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Bully Beatdown

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Offline howardcosell

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Bully Beatdown
« on: September 04, 2010, 07:37:55 PM »
Bully Beatdown

You think your life is bad? You think your world is falling apart? You have no idea. Take it from me; you’ve got it easy because at least, you have your life. The problem is, you don’t want to live it. How do you spend your days? Looking at your myspaces and facebooks and twitters or reading gossip online about people who make millions of dollars and commenting about how pathetic THEY are? Or do you spend your days pretending to be somebody else? Living another person’s boring, uninteresting, uninspiring life? All that you do is all that you are. For me, it used to be different. I used to be somebody, but I had that taken away from me… now, I’m as dead as you are. But you can live, if you want to.

“C’mon Alice, give it to me… ngggh… yeah… give it to me now!”

See that girl with the short black hair and the big breasts? That’s Victoria. 5’10”, close to 140 lbs, or so she says, and rubbing her big body all over me, banging my head against the lockers. Yes, I’m the shorter, thinner blonde with the “here we go again” expression on my face. Victoria has been bullying me… when I got in college, I was focused on my grades and focused on getting my life together. It had been really rough for me back in Canada; I had a lot of demons I left there, but it’s always the mental ones you find it hardest to eliminate. See the tears that well up in my eyes as she clutches my throat with her left hand and grinds her knuckles below my navel with her right hand. See me climax, see me moan… see Victoria slapping me hard for not doing it when she says so.

Victoria had run through so many girls and no one could stop her. She was so tall and so strong and she had a thing for innocent blondes. Of course, by the time I found all of this out, it was much too late. Back home, I had gotten into trouble a few times for fighting. It seemed like you couldn’t be blonde and smart without some girl, for whatever reason, jealousy or otherwise, wanting to beat you up. I won a few and I lost a few, but then, I did something pretty bad to one girl and I had to get out of there. People talk about Canada and how it’s great that we have free healthcare and all that stuff about Canadians, and most of it is true… but you’ll find assholes wherever you go. See Victoria ram her tongue down my throat as my gym shorts get soaked with my own juices as her knuckles milk my belly.

I had beaten a fair share of girls back home and when I got to the States, like I said, I just wanted to concentrate on grades and amount to something. I was a dreamer by habit; I spent my high school years philosophizing and navel-gazing instead of studying. I really didn’t see the point in learning math or chemistry because I didn’t know who I was and I didn’t know what my purpose was. History, Philosophy, Language, and Government were my favorite classes. Come to think of it, I still don’t see the point in learning math. I was a freshman in college and I got a great roommate named Trish. That’s how I met Victoria. Trish was a 5’6” black girl with beautiful brown skin, a smooth tummy with a large oblong navel and she was about the friendliest girl I’d met. I’ve heard horror stories about roommates from other people on campus, but I had lucked out. Then I came back from the commissary and found Victoria on top of Trish choking her and grinding her knuckles into that sensuous brown stomach, now covered in bruises from just below the breasts to well below the navel. I remember how wet the bed was and smelling the unmistakable smell of female ejaculate.

I managed to pull Victoria off of Trish and I paid for it by taking a backfist to my temple. The first thing I remembered was how hard I got hit. I’d been in fights before and I could take a hell of a shot and give them as well, but this punch sent a message to my brain that said, “Wow! She popped me good!” It made me question myself as I got up… got up and took a kick right in the stomach. I felt like her toes had hit my spine and I felt like the skin around my eyes had torn and was bleeding from how wide they had opened. I knew then that I couldn’t beat her and that was a feeling that I’d never felt before. When you don’t value your life, you don’t care. I remembered being suicidal in high school and fighting girls, no matter how big or bad… but Victoria, she made me care… she made me afraid. I went at her, but not as quickly as I would like to have. She seemed surprised that I was able to remain standing after her kick, but as I swung my arm, she grabbed it and swung me into the bedpost, the back of my head banged it hard. Then she hit me with an uppercut to my lower belly that raised me up on my toes. She held my by my shirt, ran her fingers down my cheek and cupped my right breast, then she grabbed me up by my throat and my crotch, stopped to press her finger hard against my denim and silk covered clitoris and body slammed me on top of Trish and I felt my elbow sink deep into her soft brown belly. Trish was done; she was awake, but she was just moaning and climaxing over and over again like a sink that had an annoying drip that no one knew how to fix… I knew I was in trouble. I tried to flail back upward at Victoria, but she grabbed my arms and swung me on the floor. She stood over me and smiled; she didn’t say a word and I looked up at her, knowing I could continue, but really not wanting to.

She waited for me to rise, and rise I did. I threw some punches aimed at her chin, but she turned and took them on her shoulder. I instinctively stepped and I got her in the nose with a left; her eyes widened and she yelped. My confidence, or what I thought was my confidence was rising; I got her with a left hook to her stomach, right above her navel and she “ooh”-ed and bent a little. I stopped punching, not because I was tired, but because I was afraid. I was bringing my fists forward only to draw them back because I didn’t want her to get me, but as I stepped in, she nailed me with a submarine punch right on the navel. She twisted her fist upward and I cupped around it. I could hear her chuckling as I felt myself climax hard… I looked up at her and let the air out, falling to the floor and climaxing on the way down. There’s a moment in a fight, and I’ve been on both sides of it, where you know you’ve gotten your opponent and she has nothing left. You look into her eyes and you see defeat all over her face and when you land that blow, you hear defeat in her voice. She felt the air come out of me and she knew I was done… she knew I was hers. She had beaten me. She shoved me down on my own bed and had her way with me.

It turned out that she had been stalking me on campus and I didn’t even know it. It turned out that Trish happened to come into the dorm room and find Victoria waiting for her and it just so happened that Trish opted to try to call security. Trish and I never spoke to each other about the incident and Victoria would come to our dorm room and attack us both, then have her way with us afterward. The first few times, I tried to fight her off; I had a knife in my room, but I was from a place where you fought with your fists and it didn’t really matter, Victoria found the knife. She would get on top of me and poke me in the navel with it. She would beat me, body shots only, and then take me, but she always left the knife. She wasn’t afraid because she knew she had broken me. For some reason, the more I lost to her, the more she poked me, the more I liked it… I found it so arousing… but in a way that made me want to apologize… since, that’s what she demanded. She would catch me in the gym; she would catch me in the cafeteria bathrooms; she would catch me in the basement after class looking for someone to give me a free computer (every year, the school upgrades computers, so they have to get rid of all the old ones. A good computer with an A-Drive, two D-drives, USB ports, and Microsoft Office 2003 isn’t old to me); if I was hiding some place on campus or off, she would find me.

Trish transferred after the first semester and as 2009 started, Victoria was always getting into fights… you know, something I just realized… I never knew whether or not Victoria was even a student at MU. I guess it really doesn’t matter now. She was vicious; she would beat girls until they pissed on themselves, climaxed, or both… all from those savage body blows. I had seen her lose a fight to a 6’ tall buttermilk skinned black girl with extremely long wavy black hair, a round face with deep dimples, a body to die for, and a large butt named Denise. Denise didn’t let Victoria get close to her; she peppered her with punches from the outside and bloodied her nose, kicked her in the stomach… then Victoria quit and walked away. She didn’t say anything; she just waved her hand and walked off… she didn’t even look hurt; she looked like she enjoyed it. I couldn’t even tell you how the fight started; I had heard Victoria decided to start a fight with Denise because Denise was known as one of the tougher girls on campus, but also one of the smartest and most well-mannered. She didn’t bother anybody unless anybody bothered her and she had a sort of big sister presence on the MU campus. But for those foolish enough to mess with Denise, that was their ass. And of course, Victoria took it out on me later; she was calling me “Denise” and she grinded her fist against my belly and milked me again.

I wanted to fight Victoria because mentally, I knew I could beat her. But the body and the heart don’t always follow the mind; I guess that’s why many boxing coaches never became professional fighters. I could look at Victoria and see her weaknesses; I could see the flaws in her fighting style… but I didn’t have the confidence, the technique or the heart to beat her. In order to beat somebody like her, I would have to go to a place I buried deep inside myself. And I wasn’t willing to do that. But my grades were starting to slump and I was starting NOT to care. Victoria had to be defeated. I needed someone to do it for me. I would lay in bed and dream of fighting Victoria and losing, her fists hammering my belly until I could take no more, only to have Denise save me and punish her, giving her a dose of her own medicine. I would sometimes wake up with the real Victoria on top of me. By then, I had given her a key to my dorm room. I would see Denise on campus all the time with some of her friends, or catch her after a basketball game talking to Coach Sandi or walking around with the other volleyball players passing out raffle tickets. I just couldn’t bring myself to ask her to beat up Victoria for me. I mean, she had already done it, and that only seemed to arouse Victoria. Plus, it didn’t really seem like Victoria was trying to win that fight. I needed a sure thing; not that I didn’t think Denise could beat Victoria; she had done it convincingly. But I wanted to make sure that I got my freedom. Well, little did I know, a real hero was coming to save me.

Part 2 coming soon...
"When people walk away from you... let them go. Your destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves you... and it doesn't mean they are bad people. It just means that their part in your story is over."


Offline Warlock641

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Re: Bully Beatdown
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2010, 08:33:06 PM »
Good story so far!  ;D


Offline ~Rox Erotique~

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Re: Bully Beatdown
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2010, 08:54:00 PM »
great character building! love it!

Can;t wait for part 2!

x G x
I'm paranoid and needy. So I think people are talking about me, but not as much as I'd like.


Offline howardcosell

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Re: Bully Beatdown
« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2010, 10:11:30 PM »
thank you guys so much! :) I have a few directions I want to go in with this story and I'm glad you like it so far.
"When people walk away from you... let them go. Your destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves you... and it doesn't mean they are bad people. It just means that their part in your story is over."


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Re: Bully Beatdown
« Reply #4 on: September 05, 2010, 07:10:19 PM »
Excellent start.  I love the build up.  Can't wait to see where this goes! 

I can't wait to read more of your terrific writing!

Bad (Bad) Blood (Blood)
The bitch is in her smile.
The lie is on her lips,
Such an evil child.


Offline howardcosell

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Re: Bully Beatdown
« Reply #5 on: September 06, 2010, 01:59:14 AM »
Part 2

“This campus is a lot smaller than I thought it would be,” Rachel said

“Yeah, well, you said the same thing about me when we first met, and by your own admission, I was a lot better than you thought I‘d be too,” was Marie’s reply, adjusting the hair tie around her blonde ponytail as she walked, “it’s one of the best schools in the country; it makes all the top ten educational institution polls.”

“Speaking of polls, I saw a strip club on the bus ride in; we can hit it later on tonight,” said Kayla, flapping her dark brown hair to one side, smiling and winking at Rachel, who answered her with a frown and glare from behind her dark sunglasses

“I don’t lower myself to such places,” Rachel said

“Come on guys,” Marie said frowning and stepping between her two friends, “you guys have been at it since we got on the plane.”

“I just like fucking with Rachel,” Kayla said, “I know she hates me and I’m loving every minute of it. Too bad we‘ve never had an actual match.”

“Careful what you wish for, wretch,” Rachel responded, but started walking faster, “and my hatred is earned… you have to be somebody for Rachel Apache to hate you.”

“I think all this hate is amusing,” Jessika said, walking up behind the three ladies, “When I was fighting, in those moments when I’m bashing a bitch’s skull in or slamming a knee into her belly, all I’m thinking about is the hate… and how I may fuck her when it’s over.”

Rachel leaned into Marie, “have I told you how charming and classy your friends are?”

Marie whispered back while holding back a laugh, “Many times, but they are just as loyal and good friends to me as you are.”

“You owe me one for coming here with them,” Rachel said and walked right passed me. I was so nervous seeing the four of them on our campus, even surrounded by a flowing crowd of students, cameras flashing and shouting their names; I couldn’t believe the task I had in front of me. My head actually hit the air conditioning unit getting out of Rachel’s way, even though there were so many people between us.

I had been a fan of OPW (Omniverse Promotional Wrestling) since I was in diapers. I was 19 at the time of all of this and I remember being six years old and watching Rachel Apache win the World Title from Siena Blaze at Armageddon. I remembered seeing the contrast in the two fighters, Rachel, so tall with her shin-long wavy black hair, midnight blue eyes her six pack abs, her strong legs and big butt and that purple top and shorts combination… so poised, so ready, so perfect, every bit the virgin Persian Wonder Woman. And I remember Siena, short, spouting curse words and scratching herself, undefeated, as was Rachel, spewing sexuality from her short pinkish blonde hair to her red outfit to her red boots, the title belt draped around her waist glistening gold. I remember Rachel’s technique and calm clashing with Siena’s cockiness and veteran cunning… complete opposites and I remember how great I found their battle to be. Something about combative sports always attracted me; it helped a lot knowing how to throw punches and do certain holds since I was getting into so many fights at school. I thought about being a fighter, but I knew it wasn’t what I was cut out for. I didn’t really enjoy the fights I got into in high school because there was no plot or point behind them; they were just, “I don’t like you” punch punch scratch scratch.   

It turned out that this was Female Empowerment Week at MU, and while I loved Rachel and I loved Siena and the other girls of OPW, my favorite wrestler was here on MU’s campus to speak and do a demonstration. Because of what was happening with Victoria and I, and my continued not giving a damn what happens around me, I didn’t even know she was coming until Coach Sandi told me that I would be the one to introduce her. Coach Sandi was also an OPW fan and I felt a knot form in my stomach when she said to me:

“One of the events during our Female Empowerment Week will be a visit from wrestling champion, Superfly Marie B… I want you to be the one to introduce her and I want you to be a representative for MU.”

“Kinda like her personal intern?” I said

“Kind of, but not entirely,” was Coach’s response, “To be honest with you, Alice, I picked you because just like her, you’re short; you’re Canadian, and you’re blonde. Plus, you do as your told in class and you don‘t cause trouble. She‘ll be coming here alone and she‘ll be speaking and doing some demonstrations. I want you to make sure that she has everything she wants and that no one bothers her. There are all kinds of creeps on college campuses and the last thing we need is an incident because that‘ll make the school look really bad.”

I didn’t tell my coach that Marie B., for those very reasons, was my favorite wrestler and my hero. I had her poster on my wall in my dorm room until I took it down after Victoria came to my room drunk, angry and with bruises on her arms.

“I hate all you fucking blonde fucking bitches!!” she kept yelling before she grabbed me and slammed her fist deep into my stomach, lifting me off my feet; I hit the wall and she slammed me on the bed. “You like wrestling, huh bitch?” she said, “Let me show you some moves!”

She gave me the knife and dared me to stab her. “C’mon, you dumb bitch! C’mon!!”

“Victoria, you know I can’t beat you!” I said sobbing, “Why do you keep on doing this? I‘m gonna fail out… I need to study!”

The kick came swift and the last thing I remembered was being doubled over and looking at her foot as it dug into my belly… I woke up nude and covered in my juices as Billy the freckled freshman who did the random room inspections was standing over me with an erection…

“Get the fuck out of here!” I yelled at him. By now, I didn’t let anyone else fuck with me and he was scared to death of me and of Victoria. He still did his inspections and my room never failed, even with all the noise and Victoria smoking weed right in front of his face. She’d often take her foot and massage his dick while he watched her lay on me, milking my belly with her knuckles.

I loved Marie B. and here she was, in the flesh and on our campus… Marie was one of the biggest wrestling stars on the planet. She was only 4’11” and 94 lbs and had a hard gymnast body with developing breasts, strong solid legs, and a cute butt, but she had defeated some of the legends of the sport, women who were much larger and more experienced than she. But she had also lost to women who were much less experienced than she and had a chronic inconsistency about her, almost like she was destined to fail, but fail in a way where she would come back stronger… like me. It wasn’t just because she was a short Canadian blonde like me, or because she had lost her share of fights like me, it was because her existence reminded me that I could be a mess at everything I do, but if I’m good when I need to be, I could win. This was my opportunity to be a winner.

I stepped in front of the four superstars as the made their way down the hallway; I really didn’t know what to say, so I just let it go, “Hi, I’m Alice. I’ll be introducing you to the… the ummm… the people who--”

“Hi Alice, I’m Kayla Rankin,” thank you, Kayla. She could tell I was nervous and I wasn’t looking any of them in their eyes until she said something. She shook my hand and patted me on the back.

“It’s an honor to meet you, Ms. Rankin,” I said.

“You don’t have to be so formal,” Jessika said, “We’re warriors; we’re champions, but we’re also human.”

“Yes,” Rachel said, looking at Jessika, “I would imagine that is why you seem to be unable to control your flatulence ever since Marie and Kayla both warned you not to eat that eggplant casserole on the flight in?”

“You know, Rachel,” Jessika said smiling, “I was knee deep in blood and guts wiping the floor with women who were bigger and better than you are when you were just a speck in your daddy’s little nutsack. You got that, my Purple Persian Pussy Pet?”

Rachel and Jessika stood face to face. I couldn’t believe this was happening; I had heard the stories about the women of OPW and how none of them seemed to be capable of coexisting for very long, and I really felt like it would be my fault if a brawl broke out before they even got on stage.

“Jessika,” Rachel said sighing, “I’ve never had a problem with you, and I don’t know what your problem is with me. But consider that insult you just lobbed at me as being strike one.”

“Hi, I’m Marie,” my tiny blonde hero said as she stepped between the two. Rachel and Jessika were still staring at each other and I could see the contrast in the four women before Rachel walked ahead again. Rachel was 5’11” with long wavy black hair that went all the way down to the backs of her shins. She had midnight blue eyes and brown skin and as I said earlier, looked like a Persian version of Wonder Woman with her large breasts, firm but vulnerable abs, large butt and strong legs. Rachel was one of the most decorated fighters in the sport; even though she was only 30 years old, she was considered the greatest female fighter of all time. She also was noted as serving in the peace corps, but from what we’ve read, she was more like a problem solver for the CIA. Most of the fighting styles she has mastered were banned from OPW. She was dressed in a purple buttoned up shirt and a pair of blue jeans with blue Minnetonka boots, living up to her in ring persona, who always wore purple.

Jessika was 5’10” and 170 lbs of hellfire and brimstone in her red shirt and black jeans with boots, from her auburn hair, to her tanned South African skin, to her large breasts and stomach, showing a lot of definition, but some softness for a woman who was a little over fifty years old, but had been in fighting shape her whole life. Kayla was every bit as good and gorgeous as advertised. 5’9”, 140 lbs of South African sexuality and savagery, with her green eyes, tanned skin, long hair that was so dark, it seemed black, though it was brown, and tight body. Kayla was an Olympic athlete and was in great shape; it showed in her tight jeans and black tank top. Marie wore a simple MU t-shirt and shorts with sandals.

“Hi, I’m Alice,” I said

“I know,” Marie said smiling, “you just introduced yourself.”

Great going, Alice… looking at Marie, I wanted to drop to my knees and pour out all my frustration about Victoria and tell Marie everything she was doing to me and beg her to beat that bitch up for me. As I looked into her deep blue eyes, I longed for her embrace; I longed for her to be the one to take me; I had to snap out of it to shake her hand.

“It’s okay,” Marie said, “I’m sure you know Rachel Apache and Jessika. I apologize for their behavior; we had some… ‘turbulence’ on the way in. Rachel‘s not feeling so well.”

I noticed Kayla and Jessika looking at each other and Kayla flicking her tongue at Jessika.

“They told me it was just going to be you, Ms. B.,” I said, “We hadn’t prepared for-- I mean, if we had known Kayla, Jessika, and Rachel Apache were coming, we would‘ve-- well, you know--”

She smiled and patted me on the shoulder, “It’s okay. I asked them to come with me; I figured the MU crowd was in for a surprise. It’s just next time, between you and me, Alice, I think I’ll ask them at different times.”

It wasn’t long before we were on the stage in the packed gymnasium and I had introduced Marie, Kayla, Rachel, and Jessika. Marie and I had talked as we walked there and I found out that Marie was an MU student! She was taking online courses and getting a Bachelor’s and Master’s in Journalism because our school allowed for students with a certain gpa to do seek four year and graduate level degrees at the same time. As I stood on the stage, finishing my introduction and Marie stepped to the microphone… she hugged me.

“You did a great job; I’ve never had anyone introduce me as well as you have.”

I blushed and looked into the crowd and my body jerked as she held me… Victoria… standing in the back staring right at me, no expression on her face… was she angry? Was she jealous? Did she remember the poster?

“You okay?” Marie said, “You look like you’ve seen a ghost… public speaking is one of the greatest fears people have, according to a statistical report I was reading. You should feel great.”

Marie was an excellent speaker; she made the crowd laugh with her jokes about how she could beat Rachel, Kayla, and Jessika single-handed and how she would name her first born daughter “Samantha” after her greatest rival in OPW. We were in stitches laughing so hard and Rachel, Kayla, and Jessika seemed to be enjoying everything as well. But Victoria was right on the front row, staring a hole in my head as I couldn’t stop glancing from Marie to her and back again. Marie started answering questions from the crowd, and when I saw Victoria’s hand go up, that’s when I got nervous.

“I heard you talking about your training,” she said with a smile, “How are your abs?”

“They’re okay,” Marie responded in a kind of confused way, “I do enough crunches, not as many of Rachel or Kayla, but I could take a pretty good shot… these three have given me some really good ones, believe me ha ha ha… and the one Allison Payne gave me… ooh, I’m still feeling that one.”

I loved Marie’s personality and her natural wit, and I figured it was over as I heard Rachel say, “I’m going to have to remind her not to do that.”

“Not to do what?” Kayla said

“Not to put your name and my name in the same sentence,” Rachel said, showing a slight grin at her own sense of humor and jab at Kayla.

“Too bad we never got to be in the same ring,” Kayla said smiling back, “I’d love to beat you and eat you.”

“I think I’m going to be sick,” Rachel said and walked off the stage, headed for the back, “I will return when it is my turn to speak.”

Kayla looked at Jessika and the two burst into laughter, then Victoria spoke up again.

“Why don’t you let one of us punch you in your abs and see how strong they are?”

Marie looked back at Kayla and Jessika and the two were so busy talking that they didn’t notice. When Marie turned around, Victoria was on stage staring down at her.

“Aren’t you a fit little thing,” Victoria said as she looked at Marie, who looked back up at her and smiled

“I can’t let you hit me,” Marie said, putting her hand over the microphone, “If you injured your hand, OPW would be liable and stranger things have happened.”

“Well,” Victoria said smiling and glancing at me, “can I at least poke you in the abs to see how tight they are?”

“Usually, I wouldn’t allow that,” Marie said sternly, “but since you walked all the way up here, I’ll--mmph!”

Victoria’s right fist slammed a short underhanded shot about an inch above Marie’s navel and the blonde bent slightly and held in her groan. Kayla and Jessika glared at Victoria and started to move in, but Victoria gave an innocence look and said, “She said I could; she said I could have one more.”

Marie looked up at Victoria with widening eyes as the boxum black haired blonde beater wound her fist up and slammed a knuckled shot right on Marie’s navel, forcing a “wuuh!” from my hero as she was lifted off her feet, but Victoria grabbed the front of her pants and pulled her down so it only seemed as though she was knocked up on her toes. I saw the imprint of Victoria’s fist in Marie’s shirt as it raised up slightly and I got a glimpse of her dime sized navel, that was perfectly round and only stuck in a little… already a bruise was forcing on and around it where Victoria had struck her.

Marie’s back was to Kayla and Jessika, so they couldn’t see her expression as Victoria smiled at me and held onto the front of Marie’s shorts. The podium was actually taller than Marie; I had to place a footstool behind it so that she could stand, but after the second punch, Victoria had her behind it so that no one could see. Marie raised her fists up; she had a glazed look in her eyes, a look I had seen before… on my face. Victoria whispered something into Marie’s ears and I saw my hero’s eyes widen as Victoria stuck her hand under Marie’s shirt, traced her navel, poked her in it and then, turning to the microphone, said, “Wow, Marie B! I hit you with two of my best punches and you took them and stayed standing… you’re the real deal!”

The crowd cheered loudly as Victoria seemed to walk off the stage and disappear among the bodies. Rachel had returned and said to Kayla, “What did I miss?”

Kayla smiled at Rachel, “Just this.”

Kayla grabbed Rachel by her shoulders and drove a knee hard into the Persian woman’s stomach as Marie moved to break them up. I heard Rachel gasp and saw her fold over… I also saw Jessika raise her eyebrows, smile, crack open a beer and move to the microphone. Rachel grabbed Kayla around the legs and pulled her down on her back, mounting her as Jessika seemed to egg the crowd and the fight on.

“Go! Go! Go! Go! Do you love OPW?!” Jessika kept shouting, “You wanna talk about female empowerment, huh? There’s nothing that says female empowerment like beating a bitch’s ass; you can’t just talk about it… you’ve got to do it!”

Marie was fighting her way through the crowd, who had rushed the stage once the fight broke out, and were watching. By this time, Kayla had kneed Rachel’s crotch and ended up on top of her, hitting her with rights and lefts to her raised arms. Rachel wrapped her legs around Kayla’s waist and squeezed, then placed her left hand behind Kayla neck, placed her right forearm against Kayla’s throat and applied pressure from both directions, trapping Kayla’s neck in a vice. Kayla was gagging loudly, but was slamming several hard shots down on Rachel’s soft lower abdomen and while Rachel wasn’t grunting, the pain was very evident in her eyes.

“Help me pull them apart,” Marie said to me as we made it to the middle

“I… I don’t think I can… they’re--”

“Just help me! You can do it if you try!” she said and we both pulled Kayla off of Rachel, who stayed down, holding her stomach while Kayla doubled over and clutched her neck.

“What the hell was that?” Marie said, sounding like a mother to these three women, but one of their children at the same time

“You tried to kill me, you fucking bitch!” Kayla said, and broke into a coughing fit

“That, my dear little runt,” Jessika said smiling and trying to hold back her laughter, “was a demonstration of female empowerment.”

“You planned to attack me all along, didn’t you?” Rachel said, rising and seething as she was rising

“Yeah, but I didn’t expect you to go all crazy on me,” Kayla said, still upset

“That’s it. Thank you for inviting me, Marie, but I’ll take my leave now. If I stay here, Kayla and Jessika both will be on injured reserve,” Rachel said and turned her back to storm off.

“Rachel! Wait!” Marie yelled as she ran after her friend as Kayla put her arms behind her head, stuck her tongue out and starting wiggling her hips. I really felt like I had fucked this up big time. Not only did I fail to stop Victoria from coming on stage and got Marie hurt, I didn’t stop a fight from breaking out. This was going to be bad press for the school.

“Boy are we giving you a workout, huh girl?” Jessika said, “But you know… I couldn’t help but notice you were getting off watching them go at it.”

I felt my face turn beat red as she grinned at me and brushed her finger down my cheek.

“You should see me fight; I’ll really get you right.”

“Don’t listen to her,” Kayla said, still favoring her neck, “she’s too old to do too much; though she doesn’t look it, tee hee! Come on, Jess! I‘m full of energy and I want to put on a show for these wonderful people here at MU. Do you guys want to see me and Jess duke it out?”

I went back to my dorm room defeated. I had failed and made a fool of myself in front of my hero… not only that, but I knew Victoria had hurt her. If she hadn’t caught Marie off guard, who knows how it would’ve turned out. But I saw something in Marie’s eyes when that second punch landed and I saw something in her eyes when Victoria whispered in her ear… Marie doubted herself; she had fear in her eyes and an acknowledgement that Victoria had hurt her… almost a “you got me; you hurt me, and you will probably beat me” respect that I showed Victoria when we first fought. Victoria hit Marie with controlled force; she knew it; Marie knew it, and no matter how hard I tried to block it out… I knew it as well. Victoria could’ve knocked Marie off the stage with ease. But I knew that there was no way Victoria could beat Marie in a fight.

I opened the door to my dorm room and closed it behind me, turning to lock it, so that when Victoria came, she would think I was gone. Marie was going to stay for two more days and meet with some of her teachers, and it was my job to be her aid, but I was so humiliated by what had happened, I told her I had class and that I’d catch up with her later. We exchanged numbers. She told me that she and Kayla had an argument about what happened with Rachel and that Kayla had gotten angry and left as well, but that Jessika had stayed and was at a strip club. Marie seemed very tired, and said she was going to go to her on-campus suite and rest, but she would call me if she needed me. I dropped face first onto my bed and closed my eyes. I wanted to cry so badly, but I felt my face being shoved deeper into the bed. Victoria was standing over me… she must’ve been in the bathroom and I couldn’t see and I couldn’t breath.

“You stupid blonde bitch,” she said softly, “I saw the way you were looking at her when she was standing up there… I saw it… well, I’m gonna show you.”

She went in my drawer and pull out life-sized my Marie B. poster. She turned me over on my back and put the poster front-down over my now naked body… I was staring into Marie’s smiling face, but the poster was somewhat shear and I could see through it a little.

“You’re gonna love this,” she dropped her pants and she was wearing a large dildo; when she entered me, she entered through the poster and I felt deathly numb inside as all I could see was Marie’s smiling face.

“You like this bitch so much, huh?” Victoria said, “Now, she’s fucking you… say her name bitch!”

“Marie,” I said, my eyes red from the tears as she opened the door to her suite.

“I’m so happy you could make it,” my hero said, “Jessika is still out. Look, I wanted to apologize for what happened earlier. I cleared it up with the President of the university and with you coach and you’re obviously not going to be held accountable for it because it obviously wasn’t your fault.”

“I feel like such a failure,” I said, “I’ve failed on so many levels…”

Marie’s face changed from a smile to a look of concern, “What’s wrong, Alice?”

I just broke down. I couldn’t take it anymore. I told her everything; I told her about Victoria; I told her about how much I respected her; I even told her about my plan to get her to beat Victoria up and how Victoria was the one who punched her.

“Alice,” Marie said, the concern all over her face, “you have to go to the authorities. This woman has been abusing you for all this time; you can’t let her do this. I think you should call campus police immediately and have this girl arrested, because who knows how many women she’s done this to and who knows how many other women she’s doing it to now.”

“Why can’t you just beat her up for me, Marie?” I was sobbing, “You fought people without it being a sanctioned match… you fought Jenn Peccavi all those times; that wasn’t in a ring. You fought Kayla and all those other girls outside of the ring and Rachel at a cemetary… you fought Brittany Murphy (R.I.P.) on Jerry Springer and you fought Britney Spears in a gym! Please Marie, help me.”

“I’ve done a lot of things, Alice,” she said calmly, “but a lot has changed. There are all sorts of dangers in fighting that way. I’ve seen some of the best fighters in the world get beaten because they chose to fight outside of their element. People get stabbed and killed in street fights. Plus, I’m a professional fighter now and--”

“But it IS your element!” I was hysterical; she hugged me close

“I think you are going to have to go to the authorities,” she said, “But if she shows up, I’ll show you how to defend yourself. I’ll teach you some things. For the time I’m here, you’ll be staying with me. I believe in you, Alice… but please don’t betray me and don‘t try to kill Victoria. The last fan I took under my wing caused me a lot of pain.”

“I know about Spud,” I said, “I won’t let you down, Marie. But I hope you’d consider at least scaring her for me.”

“I’ll show you some techniques, wrestling moves so that when she comes at you, you can take her down and choke her out,” she said, “You have to be able to fight her off for yourself because if I beat her up for you, what will you do when I leave?”

I took a deep breath as she stood up and kicked off her shoes.

“Help me move the furniture and get the blankets off the bed,” she said, “We may as well not waste any more time because we don’t have a lot of it.”

"When people walk away from you... let them go. Your destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves you... and it doesn't mean they are bad people. It just means that their part in your story is over."


Offline Kayla

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Re: Bully Beatdown
« Reply #6 on: September 06, 2010, 07:59:22 AM »
Oh wow, Howard, absolutely GREAT seeing you back writing about 'oldies' like me, Marie, Jess, Rachel, Alice & others - virtually starting where you left off - in your own personal style of sexy action interspersed with witticisms and cute slide remarks! Hmm, eagerly looking fwd to seeing how this develops!  ;D :D :P ;)

Naughty - but oh, so NICE! :-)


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Re: Bully Beatdown
« Reply #7 on: September 06, 2010, 03:32:26 PM »
Anxiously awaiting the next installment.....

Bad (Bad) Blood (Blood)
The bitch is in her smile.
The lie is on her lips,
Such an evil child.


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Re: Bully Beatdown
« Reply #8 on: September 06, 2010, 05:10:39 PM »
Excellent writing. Nice to see the familiar characters again.


Offline howardcosell

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Re: Bully Beatdown
« Reply #9 on: September 06, 2010, 10:22:32 PM »
thank you everybody... Marie, it really means a lot to me that you replied :)

This is a story I started a while back with the intentions of posting it on another message board, because this one was down, but I never posted it there because that board crashed too. I don't know how much I'll be doing on this site because I've got a lot of obligations in my real life to deal with. But it's good to be back and it's good to be appreciated by so many people who I truly do appreciate.
"When people walk away from you... let them go. Your destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves you... and it doesn't mean they are bad people. It just means that their part in your story is over."


Offline howardcosell

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Re: Bully Beatdown
« Reply #10 on: September 09, 2010, 04:15:07 AM »
thanks, Jessika. This was a story I started a while back with the intent of posting it on the PP board. But once this board got back up, I brought it here. I'm glad you're enjoying it.  :)
"When people walk away from you... let them go. Your destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves you... and it doesn't mean they are bad people. It just means that their part in your story is over."


Offline howardcosell

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Re: Bully Beatdown
« Reply #11 on: September 21, 2010, 01:28:40 AM »
Part 3

“Who the FUCK do you think you are, you old crusty ass bitch?!” the freckled redhead said looking at the three of us as her angry friends in their sorority jackets stood behind her.

“Let’s just all calm down,” Marie said, “This is just a big misunderstanding.”

The night was nice and cool; the wind was blowing as we stood outside the tavern just off of MU’s campus. There were five sorors and they were very pissed off, but Jessika was just smiling and chugging down her beer… or what it hers?

“You want me to calm the fuck down, huh?” the redhead said, “You old crusty friend sits there and drinks beer after fucking beer, doesn’t leave the waitresses a tip, then when I get up to use the bathroom, she fucking drinks MY beer. I should just kick her ass, shouldn’t I, ladies?”

“You should whip that bitch’s ass!” a tall very thin blonde said with this kind of Nicole Kidman look to her… I hate Nicole Kidman. She has one of those faces that even if she’s being sincere, it looks like she’s being a sarcastic bitch. Marie would have none of it, ever the peacemaker.

“I’m sure Jessika didn’t really mean to drink your beer,” my little blonde hero said, “I’m sure she thought it was--”

“I meant it,” Jessika cut in and the sorority girls all shook furiously and Marie looked up at her with a ‘why the fuck did you say that?’ expression, “I meant to drink your fucking beer, bitch. What are you going to do about it?”

Marie had taught me the basics of how to do a takedown, when she got the call about Jessika and we rushed down there. Marie and Jessika weren’t as close as Marie and Kayla or Marie and Rachel, but Jessika was Kayla’s best friend and a fellow OPW wrestler. Marie felt a sense of loyalty to the company and to Kayla, and that’s why she came to diffuse the situation… but fat chance of that happening. The redhead charged Jessika, and the auburn haired warrior let the redhead wrap her hands around her neck, going for the choke, then immediately came down with both onto the girls arms, breaking the hold, before chest bumping the redhead to the ground.

The other four, the Nicole Kidman blonde, a short Asian, a light skinned and pretty fit Black girl, and a black haired tan girl all attacked Jessika, throwing punches that were getting in on the big woman’s face and body. Marie jumped in and grabbed the Black girl, who I was surprised to see rocked Marie with a backfist. Marie touched her jaw and rushed in, tackling the buttermilk skinned girl, slipping behind her on the way down, and locking her arms around the girl’s neck and legs around the girl’s waist, squeezing her in a scissored sleeper.

Jessika dropped the redhead by ducking her right hand and landing a hard right to the solar plexus. She kicked the black haired girl in the stomach and she went down as well and she slung the blonde behind her. The blonde hit her knee on a fire hydrant and hit the concrete ground face first. I marveled at the pure brutality of Jessika while Marie had the Black girl struggling the get out of the sleeper hold. I faced off with the Asian chick. I tried to grab her, but she thrusts her palm into my chest and I backed up with an “uff!” She fired a kick at the side of my head and I instinctively ducked it and came up, nailing her in the chin with an uppercut that staggered her back. As I came in on her, she planted her feet and came at me again with a punch that I weaved under and hit her right side with a left hook… liver shot. I saw her eyes draw tears, heard her voice make an “unnnhhh!” sound, and then she dropped, holding her side. They were all down and we came together.

“I think we better get out of here,” Marie said, “Somebody probably called the police.”

That’s when we noticed that the tavern crowd was watching us… great, now I’ll be on youtube… but at least it’ll be with Marie and Jessika. Hey, maybe someone will think I’m a wrestler. But considering the bad press this would get the school, I was just hoping that people would assume the fight was staged.

“I’m not going anywhere, runt,” Jessika said, “I’m gonna let these here ladies buy me a round of drinks and then I’m gonna spend some time with my fans.”

Jessika walked back into the tavern and the crowd followed, chanting her name. Then, I saw her… staring right at me with her large desirable tits and her short black hair… Victoria.

“She’s here,” I told Marie, shaking furiously, “she’s probably mad at me for not coming back to the dorm room.”

“Where?” Marie said looking around, but then a shadow cast over her body as Victoria stood over my hero again, holding a vodka 7up. Marie seemed a bit surprised that Victoria just walked up to her, but stood her ground.

“You’re going to leave Alice alone from this point on,” she said in as mean a way as she could put it, “Alice did nothing to you and you’re nothing but a bully and if you didn’t read the story… I HATE BULLIES.”

Victoria just looked down at Marie with no expression as if she was watching grass grow or paint dry.

“Alice and I are friends and after I leave, I don’t want you laying one finger on her or else--”

Marie’s face was covered in the vodka and 7up as Victoria spat the contents of her mouth into Marie’s little face.

“Sorry,” Victoria said, “I had to open my mouth to respond. Anyway, sure. I’ll leave her alone… let’s just say, I’ve moved onto better things.”

“You better not mess with any more girls here or anywhere else either,” Marie said, wiping her face

“Oh, I’ll make sure I pick on someone who can defend herself,” Victoria said and she winked at me and started to walk off. But she turned and fired a punch right at Marie’s face. Marie’s eyes widened for a moment, but she stepped to her left, grabbed Victoria’s arm, yanked the bigger girl off balance, stepped on the back of her knee and forced her down face first on the wet pavement… wet with what? I don’t know and don’t want to know. Marie trapped Victoria’s arm between her legs and locked her arms around her head, mashing her knuckles against the raven-haired girl’s nose and pulling back on her head… crippler crossface. I couldn’t believe it… well, then again, I could… this was Marie B., my hero! I could hear Victoria’s groans and Marie’s words to her.

“You got those first two in on me when I wasn’t ready,” she said, “you like to pick on girls who are weak and break them, make them submit… well, now it’s your turn. Tap out, now!”

Blood was starting to run down Victoria’s nose onto Marie’s hands and sweat was covering her face. I thought Victoria would’ve struggled more, but she didn’t seem to be making any effort to tap out or get out of the hold… she just took it until Marie let her go.

“Let this be a lesson to you,” Marie said, sounding a bit winded, “You’re not a fighter; you’re not a woman… you’re just a damn coward. Stay away from this campus.”

The audience that had come back out clapped loudly and I hugged my hero… she had freed me and beaten Victoria with ease, just like I knew she would. But there was something odd about the way it happened as we walked away. Victoria just let Marie beat her. But, this was Marie B… I mean, I’d seen a lot of wrestlers locked in her submission holds who were much larger tap out to her own brand of ferocity.

We went back to her suite and got back to work. Marie had called Kayla and the two talked for a little while about what happened with Rachel. I saw the frustrated on Marie’s face as she tried to explain to Kayla that attacking Rachel was wrong, but even though I couldn’t here Kayla’s voice, I heard Marie’s submissive “yes, Kayla.” It was a fine line for my hero to walk; Kayla was her lover; Rachel was her friend and on some levels, her mentor… and Kayla and Rachel hated each other. I saw a look of what appeared to be defeat on Marie’s face as she hung up the phone, sighed, and turned to me as we went at it again. By then, I was slowly learning, but she wasn’t going easy on me at all. Every time, in those first couple of takedown lessons, when she came in, I shuddered and covered my face, expecting her to hit me. And every time, after a little hesitation on her part, she’d take me down.

“When Siena was training me,” she’d say with a sympathetic look, “I’d do what you’re doing. And I’m going to tell you what she told me. You can’t be afraid to mix it up with me; you can’t be afraid to mix it up with anybody.”

“I know I can’t beat you. I remember your interview when you said you wrestled Rachel Apache in her backyard and how you gave it everything you had,” I said, “but she still won.”

“Yes,” she replied, “I lost all three falls to her, but I had the attitude that I would win and I let her know that I wasn’t afraid of her because I knew that wrestling her would help me. And she admitted that it helped her too. Victoria isn‘t going to go easy on you and neither will the world. You have to be willing to take punishment and dish it right back out or else, you‘re going to get run right over.”

I looked down… she was right and I felt like I was wasting her time. Victoria had broken me and Marie had broken Victoria, yet now Marie was trying to show me how and I just couldn’t… and just like that, I felt the wind rush from me as my little blonde hero tackled me and pinned me to the floor, placing her forearm under my chin.

“Come on, Alice,” she said with an edge to her voice, “You say you’re my fan; you say you’ve learned so much from me; you say you‘ve seen all of my matches and read all of my stories… show me something. Right now, you’re showing me that you’ve only watched matches I’ve lost.”

I tried to wrap my legs around her waist, but she placed her right knee right above my crotch then moved it to inside of my left thigh, making it hard for me to complete the lock. I decided to lock both my legs around her left leg and limit her mobility, then I wrapped both my arms around both her head and right arm… patented arm triangle, stole that one from UFC Hall of Famer Dan “The Beast“ Severn, but I‘d seen OPW wrestler and Olympic gold medalist Isis Jones use that move too. I knew I had her, but I couldn’t tighten the hold because, while I had seen Severn and Jones use it, they were a lot bigger than I was and a hell of a lot more experienced. I was just holding her in place, but she easily popped her head and arm out, then she twisted her body to place her right knee on my chest, even as my legs still held her left leg in check. Damn, of course, she’s a fucking gymnast; she could do a split on me if she wanted to! Then, she started hitting me with hammer fists to my right side while pinning my own arms crossed around my own neck with her right hand.

“Marie,” I said wincing, “I thought we were just wrestling; you’re hitting me!”

“So?” she said with that same edge in her voice, “What are you going to do about it, Alice? Is Victoria going to wrestle you or is she going to try to beat the shit out of you? What are you going to do about it?”

She easily pulled her leg free and got a full mount on me, throwing light punches at my raised arms, but slapping me pretty hard and talking to me the whole time.

“Are you going to be a loser for the rest of your life?” she said, “Have you been one all this time, or did you convince yourself you had been once you lost to Victoria? If you aren‘t a loser, then show me!”

I felt my fist hit the corner of her mouth and felt one of her teeth. I heard her make a “mmpphh” sound and I couldn’t believe I hit her. I shuddered, looking at her and I was scared to death of what she might do to me. She looked down at me and the expression on her face was a smile… I knew I had pissed her off and she was going to destroy me. I fucked up big time. I shoved her with everything I had, right on her breasts, in an effort to stop her from choking me out and she fell off of me onto her butt. I got up, but she was up faster and she came at me, a look of pure determination on her face. I couldn’t let her take me down again or I’d be finished. I jabbed her in the stomach hard enough to keep her back, hit her probably an inch above her navel, but she took it and looked at me with a “so what?” expression. I guess my face told her I lacked confidence, so she charged in on me again, but when she got her hands on my sides, I turned and she tumbled, turned her own body and landed on the floor with me on top of her. I had almost arm dragged her… I couldn’t believe I was on top.

I had beaten plenty of girls using the ground n’ pound method, but I knew Marie was dangerous when she’s on her back. Any other girl, I would’ve punched, but with my hero, I just grabbed her wrists and tried to control her hands, even as her legs wrapped around my waist and she started squeezing me. She saw the fear in my face and I noticed her eyes moving around like she was thinking about something… then, she gave a sly grin.

“Alice,” she said, sounding a lot meaner this time, “if you don’t stop me, I’m going to really hurt you. You better stop me because I’m really going to beat you up… just like Victoria did. You don‘t want to get beat up by me, huh? I‘m a professional fighter. If I wanted to, I could beat you up and take advantage of you just like Victoria did… but you may be able to stop me if you dig deep within yourself. You don‘t want me to do to you what Victoria‘s been doing, do you?”

“Oh GOD YES!!! Please Marie, take me!” but that was only what I was thinking… I knew she was all business and she was trying to teach me and somehow, I had pissed her off, but I had been fantasizing about this for a long time.

“Marie, I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to hit you!” I said out of desperation as I pushed her wrists down and tried to pin her arms to the floor so she could listen. I felt her crotch rubbing against mine and my sides being locked in a vice as she squeezed away with her body scissors. But I noticed she wasn’t really putting her full force behind the squeeze. I reached down with my hands to try to pry her legs from around my waist, but she would sit up and slap me in the face or punch me in the solar plexus; she really got me with a head butt to my chin, reminding me to tuck it.

She was moving so fast; it was like she was doing sit-ups because I could tell she was using her ab and back muscles to sit up and throw the slaps and punches at me. I started to cover up and she quickly rolled me over, then tried to pin me down, even while holding onto the body scissors. I thought when she brought her arms forward that she was going to hit me, so I stuck my forearm out… I heard an “aaackk… gurk!” and when I moved my arm from my line of vision, Marie was resting her head on my chest and reaching at her own throat… my forearm had hit her right across the throat. Her legs weren’t around my waits, so I wrapped my own legs around her waist from the bottom and took her own head and buried it into my chest, trying to smother her. She was struggling, and I knew that her strength would be coming back very quickly; I needed to take advantage of her while I could. I didn’t really know how to use a body scissors, but I loved the way her body felt against mine, so I slid up and down on the floor, practically humping her from the bottom, but trying to tighten my legs… I felt the urge to cum sneaking up on me, and I felt my heartbeat peaking… I wasn’t about to completely embarrass myself, but I noticed that Marie hadn’t pulled her head from my breasts yet; her strength was lessening, but maybe she was saving herself for a big comeback, something she’s known for in her matches.

I hooked her head under my left arm and tried to secure a guillotine and I hit her side hard with my right hand. I felt her body shake from the impact of the blow, but I jerked on the guillotine and tightened my legs instinctively when I felt her move. She easily was able to get to her knees and if she got her head out, she would be in full mount position. I hit her left side again, and this time, she really shook and I saw her move her left arm to that area, the hand open, waiting to try and stop the next blow. She was everything I could’ve imagined as I battled her for better position. She was incredibly strong and she moved me all over the floor, but I kept my guillotine, though I could only tighten it from time to time when she got too active. Then she started hitting my own left side with her right hand and her punches were a lot faster, but they weren‘t as hard as they were before. I tried to arch my body so that when I came back down, I’d pin her right hand under my back, but she put her elbow on my solar plexus and applied enough pressure to it that she was able to rest her own chin on her hand and pop her head out of my guillotine. We made eye contact as she drew back to punch me.

Now, in the previous little lessons we’d had, the second she looked at me, I’d instinctively cover up, but this time, I saw her telegraphing the right hand, and I decided to give her a dose of her own medicine, slapping her hard across the face. I saw some saliva fly from her mouth and I saw her head turn and her arms flail. I grabbed her by the sides of her head and pulled it forward. I remembered watching enough OPW and UFC to know this was called a can opener and I knew Marie had been in it many times before. All she had to do was continue to go forward towards me with her head and she’d head butt me, but as she came forward, I pushed her head in the opposition direction, causing her neck great pain, but stopping the momentum. I looked deep into her eyes as they widened, even as I felt her legs breaking free of my body scissors… then pulled her head forward and kissed her, forcing my tongue into her mouth and reestablishing my body scissors. I closed my eyes and my legs had a mind of their own as they tightened around her small body, accenting the passion of my kiss. I opened my eyes even as I was kissing her and saw that her eyes were wide open and that’s when I leg go of the kiss. We looked at each other momentarily and Marie started to say something, then I shot my head forward and head butted her… she made an “uuuNNNhhh!!” sound and went down on her back… a trickle of blood forming at her right nostril.

I was still terrified, but I couldn’t let her destroy me. I had shamed her and shamed myself; by now, I was pretty sure that she knew I had creamed myself during the kiss. I mounted her while she touched her nose. I brought my forearm down hard, looking to nail her across her chest or even her face to keep her from getting up, but she brought her arms up and blocked it. I drove my own knee into her crotch, but just a little bit, enough to keep her unfocused, and enough for me to see what her face would look like as she made a high pitched but barely audible “ooh” sound. Then I started punching her as fast as I could in the stomach… still, she made no noise, but I saw her gritting her teeth and wincing; she brought her arms in to protect it and while Marie’s stomach was pretty hard, certain parts of it, in particular, the area around her navel and below, weren’t as hard and I guess that’s a combination of it being natural for a woman and Marie getting punched in the stomach by just about every person she’s fought in the last five years.

I remember reading rumor lines online about Marie’s relationship with Kayla, and how Marie would often spar with Kayla after Abbyfights started training her. Kayla was becoming very good at belly-punching thanks to Abby’s training and better at wrestling thanks to sparring with Marie; she was readying herself to make a run at Christina Munoz, Queen Samantha, and Rachel Apache. Rumor had it that Rachel and Kayla wanted to fight each other because of a feud that started when Rachel returned to OPW and Kayla was World Champion, but Marie made both of them agree not to do it, further angering OPW owner Siena Blaze with Marie. Marie would often be gassed from working and sleeping with Kayla and barely win her Television Title defenses at the house shows because she didn’t punch Kayla in sparring, but Kayla would punch her in the stomach and afterward, make love to her. She'd be worn out by the time she got into the ring, which is even a greater testament to her skill and conditioning. I‘m sure some of her best matches were in the bedroom with Kayla… oh, the thought of that lost me enough that when the crook of Marie’s elbow hit me in the side of the head, her bare feet pressed against my own stomach and shoved me off, I barely noticed or felt myself rising to my feet.

Marie took the time to adjust her ponytail and I charged in, looking to take her down. I saw her eyes give off a look of surprise, but I froze and almost slipped on my ass when she brought her knee up. She smiled at me and narrowed her eyes and we circled each other. She got close and feinted like she was going to come in, so I drove a hard jab to her solar plexus. She winced, brought her right foot back a step, and straightened up a bit; I was caught off guard by that because my mind was waging a civil war inside my head. Marie didn’t look tired, but she looked like she had been in a fight and she was sweating and breathing heavily, but I found it hard to believe it was because of me. Maybe the conversation with Kayla and the fact that Rachel had left her cell phone in Marie’s purse had worried or distracted her. Maybe I was such a boring fighter and unworthy opponent to someone like Marie, who’d faced everyone from Rachel Apache and Siena Blaze to Glory and Jolene Rictor, to Samantha and Too Sexxxy, to even Tony Harding, Britney Spears and the late Brittany Murphy. Maybe, I just sucked at this.

She came in again, this time looking even more determined, and I caught her with a submarine punch to her stomach, right above the navel. I heard her go “uuuggghhh!!” and she placed her right hand on my shoulder. She was already doubled over from coming in for the takedown, so I knocked her arm off, slipped behind her, and put her in the sleeper. Instinct should’ve told me to wrap my legs around her waist and take her down, using her own finishing move against her, but I figured she’d know her way out of that. What was really dumb of me was thinking she might not know her way out of a normal sleeper. She easily bent forward to where I had her in a side headlock and after two smashes into my kidney, I let her go. Now, she was looking to get me in a sleeper from behind… no, I knew what this was, I turned and saw Marie about to jump with her knees bent and her arms outstretched… she was going to put me in a flying chinlock. I’d seen her do it before. I brought my elbow back and slammed it hard into her stomach just as she jumped.

“OOOF!!!” was the sound she made when my elbow hit her stomach; I felt it soften, saw her eyes widen as she looked at me and her cheeks fill full of air. “UUUUFFF!!!” was the sound that came from her as she crashed to the floor on her back as she held her stomach and “OOOUUUGGGHHH!!” was the sound I heard her make when I slammed my own bare foot hard across her navel. She was down and I knew I had hurt her; I really knew it this time. Something in me had come out… something in me was boiling over the surface and wasting all over the place as I applied more pressure to her stomach and looked down at her as she looked up at me. There was something so sexy about Marie to me. She was my hero and she was my role model… but she had incredible sympathy when she fought and the way she lost was so sexually gratifying. Nobody could lose a match and have you wanting more quite like Marie B., and of course, she twisted my ankle, I yelped and fell off of her on my stomach, banging my belly hard on the floor, despite the comforters we’d put down. I expected her to be on me fast, but I didn’t feel her arms, legs, or body. I got to my feet and turned around and there she was, up slower than me and still favoring her stomach. I felt an electric blue rage rush through my heart, down through my belly and through my pussy. I felt my body shocking itself to life and I looked at her and this time, I smiled.

I charged her hard, looking to punch her down and pin her and claim my prize; this was it; this was graduation… then, my belly exploded in pain; I couldn’t breath and I couldn’t feel anything below my chest… I went down on my side holding my belly and gazed up at Marie, the tears running down my face as she stood there with her fist balled. I had gotten overconfident; when I charged in, she didn’t even blink, didn’t even move; she looked winded, but her face was plain as day. I should’ve known… she’s a thinking fighter now. I saw her kneel next to me and pull my blonde hair out of my mouth.

“Just take slow deep breaths,” she said, “Slow deep--AHHH!!”

I looked up and found my hero dangling above me, reaching up at the hand that was holding her up by her hair, I refused to look a little to the right to see who it was. I clutched my belly with one hand and my heart with the other in pain and fear as she let Marie go, then spun around, digging a devastating uppercut into Marie’s lower belly as my hero let out an “OOOUUUGGGHHH!!!” then grabbed Marie by her ponytail and prevented her from falling on me. The little blonde’s toes were barely touching the floor as a booted foot rubbed against my lips… no… not her… not her and not here… please God no…

“I’ve been watching the whole fucking thing,” Victoria said, as she covered Marie’s mouth with one hand and slammed another hard shot into her stomach with the other, “I have to say; I’m impressed with you, Alice, but this little blonde bitch is overrated. Still, she’s better than you… I think I’ll make her mine now. Alice, you’re fired. You may go if you want; call the police, by the time they get here, we’ll be gone, but if you’d like, you can stay your weak ass right there on that fucking floor while I break this bitch in the same way I broke you in.”

Marie wrote a story years ago about one of her early wrestling accounts called, “You Gotta Have Heart.” Now, I wondered if she would have the heart to beat Victoria again.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2010, 02:24:04 AM by howardcosell »
"When people walk away from you... let them go. Your destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves you... and it doesn't mean they are bad people. It just means that their part in your story is over."


Offline Jonica

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Re: Bully Beatdown
« Reply #12 on: September 21, 2010, 03:31:38 AM »
Great job, as usual Howard!  I love reading your work, and it's always a pleasure to see Marie get beat up!

Bad (Bad) Blood (Blood)
The bitch is in her smile.
The lie is on her lips,
Such an evil child.


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Re: Bully Beatdown
« Reply #13 on: September 21, 2010, 09:50:50 AM »
Go, Marie, go! We're all behind you - we know you have heart! LOL!  ;D :)

Naughty - but oh, so NICE! :-)


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Re: Bully Beatdown
« Reply #14 on: September 21, 2010, 03:27:00 PM »
Great job, as usual Howard!  I love reading your work, and it's always a pleasure to see Marie get beat up!

Ah, Miss J. You may yet have cause to find out what it feels like to be vanquished by me. ;D

And Jessika, I love seeing you depicted as a hard-living, hard-loving, hard-drinking tough gal.
