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Files from the Hellcat Wrestling Club

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Offline DevinWins

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Re: Files from the Hellcat Wrestling Club
« Reply #45 on: September 23, 2021, 01:38:22 PM »
Wow, this Brandi looks really strong... *Grins*
I hope we cross paths soon.


Offline Brandiprowstls

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Re: Files from the Hellcat Wrestling Club
« Reply #46 on: September 23, 2021, 02:54:30 PM »
Wow, this Brandi looks really strong... *Grins*
I hope we cross paths soon.

Oh I’ll be coming after you soon enough, honey.  You can count on it.  *Gives an even bigger grin*
Love all, trust few, do wrong to none......except in the ring.


Offline Texaskid

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Re: Files from the Hellcat Wrestling Club
« Reply #47 on: October 09, 2021, 05:54:05 AM »
Lil Sara v Katy Scott
by Devinwins
Lil Sara is announced first, and steps out of the entrance way smiling and blowing kisses to her cheering fans. For tonight’s match she is wearing a baby blue thong, white cut off t shirt with a picture of a rainbow stretched across her breasts, and and white calf high wrestling boots. The crowd is excited to see Sara’s return to the ring and she soaks in the applause and adoration as she climbs into the ring and continues to pump the crowd up.

Katy Scott is announced next. The young rookie has not had the best of luck so far in Hellcats Wrestling and is determined to turn her fortune around tonight. She is met with loud applause as the fans have come to appreciate how hard she fights and her determination to win despite all odds. Katie makes her way to the ring wearing short blue jean cut off shorts showing off her tan legs, and a yellow sports bra. On her feet are white ankle socks and yellow converse.

The two blondes face off in the ring for the first time, Katy looking determined as she eyes Sara up and down. Sara, as usual, smiles back at her and waves from across the ring. The bell sounds and the two move out of their corners to start the match.

Katy breaks into a sprint, charging at her opponent and then leaps into the air and plants both soles of her converse into Sara’s chest. Sara is rocked by the unexpected drop kick and takes a hard fall onto her back...hitting the canvas with a thud. Katie picks herself up quickly and reaches down to pick her small rival up to her feet. Sara is still struggling to find her breathe after the drop kick and is easily slung into the ring corner by Katie. She hits the turnbuckles hard and lets out a yelp of pain before staggering back out towards the center of the ring. Katie steps back to get some distance...and then charges forward as she raises her left arm and connects a brutal clothesline across Sara’s chest. The crowd favorite is taken off of her feet and slams down hard onto the canvas again… laying  on her side and visibly in pain,

Katy leaps up onto the bottom rope and pumps her fist, shouting out to the crowd as they cheer in approval of her confident and dominant performance so far in this match. She takes another moment to raise the crowd’s energy by posing and showing off, not realizing that behind her, Sara is slowly recovering and getting to her feet.

Now up on the middle rope, Katy begins to carefully turn herself around and prepare for a high flying attack off the corner post, but as she faces the ring Sara is all ready charging her. The smaller blonde leaps up onto the bottom ropes and a melee ensues as both women begin to struggle and throw wild blows at one another’s bodies. After a few well placed shot to Katy’s gut, Sara tucks her taller opponents head under her arm and grabs the leg hole of her cut off jeans. The crowd goes wild as Lil Sara lifts her rival up and falls backwards off the ropes, suplexing Katy off the top rope as they both slam down onto the unforgiving boards below.

Both wrestlers slowly roll away from each other, both rattled by the fall off the turnbuckles and visibly in pain. They end up on opposite sides of the ring, reaching for ropes and slowly pulling themselves back to their feet. Despite taking the brunt of the impact from the suplex, Katy charges Sara and swings a knee forward, burying it deep into the small warrior’s belly as she lets out a cry and doubles forward holding her abs.
With the momentum of the match in her favor, Katy runs towards the ropes and turns as she leans into them, launching herself back across the ring towards her rival as Sara slowly stands up straight. Just as the Sara turns to face Katy she is met with a double drop kick. The soles of Katie’s shoes flattening her chest and sending her on onto her back on the canvas. With her eyes closed, Sara lets out an anguished groan.

Katy isn’t about to let up now. She quickly gets to her feet and yanks Sara up by her arm and the back of her head and then throws her into the ropes. As Sara rushes back towards Katy, she leaps into the air and nails Katy with a double drop kick of her own, sending the dominant blonde stumbling backwards through the ropes and she falls to the outside of the ring.

Sara is slow to get up, but once back to her feet she backs up to the opposite side of the ring and then rushes forward, launching herself through the ropes and connecting a suicide dive as Katy is getting to her feet. Both wrestlers are laying on the thin mats outside the ring, rolling back and forth on their backs as the high risk move has taken a lot out of both of them.

It’s Sara who recovers first...and she picks Katy up and lifts her onto the apron, giving her a hard shove back into the ring as the referee continues the ring out count. Sara then climbs onto the apron and steps towards the nearest ring post, climbing the ropes from the outside and perching herself at the top as she watches Katy struggle to stand.

As the rookie wrestler finally pushes herself up, Sara leaps from the top rope and hits Katy with a well timed special move, The Smurfsault. Katy is sent back down to the mat hard and Sara lands on top of her, hooking her leg as she tries to go for the pin.


Katy kicks out of the pin at the last possible moment and rolls to the side, but Sara is now fighting with renewed vigor. She grabs for Katy’s leg and tugs her back towards center ring before applying a Smurfette crossface onto her opponent. The crowd is roaring as Sara shows why she is considered one of the most dangerous wrestlers in the business. Katy’s hands are flailing as she screams in pain...trying to endure the submission and not give up.

 Sara looks out into the crowd and gives her biggest and brightest smile as she works Katy over in the crossface, wearing down the rookie before letting go and pushing back to her feet. It’s obvious Sara has taken some punishment so far in the match but she has adrenaline coursing through her and is ready to inflict some pain on her opponent.

Sara gets to her feet as she picks Katy up with her, and then turns and slings the rookie into the nearest corner. Katy crashes into the turnbuckles back first and lets out another loud scream upon impact. Sara charges her and leaps into the air in a body splash attempt. At the last moment, Katy lift her leg and kicks up, hammering Sara with another kick to the chest, stopping the smaller blonde in her tracks and sending her back down to the mat where she crosses her arms across her breasts and moans as her boots drum off the canvas.
Katy wipes the strands of sweat slicked hair from her face and pushes herself out of the corner, leaning over as she grabs Sara by her hair and pulls her up to her feet. Sara yelps in pain and grabs for Katy’s wrists, trying to relieve the pain in her scalp as she is brought back to her feet. Katy turns back towards the corner and charges forward as she attempts to smash Sara’s face into the top turnbuckle, but her smaller opponent fires off an elbow into Katy’s ribs, forcing the rookie to abandon her hold on Sara’s hair. Sara quickly reaches up and grabs the back of Katy’s neck, slamming her face first into the turnbuckle instead. Katie takes a face full of the stiff padding and as her head bounces off the turnbuckle Sara catches her by the hair and quickly turns back towards the center ring, yanking her opponent with her.

Running forward as she pulls Katy with her, Sara leaps into the air and slams Katy down onto the canvas face first in a devastating bulldog. Katy is nearly out as she lays face down on...her arms and legs barely moving. Sara gets up to her knees and rolls Katy onto her back, and then hooks her leg as the ref begins to count.


Lil Sara drops Katy’s leg and jumps to her feet, raising her hands in the air as she shakes her hips side to side and celebrates her hard fought victory.


Offline Brandiprowstls

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Re: Files from the Hellcat Wrestling Club
« Reply #48 on: October 09, 2021, 03:26:25 PM »
Great back and forth match!  Superbly written!  Kudos to ya, girl!
Love all, trust few, do wrong to none......except in the ring.


Offline DevinWins

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Re: Files from the Hellcat Wrestling Club
« Reply #49 on: October 09, 2021, 11:31:21 PM »
Im trying not to blush! Thank you both so much. It was alot of fun to try my hand at writing one of these matches. Thank you for the opportunity Tex!


Offline Texaskid

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Re: Files from the Hellcat Wrestling Club
« Reply #50 on: November 16, 2021, 10:19:57 PM »
During intermission, I went back to watch a tryout tape. Her name was Sophie. The curvy woman stepped into the ring smiling. She strolled to the ring like she was going to a picnic. Her opponent was a girl just signed. Terri Jean. She had short brown hair, to her shoulders. In school, she was well respected as an athlete and cheerleader. The bell sounded and the two circled. Sophie's smile was gone. They locked up and pressed into each other. Both trying to force the other back. Terri backed up Sophie a step. Sophie back Terri back two. Sophie managed a handful of hair and worked Terri into a headlock. Positioning herself away from the ref. Sophie hammered Terri's face. The redneck girl staggered back. There was already a slight swelling to the right eye. Closing cautiously,  she forearmed the stunned Terri and soon trapped her in the corner. She irish whipped Terri into the corner and went for a splash. At the last second, Terri moved and Sophie crashed into the turnbuckle. Terri spun her around and scooped her up and drove her into the mat. Sophie was gasping for air. Terri then leaped up and drove her knee into the soft midsection of Sophie. She gasped for air and dry heaved. Terri worked the leg and knee over with intricate leglocks. Sophie did all she could to break free of the pain, but it was no use. TJ spun into the figure four. Sophie, in desperation, lashed out her foot and managed to kick TJ in the face. TJ staggered back into the ropes,  her  eyes blinking, trying to shake the cobwebs out. Sophie scrambled up and went on the attack. The two slugged it out like they were in a barroom brawl. Usually TJ would have been the favorite, but Sophie landed some head shots, that kept TJ head swimming and  her eye swelling. Now it was Sophie's time. She scooped the dazed Redneck up and power slammed her. TJ tried to crawl to the ropes, but Sophie drug her back. She called TJ all sorts of names as she bent down and slapped her now reddening face. Sophie laughed as she mocked TJ telling her to give when she worked the legs. Sophie sent TJ into the corner again. This time, Sophie hits her splash making sure her ample bosom crush TJ's. Again the ref is out of position, Sophie viciously knees TJ in her womanhood.  TJ's legs buckled. Using TJ's hair, she snapped her down to the mat. She covered her hooking TJ's once powerful leg for the three count. "You said you were going to beat me and ride me around the ring. Get up bitch. She pulled TJ to all fours. She straddled her and used her hair for reigns. "Giddy up you redneck bitch" TJ slowly made the humiliating trek. "Whose the better woman?" Sophie demanded. "You are." TJ whimpered. "Who is the better fighter?" Sophie smiled. "You are." TJ whimpered. Sophie jumped up and drove her ass into TJ, collapsing her horse. Sophia placed her foot on TJ's broken body and raised her arms triumphantly over her head.