I am ready to exert my new found dominance over the ring legend, intending to move her to the ropes or a corner and do some damage but the experienced wrestler isn't going to go along with my plan - not yet anyway. I walk right in, arms up, into a bear hug! I've wrestled some big women, but Joanie has arms, shoulders and a back like few others. I am trapped before I even know what has happened. I nearly panic. I slap at her upper arms, try to pull away and then try to push but she has taken enough of the weight off my feet to keep me from getting any traction. We're in the middle of the ring, nowhere near ropes or any other obvious way to cause her to break and I can feel her adjusting the hold, trying to find that spot that makes my ribs feel like they are about to snap and will steal my breath. I slap my hands into her biceps and push but that makes things worse. Suddenly the ring lights are very warm and my head feels like I've had a couple large glasses of wine. The heat radiates off our bodies and Joanie stuffs her bewbs under mine to help her keep me light on my feet and under control. SHIT!!