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Dear Amy: Why we didn't fight in 1991

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Offline sinclairfan

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Dear Amy: Why we didn't fight in 1991
« on: June 05, 2021, 09:03:32 AM »
Dear Amy--I'm writing this letter to you by hard copy so that you know it's really me writing it.  It's Michelle, from Springfield Trust Company in 1991.  I was 26, you were 24, and you were going to challenge me to a fight after the department Christmas party.  I wanted to let you know why we didn't fight then, or afterwards.  It wasn't because I was afraid to fight you.  I wasn't--I would fight you then, I would still fight you today, both of us in our 50s.

The immediate reason why I avoided you at and after the Christmas party at the golf clubhouse that night was that it seemed, well, cheesy for me to see my family for the holidays with fresh cuts and bruises all over my body.  There was so much bad blood between you and me that night, that month, that we both would have fought the nails, knees, and elbows.  And neither one of us would have stopped once we started.  Heck, it was sort of reckless for you to consider approaching me in front of all our coworkers like that.  Can you imagine the spectacle, and the stories afterwards?  Two associates catfight at the company Christmas party.  Getting drunk back then at those was tolerated and forgiven, but I think a catfight would have been too much.

I was a late bloomer at fighting, but by that fall and winter I was hooked--doing myself up in big hair and hitting the clubs at night, even on work nights.  Especially on work nights--the crowds were smaller--acting like an ass on the dance floor or at the pool tables, and getting the attention of other girls (or waitresses) who were there for the same reason I was--a late night alley fight out back or in the parking lot.  There wasn't a whole city of us doing that--I probably had unintentional rematches at least a couple times.  But I was DTF--Down To Fight--anyone who looked at me the wrong way.  It was how I blew of steam.  And against the right opponent, it was a turnon. 

Is that why you wanted to fight me?

Anyways, I spent all Christmas break assuming we'd fight in January.  But then the layoffs started, and you were part of them.  Then I saw you changed your name--a second marriage I assume?  Or were you going back to your maiden name after your divorce?  (Was the divorce because you decided you were gay?  Just wondering.  Not judging.)

Anyways, I've been meaning to send this letter for awhile.  It's probably too late.  But better late than never.  You can write me--or find me--at the return address on the envelope.

I'll be waiting.


To be continued.......


Offline Lexxxdt

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Re: Dear Amy: Why we didn't fight in 1991
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2021, 07:34:16 PM »


Offline sinclairfan

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Re: Dear Amy: Why we didn't fight in 1991
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2021, 08:37:07 PM »
Dear Michelle--Ya, I remember you.  And, ya, I'll fight you.  But first I need to ask:  are you delusional?

The 1992 layoffs:  I got laid off?  Like, it just sorta happened?  Bitch, you got me laid off.  YOU put me on the layoff list.  I know what happened--Ok, Michelle?  I'm not going to reveal my sources, but I had people in the room, and YOU got me laid off.  And it sucked, ok?  It didn't end my marriage, but it came just as my marriage was ending,, and we sold our condo at a huge loss and got one of our cars repossessed, ok?  That was your fault, ok?  All the state-assigned mediators tell you to move on and let go of grudges, so I let go of mine with yours.  But I was pissed at you then, and I'm pissed at you now--all over again--for describing what happened at STC the way you did.  I had a good career going there, and you ruined it.  You.  You did that.

My personal life:  Ok, you do whatever experimentation you feel you need to do with your turnon's and attractions or whatever, but don't drag me into it or project it onto me.  Not interested, Michelle.  You do you, I'll do me in that area, ok?  I'm not fighting you to get turned on or get excited or whatever adolescent reason you want to fight me now.  We do have one thing in common, I'll concede:  better late than never.  Let's get this done while we both have the energy.  But I'm really not interested if this is getting you off or not, and I'm not sharing with you what I think or feel about it.

That night in 1991:  Ok, if after all this time you feel the need to rationalize avoiding me, we both now what happened.  You ducked me that night.  You worried about looking foolish in front of your coworkers?  Fine, understandable.  But you think any of them care about that--or you--now?  STC is gone and forgotten.  But you need to live with what you did:  YOU DUCKED ME.  Michelle ducked Amy.  She was afraid to fight.  Period.

Glad to know I can come find you, and where to find you.  You can do the same.  I welcome it.


P.S.  Thank you for admitting that you ducked me.  Feels damn good.  (You wanna know what turns me on?  You admitting you ducked me turns me on.)

To be continued.....


Offline Mchngn

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Re: Dear Amy: Why we didn't fight in 1991
« Reply #3 on: June 06, 2021, 06:58:32 AM »
 Me: "This doesn't go with the 'Stan' melody, stop trying to make it work."

Also me at "To be continued": "My tea's gone cold~"


Offline chuckles

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Re: Dear Amy: Why we didn't fight in 1991
« Reply #4 on: June 07, 2021, 09:42:16 PM »
This set up is amazing.


Offline sinclairfan

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Re: Dear Amy: Why we didn't fight in 1991
« Reply #5 on: June 09, 2021, 01:48:58 AM »
Dear Amy--Thank you, I guess for replying to me.  I don't know why it was delivered by mail rather than in person.  True, I wrote you the original letter not in person--but I didn't know if you would remember me after thirty years.  And also true that this is not being delivered in person.  But if you're going to bait me into doing this, I want it to be based on things which share true, and not made up.

Such as:  me ducking you.  I didn't duck you.  That just did not happen.  My holidays with my family trump your Friday night boredom from being in a failed marriage.  Not failing, Amy-- Failed.  Past tense.  Your marriage was failed in December 1991--even though spouses were free at the STC Christmas party, you came stag to the Christmas party.  I did, too.  But I was single.  You were married, and you came alone.  That's a failed marriage, Amy.  Failed beyond redemption.

Sometimes it's the unspoken things that speak volumes.  Like going stag to a Christmas party.  And not saying if this all turns you on.  Because I know it does, honey.  You had people at STC spying on me?  Well, I did too--people telling me about you.  And I know you would bait people at STC into fights.  Because you realized men didn't do it for you anymore.  But you couldn't bring yourself to date other people....correction, other women.  So you'd challenge them to fights.  As "this is not a date" cover.  But it was a date.  Because it ended the way good dates do--with a good night kiss, or more. 

But everyone was on to you--you did that to enough of us that we talked, and just got tired of it.  Plus, you weren't that great at what you did at STC anyways.  So you got canned, ok?  It wasn't just me--I didn't have that kind of pull there, trust me.

So, is your bubble thoroughly burst yet?  It was you that tanked your career, not anyone else. 

If I don't hear back from you, I'll know why.

Because you ducked me.  In 2021.



Dear Michelle,

Not a sentence that you wrote is true, except for one.

Avoiding or ignoring your baiting would be ducking you.  That's true.

So I won't. 

Here's what's going to happen.  Your partner jogs on Saturday mornings, 6am to 9am.  (Doesn't matter how I know--you gave me plenty of time to do research.)   I can be at your place at 6:30.  That will give you enough time to bare your soul of whatever grudges and envy you've been harboring against me for 30 years, dontchya think?  And then to express yourself to me with your hands....your feet.....your knees....your nails.  Right?  We can have a nice chat .... with words, then without.

I'm kinda looking forward to the second one more.

Ok?  Work for you, Michelle sweetie?


(If you wanted to do this, why didn't you just ask?)


Offline morphman

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Re: Dear Amy: Why we didn't fight in 1991
« Reply #6 on: May 23, 2022, 06:01:18 AM »
I just ran across this post.  What a great start/creative introduction.   I hope you one day continue this story.  I'm curious to see where you go with it


Offline Miah Baker

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Re: Dear Amy: Why we didn't fight in 1991
« Reply #7 on: May 23, 2022, 12:30:22 PM »
I hope he does find time to finish it, great build up with loads of promise :)


Offline sinclairfan

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Re: Dear Amy: Why we didn't fight in 1991
« Reply #8 on: May 24, 2022, 10:24:45 AM »
Dear Amy--It was wonderful seeing you this morning.  Has your nose stopped bleeding yet?  I know when those things get started, they can keep going for awhile--it can be hard to see up in there where the cut is.  It's never happened to me, of course.  I've just seen others have the issue. 

Those tattoos covering your arms--not flattering, honey.  How long did it take to get those onto your skin?  Was it over a long period of time?  Like, you started with a butterfly, and just couldn't stop, and before you knew it, it was out of control?  One of those scenarios?  Or did it all get on one drunken New Years Eve?
Just wondering.

That wet kiss you planted on my mouth when I came outside to face you:  not cool.  You do realize that the world has changed since 1991, don't you?  To start with, kissing someone on the mouth can give someone Covid.  Granted, we were about to catfight, which can probably spread it, too.  But my partner didn't appreciate hearing, when she came back from her run, that your gross tongue had been in my mouth.  Candidly, I would have rather you sucker-punched me than kiss me.  And if you did it hoping to "disarm" me emotionally or whatever, trust me, it did the opposite.  There's never been any sexual between us, Amy; certainly not on my end. 

If you've ever been attracted to me, it was not reciprocated.  You're not my type, sweetie.  I'm not at all drawn to large chests.  I DO like what women like us who are generously endowed can do from a fashion perspective--the different types of tops we can wear that complement and show off our busts.  But I've never considered boobs to be terribly erotic in the bedroom--mine, or my partners.  No, me--I've always been drawn to hair--thick, straight, and all colors--blonde, jet black, auburn.  My current partner switches hers up from time to time to keep me interested.  I love when she's on top of me and it falls into my face.  The smell, the feel.  You hair?  It's just this bland dirty blonde hair.  I mean, you obviously color it--are you all grey at this point, or mostly?  I couldn't tell.  But nothing sexy about it.  Just like there wasn't in 1991.  To men...OR to women.

You're just sort of a Plain Jane, aren't you Amy?

Maybe you knew my blonde hair was SSOO much sexier than yours at first sight.  Maybe that's why it was the first part of me when went for once we started fighting.  Tou didn't ask to come in--were you intimidated by how nice my house is on the outside--you didn't think you could bear to see the inside?  I've not seen your house--I cyberstalked you a little, but didn't go THAT far--but it's all about ZIP Code these days (another change from 1991, right?  rich and poor were more intermingled back then), and you're on the wrong side of the tracks, sweetie.  I would have fought you inside--less chance of getting interrupted.  But outside was fine, too.

Fuck, it hurts getting hair pulled.  But it just made me madder, honey.  And if yiu thought it would stop me swinging at your face .... well, you sure noticed THAT wasn't the case, right sweetie?  I'll give you credit--you didn't flinch once.  Didn't give me your back, like a lot of poser bitches immediately do once the fight is on.  Isn't that such a let down?  When your adrenaline is pumping and then .... the other bitch can't even fight, can't even take a punch?  It's sort of why I stopped seeing guys .... they finally get you into bed, and ..... nothing.  Although I've hear cheap Viagra has stopped that problem.  Is that why you stopped seeing them?  The disappointment.

No, with you, I knew I had a fight on my hands.  You knew I was trying to get you down on the ground, and you fought like hell to stay on your feet.  And to keep facing me.

To be continued....


Offline morphman

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Re: Dear Amy: Why we didn't fight in 1991
« Reply #9 on: May 25, 2022, 08:21:45 AM »
Thank you!!  I look forward to seeing what Amy has to say to Michelle


Offline Frank

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Re: Dear Amy: Why we didn't fight in 1991
« Reply #10 on: May 25, 2022, 04:07:26 PM »
Please more !
It is great !