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Love'em and Leave'em: Loser leaves fed match!

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Love'em and Leave'em: Loser leaves fed match!
« on: May 22, 2021, 11:53:57 PM »
This one has to be one of my all time hardest and favorite matches to date...hope you all enjoy!

<Hardhitting_Heather> The crowd had been building to a fever pitch after the video package detailing our feud from decorated tag team and couple to bitter lovers and rivals that was soon to be decided who the better wrestler was in a lossr leave town last person standing match. Nerves and anticipation were getting the better of me as I bounced on the heels of my boots in my silver thong bikini. The EWF (Erotic Wrestling Federation) fans were chanting my name as the announcer stepped towards the mic. " This is a loser leave town I quit match! Introducing first from Austin Texas! She is the hard hitting queen! HARD-HITTING HEATHER!!!!" Thw crowd reaches a crescendo as I come out posing and flexing. I then head down to the ring and take a deep breath as I get to my corner again bouncing on my heels and looking towards the ramp. Yt

<JJtheWrestler> I am nervous back stage. I have known Heather in and out of the ring for years. We have had battled together and held gold in our hands. We shared memories, households together in our reign. But....that has fallen apart. I bounce on the balls of my feet, feeling the tight leather of my black wrestling boots wrap around my calves. I swing my arms and make a slight adjustment to my black leather speedo that barely contains my bulge. This is not my first fight in the EWF, but it could be my last. No rules, anything goes...I snap my head from side to side to get my head into the fight as I hear the announcer call for my former partner, best friend and lover. "And her opponent! Coming in some hicktown in New York State, Itttttttttttttttttttttts JJ!" I come to the curtain and pose a quick flex for the corwd, seeing the glare already coming from the ring. I take a deep breath and walk down to the ring, standing at 5'10", weighing in at 182lbs for this matchup. mtc
<JJtheWrestler> I slowly climb up the steps and slip between the ropes, having done some simple stretching backstage and I simply do not trust you with my back turned at all at this moment. I just bounce on the balls of my feet, my package slowly bulging in my tight outfit as I take in my opponent, wondering what sorts of evil we might inflict on each other. yt

<Hardhitting_Heather> As your name is called I think of all the times we had together, and all I can think about about you step out to the crowd is how much hatred I have for you. You broke my heart storyline wise you broke up our tag team by going after one of my rivals. In shoot terms you cheated on me with that same rival. Someone who I considered my best friend in the business. When the dirtsheets got a hold of it that's when the company knew they had to make it a story. What they didn't know was the lengths we would go attacking one another when we saw each other. I see the way that outfit outlines that thick piece of manmeat you have as my thong shows off my cameltoe. Sneering in your direction as you get in the ring. " I'm going to drain that cock of yours dry and make you leave this fucking fed you cheating bastard!" I snarl my 5'7 145lbs looking as imposing as I can be. Yt

<JJtheWrestler> I see your glare intensifies and I try my best to return it. I tried explaining this to you was a push...they were pushing me and her....I spent day after day with creative to change the story, but they thought it would sell more...and it did. It broke my hear to turn and attack you like I did, bit it had to be done to save this company. I have seen the rumors on Twitter and Reddit of what really happened and I have to block it out of my mind. I see your eyes glance down to my package, and I can't help but have my eyes go straight to your camel toe. I raise my eyes back up to yours taking in your fit and toned frame, I know that you are a powerhouse in and out of the ring. "I am going to leave you pounded dry in this ring Heather, and then I will toss you out the fucking door" shout back at you. I see the nervous ref look at us, and she as a right to be nervous. But his job tonight will just be counting to ten to see which one of us still stands. mtc
<JJtheWrestler> I give her a nod, taking in her very attractive outfit for tonight, but I keep my attention on my opponent, knowing this will be unlike any other battle we have ever had. yt

<Hardhitting_Heather> Rationally or not the fact that you did it drove me crazy. I even heard it from my friend, but I couldn't handle it going to the dirt sheets. The company just kept pushing things more and more and this is how we ended up where we were tonight. Granted there was rarely any blood involved when it came to the EWF, but with all the animosity between us there was reason for concern. As you shouted back I saw the ref tense up as she stepped back. However as she stepped back I saw you eye her tight outfit. " gonna try and fuck the ref too after our match you slimy fucker!" I snarl again before the bell rings. As the bell rings I come out of my corner like a hellcat charging you with my arm extended for a quick clothesline. Yt

<JJtheWrestler> "Oh she will probably be a better fuck than you ever were" I shout back at you a millisecond before the bell tolls. I start to head towards the center of the ring trying to be as cautious as I can for a bout like this. I keep my feet steady, but it looks like someone has shot you out of a gun. The hardest target to hit is a moving one, so I rush forward you as well, our feet pounding together in the ring, the crowd going for a loud cheer at the flurry of movement. We close the distance fast under the hot as hell lights in this packed hours. At the last possible moment I try to duck under your out stretched arm, hoping that I am quick enough to avoid a very early blow not just to me body but also to my ego. yt

<Hardhitting_Heather> Hearing your words saying she would be a better fuck just fuels my anger! You come charging as I do and duck avoiding my damn clothesline which means I am speeding towards the corner. I can't stop as my chest slams against the turnbuckle. Hissing I grab my ample 36D breast before turning around in the corner again glaring daggers in your direction. Yt

<JJtheWrestler> I stretch out my arms try to catch myself in the corner but I crash into it somewhat unless gracefully that I wanted to. I manage to hear your distasteful hiss across the ring, knowing full well what it meant. I try to spin and turn and face you, but I think I have my body turned faster than you. I come rushing at you towards the center of the ring, keeping my left arm outstretched, knowing this will be a very heavy hitting fight fight. yt

<Hardhitting_Heather> You come rushing out at me and I do the same. That left arm is outstretched as my right arm is and so of course when we meet in the middle it is a double clothesline that knocks us both to the ground. As I land on my back I roll on the canvas holding my upper chest where my neck is in pain before slowly getting to my feet. The crowd is cheering as they both know we are out to dismantle each other. Yr

<JJtheWrestler> I am surprised you are that quick to raise your arm in a clothesline and we meet like two linebackers on the field. I see lights coming up in my vision as I am thrown onto my back, but I felt my arm make contact with your chest, that I helped fucking pay for I might add. I manage to keep my head from bouncing off of the boards from the crash. I raise my legs above my head and swing them down, propelling my body to come up and I land squarely on my feet having mastered that from HBK himself. My arm slightly stings in pain from the blow as I shake it off, "Oh what is matter Sugar Tits, that blow too much for you?" I taunt at you over the roar of the crowd. yt

<Hardhitting_Heather> As you kip up just like HBK I glare at you hearing your words. "I'll show you sugar tits when I smother you with them! I mean you did pay for them!" I snarl granted it isn't the best comeback, but I am too pissed for witty retorts at this point. Though I k ow my anger at an all time high has already cost me a little I decide to think smarter not harder instead trying to go for the standard elbow and collar tie up with you. Yt

<JJtheWrestler> My eyes continue to glare daggers into yours, knowing I have the weight and height advantage here. I don't bother responding back to you as I see your arms raised and I meet the lockup gladly with you. My head bent down our eyes almost on the same level as we clasp together. I can't help but notice your ample cleavage that is showing, knowing that our suits will soon be torn off of each other. WE always had fantastic fun between the sheets, but this will be fun fucking you all over the ring in front of this crowd. I dig my heels into the ring floor and slowly push forward on you, wondering how much strength you can muster. yt

<Hardhitting_Heather> Our sparring wasn't just in the ring, as we sparred quite a bit in the bedroom as well. We each know each other's moves so when you go to pour the strength on me digging your heels in that's when I release my grasp and readjusting for a judo toss instead wanting to catch you off guard. I know the key to winning this match between us is for me to keep you off of your guard since we know each other so well in and out of the ring. Yt

<JJtheWrestler> I fall for your attempt at the judo toss and I land hard on my back, the ring boards shaking as I land. Pain runs up from my back and I grunt out from the shock of it. I try to pull my arm away from you, not wanting to be tied up while I have landed. I try to get my feet underneath me as I am a bit slower to get up this time. Beads of sweat form on my tanned body not just from the lights but from the action as well. I know I cant stay down here long, as I get up to one knee and try to turn and face you. yt

<Hardhitting_Heather> "Seems I learned some new moves JJ." I smirk as I release your arm and watch as you get to your knee. I don't waste anytime as I grab your head with my right arms going for a head side headlock. Beads of sweat pouring down my body as the sheer excitement from our match already as my thong damp and I am pretty sure you can smell my arousal with the close proximity when are in. Yt

<JJtheWrestler> I smirk back at you with your taunt. I see that grin on your face that first captured me...My moment of distraction from memory lane is my downfall as you snake your python arm around my neck and hold me in a side headlock. I can feel the warmth of your body as I manage to get up to my feet. My nose takes in whiffs of your scent as we tangle in the ring. I bring up my arms as you put pressure onto my head, my ears burning from your grip. I reach out with with my left hand, pulling back and trying to drive a quick upper rib shot to you, as I try to get good footing beneath my feet. yt

<Hardhitting_Heather> I can see that looks of distraction on your face right before my arm snakes around your head. I feel one arm go to my waist as the left slams into my ribs. I hiss as my body contorts from the impact. My grip loosens a little and I k on I have to think quickly. I place my left hand k. Your back and try for a quick snap DDT to try and keep the momentum I have over you. Though with my grip being a bit loose I don't know if it will quite connect. Yt

<JJtheWrestler> You are quick as a viper as my shots draws another hiss from your mouth. Your arm shuffles around before I can give you a hard shove backwards to break the hold, knowing you have learned more tricks since our time apart. You snap my head down, bring my forward momentum, causing my head to come crashing down onto the ring floor with a slightly messy but impact driven DDT. I lay face first on the ring floor, white pain driving through my body causing my legs to kick out in pain and frustration. My hands come up to cradle my forward as I try to turn my body over to my back, not wanting to take blind attack from you. yt

<Hardhitting_Heather> It's messy, but effective as my DDT lands and you cradle your head now on your back. I know the best way to get you out of this fight is to drain that straining cock of yours in your outfit. Using my speed I send a swift stomp towards your head to try and keep up the pounding before trying straddle your waist with my back facing your head. My hands go to work quickly trying to peel off your tight outfit so I can get to that monster cock of yours and get to work draining your strength. Yt

<JJtheWrestler> I don't even have time to get my eyes fully open before I feel your stomp coming down onto my forehead. Another searing white-hot flash of pain courses through my body as I convulse on the floor through the shock of it. My legs kicking back as I cradle my head more. I try to open my eyes and I see stars flash before me. I feel your hands on my thighs but it doesn't compute what you are trying to do yet. I suck in deep breaths of air to fill my lungs as I try to get myself back into this fight. yt

<Hardhitting_Heather> I can hear you sucking air as I continue to work off your outfit. Finally I get it off of you and I see that cock I used to enjoy so much in front of me. I lick my lips quickly before grabbing it with my left hand. I bend down slowly licking the tip of your cock while slowly stroking your shift. "Mmmm you always did love my blowjobs." I smile brightly before taking the head of your cock in my warm mouth. My tongue swirling over your tip. Yt

<JJtheWrestler> I feel you pull down my speedo and my shaft springs up in the air, the though of combat excites and seeing you after our pause just adds to it. I open up my eyes and see you start to land your ass onto my mid chest, feeling your soft yet powerful hand stroking my shaft. I let a moan go unexpectedly as I remember your touch. I hear your taunt as you bend down and begin to service me. Your tongue glides over my tip and I arch my back out of reflex. I bring my left hand up and easily find your left orb and begin to squeeze, feeling your firm flesh beneath. Your nipple is rock hard through the flimsy material. My right comes up and works quickly to undo your top, knowing I am going to have to provide a bit of distraction to get out of this

<Hardhitting_Heather> I have you right where I want you when I feel one hand go to my left breast. A moan rumbles out of my mouth and towards your cock sending a vibration towards your shaft as you pinch my rock hard nipple. Next thing I know my top is removed while I am still sucking your cock. I pull my mouth away still stroking your shaft, my grip getting tighter. "Bastard!" I hiss giving another soft moan as your left hand is still working over my left tit. Yt

<JJtheWrestler> I feel your moan over my shaft and it sends shivers up my spine. Your hand pumping my cock as you go back down on it after you swear again on me, "You know what my hands can melt your body" I hiss back at you, my right hand pulling away your top and I toss it to the side, it lands near the apron, out of our reach, but not out of use. My right hand should come up to your right jug as my left works my fingers into you. But it doesn't, it starts to work on the ties to your bottoms, as your grip tightens on my shaft. "you went for my shaft first, but you know I can still beat you in a fuck war" I grunt back as I try to undo your

<Hardhitting_Heather> I feel that shiver as I am still straddled on your chest and I hear your words. Taking a quick look I see my top out of reach for now, but knowing it may come into play later. I assume you are going for my right breast when instead you go to untie my bottoms. Instead of fighting it though I let it happen, we both knew we would end up naked pretty quickly anyway. As you grunt back I snarl. "You could never handle this pussy! That's why you went to that fucking whore you are with now!" I say with another snarl. I knew it was a lie, but I wanted to piss you off. I knew the best way to do that was to damage your ego telling you you could never get me off. Yt

<JJtheWrestler> WE both knew going into this that orgasms would happen, it isn't personal, its the nature of the fight. I try to keep that mantra in my head as I undo the knot to your bottoms. "Oh I have put you and your pussy in you place many times, and you know that" I shout back at you, knowing you have taken this very personal. "Jane was part of the fucking business" I snarl back at you wanting to get her name out there to drive you mad. Your comment singes my ego and drives my forward. "FUCK THIS!" I shout out as I let some rage out. I arch up my hips quickly, and try to get my boot heels dug into the ring floor, wanting to get a bridge going to potentially toss your hot naked frame off of

<Hardhitting_Heather> We knew going in this fight would be physical, sexual, and personal. We wanted to beat and fuck the shit out of each other, but we want the other to suffer mental torment too. So when you bring up Jane's name it strikes down to my damn core. Another snarl escapes my lips as this time I grab your cock in a death grip as you bridge to try and throw me off of you. I only mange to grip your cock hard for a second before I am sent tumbling off of you in a naked heap. I quickly spring to my feet, a new rage burning within me as I look like a woman possessed. "After I drain that fucker dry I am going to rip it off of you!" I shriek at you like a banshee. Yt

<JJtheWrestler> We have been trading barbs for weeks and we are finally fighting and soon to be fucking it out between us. I feel your body tense as I utter name, knowing it was a very very dirty move, but this isn't clean as a whistle AEW wrestling either. I gasp and yell as you move your hands and choke my cock. My body spasming from the move. I feel your body crash beside me as my ass hits the floor. I have had some fight taken out of me, but I bring my legs up above my head once more, mustering the energy to flip myself back up to my feet. The precum from my cock sending a strand out to the ring, knowing there will be more fluids before neither of us can stand for the count. I see that fire crazed look in your eye, touching off something I wanted to at the start of this. "Oh you won't have any strength left when I pound your pussy dry whore!" I yell back at you. I take a another deep breath as I charge at you, aiming my right shoulder for your chest for an attempted knockdown. yt

<Hardhitting_Heather> You buck me off of you and again I see you kip up like HBK this time a thin strand of precum flies towards the audience who are lucky enough to sit in the "splashzone". As we dance around a bit I hear your words seeing the anger and rage in your eyes before you charge at me. I try to duck, but you come with such speed and force that when you tag me with that shoulder I am sent crashing down on the canvas with such impact I shake the ring. I cry out in pain grabbing at my exposed breast kicking my legs in pain. Yt

<JJtheWrestler> My right shoulder making connection to your exposed tit was what I was looking for. I feel the ring shake beneath me as you land and cry out in pain, hearing the roar of the crowd again my ears. I know I can't waist much time with you, and the crowd paid a large entrance few to see EWF tonight. I try to reach down for your arms as I shift my legs, our boots coming into contact with one another. I know I need to get control of your wrists for the fucking I want to give you and that you so deserve right now. I slip down onto my knees and bring my hips up between your legs, "Oh I know you were wet from the first step you made in this ring Heather!" I yell at you as I fight with your arms for control trying to aim my hips in to get my cock nearer your hot sex yt

<Hardhitting_Heather> Fuck! This is not the position I wanted to be in as you try to grab my wrist. I feel your cock getting closer to my hot sex and snarl like a hellcat. " You fucking bastard! You were rock hard before we started anyway. Did that fucking whore give you a hand job before you cheating fucker!" I snarl again as you gain control and that fuckstick lands deep inside of my hot sex making me snarl and moan. " I am going to fucking end you JJ!" I scream out trying to fight back and turn us over making it hard for you to get good deep thrust and trying to gain sexual control. Yt

<JJtheWrestler> I try to maintain top control of this fight as I don't want to use my right hand to guide my manhood deep into your folds. Blind luck as we both squirm on the ring floor, "And here I thought you said earlier you wanted to be fucked!" I taunt back at you, precum leaking from my shaft, but this is not a first to cum contest by any means. I laugh at your snarls, "Oh Jane and I had some very good fun the other night, are you jealous skank?" I respond back. Your body twists and I try to follow, but my cock slips out covered with my precum and your juices. My hands slipping from yours, I reach up with my left for a handful of your hair, looking to control you again on the ground. yt

<Hardhitting_Heather> The crowd is going absolutely apeshit as we fight in the canvas for dominance in an almost battle fucking position. You taunt me again brining up her name and how you fucked her last night which only draws my rage. We both love pain and pleasure, which was what our tag name was due to our love of it. So as your hand grips my hair burning my scalp I bring both hands to your back dragging my nails across your skin harshly. " I am going to fuck you up so bad it will look like you fucked and loss to a damn wildcat!" I taunt back as you gain control again quickly and that hard cock enters me a second time. This time I am ready for it as I clamp my muscles hard around your cock holding it in place. " Face it JJ I always knew how to get every drop of cum our of your fucking cock!" I smirk again dragging my nails across your back. Yt

<JJtheWrestler> I try to yank back harder onto your hair, knowing we aren't fucking for love, we are fucking because we hate each other that much during this fight. I remember our tag team and when we came up with it, and that brings a spur to my ego. Your nails are sharp and dig into my back, but those are wounds I will have to deal with as I wince in pain from them. I gasp as I feel my cock slide into you, having missing that feeling for ages now...your kegals are top class as they clamp down onto my shaft. I twist and grind my hips, as you have me in there tight. "Oh and I have drained you dry many times in the past!" I yell back as I get my right hand onto your left tit and dig my fingers in, wanting to get a scream or a moan or maybe both from your lips. yt

<Hardhitting_Heather> Fuck! The bastard remembered how much I loved having my tits worked over as I scream and moan in pain mixed with pleasure from you own nails digging into my soft flesh. "You could never handle when I have my grip tight on that cock though. I say as I focus more on my kegals and squeeze with everything I have on your cock. I then move my hips in time with your deep thrust. " You can't last against me and you know it! I won us each and every title defense and you know it! Your cock may have done some of the work. But I always ended up making the men cum in submission. Even Jane's ex who is a much better fuck than you!" I snarl lying through my teeth. Jane's ex was a lousy fuck and everyone knew it. But I just wanted to get under your skin more. Yt

<JJtheWrestler> I hear your scream and moan come through your lips as I know I hit a mark. Your nails digging trenches into my back, knowing you have a wild catty side to you. I gasp as you keep my cock under your control in your pussy, you were one of the few that could do that. I love how quickly we can get into time with each other, something only experienced lovers could do. "Oh I fucked plenty of our competitors into screaming heaps in the ring, we even beat Jane and her lousy ex together more than once!" I snap back at you. I yank harder onto your hair as I pound deep into you. My right hand digging in deeper and twisting the tit I paid for on amazing body. yt

<Hardhitting_Heather> There are marks on my perfect perky paid for 36D breast from your nails as you twist them in deeper. Another round of moans and scream escape my lips as I try to keep my pace with yours wanting to drain your cock dry. I hiss as you almost pull stands of hair out of my skull which only makes me get even more aroused. " I know we did! WHICH IS WHY I DON'T UNDERSTAND HOW YOU CHOSE THAT LOOSE SLUT OVER ME!" I snap loudly digging my claws as deep as can they go deep into your back. I thrust my hips up to meet you either such anger and rage that our hips slam against each other and I can feel there will be bruising on my inner thighs after this is done. Yt

<JJtheWrestler> I moan out loud as I feel your kegals working their magic on my my rod. I hate to harm your flesh, but its nature of the game on here. I snarl down at you, as I rip your head back, knowing it drove you wild. "I chose!? After those creative wankateers made their magic YOU SHUT ME OUT! I TRIED COMING TO YOU!" I yell back at you, finally able to have this off of my chest. "JANE TOOK ME IN!" I yell back, spittle flying from both of our mouths. I arch back in pain as your nails dig into my back, knowing there must be some blood back there by now. Our hips collide in fury, passion and hatred. Smack! SMACK SMACK! I know my lower body will be sore after our battle, but throwing you out of the company for what you did, will be worth it! yt

<Hardhitting_Heather> My kegals are working you over I can feel it, but that cock is doing wonders on me as I am moaning more now matching your own grunts and groans. You rip my head back causing another scream and moan to erupt from my lips. You unleash a harsh truth that I knew, but I need to hear it. "I SHUT YOU OUT BECAUSE YOU COULD HAVE TRIED HARDER! YOU DIDN'T FIGHT HARD ENOUGH!" I scream at you. I shut you out because deep down I felt you didn't fight hard enough to stop them from the couple storyline with Jane. We knew we need to break as a tag, we both wanted singles runs for the major title. However when they told you about going to Jane, even though you fought you still went through with it and I felt betrayed. "YOU CHOSE THE COMPANY OVER ME!" I snarl as moaning mess now trying to avoid my emotions getting the better of me as I pour all my anger into my hips wanting to hate fuck every ounce of spunk out of you! Yt

<JJtheWrestler> My cock inside of you feels at home, but I keep telling myself this isn't for nostalgia. Our hips sway, swirl and pound together in one sexy tango and we know the buttons we need to push in each other to take us over the edge. We try to drive each other over the ledge knowing it will severely weaken the other. Our bodies shimmer under the lights with the sweat forming on our bodies. The ring floor beneath us will have sweat stains for a lifetime. I feel a pang of regret, but I try to shut that out wondering if I didn't give it my all, but I knew I did. "I CHOSE THE COMPANY TO SAVE THE COMPANY!" I shout back at you you as I try to hold your head back even farther. I pound my hips dip into your as my right hand moves my fingers from squeezing your massive orb to working on just your rock hard nip. yt

<Hardhitting_Heather> That cock feels amazing inside of me, and again you know just how to work it. So it's no surprise that I too have fight against the nostalgia of being with you as we continue our sexual battle. A battle I feel I am winning until you drop the bomb about saving the company. I knew you and the owner were close friends, and the company had struggled a bit. What I didn't know was how desperately the company needed such a hot feud like ours. As you yank my hair back more and work over my hard nipple I moan loudly unable to stop myself. " Fuck! No Fuck you!" I scream out that bombshell of knowledge took me out of my rhythm and now I am in the pounding of a life time feeling myself about to explode over your cock. Yt

<JJtheWrestler> I once saw a primal fire in your eyes and after I drop the bombshell it seems to have diminished. But this isn't a time for make requested this. I gladly accepted as the barbs going back and forth were needed but there needs to be an end. More precum is spilling from my cock as we rough fuck in the ring. I try to keep my fire going for you, knowing that my orgasm is raging inside wanting to be released. Your moans and shouts are music to my ears, "Fuck you Heather, FUCK YOU!" I shout at you as I pound my cock in deeper into your pussy but fuck it feels so good. My body tenses and I arch back, loosening my grip on your hair and nip as I slowly feel my body start to loose control deep in

<Hardhitting_Heather> That angry fire I had seems to have gone away as the truth finally comes out. This fight is the closure with both needed, and unfortunately I was on the losing side of it for now as you pound your hips into me and shout back. I feel your cock twitching, and body shaking which is a signal your getting close. I would normally have turned the tables, but I am still reeling from your words and my worked over nipple. Still the stark realization that you hid how dire the company was from me now hits home. The fire sets ablaze again as I glare at you. "Well then when I win and your kicked out you'll see how much the company really means to you!" I yell, but I am struck with another wave of pleasure as my yell turns to a moan and a scream as I feel my body release and I coat your cock with my juices. Yt

<JJtheWrestler> My body arches back more as I strain to keep my eyes open from the force of this orgasm coursing through my veins. My skin turns to fire and tingles as my shaft explodes deep inside of you. I barely hear your yell as I feel your juices come flowing over my manhood. I moan out loud as some of the build up is released into you. My cock pumps, and slowly stops as the after effects wave of the orgasm flows through me. I am still inside of you as I suck down large breaths of air for recovery. This is our first orgasm in this heated fight but I doubt it will be our last. I try to shift my hips to give you extra movement but they are slow to listen to my command. "It means the WORLD to me!" I hiss out at you through my clenched teeth. I had hoped I could score a quick orgasm on you and then go for the win, but it seems my plans might be somewhat delayed now. yt

<Hardhitting_Heather> Just as that huge orgasm ripples through me I feel you pump load after load of cum into me. I feel you stop and as your sucking wind so am I. However I am quicker to recover as I give a mighty shove and push you off of me while your recovering. " I SHOULD HAVE MEANT THE WORLD TO YOU!" I snarl in pure anger from that last barb you have verbally thrown at me. "I LOVED YOU! AND YOU CHOOSE EVERYONE ELSE INSTEAD OF ME!!!" I shriek out not caring anymore as I quickly pounce on you this time my right hand yanks on your hair as I try to slam you head down on the mat. Again it seems we have gone from brutal fucking to brutal fighting. Yt

<JJtheWrestler> You were always quicker than I to recover after our fun in bed. Keeping up with you was always a challenge but I rose to it. But having been away with you for so long, I take me an extra moment to catch up, and I am too late. Our words are barbs that we throw at each other and they sting. I can't respond as you quickly jump on me like a hellcat. But being with Jane has taught me a few new tricks as well. My scalp burns as you yank my hair, I ball up my right hand and send a hard shot to your exposed ribs, hopefully taking some breath out of you as this fights keeps turning over. I try to raise my left arm but it comes to slow with your catty nature. yt

<Hardhitting_Heather> Knowing I was always quicker to recover was my advantage. However you were a powerhouse when it came to bedroom, I could normally only ever go three rounds the most while you would always try for a fourth. I knew I would have to wear you out physically before I tried sexually. As I pounce on you and grab your hair you send that right into my ribs making me groan out in pain. Glaring down at you I see that left coming and with my quick catty nature I quickly shift grabbing your left arm and getting off of you to pull your left away from you and towards me in an arm bar. " You bastard! I'm going to break every limb before I make sure you lose me and this company forever!" I scream with so much anger spittle flies from my mouth. The crowd is in hushed aww at the sheer intensity between us not to mention the one in the front row. Who Have heard all of the tea spilt about the company and our relationship during our fuck battle. Yt

<JJtheWrestler> Goddamn I trained you well and you picked up more tricks up your sleeve as well. My right hand aches as it met with a good smack of your ribs, that having worked well. I hear your sexy groan and know the match will be filled with more of them. I try to pull my left arm closer to my body to get it out of your grasp, knowing you aren't going for an armbar for the sub but to weaken me. The fire lights inside of me, sparking revenge now. You step over my body for the attempt and I recover my right, and aim a flying right hand to the outer of your right thigh, hoping the shock of the blow or even the attempt will change the outcome of what might be to come, "If you wanted to be like this, we should have settled this in the cage!" I scream back at you, our bodies and mind heated with this battle. My shaft stands erect, covered in our combined juices for all of the crowd to see. yt

<Hardhitting_Heather> You did train me well, that was the reason I fell for you so hard. You had 5 years in the business already when I joined and you treated me with respect when you saw I had talent. I wasn't just some pornstar looking to fuck. I wanted to wrestle and entertain and you saw that! You trained me and made me fall for you, and now all I want to do is destroy you. " Fuck the cage I wanted no holds barred so I can break you! I yell before yelping in pain as that right hand strikes my inner thigh and I release your left arm. Acting quickly I roll away from you getting close to the ropes and my discarded top. I grab the top in one hand as I grab the rope with my other going to pull myself up. I see your cock fully erect again as my mound glistens more from my juices and arousal again. Yt

<JJtheWrestler> I feel my right fist crash into your right thigh having driven the wild cat back to the ropes, red marks scatter my left arm from your nails where you tried so hard to hang on for. This is not a lovers quarrel, we had those, we settled them in the ring, cage and bedroom. This is destruction. I NEED to toss you out of this company as you are spreading this toxic shit around. "Oh I fucked you all well too good in that cage" I shout back at you. I can't even tell who moved into a front row seat now as my right arm reaches up for the ropes. I try to keep my eyes locked onto your body and see the glinting of your top in your hand. I knew I should of thrown that farther out of the ring, but hindsight is 20/20. I pull myself up as we stand at opposite sides, My black boots shining off the light as your glittery silver do the same. We are both animals in here and I take the extra moment to suck in more breath and hopefully bait you back over to my side. yt

<Hardhitting_Heather> Driven to the ropes as you are I look to see the marks I have left on your arm and back. Seeing you take a breath while hanging on the ropes makes me want to attack. But you're smarter than that and I know it. The hot lights bare down making our bodies glisten even more as there is no use hiding the top now. Grabbing the top with my other hand I pull it tight like a piece of wire. " Come on JJ you're so fucking tough let's finish this!" I yell stalking towards you like predator after prey. Yt

<JJtheWrestler> I was hoping you would bull rush me again and use the ropes to my advantage. But you read me so well. I see your top being held like a garrote and that brings a smile to my face. "Oh it will be finished when you can't answer the ten count" I yell at you. And this time I rush at you, driving my shoulder at your mid section, but keep my arms down this time, looking to slip into close, but cup the back of your thigh and knee wanting to lift you up for a hard take down attempt in the center of the ring, knowing how much you love being slammed onto your back. I try to keep my face in close for this attempt knowing if you get behind me with that top, it could be game over. yt

<Hardhitting_Heather> I see the small look of disappointment on your face when I don't rush you and smile. " what's wrong you taught me too well? I ask with a sickly sweet smile that fades as you rush me. I don't have time to try and slip past you as that shoulder drives into my midsection driving all the air from my lungs. However you aren't done as you slip your arms around my legs and lift me up before pivoting and slamming me down hard on my back. The top slips from my hands as I am slammed down hard enough to make the boards strain under the force of the slam. Yt

<JJtheWrestler> I know that mischievous grin all too well that forms on your face, that drives me wild. I hear your gasp of air leaving your inflated lungs, trying to a large takedown. I scoop up your body and bring it down hard, keeping my head closer to you as I do so, knowing my MMA ground game all to well, with help recently from Jane. The boards creak and rattle with the slam and gasp runs through the crowd from the force of the blow. I try to get my hands up from under you as I land hard down onto my knees. I want to get my left arm up onto your body as my right hand snakes for your glistening

<Hardhitting_Heather> That hard slam has me dazed and hurting as you get your left arm on my body. I feel the right snake to my mound. When your right hand touches my mound my eyes shoot open in realization as I try to clamp my legs shut to make it harder for you to work those fingers into my awaiting pussy. I have to get back in this as I grab your head with both hands and try to force your head towards my expensive perky tits. " You always brag how you paid for my tits, why don't you get a closer look at what you paid for!" Yt

<JJtheWrestler> My fingertips brush your mound as I start to climb on top of your body. I know if I can rip one more orgasm from you, I will have you in a better place to be put away and thrown out of this company forever. My left hand gets up to your massive chest, it heaves as you suck in air. Your hands grab my head pull it up closer to your chest as you scramble. I see those perky nips, how I loved playing with them through the years. I am not even responding back to your taunt at this point as I need to keep my head in this fight. Your eyes glare and burn with fire and I hope are returning that hateful look. I get sucked into your your grasp, my head coming closer as you use your upper body strength to control my movements. I need to take this up a notch. I open my mouth and begin to gently bit down through my lips onto your left nip, hoping that can cause a moment to get my hand back into you. yt

<Hardhitting_Heather> You fingertips touch my mound and another moan breaks through. Fuck I got to get this bastard away from my pussy or I am as good as gone, I think to myself. Your left hand goes to my chest, but I am already trying to bring you in. However you were always better and ring awareness and as I bring my girls closer you begin to suck on one of my nipples. " You fucking bastard!" I yell as my legs open a bit and I feel your right hand slip two fingers in me. I try to position my right hand away from you head abandoning the smother so I can grab your cock. Yt

<JJtheWrestler> My finger tips brush your mound as we scramble on the floor, once again turning from brutality back to a brutal sexfight. My left hand slides off of your chest and grabs ahold of your wild mane and I yank upwards on it. I want your scalp to burn as I try to get my fingers deeper into you. I stretch out my thumb aiming for your covered clitty. I pull my head back, pulling on your nipple and letting it snap back to your flesh. "Oh I am going to finger you like I did in the old days Heather, and you are fucking going to love it all over again" I grunt out at you as I suck in your nipple again and swirl my tongue around it. I feel your hand on my shaft, as I try to set a face pace finger pounding action going with my first two fingers. I try to curl my fingers upwards in you with each stroke pulling back out. yt

<Hardhitting_Heather> Again your fingertips brush my mound and I moan out again as you yank my hair back. " Fucker you're gonna scalp me!" I scream as my scalp burns again while your fingers go deeper. Then you find my love button, and I buck like a horse trying to get you off and away from me as my nipper slaps back against my breast. "YOU DIRTY FUCKER! KEEP YOUR FUCKING HANDS OFF!" I scream out again. Normally I would play out the sexual nature of our fight trying to lull you into a false since of victory, but I know that won't work with you. You work my nipper again and I have no choice but to play dirtier than I wanted. My hand on your cock snakes down to your balls and I give them a rough hard squeeze. Yt

<JJtheWrestler> I know you love the pain and pleasure aspect of our time together, and I need to exploit that to its fullest as we are still fighting for domination. I let a moan out to you, vibrating against your impressive titflesh. I start to bite down with my teeth on your nipple, knowing you will scream like a banshee when I do so. I gasp in pain and let your nip go as I yell out in a shriek of pain as you grip my balls hard. I lose my train of though as white hot pain drives up through my body. I drop your hair with my left hand as you give them a very rough squeeze. I keep my right hand deep into you, trying to my my thumb go tap=tap=tap against your clit, but I can't move with the pain. My left hand grips hard onto your wrist, digging my own fingers into your arm. We both knew we would be play hard, fast and dirty in this bout, but one of us needs to come out a victory, and the other a victim. yt

<Hardhitting_Heather> As we are both moaning and fighting for dominance I feel your teeth clamp down on my nipple, and the howl of pain that comes from my mouth could shatter glass as I squeeze harder. That pain released quick as you gasp from my squeeze. You drop your hand from my hair grabbing my wrist. Hissing as your nails dig into my flesh it doesn't stop me from gripping tightly. " I am going to break your fucking balls!" I snarl as your right keeps tapping at my clit. I am trying to fight the pleasure, by inflicting pain as my right hand goes to try and pull your hand from between my legs before you decided to try and ruin my sex as I am trying to do yours. Yt

<JJtheWrestler> "I am going to FUCKING END YOU!" I scream at your face as your grip doesn't relent on my balls. Pain wracks my body and clouds my mind even more. My hand comes slipping out from you, my fingers slick with your scent and juices. We have done low blows on each other in past fights, but I am not in a good position to hurt you that bad just yet. I try to pull my right hand away from yours as I curl it into a fist and send a sharp uppercut aimed for your left tit. I know its a dirty move, but I could be in serious pain and trouble if this goes on for too much longer. yt

<Hardhitting_Heather> You scream directly in my face and I scream back as your hand slips from my honey hole covered in juiced. Thinking I have you I go to twist only for the right hand to come full force with my left tit. I scream like a banshee letting go of your balks and pushing away from you so I can nurse my poor aching tit. "NO! I'm gonna fucking end you!" I screech as I back away still clutching my breast. Yt

<JJtheWrestler> I hate causing injury for that set of tits I sure as hell paid for, but I need this job. This is my source of income. My uppercut works, it causes you to drop my sack and push yourself away as a look of pain and disgust forms on your face. I fall back on my haunches from the relief of your squeeze, pain extending through my lower body up to my mid back, almost as bad as a kidney shot. I slowly scooch back to the ropes were
<JJtheWrestler> I can lean back and start to catch my breath. yt

<Hardhitting_Heather> I hated to go low like that, but I have to win. I have to prove I belong here, and that you should have never broken my heart. That is the real reason I am in this fight, not the storyline, but to show you the pain I endured while you acted as if it was nothing. Or while you acted as if I was overreacting from things that happened, maybe I was however I loved you and you broke me turning me into a cold callous heartless bitch facing you today. As you catch your breath I too am holding on to the ropes on the other side of the ring getting to my feet slowly. I am still clutching my left breast thankful that I got the same implants that were pioneered by the late Chyna when she wrestled. Finally getting my breath back I rush at you my right arm extended trying to catch you while your still breathing heavily to knock you out of the ring. Yt

<JJtheWrestler> I pull myself up to my feet, bent over in pain as it it hurts to stand up to my height. I glare at you across the ring, knowing one of us will have to end the other. Pain is still clouding my thoughts and I am only in the here and now. I suck in deep breaths, but it hurts. I know I help you made your choice with that in mind as you do love other striking fights. Your massive orbs bounce as you come rushing at you, but I think I have you this time. I don't rush forward, I think I have lured in at this point, I drop back down to my knees pulling on the top rope down and try to hit the deck sideways as your arm comes forward, praying to the wrestling gods you are going high and this attempt might send you over the ropes or at least get tangled in them. yt

<Hardhitting_Heather> As I am running I see the look in your eyes and instantly realize I am in trouble. There is no stopping though as I am running full force. You bend down and pull the rope with you as I go to clothesline you and as I hit the ropes I end up going over fully. My naked form lands hard on the hard concrete floor and I grab my back in sheer pain. The crowd cheers the quick turn of events as I am laid out on the ground sucking wind and holding my aching back in pain. Yt

<JJtheWrestler> I suck wind as I hear a gasp from the crowd knowing that my former lover is now on the outside of the ring. I am glad, yes glad that paid off as I need to take some spunk out of you. The fans cheers as I get up to my full height, my body just sore from this evenings combat. I could not to the ref to begin the count, but I don't. Its not just about a count out. I start to slip through the ropes and I slide out of the ring behind you, reaching down for a handful of your long brown mane in my right

<Hardhitting_Heather> Still sucking wind and clutching my back I can hear the ref starting to count only for her to stop as I soon feel that same familiar sensation of my scalp burning. I try to resist, but with my back seemingly on fire from landing on the concrete naked its no use as I end up grabbing at your hand. I know if you got to pull me up from this angle I have nothing left to do but follow as you do it. Yt

<JJtheWrestler> I grab you hair, and start to pull you up. At this point I wish I kept your bottoms on, but I needed your orgasm to weaken your smokin' hot bod. My cock is still rock hard from all of the action. I feel you grasp my hand, and I know I have to take advantage here. To our front I see the diamond plate steel steps to the corner of the ring. A sadistic grin forms on my face as I drag your body over to them, feeling you follow behind me. I raise your pretty face up high, and I try to slam it down on the steps, it pains me almost to do so, but, we are opponents for a reason. yt

<Hardhitting_Heather> You pull me up and I hiss as I flow you. Then you walk me around to the steps. We both knew what we were getting into when we signed up for this match. You bring me to the steps and I see the look on your face. "JJ! NO DON'T DO THIS!" I scream before you slam my head against the steps. Granted with us being professionals I k own how to sell the steps, but because this is still a shoot those steps still hurt like hell. My arms and head bounce off the steps and I end up clutching my head in pain kicking my feet. Yt

<JJtheWrestler> I hear your snake like hiss, knowing you can be a viper when it is needed, but now is not that time. Your head makes that lovely crash against the steel steps and it echoes in my ears. This sound comes close to the bed pan knocking out Vince in terms of enjoyment for me Your yell means nothing to me at this point though. My body covered in sweat , I suck in air from the exhaustion of tonight's fight. Your tips of your boots kick into the hard concrete surrounding the ring. I slide back into the ring, having giving your body a good deal of damage with that shot off of the stairs. Standing on the opposite side of the ropes as I nod to the ref to start her

<Hardhitting_Heather> I am groggy and dazed as my head hits the unforgiving steel. I can slowly hear the count begin, and know I have until the count of 10 to get up. My head is ringing as I get to my feet and I can hear the count getting up to 6. I am on one knee looking to you with venom in my eyes. Count outs don't matter it is just if the opponent can't make it to their feet at 10 or verbally says I quit. Saying I quit is something I refuse to do as I make it fully to my feet at the count of 8. This time instead of sliding in I play like I am still dazed leaning fully on the barrier as I feel a few of the men groping a quick feel. Something I am totally used too in this profession now. Yt

<JJtheWrestler> I can't waist this opportunity at all. I head to the center of the ring and run backwards, colliding into the tension of the ropes and it propels me forward. Its a risky move, jumping off of my feet and diving between the ropes, looking to collide my body heading straight towards yours, as you lean on the barrier. I try to keep my eyes locked onto your body as I stretch out my arms, looking to connect and give your body more damage. yt

<Hardhitting_Heather> I am hurting, but as I see you bounce off the ropes I know what is coming. I smirk as I wait for you to dive through the middle rope as you do I quickly move out the way watching as your body soar through the air. The loom of sheer pleasure on my face as you realize it was all a ploy for you to hurt yourself. Yt

<JJtheWrestler> I come flying through the air, trying to keep my arms stretched out to hopefully capture you. But you are quick as a snake and dart out of the way at the last moment possible. I yell as I see what is happening and I land hard onto the steel metal barricade. My upper chest taking most of the blow and knocking it over into the fans. I lay in a crumpled heap on my side, my chest on fire from the hit, my legs kicking out from the explosive pain that I wanted to cause you and not me....I groan as I lay there trying to collect my wits. yt

<Hardhitting_Heather> As you land in a crime heap on the floor it's my turn to watch as the tips of your boots kick against the ground. I waste no time as I grab a handful of your hair this time and go to haul you to your feet. I take a quick glance around to see what can do the most damage. I don't want to repeat what you did to me with the steps. However I see the ring post and smile as I continue to haul your ass up by your hair. Yt

<JJtheWrestler> My scalp is in on fire as you drag me up. My chest heaving with pain with every breath of air I suck in, I am bent over to almost double in pain. I try to keep my eyes open and bring my arms up, my cock sawing freely for the full crowd to see as this punishment continues. I can't help but follow you, but I ball up my right fist behind you, playing along as you man handle me closer to the outside ring

<Hardhitting_Heather> From the constant pulling on my hair you have done all match I make sure that I yank your hair as hard as I can. You bring your arms up as we get closer. Once at the ring post I grab your head and try to slam your head against the post looking to cause the same amount of pain you caused on me. Though I never do see the ball up right fist you have behind me. Yt

<JJtheWrestler> My head gets jerked up from your firm grasp. I don't want to to have my head bashed in like yours and I need to mount some kind of defense to this onslaught. As you jerk my head up, sweat rolls off my body, and I can take in your scent as I take a deep breath in. I try to bring up my left hand to block but I send a wild right hand swing aimed for your lower back, hoping and praying that it lands somewhere near your kidney. We have both taken a beating from each other and our own movements both begin to slow. yt

<Hardhitting_Heather> As I go to slam your head against the post I feel your fist slam hard against my kidney. The shot makes me scream out in pain as I continue with trying to slam your head. However due to the hit my aim is off and end up pushing more of your shoulder into the post instead of your head. I drop to my knees from the hard kidney shot again kicking my boots against the ground. This match has taken so much out of me I really don't know how much more punishment I can give or take at this point. Yt

<JJtheWrestler> My left shoulder crashes into the cold hard steel of the post on the outside of the ring. I yell in agony from the blow, knowing it will be several weeks if not months until I am able to put on a fight like this again. My hand crashes into your kidney and I hear your sexy yell and that excites me. I think I have my chance now. I reach down as I slide back off of the ring apron, looking to grab a handful of your hair again. I try to jerk your head up as my left shoulder burns in pain. "You are always on your knees it seems" I grunt out as a taunt as the tables have turned and I try to man handle you back into the ring. yt

<Hardhitting_Heather> I hear you yell out in pain and I too know that we both won't be able to put on another match like this this a while. You grab my hair again and I hiss in pain as you try to man handle me in the ring. " fuck you!" I snarl as I ball up my left hand behind you as we get closer to the ring. The arousal in air getting thicker from the intensity of the match. Yt

<JJtheWrestler> I try to toss you back into the ring with just your hair in my right hand for leverage. I know I have to be careful as I try to muscle you in. This is going to be a very dangerous finish and finale. Maybe I should have taken more orgasms from you earlier on in the point of the battle to weaken you, but I need to play the cards that I have been dealt so far. The crowd roars as we so far have given them a match to go in the record books. My body aches with the attempt to get you into the squared circle. yt

<Hardhitting_Heather> As we get closer you try to toss me in the ring and even though my left hand is balled in a fist, due to your cautious nature you're able to muscle me in the ring. I groan as I am tossed in the ring rolling towards the center. My chest heaving as I lay in the middle of the ring trying to catch my breath. I know the end of the match is near, and I am a little pissed I wasn't able to get one more orgasm out of you. I try to roll to my belly to get on my hands and knees getting on all fours my body turned away from you. Yt

<JJtheWrestler> I hear your sexy groan as I toss you into the ring, and you barrel roll to your stomach towards the center. I try to get more air into my lungs, but breathing still feels like fire in my chest. I stagger over to the side of the ropes, seeing you, but not wanting to try this attack behind your back. A wave of emotions flood over me, taking my lover, no, my ex lover through all of this combat. Breaking her body down and mine...but...that is what the contract stated we would both unleash on each other. I see your sparkling eyes, those eyes I fell for look up briefly. Even though we are bitter rivals, I motion for you to get up to your feet, even as I have my left arm and shoulder hanging onto the ropes, "Come on Heather, get UP!" I yell over at you. yt

<Hardhitting_Heather> Another groan escapes my lips as I am struggling to get to my feet. I hear your words and turn to look at you. I see the face of my mentor, tag partner, former friend, and ex lover and feel warm tears streak down my face. We have broken each other down to the point where one of us won't be able to make it any more. Seeing those eyes and rugged features I fell for as our eyes meet I realize this could be the end as I get to my feet struggling to stay on them and again getting my fist up to try and continue. Yt

<JJtheWrestler> Tears form on my face, as I look at you again, like the first day I laid my eyes onto yours. This young skip of a pornstar turned into one of the best in the women's division. ITs hard to breath at all. But I know what needs to be done...its time...I don't shout, I don't say, I don't even whisper, but I mouth the words, "I never stopped loving you...." I make sure to mouth the words well as they are my true feelings for you, but this is comes with a wrack of pain worse than any blow you have done to me ever. I come forward leading with my left foot and rushing up to you, aiming a superkick to your gorgeous chin, knowing that my boot heel needs to make contact but my stomach sick with the feeling of what if it

<Hardhitting_Heather> I see the tears form on your face as they do on mine. There is no longer any screaming or harsh words as I see your lips form the words that you say. I nod my head telling you the same thing you told me right before that boot lands hard against my chin. My head goes back with spittle flying from my mouth as the super kick lands hard. The scene mirrors HBK and Flair as the crowd is watching intensely. My body seems to swagger for a second before I fall back landing hard on my back. I don't know if I will make another 10 count as I lay on the ground my chest heaving up and down. Yt

<JJtheWrestler> I want to almost throw up in the ring...never would I have though our partnership in and out of the ring would end up like this. I fall onto my knees beside you as you come crashing down like a tree onto the ring floor. Not raising a a hand in victory, but I am blocking out the crowd. I don't even notice the ref starting her count as your tits heave on the ring floor. I sob as I am beside you, my hands on my knees...wondering what I have just done. yt

<Hardhitting_Heather> I can hear you sobbing as the crowd is counting with the ref. I try to get to my feet, but I can't find any strength left. The ref gets to 8 and I am still struggling to find any kind of strength. I don't want to leave this place, but a part of me things maybe it's for the best. The ref hits 10 and calls for the bell as I am a crying mess now unable to get to my feet to beat the count. I look to you and all the anger I felt seems to go away as I see how much that superkick to me has impacted you. Yt

<JJtheWrestler> I see your eyes come open, and I can't bear the pain...I get up and the ref tries to take my arm in victory but I shrug it off. I can't even look at the crowd anymore either, I hang my head in shame as I walk over to the ropes slowly, not wanting to turn back and look at the mess I made in the ring and onto you. The crowd roars as a victor is declared, but I slowly shuffle my feet as I head into the back...knowing this pain is going to last a

<Hardhitting_Heather> There is no gloating or showboating as you are declared the winner. You hang your head in shame and I truly realize how much I meant to you, and how my loss and leaving will hurt you. Tears still in my eyes as I get to my feet and can hear the " Thank you Heather!" Chants as I blow kisses to the fans still crying. I grab my discarded clothes from the match and head from the ring to the back the crowd still cheering and chanting as I leave the ring one more final time to get my things, my last paycheck and the last glimpse at my former lover before I leave for hopefully bigger and better things. (END)


Offline Rowan Chance

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Re: Love'em and Leave'em: Loser leaves fed match!
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2021, 11:58:01 PM »
Nice match, you two. :)
Tales of the Sexfight Championship


Offline StormyWrestles

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Re: Love'em and Leave'em: Loser leaves fed match!
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2021, 12:27:39 PM »
Mmmmm!  What an amazing fight you two!
The calm, before the Stormy!


Offline Brandiprowstls

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Re: Love'em and Leave'em: Loser leaves fed match!
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2021, 10:20:13 AM »
Great match!  Heaps of respect for both of you.
Love all, trust few, do wrong to none......except in the ring.