanting the tale of how they caught me, hook line and sinker…

What do you mean you don’t know who Lorna is???
What do you mean you don’t know who I am???
Oh for FUCK sake! I’ll go back to the beginning shall I?

2 Day’s before humiliation…

I guess you could say I’m a fairly average girl with a fairly average life. I’m an art student and I love the gym, got a pretty tight body but I’m a small girl at 5’3” and 110lbs, I’m 29 years old but still desperately cling onto my youth through copious amounts of booze, loud music and rampant sex… well the latter is pretty dull now since I got in a relationship but the booze is still there!

I live with my boyfriend Chris, he’s a built guy, 200lbs and athletic, only 22 years old (fuck it! It’s not often I get with a guy, might as well pick a young, fit one!) and despite his age he has the weathered crushed soul of a man much older (I like to think I helped with that…)

We get on great! If I want something done I’ll shout at him until he does it, And if he want’s something done I’ll glare at him until he dies a little inside and gives up on his dreams.

We do a lot of things together and mostly hang out with a couple we know - Lorna and Steve. Lorna is AWESOME! If we weren’t both in a relationship I’d be all over her! Steve’s a cool guy too but has too much life in him, I don’t think Lorna beats him enough…

Chris has a little secret… he likes to wrestle… it’s hot and it’s dirty but it always lacked the intensity I craved… he was too afraid of hurting me… I wasn’t as restricted as him and took much glee from making him scream like a little bitch. It wasn’t until I opened up to Lorna about our foreplay that I got the intensity I wanted… she LOVED the idea and challenged me to a little match in front of the boys! I was hesitant at first but then leapt on the idea! (she’s hot after all and this way I got put my hands all over her without getting dumped) It was tough going… she was taller, heavier, stronger and mean! but I was just too damn stubborn for her! I took everything she had and still fought back! I eventually got her in a camel clutch until I made her my bitch! She was gutted and I rubbed it in a lot, she really thought she had me and truth be told she almost did! But I wasn’t going to admit that! It was fun being the top girl! It didn’t effect out friendship thank goodness, I was desperate to have another match but I’d kept quiet just how much I enjoyed wrestling fearful about anyone judging me…

I’m sat in a room, with Chris sat on the sofa across from me, I try to read some Charlie Brooker as he watches Predator for the 12,000th time… god I fucking hate him!

The phone rings and he looks at me… I give him an evil gaze back and he rolls his eye’s and makes his way to the phone… hee hee, he does EVERYTHING I want… god I fucking love him!

“Hey Steve” he chirps cheerfully and my ears perk up… Steve? This could be interesting… “how’s it going fella?… yeah?… really?… another match?…” by this time my book is closed and I’m playing detective trying to measure the tone… it sounds good so far… “Yeah mate, I’ll ask her… no of course I’m up for it!… ok mate, catch you later” he finishes and I quickly turn back to my book awaiting the coming question

“honey?” he starts “that was Steve on the phone, he said Lorna’s up for another match if you’re game?”

I pull my best ‘could I give a damn?’ look, hiding the excitement inside! He continued “it’s a bit different though… Dempsey’s having an oil wrestling night upstairs and she want’s to fight but she’d rather fight someone she knows…”

I love Dempsey’s! it’s a shit hole, but it’s our shit hole! A proper dirty drinkers pub, but wrestling in front of a crowd? Oil wrestling? It could be fun… Fuck it! I think if she’s game then so am I!

“ok” I answer nonchalantly “If she want’s me to beat her in front of a crowd then that’s fine with me!” I tease going back to my book. I can see the boner in his trousers already… going to get me some tonight…

Fight Night! 3hrs 17mins till Humiliation

The night finally comes after 2 days of hot dreams and hotter sex and here we are, we enter the pub and it’s busy… REALLY busy… I see a lot of hot women and loads of lustful men. Dempsey’s is a strange pub, dirty wooden floors stretch out over a large open room with Irish paraphernalia covering the walls and shelves. It’s dark (all the better to hide the dirt) and the walls are painted a cream colour that contrasts with the high red ceiling. I’m nervous at the crowd but then Lorna comes over and gives me a big hug!

“HONEY!!! I’m so glad you made it!” she beams “but I have a little problem… I’ve hurt my shoulder and I can’t wrestle…”

“What? Why didn’t you tell me before? Is it serious?” I ask hoping she’s ok but also a little disappointed

“it’s fine, I’ve found you someone else to wrestle! I’ve fought her a few times and kicked her arse, it should be a walk in the park for you!” she smiles

“I don’t know… I’m not sure about this” I reply nervously when some tiny blonde bimbo walks over

“This is her?” she smirks looking at me like I’m something she’d scrape off her boot. She’s 5’0” and about 90lbs, toned but tiny, her blonde bob and pink nail varnish and lipstick completely contrasting with my hard edge look.

“I’m not really into Goth sluts” she scowls… I want to fucking slap her already!

“What the fuck did you call me?” I ask back, my tone taking a menacing timber

“Honey, I don’t think we need to start this here do we?” Chris pleads, sensing the tension rising fast

“excuse me?” I hiss

“well… it’s just…” Chris starts to bumble out

“Do you agree with her?” I accuse

“NO!!! GOD NO! of course not honey!” he backtracks

“So I have a right to defend myself?” I growl

“uuhhh…yes. Of course dear…” he laments

“ohhhh… “ she purrs “ so you’re a cxnt as well as a slut huh Goth?”

“Bitch, you need to shut the fuck up right now or I’m going to shut you up!” my posh English accent contrasting against her strong Welsh accent

“oh, love… you don’t have what it takes to shut me up” she coos with confidence. What the fuck is up with this girl? And why is she so confident considering Lorna kicked her arse and I kicked Lorna’s?

“What’s your fucking problem?” I growl

“I just don’t like miserable Goths, that’s all”

“what makes you think I’m miserable you judgmental bitch?”

“Oh… of course you’re right! Your boyfriend looks like he’s having so much fun with you…” she chuckles

“he’ll have a wail of a time when I’m kicking your arse in front of everyone her SLUT!!!”

“well why don’t we make this interesting?” she smirks and I hesitate surprised at the turns tonight has thrown at me then she continues “how about the loser does a forfeit?”

“Go on…” I say suspiciously

“How about…. The loser is tied to the bar and EVERYONE in here get’s to pour their drink on them!” she beams, I’m a little stunned but also quite excited at the prospect of seeing this prissy little Barbie Doll covered in beer and shamed

“Let’s do it bitch!” I shout, staring her down hard, our bodies press against each other as we stare off, our faces an inch from each other, I can smell her sweet breath on me as my bigger breasts press against hers, I normally don’t fly off the handle but this girl just got to me!

Lorna steps in sensing my rising anger, she’s seen me lose my cool before and it’s not pretty… “look girls, I think it’s pretty clear you too don’t get along… but let’s keep this in the oil pit!” she giggles

Round 1! 50 mins till humiliation

Upstairs was like a sparse, even dirtier version of downstairs only instead of copious amounts of Irish trinkets they decided to paint the lovely wood panel a horrible glossy green colour… and the walls a light sickly green… why do pubs always think ‘hey! It’s an Irish bar, let’s paint it green!’ despite the horrid decor, the place is packed! I’d say close to 100 people all bustling around a big oil pit they’ve erected in the centre of the open room, it’s a blue pool with inflatable sides that they’ve placed on top of mats underneath to make sure nobody hurts themselves. The packed house makes it rather hot and sweaty here, everyone bumping into each other to get a better view.

We were both dressed in bikini’s, mine black and hers pink (like I was expecting anything else from this tramp!) as we stepped up to the pit the crowd bay and cheer, already we’ve seen 3 fights and they were pretty hot but I have a feeling this one will be less girls slopping around, more me hurting this little princess! I was shaking a little, some of it blind rage and to be honest some of it nerves… I get the impression Chris thought it was all rage considering the distance he kept between us… I don’t blame him, I’d probably just punch him. Instead he drank at the bar with Steve, they seemed to be laughing a lot but they were too far away to work out what over. Then the announcer came on…


I step into the slippery pond as we’re both squirted with oil, she rubs herself all over and from her mark, I do the same… I’ve never had an oil match and too be honest never even thought about it! I was just going through the motions until I could get my hands on her! It’s not too bad, the sensation is quite nice! The soft mats squish beneath your feet as the oil squirts through your toes but it is quite easy to move on thank goodness, she stares at me with a wry smile on her face as we circle each other then lock up!

My god!!! She’s stronger than I thought she’d be! I start to wilt under her pressure as I struggle to keep hold of her slippery arms then all of a sudden she shifts! Grabbing my hair she drags me forward as she changes her footing and tucks my head under her right arm in a front head lock! I wrap my arms around her slippery waist trying to balance myself but she’s a quick thinker… as soon as my arms are up she RAMS her knee into my gut and falls back SLAMMING my head into the mat in a DDT!

“ooohhhhh… fuck…” I groan face down as my head spins! The oil covering my entire body now as I feel her slide her right leg under my belly… then the screaming starts… “FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!!” I yelp as she locks her ankles and scissors my waist mercilessly!

“come on sweetie! I thought you Goth sluts were supposed to be all tough and shit!” she teases cruelly, She squeezes down even harder as she finishes her cutting remark stopping my reply by forcing another scream from me!

I pound the sloppy mat with my fists before I start to push down trying to dislodge her legs from my waist, the oil makes it hard to get a good grip to push from but eventually I get free although I’m sure it was more down to her getting bored than my wrestling talents… I pant for a second on the mat, taking in the oxygen that was denied me then suddenly I feel my ankles getting dragged up and locked under her arms!

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!” I scream as she leans back in a vicious Boston Crab!!! Not only does this girl really want to hurt me, she knows how!!! How the hell is she so good??? I thought Lorna said she kicked her arse?

“OOoooohhh… those screams honey? They’re so fucking hot!” she teases bouncing on my aching back and thighs! For 30 seconds she tortures me there all the while my face and breasts are getting crushed against the oily mats while she bends my back and legs without pity or remorse! I thought my slippery body would allow me to free myself easier but she has the grip of a python! I’m a heartbeat from giving up the first fall when I feel my legs getting dropped! Thankful I pant and groan trying to get myself up!

“ooohhh… fuck…” I groan rubbing my back as I lay face down but I didn’t get much time to recover as she sits on my lower back and grabs my arms lifting them over her oily, slick thighs and pulling back my head in a vicious camel clutch!

“AAAAAGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!” I scream again to the crowds delight! I can barely breath as I’m bent backwards and gasping through the pain!

“What’s wrong sugar? Is the little Barbie Girl too much for you?”  she purrs knowing I’m done for! “I hate attention seeking sluts like you!” she growls pulling back harder

“attention … uugghh… attention seeking? YOU’RE DRESSED IN A BINK BIKINI WITH PINK MAKE UP AND DIED BLONDE HAIR YOU PSYCHO!!!” I rage as this vixen torments me

“yeah well I’m prettier than you! People SHOULD be looking at me! Not staring at you wondering if you just came back from a funeral!” she hisses

“BITCH!!! It’s a little bit of.. AAAAGGHHHH!!!!… a little bit of eye liner and some nail varnish!!! You’re fucking nuts!!!” I shout back

“ok, time to end this Goth!” she shrieks before pulling back with all her might! “GIVE UP!!!!!” she demands

“FFFUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!!!… AAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGHHHHH!!!!! YES!!! I GIVE!!!! I FUCKING GIVE!!!!!” and with that she drops the hold and goes over to her corner and chuckles. My face flies forwards as she lets go, slapping into the puddle of oil in front of me. I drag myself over the slippery surface to my corner breathing hard and still laying face down, Chris comes over and starts talking

“how’s it going honey?” he chuckles

“I swear to god Chris, she’s fucking bat shit crazy!!! How the hell is a tiny girl like that so tough?” I pant still trying to get my breath back

“yeah… about that… I think I know why you’re getting your arse kicked…” he starts “I just found out she’s a professional session wrestler…” he says plainly

“WHAT????” I gasp

“Yeah… Lorna wanted to see you lose, the beer over my head was my idea”

I want to reply… well I want to slap him really… well to be brutally honest I want to kick him in his cock so hard his balls fly up to his mouth but I don’t think I’m in much shape to do that so instead I look at him, head lifted up from the oil pit mouth wide open and speechless for once in my life!

“I see you’re a bit surprised but the thing is… you’ve been an absolute dick lately and you kind of rubbed Lorna’s face in it when you won so we thought this would be fun!… for us obviously… not you…” he chuckles

to my great surprise, I can’t help but laugh back! I was in agonising pain true but he had a point… or maybe the DDT concussed me… either way I was being a total bitch too him and maybe I was insensitive to Lorna, after all it was a shared experience and I made it all about me…

“I thought you said you just found out she was a professional session wrestler?” I ask, the question suddenly popping up

“Yeah I did! I knew she was ex-army and would easily beat the crap out of you but session wrestler? DAMN!” he beams, almost proud of his setup!

Panting hard I look up and shoot him a wry smile, he meets me with a look of confusion and surprise over the fact that I’m taking the truth so well “I’m sorry I’ve been a bitch honey, it’s just you’re so easy to dislike!” I joke “and as for easily beating the crap out of me??? I’m going to tare her apart! Just for you babes!” I finish proudly!… unfortunately, my pained face and heavy breathing kind of rained on my parade there…

Round 2! 32 mins till Humiliation!

I’m on my knees in my corner, panting and gasping still in pain while my hired assassin stands and parades for the crowd! The organiser asks if I’m ok to continue and I nod and reply “just… just need a second” in between breaths.

“Don’t you think she’s had enough time?” Barbie cries out and is answered by roars! She marches over to me and smiles “I guess you know the truth now honey? Look, I’ll go easy on you, it’s nothing personal, the others just wanted me to get you all fired up that’s all!“ she confesses and I reply by firing a heavy right hook straight into her abs! they’re hard as a rock! But the blow was more than enough to take her by surprise!

Leaping to my feet I take the doubled over vixen and place her head between my oily, slippery thighs and reach down, wrapping my arms around her slick, tiny waist! With a heave I lift her up, taking her off her feet and spinning her until she’s sat on my shoulders! Then pulling down with my arms I fling her forward at speed, her tangled, oil covered hair flying forwards as her body shoots backwards down to the mat!

SLAP!!!!!!! Rings out across the room as her back smashes against the oil puddled mat splashing those nearby! Her breath is knocked out from her lungs as I nail her in a perfect power bomb! I look up to see Chris, Steve and Lorna stunned and slack jawed! That’s right… she might be a pro but for once I’m bigger… and I’m going to enjoy it!

Reaching down I grab her ankles and lock them under my arms, smiling as I look at her dazed face, she’s about to get a harsh wakeup call… I twist her over and apply my own Boston Crab! “How do YOU like it honey?” I tease milking her every scream and cry!

“NOOOOOOOOO!!!! FUCK!!!!!!” she shrieks, her small frame getting bent to ridiculous angles!

“come on! I thought you were a pro babes? Your not going to submit to a little hold like this are you?” I tease hoping she doesn’t, I want to show everyone that in the last round I was just surprised!

“FUCK YOU!!!!” she screams back, pounding the mat with her fist as the fickle crowd now start chanting for me! Truth be told, they don’t care who wins, they just like hot girls in oil! Who doesn’t!!!

After about a minute of screaming I drop the hold and pull her up by her blonde knotted hair, facing her back I wrap her in a bear hug lifting her off the canvas! “AAAAAAAGGGGHHHHH!!!!” she cries and starts to squirm, her slick body hard to keep hold of… I know she’ll break free soon enough so I arch back quickly, flinging her through the air once again in a suplex! Her head and shoulders crash against the floor as she falls into a heap on the ground! I twist around and grab her ankle, dragging her towards me over the slick, shimmering ring. Sitting on her back I repay the favour she did me earlier and pull her up into my camel clutch!

“what’s wrong sugar? Is this little Goth slut too much for you?” I chuckle over her screams! What was it you said last time? Time to end this Barbie!” I growl then pull hard! Her back bent past a 90 degree angle as she screams out quickly “I GIVE!!!! I GIVE!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!” and I drop the hold and shoot a wink over to my stunned friends as Chris comes over, trying his best to hide an erection…

“that was fucking amazing!!!” he gasps his eye’s wide and proud!

“Yeah, I am a little pleased! Still going to kill you though” I answer, chuckling as the smile is wiped from his face “only joking sweetie! Think of this as an I’m Sorry present, I’ll beat the shit out of her just for you!” I turn around and am quite stunned to see her on her feet… fuck… she really is tough…

Round 3! 12 mins till Humiliation!

We circle each other, a grudging respect in each others eyes and… did she just smile at me? I don’t really know what to believe anymore, does she really hate me? Or was that a ruse to get me to fight? She mentioned something at the start of round two but I was busy playing possum to take notice… Fuck it, I’m still going to hurt her! I lunge in but quick as a flash she spins and plants a hard kick into my abs! “OOOOMMMFFFF!!!” I gasp, my eye’s bulging as she pounds me! I can feel a tight grip around my waist then I’m spun in the air in a gut wrench suplex!!! My back slamming down hard onto the mat!

“AAAAGGGHHH!!! FUCK!!!” I cry my back throbbing with pain as she quickly grips my hair and pulls me into a seated position, dropping down behind me she scissors my waist and pulls my arms back in a harsh Full Nelson!

“GGgggnnnnnnrrrrrrrr……” I grunt as I fight the hold and she whispers in my ear… “you’re a lot tougher than I gave you credit for sweetie, and truth be told I’m loving your little Goth look! But I was asked to humiliate you love and I’m gonna do just that… no hard feelings, I just can’t let you win sorry!”

With her last word she stretches my body brutally!!! Squeezing my oil covered ribs and pulling my torso downwards while she leans back and stretches my shoulders the other way! “AAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!” I cry out, my body aching all over! My shoulders are wrenched painfully! My ribs are crushed brutally and my torso is stretched viciously!!!

I try and hold out and I can hear Chris shouting “Kick that bitches arse!!!!” he swears he was shouting to me, but I’m not so sure… either way, I could make out the smile on Lorna’s face as she got payback for me beating her… there was no way I could escape this! Barbie’s grip was like steel!

“OOOHH FUCK….” I groaned, knowing what awaited me if I did give in…

I could tell you how I heroically broke the hold then got her in a sleeper hold for the win! I could tell you how the crowd carried me victoriously on their shoulders as they toasted my brave display! I could but you’ve already read the start of this story and you know what I’m about to say…

“I GIVE!!!! OH FUUUUCK!!!! I GIVE!!!!!”

And that was that, left panting and aching in a slippery oil pool the blonde mercenary leans over and whispers “you’ve got heart honey, it’s a shame your heads up your arse!” and kisses my cheek delicately as the crowd ready some rope for my forfeit…

1 Min till humiliation…

I get up and walk to the bar as the Lorna ties off the ropes to the pumps on the bar and takes my hands and ties them up too “I swear to god Lorn… I’m going to kick your arse next time!” I growl. She just smiles and chuckles back
“how about tonight? I’m all worked up and my shoulders fine… heehee”

“oh… you bitch…” I reply, I should have realised she wasn’t hurt as soon as Chris let the cat out of the bag, but hey, I was a bitch and I guess if making me feel shitty helps her recover from me making her feel shitty then so be it…

The first man walks over with 2 pints of Guinness in his hands… I look up to see Chris’ familiar smile looking back at me… “you’ve got to be kidding me!” I gasp before he throws the first pint RIGHT in my face!!! I cough and gasp in shock as the ice cold liquid stuns me! “sorry honey, rules are rules!” he chirps as he slowly pours his second pint over my head, taking his time as the cold sticky liquid cascades down my head and body!

One by one they came over, larger, Bitter, vodka, whiskey, drink after drink they poured over or threw at me. The worst was Sambuca! God that stuff’s sticky! And it stinks!!! By the end people were lining at the bar to order more rounds… it was so humiliating! “a pint for me and a pint for Gemma please!” they’d say, right next to me! The worst was my friends… they must have spent £100 on drinks just for me!!! Lorna even pulled my bikini bottoms out and dumped a whole pint of coke down there!!! The coke was ok but did she have to get ice with it???

The night slowly drew to a close, me shivering in my bikini stinking of beer and shame, sat at the table with my friends and my tormentor who turns out is quite a cool girl… the DDT and the punishing locks aside that is… we drink and we laugh until we notice we’re the only ones left. I look over to the oil pit then back to the table…

“care for a re-match?” I ask with a sultry tone

“you really want to go again?” Blondie answers but I look straight at Lorna…

“no sweetie, do YOU want a re-match…” I ask again, a wide smile on my face

She looks surprised “I… I don’t have a bikini!” she stammers

“well I don’t have any pride left after that so I guess we’re even…” I tease

“oh honey, it’s on!!!”

I hope you enjoyed this sloppy little tale, if you did, leave a comment!

x G x
I'm paranoid and needy. So I think people are talking about me, but not as much as I'd like.


Offline Jonica

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Re: slippery Humiliation...
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2010, 07:13:47 PM »
Luv it.  It's always a pleasure to read about you getting your butt whipped.


Nicely done, babes!

Bad (Bad) Blood (Blood)
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The lie is on her lips,
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Re: slippery Humiliation...
« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2010, 09:32:59 PM »
Great slipping & sliding fun! LOL!  ::) ;D
Naughty - but oh, so NICE! :-)


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Re: slippery Humiliation...
« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2010, 03:48:33 AM »
Love the unique format and great fighting action.


Offline ~Rox Erotique~

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Re: slippery Humiliation...
« Reply #4 on: September 04, 2010, 03:51:09 PM »
LOL!!!! Why does everyone like it when I get my arse kicked?

Harsh people... just harsh...


x G x
I'm paranoid and needy. So I think people are talking about me, but not as much as I'd like.


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Re: slippery Humiliation...
« Reply #5 on: September 04, 2010, 04:13:11 PM »
It's always a pleasure seeing a bitch like you get destroyed.  Makes my spine tingle...


Bad (Bad) Blood (Blood)
The bitch is in her smile.
The lie is on her lips,
Such an evil child.


Offline ~Rox Erotique~

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Re: slippery Humiliation...
« Reply #6 on: September 04, 2010, 04:27:36 PM »
that tingle is probably from my boot up your arse cutie  ;D

x G x
I'm paranoid and needy. So I think people are talking about me, but not as much as I'd like.


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Re: slippery Humiliation...
« Reply #7 on: September 04, 2010, 05:46:56 PM »
*dons his Editor Guy cape and poses dramatically*

Great writing! Very spritely and high-energy. "We get on great! If I want something done I’ll shout at him until he does it, And if he want’s something done I’ll glare at him until he dies a little inside and gives up on his dreams." <--- brilliant line! There's some formatting and capitalization errors that could be touched up, but they're pretty minor. All around, I approve =D
Best thing about being a fight fetishist? When compared to people who are into beastiality, vore, inflation, and this guy:, you end up looking normal!


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Re: slippery Humiliation...
« Reply #8 on: September 06, 2010, 01:50:36 PM »
well chris is me 20ish years ago...thats obvious.
I really need to have a serious talk to you young 'lady'
Honestly the company u keep and the places u go........... ::)
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Re: slippery Humiliation...
« Reply #9 on: February 21, 2011, 02:52:29 PM »

I love the story !! 

And....for one, I don't wanna see you get your ass kicked !!  :-(  But, you'll come out on top going forward !!  Go get 'em !

Keep up the great work !  More stories for me to read



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Re: slippery Humiliation...
« Reply #10 on: February 21, 2011, 03:25:31 PM »
Awesome story, Gemma! You found out the hard way what happens when ya mess with an evil kitty!  ;) :D :P :-*

Yup, the butt kicking was pretty harsh.....but it was fun to read too! Just sayin'.

HUGGGGGGGGZZZZZ!!!  :-* :-* :-*

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Re: slippery Humiliation...
« Reply #11 on: February 22, 2011, 05:26:37 PM »
okay, so I read this when I was researching Gemma's stories and I'm surprised I didn't leave a comment, but here it is. Superkalifragilisticespealigosiously FABULOUS!!! You've got such an amazing ability to use great dialogue. There were soooooo many LOL moments in this story. You're A-1 Steaksauce awesome.  :)
"When people walk away from you... let them go. Your destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves you... and it doesn't mean they are bad people. It just means that their part in your story is over."


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Re: slippery Humiliation...
« Reply #12 on: February 22, 2011, 10:58:28 PM »
I'm going back and reading from a list Gemma sent me (thank you very much) and this caught my eye. It's an amazing story full of fun, action and a great format. It's a pleasurable read.  And it does really get the heart pumping.
"We are all freaks here..stop backbiting each other :)" --nutmeg78

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Re: slippery Humiliation...
« Reply #13 on: February 23, 2011, 02:24:49 PM »
Great story....very engaging....Is there a continuation forthcoming?


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Re: slippery Humiliation...
« Reply #14 on: March 08, 2011, 10:08:00 PM »
"So here I am… an average girl who has a passion for confrontation, a mouth for war and a head full of shit."

This alone is an AWESOME line G-Rox.
I think I need a drink after reading that.  :D
Free your mind.
And your ass will follow.